JACKSON County Technology Plan 2004-2007

JACKSON County Technology Plan
Online Planning - Technology Integration Measures for Achievement and Learning
Last revised on February 10, 2005
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County Technology Plan
West Virginia has placed an emphasis on equitably providing technology for schools in order to
enhance student learning, improve student achievement, and prepare students for post-secondary
education and the world of work. Many stakeholders are involved in this process including students,
teachers, administrators, parents, community members, legislators, board of education members and
Collectively, the county technology planning team members have assisted in creating, refining,
implementing and utilizing educational technology to meet the current standards, develop local
programs, build partners and capacity, make data-driven decisions, and to evaluate the use of
technology for administrative and instructional tasks.
The county technology plan is a component of the UCIP and is based on the state OPTimal online
format (http://wv.ontargetus.com/). This plan will serve several functions. Not only does the plan
complement and support the county's instructional goals as delineated in the UCIP, it is also intended to
help meet the technology objectives/requirements of the school, county/state policies, state/federal
programs, and competitive grants. Examples of these include the following:
Policy 2320: A Process for Improving Education Performance Based Accreditation System
Policy 2450: Virtual Distance Learning
Policy 2460: Use of the Internet by Students and Educators
Policy 2470: Use of Technology by Students and Educators
Policy 2510: Assuring Quality of Education
Policy 2520: Content Standards and Objectives
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to receive Universal Service Fund Program
E-rate Funds
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which establishes the Enhancing Education Through
Technology (Ed Tech) Program
West Virginia House Bill 4319
Basic Skills/Computer Education (BS/CE)
WVDE Reinventing Education
However, the most important function of the plan is to ensure that the effective use of educational
technology supports achievement and lifelong learning.
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Technology Team Contact Information
Name: Blaine Hess
Title: Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Email: bhess@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7300
Name: Irene Murphy
Title: Director of Elementary and Middle Schools
Email: imurphy@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7300
Name: Thelma Lang
Title: Lead ABE Teacher
Email: tlang@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7300
Name: Laura Matheny
Title: Business Manager
Email: lmatheny@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7300
Name: Melissa Layhew
Title: Teacher, Fairplain Elementary
Email: mlayhew@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7340
Name: David Daniel
Title: Teacher, Ravenswood High
Email: ddaniel@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-273-9301
Name: Wilma Bennett
Title: Teacher, Gilmore Elementary
Email: bennettwilma@hotmail.com
Phone: 304-273-3511
Name: Mendy Ball
Title: Teacher, Ravenswood Middle
Email: mball@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-273-5480
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Name: Will Hosaflook
Title: Teacher, Ripley High
Email: whosaflo@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7355
Name: Melissa Lavender
Title: Teacher, Evans Elementary
Email: mlavende@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7333
Name: Phyllis Lyons
Title: Teacher, Ripley Elementary
Email: palyons@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7345
Name: Pat Miller
Title: Teacher, Ripley Elementary
Email: pamiller@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7345
Name: Kim Sheets
Title: Teacher, Ravenswood Middle
Email: ksheets@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-273-5480
Name: Arlen Canady
Title: Teacher, Ravenswood High
Email: acanady@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-273-9301
Name: Jessie Thompson
Title: Teacher, Kenna Elementary
Email: jthompso@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7343
Name: Carol Hyre
Title: Teacher, Ripley High
Email: chyre@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7355
Name: Ollie Westfall
Title: Teacher, Cottageville Elementary
Email: owestfal@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7330
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Name: Larry Koenig
Title: Director of Technology
Email: lkoenig@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-372-7300
Name: Beverly Smith
Title: Teacher, Henry J. Kaiser Elementary
Email: bsmith@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-273-2692
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County Mission and Vision Statements
County Vision:
The Jackson County School System is committed to excellence in teaching and learning so that all
students have the knowledge, skills, and character necessary to become productive, responsible
County Mission:
The Jackson County School System has a firm commitment to the citizens of our county, and accepts
the responsibility to provide excellence in education in a safe and orderly environment:
1. Students are the focal point of the school system; all students can learn, and will master the intended
2. Teachers have a major responsibility in instructing each individual student.
3. Administrators lead with foresight, understanding, and support.
4. Service personnel are an integral part of the learning process.
5. Parent/community involvement is indispensable in the total education picture.
1. Improve student performance in all subjects relative to those basic skills of reading, writing, listening,
speaking, thinking, mathematics, and technology.
2. Increase the average daily attendance rate of students to ninety-six percent (96%) and decrease the
current dropout rate.
3. Provide equal educational opportunities for all students in a safe and orderly environment.
4. Ensure students will graduate with knowledge, skills, character, and citizenship needed to succeed in
a competitive, changing society.
1. Improve the knowledge and skills of all personnel in the provision of education and related services.
2. Improve the performance of all personnel.
3. Increase the average daily attendance rate of personnel to ninety-eight percent (98%).
4. Provide a safe and orderly environment for staff.
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1. Increase the level of participation of parents as partners in all educational activities.
2. Encourage parents to ensure that students come to school ready to learn.
1. Expand community involvement and support of the school system, and continue active
business/school partnerships.
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Needs Assessment
Analysis of Assessment Data
The needs assessment for this plan shall be based on current data and may use needs assessments
which have already been conducted for other purposes. The most recent Statewide Assessment
Program results, attendance and dropout data, and the Unified School Improvement Plans (or
equivalent strategies plans) shall be carefully examined to help determine the needs of the schools and
the children in our county. For children levels K-3 the standardized assessment scores will serve as one
element along with other needs assessment procedures used (including a combination of subjective
and objective procedures). Additional considerations should include staff development, technical
assistance, support, and information services necessary to ensure teachers and others who are
responsible for improving student achievement shall be determined and described. All analysis of
information must result in a set of Needs Assessment Conclusions that clearly summarizes the student
achievement needs this plan will address.
Needs Assessment sources:
Unified School Improvement Plans
School Technology Plans
Graduate Surveys
Test Data
Writing Assessment
President's Physical Fitness Test
Attendance Rate
Dropout Rate
Discpline Reports
Needs Assessment Process:
All Jackson County Schools sites review school and student performance data to determine annual
progress. WESTEST and other assessment results are reviewed annually to celebrate successes and
to address areas of need. Annual Measures of Performance, as identified in West Virginia Board of
Education Policy 2320, provide additional direction for individual site consideration of data for plan
development. Data from each Jackson County site is featured in the Needs Assessment section of that
site's Unified School Improvement Plan. This information is reviewed along with additional county data
to identify specific areas of need of county level focus. In addition, stakeholders are contacted to assist
in goal development and to act in an advisory capacity in assessment and development of other plans
and programs to increase the effectiveness of Jackson County Schools.
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Analysis of UCIP
Needs Assessment Conclusion(s):
The Needs Assessment reveals strong levels of performance as the pervasive trend. Pupil performance
as assessed by administration of the WESTEST shows, on an entire school basis, that students in
grades 3 through 8 and grade 10 met adequate yearly progress (AYP) in the areas of Reading
Language Arts and Mathematics. At each grade level tested, Jackson County students met or exceeded
the percentage of West Virginia students at or above mastery in Reading Language Arts and
Mathematics. Additionally, all schools which administered the WESTEST exceeded the participation
rate of 95% which is required by West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2320. Jackson County has
continuously focused on increasing average daily attendance to increase pupil achievement. Pupil
attendance in all elementary and middle schools exceeds the state requirement of 90% and the county
goal of 96%. The county graduation rate of 86% exceeds the state requirement of 80%.
Despite the overall success displayed in WESTEST results, three schools experienced difficulty in
meeting AYP in the special education and/or low socioeconomic status subgroups. In order to improve
instruction for all students, Jackson County Schools is implementing the Learning-Focused Schools
model of instructional strategies. Extensive training and implementation efforts, which began in August
2004, are a high priority of the Jackson County Board of Education, the County Support Team, and
school principals. Support team members have been assigned to specific schools in order to provide
focused assistance. Special interventions to assist students with disabilities and economically
disadvantaged are the focus areas. In addition, support team members have attended specific sessions
to increase their expertise to enhance the level of assistance provided to schools. All county and school
administrators are monitoring instructional delivery more intensely using the 5x5 model. All eight
elementary schools house Title I Schoolwide Programs that focus on early development of parent
involvement in their child’s education. This orientation to the importance of school and parent
partnerships continues in Jackson County’s Middle and High Schools. The Parent-Educator Resource
Center provided additional support for this effort.
Technology Infrastructure
In a review of county facilities, Cottageville Elementary, Evans Elementary, and Ravenswood Grade
School are in need of infrastructure upgrades. In order to meet cabling requirements, it will be
necessary to replace local hubs from the classrooms and replace them with approved cabling methods.
This would allow for the correction of the network design and ensure compliance with current EIA/TIA
OEPA Reports
No areas of non-compliance relating to technology have been identified by the Office of Education
Performance Audits.
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Instructional Goal #1
To provide quality instruction to ensure adequate yearly progress for all students.
Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
By incorporating the use of technology, the county will increase student achievement in reading, math,
and basic skills for all students as identified by state and standardized assessments. Additionally, the
technology equipment provided in classrooms will be upgraded, as needed, to maintain systems
capable of supporting educational software and instructional activities.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
Show an increasing trend in SAT-9 scores.
Year 2:
For all identified schools to meet the improvement objectives of NCLB.
Year 3:
For all identifed schools to meet the improvement objectives of NCLB and to attain or
(2004-05) maintain 3:1 student/computer ratio.
Year 4:
For all schools to meet AYP.
Year 5:
For all schools to meet AYP.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Upgrade the Basic Skills/Computer Education (BS/CE) technology at Evans Elementary, Henry J.
Kaiser Elementary, Kenna Elementary, and Ripley Elementary through the use of Basic Skills Funds
and the Telecommunications Computer Grant.
Evans Elementary School will receive 15 computers through the Telecommunications Computer Grant.
These additional computers will complete the upgrade of the BS/CE lab at Evans Elementary from the
Windows 95 to the Windows XP operating system.
The Telecommunications Computer Grant will allow for the replacement of 30 BS/CE computers at
Kenna Elementary and 30 BS/CE computers at Henry J. Kaiser, replacing the current computers
(Windows 95) with computers capable of supporting the Office XP operating system.
Basic Skills funds will allow for the replacement of 16 Windows 95 computers at Henry J. Kaiser
Elementary, with Windows XP machines. Additionally, Basic Skills funds will provide for the
replacement of a network printer in the Kenna Elementary computer lab.
The final lab to be updated through the use of Basic Skills funds will be that of Ripley Elementary.
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Twenty-eight Windows XP machines will be purchased to replace the outdated Windows 95 machines
currently in use.
Utilize SUCCESS funds to increase achievement in the areas of English, math, science, and social
studies in grades 7-12.
SUCCESS computers will be replaced at Ripley High School (26 stations) and Ripley Middle School (23
stations). The labs will be equipped with Office XP operating system.
Additional upgrades include a server replacement at Ripley Middle School.
Student computers will be protected by an upgrade of DeepFreeze to DeepFreeze Enterprise Edition.
Persons Responsible
Director of Elementary and Middle Schools
Director of Technology
Director of High Schools
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration Telecommunications 77611
Hardware - Desktop
Hardware - Printer
Funding Source
Content/Tech Integration BS/CE
Hardware - Server
Content/Tech Integration BS/CE
Technical Support - Installation Content/Tech Integration SUCCESS
Software - Application
Est $
Content/Tech Integration SUCCESS
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Implment Fast ForWord at Ripley Middle School to improve student achievement in the area of reading.
The students to be specifically targeted by Fast ForWord will be those with disabilities and those in the
low socio-economic subgroup.
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Ravenswood Middle, will receive two (2) additional licenses for Fast ForWord.
Staff devlopment will be provided to ensure the successful implmentation of Fast ForWord.
This activity will be funded through Round 3 of the Enhancing Education Through Technology Formula
Grant (Ed Tech). As required, 25% of grant funds will be used to provided high quality professional
In order to evaluate the success of Fast ForWord in the middle schools, WESTEST data beginning with
the 2005-06 will be disagregated and analyzed.
Persons Responsible
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Director of Elementary/Middle Schools
Director of Technology
Middle School Principals
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Innovative Strategies Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 24030
Software - Instructional
Funding Source
Est $
Professional Development Innovative Strategies Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 8010
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Continue to use Electric Library in the middle and high school libraries as a source for student research.
Persons Responsible
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Middle & High School Librarians
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Stakeholder Involvement
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
Software - Application Access
General Funds
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Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
To provide access to the Internet and the West Virginia Education Information System (WVEIS) to all
schools in Jackson County. Access to the Internet will provide students and teachers with resources to
improve student achievement. WVEIS is utilized throughout the school system as the primary
information support system for many district and school functions and responsibilities.
Persons Responsible
Business Manager
Director of Technology
Activity Type
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
E-Rate Year 6
E-Rate Year 7
E-Rate Year 8
General Funds
General Funds
General Funds
E-Rate Year 6
General Funds
E-rate - Voice
E-rate - Voice
E-rate - Long Distance Access
E-rate - Data Lines
E-rate - Data Lines
Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6
E-Rate Year 7
E-Rate Year 8
Content/Tech Integration General Funds
General Funds
General Funds
Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
In order to maximize the effectiveness of the Basic Skills program, two, one-half day sessions of staff
development will be provided to the appropriate teachers at the elementary and middle school level.
The training sessions will be scheduled as after-school sessions.
Persons Responsible
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Director of Elementary and Middle Schools
Activity Type
Professional Development
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Professional Development Professional Development BS/CE
Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
A SBA Infrastructure Grant was received to address infrasturcture needs at Evans Elementary and
Ravenswood Grade School. This grant, administered through the WVDE Office of Technology, will
allow for the removal of local hubs in the classroom. The hubs will be replaced to meet current cabling
Persons Responsible
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Director of Technology
Activity Type
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access
Technology Activity: #7, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
To provide the infrastructure in the Jackson County elementary and secondary schools so that students
can access the Internet for instructional purposes, and teachers can access the Internet and WVEIS for
standards- based lesson plans and for improved communication with parents/community.
Persons Responsible
Business Manager
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6
E-rate - BSCE E-rate App.
Funding Source Est $
E-rate - SUCCESS E-rate App. Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6
Technology Activity: #8, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Utilize county funds to maintain and upgrade technology, as identified and prioritized, throughout the
Jackson County School System.
In order to maintain the quality of equipment used in the instructional program, the following computer
lab replacements will take place in the 2004-05 school year:
Ripley Middle School Computer Education Lab - 28 computers.
Ravenswood High Computer Education Lab - 26 computers.
Ripley High School Business Education Lab - 30 computers.
The purchase price for newly purchased computers includes a 3 year on-site warranty.
Persons Responsible
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Director of Technology
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Hardware - Desktop Content/Tech Integration General Funds
Technology Activity: #9, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Continue use of Skills Tutor software at Ravenswood High School as a means to provide remedial
instruction in the area of basic skills.
Persons Responsible
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Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
High School Principal
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Stakeholder Involvement
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Software - Instructional Innovative Strategies General Funds
Technology Activity: #10, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Provide appropriate assistive technology to meet the needs of Special Education students.
Assistive devices purchased for the current school year include a 17" Touch Window Kit and two (2)
Cheap Talk 6 Level Communicators.
Persons Responsible
Director of Special Education
Activity Type
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Hardware - Other Innovative Strategies General Funds
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Instructional Goal #2
Ensure the safety of students, personnel, and visitors.
Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Through the aid of technology, the county will strive to provide a safe and orderly environment.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
The coverage areas of schools using technology to support a safe environment will be
(2002-03) increased for the coming year.
Year 2:
The coverage areas of schools using technology to support a safe environment will be
increased for the coming year.
The loss rate of library materials will decline at Ripley High School following the installation
of a circulation security system.
Year 3:
Student disciplinary referrals in areas monitored by technology will decrease.
Year 4:
Vandalism at schools utilizing video monitoring equipment will decline and/or individuals
(2005-06) involved in the acts will be identified.
Year 5:
Schools utilizing video monitoring will show decreasing trends in vandalism. Individuals
(2006-07) identified in acts of vandalism will be reported to law enforcment officials.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Add additional video cameras to the video security system at Ripley High School. New coverage areas
will include: 1) the lower student parking area near the board office, 2) additional areas in and around
the annex and music building, and 3) the stadium area.
Persons Responsible
Asst. Superintendent of Non-Instructional Programs
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Hardware - Other Admin/Support Procedures General Funds
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Install a video security system at Ravenswood High School.
Persons Responsible
Asst. Superintendent of Non-Instructional Programs
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Hardware - Other Admin/Support Procedures General Funds
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Continue the use of security cameras in the following schools: Ripley Elementary, Ravenswood Middle
and Ripley Middle Schools.
Persons Responsible
Asst. Superintendent of Non-Instructional Services
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
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Instructional Goal #3
Increase proficiencies of teachers and students in technology applications.
Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
The county will provide opportunities for enhancing teacher expertise in technology utilization and
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
The Jackson County Technology Academy will be continued for the 2003-04 school year.
Year 2:
Teachers trained through the technology academy will incorporate multimedia (powerpoint)
(2003-04) presentations within the classroom.
Year 3:
Teachers will train students in the use of equipment acquired through the technology
(2004-05) academy.
Year 4:
Based on teacher surveys and evaluations technology training updates will be provided to
(2005-06) meet identified needs.
Year 5:
Training will be offered based on needs identified through administrative and teacher
(2006-07) surveys.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Provide equipment and training to 12 participants through the Jackson County Technology Academy.
Participants will receive 45 hours of instruction and receive the following equipment to enhance
classroom instruction: computer, digital camera, printer/scanner/copier , and technology cart. Office
2003 software will be provided on computers.
Persons Responsible
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Director of Staff Development
Activity Type
Professional Development
Innovative Strategies
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Innovative Strategies
General Funds
General Funds
General Funds
General Funds
Hardware - Desktop
Hardware - Printer
Innovative Strategies
Hardware - Projection Device Innovative Strategies
Hardware - Peripherals
Professional Development
Innovative Strategies
Professional Development General Funds
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
The county will provide ongoing staff development opportunities for teachers, principals, and school
library personnel to further develop the effective use of technology in the classroom and library/media
center. Teachers will have the opportunity to pursue training through distance learning, provided by
Connected University.
Persons Responsible
Director of Staff Development
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Activity Type
Professional Development
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source
Professional Development
Est $
Ed Tech Formula - Round 2 15560
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Provide staff development to teachers to strengthen training on existing technology equipment.
Persons Responsible
Director of Staff Development
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Professional Development Professional Development General Funds
Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Utilize the WV Virtual School to provide students with the opportunity to acquire advanced classes not
offered at the high school level.
Persons Responsible
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Virtual School Contacts
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Stakeholder Involvement
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source
Est $
Software - Instructional Innovative Strategies WV Virtual School 5000
Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Utilize interactive video classroom at Ripley High School to provide instruction through virtual field trips
and/or course offerings.
Persons Responsible
High School Principal
Director of High Schools
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Software - Instructional
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
General Funds
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Instructional Goal #4
To utilize technology as a means to communicate effectively with parents and school personnel.
Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Operate and maintain the Parent/Teacher Hotline, County Website and e-mail listserv.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
Parent/Teacher Hotline and Website will be kept current and usage will be monitored in
(2002-03) order to gauge utilization.
Year 2:
A website manager will be hired to manage the county website and web counter installed to
(2003-04) document utilization ("hits") of the site.
Year 3:
For all departments to utilize the county website as a form of communication and data
(2004-05) access.
Year 4:
Maintain and enhance the county website to meet the needs of staff and community.
Year 5:
The usage of the Parent/Teacher Hotline, County Website, and e-mail listserv will increase
(2006-07) from the previous school year.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Provide personnel to maintain Parent/Teacher Hotline and County Website.
Persons Responsible
Director of Elementary/Middle Schools
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Stakeholder Involvement General Funds
Stakeholder Involvement General Funds
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Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Maintain and update current e-mail listserv lists. Establish new lists as needed to enhance
communication within the school system.
Persons Responsible
County E-Mail Postmasters
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
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Instructional Goal #5
To provide technology and related instruction in the area of Adult Education programs.
Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
To offer technology classes to the adult community through the Adult Education Program. Utilize all
available media outlets to publicize the information. Registration and attendance will be kept on an
access database to track classes.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
Documention of class participation and Adult Education evaluations.
Year 2:
To improve course offerings for the community in Adult Education and increase enrollment
(2003-04) in computer literacy in Adult Basic Education.
Year 3:
To implement online courses in GED prep and access to class information for Adult
(2004-05) Education.
Year 4:
To increase the number of students who complete computer education courses.
Continue offerings of technology courses each semester and publicize to the community for
Year 5:
registration by brochures in the various locations in the county, newspaper ads, radio, and
on the website. Number of registrations and attendance is kept on the database.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Provide technology classes that will be relevant to the needs of the adult community.
Persons Responsible
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Lead ABE Teacher
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Content/Tech Integration General Funds
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Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Utilize the technology in the public schools to provide access to up-to-date hardware and software and
provide materials at a minimal cost for the adult community to improve their technology skills.
Persons Responsible
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Lead ABE Teacher
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Software - Application Content/Tech Integration General Funds
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
To effectively utilize the established database to analize the community needs. The data will consider
the following: class offerings, registration, attendance, and class evaluations.
Persons Responsible
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Lead ABE Teacher
Adult Education Teachers
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Use a variety of media to keep the community aware of the Adult Education Program and class
opportunities. Computer generated brochures with class offerings and website information will be
created and distributed throughout the community each semester. Announcements of classes will be
announced on the local radio stations. Newspaper ads will run in 2 additions each semester to allow for
registration. Flyers will be posted in various locations in the county to advertise classes, access and
information. All information and registration is accessible from the website.
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Persons Responsible
Lead ABE Teacher
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Advertisement Stakeholder Involvement General Funds
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Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #2
The Adult Basic Education Program will incorporate technology into its program in various was to
improve management, student access, and instruction.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
N/A - Newly established objective
Year 2:
N/A - Newly established objective
Year 3:
N/A - Newly established objective
Year 4:
N/A - Newly established objective
Year 5:
Technology will improve the adult education program by at least 10% yearly as students
(2006-07) utilize the programs and data management increases.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Training and assistance will be provided to instructors and students to utilize the available software to
study their basic skills and GED preparation. (Key Train, Official Practice test software, GED 21st
Century software, Plato, Microsoft Office Package)
Persons Responsible
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Lead ABE Teacher
Adult Basic Education Teachers
Activity Type
Professional Development
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Software - Instructional
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #2
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The Adult Basic Education Program will be managed through the state mandated management system,
Adult Education Management Information System (AEMIS), in order to generate the state and federal
reports that measure the success rate of the program and impact future ABE grants.
Persons Responsible
Lead ABE Teacher
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Adult Basic Education Teachers
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Students and instructors will utilize online resources to improve basic skills instruction, assist GED test
preparation, and explore job and career opportunities.
Persons Responsible
Leade ABE Teacher
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Adult Education Teachers
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #2
An access database will be utilized to keep records of GED registration.
Persons Responsible
Lead ABE Teacher
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Activity Type
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Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #2
To purchase a digital camera to take pictures of Adult Education and Adult Basic Education classes to
display in the classrooms, record activities, submit photos to publications such as the newspaper, the
website, the Networks (WVAEA newsletter), etc.
Persons Responsible
Lead ABE TEacher
Director of High Schools and Vocational Education
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Hardware - Other Admin/Support Procedures General Funds
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Compliance Checklist
Ed Tech Compliance Checklist
1. Does the county plan include the county's specific goals for using advanced technology to improve
student achievement?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 2
2. Does the plan include strategies that address how Ed Tech Funds will improve academic
achievement of all students in all schools in the county? (Emphasis should be given to high-need and
high-poverty schools)
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 2
3. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to ensure that all students and teachers will
have increased access to technology?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 1
4. Does the county plan include plans to provide ongoing professional development for teachers,
principals and administrators to further the effective use of technology?
This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 3
5. Does the county plan include a budget (description of type and costs of technology to be acquired
with Ed Tech formula and /or competitive funds)?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 2
6. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to encourage the development and use of
innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous courses (e.g., distance learning)?
This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 4
7. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to use technology to promote parental
involvement to increase communication with parents?
This is addressed under Goal 4 Objective 1 and Activity 1
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8. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the technology programs will be developed
in collaboration with adult literacy providers?
This is addressed under Goal 5 Objective 1 and Activity 3
9. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the county will evaluate the extent to which
activities funded in formula and competitive funds are effective in integrating technology?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 2
E-rate Compliance Checklist
1. Does the county plan include the E-rate requirements for clear goals and a realistic strategy for using
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 4
2. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer equipment currently available or
budgeted for purchase?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 2
3. Does the county plan include strategies that address the internal connections that the county has in
place or budgeted to install in the current, next or future academic years?
This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 6
4. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer software necessary to
communicate with other computers over an internal network?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 2
5. Does the county plan include the professional development plan for professionals using the
equipment connected to the telecommunications network?
This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 2
6. Does the county plan include the existing or budgeted maintenance contracts to maintain computers?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 8
7. Does the county plan include specific plans for using telecommunications technologies and how they
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integrate the use of these technologies into the curriculum?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 1
8. Does someone else other than your county personnel submit your local E-rate application?
9. E-rate requires that we report the number of schools in each county that have the following Internet
Number of schools in the county with Dial up modem connections to the Internet?
Number of schools in the county with 56 K frame relay connection to the Internet?
Number of schools in the county that have T-1 frame relay connections to the Internet? 12
Number of schools in the county that have ATM T-1 Internet connections?
Number of schools in the county that have cable modem connections to the Internet? 0
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Policies and Procedures
Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy?
If yes, what is the last date of adoption/revision?
When was the public meeting held for CIPA Compliance?
Provide the URL to your acceptable use policy.
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