t^ HD28 .M414 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Sequential Screening in Semiconductor Manufacturing, I: Exploiting Lot-to-Lot Variability Jihong Ou and Lawrence M. Wein WP# 3451-92-MSA July, 1992 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Sequential Screening in Semiconductor Manufacturing, I: Exploiting Lot-to-Lot Variability Jihong Ou and Lawrence M. Wein WP# 3451-92-MSA July, 1992 MIT, LIBRARIES \UG 2 7 1992- REOclvED SEQUENTIAL SCREENING IN SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, I: EXPLOITING LOT-TO-LOT VARIABILITY Jihong Ou Operations Research Center, M.I.T. and Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. Abstract We address a problem of simultaneous quality and quantity control motivated by semiconductor manufacturing. After wafers are fabricated, they are probed, or electrically tested, ajid in turing process. some cases the probing facility Under this is the bottleneck for the entire IC manufac- assumption, we consider the problem of choosing the optimal start rate of lots of wafers into the fabrication facility front of the probing facility to and the optimal screening policy maximize the expected good chips minus the variable fabrication and probing profit, costs. which is in the revenue from The screening policy decides which wafers to discard and which wafers to probe. These decisions axe subject to capacity constraints at approach random is both the wafer fabrication and probing facihties. employed: the number of bad chips on a wafer variable, ing to another where the gamma scaie parameter distribution. We fit is unknown and is An empirical Bayes to be a gamma lot to lot accord- assumed varies from the yield model to industrial data and test the optimcd policy on this data. July 1992 SEQUENTIAL SCREENING IN SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, EXPLOITING LOT-TO-LOT VARIABILITY I: Ou Jihong Operations Research Center. M.I.T. and Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. This paper and management will focus companion (Longtin main 1992) address a particular quality et al. issue in semiconductor manufacturing. consists of four we its The production of integrated circuits and stages: wafer fabrication, probing, packaging final testing, on the interrelationship between wafer fabrication and probing. and In wafer fabrication, disc-like wafers that contain hundreds of integrated circuits, or chips, are produced (in batches, or lots, of usually 20 to 50 wafers) by a very long and complex procedure involving hundreds of operations. on a wafer good chips. is After fabrication completed, each chip is probed, or electrically tested, to distinguish between defective chips and Each wafer is then separated into its respective chips, and nondefective chips are covered in a protective plastic during packaging. In final testing, the chips are functionally tested under a variety of environmental conditions before being shipped to customers. Problem Description. To and the key material flow issues motivate our model formulation, the process economics need to to be briefly described. Building a wafer fabrica- tion faciUty, or fab, costs hundreds of millions of dollars, and consequently, fab managers are very concerned with maintaining high utilization of the bottleneck equipment, and one of the biggest operational decisions rate of wafers into the fab. fab (due primarily to details), for the fab manager Because of the huge amount of random yield, rework, and pushing the start rate beyond a certain 1 is to determine the start statistical variabihty in the tool failures; see level, which we Chen call et al. 1988 for the fab's effective capacity, will result in unacceptably high levels of work-in-process inventory and long lead times. Despite the well-documented congestion that occurs where the probing (we visited several facilities rather than probing) facility, in the more generic term testing will often use not the wafer fab, is wafer fabrication, we have the bottleneck that determines the production capacity of finished goods. There are several reasons for this phenomenon: the testing equipment is very expensive (machines can cost three to four million dollars) and the testing procedure testing capacity is is a very time consuming and labor intensive process. Furthermore, sometimes labor constrained because companies are either unable or unwilling to hire and train full-time employees in the face of uncertain future demand. Although commodity relative costs or custom and revenues depend greatly on the type of market chips) and other factors, the variable testing cost per wafer typically only several percent of total variable production cost, wafer of nondefective chips is constrained, they can to is an increase sell in profit. is and the revenue from a roughly ten times the variable production cost per wafer. Also, the yield in wafer fabrication, which very low and erratic. Since (e.g., many is the fraction of chips that are good, can be facilities are capacity constrained rather than market anything they make, and any increase in yield leads directly Consequently, yield dominates the economics of the process and the primary concern of fab managers. Semiconductor manufacturers typically use an exhaustive testing chip of every wafer is tested and is deemed it undergoes testing (unless from a custom order that has already been grain of mainstream industry thinking. is, every defective or nondefective. Indeed, the thought of simply discarding a completed chip before "leftovers" policy; that filled) In contrast, our goes very represents it much against the paper and Longtin based on the following simple premise that has also been put forth in et al. axe Goldratt and Cox (1984): profitability can be increased by preventing bottleneck equipment from working on products that are already defective. In particular, under an exhaustive testing policy, if testing is the bottleneck operation then semiconductor manufacturers can increase their profits by simultaneously (1) employing a sequential screening procedure that adaplively discards, rather than tests, portions of wafers (or entire wafers or even entire lots) that are thought to have a sufficiently low proportion of nondefective chips, and start rate of wafers. in Of course, if the rate of wafer starts is (2) increasing the increased, so is the congestion the fab and the production costs, and these two factors need to be taken into account. To test this premise, we consider the following problem of simultaneous quality quantity control: determine the start rate of lots of and wafers into the fab and find a sequen- screening policy for the testing facility to maximize the expected long run average tial revenue from nondefective chips minus the variable fabrication and testing costs of wafers. The two controls are subject to constraints on the average effective capacity of both the fab and the testing station; strictive we assume that the testing capacity constraint than the fab constraint when an exhaustive testing policy is is more re- To minimize in use. confusion, a screening procedure in isolation will be referred to as a policy and a screening pohcy coupled with a start rate will be referred to as a strategy. In practice, the resulting increase in profit that tive to the exhaustive testing strategy an optimal strategy commonly used in industry (that will is, an exhaustive testing policy with a start rate that keeps the testing facility working at capacity) depends greatly on two factors that will be discussed below: congestion levels of the fab and the testing and (2) the facility nature of the yield variability. Indeed, than the testing facility achieve rela- its effective (1) the relative under the exhaustive testing if under an exhaustive testing the fab was more highly congested policy, then this policy might be optimal, and hence sequential screening would be of no value. However, testing performed after various key operations tion in policy, is also the fab, and often (for example, see the simula- models of Atherton and Dayhoff 1985, Glassey and Resende 1988 and Wein 1988) the bottleneck workstation in the fab make many (up is the photolithography workstation, to which wafers to twenty) visits during their processing. Thus, the framework presented here can also be used to perform sequential screening at key tests in the fab. That start rate of wafers is, the can be increased and undesirable wafers or chips can be discarded at in-fab tests so that the bottleneck procedure this type II may not be as effective errors are apt to be often visual and is equipment works on higher quality in the fab as more prevalent in it is the fab. at probe, because type at an in-fab to the bottleneck workstation. We test may become will hereafter defective before is at 90% of its effective capacity and assume that testing is when the exhaustive is correctly is next its visit the bottleneck operation, and more specifically, our numerical studies here and in Longtin et that the fab I In particular, in-fab testing not as discerning as electrical testing, and a chip that found to be nondefective However, chips. assume al. testing strategy is employed. Yield Modeling. We now in wafer fabrication occurs for a variety of reasons, including short particulate contamination (see Osburn heavily on the probing machines. effective After if difficult to detect visually, life yield cycles, and and the industry Intuitively, sequential screening will only dependencies and/or nonuniformities all, if product 1988), misalignment of operations, et al. chemical imbalances. Also, defective chips are relies Low discuss the nature of the yield variability. in yield be can be identified and exploited. every chip processed by the fab had the same probability of being defective, independently of all other chips, then sequential screening would be fruitless. However, several types of dependencies do exist and, indeed, one of our primary goals in this pair of papers and is to analyze industrial data and determine which dependencies are most prevalent easiest to exploit. Recall that chips are produced on wafers, and wafers travel through the fab Dependencies (1) may be present at all in lots. three levels (lots, wafers, chips), including dependence across consecutive lots: the yield of consecutive lots may be positively correlated because of machines that go in and out of control, or batch operations, such as diffusion or oxidation, that simultaneously process multiple lots; (2) nonuniformity than others; in chip type: some chip types may be inherently easier to produce (3) a lot dependence of wafers within a may be due positive serial correlation of wafer yields within lot: one or more to operations that simultaneously process lots of wafers, or to wafer- by- wafer operations that incur a joint set-up for an entire lot; dependence of neighboring chip locations on a (4) found (see Mallory et in clusters wafer, defective chips are often 1983 for empirical data), which al. may be due to processing or particulate contamination; (5) radial nonuniformity on a wafer: handling and processing can cause a donut- shaped yield with more defective chips on the edge of the wafer and. to a in the center of the wafer (see Ferris-Prabhu et al. 1987 for empirical data): and dependence of a chip location across wafers within a (6) lesser extent, lot: mask and batch defects operations can cause the yield of a chip location to be positively correlated across consecutive wafers. (i) Furthermore, sequential screening can be performed at all entire lots of wafers based on the yield lots, (ii) from previous on the yield of previously tested wafers from the same lot. three levels: or (iii) we can wafers in a We dependency wafer fabrication; since a wafer fab not very prevalent is in do not pursue screening of type flow line operation, lots that are processed together in the lot based chips on a wafer based on the yield of previously tested chips. (1) discard (i) is same oven during a because far from a particular batch operation tend to go their separate ways and do not arrive together at the testing facihty. type, Also, all the industrial data sets that we analyze contain lots of only one chip and hence nonuniformity (2) will not be addressed. However, this factor could be addressed in our framework by developing a different yield model Our two studies dencies (3)-(6). randomness ity in mean The employ sequential screening factors underlying of types dependency (3), (ii) and for each type of chip. (iii) to exploit depen- coupled with the high degree of in the production process, lead to a significant amount of lot-to-lot variabil- yield. In this paper, sequential screening of type lot-to-lot variabiUty. Our yield (ii) is model assumes that the number employed to exploit of defective chips on each wafer in a given lot and scale parameter (3 is unknown and an independent is fi. An varies dently from a (different) setting decides when empirical Bayes approach from lot to lot; for gamma each lot, prior distribution. variable with shape parameter is used, where the scale parameter the parameter 3 A in this paper. chosen indepen- is sequential screening policy Bohn (1991) is used to estimate the parameters Since the primitive empirical data in Bohn is wafer and temporal dependencies described maps in this Appendix (see the and model the chip yield by a in (4)-(6). of that paper for Markov random Longtin et al. for the yield number the defective chips on each wafer, this data cannot be used to analyze the spatial q to discard the remaining wafers in a lot. Industrial data from model gamma random of non- more detailed analyze over 300 some e.xamples) from two wafer field, which is fabs. a stochastic model that allows the probability of a chip being nondefective to depend on the resulting yield of the neighboring chips. A variety of sequential screening strategies of type (iii) are proposed that discard individual chips on a wafer. In summary, the present paper employs sequential screening at the wafer level to exploit lot-to-lot variability and Longtin et al. employ sequential screening at the chip level to exploit detailed spatial dependencies within a lot. The two key spatial aspects of yield modeling that we focus on, lot-to-lot variablity and dependence on and across wafers, have received very modeling hterature. We know of little attention in the IC yield no models capturing the former aspect and Flack (1985) appears to contain the only yield model that explicitly accounts for spatial dependence of chips on a wafer. Nearly the existing yield literature (see all Cunningham 1990 for a recent survey) calculates the proportion of nondefective chips on a wafer by considering the chip axea and density of point defects on the wafer. These derivations lead to a two parameter distribution (the negative binomial distribution, which describes a Poisson random variable mixed with a fitted to the mean and gamma, appears to be the most variance of the empirical data for the chips per wafer. According to Cunningham, the goal of effective) that number most of the chip can be of nondefective yield modeling research has been to predict costs and actual yields, and to determine the appropriate level of circuit integration. appears to be the to first Albin and Friedman's (1989) work on acceptance sampling employ a yield model parameter distribution (the N'eyman type A. which model the number they use a two in a quality control context: is a Poisson compounded Poisson) to on a wafer. Because they were interested of defective chips in quality control issues rather than circuit design issues, they directly modeled the yield without resorting to the defect density and chip area, and Summary tially The optimization problem addressed of Results. in this pair of papers. in this paper essen- is an optimal stopping problem embedded within a mathematical program, and the optimal solution is determined numerically by solving a stopping problems. Since the optimal strategy optimal fixed sample after we do the same where a size strategy, fixed which the controller either discards or is parameterized optimal series of difficult to calculate, number we also find the of wafers from each lot tests all the remaining wafers is tested, Five in a lot. of Bohn's industrial data sets are used to estimate the parameters of the yield model, and the two proposed maximum the policies are derived for all five data sets. For our parameter values, possible profit increase that an optimal strategy can achieve relative to the exhaustive strategy commonly used in industry is between 11.1% and 12%; the exact upper bound cannot be mentioned without revealing the true The fixed sample size strategy profit increase over the five randomly sets, respectively. also tested on the actual data in a simulation study. shuffling the wafers in a lot, 100 lots of wafers are generated the five data sets. If Bohn's wafers. and the optimal strategy achieve a 2.2% and 2.5% average data These two strategies are yield of from each By lot in the yield model underestimates the average number of discarded wafers per lot in the simulation study, then the testing facility will be underutilized and a suboptimal strategy is obtained. If discarded wafers, then the testing the yield model overestimates the average facility will number of be overutilized, and an infeasible solution can result. Under the fixed sample size strategy, the model accurately predicts the average number of discarded wafers per lot, and an average profit increase of 1.2% is achieved. Under the optimal model underestimates the average number strategy, the of discarded wafers by an average of 2.5% over the five data sets, which results in an average profit decrease of 0.7%. In since summary, the it is much is size strategy easier to derive analytical model, We sample fixed and appears and to be to may be implement, preferable to the optimal strategy, performs nearly as well on the it more robust when faced with the actual data sets. believe that the discrepancy between the theoretical results and the simulation results due primarily parameter q. to the assumption that the same data set have the same shape Hence, a relaxation of this assumption more accurate estimate lead to a all lots in more of the average effective and number is probably required to obtain a of discarded chips per lot, which should reliable strategy. The profit increases reported here are relatively small and, in particular, are significantly smaller the the increases achieved by screening at the chip level in Longtin et a 1% al. However, readers should keep in mind that increase in revenue minus variable cost can represent millions of dollars annually. Also, since the fixed cost would translate into a component much is 1% improvement so large in this industry, a larger percentage improvement in here a company's reported profits. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section I, the yield model is described in detail, and the modeling assumptions are compared with the conclusions of Bohn's empirical study. The stochastic optimization problem The optimal fixed sample size screening strategy sequential screening strategy Section 7 of 5. is is derived in Section Concluding remarks on this found 4. is formulated in Section Section 3, and the optimal in Numerical results are reported paper and Longtin et 2. al. can be found in in Section the latter paper. 1. The Yield Model and Our yield model assumes Industrial that the number Data of defective chips on each wafer in a given lot is J. an independent An gamma random empirical Bayes approach for all lots is is parameters a and h. gamma chosen independently from a The two gamma lot gamma gamma (a + is the prior distribution with distributions form a conjugate pair, are found to be defective, then 3 has a 1 scale parameter same to lot: for each lot. the value of ia.b) distribution prior to testing a wafer, Figure q and used, where the shape parameter q but the scale parameter J varies from the parameter J J has a variable with shape parameter a,b + and if .r if known the parameter chips on the wafer x) posterior distribution. Die Yields of 11 Batches from Factory CI of good on each wafer of each chips, or die. Bohn. which displays a summary of data to a lot of wafers lot. In Figure we reproduce Figure 1. Cl. Each column in Figure corresponds and each point represents the number of good chips on a particular set essentially contains 11 yield histograms, one for each lot. 1 Ccime to the following three conclusions concerning his 11 data sets: of each lot varies considerably from lot to lot (e.g.. there lot is variabihty (i.e.. compare the considering the gamma-gamma we performed our pair, binomial pair and the gamma-Poisson intuitive appeal, since the integer between zero and (iii) compare the second number of and the number pair: the specifically, the five data sets. lot. ratio over all 53 lots was is less than (equal the controls derived from these two \-ield modeled as ein However, the binomial and lot variabihty of chip yield. number of the 7.6 30.3. In contrast, the corresponding \ariance- to-mean ratio respectively) assumption explicitly and determined the variance- to- mean The average In fact, before this effect. is on a wafer. we calculated the mean and variance each wafer of a given yield. beta-binomial model, in particular, has bad chips per wafer of chips mean entire analysis using the beta- Poisson assumptions significantly underestimate the within of good chips on ratio for each lot in and the range was 1.8 to under the binomial (Poisson. to. respectively) one. Consequently, when models were tested on the actual data, too wafers were discarded at the testing facihty. which led to a significant reduction in overadl profit. level of within the high: is yield lots): (ii) certainly captures the lot-to-lot variabihty in However, plenty of other conjugate pairs would also capture mamy two mean Bohn lots). The gamma-gamma model More last lot variability (e.g.. the (i) the vertical spread of points in each column) a high variation between lots of within and seventh of 1 wafer; hence. Figure within 1 within lot .Although the lot variabihty. variabihty. scale peirameters are it gamma-gamma is conjugate pair captures the substantial unable to capture the high variation between Perhaps a gamma- gamma model unknown would capture this effect: prevented us from pursuing this avenue. In summary, the the effects in conclusion (i) and (ii), in which both the shape and computationad considerations gamma-gamma model but does not capture the 10 lots of effect in captures conclusion (iii). To further investigate the validity of our model, data sets This is may on the actual note that the number of wafers in a lot is not constant in Figure due to the scrapping of entire wafers during fabrication. Hence, we also assume that each wafer in a has a certain probabihty of being scrapped during fabrication, lot so that the size of a lot exiting the fab 2. test the derived policies in Section 5. Finally, readers 1. we a binomial is random variable. Problem Formulation In this section, we mathematically formulate the optimization problem described the Introduction, and pictured in Figure and each wafer consists of with probability q. M chips. and hence the variable with parameters L and when the lot arrives to 1 Each wafer lot size — q. Each 2. / lot the testing faciHty. entering the fab contains I wafers in a lot is scrapped during fabrication of a wafer exiting the fab Since the exact it is in number is a binomial of wafers in a lot random is known natural to use this information to develop an optimal screening policy. However, this would require us to derive a different optimal screening pohcy for every possible value of more difficult to compute and harder our screening policy to more than / differ this which makes the optimal solution much implement lot to lot. wafers can be tested from a about 5-10% of their wafers, in from to /. lot in practice. Instead, we do not allow except for the obvious constraint that no with / wafers. Since most fabs t\-pically scrap assumption should not lead to significant degradations performance. untested wafer? scrapped qlA wafers week ' good wafers TESTING (l-q)LX wafers«'weeK X lots/week Mj wafers. week bad wafers Figure 2. The semiconductor manufacturing 11 faciHty. For a typical = wafer, for n the u„ u = /. 1 and let .s^ = let Xn be the number of defective chips on the nth Ill=\ be the total number of defective chips on J^k = n wafers. Let the decision variable u„ first = exiting the fab. lot the nth wafer if (ui,U2, .... where u„ the nth wafer be discarded. A screening policy = for n > = For n /. 1 /, g(xn,u„) = = and defined by the vector is 0. The ^in depends on profit generated if u„ = 0, if u„ = 1, (i: < r{M r to be tested is '' where is the decision only through the sufficient statistic 5„_i, where ^o (xi, ...,Xn_i) bv wafer n ul). to is if 1 - ir,) ct the revenue received from a good chip and cj is is the variable testing cost per wafer. For a given policy u. the expected profit from testing one lot of wafers is L V{u) = E[Y,g(^n.Ur,)l (2) n= \ and the expected number of wafers tested per lot is N{u) = E['tunl (3) n=l where both expectations are over the random variables definition of and //„. The problem decision variable A, which the is of finding a screening policy u that of simultaneous quality We its effective levels will maximizes (2) is is embedded in the number of lots introduced into the fab per week. assume that if let an optimal stopping and quantity control involves one more and two extra constraints. The decision variable capacity be ftp lots per week and per week. which (xi,...,j(). Our problem problem. /, is the lot start Let the fab's effective the testing facility's effective capacity be the rate of work entering either of these capacity, then unacceptably high lead times rate and work in hj wafers facilities exceeds process inventory be incurred. Hence, the two constraints are and XN{U) < 12 fiT. (5) Our optimization problem to choose the start rate A is and a screening pohcy u to maximize \{V(u)-cr) subject to constraints (4) and (5), where Cf We conclude any testing is this section is the variable fabrication cost per lot. with some assumptions on the problem parameters. Before performed, the a priori expected number of defective chips on a wafer E[Xn] = To ensure that this quantity positive, is — (7) I we need to assume that the parameter estimates obtained from Bohn's data exhaustive testing policy by u V'(u^) , is -. a for (6) Section in a > 5. 1, If which holds we denote the then = (1 - q)L[r{M - - CtI -^) a — (8) [ and N{u^) = {\-q)L. We (9) assume ^^ (1 so that the testing facility is (101 -q)L the bottleneck under the exhaustive testing policy, and r(A/-^)-cx>-^. — q)L a — so that exhaustive testing 3. is (11) (1 I profitable. The Optimal Fixed Sample Size Screening Policy Since the optimal solution (A,u) to problem (4)-(6) is difficult to obtain, ourselves in this section to a fixed sample size screening policy, which Under this strategy, the number of wafers tested 13 from a lot is is we restrict denoted by min{n,/}. If u"- . the total number of defective chips found in these wafers remaining wafers the in than or equal to B. then the less is are tested; otherwise, the remaining wafers are discarded. lot Standard calculations show that 6-^7'^"^ + (n-l)a) r(a , .. '""' ^^'-'^ r(a)r((n-l)a)(6 + .„_,r<"-"-' is the probability density function for the number of bad chips on the tested, first n — 1 ' wafers and =—+ ^x„|s„_i a is ' ' the expected number chips are found on the testing facihty has / (n — i)Q — (13) 1 of defective chips on the nth wafer, given that Sn-i defective first wafers — n is I wafers. .Also, the probability that a lot entering the given by \ L = H{1) I'-'iL-l)". (14) " / Hence, the expected profit per V^K"^) lot of wafers is = J2HU){rl{M-E[x^])-lcT} 1=0 + X^ //(/)r{n(M-£[x„]) + (/-n) / - ^ //(/)cT{n + (/-n) - £[x„+,|5„])/(.sjrf.s,} (15) f{sn)dsr,} / - l=n+l and the expected number iV(t/"-^) (A/ of wafers tested per lot = f^ //(/)/+ is X^ //(0{n + (/-n) / f(Sn]dsn}. (16) Thus, problem (4)-(6) reduces to max subject to A(V(u"'^) A < c/r) (1") (IS) /zf AAr(u"'^) 14 - < MT, (19) which is equivalent to max mm{fiF.fiT/y{u''-'')}{Viu'''") - cp). (20) Since a closed form solution to (20) appears to be unattainable, we exhaustively enumerate over the integer values {n.B solution. The V(u-^) : < n < 1:0 < B < n.M) to find the optimal calculations are considerably streamlined by observing that = V{u--^-')+ Y. H{l)T{l-n)l L - .B f{Sr.)ds^ (21' = .V(u-s-i)+ Y. H[l)[l-n)r f{sjds„. (22) Y, H{l)cT[l-n) / {M-E[x^^,\sr.])f{sr,)ds^ / =n+l and A'(u-S) Hence, for each B. only /g., £'[j„+i|5n]/(5„)(is„ and fg_^ f(Sr,)dsn have to be calculated. The Optimal 4. Solution In this section, a computational procedure is essentially First is developed to solve problem (4)-(6). which an optimal stopping problem embedded within a mathematical program. we reformulate the problem into the equivalent two-step maximization problem max \{V\-cp) (23) 0<A<MF where Vx = maxV(u) subject to iV(u) Proposition only if u' is 1. (A*.u*) is (24) < ^. (25) an optimal solution to problem problem (4)-(6) an optimal solution to problem (24)-(25) with A 15 = A* in (25), if and and A* is (he optimal solution to (23). The optimal objective function value is the same for both problems. Proof. with A = (X\u') If A' and, for an optimal solution to problem is any screening policy u satisfying (4)-(6), then u' satisfies (25) this condition, we have X'{V{u-)-cp-)>\-{V(u)-cr) (26) or V{in > Hence, u' is V{u). (27) an optimal solution to problem (24)-(25) with A = A' in (25), and V'(u") = Vx'. Observe that X-{V(u')-Cf)>\{V[u)-cr) for all A and u satisfying (4) and (5). (28) Fixing A and maximizing over u subject to (25) yields ^'{Vx'-cf)>\(Vx-cf) for all A < such that A < optimal objective function value Conversely, u' if is Therefore, A* f.if. is is (29) an optimal solution to (23) and the the same for both problems. an optimal solution to (24)-(25) and A* (23), then they jointly satisfy constraints (4) and (5). is an optimal solution to For any other feasible solution (A,u) to (4)-(6), we have XiViu) - of) < A(Vx - cr] < X'{Vx' - cp) which implies that (A*,u*) function value is the same is for = X'(V{u') - c/r), (30) an optimal solution to (4)-(6), and the optimal objective both problems. I Let u° be the screening policy that maximizes the function V(u) defined Maximizing V(u) is an optimal stopping problem and section. 16 will be discussed in (2). later in this Proposition and \' = < 2. If .\'{u°) the optimal solution to (23)-(25) ht/i-I-f- f/^en is u' = fj.f. Proof. Since the screening strategy «° maximizes V{u) with no side constraints, also maximizes (24)-(25) for all A that u° optimizes (24)-(25) for profitable, and hence I (ti°) Thus, when .V(u°) < We now /ir/.V(u°)]. [0. G A all > 6 [0,/i/r]. and setting A By = Since N(ii°) < ^ij/nr- ^ip all A € [0. is I not used to is it follows optimizes (23). its full effective obtained by solving a single optimal stopping is consider the more interesting situation where N(u^) u° optimizes (24)-(25) for it (11). the exhaustive testing policy jij/np. the probing facility capacity, and the solution to (4)-(6) problem. u° //T/^'(»°)]. (23) can be replaced max \{\\-cf). > j.ljI i.Lf. Since by (31) mt/.V("°)<a<mf If problem (24)-(25) can be solved efficiently for a given A, over A G [/ir/.V(u°)./i/r] for the largest value of A(Va to our original problem. Since (24)-(25) is — then a one-dimensional search cp) will yield an optimal solution a constrained optimal stopping problem, we solve this problem by employing a Lagrangian approach. Let 7 be the Lagrange multiplier for constraint (25) and define u„ = 0. ifu„ = l. if 5"'(x„,{in) = (32) < r(iV/-x„)-CT-7 Notice that 7 plays the role of an additional testing cost, so that the total testing cost per wafer is cj + 7. Define the Lagrangian function Viu) = V{u)-tN{u) = £[^^(x„,u„)l-7^(u) L n=l = E[X;g-(x„,u„)], (33) n= l and consider the Lagrangian problem maxV^(u). U 17 (34) Proposition 7 > 0, Lagrangian problenn for some 3. If the screening policy u'{f) solves the and vV(u-(7)) then u'{f) is = y. (35) the optimal solution to problem ('24)-(25). Proof. For any screening strategy u satisfying V(u) (25), < V'(u)-7iV(u) < V{u'it))-fN{u'{f)) + = V'(u-(7)). + 7^ f^ (36) I Since 7 enters the Lagrangian problem as an additional testing cost, to show that the optimal objective function value function of 7. The in (34) proof of the following proposition that the optimal expected nonincreasing function of number on this conjecture has not hard is a continuous nonincreasing this fact of wafers tested per lot N{u'(f)) Although 7. relies is it and the conjecture is also a continuous, been borne out in our numerical study and seems as intuitively obvious as the continuity and monotonicity of the optimal awkward expression objective function value, the from providing a rigorous Proposition 4. If N(u°) > nxl I-lf- ^^^" there As 7 increases from the optimal solution to (34) conjecture Since By < is is to Proposition 3, < exists a = to discard all is that u'(^) wafers decreases from V{u°) to when 7 = rM. from iV(u°) to N{u°), there must be a 7 € (0,rM] u'{^) 7G (O.rM] such is ^f. rM, V^(u*(7)) correct, A'^(u'(7)) decreases /xt/mf has prevented us proof. an optimal solution to (24)-(25) with start rate \ Proof. for N{u'{'y)) in (52) Similarly, as 7 increases for 0, since from an optimal solution to (24)-(25) with start rate A to = which N(u'(^)) if = our rM. /ir/zT- fip- I Propositions 3 and Proposition 4 can be combined to develop a search procedure for solving problem (4)-(6). that 7 for which ;V(u'(7)) For fixed A € [ij.t/N{u°), hf], we solve (34) and search for = ^iT/^ Proposition 4 guarantees the existence of such a 18 7 in the interval [O.7]. Then, we evaluate the objective function let A = ij.t/N{u' {-))). By Proposition 3, "'(7) and the objective function this value of A. For each 7 G [0,7]. we solve 7. (31) can be evaluated. over 7 G [O.7] is ~ <7)-^-/'f] is to (24)-(25). 7 G all /ij/-^- Thus, one search are searched. [0,*/] = )) optimal start rate A' to (31) and the optimal sufficient to find the screening policy u' end of searched as and Since for every A G [^t/-V(u°).^f] there exists a 7 in the interval [0,7] such that .V(u'(- every A G [^r/(l ('i-i) the optimal solution to (24)-(25) with is in for However, the search over A can be a A' that has the largest objective function value. accomplished simultaneously as we search over and search in (31) Readers can find an outline of this algorithm at the this section. We now focus on solving the Lagrangian problem (34). Let 1 be the probability that a n ^ I -^(""1^''-' lot has more than / r(a + na) = r(a)r(a + (n-l)a) denote the posterior probability density (6 on the profit first obtained from wafers n + for the + 3„-i)"^'"-"-(r„)-^ + (6 given that Sn-i bad chips are found on the expected wafers, and let + xj-'^^ .„., number - n first 1 "" ' " ^^^^ ^' bad chips on the nth wafer. of wafers. 1,...,I. given that Sn If V'^*'(5n) represents the bad chips were detected n wafers, then u'[-)) and V"'(u*(7)) can be found by solving the dynamic programming equations V^{sl) = V„''(5„) = max{0,G(n) (39) /•oo / [r{M - x^+i) - ct - f + l^+.isn + Xn+i)\f{Xn+i\sn)d.r^+,}. Jo n = L-l and 1. (40) /•oo V^(u) = ^(7(0) = max{0,G(0) After n wafers have been tested, If / [r{M - i^) - ct - 1 + (41) V^''{xi)]f(xi)dxi}. we can discard the remaining wafers and obtain no the lot has more than n wafers, then we can continue testing; j„+i bad chips, then the immediate profit is 19 r{M - J„+i) if wafer n -07-7 + 1 profit. contains and the expected future profit Vn+ii^n is + -^n+i)- These equations optimal solution to (34), which are discussed Proposition The optimal 5. u\ = = u-„ n is (ui(7), ..., u^(-, is )) (42) if5„_i >B;:_i, (43) — l,n = where the stopping boundary B^ > = 5„_i <B;:_i, if \ the two propositions below. in policy u'{f) also reveal structural properties of the and 5^_i 1,...,L, = —1 indicates that wafer not tested under any circumstances. We Proof. only need to show that a backward induction on and consider the n. It nonincreasing V'„"'(5n) is + difference V^isn 1) — = which is done by + 1, ^ni^n)- In order to prove that this quantity is trivially true for is in Sn, n I. Suppose it is true for n nonpositive, the following properties of the conditional density /(jn+i|5„) are required. For n = 1, . . . I — , 1 and > .s„ there exists Xn+i 0, > such that 1 /(x„+i - 1|5„ + 1) > /(j„+i|5„), for Xn+i > Xn+i, and (44) /(j^+i - l|.s„ + 1) < /(x„+i|5„), for Xn+i < x„+i. (45) These inequalities can be verified using (38). [(r(M - x„+i) / -CT-1 + By (40), V;:+,{sn + it 1 + suflfices to consider the difference X„+,)/(x„+i|.^„ + l)(fx,+i] Jo /•CO - [{r{M / - X„+i) - Cj - 7 + V;\i(5„ + Xn+l)f{^n+l\^n)dXn+i] Jo = + na — a -+ Jo 1 K\i(5„+ 1 +Xn + i)/(x„+i|s„+ l)(fXn + l roo Jo roo < / [KVl(^n + 1 + -C„+l) - KT+JSn + - /"[V„'Vi(5„+x„+i)-V;'Vi(5„ + X„+i)]/(x„+i|5„ + l)c?X„+i x„+i)]/(x„+,|5„)(fx„+i. (46) Jo Changing the integration variable in the first integral 20 from x„+i to x„+i + l and combining the two integrals /' [Vn + liSn -/ we in (46), + [Vn'+l('Sn - ^n+l) + -Tri get V;\ - + l) 5, , ( + ^n''+l('^" X„ + i )] [/(x„ + + - l|s„+ i - 1) /( X„+ , |.S J](fx, + , (47) •^n+l)]/(-rn + l|-«n)^-rn + l- .'0 The two terms inside the hypothesis; hence, the first integral have opposite signs by (44)-(45) integral first is nonpositive. because, by the induction assumption, V„\i(.s„ 1 < Xn+\- Therefore, (47) The and is is The second + j-„^,) > is nonnegative integral is + x„+i for V'„\i(5„ nonpositive, and the induction and the induction ) < verified. | following proposition establishes monotonicity of the optimal stopping boundary, used to streamline the dynamic programming algorithm. The proof the proof of Proposition Proposition 6. 5, and is similar to is omitted. The optimal stopping boundary satisfies Bo<B]<...<B2_j. variables. In the numerical computations, approximate the integrals by amount of computation. finite (48) (39)-(41) involve L functions of continuous The dynamic programming equations the < Xn+\ we summations. discretize the continuous variables Two observations are helpful in reducing boundary point can be First, the final and explicitly derived, and equals ^2-1 = Also, since Ki(5„) if Sn is is (a + (L-l)Q-l)(A/-(7 + CT)/r)/a-6. nonincreasing found such that K^l^n) = 0, in 5„, is then we set V;(x) poUcy u'{f) cannot be optimal number the expected Notice that the optimal boundary point 5o = calculate V^{sn) starting from 5„ we = for all After the optimal solution u'(f) to the Lagrangian problem determine N{u'{f)), which (49) = -1 for the original or 0. problem If 21 is derived, we need BJ = -1, then the (4)-(6), n and x € (sn,nM]. of wafers that are tested per " f{Sn-Sn-xK-^)..-f{si)dSn...ds„ Cn= /'.../ Js„=0 Jai=0 0, Bq lot. screening = by (11). = !,...,! -1, If to 0. then (50) and the probability that testing ceases after the nth wafer = Tn where Co = 1 C„_i -Cn, Then the expected number • N{n n = 1,...,I- 1. of wafers tested per lot (51) is = Y.^T^^L{\-Y^T^). {-,)) n=l We is (52) n=l conclude this section with an outline of the algorithm that solves the original optimization problem (4)-(6). Algorithm: Step 1. Step 2. Let 7 = and = set 7' Find the optimal solution "'(7) to the Lagrangian problem (34) and the optimal objective function value stop. The optimal start rate the optimal boundary Bq and the optimal screening policy Calculate N{u'{~i)) using (52), and define A^ Step 4. Compute (5, is the where maximum 6 is = is — —1, then u'(7'). ^itIN[u'{-i)). the objective function value for the original problem, over = y[V\u{',)) + 7vV(u-(7)) a small step variable, and go to step we could prove that P^ is - cf\. (53) P^'s calculated thus far, then let 7' all Notice that the algorithm If A^* is If 3. If P-, + V~'{u'{~^)). Step P, 7 0. concave in 7, 7. Change 7 to 2. guaranteed to terminate, since Bq is = = —\ when 7 — rM. then a binary search, rather than an exhaustive search, over 7 € [0,rM] could be employed, thereby saving a considerable amount of indeed concave computation. For all five with respect to Although we have been able to prove that the optimal value function V'^{u'{-^)) P-yl is 7. data sets considered in the next section, P-, is decreasing and concave in 7, we have been unable to prove the concavity of our obstacle is again the expression for N{u'{'^)) in (52). 22 5 Numerical Results 5. we In this section, test the optimal fixed sample size screening strategy and the optimal sequential screening strategy on 10 lots and each lot has less five sets of yield than 25 wafers. The data data, where each set has about sets, denoted by Cl,Cl -5,02.02. and C3, were obtained by Bohn from the same factory producing the same product five different is time periods. For each of the used to obtain values of the following procedure maximum is gamma (Qi,...,Qm). followed for each data set. on each wafer in on each wafer maximum b are 3^. sets, is If maximum ,3m) are More 6. likelihood parameter estimates a to be the (ai, ...,am); the profitability results for this case lots, then the the median of is variable with and b. known shape (/^i, ..., Jrn) are used These parameter estimates We not reported here for reasons of confidentiality. a m 3m) by assuming that the number (i3i Finally, the revised estimates identical estimation procedure, but chose specifically, the obtained from the number estimate a by d, which gamma random a likelihood estimation a data set contains {,3i We the set. in lot k parameter a and scale parameter and and and then recompute the estimates of defective chips a. a data parameters a, a and likelihood estimates (qi, ....q^) of defective chips to obtain five in also performed the mean, rather than the median, of were quite similar to the results obtained from the original procedure and are omitted. As mentioned earlier, we assume that when the the probing effective capacity under the exhaustive testing effective capacity. The wafer scrap rate is policy, the fab facility is is working working at its 90% of its 3% of at 5%, the variable probing cost per wafer the variable fabrication cost per wafer and the revenue from a wafer containing chips is is all good 10 times the wafer's variable production cost. These parameter values are based on discussions with a variety of semiconductor managers and engineers, and are used to derive the optimal fixed sample size strategy and the optimal sequential screening strategy for each of the five data sets. Both screening policies vary little over the five Figure 3 illustrates the two policies for data set Cl. the optimal sequential screening policy is The stopping boundary data sets, and characterizing nearly linear, but slightly convex, for every data 23 set, and the slope increases with increased the acceptable yield size policy is in the lot. )r yield. lot is that the former only accepts lots of expected higher yield < a o O < fixed sample and requires a it is not surprising level. Sequential J -- .^ .^ 3500 - -^ -^ STOP 3000 - -^ -< -^ z o required considered acceptable while the sequential screening strategy monitors yield continuously, O 4000 is than the optimal sequential policy. Since the fixed sample size policy stops monitoring yield after a c 3 determines yield level over The optimal 6 wafers from every lot in each data set, slightly higher yield level to continue testing 4500 testing The average acceptable 13.7% lower than the overall average samples either more the lot-to-lot variability increases, level, as before discarding the remaining wafers the five data sets lot-to- lot variation. Since the slope 2500 -< -- y 2000 .< 1500 CONTINUE 1000 ^m^ffFixed Sample Size 500 5 Number Cumulative Figure 3. Recall that the strategy and to choose the Optimal screening commonly used 20 15 10 in industry Wafer data policies for start rate so that the testing facility 24 of is 25 set Cl. to perform exhaustive testing works at its effective capacity. Before reporting our profit results, is it increase that can be achieved relative to this straw strategy. Let A^ denote the arrival rate under the exhaustive testing strategy, and denote the average incoming for any strategy yield. let (54, the relative profit increase is X'-\^ __ A^ \^(V(u')-V{u^)\ \E\ V{u^)-cf j A^ \^\rL[\ MF- ^ A^ we assumed effective capacity that Lcj = 0.0.3cf . -q)My- Lcj - cf - y] + A^ \rL{l - q)My - Lcj - Cf *'" f Lct(1 fiF ( \E ' rLAf = lOcf , q = 0.0.5 and the fab is at 90% of its under the exhaustive strategy, the upper bound equals 1 lO( OM{l-y) \ , ^''^ '^^--9^Y[ 9.5y-im )This quantity increases from 1/9 when yield level of — q)L ^.ltI{\ ^ -V^ Then an upper bound on X'{V{u')-CF)-XEiV{n^)-CF) \^{V{u^)-cf) Since = profit M- = y bound on the useful to determine an upper 10.58% required is 100% for profitability in (11). be revealed, the yield was greater than 36% to oo as yield approaches the critical Although the exact average for all five data yield cannot and hence AF^ax sets, is between 11.1% and 12.0%. Under the heading "Theoretical Calculations", Table I relative to the exhaustive testing strategy obtained by the all five data sets. We also display pF = ^Ip^f and pj the effective capacity utilization of the fab and testing seen that for every data set, both facilities work 3% increase policies is is two proposed strategies = {\N(u)/ pj), for which represent facility, respectively. at their effective capacity. profit increcLses are rather small: out of a potential to reports the profit increases It can be However, the 11.1% to 12.0% increase, only a 2% achieved. Also, the difference in performance between the two proposed relatively small; the fixed sample size policy averages a 2.24% over the five data sets, compared to 2.51% for the optimal strategy. 25 profit increase Table Data Set 1. Numerical results. wafers tested per start rates were recorded. lot These quantities and the theoretically calculated were then used to calculate the profit increases that are reported in Table I under the heading "Simulation Results". When occur. yield the yield model underestimates the If facility the derived policies are tested on the actual data, two undesirable things can number of discarded wafers, then the testing underutilized and a feasible, but suboptimal, strategy is model overestimates the number overutilized, and an is obtained. If the of discarded wafers, then the testing facility infeasible strategy can result. Referring to Table I, we is see that the yield model correctly predicts the average number of discarded wafers per lot under the fixed sample sets, sets C2 and data size policy for three of the five C2.5. However, the yield model is and is accurate under the sequential policy, less underestimating the average number of discarded wafers per five data testing. sets. In Both these cases, the resulting profit policies overestimated the the resulting strategy is number is feasibility. was achieved by reducing the and pr sample by .3-5% less in three of the than under exhaustive and not feasible: hence, the profit increases reported for this data set of 0.75 (0.90, respectively) sets for the fixed sometimes lot of discarded wafers in data set C2.5 correspond to a reduced start rate that maintains (0.993, respectively) by about 1% on data off — 1.000. size strategy That is, the profit increase start rate so that pf = 0.991 The average profit increase over the five 1.23% simulation study, about 1% below The sequential is the corresponding improvement achieved in in the the theoretical calculations. data strategy averages a 0.70% profit decrease relative to the straw strategy, because of the underutilization of the testing facility in cases Cl.5 and C2. Hence, in addition to being eaisier to derive and to implement than the sequential strategy, the fixed sample size strategy performs nearly as well in the analytical calculations, and appears to be more robust in our limited simulation study. As a point of number yield of model reference, we also considered the beta-binomial yield model, bad chips on each wafer is modeled as a binomial significantly overestimated the average 27 number random where the This variable. of wafers tested per lot: the average value over the five data sets of pT vinder the sequential strategy in the simulation study was only 0.861, which led to an average profit decrease of 11.68%. Acknowledgment We are deeply indebted to Roger Bohn, research is who generously gave supported by a grant from the Leaders for and National Science Foundation grant DDM-9057297. 28 us his yield data. This Manufacturing Program at MIT References Albin, S. and D. J. Friedman. 1989. 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