Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6): Capabilities, Operational
Concepts, and the Transition from IPv4
Domagalski, Joshua E.
August 27, 2008
USNA Computer Science Dept. ◦ 572M Holloway Rd Stop 9F ◦ Annapolis, MD 21403
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6): Capabilities, Operational Concepts,
and the Transition from IPv4
Domagalski, Joshua E
December 6, 2007
Computer Science Department
SI495A: Research Project Report
Fall AY08
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6): Capabilities, Operational Concepts,
and the Transition from IPv4
Midshipman Joshua Domagalski, 081812
United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD
Certification of Faculty Mentor’s Approval
Assistant Professor Patrick Vincent
Department of Computer Science
Assistant Professor Thomas Augustine
Department of Computer Science
Department Chair Endorsement
Captain Thomas Logue
Chair, Department of Computer Science
Executive Summary
The research study, Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6): Capabilities, Operational
Concepts, and the Transition from IPv4, was conducted at the United States Naval
Academy (USNA) with the aim of developing, employing and testing an IPv6 network
while learning about many important compatibility and operational issues an organization
would encounter while migrating to this new protocol. Specifically, the study entailed
participation in the primary phase of the Defense Information Systems Agency’s
(DISA’s) IPv6 Pilot Network Project. This primary phase required setting up a fully
functional IPv6 network at USNA that, in turn, connected to an IPv6 network at the
United States Military Academy (USMA) via an IPv4/IPv6 Virtual Private Network
Although mandated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to complete
the critical conversion of IPv4 to IPv6 by 2008, the Department of Defense (DOD),
recognizing the inherent security considerations, operational restrictions and resultant
delays in conducting such a conversion, has sponsored the multi-phase US Service
Academy IPv6 Pilot Network Project. By partaking in the pilot project, this research
study facilitated the DOD-wide protocol conversion by making use of an IPv6 connection
between USMA and USNA which afforded a secure testing and validation environment.
In addition to the inter-academy IPv6 network connection mandated by the Pilot
Network Project, the scope of this research study was threefold: 1) to review and validate
the prior research study conducted by the MIDN Christopher B. Landis, USN, 2) to test
and develop convergence techniques for the coexistence of IPv4/IPv6, and 3) to discover
and analyze the ramifications that the transition to IPv6 would have on legacy systems. It
is noteworthy that during the course of the study, our findings revealed a disagreement
with a finding reached in the previous Landis study (as might be expected when
performing research on a new and largely unexplored topic). In addition, we found that it
is vital to understand the IPv6 addressing scheme as it provides the critical and
fundamental underpinning to the many other changes made to the new protocol.
By the conclusion of the study, we were able to create a fully functional
IPv4/IPv6 network that connected to the USMA network via the tunnel. Although we
attempted to create an IPv6-only network, we found that the use and integration of
Microsoft’s Windows XP PRO SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 necessitated the
existence of IPv4 on the network for the provision of some network services. In addition,
we noted that the potential for transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6 using Linux-based
operating systems seems much more promising than utilizing Microsoft’s Windows XP.
Our research provides recommendations for future participation and study in this
crucial DOD project.
1. Introduction
Security considerations, technical challenges, and operational requirements have
hindered the Department of Defense (DoD) from investigating and testing Internet
Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) on a large scale. In fact, DoD is seriously lagging behind
current congressional and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) mandates to prepare
for the transition from IPv4 (the protocol currently in use) to IPv6. In order to facilitate
the conversion process, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) sponsored a
three-phase U.S. Service Academy IPv6 Pilot Network Project.
This research study was intended to serve as an integral part of phase one of the
DISA Pilot Network Project. This research entailed building, operating and maintaining
a pilot IPv6 network between the United States Naval Academy and the United States
Military Academy. This network was then used to provide validation and refutation of
operational concepts developed for the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, to include
investigations of network management, address allocation and Domain Name Services.
This research also investigated the testing and development of protocol capabilities and
communication, as well as transition techniques for migrating from the IPv4 protocol to
Although prevalently misunderstood as simply “IPv4 with a larger address
space,” IPv6 represents an entirely new protocol incorporating 4 major changes: 1) IP
addresses are expanded from 4 bytes to 16 bytes, 2) the format of the packet header is
simplified to include only seven fields (from 13 in IPv4) thus making routing faster, 3)
various provisions are incorporated to enhance Quality of Service (QoS) and 4) security
is improved through authentication and privacy capabilities. Notwithstanding these four
major changes, the new protocol should be backwards compatible with IPv4. Current
DoD networks, operating under IPv4, remain vulnerable to limited address space,
antiquated architecture, a difficulty in providing quality of service for voice and video
applications, and critical security concerns.
2. DoD Internet Protocol Version 6 Generic Test Plan (DoD IPv6 GTP) and DISA
In September 2006, in accordance with OMB mandates, the DoD established the
goal of transitioning all DoD networks to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) by fiscal
year 2008 [1]. Clearly, this target date will not be met. In order that this transition be
eventually accomplished, DISA published the Department of Defense Internet Protocol
Version 6 Generic Test Plan (GTP) which requires the testing, analyzing, and validating
of commercial and government IPv6 implementation. Thus, in order for a product to be
considered “IPv6 capable,” it must complete testing for performance and interoperability
in accordance with the Generic Test Plan (GTP) as well as be in conformance with the
various industry-wide standards that the Internet Engineering Task Force establishes in
its Requests for Comments (RFCs) [1]. This DoD IPv6 GTP “specifies test criteria and
procedures for IPv6 products involved in or connecting to the Global Information Grid”
(DISA) [1]. The GTP divides the testing of IPv6 into nine main categories: Core IP
Functionality, Routing and Switching, Transition Mechanism, Common Network
Applications, Security and Information Assurance, Mobility, Quality of Service,
Multicasting, and Network Operations and Management.
As a subset to the overall DoD IPv6 GTP, the Defense Information Systems
Agency sponsored the U.S. Service Academy IPv6 Pilot Network Project which aims at
eventually connecting the five federal service academies—the United States Naval
Academy (USNA), the United States Military Academy (USMA), the United States Air
Force Academy (USAFA), the United States Merchant Marine Academy, and the United
States Coast Guard Academy (USCGA)—together using an IPv6/IPv4 tunnel. This
process of connecting the different academies was divided into phases: phase one,
currently underway, entails the initial connection of USNA with USMA; phase two will
involve the connection of USAFA to this network, and phase three will see the
connection of USCGA and USMMA to this network.
The primary purpose of this Pilot Network Project was fourfold: 1) to “provide
validation or refutation of operational concepts developed for transition from IPv4 to
IPv6, to include investigation into Information Assurance, Network Management,
Multicasting, Domain Name Services, and standard Transport Control Protocol (TCP)
services,” 2) to “develop common best practices for the utilization of IPv6,” 3) to
“develop IPv6 as a protocol by experimenting with its inherent capabilities for mobility,
flexibility, robotics control, and convergence of services,” and 4) to “provide training to
the staff, faculty, and students in the next generation protocol to be used throughout the
US Department of Defense” [2].
3. Addressing
The IPv6 protocol differs in many significant ways from IPv4; first and foremost
in the addressing mechanism that is utilized. As addressing is a significant part of any
form of communication, understanding the differences in IPv6 addressing involves not
only the focus on the larger address space, but also the effects of addressing on routing
algorithms as implemented in the next-generation protocol.
IPv4’s 32-bit address offers, in theory, 4,294,967,296 unique addresses [3]. This
seemed like a generous allowance of addresses when the Internet was first launched as a
military and academic research project in the 1970’s. With the growing popularity of the
Internet beginning in the early 1990’s, address exhaustion became a concern. Although
Network Address Translation, Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol and other short-term stopgaps have delayed the exhaustion of
IPv4 address space, the fundamental problem remained unsolved while the solutions in
some cases actually further complicated matters. Ergo, IPv6 provides a 128-bit long
address, yielding 2128 (340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,770,000,000) different
unique IP addresses [4]. To shorten the notation used for the address and to simplify
calculations, IPv6 addresses are represented in hexadecimal rather than decimal notation.
This reduces the length of the address to 32 hexadecimal characters, divided by colons
into 8 groups of 4 characters (16 bits) each. To further simplify the address notation,
zeroes are handled in a special way. First, all leading zeroes are omitted from each group
of four hexadecimal characters. Second, consecutive zeroes of any length can be omitted
to further collapse the IPv6 address – two colons are used where this omission takes
place. However, consecutive zeroes can only be omitted once to avoid ambiguity in
reconstructing the full address. Thus, by following these notation rules, an IPv6, unicast
global address, 2001:0000:0000:00A1:0000:0000:0000:1E2A, can also be written as
2001:0:0:A1::1E2A [4].
The IPv6 address architecture classifies addresses as one of three types: unicast,
multicast, and anycast [5]. A unicast address is an address that identifies a single node.
In other words, traffic sent to a unicast address will only be forwarded to a specific,
single node. A multicast address, as the name implies, is an address that identifies a
group of nodes (normally found on a given site). Traffic sent to a multicast address will
be forwarded to each node within that group. Lastly, anycast is an address that identifies
a group of nodes where any traffic forwarded to that anycast address will be forwarded to
the nearest node within the group.
Unicast addresses can be further divided into three types: link-local, site-local
(sometimes referred to as “unique local”), and global [4]. All unicast addresses contain
both a network prefix and an interface identifier: the network prefix denotes the link
while the interface identifier denotes the exact node. Link-local addresses identify hosts
on a single link (layer 2 domain). This address is normally used for neighbor discovery,
automatic address configuration, or when routers are not present on the network. Linklocal addresses are assigned the address space FE80::/10 (where the familiar CIDR slash
notation is carried over from IPv4, in this case indicating that all 128-bit link-local
addresses will always begin with the 10 bits: 1111111010) [4]. Site-local addresses
identify hosts on a single domain or site using the network prefix. Normally, a site-local
scheme will be pushed on the site via a router. These addresses are also referred to as
unique-local addresses (ULAs). Site-local addresses will be found in either the FC00::/7
or FD00::/8 address space (this is normally locally assigned). For both link-local and
site-local addresses, routers will not forward any packets with these addresses as source
or destination outside of the given site (similar to private addressing schemes in IPv4). In
addition, the 8th bit of the address prefix facilitates the possible, future ability to identify
an assignment policy [4]. Global unicast addresses (GUAs), however, are forwarded
outside of the site or domain by routers as their purpose is to provide a unique unicast
address available globally. These addresses can be identified by their high-level 3 bits
being set to 001 (2000::/3) [6].
Of particular interest in the design of unicast addresses is the integration of the
“interface identifier” which is unique for each host [4]. The interface identifier occupies
the lower 64-bits of all unicast addresses and is related to the Media Access Control
(MAC) address. In order to generate an IPv6 Interface Identifier from a MAC Address,
several steps must occur. First, the 48-bit MAC address is taken and divided exactly in
half. These two halves are then buffered with 16-bits (FFFE is inserted in between the
two halves). The result is the EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) representation [4].
After the EUI-64 identifier is obtained, the seventh bit of the 16 high-level bits is
“flipped”. The result is the IPv6 Interface Identifier. The following provides an example
of how this is done for one of the computers (named PANDORA) used in USNA’s lab:
Pandora’s MAC Address:
0 2
Pandora’s Link-Local Address:
Figure 1
Because link-local and site-local addresses can, by their very nature, be reused,
RFC 4007 employs the use of a “zone identifier” (also known as a “scope identifier”) [7].
As an example, PANDORA’s link-local address would be seen as the following:
FE80::208:74FF:FE39:90D2%5. Here, the IPv6 prefix and interface identifiers are the
same; but, in order to distinguish the scope, the %5 indicates the “zone”. The main
purpose of having zone identifiers is to make a link-local address unique for a node that is
connected to multiple links. However, this syntax presents a conflict with RFC 2396 in
regards to Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Generic Syntax [8]. Common examples of
this conflict in syntax can be seen in the following example of a simple search query:
Figure 2
According to RFC 2396, ‘%’ is reserved for the special purpose of encoding escape
characters [8]. While generally not presenting difficulties as most METHOD=”GET”
separates the URL from the appended search query forming the URI, the potential for
conflict is not beyond the realm of possibility.
In addition to the prefix and interface identifier segments of unicast addresses,
Global and Subnet ID segments are also provided. Though originally meant to be
implemented in a global aggregation scheme, the Global and Subnet IDs are now
controlled by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and the respective
service provider (SP). The global prefix is 48 bits or shorter and is allocated to a service
provider by IANA [9]. The subnet ID identifies the organizational structure of its
network in respect to the service provider.
Another important change in the IPv6 protocol is the replacement of broadcast
addresses with multicast addresses. Basically, a multicast address identifies a group of
interfaces so that a packet with a multicast destination address is sent to all those
belonging to the multicast group.
All IPv6 multicast addresses have their first 8 (high-order) bits set to 1 thus giving
the address structure FF00::/8 [4]. After the first 8 bits, the next 4 bits act as a flag of
which the three lower-order bits are currently used. The second flag bit, 10th bit from the
beginning, indicates whether that multicast group address contains the unicast address of
the RP (rendezvous point) [4]. The third flag bit, 11th bit from the beginning, indicates
whether the multicast address is based on a unicast prefix or not. The fourth flag bit, 12th
bit from the beginning, indicates whether it is permanently assigned or not. It is
important to note, however, that if the third flag bit is set to 1 indicating that it is based on
a unicast address, then by necessity the fourth flag bit must also be set to 1 indicating a
nonpermanent address. This is due to the fact that because a unicast address has a limited
lifetime, and the multicast address in this case is derived from the unicast address, the
multicast address must also have a limited address [4].
The last change in IPv6 regarding address types is the anycast address. According
to RFC 3513, an anycast address is a unicast address assigned to multiple machines and is
routed to the nearest interface configured for it [5]. However, as anycast addresses are
virtually indistinguishable from unicast addresses, a given node must be configured for
the assignment of an anycast address to its interface. Because an anycast address is
assigned to multiple machines, it cannot be used as the source address for a packet.
Oftentimes, the anycast address is used in the replication of important network resources
such as web servers, multicast RPs, and DNSs which can allow for the sharing of traffic
loads [4].
In summary, IPv6 provides a new address scheme that was meant to address many
of the problems and shortcomings of the IPv4 addressing scheme. Although the change
in the addressing scheme is not necessarily the biggest change in IPv6, it is probably the
most noticeable and necessarily created numerous implications on the research study that
was conducted.
4. Research Study
Primary in purpose to this research study was the establishment of a basic IPv6
network; therefore, fundamental to its inception were the use of basic and commonly
used software and operating systems. Rather than immediately attempting to connect to
the United States Military Academy or rush headlong into the implementation of a router
under IPv6, we instead set up a simple three computer and one hub configuration as the
most pragmatic foundation upon which to build. The OS chosen for this initial
configuration was Windows XP SP2.
A. IPv6 Compatibility with Windows XP SP2
Before beginning the installation and setup of an IPv6 network, IPv6
compatibility with Windows XP SP2 had to be confirmed. After some research, it was
discovered that IPv6 is preinstalled as a package—though not set up—on Windows XP
SP2 platforms. This is in stark contrast to Solaris 10, SUSE 10.1 and other Linux flavors
which, by default, have IPv6 enabled.
A user can setup up IPv6 on their machine, creating link-local addresses as
described above, by using the “netsh” command-line utulity. The netsh tool also
provides the ability to configure a router on a Windows XP system with forwarding and
advertising enabled, to create static routes, and to assign site-local IPv6 addresses.
To enable IPv6 on each computer, we used the command:
netsh interface ipv6 install
Then, for the machine named PANDORA, we used the command to initiate the sending
of “Hello” packets:
netsh interface ipv6 set interface “Local Area Connection”
forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled
This command caused PANDORA, while running Windows XP SP2, to advertise its
address on the interface named “Local Area Connection.”
At this point, our three machines (PANDORA, DAEDALUS and ICARUS), had
the following link-local addresses auto-configured:
Note: At this point, the zone identifier (discussed in Section 3 above) was observed as
“%5” and was attached to the end of the link-local addresses.
The link-local addresses also empirically confirmed that IPv6 link-local addresses
incorporate the MAC address of the machine into the Interface Identifier which
comprises the last 64 bits of the link-local address. In an effort to determine whether or
not the MAC address implementation for IPv6 was at the Data Link Layer (MAC
sublayer) or whether the implementation was higher, MAC spoofing was conducted using
T&R SoftNet Solutions’ MACSpoof to spoof the MAC address. The IPv6 link-local
address change was successful. This proved that IPv6 uses the EUI-64 identifier derived
from the 48-bit IEEE 802 address (RFC 2464) and that the implementation of the MAC
address was on a higher layer than the Data Link Layer.
B. Basic Connectivity
After installing the IPv6 package on each of the three computers, they were
connected via a 4-port hub as shown in Fig. 3. Pings (i.e., ICMP echo request/echo reply
exchanges) were successfully sent between all of the computers using the IPv6 addresses.
The IPv6 literature (such as it is) discusses the use of a command named ping6.
We learned that “ping” is IPv6 compatible simply by context, and “ping6” is not needed.
This is because the initial difference between ping and ping 6 was due to the syntactical
difference between IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. However, as of Service Pack 2, Windows
XP allows for the use of the normal “ping” command followed by the IPv6 address.
Figure 3
But was this really IPv6? In order to test that the actual packets being sent
consisted of IPv6 traffic, Wireshark was installed on the three computers. Wireshark is a
protocol analyzer that allows the user to examine in detail the raw traffic being placed on
a network. Additionally, Wireshark incorporates the filter “ipv6” to readily filter IPv6
traffic. Using Wireshark, we confirmed that IPv6 was indeed being used for neighbor
advertisements, neighbor solicitations, and pings; this traffic was also marked as
“ICMPv6” in the Wireshark display.
To discover the network’s Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU), i.e., the maximumlength packet that could be sent without fragmentation, we pinged ICARUS using
DAEDALUS, increasing the buffer size each time until reaching fragmentation. The
result was 1452. Since the ICMPv6 header contains 6 bytes, and the IPv6 header
contains 40 bytes, the maximum buffer size is 1500 bytes (1452 + 8 + 40), as expected,
since Ethernet is the underlying link layer protocol.
On a side note, we came to the lab and noticed all the machines were powered off.
Upon powering on the machines and checking the physical setup, we began to ping the
machines using their link-local addresses with the zone identifier that was attached on the
preceding day. The result was “Destination Unreachable”. Upon further investigation,
we used the command:
netsh interface ipv6 show interface
which outputs the local index for each given link-local IPv6 address. We learned that this
zone identifier can be different each time the machine is powered-up as it is dynamically
determined by the node on the link. If this zone identifier is not used in the ping
command, or if an incorrect one is used, the user will receive an error “Destination
C. Telnet and FTP
After establishing the initial setup, we decided to test basic services so that data
communication and transfer (other than ICMPv6) could be empirically observed and
We first tested telnet terminal emulation services. After initial user/login setups
and the opening of port 23 in the Windows Firewall, a successful telnet connection was
achieved between DAEDALUS (FE80::208:74FF:FE39:90D4) and ICARUS
(FE80::208:74FF:FE39:9105) using standard telnet commands. The connection was
confirmed and referenced with IPv6 addresses using the netstat command.
Our next goal was to test FTP (File Transport Protocol). This was initially
unsuccessful. Upon investigation, we first considered that it must have been due to the
Windows Firewall. After inspecting the settings and insuring that the correct port was
enabled, we attempted setting up the FTP using a different port that would also be
allowed by Windows Firewall. Unfortunately, the results were still negative.
Due to the ensuing problems we faced with as basic a protocol as FTP, we
researched Microsoft’s exciting whitepapers. However, we immediately saw a conflict in
Microsoft’s own documentation. As can be seen below in Fig.4, one of Microsoft’s
websites states that FTP is IPv6 supported.
Figure 4
However, another Microsoft website, as seen below in Fig 5, notes that Microsoft’s
Internet Information Services (IIS) version 6.0 is not fully IPv6 compatible. IIS provides
Internet-based services for FTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Network News
Transfer Protocol (NNTP) and web. As can be seen from Fig 5, under IPv6 FTP, SMTP
and NNTP are not supported.
Figure 5
This created some confusion. Our test results revealed agreement with the statement in
Figure 5, but disagreed with Figure 4. Another point of interest is the fact that the site
that states FTP support under IPv6 is from the Windows XP Professional Product
Documentation (the documentation for the operating system being used) as opposed to
the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 TechCenter site (Fig 5). Still yet another point of
conflict is the fact that Windows XP PRO SP2 utilizes IIS 6.0 for many of its internet and
networking services. We finally determined that Microsoft’s TechNet information (Fig
5) was the most authoritative word on the matter of FTP/IPv6 compatibility. In addition,
the EnableReverseDnsLookup property is not supported, thus not allowing for lookups
determining the DNS name of a client computer. This is important because
EnableReverseDnsLookup is used by IIS 6.0 to perform reverse DNS lookups for the
name of the client computer. This is the primary reason FTP does not work natively on
Windows XP using IPv6.
Having determined that Microsoft’s innate FTP service was not IPv6 compliant, it
remained to be determined: Is there an IPv6 FTP client/server program available
To determine whether FTP was feasible with IPv6, free, third-party software was
installed and utilized (Xlight FTP). We loaded the XLight FTP virtual server on
PANDORA. We then selected an option that allows "Dynamic IPv6" on well-known
port 21, setting up user a username and password, we then created a remote admin
account on Port 3333.
FTP connection was successful from the command line; however, there were
initial problematic issues. Upon attempting to initiate a file transfer using the command:
ftp fe80::208:74ff:fe39:90d4%5
we could not execute the DIR command (we would receive “list filed/directory:
FAILED”) and the FTP command line would state the following and then freeze:
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (x bytes)
where x was the number of bytes.
Fortunately, these issues were resolved after restarting the machines after
installing XLight FTP. Once these initial problems were resolved, several files of
differing lengths were sent, all with 100% success. This demonstrated that FTP is
possible with IPv6, but that it is not natively compatible with Windows XP.
D. Expanding the IPv6 Network
After having tested the telnet and FTP on the Windows XP machines, we installed
Sun Solaris 10 on three other machines and then connected them to a different hub. Of
interest, there was no need to install or setup any IPv6 support on the Sun Solaris 10
machines as IPv6 is, by default, already setup. This hub was then connected to the other
hub creating the network layout as shown in Fig 6.
Figure 6
At this point, the lab was set up with the following link-local addresses:
PANDORA -> FE80::208:74FF:FE39:90D2
DAEDALUS -> FE80::208:74FF:FE39:90D4
ICARUS -> FE80::208:74FF:FE39:9105
REMORA -> FE80::208:74FF:FE39:90D0
CHIMERA -> FE80::208:74FF:FE39:9100
KNOSSIS -> FE80::208:74FF:FE39:90EC
After connecting the hubs, we began to successfully ping the Sun machines from
the Windows machines. We then were able to successfully telnet between the Sun and
Windows machines. In addition, File Transport Protocol is natively supported by Sun
Solaris 10 when using IPv6.
As we now had some of the basic services running for the network, we decided to
install Windows Server 2003 SP1 Enterprise Edition on PANDORA in order to test FTP,
DNS, DHCP, and Web Server services. Thus the network was designed as seen in Fig 7.
Figure 7
Initially, we set up a File Server on PANDORA (which now has Windows
Server); but due to the same problem of IIS 6.0 incompatibility with IPv6, the File Server
was not functional using IPv6. For example, upon entering:
ftp fe80::208:74ff:fe39:90d2%5
we received the error message
ftp: connect :unknown error number
At this point, our observation simply concurred with our previous conclusion about the
incompatibility of IPv6 with IIS 6.0.
E. Establishing a Domain Name Service (DNS) Server
After testing and determing the incompatibility of IPv6 with the File Server on
PANDORA, we determined to set up a Domain Name Service (DNS) server. However,
due to the complexity involved, we decided to use Microsoft’s Step-by-Step Guide for
Setting Up IPv6 in a Test Lab[10]. This publication initially suggests setting up a
network with three segments utilizing two systems as routers. Because the machines in
the lab had only one Ethernet port and one Network Interface Card (NIC), and in order to
simplify the setup, only one segment was created. This configuration was also chosen as
it most closely represented our current setup with the two hubs and six machines as
shown in Fig 7.
We quickly learned something very important: Microsoft’s guide does not create
an IPv6-only network, but rather uses IPv4 for the DNS setup. Later, in fact, it was
determined that Microsoft’s DNS on Windows Server 2003 does not support DNS solely
using IPv6.
Realizing that Microsoft was not quite ready for IPv6, we nevertheless, after
following the guide, created a network with the following setup:
o IP:
o IPv6 (site-local): 2001:DB8:0:1::/64
o Note: This was our first use of a unicast address that was not linklocal.
o Each machine had the following IPv4 private addresses:
o Chimera ->
o Each machine had their Gateway set to
After setting up the individual IP addresses, the following forward lookup zone was
created: testlab.ipv6.com. This was possible because there was no DNS forwarding, and
as there was no connection to the Internet, the use of this .com space is allowable. The
DNS address was set up as FEC0:0:0:FFFF::1%1. This address was set as the DNS
address for each system as it is one of three default IPv6 DNS addresses. For each
computer the DNS suffix needed to be appended using the following commands:
o Start->“Control Panel”->“Network and Internet Connections”>“Network Connections”
o Right-click
Connection”->Properties->General>“Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”->Properties->Advanced->DNS
o Add testlab.ipv6.com to the list of DNS suffixes.
In addition to appending the DNS suffixes, a static route was created in the following
o netsh interface ipv6 add route 2001:db8:0:1::/64 “Local Area
Connection” publish=yes
This command was necessary to create a static route and a site-local addressing scheme
of 2001:db8:0:1::/64. As there were no other routers on the test network, there was no
need to add a next hop to the static route. However, in the case of using one DNS over a
tunnel or using multiple VLANs, one would most likely setup a static route with multiple
This setup provided the network with the site-local address scheme of
2001:DB8:0:1::/64. It is of importance to note that until this point, the use of link-local
addresses is more than sufficient for the maintenance of a network. However, after
implementing certain network services often considered crucial to modern day networks,
the assignment of a site-local addressing scheme to the link is necessary. As was the
situation with the link-local addresses, the EUI-64-based interface ID was again
appended onto the end of the site-local address scheme giving, for example,
PANDORA’s IPv6 address as 2001:0DB8:0000:0001:0203:74FF:FE39:90EC. After
the network was setup, AAAA DNS records (IPv6 DNS records) were created for each
host (the site-local address was used).
As Sun Solaris 10 lacks much of a GUI for the assignment of gateways and a
DNS, several files needed to be modified in the Sun Solaris 10 etc/ folder as follows:
o Modified /etc/nsswitch.conf
o It was modified for the IPv4 and IPv6 address being used in the
o Created /etc/resolv.conf:
o search testlab.ipv6.com
o domain testlab.ipv6.com
o nameserver
o Modified /etc/inet/netmasks
o Changed IPv4 address scheme to
o ifconfig elxl0 10.0.1.x netmask up [where x denotes what
machine this is being configured on]
These commands allow for the configuration of the Sun Solaris 10 computers to use the
Windows Server 2003 DNS and lookup names for IPv6 addresses.
After setting up the DNS and creating the IPv6 DNS records for each host, we
tested by pinging from each computer using the computer name rather than the
computer’s site-local address. After the testing was successful, we decided to test a telnet
session using the DNS host name which was again successful. However, nslookups were
not feasible as a reverse lookup zone was not created. After creating a reverse lookup
zone and inserting the DNS host name records for IPv6, nslookups on client computers
were successful.
Because DNS was functional and had tested successfully with IPv6, we decided
to set up a Web Server on PANDORA. We created a webpage (“index.htm”) and made it
available to the public in the permissions. After setting up the web server, we attempted
to connect to the website using Mozilla Firefox. Firefox successfully connected to the
web server if we followed the following format:
The reason for the brackets around the IPv6 address is to prevent a parsing of the IPv6
address and the misinterpretation of the colons as the port to which to connect. Firefox
also successfully connected using DNS names and bypassing the IPv6 address with the
following format: http://PANDORA/index.htm. Internet Explorer v6.0, however, is not
IPv6 compatible. We attempted both the use of the IPv6 address in brackets as well as
the use of the DNS name – both were unsuccessful.
F. Extending the IPv6 Network to the US Military Academy
Prior to connecting the network of computers to the United States Military
Academy, we attempted to establish a clear IPv4 connection via the already established
tunnel. An initial ping of (the IPv4 address of USMA’s router) resulted in
a 0% success rate as each ping timed out. Running a trace route, we found the following
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
< 1 ms
188 ms
162 ms
159 ms
<1 ms
164 ms
<1 ms
155 ms
gw.ialab.usna.edu []
142 ms
147 ms
278 ms
160 ms
162 ms
245 ms
sdp1.usma.dren.net []
cperouter.usma.dren.net []
Request timed out.
Trace complete.
Figure 8
This represented either a firewall issue, a non-existent router, or an IP address change.
As USMA had been undergoing an address migration, the possibility for a possible IP
address conflict was possible. After contacting Mr. Erik Dean at USMA, it was
determined that the lack of “reachability” was due to the router’s access control list
(ACL) not responding to ICMPv4 packets.
After discovering the inability to ping using ICMPv4 packets, we decided to test a
connection using USMA’s IPv6 address (2001:1918:F100:1::1). This success rate,
however, was 46% successful. After several re-attempts, the best success rate we could
achieve was 60%. What we noticed was that every other packet was dropped by USMA.
After contacting USMA, Mr. Dean replied with the following:
“I did some poking around in our router, we had our IPv6 address
assigned to an actual interface (one IPv6 address per interface)
instead of using the Loopback 6 address as COL Beckman originally
configured. This was leading to substantially less roundtrip ping
times between us and you. I reconfigured our router so that the
interface that you are connected to (via the tunnels) is now 'ipv6
unnumbered' and uses our 'Loopback 6' interface (which now has the
addresses 2001:1918:f100:1::1/64 and fec0:1918:f100:1::1/64). If
you ping the fec0 address you should see a very fast turnaround
time, the 2001 address may take a bit longer as the traffic has to
be routed, internally, by our router and then sent back.”
Figure 9
After USMA reconfigured their router, we achieved 100% success rates when pinging
USMA with their IPv6 address. At this point, we connected the network we had built to
the CISCO 3600 router. After deleting the route 2001:DB8:0:1::/64, the network took
the site-local scheme of 2001:1918:F101::/48, as per the setup of the 3600 router (it was
given pre-configured by ITSD). After a short delay, all of the machines were “pingable”
using the new site-local scheme, the web server still worked by the new site-local
address, and telnet and FTP (under the conditions as mentioned above) worked. At this
juncture, we had achieved the goal of the first phase of the DISA Pilot Network Project.
Our network configuration can be seen in Figure 6.
Figure 10
After we had achieved the goal of a network functioning via an IPv4/IPv6 tunnel with
USMA, we decided to setup the DNS as strictly IPv6. However, this attempt failed, most
likely due to static routing issues. This necessitated the creation of static routes for the
CISCO 3600 router.
Towards the end of the research study, we desired to be able to test the bandwidth
and data transfer rates and times. This necessitated the ability to synchronize the clocks
on the computers. In order to do this, we attempted to set up a Network Time Protocol
(NTP) server on the network by which all machines would sync their clocks. However,
the NTP service as provided by Windows is not IPv6 supported. Furthermore, Windows
necessitates an Active Directory for the setup and maintenance of an NTP service.
Because we were unable to synchronize the clocks on the machines, we were unable to
test the data transfer and throughput of the network.
5. Results
In this research study, we built a fully functioning network that implemented
IPv6. We were also able to test and validate the use of common, mainstream operating
systems such as Windows XP Professional SP2 and Sun Solaris 10. Through the creation
of an IPv4/IPv6 network, we were able to implement a DNS service that worked for both
forward and reverse lookups; allowing nslookups, pings, file transfers, and telnet services
based on names rather than IPv6 addresses. After the creation of the network and the
establishment of common network services, we were able to connect the network to an
IPv4/IPv6 VPN tunnel; thus completing the primary phase of DISA’s Pilot Network
Project. In addition, we were able to validate the address changes of IPv6 and were
successful in the manipulation of those addresses to different address schemes.
We determined that FTP as implemented by Microsoft’s IIS 6.0 is not IPv6
compatible. As this is predicated upon the incompatibility of EnableReverseDnsLookup
with IPv6, many other services supported by IIS 6.0 are also incompatible: DHCP, Active
Directory, SNMP, and NTP. However, DNS is compatible if the network is an IPv4/IPv6
network. In addition, our findings indicate that for the web server, Internet Explorer v6.0
is also not compatible with IPv6.
6. Recommendations
In order to better facilitate the further testing of IPv6, especially in regard to QoS,
DNS setups over VPN tunnels, file streaming, and throughput testing, it would be
beneficial to conduct a research study inclusive of students at both Academies working
together. This would allow for a more realistic interpretation of results, allocate work
more effectively, and allow for the sharing of critical resources that one or the other
location may lack.
Furthermore, another recommended program enhancement would be the
acquisition of network analyzing programs. An example of this type of program is
Cisco’s NetFlow Analyzer, which is fundamental to Cisco’s testing of throughput and
other network metrics. This could allow for a more effective measurement of the
network that would not be dependent solely upon an NTP service or free, third-party
Much within the realm of possible avenues for researching IPv6 is limited by the
nature of the VPN connection with USMA on a two-port router. This fundamentally
limited the ability to test connections with the actual nascent IPv6 Internet, the use of
IPv6 NTPs on the Internet, and the testing of protocols more specific to the use of the
Internet with regard to IPv6. If a router could be acquired with greater than two ports and
implemented, it would then be possible to study an actual application of IPv6 to the IPv6
7. Conclusion
The goals we established from the onset of the research study were three fold: 1)
review and validation of the previous “lessons learned” from the prior Landis study and
various other research findings, 2) test and develop IPv4/IPv6 convergence techniques
involving a fully-functioning IPv4 network, and 3) test and develop inter-protocol
communication and transition techniques specifically including legacy systems. In
addition, it was an underlying goal to partake in and accomplish the initial phase of
DISA’s Pilot Network Project.
Initially the conclusions of this study disagree with the findings in the Landis
study which stated that “IPv6 is not a new protocol” [11]. Though it is perhaps true that
the lengthy time for the implementation of the conversion project is more due to the fact
that the creators and implementers want to solve problems associated with established
architecture and not create new problems associated with new protocols, a cursory look at
something as superficial as the addressing structure demonstrates a fundamental change
in the protocol; something that indeed reflects something “new”. However, it is probably
more credible that the reason for the slow conversion to IPv6 is more due to the wide
standardization, implementation, and acceptance of the known IPv4 protocol. Obviously,
this makes it difficult to implement the new IPv6 protocol where backwards compatibility
is questionable at best.
In an effort to test and develop IPv4/IPv6 convergence techniques, many of the
common services expected of a network were used as a baseline for testing. Many of the
services were, however, limited more by the use of common, mainstream operating
systems such as Windows Server 2003. It has been documented, though not fully tested,
that DNS BIND has been successful as an IPv6-only DNS. Other documentation has
suggested the existence of NTP and SNMP services in an IPv6-only environment. These
documents are important as they demonstrate the current viability for IPv6-only networks
that provide the same services as common IPv4 networks. However, the current latest
version of Windows Server limits the usability of many of the services to strictly an
IPv4/IPv6 network. To be sure, while the eventual goal is that IPv6 replace IPv4,
coexistence of the two protocols must be allowed as IPv4 will be around for long time
yet. What the implementer must be cautious of is that applications, software, and
operating systems do not become the limiting reagent for the process of change. As the
research study has shown, Windows Server 2003 could be such a limiting reagent if
relied upon.
The third goal was not entirely met. This was largely due to the difficulties in
setting up an IPv6 network with common, up-to-date systems. However, the fact that the
implementation of IPv6 was difficult on today’s systems gives a hint at the possible
difficulties in attempting to implement IPv6 on legacy systems. One area that shows
promise, however, is the use and implementation of Linux and Unix-based operating
systems. Many Linux and Unix based systems already have IPv6 enabled. Others have
the capability, though it is disabled by default. Also, as Linux and Unix-based systems
tend to be more easily updateable and patchable, the limit to these systems is more
concentrated with the physical hardware than with the capability of the OS.
Ergo, in conclusion, IPv6 is a new protocol that provides many fundamental
changes to the widely standardized and implemented IPv4 protocol. As shown
previously, the global need for addresses and a better protocol demands the
implementation of IPv6. However, the implementation of this new protocol is limited
largely by the software and systems widely used and the alacrity with which major
software vendors pursue the ability to seamlessly implement IPv6 in a largely IPv4
Appendix A: Log
Installed IPv6 on computers running Windows XP Professional SP2. Used "netsh netsh interface
ipv6 install".
Connected the three computers to a four port hub.
Set up computer (Windows XP) as router (IPv6).
o netsh interface ipv6 set interface "Local Area Connection" forwarding=enabled
Successfully pinged each computer from each computer.
Following Setup:
1. PANDORA -> fe80::208:74ff:fe39:90d2
2. DAEDALUS -> fe80::208:74ff:fe39:90d4
3. ICARUS -> fe80::208:74ff:fe39:9105
Installed Wireshark on all computers (computers running Windows XP Professional SP2):
o Use filter: "ipv6"
Attempted to setup FTP server - need XP Professional install discs.
Attempted to setup telnet:
o Faced user/login issues
o Logged in once, telnet crashed (may be error in setting up)
tested Buffer size of ICMPv6: 1452
"You have to have the connection from the wall plugged into Fastethernet 0/1. Do not change this
connection it will not work. Thanks - B.Lucas & D. Christenson"
Linux (SUSE) computer could not login (contact Becker).
Telnet works between DAEDALUS (fe80::208:74ff:fe39:90d4) and ICARUS
o Connection achieved (had to add Port 23 to Windows Firewall exceptions)
o Netstat confirmed connection with IPv6 address listed
FTP (File Transport Protocol)
o Connection problem on port 21
o Ran into issue when ftp host on port 23 (telnet port). After 60 seconds, connection closed
by remote host.
o Open port 2345 on both computer's firewall
 Still ran into connection issue ("ftp: connect :unknown error number").
Will load NetCat and NMap to further test connectivity between computers on IPv6 Network
Cannot ping or connect computers (all running Windows XP Professional SP2). Found computers
turned off. Error: "Destination unreachable".
Problem solved. XP uses a local index at the end of an IPv6 address. Must check upon star-up
with the following command: "netsh interface ipv6 show interface"
All computers pingable. Telnet works as well.
SUN Solaris not installed yet. Wit till then to set up IPv6 network on UNIX/LINUX machines.
Attempted MAC spoofing to determine if it would change IPv6 link-local address.
o Used T&R SoftNet Solutions MACSpoof to spoof MAC address.
o IPv6 link-local address change successful
o Implications: one can still spoof their IPv6 link-local IP address (or any address that uses
their IPv6 Interface ID) by spoofing their MAC address.
Installed IIS 6.0, enabled FTP
o Attempted both Active as well as Passive FTP.
o All attempts failed.
o Message: ">ftp: connect :unknown error number"
o Modified and restarted Firewall settings
o All attempts failed
SUN Solaris installed on computers
Loaded XLight FTP virtual server on PANDORA
o Selected "Dynamic IPv6" port 21
o User/Password: ********/*******
o created remote admin account
 Port 3333
 User/Password: ********/*******
o FTP Connection:
 Connection successful
 DIR -> list filed/directory: FAILED
 FTP command line would state following and freeze: "150 Opening
ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (x bytes)" where x = # of bytes
 Attempted Active: FAILED - see above
 Attempted Passive: FAILED - see above
 Attempted Binary: FAILED - see above
 Attempted ASCII: FAILED - see above
 Attempted "cd testmaterial": SUCCESS
 Attempted "get": FAILED
 Would create local file
 Failed to send/receive file data
 Attempted Remote Administration: SUCCESS
 Connection fully functional
 Connected DAEDALUS to PANDORA successfully
o Due to 3rd Party FTP Failure, Installed Windows Server 2003 Edition
Set up File Server and File Transport Protocol server on Windows Server 2003,
Enterprise Edition.
 Attempted to ping: SUCCESS - was able to ping other computers
 Attempted FTP: FAILURE - message: ">ftp: connect :unknown error number".
Set up switches, connected Solaris computers to switch, connected all switches. All
pings: SUCCESS!
1. Ping USMA
2. FTP Windows
3. Set up CISCO 1811; if time, via linux
 COM1, 9600Bits/sec; Databits 8, Parity 1; flow Control Hardware
 Attempted to ping Army at following locations:
 Traceroute
FTP Windows
 Started XLight FTP Server
 Connection from DAEDALUS: SUCCESS
 Directory listing ("dir"): SUCCESS
 Transfer of text file: SUCCESS
 Normal Windows FTP
 Connection from DAEDALUS: FAILURE
Set-up CISCO 1811
 Attempted to set up router: FAILURE. This believed to be in part due to either
human error or an incompatibility with the CISCO 1811 and IPv6. While the
IOS for the CISCO 1811 is IPv6 compatible, doubt exists as to its physical
Attempted to create DNS (Domain Name Service server) on PANDORA using Windows
Server 2003, SP1.
 Ensure IPv6 was installed and enabled
 Set up network to following:
 IP:
 Subnet Mask:
Set Gateway to
Enabled forwarding and advertise on each computer
Set up forward lookup xone: (testlab.ipv6.com)
Note: do not have AD set up (incompatible according to website)
Set DNS address (IPv6) to FEC0:0:0:FFFF::1%1
Set as DNS address for each client machine
 Ping using IPv6: SUCCESS
 Ping using IPv4: SUCCESS
 Nslookup using IPv6: FAILURE
 Nslookup using IPv4: FAILURE
Create IPv6 Testlab with fully functioning DNS;
 Re-installed Windows Server 2003 on PANDORA: successful
 Set up as standalone server
 Set up DNS server (installed networking services)
 Defined Forward Lookup Zone (testlab.ipv6.com)
 Set IP to
 Installed IPv6 (netsh interface ipv6 install)
 Re-installed Windows XP SP2 on ICARUS: FAILURE
 Problem due to corrupt boot disk image – need to acquire other image
 Uninstalled IPv6 (netsh interface ipv6 uninstall)
 Installed IPv6 (netsh interface ipv6 install)
 Set IP to and DNS to
 Appended NDS suffix “testlab.ipv6.com”
 Configured Windows Firewall to allow incoming echo request.
 Note: changed “Local Area Connection” name to “Network 1
Connection” on both]
 Conducted ping of FE80::208:74FF:FE39:9102 : successful
 Enabled forwarding and advertising
 Published route as 2001:DB8:0:1::/64
 Ipconfig showed global addresses for both.
 Created record for DAEDALUS in PANDORA (DNS) [IPv6] using IPv6 global
 “ping DAEDALUS” : successful
 “ping PANDORA” : successful
Set up DNS on all computers
 Finished installing Windows XP PRO SPD2 on ICARUS
 Installed IPv6
 Set IPv4 IP to
 Appended DNS suffix to “testlab.ipv6.com”
 Ping DAEDALUS: successful
 Ping PANDORA: successful
Set up DNS zone on Solaris computers:
 Modified /etc/nsswitch.conf
 It was modified for the IPv4 and IPv6 address being used in
the setup.
 Created /etc/resolv.conf:
 search testlab.ipv6.com
 domain testlab.ipv6.com
 nameserver
 Modified /etc/inet/netmasks
 Changed IPv4 address scheme to
 ifconfig elxl0 10.0.1.x netmask up [where x denotes
what machine this is being configured on]
Successfully pinged each computer
Modified /etc/ftpd/ftpusers to alow connection by user “root”.
FTP attempts:
 All successful.
Pinged USMA
 Ping 46% successful
 IPv6 Address: 2001:1918:F100:1::1
 Reason for previous difficulty: usma router st up to drop ICMPv4 packets
(Access-Control Lists)
 Ping success rate not optimal
Set up Web Server
 Set up PANDORA as an Application Server
 Installed ASP.NET and IIS 6.0
 Created Webpage (“index.htm”)
 Access Webpage
 Successful if IPv6 IP is put in brackets:
 Note: Needs authentication to view.
 Can bypass using DNS lookup names:
 “http://PANDORA/index.htm”
 Need to figure out permissions
 Note: IE v6.0 is NOT IPv6 compatible. Mozilla Firefox is.
Connected USNA 3600 to 8 port switch (0/0)
Deleted route 2001:DB8:0:1::/64
3600 “assigned” 2001:1918:F101::/48
Tested ping of 2001:1918:F101:1::1
 Success.
Tested ping of 2001:1918:F100:1::1
 Success.
Tested ping of 2001:1918:F100:1::1 on DAEDALUS
 Success.
Tracert of 2001:1918:F100:1::1 on DAEDALUS
 Success
Assigned 2001:1918:F100:1::1 to DNS as USMA
Installed dnscmd.exe onto PANDORA
Entered IPv6 ‘AAAA’ Records for all computers
Attempted to setup DNS as strictly IPv6
 Failed: this is most likely due to static routing issues
 Need to create static route for cisco 3600
Re-Setup 6over4 network for DNS
 Success
Tested Website
 Success
Tested nslookup (reverse zone lookups)
 Success
Attempted to set up NTP on the network
 Edited registry of PANDORA to use internal clock
 Attempted to connect to PANDORA as NTP server with ICARUS
 Failed: could not reach host.
Most likely due to Windows Time Service executing as a group policy.
Appendix B: Router Configuration File
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
usna-3660#show conf
Using 2190 out of 129016 bytes
version 12.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname usna-3660
enable password usna
no aaa new-model
resource policy
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ipv6 unicast-routing
ipv6 host usma FEC0:1918:F100::1
ipv6 host usna-2600 FEC0:1918:F101::200
ipv6 host usma-2600 FEC0:1918:F100::2
ipv6 host usna FEC0:1918:F101::1
ipv6 cef
ipv6 multicast-routing
username cisco password 0 cisco
interface Tunnel62
description usna-usma tunnel-type 41
no ip address
ipv6 enable
ipv6 ospf 27133 area 0
tunnel source FastEthernet0/1
tunnel destination
tunnel mode ipv6ip
interface Tunnel63
description usna-usma tunnel-type 47 GRE
no ip address
ipv6 enable
ipv6 ospf 27133 area 0
tunnel source FastEthernet0/1
tunnel destination
interface Loopback6
no ip address
ipv6 address FEC0:1918:F101::1/128
ipv6 ospf 27133 area 0
interface FastEthernet0/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
ipv6 address 2001:1918:F101:1::1/64
ipv6 enable
ipv6 ospf 27133 area 0
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface Serial3/0
no ip address
serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial3/1
no ip address
serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial3/2
no ip address
serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial3/3
no ip address
serial restart-delay 0
interface FastEthernet4/0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet5/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet5/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
router ospf 27133
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip classless
ip route FastEthernet0/1
ipv6 router ospf 27133
line con 0
login local
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
login local
Appendix C: Lab Setup (Visual)
Figure C-1
Figure C-2
“Department of Defense Internet Protocol Version 6 Generic Test Plan Version
2”, Defense Information Systems Agency, 2006;
U.S. Service Academy IPv6 Pilot Network Project, DISA Project Proposal,
March, 2007.
P. Loshin, IPv6: Theory, Protocol, and Practice, 2nd ed., Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 2004.
C. Popoviciu, E. Levy-Abegnoli, and P. Grossetete, Deploying IPv6 Networks,
Cisco Press, 2006.
R. Hinden, Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Addressing Architecture, IETF
RFC 3513, 2003; http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3513.html.
R. Hinden, IPv6 Global Unicast Address Format, IETF RFC 3587, 2003;
S. Deering, IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture, IETF RFC 4007, 2005;
T. Berners-Lee, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): General Syntax, IETF RFC
2396, 1998; http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2396.html.
IAB, IAB/IESG Recommendations on IPv6 Address Allocations to Sites, IETF
RFC 3177, 2001; http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3177.html.
[10] Microsoft Corporation, “Step-by-Step Guide for Setting Up IPv6 in a Test Lab”,
Microsoft Corporation, 2006.
[11] C.B. Landis, “IPv6 Testing”, Computer Science Department Research Project
Report, Technical Report 2006-02, US Naval Academy, 2006.