West Virginia Department of Education Institutional Education Programs

West Virginia Department of Education
Institutional Education Programs
Principal/Lead Teachers’ and Central Office Administrators
Charleston, WV
February 27-29, 2008
Matt Kittle, OIEP
Fran Warsing, OIEP
Vicki Buell, OIEP
Kari Rice, OIEP
Rhonda Mahan, OIEP
Duane Maxey – OIEP
Lisa Hoskins – Pressley Ridge
John Marra – Board of Child Care
Kent Moreno – Potomac Center
Robert Buckland – Beckley Center
Chuck Carr – WVIHY
Joe Michael – Donald R. Kuhn
Bill DesRochers – Barboursville School
Katherine Blankenship - WVIHY
Dewayne Duncan, OIEP
Gary Wingrove – OIEP
Jacob Green – OIEP
Dan Gardner – Burlington Center
Bill Ball – Davis Stuart
Rowena Harman – Anthony Correctional
Day One – February 27, 2008 – Juvenile Principals
Vicki Buell conducted a two hour meeting with juvenile principals dealing with Student Assistance Teams
and implementing such a team at each facility. Examples of documents that need to be completed were
distributed and discussed.
Mr. Kittle introduced Sam McCollum, Ron Dellinger, and Cheri Dillinger from Scientific Learning who gave
a presentation of the Fast ForWord Program, a reading intervention for reluctant or struggling readers.
This was very interesting and informative.
Vicki Buell led a discussion of special education monitoring. Forms were distributed and directions were
given about folders that need to be maintained for monitoring purposes. The Special Education Steering
Committee will be conducting the monitoring.
Dewayne Duncan distributed a handout on Classroom Assessment for Learning given by Lisa Youell.
Further information about this program will be given at the juvenile conference when Lisa will be giving a
Pressley Ridge and Burlington Center will be the pilot sites for an OEPA onsite. Information was distributed
that will need to be presented during an onsite.
Teacher of the Year applications were distributed. The applications are to be returned to central office by
May 30, 2008.
Writing Across the Curriculum needs to be done. Vicki Buell has plenty of information about this, call if you
need help implementing this. This will be looked at as during an OEPA onsite.
Standarized Assessment Training – every juvenile schools needs to have someone trained to administer
this. On March 8, 2008 a two hour training will be given by Henry Bussi at John XXIII Pastoral Center in
Forms were distributed to nominate teachers for the 2008 Teacher Leadership Institute. Please forward to
Jacob Green as soon as possible.
As business was concluded for the day, Mr. Kittle adjourned the meeting.
Day Two – February 28, 2008 – Juvenile and Adult Principals
Bill Ball – David Stuart
Standley Greene – Lakin Correctional
Vicki Buell – OIEP
Kathryn Toler – Mt. Olive Correctional
Patricia Lucas – OIEP
Dewayne Duncan – OIEP
Lisa Hoskins – Pressley Ridge
Katherine Blankenship – WVIHY
Rhonda Mahan – OIEP
Robert Buckland – Beckley Center/Gene Spadaro
Bruce Decker – Denmar Correctional
Row Harman – Anthony Correctional
Jeanette Donohew – NRJCF
Karen Boone – Pruntytown Correctional
Chuck Carr – WV Industrial Home for Youth
Kent Moreno – Potomac Center
Duane Maxey - OIEP
Kari Rice - OIEP
Bill DesRochers – Barboursville/Robert L. Shell
Joe Michael – Donald R. Kuhn/Tiger Morton
John Marra – Board of Child Care/Vicki Douglas
J. P. Tenney – Elkins Mt., Davis, WVCH
Jacob Green - OIEP
Gary WIngrove - OIEP
Dan Gardner – Burlington/Chuck Buckbee
Kenneth Holbrook – Huttonsville
Judy Burkle – St. Marys Correctional
Fran Warsing – OIEP
Matt Kittle – OIEP
Mr. Kittle welcomed everyone and introduced Chuck Carr, Assistant Principal at WV Industrial Home for
Youth, and Bruce Decker, Interim Lead Teacher at Denmar Correctional. Dr. Pam Cain, Assistant
Superintendent of Schools was also in attendance for a short time and spoke to the group.
Mr. Kittle also gave a report on the status of various improvement packages. There were six improvement
packages that were submitted for funding. Four of these packages look strong to obtain funding. Two
coordinators positions have also been requested in the central office for monitoring purposes. More
information will be provided as we receive it.
The vacant coordinator position in central office has been reposted. The title of this position is Coordinator
of Research, Planning and Program Improvements. Some duties have been changed for other employees
as well. Duane Maxey will be responsible for finance and personnel matters. Gary Wingrove will be
responsible for technology support including installation, setup and repair.
Mr. Kittle presented to the State Board in February an overview of Office of Institutional Education
Programs. Facilities are encouraged to invite legislators and State Board members that are from your
area. They are very interested in this type of event and would be great to have as speakers.
The Attendance Policy, Policy 4110 is our on comment until March 17, 2008. It can be seen on the WVDE
Website and the comment form is also at that location.
There has been a change in the Employee Handbook dealing with leave of absences. The exception on
page 22 of the handbook has been deleted. A handout of this change was given to everyone.
Fran Warsing handed out legislative updates pertaining to CTE. Also a list of approved curriculums was
distributed. If there are any corrections, please send to Fran by the end of March. All this information will
be used in applying for the Perkins Grant. End of Course Testing was also discussed and the need for test
security was emphasized. The GED policy has been approved and will be in effect starting July 1, 2008.
Please read over this policy as there are several changes.
Several Policy and Procedures were distributed and will be out on comment until April 1, 2008. Please go
over these carefully and forward any comments to Rhonda by the deadline. The new procedures are:
Comprehensive Developmental Guidance for School Counselors in Juvenile Facilities and Anthony
Correctional Center, Intake Process for Juvenile Education Programs, Education for Segregated,
Restricted or Suspended (SRS) Juveniles, Curriculum “Testing Out”, and Instructional Support and
Enhancement Day.
Judy Burkle gave an update on Transforming Lives Network (TLN).
Jeanette Donohew discussed CEA accreditation. Lakin, Denmar and St. Marys are scheduled for the
coming year probably around the middle of May.
Duane Maxey gave budget updates. Budget information on each facility was passed out. If you have any
special projects coming up, send the PO by the end of March. If you have something coming up that is
over $25,000, submit ASAP.
School calendar information was discussed and will be emailed to each facility. The calendars are due to
central office by April 18, 2008. IS days will again be shared and those dates will also be emailed.
The Secretarial Conference is March 12-14, 2008 at the Waterfront in Morgantown. Each secretary will
need to bring a laptop with Office 07 installed on it. Secretaries also need to sign on to FIMS regularly so
that their passwords do not have to be continually reset by Randall Kirk.
Technology Support Specialists are to be hired at 18 schools. The job description for these positions were
reviewed and corrections will be made and emailed to the affected schools. When received by the schools,
please see that all employees receive a copy and that it is posted in a prominent place.
Kari Rice reported that there have been difficulties with the transition database, but hopefully by the next
principal’s meeting there will be data to report. Lakin Correctional is now a referring agency for the Dress
for Success Program as of February 1, 2008.
The afternoon session was spent discussing the Strategic Plan. Action plans were distributed and
successes were shared with the group. This will be an ongoing process.
Day Three – Adult Principals
Vicki Buell – OIEP
Patricia Lucas – OIEP
Kari Rice - OIEP
Jacob Green – OIEP
Fran Warsing – OIEP
Judy Burkle – St. Marys
Dewayne Duncan – OIEP
Kathryn Toler – Mt. Olive
Jeanette Donohew – Northern Regional Jail
Gary WIngrove - OIEP
Duane Maxey - OIEP
Rhonda Mahan – OIEP
Row Harman – Anthony Correctional
Matt Kittle – OIEP
Karen Boone – Pruntytown
Kenneth Holbrook – Huttonsville
Standley Greene – Lakin Correctional
Bruce Decker – Denmar Correctional
Fran Warsing began the meeting with an indepth discussion of the ABE grant and what needs to be sent to
her by the facilities in order to complete this grant. This year the grant will be competitive. If you have any
questions concerning this application, please call Fran.
The Adult Staff Development will be held on October 16-17, 2008 in Charleston at the Embassy Suites.
More information will be provided later.
The new CTE Work Forms were distributed. This should help streamline the process and help with record
Kari distributed a 99 Days Survey for completion by the Life Skills teacher. This will be emailed to them
also. This survey will need to be returned to Kari by March 7, 2008.
On April 24 and 25 there will be a meeting in Ripley which will bring participants from probabion, parole,
Regional Jail Authority, counselors, case managers, and work release programs. This will be a good
opportunity to meet with all these different agencies and discuss areas of need.