March 18 – Juvenile Principals

MARCH 18-20, 2009
March 18th – Juvenile Principals
Patricia Lucas – OIEP
Jacob Green – OIEP
Kari Rice – OIEP
Lisa Hoskins – Pressley Ridge @ White Oak
Katherine Blankenship – WV Industrial Home for Youth
Daniel Gardner – Burlington Center
Keith James – OIEP
Fran Warsing – OIEP
Dewayne Duncan – OIEP
J. P. Tenney – Elkins Mountain School
Jared Hughes – OIEP
Matt Kittle – Youth Academy
Bill DesRoshers – Barboursville School
Joe Michael – Donald R. Kuhn
Robert Buckland – Beckley Center
John Marra – Board of Child Care
Rhonda Mahan – OIEP
Tracy Chenoweth – OIEP
Duane Maxey – OIEP
Gary Wingrove - OIEP
Fran Warsing discussed several changes that are occurring in DJS and affecting several of our detention
centers. Joe Michael is now the principal at Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens as well as Donald R. Kuhn
and Tiger Morton Juvenile Center.
Dewayne Duncan presented the two new policy and procedures that will be out on comment for 30
days(until April 18th). They are the Testing Out and Pre-Post Achievement Testing. Please send
comments to Rhonda Mahan by email so they can be compiled.
Orientation of New Staff was also presented. This will standardize this procedure. A checklist will be
completed and will be used as verification in the future.
OEPA audits will be upcoming at several facilities. Facilities will receive one week notice prior to the
audit. Pre audits will be held soon, dates are to be scheduled later to make allowances for spring
Our office is working with Governor’s Office to offer a training at the Industrial Home. It is a Ruby Payne
program. Principals will need to be at the Industrial Home for an introduction to this program on May
26th. Please email Katherine Blankenship if you are coming to this training. Time will be announced at a
future date.
Lesson Plans were discussed. Staff should be encouraged to use lesson plans. Let Dewayne or Tracy
know if there are any additions that could be made.
Title I schools will be doing a book study entitled “Do I Really need to Teach Reading?”
Jared Hughes presented an update special education update. Book study for special education for
college credit that was offered at the Special Education Conference will start next week. Participants will
receive an email to that effect. Several items are on the website that will be of benefit to schools. Jared
will develop IEP instructions specific for OIEP. The following is the address for the demo for the web
based IEP, Passwords and user names are on the meeting website.
The NASA training has been rescheduled to be held on April 6th in Fairmont.
Information was distributed on the standard testing requirements for giving the ACT tests. Test security
is a priority. Ask your host agencies if they have funding that could be used to pay for students to take
the ACT. If not it is no problem, but it is worth asking.
SAS Curriculum Pathways
Each school has been signed up and sheets distributed with information relating to usernames and
passwords. SAS in school is an online curriculum. This is free to West Virginia.
Writing Assessment
WV Administration Manual – will be testing grades 3-11. This is all online. Each student has a WVEIS
number. WVEIS number will be their user name. The testing window is March 23-May 1.
If any questions about special education accommodation for the test contact Jared.
Responsibilities of the building administrator were discussed.
If you have any issues during testing, call Tracy and she will call CTB and find a solution.
If you have problems during testing with discipline, etc., there is an irregularity form that you fill out.
March 19th – All Principals
Duane Maxey – OIEP
Nicole Lima – OIEP
Patricia Lucas – OIEP
Lisa Hoskins – Pressley Ridge @ White Oak
Row Harman – Anthony Correctional
Judy Burkle – St. Marys Correctional
Kathryn Toler – Mt Olive Correctional
Karen Boone – Pruntytown Correctional
Daniel Gardner – Burlington Center
Kari Rice – OIEP
Kathy Blankenship – WV Industrial Home for Youth
Keith James – OIEP
Lori Loomis – Lakin Correctional
Jacob Green – OIEP
Jeanette Donohew – Northern Regional Jail
Fran Warsing – OIEP
Jared Hughes – OIEP
Dewayne Duncan – OIEP
J. P. Tenney – Elkins
Matt Kittle – Youth Academy
Bill DesRochers – Barboursville Schools
Robert Buckland – Beckley Center
Kenny Holbrook – Huttonsville Correctional
Joe Michael – Donald R. Kuhn
Greg Curry – Denmar Correctional
William Ball – Davis Stuart
John Marra – Board of Child Care
Rhonda Mahan – OIEP
Tracy Chenoweth - OIEP
Dr. Warsing made opening remarks and introductions. Explanation was given concerning the recent
spending freeze that has been issued to our office. This will continue until the Legislature makes a
decision on the budget. Principals are strongly encouraged to have meetings with their staff and inform
them of the items that were discussed at our meeting.
Duane introduced Nicole Lima, Accountant III at central office.
The next principals meeting will on June 24-26 at the Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown.
Tracy presented a follow up on Ewalk. Send Traci comments that you use regularly, she will load them
and you will be notified when to download them.
Gary Wingrove presented on the new policy and procedure dealing with Laptop and Desktop Computer
Usage and Employee Technology Acceptable Use Policy. These policies will be on comment for 30 days.
Read over carefully . Copies were distributed and they are also on the OIEP website.
The new Employment Handbook is available for comment for 30 days. Areas that you need to
particularly look at are areas that involve leave, leave approval, and grievance procedures.
Guidelines were distributed dealing with mentorship of teachers.
If your facility has a random drug testing policy, our employees are required to be subject to that policy.
This is a part of the new employee handbook.
An exit interview form will be used when an employee is leaving. It is available on the website. Let
Jacob know if you have any suggestions.
Kari reported on the Lending Library which is up and running.
Year End Reporting information will be sent to you, we would like to compile this information into a
document. Figures for this document will be as of June 30, 2009.
Calendar information was included in the packet. There are a few changes this year that you need to be
aware of. The calendar template is on the website.
Discretionary Budget sheet was discussed. Directions were given on the importance of an accurate
budget. If you are going over budget on a line item, you must do a budget amendment. Please send this
information to Rhonda. Needs assessment form is also on the website. This is something that will be of
benefit to you as you are preparing your budget. Attach the needs assessment form when you submit
the budget.
Tracy discussed the 5 year plan and some of the changes that were made by the various committees.
These will be on comment for 30 days. Any changes that you want to be discussed, please submit to
Tracy. Be specific on what Objective you are commenting on. The goals that are marked with a large
star are specific objectives that Dr. Warsing feels are especially important for OIEP in the coming year.
Tracy updated everyone on the upcoming fall conference . Everyone was asked to suggest sessions that
they think participants would like to attend.
Principal Evaluations will be held as follows:
Clarksburg – May 6
Charleston – May 7
Jeanette Donohew
Judy Burkle
Kenny Holbrook
Karen Boone
John Marra
Lisa Hoskins
Dan Gardner Matt Kittle
J. P. Tenney
Kathryn Blankenship
Clarksburg – May 19th
Charleston – May 12th
Lori Loomis
Greg Curry
Kathryn Toler
Row Harman
Bill DesRochers
Bobby Buckland
Bill Ball
Joe Michael
Bring these with you: Portfolio based on goals last year, goals for next year, action plan.
Teacher of the Year application for adult and juvenile teacher of the year is due to Dewayne Duncan by
June 15th. Please mail directly to Dewayne Duncan. The juvenile and adult application is on the website.
Jeanette Donohew presented on CEA and the importance of documenting things that you have done,
such as minutes from staff meetings.
LEA updates reported on by Keith James. These are due by April 1st..
Modernization Grants - pending the Legislature. Applications were distributed and instructions given on
how to produce a winning grant.
All business concluded, the meeting was adjourned.
May 20th – Adult Principals
Jacob Green – OIEP
Fran Warsing – OIEP
Jeanette Donohew – OIEP
Marjorie Youngs – Martinsburg Correctional
Row Harman – Anthony Correctional
Judy Burkle – St. Marys Correctional
Kathryn Toler – Mt. Olive Correctional
Karen Boone – Pruntytown Correctional
Keith James – OIEP
Mike Shaffer – Central Regional Jail
Lori Loomis – Lakin Correctional
Dewayne Duncan – OIEP
Jared Hughes – OIEP
Kari Rice – OIEP
Jennifer Ballard – WVDOC
Kenneth Holbrook – Huttonsville Correctional
Greg Curry – Denmar Correctional
Rhonda Mahan – OIEP
Tracy Chenoweth - OIEP
Fran suggested that a committee be appointed to standardize graduation ceremonies. Greg Curry, Judy
Burkle, and Karen Boone were appointed to that committee.
Kari updated everyone on the 99 Days and the survey. Data will be used to make it a better program.
Jennifer Ballard presented on IMIS and answered any questions that the adult principals had.
Mike Shaffer presented on AEMIS and answered any questions that the adult principals had.
Application for CEA Teacher of the Year was discussed. A conference call interview will be held for
nominees this year.
Kari reported on College 101. An example of a syllabus is on the website in the filing cabinet. Kari will
re-verify the ability of facilities to copy the textbook and worksheets. She will email you to that effect.
“Come on People” information was distributed and included guidelines for the book study. Books have
been mailed to adult facilities.
Judy Burkle reported on TLN. There are issues which need to be addressed at several facilities.
Adult Lesson Plans – Jacob reported on the results of his visits and asked for input. Jacob will be doing
additional visits to schools in the spring and summer and will be doing further research on this matter.
All business concluded, the meeting was adjourned.