ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT USER'S MANUAL for Interactive MAXBAND (Arterial Case) by Matthew WPi'/1178-80 D. Steele December 1980 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 USER'S MANUAL for Interactive MAXBAND (Arterial Case) by Matthew WP//1178-80 D. Steele December 1980 1 . Abstract MAXBAND is computer program that finds traffic a settings signal to maximize bandwidths on arteries. This manual describes an interactive version of MAXBAND that on PRIME a computer 400 the Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. at Inputs are arterial geometry, signal splits, range of acceptable ranges lengths, permitted. The of cycle speeds and left turn phasing patterns acceptable outputs runs produced are bandwidths, cycle length, beginning and ending times of splits and greenband at each signal, link The manual describes how the user gets speeds and space-time diagrams. onto the computer and uses the program. sample sessions; one using a (5-signals), and another using artery ( 1 -signal printing terminal to solve a graphics terminal to a short artery solve longer a s) This version of MAXBAND program Traces are presented for two developed for lacks the FHWA: two features found in a batch the calculation of green splits from link flows and the ability to handle triangular networks. -1- CHAPTER I Introduction The manner in which traffic signals are set affects large of people every day. Iz numbers therefore desirable to be able to set is signals well and to be able to do so quickly and easily. MAXBAKD is on arteries a computer program that finds traffic so as to maximal achieve signal Problems bandwidth. formulated as nixed integer programs based on a settings theory developed are by Little [1966;1977]. This user's manual describes a particularly convenient interactive version of MAX3AND written in EXPRESS, The mixed integer a high level computer program is solved using package written in FORTRAN by Land and a language. mathematical programming Powell [1973]. A previous interactive version written in EXPRESS was implemented by Rizzi [1977], and a program version written in FORTRAN has been prepared for batch the Federal Highway Administration by Little and latter contains two features not present in Kelson [1980]. The the on-line version; namely, the ability to calculate splits from link flows and the ability to handle simple triangular networks. The program, is currently available on the PRIME located at the Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. implemented on any 400 The program could be facility v/hich supports. EXPRESS , for example, TYMSHARE I3M/370 network which currently offers EXPRESS on basis . -z- minicomputer a the national System inputs include: 1. Arterial geoT.etry 2. Signal splits 3. Range of acceptable cycle lengths M. Ranges of acceptable speeds 5. Left turn phasing patterns permitted Outputs include: 1. Bandwidth in each direction 2. Cycle length 3. Beginning and ending times of splits and greenband each at signal 4. Speeds on links 5. Space-time diagrams It recommended that problems with is on-line, while 10 or less signals be run larger problems (up to 15 signals) should be run under batch operations since it takes several hours to solve such problems on the PRIME. manual. To Batch operations require documentation not provided in this obtain such documentation, contact the East Campus Computing Facilty at the Sloan School of Management. Anyone who would like to solve should contact H.I.T., Cambridge, MA 02139, John D. C. a problem on an experimental basis Little at the Sloan School of Management, (617) 253-3733. -3- CHAPTER 2 Inputs Most users will not require the full generality Therefore, a standard associated speed and tolerance, design from one link to the next fixed at (3) has no band advances for program. the will be defined as one that (1) has problem single outbound design speed and inbound of 10 (2) tolerance and a single a has the limit on speed change per cent of the design speed, and queue clearance in either direction at any signal. A symmetric problem will be data inbound exactly is the defined one as which in same as the outbound data; the all hence, the program only asks for the outbound data. A general problem has no limitations on any of the inputs. The symmetric following few pages contain case, a standard case and filled a complete traces for running the first two inpjt general case. these of input forms for all cases appear in Appendix •4- out A. forms Chapter problems. for 4 a gives Blank The computer starts by asking for the following information which the user provides as applicable: Artery name System of units - Metric or English Number of signals Signal names Type of system - asymmetric or symmetric Outbound distance between signals Cycle time range Outbound design speed Outbound tolerance on design speed Outbound limit on speed change from previous link Outbound red/green splits Outbound band advance (for queue clearing, if applicable) If the user has indicated Otherwise (standard or a general symmetric case, the input is finished. case) he provides the following additional data as applicable: Inbound distance between signals Inbound design speed Inbound tolerance on design speed Inbound limit on speed change from previous link Outbound left turn splits Inbound red/green splits Inbound left turn splits Inbound band advance Desired ratio of inbound to outbound greenbands Left turn pattern selection It in should be pointed cut that left turn green times are only the asymmetric (standard or general) case. -5- used . 1 MAX BANT) Standard Artery (1) Namo of artery: (2) Cycle tine: ^ ^ .v ^1 Lower limit (3) Outbound speed: (4) \V\ Inbound speed: Design center Design center Uoyl^Ufw. (oO \VlCv Number of signals (seconds). 30 3o (5) Target ratio of inbound to outbound band width: 1 Upper limit fOO Tolerance - 3 kph »ph _(seconds) kph ••«»>h- kph Tiptr- . kph . Tolerance \~0 (12) Acceptability of Left Turn Patterns (1 = acceptable, Notes by item nuaber: (3) (A) If no tolerance specified, ±10;: ij assumed as a default. A liait on c h between signals K'qual to the tolerance is assumed. (5) Actual ratio will be target ratio unless lar Is at its linit and smaller can be further increased, in which case it will be. (12) If only outboun phases, fill in (a) and (c) ; if only inbound, (a) and (b) . Other columns are 0. = not) MAXBAXD Symmetric Artery (1) Name of artery: (2) Cycle tine: (3) Speed: (4) lJj"OM0ujGy Carri nVCdQC J , ^^ Lower limit Design cente r ^ j> (5) \13pW , (seconds). . —^ fV'Vu.Number of signals / Tolerance (6) Upper limi t ± ^ JQO \»phr (seconds) ' . Page 1 MAXBANT) General Artery A AmC (1) Name of artery (jJ 1-^(^0051 (2) Cycle tine: (3) Target ratio of Inbound to outbound band width: (A) Maximum number of iterations : Lower Unit Lo .. , (/JcK AvQi^-lzvl ^ , b.C- (seconds). OO, Upper I • Number of signals liraic 1 QO (seconds) — ^ OOO OUTBOIRID DATA (9) Limit on (7) outbound (6) Outbound (8) Outbound design Outbound distance speed speed from from from tolerance previous Signal previous previous Dame signal signal (down = /meters\ /meters' outbound) \-£ n Qfr-/ (5) 1 (Jj i^CO/1 I In (7) speed (12) change link Outbound (10) (11) band Thru Left turn advance green green for for queue + + outbound outbound /kph\ 'kph /kph\ Aph\ /fractionX /fractionX fraction'* /fractionX \jmJ XapV Xa^^) \of cycle / \of of cycley cycle/ \ot cvcle/ clearance page 2 General Artery (13) Name of Artery rtery: (JJV'^C^A^"^ /\\)e. , (conC.) (JUa5 A' VM "U^ , O-C- page General Artery (22) Kane of Artery: CU .Sc:'-^/^ bV'T /IvjC. (cont) ij\ia^)\^^^^{x>yy ^ O-C. LEFT TURM PATTERN CONSTRAINS (23) (2A) Acceptability of Left Turn = not) Patterns (1 = acc^otable, Signal name (down = outbound) (same as page 1) J CHAPTER 3 Using the Computer SECTION 3-1 Logging into the PRIME Interactive MAXBAND exists on a PRIME 400 minicomputer located at the Sloan School of Management and can be reached by dialing: 617-258-6008 One must obtain getting connected a login username and password. to the rest of this user's manual, After calling and computer, hit the carriage return (for the <cr> means hit the carriage return). The password mask. Then computer will then print login please Hit return again, and the computer will print type (in capital letters) LOGIN username password <cr> -11- a If you get double images, type TERM -HALF <cr> If you get no images, type TERM -FULL <cr> Note: @ is the character delete and [ is the line delete Now type A L7LITTLE password <cr> (Consult Professor Little for the current password.) Next type A L.AND. P 2 <cr> SECTION 3.2 Entering EXPRESS Now we want to get into EXPRESS, so type DSS MAXBAND <cr> The computer will print four lines each saying LOAD COMPLETE, a warning message that may be disregarded. Finally then following the appears WELCOME TO MAXBAND (THE MESSAGES ABOVE ARE ALL IRRELEVANT) If you are using read the a graphics terminal, you will find EXPRESS plotter booklet. a helpful to This will tell you how to identify the plotter you are using to the computer. using it For example, if you are Tektronix terminal, you type TERMINAL TEKxxxx <cr> v;here xxxx is replaced by the number of the terminal. -12- In our example, we will be using Tektronix 4013, so we type a TERMINAL TEK4013 <cr> For most printing terminals, no terminal identification is necessary, SECTION 3.3 Entering Street Data The user simply types MB. INPUT <cr> and 3 The number of signals must be between answers the questions asked. You have the choice of metric or English units. and 20. units distance English, is in meters, speed in kilometers Time is in seconds feet and miles per hour. For metric per hour; for cycle time (both outbound and inbound): The for and in cycles for everything else. One note on the left turn times splits that are given by the user might allow more left turn green time than the user has requested. In case this the automatically increase the left turn time to the maximum the splits. An example is given in Chapter •13- 4. program permitted will by SECTION 3-4 Printing Out the Inputs If the user types MB. PRINT <cr> all of the input variables are printed out. SECTION 3.5 Solving Problem and Output To solve a problem, type MB. SOLVE <cr> The program will run and tell the user how many CPU stage takes. The stages are (1) matrix generation mixed integer linear program and (3) output. Chapter If the problem has previously been solved, desired, the user types MB. OUTPUT <cr> The output has two options, table and plot: -14- (2) U seconds each optimization by gives examples. and only the output is Table (i) This produces times for the start of red, end of greenband, of end start of band advance. end and inbound and outbound speeds on links are printed. start red, and addition the In See examples the greenband for more details. (ii) Plot A space-time diagram for artery the showing is produced for each direction. First the computer will print on a a "File created" comment graphics terminal only, an arrow (>) will appear; hits the carriage return to produce the plot. On a and then, the user simply printing terminal the operation is continuous. A graphics terminal produces a better looking plot. Outputs types of terminal are demonstrated in the examples chapter. both graphics terminal, the computer pauses after permit the user to make a a plot hard copy, if desired. is produced, from On a to Hitting the return continues the program. The user may choose either, both or neither of the two options. The program, no matter which option is used, automatically displays the cycle time and the inbound and outbound bandwidths. -15- SECTION 3.6 File Data Use Data / To file the data for possible reuse at a later date, type FILE filename DATABASE <cr> where filename is replaced by whatever name you select the for file. After hitting the <cr>, the computer will prompt COMMENT Now you can type any message, e.g. If more than one line is desired, the end of a line will result in a a a phrase identifying the problem. hyphen (-) followed by a <cr> at prompt CONTINUE and the message can be continued. When the data is desired once again, simply type USE filename <cr> SECTION 3.7 Modify Street Data To change the current data, either just entered via a USE command, or brought back simply type MB. INPUT <cr> and type NC for any item that <cr> the user does not want to change. -16- To terminate a s The modified problem can be rerun via as before. experience having Users Everything will be left series in the middle, type DONE. data question EXPRESS with change can and DONE's sure all be to variables data through directly, but the MB. INPUT sequence should be gone command. MB. SOLVE a with NC ' flags and derived variables are correctly set. SECTION 3.8 Restarting Problem a If the maximum number of iterations specified by the user not is large enough to solve the entire problem, the program will terminate at the file) iteration limit has been punched restarted enter MB. SOLVE, if this One warning: it is in the where point is a that is a node (data a program the stopped. it restart of can be To do this type iterations type and previous run. the restart must be the next problem solved, another computer session. problem so new (larger) maximum number of a "yes" when asked message saying that a (stored on disk) exact the at and print out If another problem run is even if before the node will be erased, and the original restarted, problem will have to be resolved from the beginning. Another warning: iterations that is mathematical program iterations), cannot This using problem a maximum number of small that the original linear program of the a solved be (iterations simplex are instruct the user to resolve the problem the program will from the beginning restart). so enters user the if larger can be maximum avoided iterations always exceeds 1000. -17- ( if Note the : this is not a maximum number of SECTION 3-9 Running Times The following are representative running times 5-signal symmetric minutes 5 11-signal standard 1 hour 17-signal standard 5 hours These times were when the system was fairly empty. With more users, the running times can be much greater. SECTION 3.10 L eaving EXPRESS An important thing to know about dealing with a all have values. USE command, if database. No matter one EXPRESS is that When the user enters EXPRESS, the is the variables whether the user enters new data or uses leaves EXPRESS, a a the variables will be reset to their original values and the new values will be lost unless "updated" or else filed via user they are FILE command. The user can make the current values permanent by typing UPDATE <cr> If one then types EXIT <cr> the values of the variables will be left at what they were at the UPDATE. An UPDATE can be typed at any time in an EXPRESS session. -18- last If there are no UPDATE's, the variables are left at their original values, those at the beginning of the EXPRESS session, when the i.e. is EXIT gets the user out of EXPRESS. typed. A EXIT third command QUIT <cr> executes first an UPDATE and then an EXIT, and so it takes also the user out of EXPRESS. SECTION 3.11 ESCAPE and BREAK Keys If you want to stop press the ESCAPE key. a program in EXPRESS while it is running, This will stop the program and keep you within EXPRESS. The BREAK key will throw you out of EXPRESS. The variables will be left at what their values were at the last UPDATE. However, if the user hits the BREAK key by accident, one can recover by typing START <cr> <cr> as the first command after the BREAK. The program will be restored in EXPRESS at the exact place it was before the BREAK key was hit. -19- SECTION 3.12 Leaving the PRIME Once one leaves EXPRESS via an EXIT, QUIT or BREAK key, one simply types LO <cr> to log off the machine. terminal. Then disconnect the telephone and turn off the If using a plotter, be sure to turn off the hard copy too. -20- unit, CHAPTER E This chapter contains two M xamples examples. The first is a 5-signal symmetric problem for Broadway in Cambridge, Massachusetts done using printing terminal. The Main Street in Waltham, graphics second is an Massachusetts 11-signal standard problem for using done a Tektronix terminal along with its accompanying hard copy unit. examples are fully annotated and show EXPRESS. -21- a how to get into and ^4013 The two out of 2 EXAMPLE #1 USER TYPING IS UNDERLINED please losJin C> OLOGIM r • RI r-i S l3E@aiiS!!?lBlfflaEG!!3IBIifflSBa Ve V s i o I . MHG - :l 8 * C> means you are at PRIME operating system level » L7LITTLE (5) LOGGED IN AT 1S:58 00/12/01 PROJECT code: MATT * YOU CAN NOW PRINT FILES USING EITHER THE PRINT OR THE SPOOL COMMAND * OCO TTY L.AND>P 2 DSS MA qiAND LOAD CO/iPL.tlTE LOAD COMPI ETE LOAD COMPLETE Alresd^:; exists* LOAD COMPLETE C>A O / Entering EXPRESS and bringing in MAXBAND losd over existins' entrw isJnored (F$ERX ) WELCOME TO MAXDAND (THE MESSAGES ABOVE ARE ALL IRRELEVANT) TYPE MD.iriPUT TO INPUT TRAFFIC DATA TYPE MB, PRINT TO PRINT OUT INPUT TRAFFIC DATA TYPE MB. SOLVE TO SOLVE PROBLEM AND PRINT OUT RESULTS TYPE MB .OUTPUT TO SIMPLY PRINT OUT RESULTS OF PREVIOUSLY SOLVED PROBLEM note: MB. solve AUTOMATICALLY EXECUTES MB. OUTPUT 22- 1 -> Nri. INPUT -» means you are at EXPRESS level. TRAFFIC HAT.', INPUT ARTFPY NAME BPOADI^IAY 2 ENGLISH SYSTEM >]_ 1 METRIC SYSTEM NUMBER OF SIGNALS >5 SIGNAL NAMES SIG i: > PORTLAND SIG 2: >UINDSOR GIG 3: > CnLUMr:TA SIG 4: > PROSI''ECT SIG 51 >miAN ASYMMETRIC 1 2 SYMMETRIC >2 OUTBOUND DISTANCE FROM PREVIOUS SIGNAL TO SIGNAL (METERS) SIG WINDSOR >305 SIG COLUMBIA > :l.6R SIG prospect: > 335 SIG INMAN: > 1.S3 lower limit on cycle time (SEC) >80 UPPER LIMIT ON CYCLE TIME (SEC) >T7)0 DO YOU WANT DIFFERENT DESIGN SPEEDS FOR EACH OUTBOUr!D SIGNAL ? OUTBOUND DESIGN SPEED KM/HR >45 DESIGN SPEED TOLERANCE (=- :!.()% OF DESIGN SPEED)) 1 DEFAULT 2 NEW VALUES >2 DO YOU WANT DIFFERENT TOLERANCES FOR EACH SIGNAL ? >N0 !: I I ( U rB UN D DE S I GN S P E. E D T ; NO ) 1... ERNCE ( KM/ 1 R ) >5 LIMIT ON SPEED CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS LINK (=^10% OF DESIGN SPEED) 1 DEFAULT 2 NEW VALUES >2 DO YOU WANT DIFFERENT LIMITS ON SPEED CHANGE FROMT'REVIOUS LINK FOR EACH SIGNAL >N0 LTTTIT ON CHANGE IN OUTBOUND SPEED FROM PREVIOUS LINK (KM/IIR)>2 OUTBOUND GREEN TIME (FRACTION OF CYCLE) SIG PORTLAND: > 525 SIG WINDSOR: SIG COLUMBIA: > 76375 SIG prospect: >.4 SIG INMAN BANDWIDTH ADVANCE 1 DEFAULT (---^O) NEW 2 . >^ : >^ — -23- ->MB. PRINT (STNAMr:) STHAME (NSIG) ARTERY NAME BROADWAY -> HP>pni...vE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ITERATIONS (TYPE HC TO USE THE DEFAULT SETTING OF 100000 ITERATIONS) >25 IS THIS A RESTART OF A PREUIOUS RUN? > N() ( DI r- r- 1) IJIFFI r; f • u s e c o n n s u s e: d n u r.' i ng t i i e mat r^- 1 x gene re a t o r 26.71 OPT I M I Z AT I ON F I N I SUED (DIFF2) DIFE2 CPU SECONDS USED DURING THE OPTIMIZATION 29,28 THE MA>aMUM NUMDER OF ITERATIONS HAS DEEN REACHED IN THE DRANCIT AND -DOUN ALGORITHM. NODE HAS BEEf! PUNCHED SO THAT YOU MAY RESTART THE PROGRAM. Node is actually written to disk. ->MB. SOLVE F" M AX I MUM L'U M B [: R' IT A f IONS (TYPE NC TO USE THE DEFAULT SETTING OF 100000 ITERATIONS) >NC IS THIS A RESTART OF A PREUIOUS RUN? >YES D A F- ! o OPTIMIZATION FINISHED (DIFF2) DIFF2 CPU SECONDS USED DURING THE OPTIMIZATION 63.22 OUTPUT VALUES IN METRIC UNITS (ZOUT) ZOUT CYCLE TIME (SEC) 80.00 OUTBOUND SOLUTION <B) B OUTBOUND BANDWIDTH (CYCLES) ,32 -25- outf-ut: 1 Bands are hand drawn 1 pOOO A A 900 800 i B C B c c B C C 700 600 M E T E R S 500 A A n-f A> B ^00 i 300 200 100 + A A 1.' CYCLES (TIME) -27- C INPOUMD SOLUTION INBOUND BANDWIHTII (CYCLES) (BBAP:;) BBAR output; .32 1 (ST. RED) SIG CYCLE TABLE ONLY 2 PLOT ONLY 3 START OF RED CYCLE INMAN PROSPECT COLUMBIA BOTH 4 WINDSOR PORTLAND 1 .04 .94 .56 .54 2 3 1.04 2.04 1.94 2.94 1.56 2.56 1.54 2.54 (END. RED) SIG CYCLE 1 END OP RED CYCLE NEITHCIC >3 0.00 1.00 2.00 Bands are hand drawn Between same letters is red time 1^ End of 800 i 700 600 i 500 •{ M E T e: 400 300 i 200 100 A CPU SECONDS USEID DURING THE OUTPUT ROUTINE <riIFF-3) i 73.6^ DIF'F"3 -> riLE DROADUAY DATADASE Save data on disk file comment: > U R a D a Y C A M D T n G E E X A M E -> UPDATE save data in database -> USE PRO A nil AY restore data from file (Still in file!) 2/0 1/80 16:2g:o? FILE created: UI ^ 1^ I- ' I... :L C MME N r : D R' A D 10 A Y >• C A M f: R I D G E E )C A M P' L E ->EX]_T Leave EXPRESS OLG Leave PRIME L7LITTLE (5) LOGGED OUT AT 16:33 00/12/01 PROJEC T^=MATT 320.7 MRUS. 0.53 HOURS (LOCAL) y C> -'>n. EXA^-^.PLE #2 USER TYPING IS UNDERLINED C> LOGIN PRiriOS Uerslon HDS 13.0.3 L7LITTLE (2) LOGGED IH AT 11 -59 8®/12/0a PROJECT CODE riATT * * VOU CAN NOU PRINT FILES USING EITfrCR THS PRirfT OR THE SPOOL COMMAr OCO TTY Ort L AND P O ODSS flAXBAND LOAD COnPLE'TE: LOAD COnPLETE LOAD COnPLETE load ovor oxiating ontj-y ignorod CFSERX ) LOAD COMPLETE UELCOtlE TO flAXBAND <T»^ fESSAGES ABOUE ARE ALL IRRELEVA^^T) TYPE HB INPUT TO IMPUT TRAFFIC DATA T.'PE MB PRINT TO PRINT OUT irc^^jT TRAFFIC DATA TYPE riB.SOLUE TO SOLi.'E PROBLEM AND P«INT OUT RESULTS TYPE riB. OUTPUT TO SiriPLV PRINT CUT TI^ULTS OF Ff:EVIOUSLV SOLUED PROBLEN NOTE MB.SOLUE AUTOi^rf^TICALLV EXECUTES ns. OUTPUT . ->TERniNAL TEK4013 > Identify terminal (Necessary for most printing terminals) -.31- grar)h:.r;s but not ->riB_J>PUT TRi^FFlC DATA II-FUT A.RTERY ry^nt: >riAIN_STF<EET,_Je^LTHeO. Z ET^OLISH SYST01 >1 I nETRIC S^'STEr1 rUflBER OF SIGH-^LS >11 5IGNAL ?IG 1 >F.ANKS_ 9IG a > PROSPECT SIG *^ > BACON SIG 4 > EXCHANGE SIG S SIG 6 SIG 7 >EL.M SIG 8 >fiPPLETC«H SIG 9 >LYnAN SIG 10 >Ktui:ofcL SIG 11 >I.INDEN • 1 ASSTirnETRIC £ SYfif^TETRIC >1 OUTBOUND DISTA.NCE FROfl Pf^WIOUS SIGT^AL TO SIGNAL (fETERS) SIG PROSPECT >a-<7 SIG BACON' >337^ SIG EXCHANGE" >230 SIG MOODY- >244^ SIG LEXINGTON >11C SIG ELi"] >70 SIG APPLETON yZ53 SIG LYr;,=W >12S~~ SIG t^^iTON >104_ SIG Lir-'DEN >!r~o ARE 1I-;30UND DISTANCES THE SftMS- AS 0UTD01S4D DXSTftf'TCES? >VES LOIJZR Lin IT CN CYCLE Tir:z <?sc) >r3_ UPPUR LimiT ON C^z-CLE TirZ (CiC) >i:^ DO S'OU UAHT DIFFERENT DESIGN SPEEDS F(»l EjCsCH 0UTB<XS<D SIGNAL ? • -32- > , DO VOU IJANT DIFFERerr ^•UTPOUND DESIGN ^PEJTD DESICa^l SPEEDS FOR EfiCH CUTBOUND (KrM^ »33 SIO^L — 7 >N0 UISIGH SPEED TOLERAHCE 1 DEFAULT ("lO'i OF DESIGN SPEED)) 3 r^3J VALUES >l L 1(1 IT 0;S SPEED CHfV-iGE FKvXI Pf:£\JlQUS LIFX i=ieri DEFAULT OF DESIGN 1 SPEED) 2 KDJ UALUES >i rt?E INBOUND DESIGN Si-'EEDS AND TOLERANCES THE SAi*S: f^ OUTBOUND DESIGN SPEEDS AND T0L£R,WCES7 >VE3 f^RE INi50UND LIMITS ON SPEED CHP?NG£ FRCfl F.xEUIOUS LINK Tl^ SATE AS OUTBOUND LiniTS ON SPTED CH-JSGI FROM PREUIOUS LINX7 >VES Short cut on OUTBOLIND GREEN TirE (FRACTION OF CYCLE) innnt lu^iSIG BfT^S^ > 6375 .^T7S_ .7123 /7^ .J^"S_.er5S^ .SSaS .7S .5375 .4655 l£S „^ a! -^eave ro N'OU UANT ANY OUTBOUND LEFT TViZM C:rSti TIFS 7 >V£S space oetween each OUTBOUND LEFT TURN a^EEN TIME (FilPiCTJON OF CYCLE) signal in the list. SIG BAN<S^ > t0__O JJS23_5_iJ ^275. .575 O Q. ,2_ (For negative numINBOUND GREEN TIHE (FRACTIO^^ OF CYCLE) SIG BANKS' > 5375 .4375 .575 .75 .3-5 3375 .3375 .75 .5375 .4625 45 bers DO YOU UANT ANY~lNgOUND LEFT TIRN 0<3Bi TIfS 7 >N0 conTina BArfDUIDTH ADUANCE > recmi-ed DEFAULT (=0) a NEU UALUZS >1 I DESIRED RATIO OF INBOUND TO OUTBOUJ^D GREEHBANDS >l_ * i , ) ' .. L'^FT TUr^N PATTERN SELECTION FOR EACH SIGT^L PATTERNS ( 1 ) OUTBOUND LEFT TUI^N BEFORE C:^EN ftND I^f:5CU^© ISFT TuTW BEFORE GREEN (2) OUTB'^IK^ID LEFT TU;?N BEFORE CSFJEN AND IN'XdJND LEFT TU-IN AFTEF* GREEN (3) OUTBOUND LEFT TU.?N AFTER GREEN PfNO INIXH-?^ LEFT TUTOi BEFORE GREEN (4) OUTBOUND LEFT TUTxN FvFTER QxZEN AND INIJOU^D LEFT TU?^ AFTER GREEN FOR EACH SIGNAL BELOU. TYPE OfC (1) IF VOU L3ANT 'H-fE. PATTERS IN QUESTION TO BE CONSIDERED AND TYPE 7.ER0 <0) IF VOU DO NOT UfiNT "WE PATTERN IN QUESTION TO BE CaOIDERED LEFT TURN PATTERN FORfllhJG MATRIX SIG BANKS PAT 1= >1 PAT 2- >0 PAT 3= >i PAT 4 >0 LEFT TURN PATTERN F0Rf1ir>K5 HATRIX SIG BACON PAT 1 >1 O L LEFT TURN PATTERN FC^IING RATRIX SIG LEXINGTO 1 PAT 1 >1 LEFT TURN PATTERN FORs'lINQ rs?»TRIX SIG ELfl PAT 1 >1 O 1 LEFT TL^r^ PATTERN FOWIir^ riATRIX SIG LINDEN PAT i > 1 1 ^ -> ->nB PRirrr iSir^^TE:) STt^M'TE ARTERY riAIfS STREET. WALTHAfl or SIGMALS N-,X1B£R NSIG hfeVlE 4 11 J (Tl ) <T2) Tl T2 LouER LiniT ON c*a;le Tirs: (SEO UPPER LiniT ON CVCLE Tlf^ <££C) 60 lee HARD COPV (IF DESIRED). (Hi THOS BE ERASED. > flAKE ^D) IDESSPEED) (TLP) (C^) t GREEN) (EL) (Ti^) SIG BA^5<S PROSPECT BPa^O-H EXCHANCE nOODV LEXINGTO Eun ftPPLETON Lvrvrfs hEIJTON LINDEN TJ-iSN HIT 'RSTl^JN' TO COMTIhOJE. OUTBOLiNE- DISTi=tf^Ce FF?0J1 PfJEUIOUS OUTBOUND DESIGN SPrlEDS (Kin/4«) SCHEEN UILL SIGNAL TO SIGNAL (METERS) OUTSOUMD DISIGN SPEED TOLEr^A^»ZS < <«•»«) LIMITS ON ChWSGE IN OUTBOUND £^-n^ED FnoH PREVIOUS LINK (XITPOUND GiREEN TlfTE (FR<>CTI<5N OF CYCLE) (XJTBO^Jr^'D LEFT TLRN GREEN TIMS (FTJ^CTIOf'J C^ CYCLE) OUTBOUND BPtfSDUIDTH AiXK^NCE (FRACTICXS OF CYCLE) D 12 10 10 10 (PATCHOIC) LEFT TLRN PATTERM FOf^lhfO flArRIX 4 PAT 3 SIG 1 © B*¥*CS I PROSPECT Bi=iCON EXCHA5SGE nOODN' LEXINGTO EU1 *:tf^PLETON LSTIAfi NEUTON LINDEN 10 10 10 DESIRED RATIO OF If^BOUr® TO OUTBOUND GREENBft^(DS (KK) KK 1 ^ ->. gO LUE vcNirujM rnuriBER or iterations (TN^PE NC to use THE DEFAULT eETTir<a OT ICSO^ ITEKATIO!^) >HC 15 THIS A RESTART OF A PREUIOJS RUTl? >N0 (DIFFl) DIFFl CPU SECC»>a)S USED DURING 7>E TlftTRIX GSrSF^TOR 54 89 OPTiniZATION FINISHED (DIFF2) DIFFa CPU SECONDS USED DURING THS OPTIHIZATICfl 1,677 79 (XJTPUT UALUES IN rETRIC LeSITS CZOUT) ZOUT CYCLE TIHE (S^C) 60.^ OUTBOLMD SOLUTION <3) B OUTBOUND B/^<iXJID7H (CYCLES) .24 1 TABl£ ONLY 2 PLOT RAKE KAPJD CC-r^ (IF DESIRED), TfEN BE CRT^SED. > <cr> OUTPUT' Cf^LV TH=3i 3 ^OTH 4 NSITKaS? >3 HIT TSTUTcN' TO CCffTII^JE. -35- SCREBH UILL (vT RED'/ C^'•:L£ START OF R£D CYCLE 1 2 0.00 PROSPECT EXCHANGE rKK:'DY IXXINGTO ELM APPLETOtS LSTlAr< NEUTOH LINECN CAUGSP) . ir^ECXJMD CBBftR) BBAR SOUJTXON INBOUrSD BPdMIXv'IDTH (CVCLE3) . 24 3 PLOT 1 TABLE OtSLV H;=«D COR^' (IF E^SIRED), J>€3S BE ERASED. > <CR> OLfTPUT' MAKE < ST RED) CS-CLE SIG LINDEN hEUTON LSTIAN AJ=PLETON ELM LEXINGTO noc»DY EXCHh«N<:^ BACON PROSPECT CNLV 3 BOTH 4 KZIT>-«E;» >3 ThEM HIT 'RSTURM' TO COTTIMLE ST^^rr OF FSID Ct^-LE 1 .01 s 4 SCREEN U'ILL C^JOSP-t (DIFF3) -> riLf: l CPU SECa>(DS USED IXJ?INQ THL OUTPUT ROUTirS J^LTH:-'tf1 .X>rr-1£NT= > r!AIN DATAB ASg street, 'JALTHj^ EX^ypLE 'UJE CREDITED iS/CE^'SO 13 -53 '20 C>>^ierr^ rWIN street. UALTK^M EXAT-PLE -> vAJIT Automatic update save data on disk file • Restore data P^TA BASE UPDATED Leave ?RT^:'E OLO LTLITTLE (2) LOGOED OUT ftT 13 -SS aV12/C2 2053 6 riRUS, 1.93 hVXSRS (LOCAL). PRCJECToflATT C> -40- REFERENCES Land, A. London: Fortran Codes for and Powell, S. John Wiley and Sons, 1973. , Mathematical Programming , John D. C, "The Synchronization of Traffic Signals by Little, No. Mixed-Integer Linear Programming," Operations Research Vol. 14, i\, 568-594. July-August, 1966, pp. , John D. C, Maximal Bandvjidth for Arterial Traffic Signals Little, Computation Theory and Interactive Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Working Paper WP 970-78, September 1977. : , Little, John D. C. and Kelson, Mark D., "Optimal Signal Timing for Arterial Report Signal Systems," for Federal Highway Administration April 1980. Under Contract DOT-FH-1 -9562 1 , D. "An Interactive Program for Setting Traffic Rizzi, W. Artery," S.B. thesis, M.I.T., May 1977. , an -41- Signals on . APPENDIX MAX BANT) Standard Artery (1) Hane of artery: (2) Cycle tiae: Number of signals Lower limit (seconds). Upper limit (seconds) kph (3) (A) Outbound speed: Inbound speed: (5) Target Design center Design center toph kph nph kph . Tolerance . tnph . kph . Tolerance ratio of inbound to outbound band width: (12) Acceptability of Left Turn Patterns (1 = acceptable, = not) Outbound LT after green and Inbound maxba:;d Symmetric Artery (1) Name of artery; (2) Cycle tine: Number of signal; Lov;er limit (seconds) . /kph\ (3) Speed: Design center (4) _\raph/ (5) Distance Signal name (down = outbound) Upper limit (seconds) (kph\ . Tol erance (6) _\mph/ . Page 1 V-A-XBANI) General Artery (1) Name of artery: (2) Cycle tine: (3) Target ratio of inbound to outbound band width: (A) MaxiDU3 number of iterations Lower Nunber of signals Unit (seconds). Uoper linit outbou>:d data (seconds) page General Artery (13) 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Nam- of Artery:_ (cdiic.) 2 Gpneial ArLery (cont) (22) Name of Artery; LEFT TURN PATTERM CONSTR.\INTS (23) (24) Acceptability of Left Turn = not) Patterns (1 = acccotable, BASEf«Du mR3\JiscQ 71984 OEC r, - JUL 2 1^8: 01985 9» ''W OCT 919IJ6 DEc¥ri98t Lib-26-67 ACME BOOKBINDING NOV 1 CO., INC. 1983 100 CAMSRIDGE STREET CHARLESTOWN, MASS. 2 BASEMENT no.ll75- 80 Medoff, James /The role HD28.IVI414 D»BKS 741446 3 of seniority o pQi:j2654 iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii T06D DDl TTb 2flb HD28.M414 no.l176- 80 Kulatilaka, Na/A partial eauilibrium m D.*BKS __ D0l32fi5J. 741444. _ DDl Tib 22T TOflO 3 H028.IVI414 no.ll77- 80 Stoker, Thomas/Aggregation and assumpt 741442 P»BKS TDflD 3 QP,1J??|6 DDl TTS ^MO HD28.M414 noll78- 80 Matthe/User's manual Steele. TDflD 3 Ralph. Katz, 741454 O.x.BKS .. _ _ of group 00132 . ' DDl TTb 3D2 IDflO 3 32614 001 TTS S3b no.ll79- 80 /The influence HD28.IV1414 mter for mn D»BKS 74145B HD28.M414 no.ll80- 81 Meldman, Jef fr/American expectations o D» 742205 05 D*BKS 00136504 - - Dm DD2 TDflD 3 T3M HD28.M414 no.1181- 81 Thomas/The effects of collecti D»BI^S 742005 .. )Q132627 Kochan, TDflO 3 DDl TTS ?b7 HD28.M414 no.1182Edwar/ls Roberts, 74201.1 81 licensing D.*BKS TDflD 3 _ . an effecti 00 T3 265 _ DDl Tit. ^^S HD28.M414 no.ll83- 81 Lattin, James /T scaling 742006 00132611 .P.*BK^ : . 3 . TDflD DDl ^ iS MbO