HARRISON County Technology Plan 2004-2007

HARRISON County Technology Plan
Online Planning - Technology Integration Measures for Achievement and Learning
Last revised on February 11, 2005
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County Technology Plan
West Virginia has placed an emphasis on equitably providing technology for schools in order to
enhance student learning, improve student achievement, and prepare students for post-secondary
education and the world of work. Many stakeholders are involved in this process including students,
teachers, administrators, parents, community members, legislators, board of education members and
Collectively, the county technology planning team members have assisted in creating, refining,
implementing and utilizing educational technology to meet the current standards, develop local
programs, build partners and capacity, make data-driven decisions, and to evaluate the use of
technology for administrative and instructional tasks.
The county technology plan is a component of the UCIP and is based on the state OPTimal online
format (http://wv.ontargetus.com/). This plan will serve several functions. Not only does the plan
complement and support the county's instructional goals as delineated in the UCIP, it is also intended to
help meet the technology objectives/requirements of the school, county/state policies, state/federal
programs, and competitive grants. Examples of these include the following:
Policy 2320: A Process for Improving Education Performance Based Accreditation System
Policy 2450: Virtual Distance Learning
Policy 2460: Use of the Internet by Students and Educators
Policy 2470: Use of Technology by Students and Educators
Policy 2510: Assuring Quality of Education
Policy 2520: Content Standards and Objectives
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to receive Universal Service Fund Program
E-rate Funds
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which establishes the Enhancing Education Through
Technology (Ed Tech) Program
West Virginia House Bill 4319
Basic Skills/Computer Education (BS/CE)
WVDE Reinventing Education
However, the most important function of the plan is to ensure that the effective use of educational
technology supports achievement and lifelong learning.
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Technology Team Contact Information
Name: Carl H Friebel
Title: Superintendent
Email: cfriebel@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-326-7342
Name: William N Ashcraft
Title: Assistant Superintendent
Email: washcraf@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-326-7345
Name: Doug Gray
Title: Board Member
Email: dgrayBdEd@aol.com
Phone: 304-624-4433
Name: James E Eschenmann
Title: Technology Coordinator
Email: jeschenm@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-326-7377
Name: Barbara Brunetti
Title: Teacher
Email: bbrunett@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-584-4090
Name: Rosemary Stromberg
Title: Coordinator
Email: rstrombe@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-326-7319
Name: Darlean Southern
Title: WVEIS County Contact
Email: dsouther@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-326-7327
Name: Dawna Vecchio
Title: Teacher
Email: dvecchio@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-842-3731
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Name: Jan Frenzel
Title: Teacher
Email: jfrenzel@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-326-7159
Name: Julia Benincosa
Title: Teacher
Email: jbeninco@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-782-1361
Name: Lori Scott
Title: Teacher
Email: lscott@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-592-2248
Name: Neil Quinn
Title: Clerk of the Works
Email: intd80b@prodigy.com
Phone: 304-326-7305
Name: Rebecca Morris
Title: Teacher
Email: rlmorris@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-745-5582
Name: Sarah Vincent
Title: Teacher
Email: smvincen@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-745-3315
Name: Tahsha Carpenter
Title: Teacher
Email: thnichol@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-624-3399
Name: Terry Morrison
Title: Teacher
Email: tmorriso@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-624-3275
Name: Marcel Malfegeot
Title: Administrative Assistant
Email: mcmalfre@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-326-7337
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County Mission and Vision Statements
County Vision:
The Harrison County School system is committed to providing learning opportunities in appropriate
environments which encourage all individuals to grow to their greatest potential.
County Mission:
The mission of the Harrison County Schools is to provide safe, nurturing and positive learning
envrionments in a modern, child-centered school system from which all students will graduate
academically, emotionally, physically and socially prepared to adapt and contribute to a diverse
techonolgical society.
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Needs Assessment
Analysis of Assessment Data
Harrison County had five middle schools and two elementary schools that failed to make AYP during
the 2003-2004 school year. All seven of these schools showed deficiencies with the Special Education
groups. This plan will address further implementation of state sponsored initiatives, such as Basic Skills,
SUCCESS, and Telecommunications, to provide enhanced learning tools for these groups.
Analysis of UCIP
Harrison County Schools is currently in the process of developing a five year strategic plan; however,
current needs addressed in the previous Analysis of UCIP are still applicable. The following items were
identified in the 2002-2003 UCIP as specific technology needs. It is still our intent to address each of
these issues as comprehensively as possible.
•Enhance the environmental technologies curriculum for all Harrison County Schools.
•Expand college courses offered to high school students.
•Use technology to encourage students to acquire the knowledge necessary to be a responsible citizen.
•Provide and maintain a uniformity of application software for all students and staff.
•Continue to provide professional development in the area of technology for all employees.
•Ensure that staff and students will use technology in an ethical manner.
•Provide alternative ways of offering courses through the use of technology.
•Disseminate informational literature designed to enhance career awareness, workplace learning skills
and vocational/technical education.
•Upgrade and replace computer technology in special education and therapy programs.
•Provide adequate technologies, networks, electronic resources and support to meet the education
system's learning goals.
•Maintain, update, and replace technology equipment and infrastructure as necessary.
•Accommodate all learners regarding technology education.
•Improve communication between all buildings.
•Implement and maintain a data, video, and voice communications network that would connect all
•Improve communication among all stakeholders in the educational community.
•Evaluate changes in technology.
•Sponsor periodic informational gatherings for all stakeholders of technology education.
•Participate in all technology related state initiatives.
•Provide equal opportunity in education technology among schools, classrooms, students, and
Technology Infrastructure
Harrison County Schools has been on a five year plan to upgrade the network infrastructures within all
buildings to a totally switched environment with either a 100mgb or 1000mgb backbone. We are also
pursuing an aggressive program to consolidate servers to a recently established Network Operations
Center and to develop a high speed, converged, Wide Area Network. Thus far, we have consolidated
servers from 10 schools including the HCBOE, with 15 locations still to be relocated . This year will also
see an active replacement initiative for the workstations that are running Windows 95. This replacement
number is approximately 526 workstations throughout the county. According to the Digital Divide survey
of 2003-2004, Harrison County Schools fell below the state average of 4.8:1 with an average of 4.1:1.
This replacement cycle will address this need.
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OEPA Reports
2002-2003 was the last date of an OEPA audit. All technology deficiencies that were noted at that time
have been addressed.
Facilities Assessment
•As the Harrison County WAN is being developed, the need to rewire buildings and replace network
switches continues. This has been completed in 11 schools. two schools are in the process of this
upgrade at this time, with an additional three schools scheduled to be completed during the 04-05
school year. This leave 9 buildings to be updated within the next 2-3 years.
•Security is being addressed with electronic locking door systems that are network managed at a
central location. All middle and high schools have operational security cameras in place.
•IP phone systems have been installed in three Bridgeport schools, Lumberport Middle, Salem Middle,
Big Elm Elementary, Nutter Fort Primary, Nutter Fort Intermediate, and Washington Irving.
•Middle and High Schools are being outfitted for the wireless security as a part of Project S.A.F.E.
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Instructional Goal #1
To provide appropriate and effective programs and experiences for Harrison County students in a safe
and secure learning environment.
Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Teachers throughout Harrison County will use technology to encourage students to acquire the
knowledge necessary to be responsible citizens.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
70% of teachers throughout Harrison County will use technology to encourage students to
(2002-03) acquire the knowledge necessary to be responsible citizens.
Year 2:
75% of teachers throughout Harrison County will use technology to encourage students to
(2003-04) acquire the knowledge necessary to be responsible citizens.
Year 3:
80% of teachers throughout Harrison County will use technology to encourage students to
(2004-05) acquire the knowledge necessary to be responsible citizens.
Year 4:
85% of teachers throughout Harrison County will use technology to encourage students to
(2005-06) acquire the knowledge necessary to be responsible citizens.
Year 5:
90% of teachers throughout Harrison County will use technology to encourage students to
(2006-07) acquire the knowledge necessary to be responsible citizens.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County technology professionals will acquire, identify, and evaluate additional software
programs to develop career education in the middle schools and high schools.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Building Technology Coordinator
Classroom Teachers
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Stakeholder Involvement
Innovative Strategies
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Software - Instructional Innovative Strategies SUCCESS
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Teachers throughout Harrison County will develop and use technology-based thematic units of
instruction incorporating WV CSO's which will address needs identified by testing program results.
Persons Responsible
Building Technology Coordinators
School Administrators
Classroom Teachers
Activity Type
Professional Development
Content/Tech Integration
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County technology professionals will continue to emphasize staff development opportunities
that will address student needs, with the assistance of various technology tools to improve learning
opportunities for students.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Building Technology Coordinator
CE Coordinator
Continuing Education Council
Activity Type
Professional Development
Content/Tech Integration
Admin/Support Procedures
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Professional Development Professional Development Local Levy/Bond 40000.00
General Funds
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Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County technology professionals will provide alternative ways of offering courses through the
use of technology in order to expand learning opportunities.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
Alternative ways of offering courses through the use of technology will increase 1%.
Year 2:
Alternative ways of offering courses through the use of technology will increase 2%.
Year 3:
Alternative ways of offering courses through the use of technology will increase 3%.
Year 4:
Alternative ways of offering courses through the use of technology will increase 4%.
Year 5:
Alternative ways of offering courses through the use of technology will increase 5%.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County students will have the opportunity to participate in Virtual School online courses
provided through WVDE and virtual classes developed by Harrison County Schools personnel to
expand curriculum choices.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Administrative Assistants
Building Administrators
Virtual School Contacts
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source
Est $
Software - Web Design Innovative Strategies WV Virtual School 120000.00
General Funds
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Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County technology professionals will upgrade the infrastructure and hardware to allow the
facilitation of advanced and dual credit classes for middle and high school students.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Network Engineer
Harrison County Technology Committee
Network Administrator
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Network Infrastructure - Electronics Innovative Strategies SUCCESS
Local Levy/Bond 141912.00
E-rate - Data Lines
E-rate - Data Lines
E-rate - Data Lines
E-Rate Year 6
General Funds
E-Rate Year 7
General Funds
E-Rate Year 8
General Funds
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County technology professionals will establish distance learning labs in all middle schools and
high schools in order to provide greater course offerings and expanded learning opportunities.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
School Technology Coordinators
Harrison County Technology Committee
Network Engineer
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Innovative Strategies
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Hardware - Other Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 100000.00
Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County technology professionals will continue the delivery of county produced virtual classes
to provide expanded opportunities for students.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Harrison County Virtual Class Instructors
Administrative Assistants
Activity Type
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Software - Web Design Innovative Strategies General Funds
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Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #3
Harrison County technology professionals will devise and implement a safety plan utilizing technology to
create a safe and secure learning environment and to enhance emergency response effectiveness.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
20% of Harrison County schools will implement a safety plan utilizing technology to create a
(2002-03) safe and secure learning environment and to enhance emergency response effectiveness.
Year 2:
25% of Harrison County schools will implement a safety plan utilizing technology to create a
(2003-04) safe and secure learning environment and to enhance emergency response effectiveness.
Year 3:
33% of Harrison County schools will implement a safety plan utilizing technology to create a
(2004-05) safe and secure learning environment and to enhance emergency response effectiveness.
Year 4:
66% of Harrison County schools will implement a safety plan utilizing technology to create a
(2005-06) safe and secure learning environment and to enhance emergency response effectiveness.
Year 5:
99% of Harrison County schools will implement a safety plan utilizing technology to create a
(2006-07) safe and secure learning environment and to enhance emergency response effectiveness.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #3
Harrison County technology professionals will install digital video recorders that will monitor activities
both within and outside of school structures to ensure safety of students.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinators
Network Administrator
Activity Type
Innovative Strategies
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Admin/Support Procedures Grants
Local Levy/Bond 600000.00
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #3
Harrison County technology professionals will provide connectivity through high speed WAN and
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site-based wireless networking for access by the 911 Center and emergency responders.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Network Engineer
Activity Type
Innovative Strategies
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
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Instructional Goal #2
Ensure that all programs require high expectations for student learning and continually assess student
academic performance.
Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Teachers throughout Harrison County will utilize state initiatives to provide individualized technology
instruction to increase student achievement.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
65% of teachers throughout Harrison County will utilize state initiatives to provide
(2002-03) individualized technology instruction to increase student achievement.
Year 2:
70% of teachers throughout Harrison County will utilize state initiatives to provide
(2003-04) individualized technology instruction to increase student achievement.
Year 3:
75% of teachers throughout Harrison County will utilize state initiatives to provide
(2004-05) individualized technology instruction to increase student achievement.
Year 4:
80% teachers throughout Harrison County will utilize state initiatives to provide
(2005-06) individualized technology instruction to increase student achievement.
Year 5:
85% teachers throughout Harrison County will utilize state initiatives to provide
(2006-07) individualized technology instruction to increase student achievement.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Teachers and service personnel throughout Harrison County will continue to be provided training
opportunities to advance skills with Microsoft Office and E-mail applications in order to increase
technology integration in the classroom
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Building Technology Coordinators
Staff Development Committee
Activity Type
Professional Development
Admin/Support Procedures
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
K-6 teachers throughout Harrison County will continue to target basic skills deficiencies through the
implementation of Compass learning lessons to improve WESTEST results.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Building Technology Coordinators
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
7-12 teachers throughout Harrison County will continue to integrate software provided through
SUCCESS initiatives, such as Office applications and online subscription websites in order to improve
WESTEST results.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Building Administrators
Building Technology Coordinators
Classroom Teachers
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Teachers throughout Harrison County will continue to participate in state supported technology
programs such as BS/CE, ReInventing Education, Telecommunications, WV Virtual Schools, and PT3
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to provide students with quality technology programs.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source
Hardware - Desktop Access
Est $
Telecommunications 189000.00
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Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County technology professionals will continue to seek opportunities to provide students with
the technology tools necessary for lifelong learning.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
100% of Harrison County students will be provided with the necessary technology tools to
(2002-03) become lifelong learners.
Year 2:
100% of Harrison County students will be provided with the necessary technology tools to
(2003-04) become lifelong learners.
Year 3:
100% of Harrison County students will be provided with the necessary technology tools to
(2004-05) become lifelong learners.
Year 4:
100% of Harrison County students will be provided with the necessary technology tools to
(2005-06) become lifelong learners.
Year 5:
100% of Harrison County students will be provided with the necessary technology tools to
(2006-07) become lifelong learners.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County professionals will review, evaluate, and revise Technology Plans, UCIP, and USIP's
periodically to reflect changes in curriculum and to better meet student needs.
Persons Responsible
Building Administrators
Building Technology Coordinators
Classroom teachers
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County professionals will continue to apply for and to actively seek technology grant funding
that would address the academic needs of students and provide equitable educational opportunities for
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all students.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Administrative Assistants
County Technology Committee
Building Technology Committees/Administrators
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County central office and schools will apply for and actively seek technology grant funding that
would address academically deficient schools.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
County Grant Writer
Administrative Assistants
Local Building Administrators/Coordinators
Activity Type
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source
Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 69000.00
Hardware - Desktop
Est $
Professional Development Admin/Support Procedures Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 23000.00
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Instructional Goal #3
Provide state-of-the-art technology, staff development, and support for the advancement of instruction,
administration and operation of the Harrison County Schools.
Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
The Harrison County Technology Committee will continue to provide equality in technology
opportunities and maintain a uniformity of application software and hardware for all Harrison County
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
75% of Harrison County students will have access to upgraded hardware and the latest
(2002-03) application software.
Year 2:
80% of Harrison County students will have access to upgraded hardware and the latest
(2003-04) application software.
Year 3:
85% of Harrison County students will have access to upgraded hardware and the latest
(2004-05) application software.
Year 4:
90% of Harrison County students will have access to upgraded hardware and the latest
(2005-06) application software.
Year 5:
95% of Harrison County students will have access to upgraded hardware and the latest
(2006-07) application software.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County students and staff will have access to district-wide licensing for Microsoft products to
ensure standardization of software county-wide.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
County Technology Committee
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Software - Application Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond 63000.00
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County students will have access to subscription sites to enhance career education and
classroom curriculum.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
County Technology Committee
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County special needs students will have access to specialized technology tools in order to
ensure a quality education.
Persons Responsible
Director of Special Education
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County special needs teachers will have professional development training and access to
specialized software and hardware in order to manage and administer needs stated in student IEP's.
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Persons Responsible
Director of Special Education
Activity Type
Professional Development
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County Technology Committee will continue to provide county-level technicians for
maintenance issues to ensure quality time on task for all students.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Building Technology Coordinator
Network Engineer
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Technical Support - HW maintenance Admin/Support Procedures Local Levy/Bond 238248.00
Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Teachers throughout Harrison County will have access to a standardized gradebook program via the
WAN for record keeping tasks such as grades, attendance, and assignments.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Classroom Teacher
Network Engineer
Building Administrator
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Software - Application Admin/Support Procedures Grants
Technology Activity: #7, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County Technology Committee will continue the installation of new or replacement hardware to
ensure technology equity and access throughout the county.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
County Technology Committee
Building Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
Hardware - Desktop Access
Local Levy/Bond 120000.00
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Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County technology professionals will continue to provide professional development in the area
of technology for all employees in order to enhance the learning process.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
50% of all Harrison County professionals will receive staff development in the area of
(2002-03) technology.
Year 2:
55% of all Harrison County professionals will receive staff development in the area of
(2003-04) technology.
Year 3:
60% of all Harrison County professionals will receive staff development in the area of
(2004-05) technology.
Year 4:
70% of all Harrison County professionals will receive staff development in the area of
(2005-06) technology.
Year 5:
80% of all Harrison County professionals will receive staff development in the area of
(2006-07) technology.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Teachers throughout Harrison County will have access to the Technology Learning Center at the central
office for technology professional development opportunities.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
County Technology Committee
Activity Type
Professional Development
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Teachers throughout Harrison County will have the opportunity to acquire continuing education and
professional development through online courses thus providing enhanced teaching skills.
Persons Responsible
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CE Coordinator
Technology Coordinator
Staff Development Council
Activity Type
Professional Development
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
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Instructional Goal #4
Solicit and utilize community support and involvement for educational programs and activities, and
expand open and effective communication within the school system and community.
Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1
The Harrison County school communities will actively participate in a beneficial partnership in the area
of learning and technology with all involved stakeholders for the betterment of the learning environment.
Indicators of Achievement:
65% of the Harrison County school communities will actively participate in a beneficial
Year 1:
partnership in the area of learning and technology with all involved stakeholders for the
betterment of the learning environment.
70% of the Harrison County school communities will actively participate in a beneficial
Year 2:
partnership in the area of learning and technology with all involved stakeholders for the
betterment of the learning environment.
75% of the Harrison County school communities will actively participate in a beneficial
Year 3:
partnership in the area of learning and technology with all involved stakeholders for the
betterment of the learning environment.
80% of the Harrison County school communities will actively participate in a beneficial
Year 4:
partnership in the area of learning and technology with all involved stakeholders for the
betterment of the learning environment.
85% of the Harrison County school communities will actively participate in a beneficial
Year 5:
partnership in the area of learning and technology with all involved stakeholders for the
betterment of the learning environment.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County Schools communities will continue to initiate and support the use of buildings and
equipment for technology education in the community, including collaboration with local adult literacy
Persons Responsible
School Building Administrators
Administrative Assistants
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County Schools communities will continue to foster and encourage the Partners in Education
business partners to support technology education.
Persons Responsible
School Administrators
Administrative Assistant
Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County Schools will continue to support the partnerships with the Technology Opportunity
Centers in Bridgeport, Liberty, and Lincoln High Schools to provide adult literacy opportunities in those
Persons Responsible
County Technology Committee
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Adult Literacy Stakeholder Involvement Local Levy/Bond 25000.00
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Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County technology professionals will create a working partnership with the community in the
use of various technologies to improve communications and increase involvement.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
50% of Harrison County Schools will use of various technologies to improve
(2002-03) communications and increase involvement with the community.
Year 2:
55% of Harrison County Schools will use of various technologies to improve
(2003-04) communications and increase involvement with the community.
Year 3:
60% of Harrison County Schools will use of various technologies to improve
(2004-05) communications and increase involvement with the community.
Year 4:
65% of Harrison County Schools will use of various technologies to improve
(2005-06) communications and increase involvement with the community.
Year 5:
70% of Harrison County Schools will use of various technologies to improve
(2006-07) communications and increase involvement with the community..
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County School communities will be presented with information regarding the fine arts,
academic activities, and athletic events that will be delivered to the community through Public Access
Persons Responsible
Administrative Assistants
Media Manager
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Innovative Strategies
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Hardware - Other Stakeholder Involvement Business Partners 120000.00
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #2
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Harrison County Schools' communities will be presented with information regarding fine arts, academic
activities, and athletic events that will be delivered via the Harrison County web page.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Harrison County Webmaster
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Software - Web Design Stakeholder Involvement Local Levy/Bond 10000.00
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Instructional Goal #5
To improve and expand the exchange of open and effective communication within the school system
and with its public.
Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County staff will have access to improved technological communication resources to
exchange information more efficiently.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
80% of Harrison County staff will have access to improved technological communication
(2002-03) resources to exchange information more efficiently.
Year 2:
85% of Harrison County staff will have access to improved technological communication
(2003-04) resources to exchange information more efficiently.
Year 3:
90% of Harrison County staff will have access to improved technological communication
(2004-05) resources to exchange information more efficiently.
Year 4:
95% Harrison County staff will have access to improved technological communication
(2005-06) resources to exchange information more efficiently.
Year 5:
98% Harrison County staff will have access to improved technological communication
(2006-07) resources to exchange information more efficiently.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County staff will utilize access E-mail accounts in order to communicate more efficiently.
Persons Responsible
Administrative Office Staff
Classroom teachers
School Administrators
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
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Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County technology professionals will continue to develop, maintain, and update the county and
school web pages to ensure a well-informed school community.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
County Web Master
School Web Masters
Building Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
The County Technology Committee will continue to meet regularly with representatives from all involved
entities to explore new technology opportunities, plan for upcoming technology events, and evaluate the
effectiveness of the current technology integration.
Persons Responsible
County Technology Committee
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County Schools technology professionals will provide advanced telephone service between all
schools to ensure enhanced communication opportunities.
Persons Responsible
Purchasing Director
Network Engineer
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Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures General Funds
Hardware - Other
E-rate - Voice
E-rate - Voice
E-rate - Long Distance Access
Funding Source Est $
E-Rate Year 6
General Funds
E-Rate Year 7
General Funds
E-Rate Year 8
General Funds
E-Rate Year 7
General Funds
E-Rate Year 8
General Funds
Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Harrison County schools will use an interactive web site to allow students and parents to view grades
and assignments online. This activity is pending grant funding.
Persons Responsible
School Administrators
Classroom Teachers
IT staff
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
E-rate - Web Hosting Access
E-Rate Year 7
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Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County technology professionals will implement and maintain a Wide Area Network (WAN)
that will connect all educational facilities to provide data, video, and voice communication network.
Indicators of Achievement:
Year 1:
30% of all Harrison County schools will connect to the WAN for data, video, and voice
(2002-03) communication networking.
Year 2:
40% of all Harrison County schools will connect to the WAN for data, video, and voice
(2003-04) communication networking.
Year 3:
50% of all Harrison County schools will connect to the WAN for data, video, and voice
(2004-05) communication networking.
Year 4:
75% of all Harrison County schools will connect to the WAN for data, video, and voice
(2005-06) communication networking.
Year 5:
90% of all Harrison County schools will connect to the WAN for data, video, and voice
(2006-07) communication networking.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #2
Harrison County students will be clients of a WAN that will provide accelerated Internet access,
standardized software, and online assessment opportunities in order to ensure quality education.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Network Administrator
Network Engineer
County Technology Committee
Activity Type
Innovative Strategies
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
WAN Connectivity Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 298000.00
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #2
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Harrison County professionals will be clients of a WAN that will provide enhanced technological delivery
of quality educational opportunities.
Persons Responsible
Technology Coordinator
Network Engineer
Network Administrator
County Technology Committee
Activity Type
Innovative Strategies
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
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Compliance Checklist
Ed Tech Compliance Checklist
1. Does the county plan include the county's specific goals for using advanced technology to improve
student achievement?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 4
2. Does the plan include strategies that address how Ed Tech Funds will improve academic
achievement of all students in all schools in the county? (Emphasis should be given to high-need and
high-poverty schools)
This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 2 and Activity 3
3. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to ensure that all students and teachers will
have increased access to technology?
This is addressed under Goal 5 Objective 2 and Activity 1
4. Does the county plan include plans to provide ongoing professional development for teachers,
principals and administrators to further the effective use of technology?
This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 1
5. Does the county plan include a budget (description of type and costs of technology to be acquired
with Ed Tech formula and /or competitive funds)?
This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 2 and Activity 3
6. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to encourage the development and use of
innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous courses (e.g., distance learning)?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 4
7. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to use technology to promote parental
involvement to increase communication with parents?
This is addressed under Goal 4 Objective 2 and Activity 2
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8. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the technology programs will be developed
in collaboration with adult literacy providers?
This is addressed under Goal 4 Objective 1 and Activity 3
9. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the county will evaluate the extent to which
activities funded in formula and competitive funds are effective in integrating technology?
This is addressed under Goal 5 Objective 1 and Activity 3
E-rate Compliance Checklist
1. Does the county plan include the E-rate requirements for clear goals and a realistic strategy for using
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 3
2. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer equipment currently available or
budgeted for purchase?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 1
3. Does the county plan include strategies that address the internal connections that the county has in
place or budgeted to install in the current, next or future academic years?
This is addressed under Goal 5 Objective 2 and Activity 2
4. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer software necessary to
communicate with other computers over an internal network?
This is addressed under Goal 5 Objective 2 and Activity 2
5. Does the county plan include the professional development plan for professionals using the
equipment connected to the telecommunications network?
This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 1
6. Does the county plan include the existing or budgeted maintenance contracts to maintain computers?
This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 5
7. Does the county plan include specific plans for using telecommunications technologies and how they
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integrate the use of these technologies into the curriculum?
This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 3
8. Does someone else other than your county personnel submit your local E-rate application?
9. E-rate requires that we report the number of schools in each county that have the following Internet
Number of schools in the county with Dial up modem connections to the Internet?
Number of schools in the county with 56 K frame relay connection to the Internet?
Number of schools in the county that have T-1 frame relay connections to the Internet? 13
Number of schools in the county that have ATM T-1 Internet connections?
Number of schools in the county that have cable modem connections to the Internet? 0
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Policies and Procedures
Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy?
If yes, what is the last date of adoption/revision?
When was the public meeting held for CIPA Compliance?
Provide the URL to your acceptable use policy.
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