KtrY PHYSICS22I FALL 2OO4 FINAL EXAM Name (printed): ID Number: SectionNumber: Recitation Instructor: INSTRUCTIONS: i. Put away all materials exceptfor pens,pencils,erasersand your calculator. ii. This is a 120 minute exam and contains25 multiple choiceproblems worth 4 points each. There are also four laboratory basedquestionsworth 3 points each. iii. In marking the multiple choicebubbte sheetuse a number 2 pencil. Do NOT use ink. If you did not bring a pencil, ask for one. Fill in the appropriate circles completely. If you need to changeany entry, you must comptetelyeraseyour previous entry. Also, circle your answers on this exam. iv. Carefully read each problem and its five possibleanswersbefore beginning to work the problem. Selectone and only one answer for each problem. Choosethe answer that is closestto the correct one. v. Pleaseturn over or cover your bubble sheetwhen you are not marking it. vi. Before handing in your exam, be sure that your answerson your bubble sheetare what you intend them to be. If you want to, copy down your answerson a piece of unused scratch paper for comparisonwith the answer key to be posted later. vii. When you are finished with the exam, place all exam materials, including the bubble sheet,the exam itself, and scratch paper that you used for the exam, in your folder and return the folder to your recitation instructor. viii. No cell phone calls allowed. Either turn off your cell phone or leave it at home. Anyone taking cell phone calls (must leavethe testing room) will not be allowed to return. *NOTE: PROBLEMSSTART AT #101PLEASETURN BUBBLE SHEET OVER GOOD LUCK!! PHYSICS 22I FINAL EXAM FALL 2AO4 101) A 200 kg box restson the floor of an elevator. If the elevatoris acceleratingupwardwith : lul 3.00 m/s2, what work is done by the normal force exertedby the floor on the box as the elevatorrises 10.0m? A. B. C. D. 'l'-' OJ 6 . 0 0x 1 0 3J 1 . 3 6x 1 0 4J 1 . 9 6x 1 0 4J 2.s6x 104J (9 ,rl;l t o 2 )u : o A. Implies d must be zero. B. Implies d must be perpendicularto i. A ImplieslS I mustbezero. to i or l# | ir zero. @(!,) Canimplythatd is zero,d is perpendicular E. It cannotimply any of the above. I 03) D -_> C rl F h Four identical blocks are attachedto eachother by masslessrope (or stacked)as shown and they all move togetherwhen force F is appliedas shown. Find the ratio of the net forceonblockA andC, ie ffi : f A i e! E.4 from a string(of negligiblemass)of length40.0cm 104) A simplependulumis constructed 2.00 kg. If we wantto usethe samemassto createa anda point-likemassm oscillatorwith the sameperiodof oscillation,whatspringconstantk must spring/mass the springhave? A. B. C. D. .4, 2.04x l0-2N/m 8.16x l0'2N/m 6.14N/m 12.25N/m (!J 4e.0N/m 105) Io -\ In the circuit shown. if the voltage acrossthe 3.0 0 resistoris 9.0 V, what is the current through the 10 Q resistor? A. 0.9 A (P r.sA c. 2.7A D . 3 . 0A E. Cannot determine,insufficient information provided. I 06) A copperwire has a massfl, I lenglh (.i, anda resistanceRi. If this wire is now reformed into a new copperwire with the samemassm, but a length of 2 (.i, what is this new wire's resistance? A. 0.25Ri B. 0.50Ri C . 1 . 0R i A 2.oRr ( E.\4.0 Ri \J 107) What is the capacitanceof the parallel plate capacitorshown below if one half (an areaof f ) of the capacitorhas a K = 3.0 dielectric material filling the gap and the otherhalf is simply vacuum?Let A: 1.00cm2andd = 0.100mm. - t I l - - 1 - ' ' \ ) \ \ \ ' ( \\, \,, '1. ./ A . 2 . 2 1x 1 0 - r 2F B. 4.43x l 0 - r 2F C . 8 . 8 5x l 0 - 1 2F I @ @r . 7 7 xl 0 - rI F E . 3 . 5 4x l 0 ' l F 108) A 12 V batteryhasan internalresistanceof 5.0 CI. If a 1.0 Q resistorand a 3.0 CIresistor are placed in serieswith the batteryso as to make a completecircuit, what is the voltage acrossthe 3.0 Q resistor? L 3.0v qy4.0v c. 6.0v D . 8 . 0V E. 9.0V A 3-g particle moves subjectto the force associatedto this potential.No other forces act on the particle. r20 t I I / 100 / / 80 60 U (J) f / \ / \ 40 / \ / \ ,/ / \ 7 \ \ 0 / \ ./ \ 20 ,/ \ / ,/ 6 x (m) l0 t2 109) Theparticleis released from restat x : I I m. Whatis the maximumkineticenergyof the particle? A. 2OJ B.3OJ C. 5OJ D. 6OJ 6 sol \_/ Find the x componentof the force at x - 7 m. 1l0) z^ \AJ O B. c. D. E. +7.3N -7.3N +30N -30N rl l) k= \o.* tJi* Pk=C.5oO - 5 , o€ 4.n Cpo f l-sro A springwith k: 10.00N/m is compressed by 5.00 cm by a 5.00 g mass. If the :0.500, coefficientof friction ir po what is the mass'svelocity when the springit is attachedto is expandedby 2 cm? A. 1.59m/s -4, 1.73m/s ( C.J1.87m/s D. 1.96m/s E. 2.05m/s ll2) Two massesapproachthe origin as shown and undergoa completelyinelasticcollision. The resulting combinedmasshas a final velocity Vf : vr j . What ratio of the magnitudes of iei and Vsl can lead to this result? < , ^ l/1v", lvo, |: L{O"O A. 3.8 B. 2.0 c. r.0 D. 0.61 a::T)ro.so A lo"ok? {o,o \rrc s,ooLZ 113) Whichof the followinggraphsbestrepresents the lgfrll fo. anuniformlycharged insulatingspherewith chargedensityp[coulomb/meteC]? I 14) Two point chargesarelocatedon thex-ar<is.gr is at x:0 m andgz is locatedat x:4 m. If E:0 at x:3 m whichof thefollowingsetsof charges couldb. qr md qzr ,n 92:I nC \AY9r:9nC B) C) D) E) I l5) el:3nC gl:-3nC e l : - 1 8n C qr : 4 nC g2: lnC g2:1nC ez:Z nC g2:4 nC A massis launcheddirectlyupwardalongtheradialdirectionfrom the earth'ssurface with an initial speedof I .00km/s. Whatwill themass'sspeedbe whenit is 2000km from the earth'ssurface? A) 2.23km/s B) 4.46kmls C) 6.19km/s D) 8.38km/s 2000km aboveearth'ssurface. @lmpossible questionsincethemassneverreaches \--l 116) A squareof side20 cm is placedon thex z planein a regionof spacewherethe electric of thenetelectricflux field is E: (100 Ull - (200Hll Whatis themagnitude throughthe square? A)4.0N.m2lC A5.l N'mzlc ( c) )8.0N . m2lc \ t f 8 . eN . m z t c E i 1 2N . m 2 t c Thenegativecharge Two point chargesQ and-a (a: 15.0nC) areplacedon thex-a><is. is at x : *2.00 cm andthepositivechargeis at x - -4.00cm.Determinethe electricfield at x : 0.00cm,on thex-axis. ll7) A) + 2.53x 105N/C ? B ) - 2 . 5 3x 1 0 5N / C ? . c )^ 0 . - ( ol) + 4.21x lo5N/c i Y - 4.21x losNlc ? 118) A personhasjust arrangeda 5.0-m long, uniform, boardof mass10 kg so that it rests atop two wedgesplacedunderthe left end and 2.0 m from the right end. as shown in the figure below. A small (point, mass-like)box is placedon the right end of the board. What is the maximum box massthat can be placedwithout the board tipping? q)uF, D) 7.4ekg E) e.99.ks I I 9) A force F out of the pageis applied at point P to a dumbbell shapedobject made of two uniform sphereseachof massm and radius L and a single rod with massm and length L. One of the spheresis made so that the systemcan rotate about axis A. Find the magnitude of the angularacceleration. A . a : 0 . 1 2ML4 ,'^ ( e . )*a : 0".' -2 " 54 mL \;/ IL C. a :0.50 "m D. a:0.75 - m4L E . a : l . I ? ' mL L Arts PSfnrt"'' 120) A thin ring (with masslessspokes)of massM and radius R has a masslessrope wound around it. The rope is also attachedto a smallermassm which startsa height h abovethe floor. Which expressiongivesthe speeOlul of m just beforeit hits the floor? A. \ b t 2 mgh/(M + m) U. D. 4mgh/(M+2m) E. None of the above. The units [N . s] are appropriateunits for l2l) A. acceleration .p. kinetic energy @momentum D. potential energy E. rotational moment of inertia 122) The figure shows sketchesof the parabolictrajectoriesof four identical projectiles. Each is launchedwith a different initial speedand angle. Which shell will be in the air the longest? Y A.A B.B C.C D.D Qeu projectileswill be in the air for the surmeamountof time. A smallbox of massm : I .0 kg startsmovingup an inclineangled40owith respectto the horizontal.The speedof thebox at thebottomof the inclineis 3.0m/s,andthe magnitudeof thebox'sacceleration is 7.0 mls2. 123) How high verticallyabovethe startingpointdoesthebox go? A. 0.20m 8.0.38 .A q9 0.41m D. 0.64m E. 0.75m 124) Determinethe coefficientof kineticfrictionbetweenthe box andthe incline. ,7l', (A.) B. C. D. E. Fk:0.093 F k : 0 .1 3 Fk: 0.26 Fk: 0.57 Fk:0.89 125) A particlehasa time dependent acceleration a(t)- (6$) t -14$ for positivet. If the particlehasa velocityof 10m/s at t : 0, how far will theparticlemovebetweentimes t:0andt-10s? A) 46m B ) 1 7 0m ,I\300m ( D)J400m Y5oom PHYSICS221- Fall, 2004 LaboratoryFinal II Considera cart whoseposition is measuredwith an ultrasonic transducer(a "motion detector"), as you did in lab. (Assumethe 'sensorgives positions relative to the X axis illustrated in the figure). 126) Which of the following representsa graph of position vs. time that might result when the cart is acceleratingat a fixed. positive rate? c A E) 127) None of the above graphs. The trajectory of a puck sliding freely on a level air table is recorded(as done in 221 lab) on a piece of (metric) graphpaper,shown at the right. Assumethat the spark generatorwas operating atarate of 60 Hertz, and that the figure at the right is approximatelyfull scale. Estimatethe magnitudeof the X component of the velocity of the puck (in cm/s). A) ro3 @- c) 60 D) 0.02 E) It is not possibleto calculatean estimatewithout a protractorto measureangles. lI.^ 128) In the experimentin which the free oscillationsof a plate hung from a spring was studied,the position of the plate was measured repeatedlyby an ultrasonic "motion" detector.Using position data from this system,the computer calculatedthe velocity of the plate. Suchvelocity data is representedin the graph below. Assuming that the coordinatesystemshown in the figure was used,what point on the graph coresponds to the plate being farthest from the floor? E) r2e) For an object executingsimple harmonicmotion, it is not possibleto say where the object is from such velocity information. An uncharged metal rod is restingon a small standthat is free to rotate.When a negatively charged plastic rod is brought closeto one end (A) of the metal rod, the metal rod is attracted toward the plastic rod. Assumenow that the negativerod is removed,and that instead a positively charged plastic rod is broughtin turn closeto eachof the endsof the metal rod. Which of the following best describesthe behaviorof the rod. A) B) C) motion detector plastic uncharged metalrod B T T rodv U A CD rotatingstand There will be neither attractionnor repulsion of the metal rod (it is uncharged). The metal rod will be repelled when the plastic rod is near end A, and attractedwhen the plasticrod is near end B. The metal rod will be attractedwhen the plastic rod is near end A, and repelled when the plasticrod is near end B. The metal rod will be repelled,whicheverend is closeto the plasticrod. The metal rod will be attracted,whichever end is close to the plastic rod Formula sheetfor the Final Exam- Phys221- Fatl 2004 L Vecton and math A. E = ABcosd= A,B,+ A,B,+ A,B, lrl=,tw e f"E =(ArB,-A,Br)?+(e,a,- A,B,)j* (n,u,- ArB,)k lf " El=ABsin i -b! m'+bx+c=0 d dx b2 -4ac + 2a d *n = n x ' -l dx 4"o, x--sinx dx sinx=cos.r Geometry perimetercircle: ZnR areasphere:4nR2 4 area crr.cle:n R2 volume sphere:1o Rt J I revolution : 2n radians: 360" femto- (0 l0-r2 pico- (p) 10-e nano- (n) @ Conversion factors (for barbaric units) I yard: 3 foot : 36 inches I mile: 1.609km I gallon: 3.788liters l0-r5 I inch - 2.54 cm I lb :4.448 N l0-3 milli- (m) 103 kilo- (k) 106 mega- (M) lOe giga- (G) l0r2 tera- (T) Physicalconstants g = 9.81m/s2 G = 6.67x lo-rr Nm2/kg2 4tt€o f vu - - Lt +Uoxt+Lart' e = L 6 0 x l 0 - t eC Nm2 i L u n :"average dt Constant acceleration l _ , v =vo+iot+-dtzl I=Io € o= 8 . 8 5 x r 0 - , 2 C' Generalkinematics L F f =r, "av€rage C2 I#: t "" = * = 8 . 9 9 x l o e d i Q-- N dt u'-ui =2a'Lv u" -d' = Zaax i -Do+dt Ur=Uox+oxt R=C, in2o g Circular motion de da dt | 2n dt 2nR f u ,r,= - = - = - t12 e."d=?= Rai r a 0 =00+@ot+!at' 2 Relative motion h rehtive to C : u = R a t ar^ - Ra s=R0 (D=o)o+at 1, relative,o g * 6 rclmve to C dlnl atil = - r L dt a=dra*drn ' r ) r a)'-ai :za6e Ioro*"" toc do rr"ot" to c = do ,""0* ,o B * ZB relaiveto c = 0o.""0"",o B * dg retativeto c l'orces IF -md 4t= lV) = ^E f, < p,N fr = ltrN = LKE wn", LKE 'ave 1,, 4*t = -kLx Work and energr I ^ Pt =tw- JtF.aT KE=!mu' = "wn., net 2* 2 =Y n " =L Lt E^- u = L u 2+ C dt (F ,= -x ,etc) u( 7) - u (v J = -fr.a l F = -i u W" *",r" = -A'U dw = ; -u .F' =: -P"o Inst ac U - mg,t+C 2 (When only conservativeforces do work: nE = 0) M =Zooo***.,ai,o E-KE+U Momentum, impulse. Systemsof particles. F i=&=lFat F=nfi L F J -, aa v e = - = - N Z*,1 --: ucu= vr c r i : s- Lm, i Z*,r, i Z*,a, t --cM= a-, 5.- Lm, i fn^ -rira UN =-Uo, m^+mB KEr*=KEr,*ff"rai""to*"r Lm, t 4*=ry=nro,ad',u,(wttr" Ftota = ffir^ir* N 2mo l)8, =-l)0, mA+mB 4o = 0, Ftotaj= 4*' ) uN, - usjr - -(u xt, - u",rr) Rigid-body motion - s r ffrmstaron =**4* = KEo*l"ti- * ffi*t,'ioo ffitoa ) I=Lmiri I=Ir*+mdz v- vxF t ;'oo -- d E f^* -- Id ffo*- I =ilrr'' I=VxF L=16 (When r* = 0, Lr*ri= 4"r1) dt 2 /sotidgphcre- ;mf ' ) _ 2 I 1' . , /holro*sphqe = ;mrJ --&- Ir L l - l -L*,' /soridcyrinder thottor""ytindo = fflr2 with thin walls + - ' --ltnft I_roo n _ , #ry = l,".t^et" i*(o' * b') Simple harmonic motion -) d2x ^ -...-= +O)-X =U dt' x=Acos(a/+A) a = -Aot2 cos(arr+ A) u=-Aatsin(ar+A) ' = lw T a) -- | 2n ,Tr =I =- f a ) 4,-or, - -bfr +a) x - A(t)cos(aft W A(t) = Ae 4* &-r'il'*b'4 Gravitation = -Mm ^ --Qtr &*oo I ^M, 8=u; tr ^Mm (J - -11- r r\E @ Ucirsula ortir = r - 1 r 7 xD: consLant 2ratl2 ,n , -_ 'lGM /e,Un, = fpUp g = 9.81nr/s2 G - 6.67x l0-rr Nm2lkg2 M, = 5.97x l o2akg R, = 6-38x 106m Electrostatics i -r,Q,Q ,r . r i E=L .couromb - n, go I e d= -''k , 4 r J E . A - q e€on c r o s E @r= I E.x s'rface p:9 r d r' ffi (Vv=volume) \ ' pA- ' ffi" =9.1 I x l oit kg o =P d (A=area) A \ / C' €-uo= g . g 5 x l 0 -+r 2 ffi, =1.67 x 1o-27kg N m' E = -+ ? t E=k"?Lr 2€o r d1=+ l (/ = length) r I = 8^ . ! ) g x l 0 er y 4neo ' u=-F.E v-prE W--LU=-.qoLV (J=QoV V=k,1 VA-Va=-ffnaf k"^ - F=@la LV=+Ed e = L 6 0 x l 0 -C re Capacitors ' -3 "' c* -e q =c,+cr+cr+... +=+*****... Cq Ct C2 C3 c =9 V c = e- u^ 4 c - , 2 L e o , ! , cv = 4r 're € L o^ o b d n(aln) u v -Lcv, -Q' -!ov Z-. 2C Zy,, b-a , -!eE2 e- = -f -f-iuo C v - '= L vr oc c 2-- Electric current and resistorcircuits I=# V:IR p= po(t+a(r-4)) R*=4+&+&+... J=+=Qnva E=Jp ^:o+ ^ R = &( t + a ( r - r , ) ) l l l - =l :T... R.q 4 R2 & v - 'Ir- l t -*'- I :rR\ rP = 2 R ^RCcircuits Q0= g(*)(r-r-%) g(r)= ee)r-% r = RC rQy- r(o)e-/"