f\ dewey HD28 .M414 Strategic Trade Policy with Incompletely Informed Policymakers S. Lael Brainard* and David Martimort" September 1992 Working Paper No. 3469-92 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Strategic Trade Policy with Incompletely Informed Policymakers S. Lael Brainard* and David Martimort" September 1992 Working Paper No. 3469-92 First Draft July 1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School and National Bureau of Economic Research. Institut We d'Economie Industrielle. are grateful to Jean-Jacques Laffont, Julio Rotemberg, Jean Tirole, and Kala Krishna for helpful discussions, to the Ecole Polytechnique and the National Science Foundation for research support, and to two anonymous referees and participants at a variety of seminars for helpful comments. Strategic Trade Policy with Incompletely Informed Policymakers Abstract Ever since the inception of research on strategic trade policy, economists have warned that the informational requirements are high, and unlikely to be met in practice. This paper investigates the implications of incomplete information for a simple, rent-shifting trade policy of the type proposed in Brander-Spencer (I98S). It finds that asymmetric information undermines the intervention, due precommitment to the requirements of incentive compatibility. distortion in the optimal subsidy, which may be so great as efficient firms, given a zero-profit participation constraint. effect, by reducing the incentive of unilateral government This "screening" effect induces a downward to require a tax rather than a subsidy for the least Second, in contrast to the full-information case with strategic substitutes, the introduction of a rival interventionist precommitment effect government reinforces rather than countervails the for the domestic firm to misrepresent its private information. Finally, the paper introduces a novel nonmtervention-profit participation constraint to take into account the special relationship between firms and policymakers in trade; in this case, the government targets the efficient firms with f>ositive subsidies, and eschews intervention altogether for the least efficient firms. JEL Classification Nos.: F13, L51 Introduction I. This paper analyses the implications of incomplete information for strategic trade policy. It revisits in incomplete information context the simple but powerful point made by Brander and S|>encer (1985) oligopolistic industry, unilateral The analysis government intervention can motivated is by the observation that US policymakers are often quite acute in trade policy. In the shift rents - that in an an by providing a strategic advantage. informational for example, asymmetnes between firms and when firms petition for antidumping or countervailing duty investigations, the investigators rely on proprietary information frequently provided by the Even senior petitioners. officials within the information used in mjury investigations 'Professional statisticians mformation presented 'If - you look at the the ITC has and the only way you can get definitely has the power targeting is to see the sort Bovard ( 199 1), is that the For instance. Commissioner Cass has stated, " Another high-ranking ITC official has been quoted, do business, we have industry analysts who get information from the industry that information is to most obvious in the case be on a friendly basis with the industry... The industry comes out of the ITC (Bovard, p. 217)." The potential for of infant industries, where the cost structure of emerging evolving, and possibly unique to each enterprise. But may be compromised by Commission express concern of judgments drawn by most commissioners from the p. 207). to censor the information that informational asymmetries enterprises to International Trade inadequate and biased. would be appalled to us (quoted in way is US it also afflicts mature industries, where efficient long-standing relationships between regulators and managers that serve to obscure information from central authorities. Ever since the inception of research on strategic trade policy, economists have been warning that the informational requirements are enormous, due to the sensitivity of f>olicy recommendations to the particularities of the market, and unlikely to be met in practice. ' This warning has been borne out in practice, as even attempts to evaluate the effects of trade policies in oligopolistic industries ex post have encountered severe informational ' See Grossman (1986) for a clear statement of this concern. 1 So obstacles.- affect policy, far, however, there has been research on the specific ways and on modifying policy recommendations to account for such This paper pomt. little is a first step m addressmg these issues, taking msights that informationai failures failures. from regulation theory as little spillover from the incomplete-information regulation literature into trade theory.* because trade policy differs from regulatory policy One important in several is m power almost always reduces welfare, the domestic firm raises domestic welfare whenever it is at This starting far there is m part important ways. difference between trade and regulation regulation the exercise of market its But so Regulation theory has explored informationai asymmetries extensively in recent years.' has been might the government's objective. in trade the exercise While in of market power by the expense of foreign consumers. In this paper, we highlight this difference by assuming the firms produce purely for export. An intervention firm pairs. important consideration in trade policy, unlike in regulation, on the part of a foreign government. This In this paper, recent theoretical research A we compare domestic calls for analysis is of games the potential for countervailing in contracts among government- surplus under unilateral and bilateral intervention, building on on competition between principal-agent pairs with incomplete information.^ third important distinction involves the the sufferance of the govenmient. firm-government relationship. The firm has no recourse; it In regulation, the firm exists at must accept regulation or exit the industry. contrast, in trade, firms are generally considered footloose, or capable of redeploying their assets in a policy environment. We - ' more Moreover, firms frequently are themselves the instigators of interventionist trade attempt to capture these features in a transparent framework. See, for example. Dixit (1988), Baldwin and Knigman (1988), and In friendly policies. Our complete information benchmark Krugman and Brainard (1988). This literature analyses relationships between regulatory authorities and regulated firms, interaction between various interest groups and regulatory agencies, and regulatory hierarchies in the context of imperfect information. In these models, attainment of the social optimum is usually compromised by the potential for allocative distortions due to informational rent-seeking. See, for example. Baron and Myerson (1982) and Laffont and Tirole (1986 and 1993). Exceptions include regulation of transfer pricing within multinationals (Prusa (1990), Raff (1991), and Gresik and Nelson (1991)), and incomplete information between governments about domestic protectionist pressures (Feenstra and Lewis (1991)). * ' See Gal-or (1988), Caillaud, Julien, and Picard (1990), Katz (1991), and Martimort (1992). is a simple trade policy designed to shift rents, along the lines of Brander-Spencer. several ways to incorporate imperfect information we First, We modify in and highlight the essential features of trade identified above. analyze the difference in the firm-government relationship between regulation and trade by introducmg a novel participation constraint. In the Brander-Spencer analysis, which not clear whether the government a standard zero-profit participation constraint with a nonintervention-profit by comparing the optimal policy for participation constraint, it is Here we distinguish between these two cases explicitly uses the firm as a precommitment device, or the reverse. effectively gives the firm residual rights of control. Second, followmg Laffont and Tirole (1986), Gruenspecht (1988), and Neary (1991), framework about the sharing of rents there is The government maximizes domestic between the govenmient and firms. surplus less the cost of net transfers to the finn. In contrast to the analysis in both solve for the optimal complete-information policy without restricting the we we assume This resolves a crucial ambiguity in the Brander-Spencer perfect information a cost of raising public fiinds. Lastly, framework this Neary and Gruenspecht, we number of instruments. incorporate asymmetric information in the form of adverse selection; firms are assumed to have private information about their costs. This paper is only a However, even information. first in the step toward an understanding of strategic trade policy under incomplete simple framework developed here, the presence of informational asymmetries changes the results in several interesting ways. intervention is undermmed by profit functions, the enhances its information.' strategic advantage, We term Second, a two-dimensional policy is precommitment effect of government Lacking precise knowledge of the firms' to the local firm in a and preventing the firm from deriving distortionary rents from The informational asymmetry induces a downward precommitment and that the government faces a tradeoff between manipulating the payoffs nonintervention-profit constraint. "Local" we show the requirement of incentive compatibility. distortion of the optimal subsidy, way its that private which may be with a zero-profit participation constraint, and to severe enough to force the subsidy below * First, with a this the "screening" effect. is required to target both the distortion associated with strategic that associated with informational rent-seeking. used to denote the firm whose production is 3 With asymmetric information, the range of located within the jurisdiction of the trade authority. tools available to policymakers is even more important than under complete infonnation because different tools present the firms with different opportunities to extract distortionary informationaj rents.' Here, the optimal fwlicy can be implemented as a menu of contracts specifying a per-unit subsidy and a lump-sum tax as a function of the firm's reported cost. The publicly observable announcement of a subsidy serves as a credible expand the firm's output, just as m Brander-S(>encer, while the Third, the introduction of a rival interventionist lump-sum govemmeot The to transfer serves as a screening device. actually enhances the effectiveness of the domestic government's intervention under incomplete mformation, rather than nullifying case. commitment it as m the full-information foreign agency problem mitigates the domestic agency problem, since the contract between the foreign government and foreign firm reduces the temptation for the domestic firm to misrepresent its private information. This "competing contracts" effect reduces the "screening" distortion, and thus reinforces the precommitment effect, rather than countervailing Lastly, we show it as under full information. that when firms have residual rights of control, the optimal fxilicy intervening for the least efficient firms. This yields the intuitively appealing result that only the receive subsidies, and that subsidies are always nonnegative. In this case, the likelihood is to refram more efficient firms of intervention for bilateral intervention than for unilateral intervention, because of the countervailing effect from is greater from competmg contracts. Section firms, II develops the benchmark case with complete infonnation. and the government's objective function. It describes the It game between then specifies the firm's participation constramt for both the nonintervention and zero-profit cases, and solves for the optimal unilateral and bilateral policies. introduces an informational asymmetry The m the form of adverse selection between each government and firm's incentive compatibility constraint is defined, and the optimal policy profit participation constramt for both umlateral and bilateral intervention. is Section ' Obviously, costlessly, m cbangmg several of the central assumptions. a world with unrestricted lump-sum by threatening a sufficiently large negative It transfers, the transfer. III local firm. its derived for the case of a zero- Section IV modifies the optimal umlateral and bilateral policies to mcorporate the nomntervention-profit participation constramt. Section the implications of the V discusses discusses the case where the firms' decision government could induce truthful revelation variables are strategic complements, the robustness to changes in the specification of the informational asymmetry, and the connection between contract observability, renegotiation, and precommitment. n. Section VI concludes. Cotnplete Information Game i. We assuming between the Finns develop a simple international duopoly model, adopting the device used by Brander and Spencer of that a single (vastly simplified) home model of This could be taken as a firm and a single foreign firm export to a third market. US and EC air frame manufacturers competing for exports in the Canadian market, for instance. The firms is assumed take simultaneous quantity decisions in a one-stage game with differentiated products. linear for the sake of simplicity:* (1) Piili><lp where h denotes home, and o = — 1i*^i We f foreign. choice variables are strategic substitutes. '"* when j=f and the reverse restrict attention to the case We also assume that where d is uniform density function shift variable). of The f(a) on realization tractability, [a,a\ (alternatively, the of a is assumed to model specification permits according to a interpretation of be publicly observable and verifiable by per-unit subsidies imposed in either market, quantities simultaneously, after having observed the realization of a, and The assumption of a, distributed a as a demand in this section. In the both firms' profit functions are assumed to be affected symmetrically by the same shock.' In addition, firms' profits are affected ^ negative, such that the firms' b^-2d^>0. Both firms have synunetric marginal costs given by a random variable, interests Demand linear demand is s,, for i = h,f. announced subsidies. Firms choose Quantities are not important for the case with a zero-profit participation constraint. nonintervention-profit participation case, however, the results are sensitive to the form of the demand In the function. We discuss this further in Section IV. ' V Similar results would be obtained by assuming only for further details. that the firms' shocks are positively correlated. See Section These are straightforward detennined as the Nash equilibnum of the Cournot game.'" to compute the as intersectioD of the best response schedules: Max^ (2) i=h when j=f and the reverse {Pf<li<Q)-<3*s^q, associated with the unique equilibnum: (3) .^s^.o) - ^^ a-o* b*d yielding profits of: n,(SpSj,a) = -qj^s^j,a)^ (4) Government Objective Function ii. We next introduce a domestic government, the budgetary cost of net transfers to the firm. amount The assumption of c. the sectoral intervention, We costly public funds where is who attempts to maximize the rents of the domestic firm less assume {s(ff),t((T)} Given the would simply impose a per-unit subsidy. we assume that the s, and a lump-sum reimbursement, realization of costs and the government faces no constraints t, way of the lump-sum transfer. of output does not enter into the contract directly, consistent with the precommitment mechanism. It imposes. is Moreover, firm's output '° assumed m rational, so that it is it straightforward to addition to the subsidy, it If firms first form of the choose profit function m its optimal The level However, the correctly anticipates the firms' optimal output responses to the subsidy show that if the government were able would choose the same The assumption of Cournot competition and (1983). in as a function of the realized cost aimounced value of the subsidy, each firm chooses After receiving profits, the firm reimburses the government by government by an turns out that the optimal can be obtained with a two-dimensional contract of the form stipulating a per-unit subsidy, parameter, a. output. It 1 an ad hoc way of capturing the general equilibrium effects of In contrast to the Neary and Gruenspecht models, instrument choice. of public funds exceeds raising revenues incurs administrative costs or creates distortions in other sectors. In the absence of such a cost, the government Its that the social cost be justified as m Kreps and Scheinkmaim and then compete with each other capacities can be expressed as on the domestic level of output as the firm. strategic substitutes can their production capacities, to contract Cournot competition m in prices, the quantities. reduced Thus, we can express the objective function of the domestic government as the domestic firm's rents less the budgetary cost of net transfers to the firm: Max ,^(,,^^„ (5) where earned by the U^(ff) is the rent The assumption of home t/^(a) -(1 *c)[5^(o)<7,(a) -f^Co)] firm:" costly public funds can be justified in a variety of ways. It is consistent with the assumption that the government attempts to minimise a weighted social welfare function, in which the weight put on the government's budget, into the 1, exceeds that put on the firm's rent, w.'^ framework presented above simply by Alternatively, it may be more setting balance ' ' We its to = 1 +c. persuasive to interpret the assumption of costly public funds as capturing the general equilibrium consequences of sectoral targeting. government seek I/w This assumption could be incorporated maximise domestic According to this interpretation, both the domestic firm and profits, but their objectives differ insofar as the govenmient also has budget in expectation. This interpretation would yield the same objective function as equation mclude Sf as a placeholder (S), to with whenever we are defining general functional forms m order to avoid repeating is under unilateral intervention, and the optimal foreign subsidy equations, with the understanding that this term under '* bilateral intervention. Caillaud et. al. (1985) discuss the relationship between the assumption of costly public funds and a weighted social welfare function. on the expected budget constraint, which c interpreted as the multiplier independent of aP Participation Constraint iii. There is an ambiguity incomplete information is Brander-Spencer, fuU-informatioo model that turns out to be in the Although introduced. of a firm can serve as a precommitment device, the firm as a precommitment device, or the clear in their it is it is model that not clear whether this Moreover, reverse. With incomplete mformation, however, matter.''' is this distinction in the is critical once government mtervention on behalf achieved by the government taking B-S model, this distinction becomes important, since firm does not interests conflict with government interests over mformational rents. A number game on agent to play a " B. To of papers mdustnal organization analyze the pnncipal's budget deficit its precommit by "hiring" an that the government has in the targeted sector, which we denote overall resource constraint (as, for mstance, in Dixit-Grossman (1984)), the government an opportunity cost, C(B), OO, ability to These papers effectively assume the pnncipal's behalf." see this, supf)ose the government chooses the size of Assunung an where m C" >0. m other sectors of any funds that The government's objective is to it maximize the firm's minimise the opportunity cost to other sectors of the budget mcurs allocates to the targeted sector under consideration, profit net of subsidy payments, and deficit: o Max^^^J^,^ [[^^(s^(.a)^/,a),a)-s^(a)q^is^ia)^/,a),a)]/[o)da-C(B) a. subject to (where E, the expectation operator over a), subject to the firm's incentive and participation constraints. is LaGrangean of this program The is: o L = f[U,(o)-{l*c){s,{a)q^(s,(oUjia),a)-t,(o)mo)da-C(B)*cB a. where c is the multiplier on the budget constraint (c>0), which is derived endogenously from the first order conditions: c = C'(B) B Then our formulation '* However, is just a reduced this distinction is firms is move in the spirit for this more complicated problem. important in a full-information context (1988) or Carmichael (1987), or constramt = E,(5^(a)4^(V)^/<'),a)-r^(a)) form when there are fixed costs, as of these models, all of which shift the before governments. " See Tirole (1988) for a clear exposition of this literature. 8 when firms play Bertrand, as in Gruenspecht m Brainard (1990). The nonintervention participation balance of power in favor of firms by assuming that complete residual rights of control; is wholly appropriate this in regulation, it can induce the firm to participate as long as the firm breaks even." where assumption can be incorporated the firm has This no recourse other than exiting. In the model developed here, in a zero-profit participation constraint (ZPC): U^(a)iO (6) In trade, behalf. however, it may be more accurate to think of firms inducing governments to intervene on their This assumption more nearly approximates the footloose character of firms in traded goods industries, or the trade policy process in {wlitical systems where firms formalize this by assuming that the firm can refuse to participate if it We described in the introduction. initiate intervention, as would earn less under intervention than in the absence of intervention. Define profits when neither government intervenes under unilateral intervention as K^a), and profits when the rival government alone imposes the optimal subsidy under ^rC") Then = Sj=^ for m=u\ -t«i(0'S>"'^^^ s.=sfa) for the domestic firm's nonintervention-profit participation constraint f^) this is a fairly plausible results, since novel approach it in principal-agent theory, limits the size of lump-sum (NPC) is m=b expressed: for m=u,b t/j{o)2Ji"(o) Although bilateral intervention as 'K^(a): it has the additional attraction that transfer that the government it leads to more extracts. There are a few alternative interpretations of the formulation of the govenunent's problem with the NPC. It can be interpreted in more traditional terms as a Hicks-Kaldor social welfare function, where there redistribution. Alternatively, in a setting where firms initiate protection, the transfer if " Under this scenario, firms expect to do at least as well under intervention as in the free market equilibrium will they investment in access. In Gal-Or, with asymmetric information, principals must leave a rent to the firm. 9 a cost to can be thought of as a fixed cost to gaining access to policymakers, and subsidy payments as the return to gaining access. only is make the Intervention Eguilihnum with Complete Information IV. We solve for the optimal policy under complete mformation as a benchmark. govermneat establishes a per-unit subsidy and lump-sum reimbursement In this situation, the to solve (S) subject to participation constraint (6) or (7), after observing the realization of a. It is straightforward to prove that the participation constraint must bind for each realization of costs in the complete information case. raise welfare clearly this to the contrary, If, it did not bind for some values of a, then would not have been an optimum (8) p>ossible to in the first place. i under intervention regime transfer is set i down, for all values of under intervention regime (') m Here the transfer leaves the firm just indifferent r. In the case of the NPC for m=uM case as (J(<j): between define the optimal i=h/ between nonintervention and intervention, for all values of a. In a decreasing, quadratic function of a. is Differentiating the objective function with respect to on the optimal subsidy ZPC as (^a): t^''(a)=nJ[sjia)^jia),a)-Kl'(a) both cases, the transfer in the just equal to the firm's subsidized profits, leaving the firm exactly indifferent participating under intervention and shutting transfer for firm m for m=u,b, i=h/ r;"(o)=7:.(5,(a)^/a),o) The lump-sum v*"/ would be by reducmg the firm's rents by a small amount, without violating the participation constraint. But then Define the optimal lump-sum transfer for firm lump-sum it s.,(a) yields the same necessary and sufficient condition for either participation constraint: i=h when 5,(ff)= Settmg s^a) equal to zero in the unilateral case yields the (H) I =f and the reverse following expression for the optimal s;'(o)=(a-o)- home subsidy: dHb*d) Hb^-Td^) The optimal umlateral subsidy is a linear, decreasing function of a. 10 Notice that the subsidy is positive for all values of the cost parameter, implying that targeting the domestic firm to This to contract. strategic is expand its is efficient over the entire interval." The optimal subsidy induces output to the Stackelberg leadership level, and corresjwndingly, the foreign firm The government precisely the result derived in Brander-Spencer. advantage because it has full precommitment power with is able to give its firm a information and no coimtervailing full intervention. The precommit. When ability When it of the domestic government to raise domestic surplus depends intervenes unilaterally, the government enables on its ability to firm to commit to an expanded output level. both govenmients intervene simultaneously, neither government can give precommitment. its firm an advantage through In this case, the optimal subsidies are symmetric in equilibrium: (12) The its critically '^ ,;»(«) = s-\o) = (a-o) of both firms above the free-market bilateral subsidies raise the equilibrium quantities surplus in both economies falls relative to the free market equilibrium. although welfare in both countries govenmient anticipates that its is higher when i=h/ There is Coumot level, and thus a classic prisoner's dilemma: neither govenmient intervenes, both intervene because each rival will intervene if it does not. Notice that in both the bilateral and imilateral case, the form of the participation constraint affects only the sharing of surplus between the firm and the government through the transfer. It has no effect on the equilibrium quantities or aggregate surplus. Next we show in. that the introduction of incomplete information changes these results significantly. Adverse Selection Returning to the case of unilateral intervention, The distribution of a is realization of their costs. " Assuming common knowledge While each firm is for both fully we introduce incomplete information about the level of a. govenunents and firms, but only firms know the true informed about both firms' profit functions, the govenmient that a-<j> 0. 11 is Thjs would be the case, for instance, not able to observe the effect of the shock on either firm's profits. if air frame manufacturers had precise mformation about the effect of an mput price shock or a demand shock on their own profits, and (assunung similar technology) on those of their nvals, but the domestic government had access oniy to the consolidated financial statements required for tax purposes. We assume that the government is not able to contract on other informative variables, such as the foreign firm's output or prices, either because the sales terms are secret, or because such contracts could not be enforced due Since the govenmient does not observe or cannot verify the realization of a, to venfiability problems.'* profits, foreign output, or prices, it bases policy on a report from the firm, its a. The government of per-unit subsidies and lump-sum transfers, conditional on the firm's reported costs, We further assume that the contracts are publicly observable, information, the potential for renegotiation has no effect. in effects and asymmetric mformation {S|,{<^,t^(o)}. and cannot be renegotiated. With complete we We rule it out in order to distinguish clearly between discuss the implications of allowing renegotiation Section V. Such an assumption can be justified establish a reputation for nonrenegotiation. repeated game with industries.^ Alternatively, the First, it may be Reputation would be important govenunent and/or the firm might have an were incurred " Clearly, variables if sufficient knowledge of on several counts. if a firm in a single industry," or in several one-shot large fixed investment '* effects. menu With incomplete information, however, renegotiation through secret contracts can have precommitment value. Here, precommitment offers a for each interest to the government were engaged in a games with finns in a variety of interest in avoiding renegotiation if a roimd of negotiation. were observable and their relation to the government's in the verifiable, the government could use them in conjunction with unobserved variable to solve the information problem. Ratchet effects from sequential contract offers can be ruled out by assuming that the firm's costs are drawn mdependently each period. In a long-term contracts because there ^ Models dynamic framework of is some this nature, the government is probability implicit in the discount rate that not credibly able to write it will not get reelected. along these lines assume that the government's time horizon exceeds that of firms, either because the government is longer-lived, as in Fudenberg, Levine (1989), or, as discount rate, and the game between the government and firms 12 is m Schmidt (1991), because of "conflicting interests. it has a lower Incentive Compatibility Constraint i. With incomplete infonnation, the optimal fwlicy must truthful m revelation, constraint, Suppose information. addition to the participation constraint. useful to it is satisfy an incentive compatibility constraint to induce Before specifying the mcentive compatibility examine firm behavior when faced with the optimal full-information policy, given private in the unilateral case that the government assigns the full-information contract {s^ff),t^(o)} A for w = n,z, report The a, when the firm reports given policy its while in the in the NPC a. Define the value to the domestic firm with true costs a of making {s^((^,t4(o)}, as U^Cff.ff): firm's optimal choice of report Then costs as ZPC case, is A the value of a that A maximizes case, the firm's optimal report \Jjia,a). is: it is: - a= 0*0 ^ >a 2 In both cases, the firm optimizes by misrepresenting its costs as higher than the true value. decrease in the lump-sum tax associated with higher levels of reported costs from the decrease in the value of the subsidy, given that true costs are lower. similar results obtain in the case of bilateral intervention. it more than As is common It is This is because the offsets the effect straightforward to on profits show that in the imperfect information literature, will turn out that the transfer plays a critical role as a screening device in the presence of incentive compatibility problems. Under imperfect information, any proposed policy has the firm's report. The to satisfy an incentive compatibility requirement revelation principle enables us to restrict attention to the class of direct 13 mechanisms on for which truthful revelation is Thus: optimal.-' o Then \]\a) is argmax e simply the firm's informational rent when U^(d,a) ^ mcentive compatibility constramt its is satisfied: f/»(o)«f/,(o.o) By restricting attention to equilibria for which contracts are piecewise-differentiable, we can express the first order condition for the firm's revelation problem as: Va (14) da Combimng as. (14) and the definition of U^(.) yields: ——^ 5^(0) (15) da And da . . ^ .— . *> ^ ^ = -9»(^A('')'^/<')'<')7i--r " r - (i f, — ^/"^ ^-77-^^ (^_j) the local second order conditions are satisfied for: r- ,0 ^^^11.^^ (16) da The da {b*d) \ , justification for the restriction to piecewise differentiable subsidies is straightforward. A standard revealed preference argument establishes that the optimal subsidy, s^{a), must be decreasing to be incentive- compatible, given a differentiable foreign government subsidy, s^a), such that:^ (17) ^ 1- (b*d) The condition ^' ^^'Ko da that s^(ff) is decreasing in turn implies that Myerson (1982) shows \(a) is that in a bilateral principal-agent structure, piecewise differentiable almost everywhere. it is a Nash equilibrium in reports for the two agents to reveal their private information truthfully, as long as collusion between the two agents ref)orting state of the game, and each agent this implies that the domestic firm chooses is is ruled out in the associated uniquely with one principal. In the context considered here, its optimal repwrt knowing that the foreign firm reveals truthfully under bilateral intervention. ^ Martimort (1992) provides a more general justification for the assumption that He shows that when T(Sfc(ff),sXff),ff) satisfies an aggregation property, such that: the agent's rent is decreasing. ait,(.)/& = as. dn^QIda the incentive problems of the rival prmcipal-agent pair can be treated analogously to independent hierarchies, for which the agent's rent must decrease in a, and impiementatibility implies decreasing subsidies. 14 However, it should be noted that there may which these conditions on exist nondifferentiable equilibria for s,(ff) do not hold. Optimal Policy with Unilateral Intervention ii. The government chooses By its we substituting for the transfer, ^^^^ *''"..(.).£/.(.) policy to maximize domestic surplus, less the cost of net transfers to the firm. can express the objective function in terms of the subsidy and the firm's rent:^ / k^»(<')^/<»).'')-^*(«)«A(<')'^/<').<')-^^*«')]«:<')^'' subject to the incentive compatibility conditions in equations (14) and (15), and the ZPC in equation (6). We first solve for the optimal policy ignoring the second order conditions in (16), and then check to ensure that they are indeed satisfied at the optimum. The government's problem can thus be expressed as the Hamiltonian: — ^i{s,,(o)^Jia),a)-s^f.o)q^^.s^(a)^Jia),a)-— -U^(.a)]f[<}) (19) which is concave in sji.) for the unilateral case, and and Uji.), and where X(a) is the multiplier on the incentive constraint. Setting s^a)=0 differentiating with respect to LP* yields the first order condition: iM£)=_L.y^o) (20) da 1+c Recalling that firms are tempted to overreport the value of a in order to save efficient type if on the it transfer to the government, binds for any type, U^(o)=0. we when faced with the fiill-infonnation optimal policy, expect the participation constraint to bind for the least This implies that X(a) = 0, which enables us to solve for the multiplier: ^ Tb(.)-Uh(.) is substituted for to a single control variable. t^(.), based on the definition of U^(.), in order to simplify the government's problem This substitution is commonly employed 15 in the regulation literature. i(a)=-^ [Aa)do- (21) l*c Differentiating with respHJct to s^(cr) J^ (l*c)(a-2j yields the following expression for the optimal unilateral subsidy: Thus, the optimal subsidy linear is and decreasing in a, and is ^**'^ ^ for a"=- 5;(aX"(a)-a'(a-fl) (22) "^"-^ distorted below the full -information value of a except the most efficient by an amount that mcreases in the distance from a. subsidy at every In the presence of incomplete mformation, the government must distort the optimal contract in order to mduce the domestic firm to produce efficiently consistent with its true costs. Notice that for a sufficiently great divergence between a and the least efficient firms. Call the value at (23) a" o may the which fall home on either side of a. Define a '' a, the subsidy actually becomes negative for this takes place a": d^ ,(l+c) (a-g)=(a-a)I = min{<j", a}. For the range aKa", the effect of the subsidy is to raise quantity above the free market level, but by less than the full-information subsidy, and to discourage foreign production relative to the free market equilibrium, but by less than the full-information subsidy: with equality holding is to reduce home at a. For the range in which the subsidy becomes a tax, a "< <T<.a, the effect of intervention output relative to the free market equilibrium, which induces an expansion in foreign output. Thus, for sufficiently high values of the cost parameter, the screemng effect actually dommates the precommitmeat effect, and optimal policy serves to strategically disadvantage the home firm. In either case, the government chooses a schedule of transfers that gives higher rents to low cost firms as an inducement to produce efficiently, and leaves other types just indifferent between operating under intervention and shutting down. In effect, the optimal policy trades off the external objective of strengthening the domestic firm's strategic advantage against the internal objective of minimizing allocative distortions associated with the domestic firm's informational rent-seeking. Clearly, the optimal subsidy satisfies the local second order conditions for truthful revelation in eqiuUion (16). Moreover, the form of the optimal contract - a subsidy that 16 is piecewise linear in a, and a transfer that is piecewise quadratic in a - ensures that the local second order conditions are sufficient for a global maximum. Optimal Policy with Bilateral Intervention hi. In the bilateral case, each government is assumed to choose a menu of transfers and subsidies as a function A of the local firm's cost report, a. The governments announce their trade policies simultaneously. assumed reciprocally observable, but nonrenegotiable. The two firms, having observed the governments' policy announcements, simultaneously choose their report decisions. to the and both government, and make their output to maximize domestic surplus less the cost of net transfers to the local firm, subject to the incentive compatibility and participation constraints of the local firm. the truthful revelation restriction can be applied to both firms. first realization of a Again, neither govenmient can make the subsidy contingent on the rival firm's output, profits, or prices. Both governments are assumed the Subsidies are and second order conditions described the Hamiltonian defmed condition for which is the condition derive the corresponding home symmetric subsidies indeed this and (16) apply to each of the two firms, and each govenmient separately. As mentioned in the discussion approach depends on piecewise differentiability of %(.), a sufficient on the foreign subsidy subsidy, in footnote 21, proceed here as in the unilateral case, so that in equations (14), (IS), in equation (19) applies to of the incentive compatibility conditions, We As explained s^(.), in in equation (17). Assuming the symmetric equilibrium, and then this condition holds, go back to check that the satisfy equation (17). Differentiating each government's objective function with respect to U^(a) yields the condition multiplier in equation (19). we With the rent decreasing in a, the constraint transversality condition, \(a), thus implies that equation (21) holds. must bind a at Differentiating the if it on the binds anywhere. home government The objective function with respect to s^{a) yields: ib*d))b^ * b(b*d) (W)\a-ii/. ib*d) Proceeding similarly for the foreign government yields an analogous equation. da ) The symmetric equilibrium is obtained by solving both equations simultaneously, yielding a differential equation for the symmetric subsidy, with a singularity at a= ff. In the case analysed here, where d < 0, 17 there exists a imique solution, which can be expressed in terms of the full-information optimal subsidy (^) a'= s,(a)=s, (o)-a''(o-2) straightforward to verify that It is the optimal subsidy linear is optimum by an amount and decreasing may be sufficient to case as in the bilateral is positive, since in a, ; d<0 and lr-2d*>0. As and distorted downward that increases in (a-g) for all values with the screening effect subsidy a^, is .u as: relative to the And of a on [a.oj.^ push the subsidy below 0. in the unilateral case, we find that complete mformation again, the distortion associated Define the cutoff value of a for which the o^: (25) o* = (a-2)=(a-a) a I a\b^-d^-db)) Again, a* o<a^, may the fall on either side of symmetnc a, depending on the spread of the distribution. Define a ^=iiun{a^,d). subsidies are positive, and both firms expand their output relative to the free market equilibrium, but by less than under complete mformation. and both firms contract output relative However, with (although it to the free market equilibrium. bilateral intervention, there is does not eliminate it altogether). For a^<a<(r, the symmetric subsidies are negative, an additional effect that countervails the screening effect The competition in contracts governments loosens each firm's incentive compatibility constraint, due bilateral equations (23) and (25) reveals that the range of types for which the subsidy bilateral intervention, or o" < a*. Thus, ^ See Martimort (1992), ^ •^ It Indeed, from an ex post point of view, for a is precommitment information. Asymmetric information mitigates the prisoner's dilemma, and tax. more complete analysis of the it impact of the positive is at least as great eliminate may appear it on the solution, including the case This result depends on the assumption of strategic substitutes. 18 under of incomplete interval where that intervention is not the where d>0. should be noted that the lineanty of the solution derives from the structure of the model; V. m the introduction of a rival effect in the presence may rival and unilateral intervention m sharp contrast to the complete-information case, contract between the foreign government and firm reinforces the becomes a between the incompletely informed to the expansionary Comparison of the threshold values of a under subsidy on rival output.^ the subsidy For The case of complements is it is not assumed. discussed m Section dominant strategy. It is straightforward to verify the approach taken here by checking the second order conditions on each firm's problem. Each firm quadratic in a. condition is The expressions is for the optimal subsidies are linear in a, implying that the optimal transfers are thus maximizing a quadratic function of a, sufficient for global optimality. second order condition in equation (16) IV. ZPC. far, we have been decreasing is second order in a, the local is satisfied. The assumption effectively treating firms as the agents of their respective governments, that firms are willing to operate rents leads to the conclusion that as a Since the optimal symmetric subsidy that the local Nonintervention-profit Constraint So the which ensures In this case, intervention on the under intervention as long as they make nonnegative asymmetric information undermines the government's precommitment device. Indeed, the effect part of a rival may be by adopting ability to use the local firm so extreme that intervention creates a strategic disadvantage. government can have the beneficial effect of loosening the incentive compatibility constraint of the local firm. As discussed above, however, residual rights in a trade context, it may be more of control, or of having additional bargaining power vis-a-vis the government. can be incorporated by adopting the compatible mechanism that does NPC at in equation (7). In effect, with the least as more accurate to view the firm as having NPC, we attempt well as nonintervention (which is itself This consideration to find an incentive- an incentive-compatible mechanism)." i. To Government Objective isolate the part This V^(ff)= U^(ff)-T^(r). ^ Nonintervention is of the firm's rent new state variable also characterized govemments, which would be important if that accrues to it because of asymmetric information, we define evolves according to the equation: by the absence of any need for communication between firms and were admitted, since communication provides the potential for collusion scope for collusion. 19 (26) -KsAo) da The government's program H is 1- for {b-d)\b*d) then: {a^j(o),K,(a),ti(a),X(o)) = /o)^7i^(5^(a)^^o),a)-nj^(0^^a),o)-5/o)<7^(5;^(a)Ay(o),a))---^^'j(o) ,27x d -l(o)J&j(a)l- where K' do (b*d} X((t) is the on the incentive multiplier constraint, and ^(ff) is ^/f') ->i(a)K,(a) the multiplier on the participation constraint (and the local incentive compatibility conditions are assumed to apply only to those values of a for which the optimal subsidy differentiable). is It is reservation value is m common assumed is evident from the prmcipal-agent theory to assume that the participation constraint NPC in commonly, mversely either constant, or, less Equation (7), from the ZPC we case, government should reduce the reward \a the distance government from to refrain ii. However, a. exogenous; the Here, however, as related to the rent. both the rent and the reservation profits are decreasmg in a, so that not obvious where the participation constraint binds (or equivalently, which subset of firms Intuitively, is is it is just indifferent).^ expect that efficient firms are tempted to claim higher costs, so that the to cheating by in contrast to the from intervening distorting the subsidy ZPC case, with the downward by an amount NPC it turns out that it is that increases optimal for the for sufficiently high cost firms. Unilateral Policy Solving (27) for the optimal policy in the case of umlateral mtervention subject to the >fPC yields the following proposition: * Lewis and Sappington (1989) were the first to analyze this type of problem in their study of countervailing work more closely related to the model presented here, Faggart (1991) modifies the Baron-Myerson model to mcorporate a constraint that regulation must leave the firm no worse off than under monopoly. The results incentives. In are broadly consistent with ours that with general inverse (we were unaware of them demand nonmtervention always obtains for the highest cost elasticity demand, there is until after our analysis was completed). Faggart finds functions there are alternating regimes of intervention and nonintervention, and levels. In the cases of linear (analysed here) and constant a continuous range of intervention followed by a continuous range of nonintervention, similar to our findings. 20 Proposition 1 Defuie and cf, s'Xa), as in equations (22) " cr and nonintervention-profit constraint under unilateral intervention s'(a) (28) the optimal subsidy that satisfies the given by: is on [sL.o'i on (d",o], s'(a) , Proof Appendix Even with a stronger 1 participation constraint, asymmetric information distorts subsidies weakens the precommitment the Then (23). NPC, IS it effect of intervention. However, when firms are given never optimal to tax the output of even the necessitate a positive lump-sum least efficient firms. result that the optimal incentive-compatible policy is to subsidise the intervention for the least efficient firms, in order to gain the maximal most and thus residual rights of control with A per-unit tax, transfer in order to satisfy the participation constraint, compatibility, encouraging efficient firms to report costs above their true value. downward, The IVPC would violate incentive thus yields the appealing efficient firms most, strategic benefits which would and to eschew from intervention, without inducing misrepresentation. Bilateral Policy iii. Bilateral intervention similar to the ZPC. First, the mtroduces additional effects from the competition between contracts with the NPC, competition in contracts weakens the participation constraint, which affects the level of the lump-sum transfer, but not the size of the subsidy. Second, it moderates the effect of the distortion due to asymmetric information, by loosening the incentive constraint (again, assuming strategic substitutes and the foreign subsidy is decreasing precommitment But with the in a). Similar to the effect, leading to NPC, case, the effect of competing contracts reinforces the higher output, but does not fully offset the asymmetric information distortion. as in the unilateral case, there that the per-unit subsidy is ZPC is a range of nonintervention under bilateral intervention, such nonnegative over the entire interval. Proposition 2 Define s''(<t), a '', and a* as in equations (24) and (25). Then the optimal bilateral subsidy that satisfies the 21 NPC is given by: s^a) (29) on [sLO^' i»(a)=| on (d*,ol, , Appendix 2 Proof An is important corollary is that the introduction of the nvaJ contract broadens the set of efficient firms that targeted in equilibnum, because the competition in contracts loosens the incentive compatibility constraint. Corollary a''<a^ for a"<a Appendix 2 Proof Recall in the full-information case that there that the dominant strategy is always intervention. is a prisoner's dilemma In sharp contrast, structure to the bilateral game, such under incomplete mformation with a strong participation constraint, bilateral nonintervention for the highest cost firms obtains endogenously as the equilibrium of the game in contracts. For more efficient firms, both Nash governments intervene with positive subsidies in equilibrium, similar to the complete information case, but at a lower level of subsidies. Similar to the analysis with the that the local second order conditions are with the NPC, V. Alternative Assumptions i. so the proof is in both the unilateral and bilateral cases it is optimum. Global optimality is more complicated satisfied at the straightforward to verify to verify elaborated in Appendix 3. Renegotiation Throughout, As long ZPC we have assumed as renegotiation is that renegotiation is impossible. ruled out, observable contracts can do no This assumption if secret by no means innocuous. better than unobservable initial contracts. a result, the government's ability to precommit by delegating action to the firm asymmetry. However, is is As compromised by the informational renegotiation between the government and the firm were permitted after the private 22 information had been realized, that obtained would be possible it for the He shows of uncertainty. mformation, it when that secret renegotiation committing the domestic firm is to sufficiently possible. secret ex post renegotiation, and reservation utility level in such a to the initial contract, such that each firm is is jxjssible after the agent has learned its private to contracts with inefficient ex post high output to discourage foreign production, as long as there is is a realized; such a contract is credible because of the in information. Caillaud, Julien, and Picard (1990) rents a contracting stage preceding the For instance, the principal could sign a public contract potential for secret renegotiation after the private information commits game with commit ex ante possible and optimal for the prmcipal to is outcomes where no pareto improvement asymmetry some precommitment power above by delegation. Dewatrip>ont (1988) considers renegotiation in a umlateral realization to capture government is at least make a strategic substitutes, the way that knowing it is that committed it With similar point in a bilateral principal-agent framework. observed to a initial contracts serve to alter each agent's more aggressive output level. Each principal publicly will be renegotiated after the private information has been realized as well off as under the observed initial contract, and surplus net of informational higher. ii. The Alternative Information Structure results presented here are robust to other specifications distributions other than the uniform that satisfy the similar results, as would monotonic hazard of the information structure. rate property {d\F((j)/f(a)]/da> 0), would yield a formulation in which costs are imperfectly correlated across firms (as, for example, in Gal-Or (1988)). Alternatively, asymmetric models could be developed firm's costs differently. For instance, For instance, domestic costs could differ in which the uncertainty could from foreign by a factor of (1 +t), affect each where t might represent a transport cost.^ ^ An interesting extension would be to model each government as having access to a different type of information about the local firm, which would correspond to different political frameworks, or different mechanisms of control. 23 Consumption lii. We have imposed the interaction between at Home artificial precommitment convention effects that both firms are and asymmetnc information from complications associated with consumer surplus. An obvious extension would incorporate production In this case, downward the mformational if exporting to a third market, to isolate the asymmetry applied to for the home market as well as for export. both types of production, the government would distort subsidies on the firm's total production in order to minimize allocative distortions from informational rent-seeking, while using the reimbursement as a screemng device. be accomplished in these circumstances by using two distinct subsidies. compnsed of two marginal We it is possible that screening could leave the investigation of policies tools in the context of incomplete information for future research, due to its complexity. Complements Strategic iv. Alternatively, Eaton and Grossman (1986) show that with full information, the optimal policy firm's decision variables are strategic complements, whereas difference in policy prescriptions is it is is an export tax when a subsidy in the case of strategic substitutes. the The attributable to the difference in sign of the cross-partial second derivative. This difference in the sign of the optimal policy in the case of complements carries over to incomplete information, but here it OF>erates through the firms' incentive compatibility constraints. Martimort (1992) analyses strategic complements (d>0) He shows with competing principal-agent pairs. equilibrium, which makes However, by assuming a is difficult to linear is demand the range of types changes. * The As is is framework a continuum of symmetric separating subsidies in unilateral and bilateral intervention.-" function and a uniform distribution, as in the model developed above, This set includes in particular one equilibrium a linear fimction of a, which can be computed using the approach in Section notable because the optimal policy when is compare equilibrium outcomes under possible to compute the set of equilibria explicitly. optimal subsidy is it there in a general incomplete information robust to some modifications of III. in it which the This equilibrium the informational structure. broadened by increasing a while maintaining a uniform distribution, the set For instance, of equilibria the range broadens, only the linear equilibrium subsidies continue to be decreasing in a, hence lack of uniqueness is attributable to the assumption of 24 symmetry. remaining incentive-compatible, and thus an equilibrium. This unique linear solution is a tax for both the unilateral and bilateral intervention cases. Companng these linear policies to the optimal policies under full information esUblishes that the optimal tax is distorted upwards under incomplete information, because of the incentive compatibility constraint. Thus, the optimal policy is restrictive relative to the full-information case. bilateral intervention, overly In contrast to the substitute case with incomplete information and with complements the governments' contracts reinforce rather than coimtervail each other, because they raise the rival firm's temptation to cheat. Each government attempts to reduce the local firm's output, but the resulting contraction exacerbates the rival firm's incentive constraint. production image of is restricted more severely under that in the case As a bilateral than unilateral intervention. result, in the linear equilibrium, The of substitutes; with complements, each firm's contraction is intuition for this is the mirror met by reciprocal contraction, thus exacerbating rather than mitigating the incentive compatibility constraints. VI. Conclusion This paper information is is likely to far from conclusive; imderstanding be a complex task, requiring a variety strategic trade policy in the context of asymmetric of models to address a number of different questions. Nonetheless, the simple model developed above suggests several interesting insights. First, the effect of the informational govenmient intervention. Second, asymmetry is to lessen the in contrast to the full-information case, the introduction govenmient reinforces rather than countervails the precommitment offset the distortion informed precommitment effect, of a effect of imilateral rival mterventionist although not sufficiently to completely from the informational asymmetry. This mitigates the prisoner's dilemma associated with bilateral intervention, and may eliminate it informational asymmetry distorts the optimal subsidy altogether for sufficiently high levels of costs. downward in all cases, and this distortion to require a tax rather than a subsidy for the least efficient firms, given a zero-profit constraint. participation constraint gives the firm residual rights of control, the 25 fully- Third, the may be sufficient Fourth, when government eschews intervention the for the least efficient finas, and subsidies are always nonnegative At minimum, these for social welfare in equilibrium. results caution that profit-shifting trade policies when governments may have undesirable consequences are even partially ignorant about firms' profit functions. mformationally-constrained social optimum requires a complicated and lump-sum transfers, which may be impracticable m menu of contracts combining per-unit subsidies actual trade policy contexts. 26 Attainment of the References Baldwin, Richard and Paul R. 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Given these conditions, and given a finite number of discontinuities, necessary and sufficient for optimality (Seierstad-Sydsaeter (1987)): * X(a) * |i(ff) IS is piecewise continuous on subsets continuous on subsets [a,ffJ,[<Tk,fft+|],...,[o'„,(^ [a,ffJ,[<rk,ffk+i],...,[<ra,o] In addition: (2) = -Ks,{a) da —t^ da (3) for all intervals = Ao)-V.(a) 1+c -; on which sAa) ^l(a) i (4) \i(a)V,ia) = 1 s^((r), is continuous the Hamiltonian is still the following conditions are 3//(oj^(o).K,(a).A.(a).0) ^ .J. ^ as. '* The boundary conditions are: i/K,(a) is/r«. i(a)=0 (g) is^M, X(o)=0 i/Kj(o) We contain 0. next determine 0, the subset of values of a on which V^(a) Then a. Call a, V^(<^ = sup is free, < Then, using a. > with V^(^ The boundary condition 0. can be computed on (3), X(cr) = is Start 0. then X(<^ by supposing = does not that 0, and, in addition, /i(o) = [ai.oi as: X(o) = -^ (7) l*c a -a Optimising with respect to the subsidy over W this interval yields the 5;(o)=j;'(o)+a»[a-o] which decreasing over is must be positive on sj(ff) Clearly, o. ^a) > Next, notice that subset. Suppose if (1 s'^a) for V\(ffJ which from \(a) is This firms whose > > (1) implies that s^(<7j decreasing. We that a, s"J(a) is positive (a-ff>0), decreasing on the subset must equal < < a^, is a a. = on this ((T„(ri). We S|,(a) which Vt(aJ = Vh((ri) = 0, and V^(ff)>0 on for such But s^(aj. conclude that on [2,2+e] the subsidy NPC. Thus, we can conclude CTj which [a,, a], that: V\(ffJ is this would contradict an interval of in turn implies that V^(2) is free. costs lie V|,(ff) is Moreover, since contains a subset with a non-empty interior, equation (2) implies that could then find two values of a in (a„(Tj, a^ and ii) t [2,0]. So we can conclude contains two values a, and that a all This implies that the rent [ff|,ol. contradiction to V^(a,)=0 and V^((^>0. that following subsidy: If instead, s^(ff) that V,,(£) is free, [a.oj. Q = [a^, associated with the and the incentive compatibility condition the govermnent could do better by giving ZPC, which exceeds that associated that the participation constraint binds with the on some subset [<%,o]. Next we integrate over [ff.ffo] to find: (0-2) X(o)=- (9) l*c(o-2) The optimal subsidy, s ^a), equals s^a) on this interval. discontinuous, there exists 0^ ^ O such Define 0^, such that for any value a^ at which \(a) is that: Allowing for the possible discontinuity of X(a) at the c value Oq, for a above a^ we have: (o-a) X(a)=-^^^^*Po*M(o) (11) l*c(o-2) where: M(a)»r°ji(t)df is such that M(ff)=0 on [ff.ob], and M(ff) decreasing above is ff,. Optimization with respect to the subsidy on [ooM leads (12) ^Po*M(a)] Using the definition of (13) sj, we = — 1 dn{s^(a),0,o) a[i/o)<7/i^(a),0,o)] ^ (0-2) as. ** l+c and s /i((T), ^ (o-a) (b^-2d^ 1 L [5j(o)-i»"(a)] b(b*di S(<^)=0 on [ao.ol. M((t) will be negative and decreasing above Oq negative and decreasing above this value. of A(a -2j obtain: [p.*M(o)] = With 00 = to: = a "(a), because s^ff) is Straightforward differentiation of M(ff) yields the corresponding value and confirms the switch of regimes at a^^a ". APPENDIX 2 Proof of Proposition 2 We look for a Nash equilibrium in contracts. Thus, the home government takes as given the subsidy schedule announced by the foreign government: on iy(o) (1) sAa) on [d*,a]j I, We start by vending through straightforward computation b*d [fl.o*] = that: da so the necessary condition for implementability (equation (16) in the text) is that s^(a) is nonincreasing. Further, given: (") the i/(a) same necessary condition implies With holds only are bilateral intervention, when both contmuous ma. foreign subsidy, =0 V o 6 [d*,o] that s^(a) is nonincreasing we cannot apply on [a ^,d\. the general theorem used in Appendix 1 directly. This theorem the objective function and the function describing the evolution of the state variable, V^(.), In the case s )(a), is of bilateral intervention, the objective function is continuous in a (because the continous), but the evolution of V^(.) changes at the point where the foreign subsidy goes toO: d dSf(a) Ks^ia) b+d da for a < a*" ^ da a -KS),{a) Thus, to be rigourous, we rent evolves continuously, i. a proceed by considering small perturbations of the government's program, for which the which permits use of the same technique as in Appendix 1. By computing subsidy for the perturbed problem, and taking the limit as the perturbation becomes small, the optimal subsidy for the perturbed problem converges J*(o) (2) to s \(a): on [2,6*] ^»(<') ^ on [a''^], we show the optimal that in the limit Start by definixig k as: it = do Consider: on [Sl.a''--]' n (3) *.(«) nk[d^-a] [d*--.d*] [d*,o]j Notice 1c„(<t) need not be differentiable. Then we have: k (4) on (d'^j [0 Next [ji,5*]| liin,_ kjio) we government's perturbed problem, whose solution will be denoted state the It (5) sjia): ^ . ' - dV^(.o) = -i&,(o)|l--^*,(a) * do V^io) ^ Define 0„ as the subset of values of a for which \(a)=0, and the domestic government does not intervene. as in Appendix we 1, can prove that Q„ contains a, and that Q„ is an interval, Q„=[a„,(^ for some a^< incentive compatibility condition that the subsidy must be nonincreasing. constraint on the determine s„(.) Again, state variable are and now continuous in a, we a, Just using the Since both the objective function and the can apply the same methodology as in Appendix I to a^. call the possible discontinuity as the integral of the multiplier of X(ff) at on the participation (t„, ^,= X(a*J-X(aJ, and constraint. define M(a) as in Appendix Optimising with respect to %(a) yields: 1 ' b*d 1 (6) (o-flj (b'-d^y we have (where M„(ff) = used the definition of and 0^=0. For a "-l/n (7) s''( a) < a< as long as s„(.) is positive. The (o-a) d (!*<:) (0-2) (i>+d) to simplify the expression). a ^ ,.«,) = . c we For a<(j ''-1/n, we obtain s^{a) = s\a), with obtain: V)-.^a-^^](^|l-a**a) rationale for restricting attention to nonnegative subsidies is the previous section, since a negative subsidy would imply an increasing rent, V^(a). This restriction as /?„ is nonpositive, and MJ^a) Clearly, one candidate is negative and decreasing about the value would be one *,(a*--) = n 5.(a*) = sjia) The last 3 s,(a) is decreasmg on s\d'-h Indeed, as in the justified as long ff„. we can check that: > n c t' < Jt < of degree 2 in a s„(ff) is equal to for a unique value, a„ e (a ''-1/n, a *"). Moreover, this interval. we show that Combining equations (6) one can find expressions for M,(a) and /3,=0, which justify the switch of regimes and at (7) yields: M.('')«11~^(«') (8) which s„(aj = 0. -A(6*-fl)- propositions allow us to say that Next, (T„. is for is same 1 (0-2) (fc*-dY b*d\*c (a -2) In Rearranging: M(o) (9) where ipjia) is the expression on the right hand side of equation (26), and g,(a) side multiplying M„(a). to = be decreasing over a. It is is the expression consistent for both M„(a) and (pjia) to be negative for ff> Note first that: 6 a^. on the left hand Moroever, M„(ff) has (10) do < da and second that: ,S,(c)-<P,(<j)- 5M,(o) (11) ao da do ^.(•'^ where: 4 since g„(.) is affine in cr on [a ''-1/n, *,(") a ^]. An easy computation allows us to check that: (12) -nkX- Hence, on [a Lastly, ''-1/n, on the a **], the numerator in equation (11) interval [a ^,d\, s,(a) is equal to 0, (13) is negative and the overall expression and MJ^a) is straightforward to check that M„(a) Next, we determine negati\ then given by the decreasing function: is b*dl*c (A^-dY continous at a (a -a) *". the limit of sj^a) as n goes to infinity, s^o) (14) on which is equal to s ^ lsL,o'i\ li™,- ^.(o) lo Co*,"], Define r„(s) as the value of the objective function in equation objective function given a subsidy, inequality implies that for all (V„(.), s) (15) is Aa4,(a) = (o-fl) It is < ^ (a-2)(i>+<i)(l+c) da^ s, s. For all s and all n, r(s)< Hs^J). Consider [ino)-y,ia)y{a)da = / a -a. and r(s) as the value of the original government Next r„(s)< r„(sj. we show that in the limit this (V(.), s{.)) as an admissible pair for the an admissible pair for the problem (PJ such that r,(5)-r(5) = (S), V(^ = V„(^. We iy'(o)-v',{a)]da = problem have: j\^Uo)[k-kJia)]-^do (P), and Using the definition of we k,(.), obtain: jj^j.,,^,4-,)^ da ,.,-r,., = (16) Hence: (17) Or. (18) d k |r(5)-r(5)| i \s\. 2nb*d where | s | . is bounded by the radius of the The the admissible subsidies. s, for any arbitrarily small Finally, it is t. last A ball containing the shows inequality would similar proof straightforward to check that r(.) (19) r(5^-r(f/) = that for is compact set (that n big enough, we assume we have also establish that |r„(sj-r(sj| continuous; we | sufficiently large) of r„(s)-r(s)| <e, <£ uniformly in for sufficiently large n. can write: da /[Tt,(5,(a)4/(o).a)-Tr^(f/(a)^/(a),o)-(K,(o)-F(o))]^ (a -2) or: (20) r(5j-r(i/) = Hence, for n big enough: (21) predicted limits. | Combining r(sj-r(s ^| <c. |r,(o-ni/)l for sufficiently large n. So, ll^h -Jk-^Wo)-i;(a))Wo [[n,(s^(a)^;(a),a)-n^(s/(a)^,\a).a)- 5 Thus, both the right and we have proven that s ^ is the last two results yields: |r.(5j-r(5^|*|r(0-r(5/)| ^ 2e left hand sides of the inequality, r(s) <r(sj, converge towars the a best response to s r- Proof of Corollary to Proposition Proposition 1 2 established that the optimal policy is nonintervention over the interval [cr ".oj, for Proposition 2 established that the optimal policies result in bilateral nonintervention over the mterval [a a ^<a. The Corollary intervention. This is states that the range of nonintervention equivalent to the claim that a ''<a Using the definition of ff " from equation (23) C" (a-d") Similarly, from equation (25), define ^» (23) , C' it is clear that CkC*" C ^' (1^^) b\b^-2d^) c as: as: (q*-g) ^ d\\ *c){b*d){b^-d^-db)-cb^d\ cb\b^-ld'^) (a-o*) Then, ^,a], for greater under unilateral relative than bilateral in the text, define = s "'<cr. ^. ^°'~^ (22) is ff (for the relevant case, where a " <a and <a * < a), which in turn implies that ff " <a ''. APPENDIX Proof of Global Optimalitv for the Agent's NPC in the Case Unilateral Case I. Consider a firm with costs a claimmg it Problem 3 be to receives a. the [a,o "J. If argument bemg the same as no protection, so Now m it gets ir(0,0,(j), consider a firm with costs a the firm claims to be ZPC in the whjch below is [a, a "], it can do no better than by a firm claims be ere [a ".a], between reporting a and ere [a ",0^, If instead the case. to {J{a,a), the participation constramt. The firm in [a ".oj. ff £ is indifferent A smce both result in ir(sS(o),0,ff]-T"(o). no protection. Notice Suppose mstead that it claims a [5,0"]. t We must prove that T(0,0,a] that: (1) (a)= at / But (2) so -^ n[s:(d')fi,o]-n[s,\d)fi,o]=[-^ \ at we have only to check that: &;« (3) / dn[s^it)fi^] <kdt / a<a " < ff, i. *** , But since -<b aSi, and <0 ds^,da since profit is increasing in the subsidy, which in turn is decreasing in a, this 10 last inequality is true. ^ Bilateral II. Case Consider a firm with costs a in [a,a a for the same reasons as T[0,s,''(a),ff], Now leave it is below ZPC case. If the firm reports If instead the at [a, a ""], firm reports ae [a it '.oj, can do no better than by reporting it receives no protection, yielding U(ff,ff), the participation constraint. consider a firm with costs a ia[a with no protection. A -t ''((^ which in the *]. Suppose instead ^,a\. that it It is indifferent ae reports [s., a between reporting a and a ""], and it + T[s^''((^,0,a]. We must establish that this obtains number is no greater than ir(0,0,a]. i\,yJ^^^l^l^!lflM^ " I as. dt So we want: ' ds,\t)dn[s,\t)^f\t),t]^ (5) But notice that because a>a'°, s''(ff'')=0, and dnj) as^(t)d7:[s^(t)fij] ^ *l ^ . ds,,da So (7) [ff "".oj, A (4) (6) in an[5;^V).0.q] ^ 3n[^^W/(d*).d*] ^ We can write: as both &/(0 dn[sl;(t),0,o] dn[s^(.t)Af(t)j] ar as. as. (9) as,*(r) dt where the right term is positive. 'i 7< dn [s,\t)jtf\zU] as/(z) dn [s.^tU'dU] 1 i cb^a$. ar dSf^da Integrating this last inequality between 12 r aand a *" leads to the desired condition. Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES mil III II I II I nil III 3 9080 02238 6087