OHIO County Technology Plan 2004-2007 OPTIMAL Online Planning - Technology Integration Measures for Achievement and Learning Last revised on February 10, 2005 Page 1 of 28 County Technology Plan West Virginia has placed an emphasis on equitably providing technology for schools in order to enhance student learning, improve student achievement, and prepare students for post-secondary education and the world of work. Many stakeholders are involved in this process including students, teachers, administrators, parents, community members, legislators, board of education members and others. Collectively, the county technology planning team members have assisted in creating, refining, implementing and utilizing educational technology to meet the current standards, develop local programs, build partners and capacity, make data-driven decisions, and to evaluate the use of technology for administrative and instructional tasks. The county technology plan is a component of the UCIP and is based on the state OPTimal online format (http://wv.ontargetus.com/). This plan will serve several functions. Not only does the plan complement and support the county's instructional goals as delineated in the UCIP, it is also intended to help meet the technology objectives/requirements of the school, county/state policies, state/federal programs, and competitive grants. Examples of these include the following: Policy 2320: A Process for Improving Education Performance Based Accreditation System Policy 2450: Virtual Distance Learning Policy 2460: Use of the Internet by Students and Educators Policy 2470: Use of Technology by Students and Educators Policy 2510: Assuring Quality of Education Policy 2520: Content Standards and Objectives Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to receive Universal Service Fund Program E-rate Funds The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which establishes the Enhancing Education Through Technology (Ed Tech) Program West Virginia House Bill 4319 Basic Skills/Computer Education (BS/CE) WV SUCCESS WVDE Reinventing Education However, the most important function of the plan is to ensure that the effective use of educational technology supports achievement and lifelong learning. Page 2 of 28 Technology Team Contact Information Name: Jim McGlumphy Title: County Technology Coordinator Email: jmcglump@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-243-0448 Name: Jim Tecca Title: BS/CE Contact Email: jtecca@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-243-0369 Name: Mark Obermann Title: FCC/SLD E-rate Coordinator Email: moberman@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-243-0340 Name: Lawrence Miller Title: Superintendent Email: lmmiller@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-243-0311 Name: George Krelis Title: Assistant Superintendent Email: gkrelis@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 302-243-0313 Name: Bob Conaway Title: Maintenance Supervisor Email: rconaway@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-243-0431 Name: Kathy Paulus Title: Wheeling Park High School Technology Coordinator Email: kpaulus@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-243-0409 Page 3 of 28 County Mission and Vision Statements County Vision: Ohio County Schools will be a progressive education system with a relevant, rigorous curriculum that allows for every student to reach his or her full learning potential. County Mission: To provide educational opportunities that will enable each student to build a Foundation For Success. Page 4 of 28 Needs Assessment Analysis of Assessment Data Information from accreditation standards, attendance data, dropout data, WESTEST results, SAT & ACT results, suspensions and discipline data, writing assessment, Presidents' physical fitness results, WVEIS reports and USIP data were all utilized in determining how technology will be used to address needs. Analysis of UCIP Data analysis shows a continuing steady trend in high test scores. High quality instruction by knowledgeable, skilled professionals is emphasized. A solid technology infrastructure and access to up-to-date hardware and software is necessary to support these results. Technology Infrastructure Schools needing infrastructure upgrades are addressed in the plan. Data from the digital divide surveys indicate those schools that require upgardes. By the end of the 2004-2005 school year, all schools in Ohio County will be 100 mB ethernet, switched to the desktop, to meet published standards. School Satisfaction Survey Satisfaction surveys indicate a high level of student/parent/teacher satisfaction in the area of technology. In fact, Ohio County taxpayers passed an operating levy at a 75% approval level in November, 2004. Input from LSIC and other parent groups is incorporated into the plan. OEPA Reports Two schools, Bridge Street Middle and Triadelphia Middle have attached plans to address OEPA requirements. Facilities Assessment Issues such as projected school closings, redistricting and consolidations are taken into consideration for technology infrastructure and hardware/software upgrades. School Digital Divide Surveys These surveys are used to determine hardware/software/infrastructure purchases for individual schools. Page 5 of 28 Instructional Goal #1 Target Goal #1: Management of Academic Performance * Assessment & Accountability * Curriculum Alignment * Mastery of CSOs * NCLB Requirements * Transition/Character Education Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To construct a technology center at Wheeling Park High School Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Construction 100% complete by 9/1/2003. (2002-03) Implementation of Staff Development/Technology Integration Activities evaluated by Year 2: # of WPHS teachers participating in staff development offerings (spring and summer (2003-04) 2004) # of distance learning courses offered. # of students enrolled in distance learning courses. Year 3: Implementation of Adult and Community Education Programs, evaluated by # of (2004-05) participants. Year 4: # of hours per week that technology center is utilized; # of students using center; # of (2005-06) adults/community members using center. Year 5: # of hours per week that technology center is utilized; # of students using center; # of staff (2006-07) development sessions held in center; # of adults/community members using center. Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Continue to expand offering and utilization of WPHS Technology Center. Persons Responsible Jim McGlumphy Dianna Vargo Kathy Paulus Curriculum Committee Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Page 6 of 28 Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Page 7 of 28 Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Upgrade cabling and network infrastructure in all schools. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: 2 elementary/1 middle schools cabled with appropriate electronics to meet IEEE standards. (2002-03) Year 2: 2 elementary/1 middle schools cabled with appropriate electronics to meet IEEE standards. (2003-04) Year 3: 2 elementary schools cabled with appropriate electronics to meet IEEE standards. (2004-05) Year 4: begin wireless implementation at secondary schools. (2005-06) Year 5: complete wireless implementation at secondary schools. (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Complete wireless access at secondary schools. Persons Responsible Jim McGlumphy Secondary Principals Tech Teams Activity Type Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item 1 5 Activity Type Network Infrastructure - Wireless Innovative Strategies Salary Funding Source Est $ SUCCESS 62456 General Funds 70000 Total: 132456.00 Admin/Support Procedures General Funds Total: 0 0.00 Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Page 8 of 28 Upgrade networks for technology integration at Bridge Street and Triadelphia Middle Schools Persons Responsible Pat Doyle Mary Lee Porter Grant Writing Team Tech Integration Specialist Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source 1 Access Ed Tech Competitive - Round 3 80000 2 Hardware - Notebook Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 30000 Total: 110000.00 Software - Instructional Content/Tech Integration Ed Tech Competitive - Round 3 20000 Total: 3 Est $ Hardware - Peripherals Access 20000.00 Ed Tech Competitive - Round 3 20000 Total: Page 9 of 28 20000.00 Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #4 Continued support of Basic Skills and WV-SUCCESS in all schools (includes hardware and software purchases/upgrades). Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: # of Workstations added (28 planned). Implementation of 5 Licenses for Bridges CX Online (2002-03) (one for each secondary school). # of Workstations added. Year 2: Implementation of 5 Licenses for Bridges CX Online (one for each secondary school). (2003-04) Upgrade to Windows Server at WPHS. Year 3: # of Workstations added. (2004-05) Implementation of 5 Licenses for Bridges CX Online (one for each secondary school). Year 4: # of Workstations added. (2005-06) Implementation of 5 Licenses for Bridges CX Online (one for each secondary school). Year 5: # of Workstations added. (2006-07) Implementation of 5 Licenses for Bridges CX Online (one for each secondary school). Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #4 Hardware and software purchases/upgrades for WV-SUCCESS in 7-12 schools. Persons Responsible Jim McGlumphy School Principals Jim Tecca School Tech Contacts Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Access SUCCESS 64000 Total: 64000.00 2 Hardware - Desktop Software - Instructional Content/Tech Integration BS/CE Total: Page 10 of 28 58000 58000.00 Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #5 Develop close articulation with vocational and academic faculties, including WV Northern Community College, in concert with the business and industry sector. Assure that every tech prep student graduates from high school with a marketable skill. Indicators of Achievement: Post secondary attendance rate. Year 1: Number of participants in tech prep. (2002-03) Number of participants in career shadowing Post secondary attendance rate. Year 2: Number of participants in tech prep. (2003-04) Number of participants in career shadowing Post secondary attendance rate. Year 3: Number of participants in tech prep. (2004-05) Number of participants in career shadowing Post secondary attendance rate. Year 4: Number of participants in tech prep. (2005-06) Number of participants in career shadowing Post secondary attendance rate. Year 5: Number of participants in tech prep. (2006-07) Number of participants in career shadowing Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #5 Provide clear, concise information to high school counselors, teachers, students, and parents on the preparation needed for high school graduates to enter the world of work or to continue their education. Persons Responsible Jim McGlumphy Connie Myer Teachers Counselors Activity Type Professional Development No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Professional Development General Funds Total: Page 11 of 28 1200 1200.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #5 Ensure that every tech prep student has an educational plan with career goals and the necessary preparation to reach those goals. Persons Responsible Teachers Counselors Activity Type Stakeholder Involvement No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Stakeholder Involvement General Funds Total: Page 12 of 28 1200 1200.00 Instructional Goal #2 Goal #2: Staff Development Major Objective I: Leadership Development * Instructional Leadership * Relevant Professional & Service Personnel Training * Teacher & Principal Induction Programs * Instructional Collaboration Strategies Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Ohio County Schools will provide quality professional development for the integration of technology into the curricula. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Number of teachers who take technology professional development sessions. (2002-03) Year 2: Number of teachers who take technology professional development sessions. (2003-04) Year 3: Number of teachers who take technology professional development sessions. (2004-05) Year 4: Number of teachers who take technology professional development sessions. (2005-06) Year 5: (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Teachers are provided technology integration training to utilize the Bridges CX software. Persons Responsible Jim McGlumphy 7-12 Principals 7-12 Technology Contacts Activity Type THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM Page 13 of 28 No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Teachers at Wheeling Park HS participate in technology integration staff development activities. Persons Responsible Jim McGlumphy Dianna Vargo Kathy Paulus Activity Type Professional Development No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Professional Development General Funds Total: 6000 6000.00 Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Technology Integration Staff Development Programs provided for all professional staff. Persons Responsible OCS Staff Development Council Activity Type Professional Development No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Professional Development General Funds Total: 8000 8000.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Technology Integration Specialist Training and Staff Development for Ed Tech - Round 3. Persons Responsible Tech Integration Specialist Pat Doyle Mary Lee Porter Page 14 of 28 Activity Type Professional Development No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Professional Development Ed Tech Competitive - Round 2 40000 Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 10000 Total: 50000.00 Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Staff Development BS/CE implementation Persons Responsible Jim Tecca BS/CE Schools Activity Type Professional Development No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Professional Development BS/CE Total: 6000 6000.00 Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 SchoolKit staff development for WPHS staff. Persons Responsible Jackie Shriner Kathy Paulus Activity Type THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Page 15 of 28 Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Purchase PDAs for administrators. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: (2002-03) Year 2: # of PDAs purchased. (2003-04) # of administrators attending staff development sessions. Year 3: 75% of all administrators using PDAs on a regular basis. (2004-05) Year 4: 100% of all administrators using PDAs on a regular basis. (2005-06) Year 5: Replace PDAs with upgraded models. (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Purchase upgraded PDAs for administrators. Persons Responsible Jim McGlumphy George Krelis Activity Type Professional Development Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Innovative Strategies General Funds 15000 Total: 15000.00 Total: 0.00 2 Hardware - PDA Professional Development Professional Development Page 16 of 28 Instructional Goal #3 Goal #3: Technology Integration * Test Score Data Analysis * Monitoring of Student Progress * Enhancement of Curriculum & Instruction * Global Access Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide access to the internet, WVEIS, to provide a safe school environment, to amintain a stable network, and to provide for improved communication between school, home, and community. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: # of upgrades from 56kB to T1 (2002-03) Year 2: # of upgrades from 56kB to T1 (2003-04) Year 3: # of upgrades from 56kB to T1 (2004-05) Year 4: # of upgrades from 56kB to T1 (2005-06) Year 5: # of network telecommunications upgrades completed (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Network & telecommunications upgrades. Persons Responsible Larry Miller George Krelis Mark Obermann Jim McGlumphy Activity Type Access Page 17 of 28 No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Access E-rate - Voice E-Rate Year 6 62080 E-Rate Year 7 74520 Business Partners 34920 2 3 4 5 E-rate - Long Distance E-rate - Data Lines E-rate - Cellular Access Access Access E-rate - Internal Connections Access General Funds 33480 Total: 205000.00 E-Rate Year 6 3072 E-Rate Year 7 19872 General Funds 1728 General Funds 8928 Total: 33600.00 E-Rate Year 6 37509.12 E-Rate Year 7 39611.52 General Funds 21098.88 General Funds 17796.48 Total: 116016.00 E-Rate Year 6 21657.60 E-Rate Year 7 19620.70 General Funds 12182.4 General Funds 8815.10 Total: 62275.80 E-Rate Year 6 34800.00 General Funds 7200.00 Total: 42000.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide access to the Internet and to WVEIS for Ohio County Schools and maintenance for equipment. Persons Responsible Activity Type Access Admin/Support Procedures Page 18 of 28 No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Access General Funds 52560 Total: 52560.00 2 Technical Support - HW maintenance Admin/Support Procedures General Funds Total: 15000 15000.00 Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide an efficient telecommunications network for schools in Ohio County that provides for access to the Internet and WVEIS, improved communication between schools, homes and community and a safe school environment Persons Responsible County technology coordinator Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Access E-Rate Year 8 39611.52 General Funds 17796.48 Total: 57408.00 2 3 4 E-rate - Data Lines E-rate - Cellular Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 General Funds 8815.10 Total: 28435.80 E-rate - Long Distance Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 E-rate - Voice 19620.70 19872.00 General Funds 8928.00 Total: 28800.00 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 74520.00 General Funds 33480.00 Total: 108000.00 Page 19 of 28 Instructional Goal #4 Goal #4: Community Involvement * Parental Involvement * Local School Improvement Councils * Partners In Education * Marketing and Community Outreach Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To increase computer literacy of the community which Ohio County School serves Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Number of students completing computer literacy courses (2002-03) Year 2: Number of enrollees in technology-related classes. (2003-04) Year 3: Number of enrollees in technology-related classes. (2004-05) Year 4: Number of enrollees in technology-related classes. (2005-06) Year 5: Number of students completing computer literacy courses (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Hold computer literacy courses to adult citizens with entry-level skill needs Persons Responsible Connie Myer Dianna Vargo Chuck Hill Activity Type THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Page 20 of 28 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To offer more advanced computer classes through the Adult Education Community Education program. Persons Responsible Connie Myer Dianna Vargo Chuck Hill Activity Type THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To support, enhance and reinforce regular Adult Basic Education classes. Persons Responsible Connie Myer Activity Type THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To help adult students prepare for the GED exam for job-seeking skills, for preparation of college-entrance exams or for upgrading basic academic skills Persons Responsible Connie Myer Barbara Fassig Activity Type THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM Page 21 of 28 No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To maintain the "One-Stop-Shop" online computer and printer in the Guidance Office of Wheeling Park H.S. which is available to high school students and to adult members of the community who need help with career counseling and job searches Persons Responsible Ron DiLorenzo Dianna Vargo Connie Myer Activity Type Access No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Technical Support - SW maintenance Access General Funds 2500 Total: 2500.00 Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide greater access to technology resources through the new Technology Center at Wheeling Park H.S. Persons Responsible Jim McGlumphy Dianna Vargo Kathy Paulus Chuck Hill Activity Type THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Page 22 of 28 Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Increase home-school communication through web page development. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: 50% of schools will have online web pages. (2002-03) Year 2: 75% of schools will have online web pages. (2003-04) Year 3: 100% of schools will have online web pages. (2004-05) Year 4: School & county web pages updated and maintained. (2005-06) Year 5: School & county web pages updated and maintained. (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Development of school web pages. Persons Responsible Chuck Hill School principals School technology teams Activity Type No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Page 23 of 28 Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #3 Schools multiply the effect of technology enhancement through collaborative activities with other institutions that have high technology capabilities. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: (2002-03) Year 2: (2003-04) Year 3: Number of collaborative efforts with agencies. (2004-05) Year 4: Number of collaborative efforts with agencies. (2005-06) Year 5: Number of collaborative efforts with agencies. (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #3 Partners in Education activities. Persons Responsible George Krelis Principals Partners in Education Activity Type THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Page 24 of 28 Compliance Checklist Ed Tech Compliance Checklist 1. Does the county plan include the county's specific goals for using advanced technology to improve student achievement? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 3 2. Does the plan include strategies that address how Ed Tech Funds will improve academic achievement of all students in all schools in the county? (Emphasis should be given to high-need and high-poverty schools) yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 3 3. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to ensure that all students and teachers will have increased access to technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 2 4. Does the county plan include plans to provide ongoing professional development for teachers, principals and administrators to further the effective use of technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 1 5. Does the county plan include a budget (description of type and costs of technology to be acquired with Ed Tech formula and /or competitive funds)? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 3 6. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to encourage the development and use of innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous courses (e.g., distance learning)? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 1 7. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to use technology to promote parental involvement to increase communication with parents? yes This is addressed under Goal 4 Objective 2 and Activity 1 Page 25 of 28 8. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the technology programs will be developed in collaboration with adult literacy providers? yes This is addressed under Goal 4 Objective 1 and Activity 2 9. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the county will evaluate the extent to which activities funded in formula and competitive funds are effective in integrating technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 3 E-rate Compliance Checklist 1. Does the county plan include the E-rate requirements for clear goals and a realistic strategy for using telecommunications? yes This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 1 2. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer equipment currently available or budgeted for purchase? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 4 and Activity 1 3. Does the county plan include strategies that address the internal connections that the county has in place or budgeted to install in the current, next or future academic years? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 5 4. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer software necessary to communicate with other computers over an internal network? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 5 5. Does the county plan include the professional development plan for professionals using the equipment connected to the telecommunications network? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 5 6. Does the county plan include the existing or budgeted maintenance contracts to maintain computers? yes This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 2 7. Does the county plan include specific plans for using telecommunications technologies and how they Page 26 of 28 integrate the use of these technologies into the curriculum? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 4 and Activity 1 8. Does someone else other than your county personnel submit your local E-rate application? yes This is addressed under Goal Objective and Activity 9. E-rate requires that we report the number of schools in each county that have the following Internet Connections: Number of schools in the county with Dial up modem connections to the Internet? 0 Number of schools in the county with 56 K frame relay connection to the Internet? 2 Number of schools in the county that have T-1 frame relay connections to the Internet? 11 Number of schools in the county that have ATM T-1 Internet connections? 0 Number of schools in the county that have cable modem connections to the Internet? 0 Page 27 of 28 Policies and Procedures Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy? yes If yes, what is the last date of adoption/revision? 09/24/2001 When was the public meeting held for CIPA Compliance? 09/24/2001 Provide the URL to your acceptable use policy. wphs.ohio.k12.wv.us/ocbe/aup.pdf Page 28 of 28