"v'^K^S. IWS7. OCT 201987 28 414 ms-il ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT TIME SLICE IIANIPULATION IN INFORMATION HIERARCHY Meichun Hsu Stuart E. Madnick #WP 1875-87 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 TIME SLICE IIANIPULATION IN INFORMATION HIERARCHY Meichun Hsu Stuart E. Madnick April 1987 #WP 1875-87 Time Slice Manipulation in Information Hierarchy By Meichun Hsu Harvard University Cambridge MA 02138 and Stuart E. Madnick Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, 02139 MA Acknowledgement: Work reDoried herem has been supported, in part, by the Naval Electronic Systems Command through contracts N0O39-83-C-O463 and N0039-8S-C-0571. ABSTRACT In this paper we present theoretical results on a generalized form of partial order, called hierarchical partial order, for enforcing seriahzabLLity that takes advantage of transaction analysis in database systems. Transaction analysis partitions the database into data partitions that may priorities, such that transactions primarily updatmg less critical data parti- assume a hierarchy of tions will not interfere with transactions primarily updating the do so to a more critical data partitions, or conventional systems. This results from the ability of transactions in the system to access different data partitions using different synchronization protocob. The rules governing the different protocols are presented and their correctness with respect will to seriaUzabihty lesser extent is proven. than those in M.I.T. LIBRARIES OCT 2 1987 RECEIVED | ! I 1. Introduction Conventional algorithms for database concurrency control ensure transaction serializability by forcing transaction dependencies to obey certain partial order. In the case of two-phase lock- ing [Eswaran76), the partial order coincides with the order of transaction lock points. In the case of basic timestamping algorithm [BernsteinSO, Reed78], the partial order coincides with the order Therefore, for example, of transaction timestamps, typically the transaction initiation times. the basic timestamping algorithm write a data element d only greater than if used, a transaction t much assigned to transactions without of potential interferences we with a timestamp TS, d has not been read by any other transaction Conventional algorithms rigidly obey TSi. In this paper is among this is if allowed to whose timestamp is chosen partial order which is consideration for other factors, such as a priori knowledge classes of transactions. present theoretical results on a more generalized form of partial order for enforcing serializability that takes advantage of transaction analysis. Consider a database applica- ingly Z?i, D system with a database tion mto classes T^ and those m and To, partitioned mto Di and Do. Transactions where transactions m are partitioned accord- m Ti primarily read and update data elements To primarily update data elements m Dn, but also make frequent read accesses to data elements in Dj. Using conventional concurrency control algorithm, transactions in To, due to their read accesses to D^. would interfere with concurrent transactions in Tj. considered a class of higher priority than To, this interference may allow transactions in To to use a slightly older "time slice" of Pj. system uses timestamps. If a transaction a pseudo-timestamp TS,- which Ti at the time of access, still it is t in T2, be reduced or elinunated In particular, T, if is we assume that the smaller than the timestamp of the oldest active transaction in would not In this example, data elements in It if which has been assigned a timestamp TSt, uses interfere at all with transactions be using TS, to coordinate accesses to data elements derived data. However, in in T,. In addition. / may Do- Dj can be considered raw data, while data elements appears that transactions responsible primarily for writing derived data in Dn (e.g., -2- transactions in class T^), or, in general, transactions of lower priorities, can be prevented from those of higher priorities. interfering with those processing the raw data, example may be generahzed appUcation composed of more thai therefore, more than 2 to an or, in general, transaction classes), forming an information \*a. ir - hierarchy can be represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), wher^ ..ode y. The above partitions (and, An information are data partitions : and arcs represent the derivation path or priority ordering. We examine the following question in this marily responsible for writing to data partition the time slice it form of Dj-, what are the rulis it must follow in res- DAG. in may enable a more flexible timestamp protocol ogy) to be used. However the SDD-1 approach stops (e.g., Protocol m 1 the research of among [BernsteinSOl as a vehicle to discover certain (static) conflict patterns classes that pri- computing which the information hierarchy b a semi-tree, a Relevant work: Conflict analysis among transactions has been proposed SDD-1 in is uses for each data partition without compromising overall seriahzability of the system' Results are presented for the case tricted paper: given a transaction class Ty which transaction SDD-1 's termmol- saort of deveiopmg a generahzed theory. \Iulti-version databasess. conducive to the implemeniai-ion of the notion of database time slices, has been shown to provide a higher level of concurrency than the conventional smgle-version ones [BernsteinSS, Papadimitriou84l. [ChanSC. Chan8.5 . The results A relevant thb paper in multi-version offer algorithm been has a fundamental proof method presented for in verifying correctness of algorithms designed specifically for information hierarchies (eg. methods proposed in [Hsu86] is a special case of scenarios supported by results in thb paper). tree locking protocol [SilberschatzSO, In comparbon, the Kedem83] b a non-two-phase locking protocol which aims at reducing the amount of time the locks on the "high-level" nodes of a tree must be held by each transaction. The hierarchy used m their tree protocol mation hierarchy the current paper b concerned about. b entirely different from the kind of infor- We now order, followed present 'he definition of the generalized partial order, called hierarchical partial by the ir terpretation and the proof of the acycHcity theorem, the major result of the paper. As 2. A^'.. The Hierarchical The into a F';.» .V'^l Order of Transactions hierarchical partial order number of data partitions. among We transactions requires the decomposition of a database construct a data partition hierarchy which is basically a partial order of the data partitions subject to certain constraints. 2.1. Data Partition Hierarchy and Transaction Definition. Z?,, and a transaction analysis which into a set 7", DPH{P,T,), [Cl Given a data decomposition it is is P partitions of update transaction types. Classification of a database all TPi, .., D into data partitions D^, D^ potential update transactions in the database TP„, a data partition hierarchy, denoted as any acyclic graph with nodes corresponding to Di, D2,---, D^, such that a semi-iree (a semi-tree is an acyclic digraph where there exists one and only one undirected path between any pair of nodes), and [C2! if there exists a type of update transactions in the system which write writes It is hierarchy. in Dj. then there exists a directed path between D, and D^ noted that only update transactions need participate There is no need for read-only transactions to in There may be multiple data partition hierarchies that The In particular, Z), and read from or DPH(P .T^]. in constraining the data partition participate in the transaction analysis, eliminating the difficulties of pinning down, a priori, the nature of database decomposition. m all ad hoc queries. satisfy the any total order of partitions in above definition given a P satisfies the definition. actual choice of the data partition hierarchy will reflect the perceived priorities of the write- processing in each of the data partitions. Given a data partition hierarchy, each transaction writes into. or most of all Typically, the data partition chosen its writes. This data partition transactions with the [C2] of the definition of same home data is home data partition of the transaction, partition are grouped into a transaction class. data partition hierarchy, denoted as ttDi, then there the one in which the transaction performs is called the is assigned to one of the data partitions is home data a transaction's if a directed path between £>,- partition and any other data partition in it all and From is Z),, DPH that the transaction accesses (read or write). In the remainder of the paper, the notation DPH refers to a particular chy chosen to base our hierarchical partial order of transactions. higher than data partition D^, denoted as to Z), Intuitively, in our notation, higher level . which the lower data partitions derive Di=Dj if D,>Dj, if data partitions are most We their contents. m DPH say that data partition there exists a directed path in or D, and Dj are connected by a directed path. they reside on directed paths We data partition hierar- that intersect. say that We Z?,- definition, Z), from D. if either and Dj are neighbors D, and D, if is raw data from and Dj are related also say that By likely DPH Z), are related then they must be neighbors. 2.2. The => Relation A Definition. tions L. ij, io we say where that tr, relation t^eD^, tr.eDj. => related to both D, and where TS is "=>", (pronounced f, and D, and D, are neighbors with respect to Z?y, A- = iff defined for a pair of transac- m DPH. there e.xists Given two functions TS and a Z)^ m DPH such that Dj, is a function which maps a transaction to a time value such that no two transactions of related data partitions if TS and L. is and have the same time value; the function (1) as 'X-foUows"), Z), L, ^ , which stands for link function, and Dj and maps one time value D, then L,^j(m)=m; is defined for any pair to another time value as follows: , (2) if A >Dj (3) if Di <Dj then L,-,y(m (m ); )=Z).V,.,^ then L,-,y(m)=C/P,,y(m); where the function UP^j, standing titions Z), for DowNward function, where Di>Dj, and maps a time value functions UP^ Composible: [Pi] function, and Dj where Di<Dj, and maps a time value DNij, standing Di<Dj, UPward for j and DNj for all i defined for any pair of data par- to another time value; the function defined for any pair of data partitions D, is to another time value; for must and Dy any pair of Di and Dj where satisfy the following three properties: D^ Z),-, is and where Dj Dj>D,,>Di, for all times m, UP,j{ UP,,,{m))= UPij{m), and DN,,(DNj,,{m))=DNj,{m)Non-decreasing: for [P2] all £>, Dj>Dj and and Dj where m, m' where for all times m >m' UPi.j(m)>UPij{m') and DNj^,{m)>DNj^,{m'). [P3] \'alue-interlocked: for all D, and D^ where Dj>Di and UP,j(DS,,(m])<m. and DA}, ,( rP,,,(m))>m Intuitively. tions to. is els => is be more specific, time m, . a relation between transactions based on both the timing of the transac- and the hierarchical To for all levels "tj => m DPH the t^' of the transaction classes that the transactions belong always means that ij is "later" than t^- However, this "later" not only based on when the two transactions are physically active, but also on the relative levof the data partitions in which t^ and ^2 are assigned to. Clearly, transactions that belong to neighboring data partitions, and the UP => and is DN defined only between functions are defined only between related data partitions. Note also that the functions DN TS UP and , are not completely specified; only their neces- sary properties have been specified. This means that, by manipulating the instantiation of these functions, different instances of the relation => may timestamp function, which maps a transaction to function, which function. maps An example a transaction to its its be defined. initiation time, commit time, of a construction of UP, j For example, both the initiation and the commit timestamp are acceptable instantiations of the and DNji which satisfies TS the non-decreasing and -6- value- interlocking properties stant Cij Acyclicity The key t^ an appropriate con- Theorem result of the paper => <i the following theorem: is A Tht Acyclicity Theorem. implies for . The 2.3. j{m)=m — Cij and DNj i{m)=m + Cij UP^ is digraph where nodes are transactions and every arc '2~*'i has no cycle. The theorem states that occur only when a concurrency control algorithm allows a transaction if => holds, then seriaUzabihty guaranteed. dependency Given the structure h~*h •'O of an information hierarchy, and the desire to reduce or ehminate interferences from lower- fo t^ priority transactions to higher-priority transactions, TS (1) Define a (2) Construct a function one needs is to: function; hierarchical path UP which maps time values to successively smaller values along the upwards values downwards, where m DPH. UP and a and DN D!\^ also whcih maps time values to successively larger satbfy the composibUity. non-decreasmg and value-mteriockmg requiremenis; (3) Allow lower-level transactions [tiD,] to access an older time shce before UP, j(TSi] in a higher data partition Dj. and (4) Allow higher-level transactions (teDj) (A) with It is the time value noted that when assigned identity functions, tional algorithms. to access and timestamp a lower-level data partition DNji{TS,). DPH => consists of a single data partition, or when UP and degenerates to the partial order typically enforced in DN are conven- Proof 2.4. To prove theorem, we this L_foIlows",) such that locally transitive, '3*=^><i- i.e., => if implies «> and t2~^'i implies t3s;>/2 and <2^><i and tivity result to all show global transitivity. Given the definition of Definition. D, and Do are related then Lo„,{TS,^>L^„,{TSlJ between them turns direction Dm D„ between D; and is tions, ^3 prove that «i> is are neighbors of one another then at D„ and (b) D^, then the transi- notational convenience, we D,-.) say that tn weakly on the shortest path => in f,, denoted as <2~->'i> DPH between D, and Do D, and Do are not related but the shortest path if for all we extend Dp on the shortest path [0.2], and for all in DPH between Do and D, on the shortest path in DPH mclusive, Lo„,(L„,{TSi^)>Li^^{TS,) [0.3]. (Note that by the fact that a semi-tree there exists one and by as f,- =>, we for all [0-l]> Finally (In the following proofs, for Lop(TSt^>L,„p{Li„{TStJ) inclusive, DPH and = ><2)- ^^ data partitions are neighbors of one another. denote the home data partition of a transaction inclusive, ^2 <i, -'(<i (pronounced as "weakly Local transitivity completes the proof of the Acyclicity Theorem for a data partition hierarchy in which if (a) if ~>, a weaker relation will first define and only one shortest path between any pair of data definition of neighbors the shortest path can turn direction at most once. parti- between any neighbormg data partitions the path between any pair of neighbormg data partitions i.e.. is either one-phase or two-phase.) Lemma Proof. and [0.3] in We want show that to the definition of related to both (a) to=>t^ implies f2~^'i- 1. D^ and Do Suppose [O.li is ^> (a) [O.l] in the is on.) Since t2=>ti, true. let is true, Lo,(TS,^>Lii{TSt^) and for (b) [0.2] some £>,- [l.l]. not true. Then there exists mclusive such that Loi,{TS,^<Lii{TS,J now above definition of :=»> '2.ll. Consider the following two cases: (a.l) Di, on the shortest path between Dj and Do (For brevity, "inclusive" Di>Do. Let D^, is always implied from be any data partition on the DPH shortest path in between Dj and D^. Then applying UP/, use of the properties of UP DN and functions D. be any data partition on the shortest path both sides of in in to both sides of p we have UP2^p{TS,}<.DN]p{TSt)- DPH between D2 and we have UP.^,{TSt^<DNi^,{TS,). Therefore [2.1] D,- Then s.t. for all D^ satisfying contradictory. [l.l], Therefore we have DN2 ^{TSt^<l'Pi,^(TSi (b) such that We [2.1] is cannot be true. Combming true. [3.1] [3.2:. Applying (Tp,m to both sides of [3.1]. Therefore [0.2] must be true. Usmg similar (b.2) arguments we conclude Lemma Proof. 2. [0.2] and t^ssXi imphes From Lemma <2<7'o, tn,iDn,, 3. i.e., if this (Local |3.2] both [0.2] show if all true. this D, (a. 2) [O.l] is DN„^ Applying 75J)>L,.,( D„ £>o>Z)|. were not true D^>D^>D^ s.t. to l.lj true. were not true there cannot we have tPo.mf So we have for all we obtain contradiction we conclude I,„.,(Lo,„( as presented in (b.l) one can exist D, to both sides of 75,,). therefore [0.3] p{TS,J<L„ p(Li „{TS, is )) 7'5(^<Z. i^( TS,,), contradictor.- to and [0.2] [0.3] and hold, (b.2) [0.3] hold. Di.D2>D„. Combming (b.l) [0.3] true. ~'('i 1, it is L2ATS,)>L,,,{TS,). Therefore Lemma since (a. 2) let were true then there cannot be were not true. Then we have some D^ such that Ln Suppose [0.2] and in (a.l) Consider two cases: (b.l) D,„>Z)|,Do. true. and ) (a.l) we have D^„JL2.JTSJ)>UP,JTS,J. [3.1; this if Similarly for [2.1]. Using same argument ). have Lo^( TS, J>Li^f TS, [l.ll were true then Do>Dp>Di, we have DN2_p{TSt^<UPij,(TSt), smce then we get DN2^i,{TS,^>UP^_i,(TSt^), contradictory to and therefore [2.1] Similarly By applying .DA*^ on D/,. if [2.1] between D^ and Dn we have UP2,„{TSt^<DNi,„(TSt^). However, cannot exbt any and making [2.1] = >'2)- clear that -^[t, Transitivity) if <2~>ti then for all D^ related to both D^ and D; = >t2). The relation *:> is transitive, i.e.. if there exists t^(D^, such that /;~><i, ly^>t2 and Dj, Do and D^ are neighbors of one another, then . -9- ProoJ. Since Dn and D3 £>,, and D^ contains D„, where Dp between D^ and also Z),- b also is on the path between Dj and D^ and D^ and on that between on that between Do and Dj. For and Dj are them turns we at D^. and Do, and every P^ between D^ and Z)„ Z-,y(i) is if and Dy are not related but the shortest path between if D,- Then by fo«>/,, tz~>ln we have LLz,„(TSi^>LL2,„{TSt^ >LLi^„{TStJ. LL3 ,(r5,^>LIi derive D-^ Then every D^^. and Dy neighbors, we denote as LLij{x) either D,- related, or Ltj(L,_i(2)) 2)3 between LL,,,{TS,^>LL,JTS,^ =LL„JLL2^„(TS,^) >L„JLL,^„{TS,)) =L,JTS,). Therefore larly Z)„ D„ are neighbors of one another, let the shortest path Therefore for ,(75,^). all D, in Simi- between D^ and D3 we have IL3.j(rS,j>LLi.,(r5,_). Therefore <3»^><i. Next we extend Lemma Given a DPH. 4. more general data partition hierarchy. local transitivity to allow for if tt, => =>t,, denoted and Pj and D, are as LF{ti,,t,), neighbors, then f(,~>f, Proof. We prove by induction then f(,~>fj by local transitivity than and g D, and D^ = has length the length Show that neighbors, length is g / if they have a number (i.e., /,-^>i,- for then of arcs) in LF{t^,t^). 'i~>',+i for any common Therefore fi~>f5+i. than <;, is less LF{ti.tj^^) = Consider two sub(b.2) If neighbor D^+j, there exists <!=>.. = >f^ = >..= >?j and Dj are neighbors of both D, and D^^^. less we have <i~>^t. Likewise we have 'i~>'j+i. By 1=2. (a) If any LF[t,.tj) whose length and D^ and D^^i are neighbors. Di and D^ are neighbors, then fi^X,. are not neighbors, then since LF{ti,tg) (b) are ii=>io=>...= >ij = ><j^i whose cases: (b.l) If in t,, D, and D^, such that Since LF{ti,ti,) local transitivity, we have ti^>tg^i. Q.E.D. Proof of <!—...—<„—<,. —i(f, = >(i). Acyclicity Theorem. Then from Lemma 4. Suppose there is we have t^^>t^, and a transaction therefore, from dependency Lemma 2. cycle we have This means that there cannot be a transaction dependency i„—<,, contradictory with the given. Therefore there cannot be a cycle. Q.E.D. -10- 3. References PA., Shipman, D.W., and Rothnie, [BernsteinSOj Bernstein, for distributed databases (SDD-1). [Bernstein83] Bernstein, algorithms. ACM [Chan82] Chan, A. PA. and Goodman Trans. Database Concurrency control J.B. Trans. Database Syst., 5, 1, March [Hsu83j Hsu, M and theory and Conference Proceedings, 1982. a database systems. IEEE Trans. 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