III JIOD±a A "LECTROiIC TECMII UhS APPLIED TO PHYSICS AND EIGINEERIG STUDIVS IrADIING TO THE DESIGN OF A MICRO AVE Staff ACCELERATOR Plofessor J C Slater Dr J Halpern Dr J H Bostick M Labbitt L 0 Maier J Terrall S J Mason M E Van Valkenburg Since the Final Report under Contract OEMsr-262, of the Laboratory, dated June 30, 1946, progress has been made in the various features of design, and we feel that we have gone as far as nossible by using models involving the various comnonents, as we have been doing during the past believe tat ear There is good reason to the accelerator will work, but the final testing of it must be done on a real system, and for that reason, we are pronosing as a next step the corstruction of a twenty foot accelerator, operating with one magnetron per foot, fed by a beam of two million volt electrons from a belt-driven electrostatic generator, and capable of accelerating the electrons to a maximum energy of the order of magnitude of thirty or forty million electron volts We believe that the main problems which will be eventually met in the design of a much larger machine, for the billion electron volt region, will be met in the twenty foot model, so that it mijht well be possible to p'rss from that model directly to a very large machine It is proposed that appli- cation be made for additional funds to construct such a twenty foot machine under the auspices of the Research Laboratory of Electronics and additional space and Since the program has personrel will also be reauested to implement the program reached a definite stage of advancement, we shall give here a discussion of its various phases, and their current situation, together with the specific proposal which we are making for future development The main problems associated with the accelerator are the accelerator tube, the electronics of the electron beam in the tube, and the probable behavior of the emergent beam, the electron gun feeding the accelerator, the magnetrons feeding power into the tube, and the method of their coupling, and the modulators feeding the magnetrons These features will be taken up in succession The Accelerator Tube The fundamental object of the accelerator tube is to produce an alter- nating field, at microwave frequencies, which can be analyzed into a number of traveling waves, one of which travels with approximately the velocity of the particles to be accelerated, so that as seen from the particle the wave exerts an approximately constant force on it, nroducing continuous acceleration Only this wave traveling with the correct velocity is effective in producing acceleration. The field is fed by a nower source, in this case m;rnetrons whose power is dissi- pped in the resistive losses in the wall of the tabe, the nnwer beinp fed into the -24- accelerated par'icles being negligible in comparison For a given input power, we naturally %rant to build up the maximum voltage in the traveling vwve which is in resonance Yith the particles, which we may call the resonant rave It can b proved that this voltage E, in volts per meter is given by the formula = C6 where a is a numerical constant, . depending on the geometry of the tube, and of the order of magnitude of unity in important cases, P is the -ower input into the tube, in watts per meter, Q is the unloaded Q of the cavity, and X the wavelength in meters The quantity a can be com-uted in simple cases, and measured in more complicated cases We note fiom this formula the obvious fact that the voltage per unit length is proportional to tFe souare root of the power in)ut the field Furthermore we can see how in volts per meter, depends on the wavelength its dimensions, Q will be proportional to wil] be pronortional to the -1/4power, but favoring the short wavelenLths For a tube scaled in all , so that for a constant value of P, E showing small varl tion with wavelength, Combining this fact iith the large powers oer unit length which can be realized with magnetrons, this shows the considerable advantage of the microuave region for linear accelerators, other things being ecual Two geometrical structures of accelerator tube have been studied are (1) the iris tube, and (2) the reentrant cavity tube The first consists of a cylinder, with uniformly spaced partitions a half wavelength apart, having a circular hole in its center Fig 1 These each partition Such a tube his a resonant mode as shown in Breaking this standing 'uveup into waves traveling in opposite directions, l- --- -g---I,-- ---.-- g.--I---g---.--..- i Figure 1 we find that by choosing suitable dimensions we can adjust, within wide limits, the phase velocity of the wave, which of course must be chosen to equal the velocity of the particles being accelerated With no iris at all, the phase velocity is faster than the velocity of light. As the holes in the irises become smaller and smaller, the phase velocity decreases, and c-n be made half or less of the velocity -25- of light, without serious difficulty, but to make the velocity much less than this, the holes in the irises must be rather small. We have made experiments on tubes of this nature, up to twenty half wavelengths long, and have determined the correct dimensions for securing desired velocities of propagation shunt resistance and Q of We have studied the these cavities both experimentally and theoretically, and have studied the mode structure of such tubes experimentally. We find that for the Thus a neighborhood of the velocity of light, the dimensions are very convenient tube 4" in diameter, with irises with holes 2" in diameter, spaced (10 7)/2 cm a half wavelength) apart, will have a mode of resonant wavelength of 10 7 This tube forms a cm, and will have a phase velocity equal to that of light very satisfactory accelerator for electrons whose velocity is very nearly that of (that is, Tor the dimensions given, M has been found both theoretically and experiThus feeding a power of three megawatts per meter into mentally, and is about 0 5 light a tube whose Q is 18,000 at 10 7 cm, will build up a value of 3 of about 7 million These figures are of volts per meter, or the order of 2 million volts per foot the order of magnitude to be exoected in our proposed model, so that an estimate of 30 to 40 million volts for a 20 foot tube seems not unreasonable Tube No 2, the reentrant cavity tube, is a cvlinder, containing smaller The tube has concentric cvlinders, spaced one to a wavelengti, supported by posts The beam would travel through holes in a mode similar to that shown in Figure 2 Figure 2 the hollow inner cylinders Such a structure has convenient dimensions when the velocity is quite small compared to the velocity of light, but as the velocity increases, the diameter of the inner cylinders decreases, so that near the velocity of light the holes in the cylinders would be unsatisfactorily small to accommodate Such a structure is probably the most convenient for nositlve ions, whose a beam velocities in the lower energy range would be small compared to that of light, and We it is the structure used by Alvarez at longer wavelen&ths for positive ions are carrying out an extensive set of measurements so as to give camplete design -26- information on this tube, as on the iris tube, believing the results to be of scientific imuortance, but are not contemplating use of the reentrant cavity tube for the oresent purpose The Electronics of the Beam The electronics of a beam of ions or electrons in a traveling voltage wave of the tye we are considering is not hard to work out The problem is ouite different depending on whether we deal with ions or witn electrons, tnough both cases can be treated as limits of a general problem The reason for the difference is that the electrons travel with nearly the velocity of light throaghout their With positive ions, we find path, while the ions have much smaller velocities. that there is a tendency to bunch in the part of the wave in which the accelerating field is increasing with time. The reason is that in that case an ion which happens to be ahead of the bunch will find itself in a smaller field, will not be accelerated so fast, and will lag behind, rejoining the center of the bunch, while an opposite situation arises for ions behind the bunch Thus if ions are started out in all phases, bunches will automatically be formed in this increasing part of the wave At the same time, these ions will be violently defocussed is that as an ion enters a gap, it is The reason focussed, and as it leaves the gap it is defocussed, as a result of the shape of the lines of force in the gap, as seen in Fig 2 Since tne field is increasing, the defocussing effect will be greater than the focussing, and the net effect is mathematically equivalent to a force pushing the ion away from the axis, proportional to the distance from the axis This will result in an exponential sprerding of the beam, unless means are taken to counteract it, and calculation shows that it is so great that the beam will spread out completely in a very few wavelengths spreading by means of foil focussing, the gap is eliminated Alvarez has prooosed to counteract this in which the defocussing part of the field in He feels that this is not practicable at microwave dimensions, and we are inclined to agree with him, the beam would spread too far, even with foils, to travel in the small hole in the inner cylinders of Fig 2 Alvarez and Serber have concluded that at best the beam can be confined to a diameter of something like 2k", which indicates a wavelength of the order of what they are using An alternative method of focussing which might be considered would be a longitudinal constant magnetic field, but calculations Indicete that it value of many thousand gauss to be effective, difficult It would have to have a so that this method as well seems is for these reasons associated with the defocussing of the beam that we are not contemnlating a microwave accelerator for positive ions at present The electron beam, provided it forms a much simpler problem starts wit If the velocity is nearly the velocity of light, substantially that of light from the beginning, the phase of an electron will not change during its motion An electron which happens to start in the phase given by the peak of the acceleration will travel down the tube in that same phase, and will pick up an energy of 3 per meter, where this is the same value mentioned earlier Electrons starting in other phases will pick up less, while tnose starting in such a phase as to be decelerated -27- will soon slow down, get out of phase on account of tneir differing velocity, and be lost to the beam Not only does tne phase of an electron traveling with the velocity of light remain fixed, but there is no defocussing effect Even if the electron is in the phase in which the field is increasing as it goes through the gap, it turns out that there is a magnetic force acting on it on account of the magnetic component of r-f field, which exactly cancels the electric defocussing force Thus a beam started with the velocity of light will travel down the tube with continuously increasing energy, and hence electron mass, without focussing or bunching. An initial electron velocity of five million electron volts would be enough to secure the situation described in the preceding naragraph On tne other hand, wita an initial velocity of two million electron volts, such as we propose to use, the situation is not seriously altered The velocity corresponding to this energy is approximately 0 98 of the velocity of light Witn a field of the order of magnitude of tnat considered, tne acceleration to practically the velocity of light will occur within about two feet Exact calculation of the orbits shows that in these first two feet there will be slight buncning, which has the fortunate effect of concentrating r-tner more electrons than otnerwise in the phase giving maximum acceleration, and trere will be slight defocussing, resulting in the most Since unfavorable phase in sometning like a doubling of the diameter of the beam an incident beam of about 1/4 diameter seems feasible, and since the holes in the irises will be 2", a final diameter of -" seems entirely satisfactory After the first two feet, there should be practically no further spreading of the beam, so that the focussing problems met in a maciine of any length should be faced in a twenty foot model. These calculations are without any auxiliary focussing; an entirely practicable amount of magnetic focussing in the first concentrate the beam very greatly compared to these figures electrostatic belt generators two feet should Thus in standard witaout the linear accelerator feature it is practicable to concentrate a beam of 1/4" diameter to the order of 0 01", there seems to be no compelling reason why the same sort of focussing could not be carried out in the injection part of the linear accelerator, but it does not seem necessary for a first design of tube The Electron Gun A very suitable electron gun for the accelerator is a belt-driven electrostatlc generator. Trump has a well tested design of such a generator, com- plete with an electron accelerating tube, producing two million volt electrons The beam produced by such a generator should be about 1/4" in diameter, witnout focussing, and by means of magnetic focussing a much narrower beam should be obtainable. The generator as designed by Trump can be operated horizontally It seems likely that it will be necessary to Incorporate in the electron source in the electron gun an arrangement to pulse the grad in such a way that a beam will be emitted only during the pulses during which the accelerator is activated -28- Other- wise during almost all of the cycle unaccelerated electrons will nass tarough the tube, and tney will form a background which will swamp the effect of the high energy electrons coming during the pulse Preliminary experiments passing a beam of electrons from a 300 kv generator through a single high Q cavity have shown this effect In addition to the electron gun work is underway on the design of a magnetic analyzer for the outcoming electrons, so as to make measurements of their velocity distribution The M~netrons and their Oouplin The magnetrons which have been used for the work so far have been the tunable BE7T 1 s produced by Raytheon These magnetrons have a maximum output of tne order of one megawatt, at a pulse length of the order of two microseconds, to obtain tnls output, a relatively mild duty cycle must be employed Since high power is very desirable, and since a long pulse length is required by tne time necessary to build up the oscillation in the h-gh Q cavity, and then to pass a beam of electrons down tae tube (two microseconds being the Irreduciole minimum for this, and four or five microseconds being desirable), an improvement of existing magnetrons would be highly advantageous It seems likely that the insertion of the Bartol thoria cathodes in the HT would make a great improvement in that tube for tne present purposes, and it would be greatly to the advantage of the project if Raytheon had a service contract for the development of HK7T's with tnoria cathodes, which unfortunately they do not have at present We have explored the problems associated with feeding the magnetrons into the load in great detail In the first place, tnere is a difficulty in feeding a magnetron into a single high Q load circuits tned to the same frequency, Both the magnetron and the load are resonant and coupled together, and by well-known princioles this results in the existence of two modes close togetner, so that tuere is the likelihood that the magnetron will o-erate in the wrong mode, or that tnere will be fluctuation between the right and wrong modes in unstable operation, spar ing, bad spectrum, etc This shows itself in practice By insertion of resistance effectively in series with the load, Halpern has shown how to eliminate the possibility of operation in the undesired mode This resistance absorbs some of the power, so that not all of the power of the magnetron can be fed into the load, we have succeeded In feeding about 70% of the power into the load, and it does not seem possible to carry the percentage much higher than this in a reliable manner The next difficulty comes when several magnetrons have to be fed into the same load, with the requirement that they be locked together in phase be shown theoretically that if It can the conductances of two or more magnetrons are effectively in parallel with each other, which can be secured by suitable adjustment of the lengths and transformer ratios of the outputs from the magnetrons to the loads, the magnetrons should operate like a single magnetron whose voltage is that of each magnetron, but whose current is the sum of the currents of the various magnetrons, the frequency being determined by the reactive comnonent of the load, as well as by the average of the resonant frequencies of the various magnetron By careful study cavities, with the magnetrons all operating in the same phase of the output characteristics of the HKM9, Everhart, Labbitt, and others have been able to design couplings between the magnetrons and various types of loads, Two magnetrons have been operated in synchronism so as to secure this result into at least three types of loads, quite different physically, but equivalent Three electrically to each other, and to the load which we expect to use magnetrons have been operated smoothly Into a load similar to that which will be used. After considerable experience, circuits have been designed which are not very critical, and which are essentially preplumbed, so that not much final adIt is inJustment is required after a magnetron is inserted into the circuit terepting to observe the behavior of several magnetrons operating in parallel on the spectrum analyzer. If one of the magnetrons is initially out of tune, it will be seen to have a separate spectrum from the others incidence with the others, As it is tuned toward co- its spectrum will move toward the others, until at a There is certain point it will suddenly jump into coalejcence with the others every evidence that under these circumstances the magnetrons are actually operating The best evidence comes from an experiment in which two magnetrons were When such a cavity is fed with high operated into a single cylindrical cavity in phase. power, producing fields of the order of a million volts per inch, which we have secured, there is enough residual gas and ionization in the cavity so that electrons are liberated, are accelerated, and produce penetrating x-rays. The penetrating power of these x-rays shows that the voltages present in the cavity are of the order of magnitude which we find from the knowledge of the r-f fields The in- teresting observation is now made that when we go from one to two magnetrons feeding such a cavity, the penetrating power of the x-rays increases, indicating a real increase in peak voltage the magnetrons are not locked together, turning If on the second magnetron merely increases the intensity of the x-rays without in- creasing their penetrating power, indicating the adding of intensities of two noncoherent oscillations. The sudden jump in penetrating power can be used as an in- dication of the locking in of the magnetrons, and it agrees with the evidence of the spectrum analyzed In the final design of linear accelerator, we wish to have magnetrons spaced uniformly down the tube, approximately one per foot The spacing adopted is determined by geometrical considerations; we do not want to have them so close that there will not be physical space for the magnetrons and their magnets, and the various modulator components The spacing of one per foot does not seem to be a limit, pro- bably by clever design several times as many could be accommodated, but for a first design we do not wish to push things too far magnetrons could be fed into such a tube. There are several ways in which the In the first place, they could be fed directly into the tube at equivalent points along its length, such as occur at intervals of a wavelength (so that we should use a spacing of three wavelengths, or about 12 6") Por a short tube, this is -30- certainly possible. There is a possibility however, that for a long tube it may involve difficulties A tube of the type we are considering has not only the mode we desire, but as many other modes as there are segments, distributed through a range of frequencies which is independent of Thus as the number of segments is increased, the modes the number of segments get closer and closer together The mode next to the one we desire is one in which one half the length of the tube is operating as we wish, the other half in the opposite phase, with a transition region between; obviously in such a mode the electrons would be accelereted through half the tube, decelerated through the other half, with no net result correct mode. Thus it is very important to avoid operation in an in- If the incorrect mode is far enough in frequency from the desired one, and the magnetrons are tuned to the desired freauency, there will be no danger of operation in the incorrect mode, but If the frequencies are very close this One of the Important results to be obtained from the twenty danger may be real. foot model proposed is to test practically whether this difficulty is real or not. If it is not, the direct feed of the magnetrons into the tube will almost certainly If the difficulty comes up, one possible solution will be be the simplest method to introduce resistive material into the tube, at such points as to damp out the This probably will be possible, we have tried it with success with undesired mode the reentrant cavity type of tube, as has Alvarez, but have not yet experimented with mode elimination with the iris type of tube If the mode problem persists, another more complicated type of circuit which we have investigated would almost certainly remove it This is a circuit in which the magnetrons are fed directly into a long waveguide, and the waveguide in turn has side arms at suitable intervals, between successive magnetrons, leading into the accelerator tube We have investigated the behavior of the waveguide, three magnetrons, and arms leading into water loads This circuit locks the magnetrons satisfactorily into parallel operation, and feeds each of the side arms in the same phase If the accelerator tube were fed from this cirulit, since the side arms would be located every three wavelengths, it would feed only those modes which have the same phase at intervals of three wavelengths, and these are the same as the modes of a tube only three wavelengthb long, and which are therefore very widely separated In other words, it seems almost impossible that this scheme would get Into difficulty with modes, and it will be used if it is necessary It is not actually much more complicated than the direct feed into the tube, and will very probably be tried out with the twenty foot section in any case It seems to us, therefore, that the chances of meeting serious obstacles in the problem of feeding even a long accelerator tube with many magnetrons are small The Modulators The problem of feeding many magnetrons obviously involves a wholesale modulator problem Bostick has been analyzing this problem, and suggesting solutions The least satisfactory solution would be to use separate complete modulators, triggered from the same circuit This is what has been done so far, feeding three magnetrons, but it is obviously foolish to duplicate in large numbers any parts of the modulator -31- which could be common to many magnetrons The other two schemes suggested by Bostick involve combined circuits for the power sources, with separate pulse One of his proposed schemes is transformers feeding the separate magnetrons. to use a d-c high voltage meter generator set for the power supply for a number There These could operate with a circuit as shown in Fig 3 of magnetrons AN d-c 8kv ^1 1---- Modulator Operating 10 Magnetrons from one 20 kw, d-c Generator Figure 3 is a possibility of securing at a low price five motor generators suitable for this purpose, each capable of feeding 10 or more magnetrons, so that two of the five would operate the proposed twenty foot model, and the others could be kept The remaining proposed scheme is to as spares, or used for future expansion use a transformer and rectifier, operating with the circuit of Fig 4 This scheme must operate at a recurrence frequency of 120 pps, but that value seems suitable for our purposes, and it has been verified that the 27T will operate satisfactorily at this recurrence rate One such transformer, capable of operating 20 magnetrons, exists in the vault in Building 22, but it presumably would be unwise to dismantle that equipment, since it probably will be eventually used as a The necessary transformers can be built, but Westinghouse auotes a For this reason it is likely that the motor generators, delivery date of a year which could be procured immediately, are the method to use at first, but it is also modulator likely that the transformer rectifier method would in the long run be better, -32- If7 , 115 60D Modulator Employing Power Supply and Rectifiers to Operate at 120 pps Pigure 4 on account of easier maintenance, and the fact that in the long run the transformers would be easier to procure than motor generators (aside from the particularlmotor generators which happen to be available at the moment) be wise to carry out parallel developments, It- therefore will probably using the motor generators for im- mediate results, but following up with the transformer rectifier development, so that it will be familiar when larger machines sbould be designed III. B ULTRASONICS RESEARCH PROGRAM Staff Dr J J R W 0 Kittel K Galt R Pellam A. Rapuano Roth Description of Pro.iect In this program advantage is taken of the radar pulse techniques and microwave power sources now available to study ultrasonic properties of solids The principal activity at this time is tne measurement of liquids and gases the velocity and absorption of sound waves in different media in the ultrasonic frequency range The techniques employed are di~cussed in the June 30th Report Status The princiual activities of this group consist of (a) Measurements of velocity and absorption of sound in liquified gases including liuid helium at 15 me/sec and 45 me/sec (b) Absorption measurements at 200 me/sec -33- (c) Microwave transducer deslgn and general transducer theory (d) Absorption in solids 1 to 100 me/sec Paramagnetic relaxation experiments using ultrasonic waves at (e) 15 mc/sec. (f) Non-linear wave generation in Rochelle Salt The contents of Technical Reports 4 and 5 on "Ultrasonic Propagation in Liquids" are scheduled to appear in the October issue of the Jornal of Chemical Ph3 sics Low Temperature Measurements on Argon The eauipment develooed for low temperature work has been used to (A) measure the absorution and velocity of sound in liquid argon. 85770 cm/sec at 84 20K, and decreases as temuerature increases P = Po a (in e - xc ) is a = 0 015 +50% The velocity is The absorption This checks approximately with the value calculated from viscosity and heat conductivity Since the accuracy of the ab- sorption measurement is better at higher absorptions, equipment has been set up to generate and receive r-f pulses at 45 me, so that a more accurate value for a may be obtained Since M/1/2 is constant as frequency varies, the value ob- tained at the higher frequency should be quite satisfactory Ligcud Helium Preparations are now complete for measuring the velocity and absorption of souna in liouid helium at 15 mec/sec by the pulse-method For Hel tnose measurements should furnish another example of a classical liquid (I e , monatomic like Hg and liquid Ar). ,It is expected that the measurements will be carried down below the X - point (2 190K) where the unusual properties of Hell (the second, or low temperature phase of liquid helium) can be studied The low v.scosity and high heat conductivity of Hell, as compared to the low heat conductivity and normal viscosity of HeI, should provide comuacrtive data. As tnese will be the sound absorption measurements in Hell they siould contribute information re- first garding such controversial subjects as the mass transort phenomenon It is an exrerimental fact that sound propagates with two velocities in one mode of propagation behaving lime ordinary sound and the other, the so- HeII, called "second sound", benaving sonewhat like a "heat wave" Consideration is being given to the nossibllities of applying the pulse technique to second sound in Hell (B) 200 mosec Proram A program of resetrch to explore the supersonic range between 200 me and 1000 me has been started Some equipment nas been built and some measurements of 400 me r-f energy absorption in crystals have been made, but futher wore has been postnoned pending some measurements of sonic absorptions in various lioulds at 200 me A superhet receiver and a self pulsed oscillator delivering about 500 watts at tris frequency h-ve been bu-lt and are in tie process of being cleaned up. -34- (0) Microwave Transducer An unsuccessful attemnt was made to excite oulsed sound in a quartz rod at microwave frequencies (S-band) The ends of the quartz rod were flat and Parallel to within an optical wavelength and the faces of tne quartz c-ystal soldered to the rod were parallel to within 2 seconds of are In a %raveguide by means of microwave energy, to transmit a excite the cryst-1l sound pulse down tne quartz rod, reflect it microwave energy within the guide signal pulse The object was to from the end and in turn produce This energy should then apnear as a received It is believed that the sensitivity of the crystal-rod unit has been lowered eitner by sound absorption in the solder at tsese frequencies or due to the baking process invo±ved in the soldering Further work in tnis region will be postponed until more experience has been gained at lower frequencies Transducer Theory It will include an A paper on transducer taeory is being orepared analysis of the niezo-electric relationships for tne transducer, the effect of beam-shape on sound absorption measurements, and the limitations ulaced upon transducer design as tne result of using pulse metnods (D) Absorotion in Solids The use of ultrasonics as a means for investigating the internal structure of metals has been growing in imoortance in recent years (rlO Relatively low frequencies me max ) were used to inspect castings for flaws, etc Studies are now under way to determine the maximum resolving power of such devices in terms of freauency, material of specimen, dimensions, temperature, etc , as xwell as the effect of magnetization, grain size, etc Since absorotion is known to var this variation are of extreme importance with frequencj, tne factors leading to In particular, Investigation of tne variations of ultrasonics absorption as a function of grain size of the metal samples and frenuency of the incident sound wave was started July 1 After oreliminary studies were made with existing 10 and 30 me/sec equipment, design of a continuously variable frequency source to cover the range from 1 to 100 me was begun The breadboard model has been completed and work on an experimental model is under way A urogram to obte.n sets of metal samples caliorated as to grain size is progressing very well with some samples being supplied by several outside metal companies. The M I T Department of Metallurgy is cooperating in this phase of the worc (E) Relaxation in Paramagnetic Salts The soin systemn in a paramagnetic substance in a magnetic field has degrees of freedom which make a contribution to the specific heat Consequently, as a sound %wave iropagates through tne substance, the soin system absorbs and -35- If the period of the sound wave approximates the spin-atom releases energy relaxation time, the application of a magnetic field should change the sound This relaxation period is absorption has been measured from the absorption of energy in an electromagnetic It salts of the order 15 me/sec for some fM and Or field by Gorter, et al at the University of Leiden A very preliminary calcula- tion indicates that the acoustical effect is of the order of 0 1 db over a 5 inch Equipment is being set up to try to observe this effecto path Non-linear Effects in Rochelle Salt (7) If a y-cut quartz plate is mounted on a Rochelle salt crystal in such a way that the x axes of the quartz and Rochelle salt are parallel, and the x axis of the quartz is perpendicular to the z axis of the Rochelle salt, the propagation of a pulse of sound from the quartz through the Rochelle salt should be non-linear. This effect should cause the production of a distorted pulse of sound at frequencies harmonic with that of the exciting pulse from the theory of Rochelle salt. This can be predicted An attempt has been made to observe the effect experimentally at 15 me by observing the second harmonic signal produced A positive indication was obtained, but more experimental and theoretical work is This work is being done in collaboration planned in order to get a definite result with Dr III. 0 Huntington, who is now at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. HIGH SPIED OSCILLOSCOPE AND HIGH VOIAGE PULSE MIEASURING TECONIQLUES Staff: 0 T Fundingsland L D A F Harris Winter Description of project This project, which was initiated by the Radiation Laboratory and which is being continued in the Research Laboratory of Electronics is concerned with the development of high speed oscilloscopes for the study of extremely short duration recurrent transient electrical phenomena. It is hoped that the employment of this equipment will give new information regarding the nature of the build up of oscillations in a pulsed magnetron and preparations are being made to use the oscilloscopes for studying these effects Status High Seed Oscilloscope At the beginning of this period there were two main difficulties hindering satisfactory operation of the high speed oscilloscope These were (1) Continuous conduction of the sweep thyratron on the slowest sweep; (2) Time jitter of the order of 3 x 10 8 sec between the output trigger pulse and the sweep, making accurate observation difficult. The cause of the first of these troubles was located in the sweep charging circuit within which the sweep condensers are resonantly charged from a d-c If the recharge is too rapid the thyratron conducts supply through an inductance continuously, since it has not deionized from the previous sweep corrected by increasing the inductance of the charging reactor This was The second trouble, that of jitter between the output trigger and sweep, was not so easily remedied The phasing circuit originally used employed two lumped constant delay lines to which a single pulse was applied the output of each passing through a separate amplifier and then triggering a blocking oscillator The two blocking oscillator pulses were phased with respect to each other by making one of the delay lines variable The fixed-delay pulse was used to initiate the sweep, while the variable pulse served as output trigger In order to keep the physical size of these lines small, they were designed with a high delay per section, as a result the lines could pass only slow rising pulses To reduce the jitter below its value of 3 x 10 sec faster rising pulses were needed Lines designed for the same circuit, to give adequate delay, and to pass faster rising pulses were found to be excessively large After trying several electronic phasing circuits discussed below the following scheme was adopted The final circuit used takes a half microsecond pulse from a 1500 volt blocking oscillator line and applies this to a variable tap along a five microsecond delay One end of thiq line is connected to the sweep thyratron grid while the other end is connected to the trigger output Jack, as shown in Figure 1 The line is made The main part is a twenty section lumped constant line having a 1000 ohm characteristic impedance and five microseconds delay, with taps every quarter in two parts microsecond The remaining part is a distributed winding over a grounded foil A tap slides along the length of the coil giving continuous phasing between the intervals determined by the lumped line The pulse to the thyratron grid is fed from the line through a voltage doubling transformer, through a condenser, and onto the grid II Figure 1 This method of phasing gives smooth control over a range of about 2 x 10 sec jitter + 5 psec with Using d-c on the thyratron heater eliminates the last visible trace of jitter on the 60 in/gsec sweep In seeking a solution to the problem, several schemes were tried before -37- These will be mentioned to point out their short- using the method described above. comings. Both a modified Eccles-Jordan trigger circuit and a biased blocking oscil- lator circuit were used. Bias control of the triggering points was used to obtain An overloaded amplifier pulser with subsequent phasing in both of these circuits. Phasing was accomplished in this case by controlling voltage amplifier was al ,o tried. In each case the ouput the rise time of the pulse with variable capacity loading. pulse was used to trigger a 1500 volt biased blocking oscillator. These circuits were found unsuitable, as short pulse blocking oscillators are difficult to trigger consistently. Therefore it was decided to eliminate all electronic circuits between the initial and final pulses. At recurrence frequencies greater than 2000 cps the trace begins to defocus. No solution for this trouble has been found as yet. However a repetition rate of 2000 cps is probably high enough for most applications. Work on the two oscilloscopes under construction is complete except for the sweep chassis. installed. One sweep chassis is operating but the parts are not permanently The other is about one fifth wired. Barring unforeseen troubles, both 'scopes should be assembled and ready for final testing about the middle of October. A hard tube pulser has been built which is capable Short Pulse Generator. of delivering a 0.01 pLsec pulse (15kv) to a 1000 ohm load. to 90% amplitude in less than 0.005 amplitude. (See photograph). sec. The pulse rises from 10% The pulse duration is measured at 95% The pulser has provision to use maxim'rm of eight 5D21's O in parallel for the output switch. 0.05 0 srEc. The basic circuit is shown in schematic in Fig. 2. The driver circuit consists of a network (shown in the dotted box) which is discharged through a hydrogen thyratron (3045) into a resistance load. The resistance is capacity coupled to the grids of the output pulse tubes. The positive driver pulse rises to full amplitude in about 0.02 -38- Psec. This time is limited by the I10 LOAD 1000 ^L, Figure 2 thyratron ionization time as well as the input capacitance of the 5D21 grid circuit Leads in the driver c.rcuit are made as short as possible to kee' the inductance to a The duration of the pulse applied to the 5D21 grids is determined by the minimum pulse forming network and length of the shorted cable connected across the thyratron load resistor The control grids of the 5D21 tabes are connected through individual small resistors to a common "drive" ring The screens are likewise connected to a common ring and a mica condenser bypasses each screen to cathode as close to the tube as possible The plates are all connected to a common conductor which serves to support the output high voltage condenser This same pulser can be used for longer pulses by changing the length of the shorted cable which clips the tail of the pulse and modifying the nulse forming networ'c in the driver, or by replacing the network with a piece of cable of the desired length It is necessary to add a capacity in parallel with the output of this cable to obtain a fast rise The reason for this is that the distributed caacity of the cathode circuit is more quickly charged from a condenser than from the constant impedance cable The choice of the optimum number of outout switch tubes depends upon several factors (1) For these saort times, the instantaneous current needed to charge the distributed capacity of the load is more than one tube can supply, (2) Adding more tubes to obtain the current necessarily adds capacity in the grid circuit which must be charged from the driver (3) The exact nature of the ep-ip curves for these short pulses is not known and one can only extrapolate from data obtained with longer pulses (4) The variation of thyratron impedance as a function of time is not known accurately and most reasonable assumptions add a non-linear element to the circuit problem It is difficult to establish criteria for determining experimentally the optimum number For example a very rapidly rising pulse can be obtained with two or of switch tubes three tubes when the grid drive is excessive However, the leading corner of the pulse is not square but has a spike of about 10-20% amplitude and several millimicroseconds If a flat top pulse is desired, the grid drive must be reduced resulting Depending on the particular shape desired the optimum number in a slower rising pulse duration of tubes is somewhere between two and six A 725A "X" band magnetron was substituted for the 1000 MaetrBon BAbayi ohm resistance load when the circuit had been adjusted to give a flat-fopoed pulse of The added capaci0 01 sec duration rising in about 0 005 Psec on the resistance load tance of the magnetron and its filament transformer decreased the rate of voltage rise That is no conduction by almost a factor of two but the magnetron failed to start current flowed and no r-f output radiation was detectable behaved as a capacitance The magnetron apparently The only observable current was proportional to the rate of rise of applied voltage and did not vary in accordance with the dynamic impedance characteristic for normal conduction current during oscillation Even with amureciably higher voltage than is normally applied to the tube it was necessary to increase the pulse duration to more than 0 02 psec before a true conduction current appeared and r-f radiation was detectable Since these are only cursory observations on one magnetron no general conclusions can be drawn Puluas oeaur nTechuiuman Conventional RC voltage attenuators have been found unsatisfactory for viewing these short pulses even with the best refinements we could devise in shielding, balancing of time constants and cable matching The funda- mental difficulty is that an attenuator with high enough imoedance to minimize disturbance of the pulser circuit cannot be satisfactorily matched to low impedance (100 ohm) Any compromise in this resuect produces distortion of the signal cable However apparently reliable viewing of voltage pulses was accomplished by placing the 'scope as near as possible to the pulser load (within a few inches) and using a "field probe" The probe consists of a small plate conn-cted directly to the CR-'lbe deflecting plates by a very short lead A capacity divider is thus formed by the capacitance of the probe The voltage across a non-induc- to the load and the capacitance of the OR-+ube plates tive resistance load as observed by this method was in good agreement with the current pulse observed with a cqaxial current viewing resistor and matched cable III D LIQUID FILLED CHAIMBER TO BE USED IN THE PHOTOGRAJHY OF VERY HIGH ENERGY IONIZING PARTICLES Staff Dr W H Bostick M Labitt Description of project The purpose of this project is to develop an apparatus to be used in the photography of very high energy ionizing particles Because high pressure Wilson cloud chambers are difficult and expensive to make, a process previously described by W H Bostick1 is being investigated In this apparatus it is hoped to provide a condition whereby bubbles of gas or vapor can be created along the path of the ionizing particle, tnus making the path visible 1 Bostick, W H , Fizz Chamber, December 16, 1945 -40- R L E hectographed note Status A hexane filled chamber has been constructed and operated at room temperature in such a way that the gas pressure above the hexane was suddenly reduced from one atmosphere to a value 2 where M is a pressure which can be adjusted to any value between 0 05 atmosphere and one atmosphere A clearing field in the chamber was produced by a potential of 10 kv placed across tuo electrodes in the chamber As R was varied in the operation of the chamber, all stages of cavitation from no bubbles to violent boiling were obtained in the hexane, but in no instances did the bubbles appear in any formation that might be called a track The bubbles, 'hich were for the most part, hexane vapor rather than dissolved gas, aere usually formed at the surfaces of the rubber gaskets used inside the chamber Any further attempts at this Laboratory to obtain bubbles along the tracks of ionizing particles will probably take the form of constructing an allmetal chamber energized sonically and completely filled with hexane III E REPORT 011 EXPRIrMETATIOJ AID PzOTSLECTRIC-PO'TOSPCTROiDLTRY AND 0( C00NSTRUCTI0A AND USE OF PACKAGED TUBES Staff TRE IPLI IER UNITS EdPLOYL4G SUBLIZIATURE Dr B Chance J i Thurston P L Richman Description of project The primary purpose of tas project was to develop a photoelectric spectrometer for biophysical experimentetion The problem being to make an apparatus which would measure extremely small spectral shifts In the course of this development, work was begun on the use of subminiatare tabe assemblies as amlifiers, voltage regulators, and so on The advantage of suca a technique being that the circuits could be stabilized by means of iiverse feedback adjusted for desired characteristics at assembly, and thereafter could be e'oected to hold their calibration for long periods, their reulacement uoon failure being made by changing subassenblies rather than replacing tubep Because this work apneared to have wide apolication in tne assembly of otner electronic eouloment, it has been continued and expanded Status Item 1 A comparison of the electron-mult.plier phototube and the ordinary uhototube for high-resolution spectroonotometry A number of tests were condacted to determine tne comparative stability and sensitivity of type 931A and 929 phototubes Both of these tabes were tested in a modified Coleman s-ectrophotometer in which the light intensity and tne supoly nossible The drift of the outout of voltages were stabilized as carefully as either tube was then recorded as a function of time Since it was desired to measure an extremely small increment of light Intensity, (approximately 1 x 10 - 5 ) the output of either tube was measured with a sensitive millivoltmeter using mechanical-switca -41- modulators described in previous renorts In tests of the photomultiplier the effects of fatigue already noted by Diekel caused not only a critical selection of The all available tubes but also in the end seriously limited their performance best available Type 931-A (several Type 1P28 were tried without good results) -4 per minute with a collector current of 10 mlcrodrifted at the rate of 1 x 10 amperes and annroximately 50 volts ver stage Type 929 a drift rate of between 1 x 10 -4 Without any special selection of and 1 x 10 - 5 per minute was obtained Thus for the light Intensities available (between 1 x 10 amneres) tne ordinar 9 and 1 x 10 - 7 micro- pho-otube provided simpler and more stable operation in measuring small increments of light intensity witnout the necessity for careful selection of tubes It should, however, be remembered that tne success for use of the phototube renuires the extremely stable mechanical switch modulator system Complete circuit diagrams of tae equipment used for these tests mentioned above are available A further test of the resolution possible in spectrophotometry was made by employing a differential-photocell combination in hich light at two slightly The different wavelengths fell upon a pair of phototubes in a balanced circuit signal from these two phototubes was amplified by a similar modulation system In addition, a similar photoelectric circuit was used to control the light intensity The results obtained from tans equinment v ere consiaerably better than those obtained from the single photocell and drift rates approaching 1 x l0 - 6 parts per minute Fere again comlete circuits are available The differential spectrophotometer has been emoloyed in a study of the kinetics of enzyme reaction and its performance has been compared with that of an apnaratus built for the same purpose but constructed to use d-c amplifiers and less sophisticated light control circults It appears that a factor of improvement of roughly 100 has been obtained since equivalent signal-to-noise ratios are obtainable with a 2 x 10 - 8 mole per liter solution whereas a 1 x 10 - 6 mole per liter solution was previously reauled Work on this project will presently be directed towards the stabilization of the mercury are in order to extend these measurements to the ultraviolet and to give increased intensity at the wavelengths desired in the visible region Item 2 (J N Construction ana tests of various subminiature package units Thurston and Peter Richman) Corsiderable experience has been gained on the performance of the two types of a-c amplifier which have been made Unfortunately difficulty has arisen due to premature deterioration of the cathode of some of the pentodes (Type 828A) Con- sultation with the manufacturer has indicated that these tubes were probably handmade Production samples have been received recently but no data are yet available to determine whether normal life (a few t}ousand hours) is obtainable with these tubes No difficulty is anticipated from this cause in the long run since numerous life tests were made of type SD834 (614) in the Radiation Laboratory and successful operation for several thousand hours at a few watts dissipation was readily obtainable 1 Dieke, G H , "A Study of Standard Methods for Spectrographic Analysis", Sport W-193 Office of Production Research and Development -42- Present development work on these a-c amplifiers is directed toward imrovement in stability, reduction of noise, and reduction of the tendency to oscillate Uhen supplied from a high impedance source A test circuit has been devised for measuring the characteristics of these amplifiers and for selecting and testing the characteristics of individual tubes The present design of direct-coupled amplifiers, although giving clite satisfactory performance, is sensitive to variations of the negative supply voltage and a more elaborate model has been constructed which consists of two casc-,ed stages of differential amplifiers employing pentodes The use of a differential amolifier for the second stage reduces considerably the sensitivity to supply voltage changes Furthermore the overall gain is just as great as that of the pre- vious design, and as the accompanying circuit diagram indicates put is obtainable a push-pull out- The cathode resistor of the first stage is split into two parts in order to permit balancing of the tubes in order that zero differerce of potential betweeen the first two gTids would give approximately zero output. A few of these units have been built and performance data on them are available The majority of tubes tested have a grid current of less than 0 01 microampere and a noise level of between 10 and 15 microvolts over a bandwidth of 10 -c per sec The common mode signal (common to both grids) uhich just exceeds noise is about 1 millivolt This figure may be increased to roughly 100 millivolts by emoloying a screen battery and carefully balancing the tubes One difficulty of this circuit not completely solved is the sensitivity of the gain of a second stage to screen voltage variation If desired, some internal feedback may be used in this amplifier to diminish this variation At the present time Sylvania Electric Products Comnany is manufacturing prototypes of the a-c amplifier using Type 828A pentodes They propose next to work on the direct-coupled amplifier and then branch out into the many applications of this philosophy of circuit design A preliminary design for a stable multivibrator frecuency divider has already been com-leted and a unit for generating timing markers, at 20, 10, 5, 1, and 1/2 cps has been built at the Laboratory OtI*er im- portant applications of these units are in selective ampliflers, sine wave oscillators, square wave generators, etc Item 3 WicLe-range voltmeter The mechanical switch modulator-demodulator circuit has been used as a basis of a wide-range voltmeter covering 500 microvolts to 1 kv On the low ranges (500 microvolts to 1 volt) While on the high the input resistance is 1/4 meg ohm ranges (1 volt to 1000 volts) the input resistance is 250 meg ohms The current sensitivity of the instrument is roughly 4 x 10l2 amps but depends upon the noise level and grid current of the first amplifier tube device is included since it is thought that it -43- The circuit diagram of this may have many uses in the Laboratory TO BE ADJUSTED IN FINAL TEST Asw 1000 GROUND AND INPUT AND OUTPUT SALANCED WIIT RsPEoT TO nOUIND D C AMPLIFIER # 2 ON TOP OF UNIT ALTERNATE RESISTOR ARRANGEMENT TI3R ALL Ul1ST100SL 1% D WW 2 S. r * RfV SWITCH 0 + 150oV x J 1 Jw _ r _ _ w2 _ ____ _ 0WW 25M 025 BROWN CONVERTER ili WIDE RANGE VOLTMETER ib O I III P BIOPFYSICS PROJECT Staff Dr S Goldman H N Bovoes Description of nroiect In order to facilitate the examination of the electrical potential distribution on the surface of the skull as an aid in the diagnosis of br-ir tumors, attemnts are being made to utilize radar PPI presentation techniques The problem is extremely dif'icult because of the minute potentials available for presentation (1 to 50 mlcrovolts) This technioue when develooed is expected to have many aonlicat.ons in the blot hysics field Status The preliminiry beam Ticl-up tube mentioned in the renort of June 30, 1946 as being under construction, has now been built as anticirated and rork is undervay to bring it put level of 10 microvolts The tube onerates about down to an oerating signal in- I When this is accomplished a scanning-beam pickun- tube will be made for the nickup of actual skull potertall -46- mamping signals