2008 Survey of the Performance of American Elections November 2008 Study Codebook This codebook describes the dataset of the 2008 Survey of the Performance of American Elections. The survey was funded by the Pew Center on the States, the JEHT Foundation, and the AARP. None of the funding agencies is responsible for the content of the survey or its analysis. The codebook was generated using the Stata (v. 10.1) version of the dataset. The data were originally delivered as an SPSS data set. There should be no differences in the numerical variables between the two versions of the data set. Some of the open-ended responses may be truncated in the Stata version. Research relying on the open-ended responses should consult the SPSS version to ensure that the variable of interest is fully recorded. The survey was conducted using two interviewing modes: the Internet and telephone. The Internet survey covered the entire nation. The telephone survey, which interviewed subjects in ten states, was conducted primarily to understand differences in how voters respond to questions about the voting experience, based on survey mode. The Internet survey involved 200 interviews of self-identified registered voters in each of the 50 states, for a total of 10,000 observations overall. YouGov/Polimetrix conducted this survey using state-level matched random samples in each of the states. Although respondents were recruited through a variety of techniques, the resulting sample matched the nation on important demographic characteristics, such as education, income, race, and partisanship. There was a somewhat lower presence of lower-income and minority voters in the original sample, so weights were applied as a corrective. The phone survey involved 200 interviews of self-identified registered voters in ten state: Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, New York, Texas, and Washington. The design of the survey provided for vote validation of the respondents. At the present time, the voter validation has not been completed. When it is, the dataset will be updated. What follows are, first, the final version of the questionnaire and, second, a codebook describing frequencies of the raw (unweighted) data set. Investigators: R. Michael Alvarez (Caltech) Stephen Ansolabehere (MIT) Adam Berinsky (MIT) Thad Hall (Univ. of Utah) Gabriel Lenz (MIT) Charles Stewart III (MIT, corresponding investigator) 2 Questionnaire Election administration questions The next several questions deal with your experiences voting during the November 2008 general election. It is important for the rest of the survey to know whether you voted. Your answer is anonymous. Q1 Vote Which of the following statements best describes you? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> Q2 I did not vote in the election this November I thought about voting this time, but didn’t I usually vote, but didn’t this time I tried to vote, but was not allowed to when I tried I tried to vote, but it ended up being too much trouble I definitely voted in the November General Election [IF Q1 != 6] Reason for not voting How much of a factor did the following reasons play in your not voting in the November General Election? #rotate# Not a A minor A major Don’t factor factor factor know Q2a I did not have the right kind of identification Q2b Illness or disability (own or family’s) Q2c Out of town or away from home Q2d I forgot to vote Q2e I requested but did not receive an absentee ballot Q2f I was too busy/had a conflicting work, family, or school schedule Q2g Transportation problems Q2h I didn’t like the candidates or campaign issues Q2i There were problems with my registration Q2j Bad weather Q2k The polling place hours, or location, were inconvenient Q2l The line at the polls was too long Q2m I did not know where to vote Q2n I did not receive my ballot in the mail, or it arrived too late for me to vote. 3 Q3 [If Q1 != 6] Why no absentee ballot Sometimes when voters can’t get to the polls on Election Day, they vote using an absentee ballot. Please indicate which of the following statements most closely describes why you did not vote absentee in the November 2008 General Election. #rotate# <1> I had no interest in voting in this election. <2> It was too late to request an absentee ballot once I thought about it. <3> I requested an absentee ballot, but it never came. <4> I wouldn’t have been allowed to vote absentee according to my state’s election law <5> Requesting an absentee ballot requires too much effort <6> I didn’t know how to request an absentee ballot. <7> {fixed} Other (please specify __________________) Q4 [IF Q1 = 4 or Q1 = 5 or Q1 = 6] First time voting Was this your first time voting, or have you voted in elections before? <1> <2> I am a first time voter I have voted in elections before Q5 [IF Q1 = 4 or Q1 = 5 or Q1 = 6] Mode of voting Did you vote in person at a precinct on Election Day, in person before Election Day, or by mail (that is, absentee or vote-by-mail)? <1> In person on Election Day (at polling place or precinct) <2> In person before Election Day (early) <3> Voted by mail (or absentee) <4> Don’t know Q6 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Difficulty finding polling place How difficult was it to find your polling place to vote? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> Very difficult Somewhat difficult Fairly easy Very easy Don’t know 4 Q7 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Polling place type How would you describe the place where you voted? #rotate# <1> Private home <2> Private business <3> School building <4> Church <5> Police/Fire Station <6> A store or shopping mall <7> Senior center <8> Community center <9> Library <10> {fixed} Other government office (court house, municipal building, city hall, etc.) <11> {fixed} Other (please specify __________) Q8 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] arrived to vote? Did you personally know the person who checked you in when you <1> Yes <2> No <3> I don’t know <4> I don’t remember Q9 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] How well the polling place was run How well were things run at the polling place where you voted? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> Very well — I did not see any problems at the polling place Okay — I saw some minor problems, but nothing that interfered with people voting Not well — I saw some minor problems that affected the ability of a few people to vote Terrible — I saw some major problems that affected the ability of many people to vote Don’t know Q10 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Problem with voter registration Was there a problem with your voter registration when you tried to vote? <1> No <2> Yes (please specify what problem, or problems, you had _____________) 5 <3> Don’t know Q11 [If Q10 = 2] Problem with voter registration — allowed to vote Were you allowed to vote? <1> I voted a regular ballot <2> I voted using a provisional ballot <3> I was offered a provisional ballot, but I chose not to vote using it <4> No, I was not allowed to vote Q12 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Line length Approximately, how long did you have to wait in line to vote? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> Not at all Less than 10 minutes 10-30 minutes 31minutes – 1 hour More than 1 hour (please specify how long ____________________) Don’t’ know Q12a [If Q12 != 1] Source of line Was your wait in line mostly when you first arrived to check in at the registration table, or after you checked in and were waiting to gain access to a place to cast your ballot? <1> Most of my wait was to check in to vote. <2> Most of my wait was after I had checked in, and I was waiting to gain access to a voting machine or other place to vote. <3> My wait in line was fairly evenly divided between checking in and waiting to cast my ballot. <4> I don’t recall. Q13 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Picture ID Were you asked to show picture identification, such as a driver's license, at the polling place this November? <1> Yes <2> No <3> Don’t know 6 Q13a [If Q13 = 1] Were you then allowed to vote? <1> Yes. I voted using a regular ballot. <2> Yes. I voted using a provisional ballot <3> I was offered a provisional ballot, but I chose not to vote using it <4> No, I was not allowed to vote Q14 [If Q13 = 1] Type of ID shown What type of picture identification did you show? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> Driver’s license Passport Voter registration card Another picture ID card issued by the government (please specify __________) A picture ID card not issued by the government (student ID, employee badge, etc.) An ID card without a picture, which the poll worker accepted. A bill, letter, or package addressed to me, which the poll worker accepted. I don’t remember Q15 [If Q13 = 1] Picture ID follow-up Did you show picture identification because you were asked for it specifically, or because a picture ID was the most convenient form of identification for you to show? <1> I was asked specifically for an ID card with a picture on it <2> I showed a picture ID card because it was convenient for me; I could have shown another form of ID if I had wanted to <3> Don’t know Q16 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Voting equipment problems Did you encounter any problems with the voting equipment or the ballot that may have interfered with your ability to cast your vote as intended? <1> No <2> Yes (please specify what problem, or problems, you had _____________________) <3> Don’t know Q17 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Help with ballot 7 Did you receive help in filling out your ballot? <1> Yes <2> No Q18 [If Q17 = 1] Ballot help Who helped you with your ballot? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> My spouse or partner A child of mine A friend of mine An election official or precinct worker Another voter, or someone else at my voting location A person who helps me out because I have a physical disability or illness Other (please specify ____________________) Don’t know Q19 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Poll worker performance Please rate the job performance of the poll workers at the polling place where you voted. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Q20 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Race of Poll Worker What was the race/ethnicity of the poll worker who checked you in when you voted? #rotate# <1> African-American <2> Native American <3> Asian <4> White <5> Hispanic <6> {Fixed} Other/multi-racial <7> {Fixed} I don’t recall the race of my poll worker <8> {Fixed} I don’t know 8 Q21 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Age of poll worker About how old was the poll worker who checked you in when you voted? <1> Under 30 <2> Between 31 and 50 <3> Between 51 and 70 <4> Older than 70 Q22 [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Polling place intimidation Did you personally feel intimidated at the place where you voted? <1> No <2> Yes (Please specify __________) <3> I don’t remember Q23 [If Q5 = 3] Reason for absentee ballot Which of the following statements most closely describes why you voted by mail or absentee? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> My state or locality only has vote-by-mail. I have signed up to receive a mail or absentee ballot automatically in each election. Voting by mail or absentee was just more convenient for me this election I was out of town for this election I have a physical disability that makes it difficult for me to get to the polls I could not get to the polls on Election Day because of my work or school schedule I am in the armed forces I was an election official or poll worker Religious observances would have interfered with my going to the polls Other (Please specify ____________________) Q24 [If Q5 = 3 and Q23 != 1] Contact re absentee ballot Did someone associated with a political candidate or political party contact you to encourage you to vote absentee or by mail? <1> No <2> Yes Q25 [If Q5 = 3] Problems getting mail ballot 9 Were there any problems getting your absentee or mail-in ballot sent to you? <1> No <2> Yes (Please specify what problem, or problems, you had ____________________) Q26 [If Q5 = 3] Mail ballot problems Did you encounter any problems marking or completing your ballot that may have interfered with your ability to cast your vote as intended? <1> No <2> Yes (please specify what problem, or problems, you had ____________________) <3> Don’t know Q27 [If Q5 = 3] Help with absentee ballot Did you receive help in filling out your absentee or mail ballot? <1> Yes <2> No Q28 [If Q27 = 1] Absentee ballot help Who helped you fill out your ballot? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> My spouse or partner A child of mine A friend of mine An election official or precinct worker Another voter, or someone else at my voting location A person who helps me out because I have a physical disability or illness Other (please specify ____________________) Don’t know Q29 [If Q5 = 3] Absentee ballot pressure Did you feel pressured to vote in a particular way when you filled out your absentee or mail ballot? For instance, because another person may have been watching you fill out your ballot? <1> No 10 <2> Yes (Please specify __________) <3> I don’t remember Q30 [If Q5 = 3] How returned How did you return your absentee or mail ballot? <1> I personally mailed it back in. <2> Someone else in my household mailed it back in. <3> I personally returned the ballot to an official election location (polling place, election office, early voting center, etc.) <4> Someone else in my household returned the ballot to an official election location <5> Other (please specify ____________________) <6> I don’t remember Q31 [If Q5 = 3] Returned absentee ballot To the best of your memory, when did you return your absentee or mail ballot? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> On Election Day A few days before Election Day The week before Election Day More than a week before Election Day I don’t remember Q32 [If Q5 = 3] Ease filling out absentee ballot Overall, how easy was it to follow all the instructions necessary to cast your ballot and return it to be counted? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> Very easy Somewhat easy Somewhat hard Very hard I don’t remember Q33 [If Q1 = 6] Presidential vote For whom did you vote for President of the United States? #rotate# <1> John McCain (Republican) 11 <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> Barack Obama (Democrat) Robert Barr (Libertarian) Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) Ralph Nader (Independent) {fixed} Other candidate or party (specify) {fixed} I did not vote in this race Q34 [If Q1 = 6] Confidence How confident are you that your vote in the General Election was counted as you intended? <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> Very confident Somewhat confident Not too confident Not at all confident Don’t know Q35 [If Q4 != 1] Past voting experience Whether or not you voted in the November 2008 General Election, which of the following statements most closely describes your past voting history? <1> I almost always vote in every election, regardless of what is on the ballot. <2> I usually vote in national and/or state elections, and tend not to vote in local elections. <3> I usually vote in local elections, and tend not to vote in national or state elections. <4> I usually haven’t voted in the past, regardless of what type of election it was. <5> Other (please specify _________________________________________) Q36 Voter fraud It is illegal to vote more than once in an election or to vote if not a U.S. citizen. How frequently do you think this occurs in your community? <1> It is very common <2> It occurs occasionally <3> It occurs infrequently <4> It almost never occurs <5> Not sure Q37 Vote theft 12 Another form of fraud occurs when votes are stolen or tampered with. How frequently do you think this occurs in your community? <1> It is very common <2> It occurs occasionally <3> It occurs infrequently <4> It almost never occurs <5> Not sure Q38 Voter impersonation It is illegal for a person to claim to be another person, who is registered to vote, and to cast that person’s vote. How often do you think this occurs in your community? <1> It is very common <2> It occurs occasionally <3> It occurs infrequently <4> It almost never occurs <5> Not sure Q39 Driver’s license Do you have a driver’s license? <1> Yes <2> No <3> I don’t know Q39a [If Q39 = 1] DL expired Is your driver’s license expired? <1> Yes <2> No <3> I don’t know Q39b [If Q39 = 1] DL legal name Is the name on your driver’s license the same name you are registered to vote under? <1> Yes <2> No <3> I don’t know 13 Q39c [If Q39 = 1] DL address Is the address on your driver’s license the same as the address where you are registered to vote? <1> Yes <2> No <3> I don’t know Q40 Passport Do you have a U.S. passport? <1> Yes <2> No <3> I don’t know Q40a [If Q40 = 1] Passport expired Is your passport expired? <1> Yes <2> No <3> I don’t know Q40b [If Q40 = 1] Passport legal name Is the name on your passport the same name you are registered to vote under? <1> Yes <2> No <3> I don’t know Q41 Other identification Do you have any other form of government-issued picture identification, such as a state ID card or a military ID card? <1> Yes <2> No <3> I don’t know Q42 Birth certificate 14 Do you have an official copy of your birth certificate that you can easily locate? <1> Yes <2> No <3> I don’t know Q43 Reform proposals Do you support or oppose any of the following proposals for new ways of voting or conducting elections? #rotate# Support Oppose Q43a Allow absentee voting over the Internet Q43b Run all elections by mail Q43c Automatically register all citizens over 18 to vote Q43d Allow people to register on Election Day at the polls Q43e Require all people to show government issued photo identification when they vote Q43f Move Election Day to a weekend Q43g Make Election Day a national holiday Q44 Residence Which of the following best describes your current housing arrangement? <1> I rent <2> I own my apartment or house <3> I live with someone else (such as a parent, grandparent), but do not rent <4> I live in institutional housing, such as a dormitory or nursing home. <5> Other Q45 Disability Does a health problem, disability, or handicap CURRENTLY keep you from participating fully in work, school, housework, or other activities? 15 <1> Yes <2> No 16 Frequencies -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------caseid case id -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: range: unique values: mean: std. dev: percentiles: numeric (long) [1,38396] 12000 units: missing .: 1 0/12000 13193.5 10897.8 10% 1985.5 25% 4773.5 50% 9456.5 75% 18873.5 90% 33087.5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------weight case weight -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: range: unique values: mean: std. dev: percentiles: numeric (float) [.33324111,3.4134674] 1939 units: missing .: 1.000e-08 0/12000 1 .45676 10% .573767 25% .725041 50% .908399 75% 1.14031 90% 1.47975 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------mode survey mode -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) mode range: unique values: [1,2] 2 tabulation: Freq. 10000 2000 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 1 0/12000 Label web phone -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------votereg voter registration status -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: numeric (byte) votereg [1,1] 1 units: missing .: 1 2000/12000 17 tabulation: Freq. 10000 2000 Numeric 1 . Label yes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q1 vote Which of the following statements best describes you? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q1 range: unique values: [1,6] 6 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 312 Numeric 1 114 2 115 3 50 4 44 5 11365 6 1 0/12000 Label i did not vote in the election this november i thought about voting this time, but didn't i usually vote, but didn't this time i tried to vote, but was not allowed to when i tried i tried to vote, but it ended up being too much trouble i definitely voted in the november general election [IF Q1 != 6] How much of a factor did the following reasons play in your not voting in the November General Election? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2a reason for not voting - wrong id I did not have the right kind of identification -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q2a range: unique values: [1,4] 4 tabulation: Freq. 524 20 37 23 11396 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 . 1 11396/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2b reason for not voting – illness Illness or disability (own or family’s) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q2b 18 range: unique values: [1,4] 4 tabulation: Freq. 451 31 102 22 11394 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 . 1 11394/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2c reason for not voting - out of town Out of town or away from home -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q2c range: unique values: [1,4] 4 tabulation: Freq. 491 20 74 21 11394 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 . 1 11394/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2d reason for not voting – forgot I forgot to vote -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q2d [1,99] 5 Freq. 537 21 23 23 1 11395 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 99 . 1 11395/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2e reason for not voting - did not recieve absentee ballot I requested but did not receive an absentee ballot -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q2e range: [1,99] units: 1 19 unique values: tabulation: 5 Freq. 519 19 36 28 1 11397 missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 99 . 11397/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2f reason for not voting - too busy I was too busy/had a conflicting work, family, or school schedule -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q2f range: unique values: [1,4] 4 tabulation: Freq. 397 56 131 19 11397 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 . 1 11397/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2g reason for not voting – transportation Transportation problems -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q2g range: unique values: [1,4] 4 tabulation: Freq. 475 29 77 19 11400 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 . 1 11400/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2h reason for not voting - didn't like choices I didn’t like the candidates or campaign issues -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: numeric (byte) q2h [1,4] 4 units: missing .: 1 11393/12000 20 tabulation: Freq. 331 70 178 28 11393 Numeric 1 2 3 4 . Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2i reason for not voting - registration problems There were problems with my registration -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q2i range: unique values: [1,4] 4 tabulation: Freq. 471 33 68 32 11396 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 . 1 11396/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2j reason for not voting – weather Bad weather -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q2j range: unique values: [1,4] 4 tabulation: Freq. 537 31 12 20 11400 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 . 1 11400/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2k reason for not voting - bad time/location The polling place hours, or location, were inconvenient -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q2k range: unique values: [1,4] 4 tabulation: Freq. 465 54 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 Label not a factor a minor factor 1 11395/12000 21 58 28 11395 3 4 . a major factor don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2l reason for not voting - line too long The line at the polls was too long -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q2l range: unique values: [1,4] 4 tabulation: Freq. 465 45 63 34 11393 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 . 1 11393/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2m reason for not voting - didn't know where to go I did not know where to vote -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q2m [1,99] 5 Freq. 480 55 47 23 1 11394 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 99 . 1 11394/12000 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2n reason for not voting - did not recieve ballot/not on time I did not receive my ballot in the mail, or it arrived too late for me to vote -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q2n [1,99] 5 Freq. 494 18 65 30 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label not a factor a minor factor a major factor don't know 1 11392/12000 22 1 11392 99 . phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q3_t why no absentee ballot: text -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str244) 82 missing "": 2/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q3 why no absentee ballot [If Q1 != 6] Sometimes when voters can’t get to the polls on Election Day, they vote using an absentee ballot. Please indicate which of the following statements most closely describes why you did not vote absentee in the November 2008 General Election. [rotate categories] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q3 range: unique values: [1,8] 8 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 152 Numeric 1 77 2 29 3 20 4 7 5 129 6 130 82 11374 7 8 . 1 11374/12000 Label i had no interest in voting in this election it was too late to request an absentee ballot once i thought i requested an absentee ballot, but it never came i wouldn't have been allowed to vote absentee according to m requesting an absentee ballot requires too much effort i didn't know how to request an absentee ballot i just prefer to vote in person other [Note that the next two questions must be combined to identify all the first-time voters] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q4 first time voting [IF Q1 = 6] Was this your first time voting, or have you voted in elections before? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: numeric (byte) 23 label: q4 range: unique values: [1,2] 2 tabulation: Freq. 519 10839 642 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 . 1 642/12000 Label i am a first time voter i have voted in elections before -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q4b first time voting [IF Q1 = 4 or Q1 = 5] Was this your first time voting, or have you voted in elections before? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q4b range: unique values: [1,2] 2 tabulation: Freq. 29 65 11906 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 . 1 11906/12000 Label i am a first time voter i have voted in elections before Note: The next two questions must be combined to identify when respondents voted. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q5 mode of voting [IF Q1 = 6] Did you vote in person at a precinct on Election Day, in person before Election Day, or by mail (that is, absentee or vote-by-mail)? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q5 range: unique values: [1,4] 4 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 7215 Numeric 1 2044 2 1 645/12000 Label in person on election day (at polling place or precinct) in person before election day (early) voted by mail (or absentee) don't know 2091 3 5 4 645 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q5b mode of voting [IF Q1 = 4 or Q1 = 5] Did you vote in person at a precinct on Election Day, in person before Election Day, or by mail (that is, absentee or vote-by-mail)? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: numeric (byte) 24 label: q5b range: unique values: [1,4] 4 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 49 Numeric 1 9 2 15 18 11909 3 4 . 1 11909/12000 Label in person on election day (at polling place or precinct) in person before election day (early) voted by mail (or absentee) don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q6 difficulty finding polling place [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] How difficult was it to find your polling place to vote? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q6 range: unique values: [1,5] 5 tabulation: Freq. 63 117 598 8465 3 2754 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 . 1 2754/12000 Label very difficult somewhat difficult fairly easy very easy phone - don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q7 polling place type [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] How would you describe the place where you voted? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q7 [1,11] 11 Freq. 32 100 2,329 1,370 553 177 262 1,262 305 1,620 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 3537/12000 Label private home private business school building church police/fire station a store or shopping mall senior center community center library other government office (court house, m 25 453 3537 11 . other . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q7_t polling place type: text [If Q7 = 11] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str108) 370 missing "": 9/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q8 know person that checked you in [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Did you personally know the person who checked you in when you arrived to vote? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q8 range: unique values: [1,4] 4 tabulation: Freq. 1476 6943 36 13 3532 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 . 1 3532/12000 Label yes no i don't know i don't remember -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q9 how well the polling place was run [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] How well were things run at the polling place where you voted? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q9 range: unique values: [1,5] 5 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 7722 Numeric 1 1354 2 1 2747/12000 Label very well - i did not see any problems at the polling place okay - i saw some minor problems, but nothing that 26 119 3 44 4 14 2747 5 . interfe not well - i saw some minor problems that affected the abili terrible - i saw some major problems that affected the abil don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q10 problem with voter registration [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Was there a problem with your voter registration when you tried to vote? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q10 range: unique values: [1,3] 3 tabulation: Freq. 9087 161 5 2747 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 . 1 2747/12000 Label no yes don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q10_t problem with voter registration: text [If Q10 = 2] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str244) 152 missing "": 10/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q11 problem with voter registration - allowed to vote [If Q10 = 2] Were you allowed to vote? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q11 range: unique values: [1,2] 2 tabulation: Freq. 119 41 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 1 11840/12000 Label i voted a regular ballot i voted using a provisional 27 ballot 11840 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q12 line length [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Approximately, how long did you have to wait in line to vote? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q12 range: unique values: [1,6] 6 tabulation: Freq. 3947 2555 1518 793 441 3 2743 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 1 2743/12000 Label not at all less than 10 minutes 10-30 minutes 31minutes - 1 hour more than 1 hour don't' know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q12_t line length: text [If Q12 = 5] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str244) 251 missing "": 52/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q12a source of line [If Q12 != 1] Was your wait in line mostly when you first arrived to check in at the registration table, or after you checked in and were waiting to gain access to a place to cast your ballot? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q12a [1,99] 5 Freq. 3339 units: missing .: Numeric 1 1 6699/12000 Label most of my wait was to check in 28 943 2 983 3 33 3 6699 4 99 . to vote. most of my wait was after i had checked in, and i was waitin my wait in line was fairly evenly divided between checking i i don't recall. phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q13 picture id [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Were you asked to show picture identification, such as a driver's license, at the polling place this November? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q13 [1,99] 4 Freq. 4911 4300 39 1 2749 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 2749/12000 Label yes no don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q13a allowed to vote after id [If Q13 = 1] Were you then allowed to vote? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q13a range: unique values: [1,4] 4 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 4660 Numeric 1 122 2 12 3 3 7203 4 . 1 7203/12000 Label yes. i voted using a regular ballot. yes. i voted using a provisional ballot i was offered a provisional ballot, but i chose not to vote no, i was not allowed to vote -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q14 type of id shown [If Q13 = 1] What type of picture identification did you show? 29 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q14 range: unique values: [1,9] 9 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 4387 27 286 158 Numeric 1 2 3 4 21 5 6 6 11 7 4 8 12 7088 9 . 1 7088/12000 Label driver's license passport voter registration card another picture id card issued by the government a picture id card not issued by the government (student id, an id card without a picture, which the poll worker accepted a bill, letter, or package addressed to me, which the poll w although i was asked for an id, i didn't show one i don't remember -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q14_t type of id shown: text [If Q14 = 4] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str83) 97 missing "": 28/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q15 picture id follow-up [If Q13 = 1] Did you show picture identification because you were asked for it specifically, or because a picture ID was the most convenient form of identification for you to show? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q15 [1,99] 4 Freq. units: missing .: Numeric Label 1 7133/12000 30 2787 1 1804 2 274 2 7133 3 99 . i was asked specifically for an id card with a picture on it i showed a picture id card because it was convenient for me; don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q16 voting equipment problems [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Did you encounter any problems with the voting equipment or the ballot that may have interfered with your ability to cast your vote as intended? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: numeric (byte) q16 [1,99] 4 units: missing .: 1 2750/12000 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 9068 1 no 174 2 yes 7 3 don't know 1 99 phone - refused 2750 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q16_t voting equipment problems: text [If Q16 = 2] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str244) 168 missing "": 8/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q17 help with ballot [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Did you receive help in filling out your ballot? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: numeric (byte) q17 [1,3] 3 units: missing .: 1 2746/12000 31 tabulation: Freq. 504 8748 2 2746 Numeric 1 2 3 . Label yes no phone - don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q18 ballot help [If Q17 = 1] Who helped you with your ballot? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q18 range: unique values: [1,8] 8 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 31 12 8 431 Numeric 1 2 3 4 4 5 1 6 10 4 11499 7 8 . 1 11499/12000 Label my spouse or partner a child of mine a friend of mine an election official or precinct worker another voter, or someone else at my voting location a person who helps me out because i have a physical disabili other don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q18_t ballot help: text [If Q18 = 7] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str58) 12 missing "": 0/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q19 poll worker performance [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Please rate the job performance of the poll workers at the polling place where you voted. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: numeric (byte) 32 label: range: unique values: tabulation: q19 [1,99] 6 Freq. 6536 2368 277 58 17 1 2743 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 99 . 1 2743/12000 Label excellent good fair poor don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q20 race of poll worker [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] What was the race/ethnicity of the poll worker who checked you in when you voted? [rotated categories] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q20, but 1 nonmissing value is not labeled range: unique values: [1,9] 9 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 905 39 52 6336 184 157 601 Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 183 7 3536 8 9 . 1 3536/12000 Label african-american native american asian white hispanic other/multi-racial i don't recall the race of my poll worker i don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q21 age of poll worker [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] About how old was the poll worker who checked you in when you voted? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q21 [1,99] 6 Freq. 413 2576 4905 509 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 Label under 30 between 31 and 50 between 51 and 70 older than 70 1 3564/12000 33 32 1 3564 5 99 . phone - don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q22 polling place intimidation [If Q5 = 1 or Q5 = 2] Did you personally feel intimidated at the place where you voted? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q22 [1,99] 4 Freq. 9160 87 5 1 2747 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 2747/12000 Label no yes i don't remember phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q22_t polling place intimidation: text [If Q22 = 2] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str244) 81 missing "": 9/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q23 reason for absentee ballot [If Q5 = 3] Which of the following statements most closely describes why you voted by mail or absentee? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (int) q23 [1,999] 10 Freq. 325 595 units: missing .: Numeric 1 9909/12000 Label 1 my state or locality only has vote-by-m 2 i have signed up to receive a mail or a 34 543 219 165 78 26 55 0 84 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 999 voting by mail or absentee was just mor i was out of town for this election i have a physical disability that makes i could not get to the polls on electio i am in the armed forces i was an election official or poll work religious observances other phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q23_t reason for absentee ballot: text [If Q23 = 10] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str204) 83 missing "": 2/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q24 contact re absentee ballot [If Q5 = 3 and Q23 != 1] Did someone associated with a political candidate or political party contact you to encourage you to vote absentee or by mail? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q24 range: unique values: [1,3] 3 tabulation: Freq. 1445 316 4 10235 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 . 1 10235/12000 Label no yes phone - don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q25 problems getting mail ballot [If Q5 = 3] Were there any problems getting your absentee or mail-in ballot sent to you? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: numeric (byte) q25 [1,2] 2 units: missing .: 1 9912/12000 35 tabulation: Freq. 2054 34 9912 Numeric 1 2 . Label no yes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q25_t problems getting mail ballot: text [If Q25 = 2] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str244) 35 missing "": 1/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q26 mail ballot problems [If Q5 = 3] Did you encounter any problems marking or completing your ballot that may have interfered with your ability to cast your vote as intended? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q26 range: unique values: [1,3] 3 tabulation: Freq. 2046 32 12 9910 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 . 1 9910/12000 Label no yes don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q26_t mail ballot problems: text [Q26 = 2] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str187) 32 missing "": 2/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36 q27 help with absentee ballot [If Q5 = 3] Did you receive help in filling out your absentee or mail ballot? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q27 range: unique values: [1,2] 2 tabulation: Freq. 64 2026 9910 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 . 1 9910/12000 Label yes no -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q28 absentee ballot help [If Q27 = 1] Who helped you fill out your ballot? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q28, but 1 nonmissing value is not labeled range: unique values: [1,9] 9 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 18 6 6 8 Numeric 1 2 3 4 1 5 4 6 18 1 1 11937 7 8 9 . 1 11937/12000 Label my spouse or partner a child of mine a friend of mine an election official or precinct worker another voter, or someone else at my voting location a person who helps me out because i have a physical disabili other don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q28_t absentee ballot help: text [If Q28 = 7] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: string (str94) 19 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" missing "": 0/12000 37 warning: variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q29 absentee ballot pressure [If Q5 = 3] Did you feel pressured to vote in a particular way when you filled out your absentee or mail ballot? For instance, because another person may have been watching you fill out your ballot? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q29 range: unique values: [1,3] 3 tabulation: Freq. 2077 11 2 9910 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 . 1 9910/12000 Label no yes i don't remember -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q29_t absentee ballot pressure: text [If Q29 = 2] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str135) 11 missing "": 2/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q30 how returned [If Q5 = 3] How returned How did you return your absentee or mail ballot? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q30 range: unique values: [1,6] 6 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 1428 141 Numeric 1 2 410 3 1 9911/12000 Label i personally mailed it back in. someone else in my household mailed it back in. i personally returned the ballot 38 77 4 32 1 9911 5 6 . to an official election loc someone else in my household returned the ballot to an offic other phone - don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q30_t how returned: text [If Q30 = 5] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str98) 34 missing "": 0/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q31 returned absentee ballot [If Q5 = 3] To the best of your memory, when did you return your absentee or mail ballot? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q31 range: unique values: [1,5] 5 units: missing .: tabulation: Freq. 92 318 506 1169 Numeric 1 2 3 4 4 9911 5 . 1 9911/12000 Label on election day a few days before election day the week before election day more than a week before election day i don't remember -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q32 ease filling out absentee ballot [If Q5 = 3] Overall, how easy was it to follow all the instructions necessary to cast your ballot and return it to be counted? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: numeric (byte) q32 [1,5] 5 units: missing .: 1 9911/12000 39 tabulation: Freq. 1788 265 30 4 2 9911 Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 . Label very easy somewhat easy somewhat hard very hard i don't remember -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q33 presidential vote [If Q1 = 6] For whom did you vote for President of the United States? [rotate responses] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: numeric (byte) q33 [1,99] 9 units: missing .: 1 666/12000 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 5536 1 john mccain (republican) 5395 2 barack obama (democrat) 34 3 robert barr (libertarian) 11 4 cynthia mckinney (green party) 27 5 ralph nader (independent) 66 6 other candidate or party 26 7 i did not vote in this race 7 10 phone - don't know 232 99 phone - refused 666 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q33_t presidential vote: text [If Q33 = 6] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str40) 36 missing "": 7/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q34 confidence [If Q1 = 6] How confident are you that your vote in the General Election was counted as you intended? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q34 40 range: unique values: tabulation: [1,99] 6 Freq. 8171 2445 362 216 160 5 641 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 99 . 1 641/12000 Label very confident somewhat confident not too confident not at all confident don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q35 past voting experience [If Q4 != 1] Whether or not you voted in the November 2008 General Election, which of the following statements most closely describes your past voting history? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q35 [1,99] 7 units: missing .: Freq. 8898 Numeric 1 2018 2 67 3 259 4 180 8 1 569 5 6 99 . 1 569/12000 Label i almost always vote in every election, regardless of what i i usually vote in national and/or state elections, and tend i usually vote in local elections, and tend not to vote in n i usually haven't voted in the past, regardless of what type other phone - don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q35_t past voting experience: text [If Q35 = 5] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str202) 144 missing "": 7/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41 q36 voter fraud It is illegal to vote more than once in an election or to vote if not a U.S. citizen. How frequently do you think this occurs in your community? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q36 [1,99] 6 Freq. 957 2094 2010 4425 2495 6 13 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 99 . 1 13/12000 Label it is very common it occurs occasionally it occurs infrequently it almost never occurs not sure phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q37 vote theft Another form of fraud occurs when votes are stolen or tampered with. How frequently do you think this occurs in your community? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q37 [1,99] 6 Freq. 566 1596 1862 5356 2598 8 14 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 99 . 1 14/12000 Label it is very common it occurs occasionally it occurs infrequently it almost never occurs not sure phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q38 voter impersonation It is illegal for a person to claim to be another person, who is registered to vote, and to cast that person’s vote. How often do you think this occurs in your community? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q38 [1,99] 6 Freq. 510 1569 1902 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 1 46/12000 Label it is very common it occurs occasionally it occurs infrequently 42 5190 2776 7 46 4 5 99 . it almost never occurs not sure phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q39 driver's license Do you have a driver’s license? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q39 range: unique values: [1,3] 3 tabulation: Freq. 11467 513 9 11 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 . 1 11/12000 Label yes no i don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q39a dl expired [If Q39 = 1] Is your driver’s license expired? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q39a range: unique values: [1,3] 3 tabulation: Freq. 114 11323 18 545 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 . 1 545/12000 Label yes no i don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q39b dl legal name [If Q39 = 1] Is the name on your driver’s license the same name you are registered to vote under? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q39b [1,99] 4 Freq. 11252 155 43 1 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 Label yes no i don't know phone - refused 1 549/12000 43 549 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q39c dl address [If Q39 = 1] Is the address on your driver’s license the same as the address where you are registered to vote? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q39c [1,99] 4 Freq. 10348 1006 55 4 587 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 587/12000 Label yes no i don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q40 passport Do you have a U.S. passport? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q40 [1,99] 4 Freq. 5176 6773 38 1 12 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 12/12000 Label yes no i don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q40a passport expired [If Q40 = 1] Is your passport expired? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q40a [1,99] 4 Freq. 646 4407 116 1 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 Label yes no i don't know phone - refused 1 6830/12000 44 6830 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q40b passport legal name [If Q40 = 1] Is the name on your passport the same name you are registered to vote under? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q40b [1,99] 4 Freq. 4922 208 39 1 6830 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 6830/12000 Label yes no i don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q41 other identification Do you have any other form of government-issued picture identification, such as a state ID card or a military ID card? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q41 [1,99] 4 Freq. 2808 9120 51 2 19 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 19/12000 Label yes no i don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q42 birth certificate Do you have an official copy of your birth certificate that you can easily locate? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q42 [1,99] 4 Freq. 10357 1389 234 4 16 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . Label yes no i don't know phone - refused 1 16/12000 45 Note: The following questions were preceded with the following statement: “Do you support or oppose any of the following proposals for new ways of voting or conducting elections?” -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q43a reform proposals - allow absentee over internet Allow absentee voting over the Internet -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q43a [1,99] 4 Freq. 3125 7804 35 1 1035 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 1035/12000 Label support oppose phone - don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q43b reform proposals - run elections by mail Run all elections by mail -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q43b [1,99] 4 Freq. 1665 9229 16 1 1089 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 1089/12000 Label support oppose phone - don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q43c reform proposals - auto-register all citizens to vote Automatically register all citizens over 18 to vote -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q43c range: unique values: [1,3] 3 tabulation: Freq. 5167 5793 17 1023 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 . Label support oppose phone - don't know 1 1023/12000 46 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q43d reform proposals - allow registration at polls Allow people to register on Election Day at the polls -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q43d range: unique values: [1,3] 3 tabulation: Freq. 4466 6498 19 1017 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 . 1 1017/12000 Label support oppose phone - don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q43e reform proposals - require id Require all people to show government issued photo identification when they vote -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) q43e range: unique values: [1,3] 3 tabulation: Freq. 8237 2739 24 1000 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 . 1 1000/12000 Label support oppose phone - don't know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q43f reform proposals - move election day to weekend Move Election Day to a weekend -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q43f [1,99] 4 Freq. 4503 6372 47 8 1070 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 1070/12000 Label support oppose phone - don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q43g reform proposals - make election day a holiday Make Election Day a national holiday ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47 type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q43g [1,99] 4 Freq. 6083 4889 20 1 1007 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 1007/12000 Label support oppose phone - don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q44 residence Which of the following best describes your current housing arrangement? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q44 [1,99] 6 units: missing .: Freq. 2302 8818 581 Numeric 1 2 3 81 4 184 19 15 5 99 . 1 15/12000 Label i rent i own my apartment or house i live with someone else (such as a parent, grandparent), bu i live in institutional housing, such as a dormitory or nurs other phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------q45 disability Does a health problem, disability, or handicap CURRENTLY keep you from participating fully in work, school, housework, or other activities? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) q45 [1,99] 4 Freq. 1915 10048 3 14 20 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 99 . 1 20/12000 Label yes no phone - don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------income family income 48 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (int) income [1,999] 17 Freq. 419 408 409 523 589 1,132 1,154 1,133 910 979 1,026 804 591 645 1,000 35 235 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 999 1 8/12000 Label less than $10,000 $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $39,999 $40,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $59,999 $60,000 - $69,999 $70,000 - $79,999 $80,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $119,999 $120,000 - $149,999 $150,000 or more prefer not to say phone - don't know phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------educ education -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) educ [1,99] 7 Freq. 380 3235 3105 1128 2611 1510 31 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 6 99 1 0/12000 Label no hs high school graduate some college 2-year 4-year post-grad phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------pid3 3 point party id -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: numeric (byte) pid3 [1,99] 6 units: missing .: 1 8/12000 49 tabulation: Freq. 4270 4141 3131 125 233 92 8 Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 99 . Label democrat republican independent other not sure phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------pid3_t 3 point party id – other [If pid = 4] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str153) 93 missing "": 1/12000 "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------pid7 7 point party id -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) pid7 range: unique values: [1,8] 8 tabulation: Freq. 3166 1074 1177 1006 1183 1070 3043 137 144 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 1 144/12000 Label strong democrat not very strong democrat lean democrat independent lean republican not very strong republican strong republican not sure -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ideo5 ideology -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) ideo5 [1,99] 7 Freq. units: missing .: Numeric Label 1 3/12000 50 821 1922 3711 2969 1647 886 41 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 99 . very liberal liberal moderate conservative very conservative not sure phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------time_years lived in current residence: years -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: examples: numeric (byte) time_years, but 73 nonmissing values are not labeled [0,86] 73 units: missing .: 1 60/12000 2 5 10 20 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------time_months lived in current residence: months -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: examples: numeric (byte) time_months, but 20 nonmissing values are not labeled [0,90] 20 units: missing .: 1 59/12000 0 0 3 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------race race -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) race, but 1 nonmissing value is not labeled range: unique values: [1,9] 9 tabulation: Freq. 10067 870 423 150 120 147 158 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Label white black hispanic asian native american mixed other 1 0/12000 51 8 57 8 9 middle eastern -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------race_other race – other [If race = 7] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str32) 26 missing "": 936/12000 "" "__NA__" "__NA__" "__NA__" variable has leading, embedded, and trailing blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------gender gender -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: tabulation: numeric (byte) gender [1,99] 3 Freq. 5356 6628 16 units: missing .: Numeric 1 2 99 1 0/12000 Label male female phone - refused -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------birthyr in what year were you born? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: range: unique values: examples: numeric (int) birthyr, but 82 nonmissing values are not labeled [1909,1991] 82 units: missing .: 1 80/12000 1944 1953 1960 1971 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------inputstate state of residence -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: label: numeric (byte) inputstate range: [1,56] units: 1 52 unique values: tabulation: 50 Freq. 400 200 400 200 400 200 200 200 400 400 200 200 400 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 200 200 200 400 200 200 200 missing .: Numeric 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 0/12000 Label alabama alaska arizona arkansas california colorado connecticut delaware florida georgia hawaii idaho illinois indiana iowa kansas kentucky louisiana maine maryland massachusetts michigan minnesota mississippi missouri montana nebraska nevada new hampshire new jersey new mexico new york north carolina north dakota ohio oklahoma oregon pennsylvania rhode island south carolina south dakota tennessee texas utah vermont virginia washington west virginia wisconsin wyoming -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------inputzip zip code 53 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: range: unique values: mean: std. dev: numeric (long) [0,99928] 7172 units: missing .: 1 0/12000 51660 29927.5 percentiles: 10% 6905.5 25% 28854 50% 52908.5 75% 79969 90% 92869.5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------fipscounty county fips code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: range: unique values: mean: std. dev: numeric (int) [1,840] 220 units: missing .: 1 0/12000 68.8418 79.8703 percentiles: 10% 5 25% 17 50% 49 75% 99 90% 147 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------countyname county name -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str25) 1288 missing "": 0/12000 "Cook" "Houghton" "Miami-Dade" "Saline" variable has embedded blanks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------statename (unlabeled) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------type: unique values: examples: warning: string (str20), but longest is str14 50 missing "": "Florida" "Louisiana" "New Hampshire" "South Carolina" variable has embedded blanks 0/12000 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------