EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 SITE MAINTENANCE WORKER I (ALL SCHOOLS) 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WA0 0 Clinic $19,337 $19,632 $19,828 $20,100 $20,395 $20,611 $20,906 $21,161 $21,435 $21,709 $21,966 $22,220 $22,518 $22,749 $22,985 $23,261 $23,729 $24,203 $24,929 $25,426 $25,935 $26,452 $27,330 $27,877 $28,435 WA1 3 Clinic $19,413 $19,708 $19,904 $20,180 $20,473 $20,687 $20,986 $21,236 $21,512 $21,785 $22,042 $22,298 $22,592 $22,827 $23,060 $23,337 $23,804 $24,277 $25,010 $25,510 $26,020 $26,541 $27,417 $27,966 $28,525 WA2 6 Clinic $19,486 $19,781 $19,976 $20,254 $20,544 $20,761 $21,059 $21,309 $21,588 $21,861 $22,118 $22,373 $22,667 $22,903 $23,140 $23,413 $23,879 $24,357 $25,088 $25,591 $26,101 $26,625 $27,506 $28,056 $28,617 WA3 9 Clinic $19,563 $19,856 $20,053 $20,327 $20,619 $20,836 $21,132 $21,385 $21,665 $21,939 $22,193 $22,447 $22,740 $22,976 $23,213 $23,488 $23,959 $24,437 $25,168 $25,675 $26,187 $26,711 $27,596 $28,149 $28,711 WA5 15 Clinic $19,713 $20,005 $20,203 $20,479 $20,772 $20,991 $21,285 $21,537 $21,812 $22,087 $22,345 $22,597 $22,892 $23,127 $23,364 $23,637 $24,112 $24,594 $25,332 $25,838 $26,353 $26,881 $27,773 $28,328 $28,895 WA6 18 Clinic $19,786 $20,084 $20,276 $20,551 $20,851 $21,064 $21,357 $21,613 $21,891 $22,164 $22,416 $22,673 $22,968 $23,203 $23,439 $23,716 $24,190 $24,673 $25,413 $25,923 $26,442 $26,970 $27,862 $28,418 $28,987 WA9 27 Clinic $20,080 $20,374 $20,569 $20,846 $21,138 $21,353 $21,647 $21,906 $22,180 $22,452 $22,710 $22,966 $23,257 $23,495 $23,731 $24,005 $24,486 $24,975 $25,723 $26,237 $26,764 $27,298 $28,202 $28,767 $29,343 WAA 2 Yr. Degree $20,246 $20,540 $20,737 $21,012 $21,303 $21,521 $21,818 $22,071 $22,347 $22,622 $22,874 $23,130 $23,426 $23,661 $23,899 $24,168 $24,636 $25,112 $25,864 $26,383 $26,910 $27,450 $28,359 $28,926 $29,505 WAB 4 Yr. Degree $21,556 $21,847 $22,045 $22,318 $22,615 $22,830 $23,125 $23,380 $23,653 $23,927 $24,186 $24,440 $24,736 $24,970 $25,205 $25,479 $25,948 $26,421 $27,213 $27,756 $28,310 $28,876 $29,832 $30,428 $31,037 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a site maintenance employee is promoted to a higher paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 60 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 ASSISTANT SITE MAINTENANCE FOREMANELEMENTARY/DISTRICT 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WE0 0 Clinic $21,084 $21,514 $21,966 $22,399 $22,830 $23,261 $23,693 $24,146 $24,574 $25,011 $25,440 $25,893 $26,327 $26,756 $27,190 $27,639 $28,193 $28,754 $29,619 $30,212 $30,813 $31,430 $32,473 $33,122 $33,785 WE1 3 Clinic $21,158 $21,590 $22,042 $22,475 $22,905 $23,337 $23,769 $24,223 $24,655 $25,083 $25,517 $25,966 $26,400 $26,834 $27,262 $27,715 $28,269 $28,836 $29,700 $30,293 $30,899 $31,516 $32,561 $33,212 $33,876 WE5 15 Clinic $21,458 $21,895 $22,345 $22,777 $23,207 $23,637 $24,070 $24,524 $24,953 $25,386 $25,818 $26,269 $26,699 $27,133 $27,562 $28,016 $28,578 $29,150 $30,021 $30,623 $31,234 $31,859 $32,914 $33,571 $34,244 WE6 18 Clinic $21,534 $21,966 $22,416 $22,851 $23,282 $23,716 $24,145 $24,597 $25,029 $25,462 $25,893 $26,342 $26,776 $27,207 $27,639 $28,091 $28,653 $29,225 $30,103 $30,705 $31,324 $31,949 $33,007 $33,667 $34,341 WEA 2 Yr. Degree $21,995 $22,427 $22,874 $23,308 $23,740 $24,168 $24,604 $25,055 $25,485 $25,922 $26,350 $26,800 $27,234 $27,666 $28,099 $28,552 $29,103 $29,665 $30,556 $31,165 $31,786 $32,423 $33,495 $34,165 $34,848 WEB 4 Yr. Degree $23,303 $23,734 $24,186 $24,617 $25,049 $25,479 $25,914 $26,366 $26,793 $27,228 $27,661 $28,111 $28,542 $28,974 $29,407 $29,859 $30,408 $30,973 $31,903 $32,542 $33,192 $33,856 $34,978 $35,678 $36,391 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a site maintenance employee is promoted to a higher paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 61 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 ASSISTANT SITE MAINTENANCE FOREMAN-MIDDLE 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WFO 0 Clinic $21,514 $21,946 $22,399 $22,830 $23,261 $23,693 $24,145 $24,574 $25,011 $25,440 $25,893 $26,327 $26,756 $27,190 $27,639 $28,073 $28,632 $29,207 $30,085 $30,686 $31,296 $31,923 $32,981 $33,640 $34,313 WF1 3 Clinic $21,590 $22,021 $22,475 $22,905 $23,337 $23,769 $24,223 $24,655 $25,083 $25,517 $25,967 $26,400 $26,834 $27,262 $27,715 $28,148 $28,710 $29,286 $30,163 $30,768 $31,380 $32,007 $33,067 $33,729 $34,404 WF2 6 Clinic $21,669 $22,098 $22,548 $22,979 $23,413 $23,847 $24,299 $24,727 $25,160 $25,591 $26,043 $26,472 $26,905 $27,340 $27,790 $28,224 $28,786 $29,361 $30,242 $30,849 $31,467 $32,096 $33,159 $33,823 $34,500 WF3 9 Clinic $21,740 $22,172 $22,624 $23,056 $23,488 $23,918 $24,371 $24,805 $25,235 $25,666 $26,118 $26,548 $26,982 $27,415 $27,868 $28,298 $28,862 $29,440 $30,324 $30,931 $31,548 $32,182 $33,247 $33,913 $34,590 WF5 15 Clinic $21,895 $22,322 $22,777 $23,207 $23,637 $24,070 $24,524 $24,953 $25,386 $25,818 $26,269 $26,699 $27,133 $27,562 $28,016 $28,448 $29,014 $29,595 $30,484 $31,094 $31,713 $32,349 $33,418 $34,086 $34,768 WFA 2 Yr. Degree $22,427 $22,858 $23,308 $23,740 $24,168 $24,604 $25,055 $25,485 $25,922 $26,350 $26,800 $27,234 $27,666 $28,099 $28,552 $28,982 $29,543 $30,117 $31,019 $31,638 $32,273 $32,920 $34,008 $34,688 $35,381 WFB 4 Yr. Degree $23,734 $24,164 $24,617 $25,049 $25,479 $25,914 $26,366 $26,793 $27,228 $27,661 $28,111 $28,542 $28,974 $29,407 $29,859 $30,289 $30,853 $31,425 $32,368 $33,016 $33,674 $34,348 $35,487 $36,197 $36,921 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a site maintenance employee is promoted to a higher paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 62 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 ASSISTANT SITE MAINTENANCE FOREMAN-SR. HIGH 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WG0 0 Clinic $21,946 $22,399 $22,830 $23,261 $23,693 $24,145 $24,574 $25,011 $25,440 $25,893 $26,327 $26,756 $27,190 $27,639 $28,073 $28,502 $29,073 $29,656 $30,541 $31,154 $31,775 $32,411 $33,485 $34,154 $34,837 WG5 15 Clinic $22,322 $22,777 $23,207 $23,637 $24,070 $24,524 $24,953 $25,386 $25,818 $26,269 $26,699 $27,133 $27,562 $28,016 $28,448 $28,878 $29,457 $30,048 $30,945 $31,567 $32,195 $32,841 $33,929 $34,608 $35,300 WG9 27 Clinic $22,688 $23,142 $23,573 $24,005 $24,437 $24,891 $25,322 $25,750 $26,184 $26,636 $27,066 $27,496 $27,932 $28,382 $28,815 $29,248 $29,829 $30,428 $31,340 $31,965 $32,607 $33,258 $34,361 $35,049 $35,750 WGA 2 Yr. Degree $22,858 $23,308 $23,740 $24,168 $24,604 $25,055 $25,485 $25,922 $26,350 $26,800 $27,234 $27,666 $28,099 $28,552 $28,982 $29,413 $29,985 $30,565 $31,481 $32,111 $32,754 $33,408 $34,515 $35,206 $35,910 WGB 4 Yr. Degree $24,164 $24,617 $25,049 $25,479 $25,914 $26,366 $26,793 $27,228 $27,661 $28,111 $28,542 $28,974 $29,407 $29,859 $30,289 $30,722 $31,291 $31,872 $32,830 $33,485 $34,155 $34,838 $35,994 $36,715 $37,449 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a site maintenance employee is promoted to a higher paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 63 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 SITE MAINTENANCE FOREMAN-ELEMENTARY/DISTRICT 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WH0 0 Clinic $24,574 $25,011 $25,421 $25,893 $26,326 $26,756 $27,190 $27,639 $28,073 $28,502 $28,933 $29,388 $29,819 $30,252 $30,702 $31,134 $31,756 $32,394 $33,363 $34,032 $34,712 $35,406 $36,579 $37,311 $38,058 WH1 3 Clinic $24,655 $25,083 $25,497 $25,966 $26,400 $26,834 $27,262 $27,717 $28,148 $28,580 $29,009 $29,465 $29,895 $30,325 $30,777 $31,208 $31,834 $32,468 $33,442 $34,112 $34,796 $35,491 $36,667 $37,400 $38,149 WH2 6 Clinic $24,727 $25,160 $25,573 $26,043 $26,472 $26,905 $27,340 $27,790 $28,224 $28,653 $29,086 $29,538 $29,970 $30,400 $30,854 $31,284 $31,911 $32,548 $33,524 $34,194 $34,879 $35,580 $36,758 $37,493 $38,243 WH3 9 Clinic $24,805 $25,235 $25,647 $26,118 $26,548 $26,982 $27,415 $27,868 $28,298 $28,728 $29,159 $29,613 $30,045 $30,477 $30,929 $31,361 $31,987 $32,627 $33,607 $34,277 $34,965 $35,662 $36,844 $37,581 $38,333 WH5 15 Clinic $24,953 $25,386 $25,798 $26,269 $26,699 $27,133 $27,562 $28,016 $28,448 $28,878 $29,311 $29,764 $30,193 $30,627 $31,077 $31,509 $32,139 $32,784 $33,767 $34,441 $35,132 $35,834 $37,021 $37,762 $38,516 WH6 18 Clinic $25,029 $25,462 $25,871 $26,342 $26,776 $27,207 $27,639 $28,091 $28,523 $28,955 $29,388 $29,835 $30,269 $30,702 $31,154 $31,586 $32,217 $32,860 $33,844 $34,526 $35,217 $35,920 $37,108 $37,851 $38,608 WHA 2 Yr. Degree $25,485 $25,922 $26,331 $26,800 $27,234 $27,666 $28,099 $28,552 $28,982 $29,413 $29,846 $30,297 $30,729 $31,160 $31,613 $32,044 $32,665 $33,303 $34,303 $34,987 $35,688 $36,400 $37,606 $38,359 $39,125 WHB 4 Yr. Degree $26,793 $27,228 $27,639 $28,111 $28,542 $28,974 $29,407 $29,859 $30,289 $30,722 $31,152 $31,606 $32,035 $32,468 $32,923 $33,353 $33,975 $34,611 $35,650 $36,363 $37,090 $37,830 $39,083 $39,865 $40,662 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a site maintenance employee is promoted to a higher paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 64 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 SITE MAINTENANCE FOREMAN-MIDDLE 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WI0 0 Clinic $27,328 $27,758 $28,210 $28,639 $29,071 $29,505 $29,937 $30,391 $30,818 $31,252 $31,683 $32,135 $32,566 $32,998 $33,430 $33,881 $34,560 $35,250 $36,306 $37,035 $37,774 $38,530 $39,807 $40,603 $41,415 WI1 3 Clinic $27,399 $27,830 $28,285 $28,716 $29,150 $29,579 $30,012 $30,462 $30,896 $31,330 $31,760 $32,212 $32,641 $33,071 $33,507 $33,958 $34,636 $35,329 $36,388 $37,114 $37,861 $38,617 $39,896 $40,694 $41,508 WI2 6 Clinic $27,475 $27,906 $28,360 $28,791 $29,222 $29,657 $30,089 $30,537 $30,969 $31,405 $31,835 $32,286 $32,718 $33,151 $33,580 $34,032 $34,713 $35,408 $36,471 $37,199 $37,945 $38,704 $39,985 $40,785 $41,601 WI3 9 Clinic $27,552 $27,980 $28,438 $28,865 $29,296 $29,731 $30,163 $30,617 $31,045 $31,477 $31,910 $32,360 $32,792 $33,226 $33,656 $34,107 $34,790 $35,485 $36,548 $37,281 $38,023 $38,786 $40,071 $40,873 $41,690 WI5 15 Clinic $27,700 $28,135 $28,584 $29,014 $29,450 $29,881 $30,312 $30,766 $31,195 $31,627 $32,058 $32,513 $32,943 $33,375 $33,807 $34,258 $34,945 $35,645 $36,715 $37,446 $38,199 $38,961 $40,250 $41,055 $41,876 WIA 2 Yr. Degree $28,236 $28,669 $29,118 $29,552 $29,984 $30,414 $30,849 $31,296 $31,729 $32,163 $32,593 $33,045 $33,476 $33,911 $34,341 $34,793 $35,472 $36,162 $37,245 $37,992 $38,751 $39,527 $40,836 $41,653 $42,486 WIB 4 Yr. Degree $29,544 $29,976 $30,428 $30,859 $31,290 $31,722 $32,153 $32,607 $33,038 $33,468 $33,902 $34,352 $34,785 $35,219 $35,650 $36,098 $36,776 $37,469 $38,590 $39,366 $40,150 $40,953 $42,309 $43,155 $44,018 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a site maintenance employee is promoted to a higher paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 65 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 SITE MAINTENANCE FOREMAN-SR. HIGH 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WJ0 0 Clinic $30,053 $30,485 $30,936 $31,349 $31,802 $32,233 $32,663 $33,100 $33,549 $33,978 $34,412 $34,866 $35,294 $35,728 $36,158 $36,614 $37,342 $38,089 $39,235 $40,017 $40,817 $41,633 $43,015 $43,875 $44,753 WJ2 6 Clinic $30,205 $30,637 $31,088 $31,501 $31,952 $32,382 $32,815 $33,247 $33,699 $34,134 $34,562 $35,014 $35,445 $35,878 $36,308 $36,763 $37,495 $38,245 $39,393 $40,181 $40,985 $41,805 $43,189 $44,052 $44,933 WJ3 9 Clinic $30,282 $30,710 $31,161 $31,575 $32,027 $32,457 $32,891 $33,323 $33,775 $34,207 $34,637 $35,089 $35,521 $35,954 $36,386 $36,839 $37,573 $38,325 $39,474 $40,265 $41,071 $41,889 $43,277 $44,143 $45,026 WJ5 15 Clinic $30,431 $30,862 $31,312 $31,726 $32,180 $32,610 $33,043 $33,471 $33,925 $34,355 $34,789 $35,242 $35,673 $36,104 $36,536 $36,987 $37,728 $38,482 $39,636 $40,430 $41,238 $42,059 $43,455 $44,324 $45,211 WJ9 27 Clinic $30,799 $31,228 $31,680 $32,095 $32,545 $32,975 $33,407 $33,838 $34,293 $34,725 $35,153 $35,608 $36,039 $36,471 $36,902 $37,350 $38,099 $38,860 $40,026 $40,829 $41,644 $42,480 $43,883 $44,761 $45,656 WJA 2Yr. Degree $30,964 $31,396 $31,845 $32,258 $32,712 $33,143 $33,574 $34,007 $34,459 $34,889 $35,323 $35,773 $36,203 $36,636 $37,068 $37,524 $38,251 $38,998 $40,171 $40,973 $41,793 $42,628 $44,039 $44,920 $45,819 WJB 4Yr. Degree $32,273 $32,705 $33,157 $33,568 $34,021 $34,452 $34,883 $35,317 $35,767 $36,197 $36,629 $37,082 $37,515 $37,946 $38,378 $38,830 $39,560 $40,309 $41,517 $42,350 $43,198 $44,060 $45,520 $46,430 $47,359 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a site maintenance employee is promoted to a higher paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 66 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 ATTENDANCE ASSISTANT 2013-14 10 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 5 WK0 0 Sem. Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hrs. $22,214 $22,510 $22,807 $23,050 $23,328 $23,606 $23,883 $24,145 $24,439 $24,683 $24,978 $25,228 $25,520 $25,781 $26,076 $26,337 $26,864 $27,400 $28,225 $28,790 $29,363 $29,953 $30,943 $31,563 $32,194 WK5 15 Sem. Hrs. $22,559 $22,854 $23,148 $23,392 $23,669 $23,951 $24,227 $24,489 $24,783 $25,029 $25,326 $25,570 $25,860 $26,122 $26,421 $26,680 $27,214 $27,758 $28,588 $29,160 $29,745 $30,337 $31,343 $31,971 $32,610 WKA 2Yr. WKB 4Yr. Degree $23,123 $23,419 $23,717 $23,960 $24,237 $24,516 $24,794 $25,055 $25,348 $25,596 $25,886 $26,139 $26,432 $26,689 $26,986 $27,251 $27,774 $28,310 $29,159 $29,743 $30,336 $30,943 $31,973 $32,612 $33,264 Degree $24,434 $24,727 $25,026 $25,269 $25,547 $25,823 $26,100 $26,366 $26,658 $26,902 $27,198 $27,445 $27,739 $28,002 $28,294 $28,556 $29,081 $29,621 $30,510 $31,121 $31,743 $32,376 $33,451 $34,121 $34,803 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 67 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 WAREHOUSEMAN I 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 RA0 0 Sem. RA2 6 Sem. Hrs. $24,361 $24,597 $24,893 $25,166 $25,403 $25,678 $25,930 $26,168 $26,459 $26,719 $26,974 $27,251 $27,498 $27,777 $28,034 $28,326 $28,891 $29,474 $30,357 $30,964 $31,584 $32,215 $33,281 $33,945 $34,625 Hrs. $24,531 $24,767 $25,062 $25,337 $25,573 $25,848 $26,100 $26,337 $26,633 $26,885 $27,143 $27,417 $27,673 $27,948 $28,203 $28,496 $29,067 $29,647 $30,536 $31,148 $31,770 $32,405 $33,478 $34,147 $34,830 RA5 15 Sem. Hrs. $24,787 $25,024 $25,317 $25,591 $25,826 $26,100 $26,357 $26,592 $26,885 $27,143 $27,397 $27,673 $27,928 $28,203 $28,456 $28,751 $29,327 $29,913 $30,810 $31,427 $32,055 $32,698 $33,780 $34,456 $35,145 RA8 24 Sem. Hrs. $25,042 $25,277 $25,573 $25,848 $26,084 $26,357 $26,614 $26,850 $27,143 $27,397 $27,656 $27,928 $28,182 $28,456 $28,714 $29,007 $29,589 $30,180 $31,085 $31,707 $32,343 $32,990 $34,081 $34,763 $35,458 RAA 2Yr. RAB 4Yr. Degree $25,272 $25,507 $25,802 $26,078 $26,311 $26,585 $26,845 $27,074 $27,372 $27,629 $27,882 $28,157 $28,410 $28,690 $28,943 $29,235 $29,804 $30,386 $31,293 $31,918 $32,556 $33,209 $34,308 $34,993 $35,693 Degree $26,578 $26,811 $27,112 $27,385 $27,618 $27,896 $28,150 $28,385 $28,680 $28,934 $29,189 $29,467 $29,718 $29,995 $30,252 $30,542 $31,113 $31,692 $32,641 $33,295 $33,961 $34,641 $35,786 $36,502 $37,232 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 68 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 WAREHOUSEMAN II 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 RB0 0 Sem. RB1 3 Sem. RB2 6 Sem. Hrs. $27,129 $27,385 $27,661 $27,935 $28,191 $28,445 $28,739 $28,974 $29,228 $29,524 $29,761 $30,035 $30,252 $30,542 $30,818 $31,075 $31,698 $32,328 $33,300 $33,965 $34,645 $35,338 $36,506 $37,237 $37,981 Hrs. $27,214 $27,469 $27,744 $28,018 $28,276 $28,529 $28,822 $29,061 $29,316 $29,610 $29,847 $30,119 $30,333 $30,630 $30,907 $31,159 $31,782 $32,418 $33,392 $34,060 $34,739 $35,436 $36,610 $37,342 $38,088 Hrs. $27,298 $27,554 $27,827 $28,105 $28,360 $28,616 $28,911 $29,148 $29,399 $29,693 $29,928 $30,205 $30,422 $30,714 $30,992 $31,244 $31,870 $32,509 $33,482 $34,150 $34,835 $35,530 $36,708 $37,443 $38,191 RB5 15 Sem. Hrs. $27,554 $27,812 $28,085 $28,360 $28,616 $28,871 $29,161 $29,399 $29,657 $29,949 $30,184 $30,458 $30,674 $30,969 $31,244 $31,501 $32,131 $32,773 $33,757 $34,432 $35,119 $35,823 $37,007 $37,748 $38,502 RBA 2Yr. RBB 4Yr. Degree $28,039 $28,296 $28,572 $28,845 $29,101 $29,353 $29,648 $29,884 $30,140 $30,435 $30,670 $30,943 $31,160 $31,455 $31,729 $31,985 $32,607 $33,240 $34,238 $34,923 $35,621 $36,334 $37,537 $38,287 $39,053 Degree $29,346 $29,601 $29,879 $30,154 $30,405 $30,664 $30,955 $31,193 $31,447 $31,743 $31,978 $32,254 $32,468 $32,762 $33,038 $33,294 $33,915 $34,548 $35,586 $36,297 $37,023 $37,764 $39,014 $39,795 $40,591 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a Warehouseman I is promoted to a Warehouseman II classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education 69 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 WAREHOUSEMAN III 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 RC0 0 Sem. Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hrs. $29,898 $30,154 $30,446 $30,702 $30,955 $31,212 $31,506 $31,762 $31,999 $32,293 $32,526 $32,803 $33,038 $33,313 $33,588 $33,842 $34,522 $35,212 $36,266 $36,990 $37,731 $38,485 $39,760 $40,555 $41,366 RC5 15 Sem. Hrs. $30,323 $30,579 $30,874 $31,128 $31,381 $31,635 $31,933 $32,187 $32,423 $32,718 $32,952 $33,228 $33,463 $33,736 $34,013 $34,267 $34,952 $35,653 $36,722 $37,458 $38,208 $38,972 $40,263 $41,068 $41,890 RCA 2Yr. RCB 4Yr. Degree $30,807 $31,064 $31,356 $31,613 $31,868 $32,121 $32,416 $32,670 $32,907 $33,203 $33,437 $33,710 $33,948 $34,222 $34,497 $34,755 $35,429 $36,121 $37,203 $37,948 $38,707 $39,483 $40,788 $41,603 $42,436 Degree $32,115 $32,371 $32,663 $32,923 $33,173 $33,430 $33,726 $33,978 $34,216 $34,509 $34,745 $35,021 $35,254 $35,529 $35,810 $36,062 $36,738 $37,431 $38,552 $39,321 $40,106 $40,912 $42,266 $43,112 $43,974 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a Warehouseman II is promoted to a Warehouseman III classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 70 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 WAREHOUSE LABORER 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 XA0 0 Sem. Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hrs. $24,361 $24,597 $24,893 $25,166 $25,403 $25,678 $25,930 $26,168 $26,459 $26,719 $26,974 $27,251 $27,498 $27,777 $28,034 $28,326 $28,891 $29,474 $30,357 $30,964 $31,584 $32,215 $33,281 $33,946 $34,625 XA5 15 Sem. Hrs. $24,797 $25,032 $25,327 $25,599 $25,836 $26,109 $26,368 $26,601 $26,897 $27,149 $27,406 $27,680 $27,938 $28,211 $28,467 $28,762 $29,335 $29,919 $30,818 $31,433 $32,063 $32,705 $33,788 $34,463 $35,153 XAA 2Yr. XAB 4Yr. Degree $25,272 $25,507 $25,802 $26,078 $26,311 $26,585 $26,845 $27,074 $27,372 $27,629 $27,882 $28,157 $28,410 $28,690 $28,943 $29,235 $29,804 $30,386 $31,293 $31,918 $32,556 $33,209 $34,308 $34,993 $35,693 Degree $26,578 $26,811 $27,112 $27,385 $27,618 $27,896 $28,150 $28,385 $28,680 $28,934 $29,189 $29,467 $29,718 $29,995 $30,252 $30,542 $31,113 $31,692 $32,641 $33,295 $33,961 $34,641 $35,786 $36,502 $37,232 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a maintenance employee is promoted to a commensurate higher-paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 71 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 MAIL COURIER I, SAFETY & SECURITY OFFICER I 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 XB0 0 Sem. Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hrs. $25,816 $26,106 $26,367 $26,639 $26,894 $27,148 $27,403 $27,679 $27,956 $28,210 $28,466 $28,761 $28,992 $29,268 $29,543 $29,761 $30,356 $30,963 $31,891 $32,528 $33,181 $33,842 $34,967 $35,666 $36,379 XB5 15 Sem. Hrs. $26,248 $26,542 $26,795 $27,070 $27,329 $27,583 $27,834 $28,111 $28,387 $28,640 $28,900 $29,191 $29,426 $29,702 $29,976 $30,192 $30,799 $31,413 $32,356 $33,000 $33,660 $34,334 $35,472 $36,181 $36,905 XBA 2Yr. XBB 4Yr. Degree $26,725 $27,019 $27,274 $27,550 $27,805 $28,060 $28,312 $28,587 $28,862 $29,118 $29,377 $29,670 $29,904 $30,179 $30,452 $30,670 $31,267 $31,872 $32,830 $33,485 $34,155 $34,838 $35,994 $36,714 $37,449 Degree $28,034 $28,326 $28,583 $28,855 $29,113 $29,367 $29,623 $29,898 $30,173 $30,428 $30,685 $30,980 $31,212 $31,486 $31,762 $31,978 $32,575 $33,181 $34,178 $34,863 $35,559 $36,271 $37,472 $38,221 $38,986 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a maintenance employee is promoted to a commensurate higher-paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 72 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 MAIL COURIER II, LEAD DRIVERS & SAFETY SECURITY OFFICER II, 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES * 11 MONTH CONTRACTS ARE PRORATED ACCORDINGLY Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 XC0 0 Sem. XC3 9 Sem. Hrs. $30,252 $30,542 $30,818 $31,075 $31,332 $31,606 $31,859 $32,152 $32,391 $32,645 $32,922 $33,194 $33,430 $33,688 $33,978 $34,216 $34,902 $35,597 $36,666 $37,401 $38,147 $38,911 $40,201 $41,005 $41,825 Hrs. $30,512 $30,806 $31,080 $31,337 $31,591 $31,866 $32,119 $32,414 $32,649 $32,906 $33,181 $33,455 $33,692 $33,947 $34,241 $34,479 $35,165 $35,868 $36,946 $37,683 $38,439 $39,205 $40,505 $41,315 $42,141 XC5 15 Sem. Hrs. $30,685 $30,980 $31,253 $31,508 $31,765 $32,039 $32,294 $32,590 $32,823 $33,076 $33,353 $33,631 $33,867 $34,119 $34,413 $34,651 $35,345 $36,051 $37,132 $37,876 $38,629 $39,403 $40,709 $41,523 $42,353 XCA 2Yr. XCB 4Yr. Degree $31,160 $31,455 $31,729 $31,985 $32,240 $32,517 $32,769 $33,063 $33,300 $33,555 $33,831 $34,105 $34,341 $34,597 $34,889 $35,125 $35,814 $36,508 $37,604 $38,358 $39,124 $39,903 $41,226 $42,050 $42,892 Degree $32,468 $32,762 $33,038 $33,294 $33,549 $33,823 $34,077 $34,372 $34,608 $34,866 $35,140 $35,413 $35,650 $35,906 $36,197 $36,434 $37,120 $37,816 $38,953 $39,732 $40,527 $41,339 $42,707 $43,561 $44,433 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a maintenance employee is promoted to a commensurate higher-paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 73 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC/EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III, FIELD & GROUNDS SPECIALIST, CERTIFIED (LE) SAFETY OFFICER 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 XD0 0 Sem. XD1 3 Sem. XD2 6 Sem. Hrs. $32,509 $32,803 $33,038 $33,313 $33,588 $33,842 $34,099 $34,394 $34,608 $34,883 $35,140 $35,392 $35,688 $35,946 $36,197 $36,454 $37,184 $37,929 $39,064 $39,843 $40,641 $41,455 $42,828 $43,685 $44,558 Hrs. $32,594 $32,888 $33,125 $33,399 $33,673 $33,928 $34,184 $34,481 $34,695 $34,970 $35,226 $35,482 $35,774 $36,029 $36,285 $36,540 $37,272 $38,015 $39,157 $39,940 $40,738 $41,551 $42,927 $43,786 $44,661 Hrs. $32,684 $32,977 $33,213 $33,486 $33,761 $34,015 $34,273 $34,568 $34,780 $35,057 $35,312 $35,569 $35,861 $36,117 $36,371 $36,627 $37,360 $38,104 $39,253 $40,035 $40,836 $41,652 $43,033 $43,894 $44,771 XD5 15 Sem. Hrs. $32,942 $33,237 $33,470 $33,743 $34,021 $34,276 $34,534 $34,829 $35,041 $35,317 $35,576 $35,827 $36,121 $36,376 $36,631 $36,886 $37,624 $38,374 $39,527 $40,318 $41,124 $41,947 $43,337 $44,204 $45,087 XD8 24 Sem. Hrs. $33,203 $33,497 $33,731 $34,006 $34,279 $34,538 $34,793 $35,087 $35,303 $35,579 $35,833 $36,088 $36,381 $36,636 $36,893 $37,147 $37,888 $38,647 $39,807 $40,601 $41,416 $42,245 $43,643 $44,516 $45,407 XDA 2Yr. XDB 4Yr. Degree $33,416 $33,710 $33,948 $34,222 $34,497 $34,755 $35,009 $35,303 $35,519 $35,791 $36,050 $36,302 $36,597 $36,853 $37,108 $37,363 $38,092 $38,840 $40,002 $40,801 $41,617 $42,450 $43,858 $44,735 $45,630 Degree $34,727 $35,021 $35,254 $35,529 $35,810 $36,062 $36,317 $36,611 $36,830 $37,101 $37,357 $37,610 $37,904 $38,163 $38,417 $38,672 $39,400 $40,144 $41,348 $42,177 $43,022 $43,881 $45,333 $46,240 $47,165 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a maintenance employee is promoted to a commensurate higher-paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 74 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 MAINTENANCE PLUMBER III, ELECTRICIAN III, AIR CONDITIONING III, CARPENTER III, AV MECHANIC III, & PAINTER III, BUILDING AUTOMATION TECHNICIAN, REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN, SENIOR APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN, LOCKSMITH III, SAFETY SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 XF0 0 Sem. XF1 3 Sem. XF2 6 Sem. XF3 9 Sem. Hrs. $39,770 $40,025 $40,282 $40,557 $40,831 $41,068 $41,360 $41,616 $41,874 $42,107 $42,400 $42,656 $42,932 $43,206 $43,425 $43,719 $44,592 $45,485 $46,849 $47,785 $48,743 $49,717 $51,365 $52,392 $53,439 Hrs. $39,860 $40,109 $40,367 $40,642 $40,919 $41,154 $41,449 $41,702 $41,958 $42,193 $42,491 $42,745 $43,021 $43,294 $43,508 $43,804 $44,680 $45,571 $46,939 $47,877 $48,832 $49,813 $51,462 $52,491 $53,540 Hrs. $39,946 $40,201 $40,454 $40,729 $41,007 $41,241 $41,535 $41,789 $42,045 $42,284 $42,574 $42,829 $43,104 $43,381 $43,596 $43,889 $44,764 $45,661 $47,033 $47,975 $48,932 $49,911 $51,564 $52,595 $53,646 Hrs. $40,030 $40,287 $40,542 $40,815 $41,092 $41,328 $41,619 $41,878 $42,134 $42,368 $42,661 $42,917 $43,194 $43,466 $43,681 $43,978 $44,857 $45,755 $47,124 $48,067 $49,033 $50,009 $51,667 $52,700 $53,754 XF4 12 Sem. Hrs. $40,117 $40,372 $40,628 $40,905 $41,180 $41,415 $41,708 $41,961 $42,217 $42,452 $42,750 $43,004 $43,279 $43,552 $43,768 $44,063 $44,945 $45,843 $47,220 $48,164 $49,125 $50,108 $51,771 $52,806 $53,862 XF5 15 Sem. Hrs. $40,206 $40,457 $40,715 $40,989 $41,266 $41,501 $41,795 $42,049 $42,304 $42,540 $42,837 $43,091 $43,367 $43,641 $43,858 $44,149 $45,032 $45,932 $47,309 $48,257 $49,225 $50,205 $51,872 $52,910 $53,968 XF7 21 Sem. Hrs. $40,376 $40,634 $40,886 $41,163 $41,438 $41,677 $41,967 $42,222 $42,482 $42,717 $43,007 $43,265 $43,540 $43,814 $44,029 $44,325 $45,211 $46,116 $47,499 $48,448 $49,416 $50,407 $52,075 $53,116 $54,178 XF8 24 Sem. Hrs. $40,464 $40,719 $40,977 $41,250 $41,527 $41,760 $42,054 $42,309 $42,566 $42,801 $43,098 $43,347 $43,626 $43,901 $44,118 $44,411 $45,300 $46,204 $47,593 $48,545 $49,514 $50,504 $52,180 $53,223 $54,288 XFA 2Yr. XFB 4Yr. Degree $40,680 $40,935 $41,194 $41,468 $41,740 $41,974 $42,272 $42,527 $42,782 $43,020 $43,312 $43,568 $43,842 $44,118 $44,335 $44,626 $45,503 $46,394 $47,785 $48,743 $49,717 $50,712 $52,391 $53,439 $54,508 Degree $41,990 $42,245 $42,502 $42,774 $43,051 $43,286 $43,577 $43,837 $44,089 $44,326 $44,618 $44,877 $45,152 $45,423 $45,643 $45,934 $46,810 $47,704 $49,130 $50,115 $51,119 $52,141 $53,868 $54,945 $56,044 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a maintenance employee is promoted to a commensurate higher-paying classification, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 75 PENDING REMOVAL – NOT INCREASED FOR 2013-14 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 LEAD WORKER/ASSISTANT TRAINERS 2013-14 11 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 07 – 8 Hrs/Day XL0 0 Sem. Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hrs. $25,878 $26,128 $26,364 $26,584 $26,802 $27,036 $27,254 $27,504 $27,708 $27,927 $28,163 $28,396 $28,597 $28,818 $29,068 $29,270 $29,857 $30,452 $31,366 $31,995 $32,634 $33,287 $34,389 XL5 15 Sem. Hrs. $26,249 $26,502 $26,736 $26,955 $27,174 $27,407 $27,625 $27,878 $28,078 $28,296 $28,532 $28,771 $28,970 $29,187 $29,437 $29,642 $30,234 $30,840 $31,764 $32,401 $33,045 $33,708 $34,824 XLA 2Yr. XLB 4Yr. Degree $26,656 $26,908 $27,142 $27,361 $27,579 $27,817 $28,033 $28,285 $28,486 $28,704 $28,940 $29,176 $29,376 $29,595 $29,847 $30,048 $30,636 $31,230 $32,169 $32,812 $33,469 $34,136 $35,266 Degree $27,775 $28,027 $28,263 $28,481 $28,700 $28,934 $29,151 $29,403 $29,606 $29,826 $30,062 $30,294 $30,496 $30,716 $30,964 $31,167 $31,756 $32,349 $33,323 $33,988 $34,668 $35,364 $36,535 All credit may be granted for verified previous related experience. Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education 76 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 SCHOOL BUS GARAGE LABORER MECHANIC TRAINEE & TRANSPORTATION PARTS ROOM ASSISTANT 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GA0 0 Sem. GA1 3 Sem. Hrs. $24,361 $24,597 $24,893 $25,166 $25,403 $25,678 $25,930 $26,168 $26,459 $26,719 $26,974 $27,251 $27,498 $27,777 $28,034 $28,326 $28,890 $29,473 $30,356 $30,963 $31,582 $32,213 $33,278 $33,944 $34,623 Hrs. $24,445 $24,681 $24,977 $25,253 $25,486 $25,764 $26,019 $26,256 $26,547 $26,801 $27,060 $27,335 $27,590 $27,867 $28,117 $28,413 $28,980 $29,561 $30,446 $31,055 $31,678 $32,312 $33,383 $34,050 $34,731 GA5 15 Sem. Hrs. $24,797 $25,032 $25,326 $25,599 $25,835 $26,109 $26,367 $26,600 $26,894 $27,149 $27,403 $27,680 $27,935 $28,211 $28,466 $28,761 $29,335 $29,919 $30,818 $31,433 $32,063 $32,705 $33,788 $34,463 $35,152 GAA 2Yr. GAB 4Yr. Degree $25,272 $25,507 $25,802 $26,078 $26,311 $26,585 $26,845 $27,074 $27,372 $27,629 $27,882 $28,157 $28,410 $28,690 $28,943 $29,235 $29,803 $30,384 $31,292 $31,917 $32,555 $33,207 $34,307 $34,992 $35,692 Degree $26,578 $26,811 $27,112 $27,385 $27,618 $27,896 $28,150 $28,385 $28,680 $28,934 $29,189 $29,467 $29,718 $29,995 $30,252 $30,542 $31,110 $31,691 $32,640 $33,294 $33,959 $34,640 $35,784 $36,500 $37,231 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a mechanic is promoted to a commensurate higher-paying classification, within the unit, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 77 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 TRANSPORTATION PARTS MANAGER 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 GB0 0 Sem. Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hrs. $25,816 $26,106 $26,367 $26,639 $26,894 $27,148 $27,403 $27,679 $27,956 $28,210 $28,466 $28,761 $28,992 $29,268 $29,543 $29,761 $30,356 $30,963 $31,891 $32,528 $33,181 $33,842 $34,967 $35,666 $36,380 GB5 15 Sem. Hrs. $26,248 $26,542 $26,795 $27,070 $27,329 $27,583 $27,834 $28,111 $28,386 $28,640 $28,900 $29,191 $29,425 $29,702 $29,976 $30,191 $30,799 $31,413 $32,356 $33,000 $33,660 $34,334 $35,472 $36,181 $36,905 GBA 2Yr. GBB 4Yr. Degree $26,725 $27,019 $27,274 $27,550 $27,805 $28,060 $28,312 $28,587 $28,862 $29,118 $29,377 $29,670 $29,904 $30,179 $30,452 $30,670 $31,267 $31,872 $32,830 $33,485 $34,155 $34,838 $35,994 $36,715 $37,449 Degree $28,034 $28,326 $28,583 $28,855 $29,113 $29,367 $29,623 $29,898 $30,173 $30,428 $30,685 $30,980 $31,212 $31,486 $31,762 $31,978 $32,575 $33,181 $34,178 $34,863 $35,559 $36,271 $37,472 $38,221 $38,986 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a parts manager is promoted to a commensurate higher-paying classification, within the unit, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 78 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 SCHOOL BUS GARAGE MECHANIC II, BUS TECHNICIAN, INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GD0 0 Sem. GD1 3 Sem. GD3 9 Sem. Hrs. $35,688 $35,946 $36,197 $36,454 $36,753 $37,001 $37,258 $37,493 $37,749 $38,042 $38,279 $38,554 $38,829 $39,085 $39,336 $39,633 $40,429 $41,237 $42,475 $43,324 $44,191 $45,074 $46,567 $47,498 $48,449 Hrs. $35,774 $36,030 $36,285 $36,541 $36,838 $37,091 $37,344 $37,582 $37,833 $38,133 $38,366 $38,641 $38,916 $39,170 $39,424 $39,723 $40,514 $41,327 $42,566 $43,417 $44,284 $45,170 $46,667 $47,600 $48,553 Hrs. $35,949 $36,202 $36,459 $36,716 $37,008 $37,263 $37,522 $37,755 $38,010 $38,305 $38,543 $38,814 $39,090 $39,347 $39,600 $39,896 $40,691 $41,505 $42,752 $43,607 $44,477 $45,368 $46,871 $47,808 $48,765 GD5 15 Sem. Hrs. $36,121 $36,376 $36,630 $36,886 $37,183 $37,437 $37,689 $37,929 $38,180 $38,478 $38,712 $38,987 $39,261 $39,518 $39,771 $40,068 $40,867 $41,686 $42,936 $43,794 $44,671 $45,564 $47,071 $48,012 $48,973 GD8 24 Sem. Hrs. $36,381 $36,636 $36,891 $37,147 $37,442 $37,695 $37,952 $38,190 $38,443 $38,735 $38,973 $39,251 $39,521 $39,775 $40,031 $40,325 $41,132 $41,957 $43,213 $44,080 $44,962 $45,862 $47,380 $48,329 $49,295 GDA 2Yr. GDB 4Yr. Degree $36,597 $36,853 $37,108 $37,363 $37,661 $37,912 $38,168 $38,405 $38,659 $38,955 $39,187 $39,465 $39,738 $39,994 $40,249 $40,543 $41,339 $42,147 $43,410 $44,275 $45,164 $46,066 $47,594 $48,547 $49,517 Degree $37,904 $38,163 $38,417 $38,672 $38,969 $39,220 $39,475 $39,715 $39,969 $40,262 $40,498 $40,774 $41,047 $41,305 $41,556 $41,851 $42,644 $43,455 $44,757 $45,652 $46,566 $47,498 $49,069 $50,052 $51,051 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a mechanic is promoted to a commensurate higher-paying classification, within the unit, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. Supplement @ $40/month per certification, maximum of 10 @ $400 (code SPBST) 79 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 SCHOOL BUS GARAGE MECHANIC III & CERTIFIED BUS TECHNICIAN 2013-14 12 MONTH EMPLOYEES Pay Type 9 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GE0 0 Sem. GE3 9 Sem. Hrs. $39,770 $40,025 $40,282 $40,557 $40,831 $41,068 $41,360 $41,616 $41,874 $42,107 $42,400 $42,656 $42,932 $43,206 $43,425 $43,719 $44,592 $45,485 $46,849 $47,785 $48,743 $49,717 $51,365 $52,392 $53,439 Hrs. $40,030 $40,287 $40,542 $40,815 $41,092 $41,328 $41,619 $41,878 $42,134 $42,368 $42,661 $42,917 $43,194 $43,466 $43,681 $43,978 $44,859 $45,756 $47,126 $48,069 $49,034 $50,010 $51,668 $52,701 $53,755 GE5 15 Sem. Hrs. $40,205 $40,457 $40,715 $40,989 $41,265 $41,501 $41,795 $42,049 $42,303 $42,539 $42,835 $43,091 $43,366 $43,640 $43,858 $44,149 $45,032 $45,932 $47,309 $48,257 $49,225 $50,205 $51,872 $52,910 $53,968 GE8 24 Sem. Hrs. $40,462 $40,719 $40,977 $41,250 $41,526 $41,760 $42,052 $42,309 $42,565 $42,800 $43,097 $43,347 $43,623 $43,900 $44,118 $44,411 $45,300 $46,204 $47,593 $48,545 $49,514 $50,504 $52,180 $53,223 $54,288 GEA 2Yr. GEB 4Yr. Degree $40,680 $40,935 $41,194 $41,468 $41,740 $41,974 $42,272 $42,527 $42,782 $43,020 $43,312 $43,568 $43,842 $44,118 $44,335 $44,626 $45,503 $46,394 $47,785 $48,743 $49,717 $50,712 $52,391 $53,439 $54,508 Degree $41,990 $42,245 $42,502 $42,774 $43,051 $43,286 $43,577 $43,837 $44,089 $44,326 $44,618 $44,877 $45,152 $45,423 $45,643 $45,934 $46,810 $47,704 $49,130 $50,115 $51,119 $52,141 $53,868 $54,946 $56,045 Each 3 semester course is equivalent to 60 in-service training points. Course work or in-service training points must be related to position held. When a mechanic is promoted to a commensurate higher-paying classification, within the unit, he/she will be placed on the same step as before. Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. Supplement @ $40/month per certification, maximum of 10 @ $400 (code SPBST)), only when in excess of the 5 certifications required for the “certified” designation of this position 80 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 BUS DRIVERS (0T1) 2013-14 183-DAY EMPLOYEES, HOURLY RATE OF PAY Pay Type 01 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0T1 $15.24 $15.40 $15.56 $15.71 $15.87 $16.01 $16.14 $16.27 $16.47 $16.59 $16.75 $16.95 $17.07 $17.16 $17.37 $17.49 $17.87 $18.23 $18.77 $19.18 $19.53 $19.93 $20.59 $21.01 $21.43 Drivers having runs requiring less than 4 hours will be paid for 4 hours minimum. Drivers having a layover due to double sessions will be allowed to claim up to a maximum of 1 hour for their time waiting. Drivers on field trips will be paid according to the CWA contract. If a bus driver is required by the Board to have a physical, the driver shall cooperate fully in taking the physical in a timely fashion. The Superintendent shall determine the specific kind of physical. The Superintendent shall make arrangements and/or provide for the physical. The Director of Transportation, at the Superintendent's option, may allow the employee to obtain the physical from the employee's own physician and reimburse the employee a reasonable fee to be determined by the Superintendent. A rate equivalent to minimum wage will be paid to Drivers for required in-service training. When drivers are required upon request of a Board Administrator to attend parent conferences they shall be paid at their regular rate of pay and there will be no minimum time pay. Supplements: o Two-Year degree @ $727 (code SPDB2) o Four-Year degree @ $1,045 (code (SPDB4) Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. 81 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES 2013-14 OSA - FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT I 0SB - FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT II 0SC - COOKS, BAKERS 183-DAY EMPLOYEES, HOURLY RATE OF PAY Pay Type 01 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0SA $10.56 $10.69 $10.82 $10.98 $11.06 $11.23 $11.35 $11.45 $11.63 $11.74 $11.86 $11.96 $12.10 $12.26 $12.37 $12.48 $12.74 $12.96 $13.36 $13.62 $13.89 $14.16 $14.63 $14.93 $15.23 0SB $10.79 $10.94 $11.03 $11.16 $11.31 $11.40 $11.56 $11.71 $11.81 $11.92 $12.02 $12.20 $12.35 $12.46 $12.58 $12.74 $12.96 $13.23 $13.64 $13.90 $14.18 $14.47 $14.95 $15.25 $15.55 0SC $11.27 $11.38 $11.53 $11.66 $11.76 $11.90 $11.99 $12.18 $12.33 $12.40 $12.55 $12.71 $12.81 $12.93 $13.05 $13.18 $13.44 $13.72 $14.13 $14.39 $14.70 $15.00 $15.48 $15.80 $16.11 Pre-requisite for OSB: 1 year experience in St. Lucie County School District in school food service and at least 1 approved food service course. Pre-requisite for OSC: 1 year experience in St. Lucie County School District in school food service and at least 2 approved food service courses. (continued on next page) 82 FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES (continued) Interim category for OSC: Those employees with one year of St. Lucie County School District school food service experience who wish to pursue the cook or baker level may work and be paid in that classification for one calendar year. Within that calendar year, they must complete the 2 approved food service courses. Failing to do so will result in their demotion the following year to their previous classification and level of pay. Supplements: o Two-Year degree @ $727 (code SPDB2) o Four-Year degree @ $1,045 (code (SPDB4) Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. Pre-requisite for OSB & OSC: o A salary level increase is dependent upon an overall satisfactory annual performance evaluation in the immediate prior year. o The food service courses must be satisfactorily completed since July 1, 1984 in order to meet the salary level increase requirements. The in-service program will be developed by the Food Service Director as part of St. Lucie County's Master In-service Plan for staff development. Food Service employees who have successfully completed their probationary period as outlined in paragraph 22.5 A of this Agreement, and provide documentation of their annual certification through the School Nutrition Association’s Food Service Certification Program are eligible to receive a one-time payment, payable by June 30, of the calendar year o Employees who earn Level I Certification, $200 per year (code SPFSB) o Employees who earn Level II Certification, $400 per year (code SPFSB) o Employees who earn Level III Certification, $500 per year (code SPFSB) o Employees who earn Trainer Certification, $1000 per year (code SPFSB) A rate of minimum wage per hour will be paid to food service workers for required in-service training. Any employee promoted to another food service classification will be placed on the same step as held before, except for promotions to manager positions, in which case relevant/verifiable experience will be considered prior to the granting of experience credit. 83 EFFECTIVE 07/01/2014 PARKING LOT AND GATE ATTENDANTS & CAMPUS SAFETY MONITORS 2013-14 HOURLY RATE OF PAY 7 & 1/2 HOURS PER DAY Pay Type 23 Step 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WM0 $11.63 $11.75 $11.91 $12.02 $12.21 $12.37 $12.49 $12.65 $12.83 $12.95 $13.09 $13.27 $13.41 $13.54 $13.74 $13.84 $14.22 $14.52 $14.94 $15.23 $15.54 $15.88 $16.39 $16.72 $17.05 Supplements: o Two-Year degree @ $727 (code SPDB2) o Four-Year degree @ $1,045 (code (SPDB4) Degree must be from an accredited University or College as determined by the Florida Department of Education. A rate of minimum wage per hour will be paid to gate attendants for required in-service training. 84