West Virginia Department of Education Institutional Education Programs Principal/Lead Teachers’ Meeting

West Virginia Department of Education
Institutional Education Programs
Principal/Lead Teachers’ Meeting
The Blennerhassett
Parkersburg, WV
December 2-4, 2009
Principals Meeting – December 2, 2009
Jacob Green
Lori Loomis
Kathryn Toler
Greg Curry
Gary Wingrove
Duane Maxey
Jared Hughes
Rhonda Mahan
Tracy Chenoweth
Row Harman
Judy Burkle
Kenneth Holbrook
Keith James
Karen Boone
Fran Warsing
Dewayne Duncan
Margie Youngs
Rebecca Derenge
Lakin Correctional
Mt. Olive Correctional
Denmar Correctional
Anthony Correctional
St Marys Correctional
Huttonsville Correctional
Pruntytown Correctional
Martinsburg Correctional
Adult Principals
Jacob discussed the DOC policy on reporting arrests. A copy of this policy was
distributed and will need to be gone over with staff members and a sign off sheet kept
on file. Principals are encouraged to make employee aware of this policy. There will
be references to this problem in our employee handbook. Employees need to let lead
teacher know of any arrests so others can be notified and appropriate actions can be
Purpose is to maintain a safe environment for inmates and employees.
Report an arrest the next work day to supervisor
Especially look at timelines for reporting and the offences that are involved.
Jacob – scheduling – have visited some schools concerning this matter: Check your
programs and how many students are attending. Most problems can be corrected by
good scheduling. With the budget issues as they are this is an important matter.
Fran introduced Becky Derenge who replaced Trish Lucas in central office. She is the
McKinney Vento, Attendance and Student Support coordinator.
Tracy- Lending library now has college textbooks listed that will be of value to
everyone. If you have any books to contribute just let Tracy or Kari know. Check the
website often because it is constantly changing and new things are added all the time.
Tracy – Lots of information is being sent to you on a regular basis, PACE learning is
one that was made available to you. It is available to you free, and is sent to you
through the list serve.
Data collection – We are in the process of collecting information on exiting population to
see what is going on with them. This information will help prove that our programs are
effective. Some facilities are already doing follow up information. Track those who have
done well and are going out on parole. These are for the facilities that have a great
number of people leaving. We will be data matching with other agencies such as Labor,
colleges, etc. Data will be shared with other facilities. Each facility needs to know who
is going to be responsible for the data. Also include GED, CTE graduates. See if these
make a difference.
Division of Corrections will be assisting with the form that gives release from the inmate
to collect the necessary information.
The online file cabinet will have all the information about the recidivism study that you
will need to know. You will be notified when it is put on. Everyone seems to have a
different definition for recidivism. The one that we will be using is: anybody that comes
back to prison. We would like to start on this the first of the year.
Principals gave some highlights of what is going on in their respective facilities. When
this was concluded, the meeting was adjourned.
Juvenile Principals – December 3, 2009
Jacob Green
Lori Loomis
Kathryn Toler
Greg Curry
Gary Wingrove
Duane Maxey
Lakin Correctional
Mt. Olive Correctional
Denmar Correctional
Jared Hughes
Rhonda Mahan
Tracy Chenoweth
Row Harman
Judy Burkle
Kenneth Holbrook
Keith James
Karen Boone
Fran Warsing
Dewayne Duncan
Margie Youngs
Rebecca Derenge
Pam Abston
Katherine Blankenship
J. P. Tenney
John Marra
Joe Michael
William Ball
Dan Gardner
Matt Kittle
Lisa Hoskins
Anthony Correctional
St Marys Correctional
Huttonsville Correctional
Pruntytown Correctional
Martinsburg Correctional
Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens
WV Industrial Home for Youth
Elkins Mountain School
Board of Child Care
Honey Rubenstein Center
Davis Stuart
Burlington Center
Academy Programs
Pressley Ridge @ White Oak
Fran introduced Pam Abston, new principal at Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens,
Donald R. Kuhn, and Tiger Morton .
As a result of our annual review of all policies and procedures, the following ones have
had changes made to them and are being presented to the principals for comment until
January 4, 2010.
Tool Control – Added some information to page 2 – applies to both juvenile and
adult facilities. Everything needs to be shadow boarded even drawers. If a tool is
missing do not dismiss the class until tool is found.
Student Academic Achievement Testing in OIEP facilities - Policy 4.191 has
been combined with this policy and procedure.
General Educational Development (GED) in Juvenile Facilities – updated
language about minimum score.
Jacob presented and updated everyone on the Mentorship program – First class started
this week, the mentorship program on the webtop was explained and pieces on the
website were demonstrated.
New employee checkoff form was discussed. Insurance forms will be available from our
office, just contact Rhonda and she will send them to you. Arrangements will be made
with Human Resources to make these available to us.
Send a copy of checklist to central office, all insurance and personnel forms go directly
to Teresa Conner. Be sure the employee signs off on the policy form. Every employee
needs to sign off on this every year. If you have forms that have been signed in the
past, send a copy to Rhonda, if you have not sent them in the past. We need to have a
copy to be put in their personnel files. In addition, include a supplemental form that
includes operational procedures, other board policies that need to be gone over if
applicable to your school.
Duane/Gary – The new purchasing procedures were discussed. Purchasing will be
done online. We have selected several test sites. They are Beckley Center, Honey
Rubenstein Center, Pressley Ridge @ White Oak, Board of Child Care, Mt. Olive, and
Huttonsville . Any attachments that come with Purchase order will have to be scanned
in and sent electronically. Secretary will type the PO, send by email and it will go directly
to Fran if under $5,000. Secretaries will send an email to principal letting them know
what they are ordering and the principal will approve or disapprove by return email. A
copy of this return email will be scanned in and sent as part of documentation. If the PO
is $5,000 or more it will go directly to Dr. McClanahan and does not go to Fran. Once
PO is submitted and email approval from principal is not attached, the PO can be
disapproved and will be sent back to secretary. Receiving reports will be submitted the
same way. If it is a service agreement and hospitality they will be done the regular way.
Budget sheets were distributed. The online filing cabinet has had a new section added
entitled Finance. The information that was distributed to the secretaries on a jump drive
at the staff development conference were transferred to this site.
Service agreements with host agencies – finance does not want to sign off on them.
We are working on working through it.
Fran – There is a limit on what the cost per person is that are attending a meeting. We
normally do not have a problem in this area, we keep our costs well below the allowed
rate, but wanted everyone to be aware of this. Be sure you have sign in sheets for
events that participants need to accompany the invoice for payment.
CEA National Conference –In July, 2011 the National CEA Conference will be in
Charleston. We will be sending staff members to this conference and will not have our
regular conference that year. Encourage your staff to become members of CEA, it is a
good organization and the registration for the conference will be less for members. The
fee to be a member of CEA is $60.00 and it can be taken out by payroll deduction.
Gary – Technology work orders need to be sent instead of just an email. If you have a
problem discuss it with your TSS before sending work order, they may be able to take
care of the problem. The website needs to be kept current. Check your site and update
your information often to be sure it is accurate. There is a form for sending in a request
for corrections.
Professional Learning Communities – Becky & Lisa Hoskins delivered a powerpoint
presentation on PLCs and Response to Intervention.
December 4 – Juvenile Principals
Jacob Green – OIEP
Fran Warsing – OIEP
Pam Abston – Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens
Lisa Hoskins – Pressley Ridge @ White Oak
Row Harman – Anthony Correctional
Duane Maxey – OIEP
Katherine Blankenship – WV Industrial Home for Youth
J. P. Tenney – Elkins Mountain School
Rhonda Mahan – OIEP
Keith James – OIEP
Jared Hughes – OIEP
Gary Wingrove – OIEP
Bobby Buckland – Beckley Center
John Marra – Board of Child Care
Bill DesRochers – Barboursville School
Joe Michaels – Rubenstein Center
Matt Kittle – Academy Programs
Bill Ball – Davis Stuart
Dan Gardner – Burlington Center
Dewayne Duncan – OIEP
Becky Derenge – OIEP
Fran discussed the WV Minimum Standards for Structure, Operation and Maintenance
of Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facilities. Several areas of this policy have
items in it that each facility needs to be aware of. Please look over this policy and
discuss it with your staff.
Becky and Dewayne presented on Classroom Assessment for Learning. The
powerpoint presentation will be placed on the website so you can use it with your staff.
Lots of guidelines and information were given about strategies to use in the classroom
that will assist student learning
Dewayne distributed the policy and procedure “Pre-Post Testing Juvenile Institutions”
This has been revised and you can comment for 30 days. Please email comments to
Rhonda at rmahan@access.k12.wv.us. Discussion of the policy ensued and questions
were answered.
Jared reported on the results of the recent special education monitoring . Minutes of the
special education steering committee will be emailed to administrators so they can see
what is going on. Monitoring findings and recommendations were discussed. Send
Jared information about difficulties that you may be having as to the grouping of
students. This information will be used to further discuss this matter.
Medicaid - Jared is going to prepare a Medicaid Guidance Document which will include
the information and the necessary forms for billing. You can look up on WVEIS to obtain
a Medicaid number at http://wveis.k12.wv.us/surveys/mmis/cfm, if you have access to
WVEIS. More information will be following as to training, etc.
Innovation Zones – J. P. Tenney – information is on the WVDE website – questions are
there and information about the process. OIEP is able to request for this funding for
your school. This is covered in WVDE Policy 3236.
Pam Abston distributed information about Apangea Math. She will be using this at
Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens. When she has it up and running you will be notified
and you will be welcome to come to Grant Gardens and see how it operates.
Information about Title I budgets was distributed to the effected schools. When this was
completed the meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting will be held on March 17-19, 2010 at the Charleston House in
Charleston. Details will follow as soon as they are finalized.