LOGAN County Technology Plan 2004-2007 OPTIMAL Online Planning - Technology Integration Measures for Achievement and Learning Last revised on February 07, 2005 Page 1 of 37 County Technology Plan West Virginia has placed an emphasis on equitably providing technology for schools in order to enhance student learning, improve student achievement, and prepare students for post-secondary education and the world of work. Many stakeholders are involved in this process including students, teachers, administrators, parents, community members, legislators, board of education members and others. Collectively, the county technology planning team members have assisted in creating, refining, implementing and utilizing educational technology to meet the current standards, develop local programs, build partners and capacity, make data-driven decisions, and to evaluate the use of technology for administrative and instructional tasks. The county technology plan is a component of the UCIP and is based on the state OPTimal online format (http://wv.ontargetus.com/). This plan will serve several functions. Not only does the plan complement and support the county's instructional goals as delineated in the UCIP, it is also intended to help meet the technology objectives/requirements of the school, county/state policies, state/federal programs, and competitive grants. Examples of these include the following: Policy 2320: A Process for Improving Education Performance Based Accreditation System Policy 2450: Virtual Distance Learning Policy 2460: Use of the Internet by Students and Educators Policy 2470: Use of Technology by Students and Educators Policy 2510: Assuring Quality of Education Policy 2520: Content Standards and Objectives Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to receive Universal Service Fund Program E-rate Funds The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which establishes the Enhancing Education Through Technology (Ed Tech) Program West Virginia House Bill 4319 Basic Skills/Computer Education (BS/CE) WV SUCCESS WVDE Reinventing Education However, the most important function of the plan is to ensure that the effective use of educational technology supports achievement and lifelong learning. Page 2 of 37 Technology Team Contact Information Name: David Godby Title: Superintendent Email: dgodby@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-792-2041 Ext: 0 Name: James Hundley Title: Technology Coordinator/Computer Repair/Foreman Email: jhundley@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-792-2026 Ext: 0 Name: Cletis Napier Title: Director Operational Support Email: enapier@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 203-792-2032 Ext: 0 Name: John Brennan Title: Purchasing Director Email: jbrennan@lc2.boe.loga.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-792-2090 Ext: 0 Name: Wilma Zigmond Title: Director Secondary Curriculum Email: wzigmond@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-792-2055 Ext: 0 Name: Debra Bias Title: Teacher East Chapmanville Elementary Email: dbias@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-855-3302 Ext: 0 Name: Michael White Title: Principal Holden Elementary Email: mdwhite@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-239-2771 Ext: 0 Name: Regina Toparis Title: Teacher - Chapmanville High School Email: rtoparis@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-855-4522 Ext: 0 Page 3 of 37 Name: Jerry Greene II Title: Technology Technician / Trainer Email: jlgreene@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-792-2025 Ext: 0 Name: Sheila Hager Title: Teacher Logan Middle School Email: shager@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-752-1804 Ext: 0 Name: Bonnie Vance Title: Teacher - Omar Elementary Email: bovance@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-946-2660 Ext: 0 Name: Patty Stowers Title: Teacher - South Man Grade Email: pstowers@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-583-7522 Ext: 0 Name: Eugene Adkins Title: Teacher - Verdunville Elementary Email: egadkins@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-752-1656 Ext: 0 Name: Robin Kirk Title: Teacher- West Chapmanville Elementary Email: rlkirk@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-855-3209 Ext: 0 Name: Leah Perry Title: Admin - Crooked Creek School for Exceptional Child Email: lperry@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-752-6368 Ext: 0 Name: Paul Fortune Jr. Title: Teacher - Ralph R Willis Career Center Email: pfortune@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-792-2094 Ext: 0 Name: Sarah Wolfe Title: Teacher - Man Central K8 Email: swolfe@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-583-8316 Ext: 0 Page 4 of 37 Name: Jay Anna Ellis Title: Media Specialist - Logan High School Email: jellis@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-752-6608 Ext: 0 Name: Natalie Cook Title: Teacher - Man High School Email: nmcook@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-583-6521 Ext: 0 Name: Lana Turner Title: Librarian/Media Specialist - Chapmanville Middle Email: lturner@access.k12.wv.us Phone: 304-855-8378 Ext: 0 Page 5 of 37 County Mission and Vision Statements County Vision: Logan County Schools is committed to instilling in our students the knowledge, skills, and attributes to become productive citizens of a global society and to educating students to their individual potential, so that they are able to lead satisfying and productive lives in a technical, moral and democratic society. County Mission: The mission of Logan County Schools is to establish a system characterized by cooperation, collaboration, and innovation to foster students’ unique abilities and to develop accountability for their personal success. Beliefs We believe all students can learn at high levels but in different ways and at different times when provided equal opportunities. Students must have direction, discipline and a means to succeed. Their successes should be celebrated and recognized. Teachers have the desire, ability and responsibility to motivate and inspire each individual student to achieve his/her highest potential. A classroom will be organized, structured, safe, disciplined, welcoming and student-focused to provide the proper environment for learning. Curriculum should be prioritized, mapped, sequential, multi-cultural and diverse to provide students a quality learning environment through active, enjoyable, fulfilling activities. We believe education is a shared responsibility among the student, school, parent, family and community. Page 6 of 37 Needs Assessment Analysis of Assessment Data Logan County Schools did not meet AYP in areas of ethnic, SES and special education in middle schools. Also special education was not met in elementary and at the secondary level. Logan County Schools intends on meeting this challenge by allowing the students the expansion of resources available via the internet and by providing basic skills (Compass Learning - PreK - 6 and Orchard 7 - 12) reinforcement through software challenges on the computer. Technology Infrastructure Continue to bring the computer to student ratios into align with the state. 2004 data shows the rate improved to 6.8:1 from 8.3:1 in 2003. Facilities Assessment The new Chapmanville High School will be provided new electronics and data cabling to ensure a modern and uninhibited education for the students attending. Enhancing ageing infrastructure in the elementaries to help the students maintain a reliable network on which they can explore expanded educational opprotunities. Page 7 of 37 Instructional Goal #1 To improve the academic achievement of all students via highly qualified staff and the integration of educational technology for achievement in reading, language and math. Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To improve the academic achievement of all students via highly qualified staff and the integration of educational technology for achievement in reading, language and math Indicators of Achievement: 1. Maintain number of students in first quartile to under 15 % and increase the 62% of students in top two quartiles in basic skills. Year 1: 2. Number of students enrolled for distance learning classes (2002-03) 3. Increase number of schools authoring Web Pages, Homework Hotlines. 4. 1. Schools will achieve the undetermined proficiency level of students in reading/language and math on the Westtest. Year 2: 2. Bring the ratio of student to computer to within the state average. Current Ratio is 8 to 1. (2003-04) Goal this year will be 7 to 1. 3. Increase educator use of online resources and content available. 4. Increase educator awareness and use of the Microsoft Office Suite (Systems) Increase Novell NOS proficiency at the school level with school level technology Year 3: administrators. (2004-05) 2. Bring the ratio of student to computer to within the state average. Goal this year will be 5.5 to 1. Year 4: Bring the ratio of student to computer to within the state average. Goal this year will be 4.5 (2005-06) to 1. Year 5: Continue to bring the ratio of computers to student ratio into a closer relation and update (2006-07) older technology to address new standards Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Increase use of technology through Classroom Inc., BS/CE, Skills Connection, Plato, SAS in School, Marco Polo, SAS Online, Dibbles, SUCCESS Initiative, Bridges, Schoolkit, and Breakthrough to Literacy. Activity challenges students in core subjects and gives educators a measuring tool for progress. Persons Responsible James Hundley Patty Young Peggy Vance Page 8 of 37 Wilma Zigmond Activity Type Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 6000.00 SUCCESS 13000.00 BS/CE 15000.00 Total: 34000.00 Local Levy/Bond 44000.00 SUCCESS 60000.00 BS/CE 60000.00 Ed Tech Formula - Round 2 30000.00 Telecommunications 101835.00 Total: 295835.00 2 3 4 Software - Application Hardware - Desktop Professional Development Innovative Strategies Professional Development Ed Tech Competitive - Round 2 10000.00 Network Infrastructure - Electronics Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 6000.00 Title I 8000.00 Total: 24000.00 SBA 22000.00 Total: 22000.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To increase the number of students in Logan County who take Distance Learning courses in order to make certain that a quality, rich curriculum (Policy 2320) is available to all students in the county. WVDE provided curriculum to allow students who are possibly missing a needed course to achieve the possibility of taking the needed curriculum to meet their goals. WVDE funded. Persons Responsible Wilma Zigmond Principals Wally Zigmond School Counselors Activity Type Content/Tech Integration THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM Page 9 of 37 No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To make certain that all teachers in Logan County align BS/CE software lessons to the goals and objectives being addressed in the classroom. We are training our teachers to align the content and core values through using the BS/CE software as an extension to the classroom and not as a remedial or introductory tool. Training all new instructors in the use of the BS/CE curriculum. Persons Responsible Compass Training Instructor Teachers Principal Activity Type Professional Development No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Professional Development Ed Tech Formula - Round 1 1648.00 Ed Tech Formula - Round 2 12590.00 Total: 14238.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To implement the SUCCESS program in secondary schools and the BS/CE program in elementary schools to make certain that the use of the productivity software is aligned to the goals and objectives being addressed in the classroom and to integrate the use of the Internet and telecommunications network to improve student achievement and enhance learning. Persons Responsible Teachers Principal County Curriculum Specialist SUCCESS trainer Activity Type Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Page 10 of 37 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Content/Tech Integration General Funds Professional Development Funding Source Est $ Total: 2 Professional Development 12750.00 Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond 10000.00 Total: 3 12750.00 10000.00 E-rate - Internal Connections Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 8 Total: 189800.72 189800.72 Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To ensure that the use of the Internet is integrated into every classroom in Logan County Schools. To use the internet to expand the curriculum available to the students of Logan County Schools. Enhancing the educational process with resources not available in the classroom in print and allowing students exposure to updated instructional materials. Budget items include funding for the new Chapmanville High School. Persons Responsible James Hundley Community resource Teachers Activity Type Access No. Budget Item 1 2 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access E-rate - Data Lines Access General Funds 15000.00 Total: 15000.00 E-Rate Year 6 54055.35 Local Levy/Bond 16140.30 3 E-rate - Data Lines Access General Funds 12679.65 Total: 82875.30 E-Rate Year 7 57599.10 Grants 20000.00 General Funds 16245.90 Total: 93845.00 Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Replace computer labs that the hardware has become dated and does not provide students with reasonable reliability in the BS/CE and SUCCESS programs. This project allows for the continuity in the use of the labs as an educational tools and promotes the idea of reliability in the student curriculum. Page 11 of 37 This project affects all Elementary, Middle Schools and Senior High Schools. Persons Responsible James Hundley David Godby Walter Watson Cletis Napier Activity Type Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Stakeholder Involvement Grants Hardware - Desktop Funding Source Est $ 33709.00 Ed Tech Competitive - Round 2 33709.00 2 3 BS/CE 69483.43 Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 33709.00 Total: 170610.43 Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Ed Tech Competitive - Round 3 34000.00 Hardware - Other Total: 34000.00 Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 11000.00 Total: 11000.00 Technology Activity: #7, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To ensure that technology is integrated across the curriculum. This will be achieved with several staff development projects. We intend on training our secondary administrators in the complete and successful administration of the Novell servers currently installed in the schools so that applications can be installed and distributed school wide for our students. Persons Responsible Administrative staff Tech team members at each school James Hundley Wally Zigmond Activity Type Professional Development Page 12 of 37 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Professional Development Local Levy/Bond Salary Funding Source Total: 2 Est $ 1700.00 1700.00 Professional Development Professional Development Local Levy/Bond 900.00 Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 34000.00 Total: 34900.00 Technology Activity: #8, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To implement the Accelerated Reading and Math programs in schools of Logan County. This activity reinforces the student participation in gaining additional goal setting by the student themselves and seeks to promote parent involvement by including the program not only at school but in the home as well. Persons Responsible Phyllis Doty Principals and teachers Activity Type Content/Tech Integration Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 2 Activity Type Technical Support - SW maintenance Content/Tech Integration Funding Source Est $ General Funds 3500.00 General Funds 3500.00 Total: 7000.00 Technical Support - HW maintenance Admin/Support Procedures General Funds Total: 3000.00 3000.00 Technology Activity: #9, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 LEGO Robotics/ FIRST Robotics - enriches childrens knowledge of PLC programming technics and provides them with scientific challenges based upon current world conditions. Promotes parent participation, as well as giving students at Logan Middle School and Chapmanville Middle School the opprotunity to academically challenge other students in the state using technical and environmental problems and erata. Persons Responsible Peggy Vance Ernestine Sutherland Martina Mills Activity Type Page 13 of 37 Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Program Expenses Innovative Strategies General Funds Total: 4000.00 4000.00 Technology Activity: #10, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To increase the distance learning/internet opprotunities for students in Logan County Schools. Logan County will enter into an expanded learning opprotunity with Southern West Virginia Community and Tecnical College for the facilities of Logan and Man High Schools. Persons Responsible School Administrators Jerry Greene School Counselors Wally Zigmond Activity Type Stakeholder Involvement THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Page 14 of 37 Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Logan County Schools will provide opportunities for students and staff that promote reading and writing across the curriculum and the integration of educational technology. Measurement will be seen based upon the educators use of technology in the classroom based upon evaluations and observations. Promotion of the reading and writing across the curriculum will be measured by scores on the end of course testing as well as Westtest scores, use of teacher observations and evaluations will indicate the use of technology to achieve this goal. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Raise students scores based upon Westtest baselines set during last years testing given in (2002-03) the spring. Year 2: Continue to raise scores on Westtest. (2003-04) Raise student involvement in the Accelerated Reader Program. Year 3: Enhance the educational process by integrating the Microsoft Office System into the (2004-05) classroom for the purpose of classroom daily lesson plans. Year 4: Evolve classroom daily functions and planning through the use of different software (2005-06) programs and suits. Year 5: Complete a migration between technology and curriculum in the classroom and make it a (2006-07) seemless part of the curriculum. Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Multimedia Instruction, Compass Lab Software Upgrades, Bridges CX and Microsoft Office Suite licensing and upgrades. Persons Responsible James Hundley Jerry Greene Curriculum Directors Activity Type Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Software - Application Innovative Strategies General Funds 4000.00 BS/CE 14000.00 SUCCESS 1700.00 Total: 19700.00 Page 15 of 37 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Maintain a staff of qualified personnel to repair computers and perform network repair operations. Persons Responsible David Godby Walter Watson Leslie Tyree Activity Type Professional Development Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Admin/Support Procedures General Funds Salary Funding Source Est $ Total: 2 100000.00 100000.00 Professional Development Professional Development Local Levy/Bond 5200.00 Total: 5200.00 Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 To ensure that internal connections to Champmanville High school is secure, efficient and reliable so that students, teachers and community can access the Internet and use technology for enhanced instruction, improved student achievement and communication with the homes/community Persons Responsible James Hundley David Godby Jerry Greene Frederick Bradley Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures Page 16 of 37 No. Budget Item 1 2 3 4 5 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ E-rate - Internal Connections Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 6 148124.06 General Funds 41676.66 Total: 189800.72 E-rate - Internal Connections Admin/Support Procedures E-Rate Year 8 Hardware - Desktop Software - Instructional Software - Web Design Content/Tech Integration Content/Tech Integration Access 148124.06 General Funds 41676.66 Total: 189800.72 Grants 22000.00 General Funds 10000.00 Total: 32000.00 SUCCESS 2500.00 Total: 2500.00 Grants 1400.00 Total: 1400.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 To improve the internal connections in all elementary schools in Logan County Persons Responsible James Hundley David Godby Jerry Greene Frederick Bradley Activity Type Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ E-rate - Internal Connections Admin/Support Procedures E-Rate Year 8 150000.00 General Funds 20000.00 Total: 170000.00 Page 17 of 37 Instructional Goal #2 To provide and maintain a safe and healthy environment conducive to learning. Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 During all school terms, Logan County Schools will continue to strictly enforce state guidelines and mandates set by the safe schools act and county policy. As a result of these enforcement procedures, we will work toward decreasing or maintaining expulsions of students and providing a more satisfactory educational environment. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Decrease the current number of suspensions by 2% and maintain the 2.9 % dropout rate (2002-03) which is 875 students. Year 2: Decrease or maintain the current number of expulsions to 17. Improve the dropout rate. (2003-04) Year 3: Decrease the number expulsions and decrease the dropout rate. (2004-05) Year 4: Decrease the number expulsions and decrease the dropout rate. (2005-06) Year 5: Eliminate the practice of expulsion and encourage extended offering to keep students (2006-07) enthusiastic about continuing education. Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Installation of security cameras and room call buttons to the office in facilities that currently that do not have these capabilities. Privides students and staff with sense of being secure inside the structure. Persons Responsible Paul Fortune School Administrators Activity Type Innovative Strategies Page 18 of 37 No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Hardware - Other Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 20000.00 Grants 5000.00 Total: 25000.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To implement the Tech Prep/Career Fair to allow students to broaden their horizons and to expand opprotunities to students in both the voactional and regular educational environments. Persons Responsible Peggy Vance Activity Type Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Professional Development Business Partners 500.00 Supplies Funding Source Est $ Total: 2 3 500.00 Software - Application Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond 2000.00 Total: 2000.00 Total: 2000.00 Software - Instructional Stakeholder Involvement Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Bridges CX Online Career Software to allow students the opprotunity to plan for entering the job market by making "educated" curriculum and work related choices. Persons Responsible Guidance Counselors Wally Zigmond Wilma Zigmond Activity Type Innovative Strategies Page 19 of 37 No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Software - Application SUCCESS 6200.00 Total: 6200.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Parent technology education classes. This activity allows the parents to experience what the student body as a whole utilizes to enhance their educational process and provides the benefit of giving the parents the knowledge to help children with problems concerning technology in the educational process. Persons Responsible Jerry Greene Activity Type Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Salary Funding Source Est $ Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 2000.00 Total: 2000.00 Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Alternative Education Lab at Ralph R Willis Career and Technical Center. Privides students the opprotunity to achieve the basic skills and reinforcement skills necessary to keep them on pace with students inside the core facilities. Persons Responsible Wilma Zigmond David Godby Ernest Amburgey Jr James Hundley Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies Page 20 of 37 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Content/Tech Integration Grants 25000.00 Total: 25000.00 2 3 4 Software - Instructional Salary Hardware - Desktop Funding Source Est $ Innovative Strategies Access Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access Local Levy/Bond 70000.00 Total: 70000.00 Grants 25000.00 Total: 25000.00 Local Levy/Bond 3000.00 Total: 3000.00 Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Technology Integration Training/Email training for staff and students. Provides Microsoft Office Suite utilization in the classroom in addition to giving the instructor and avenue to teach business communication skills to their students. Persons Responsible James Hundley Wilma Zigmond Jerry Greene Teachers Activity Type Professional Development Content/Tech Integration No. Budget Item 1 2 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Professional Development Ed Tech Formula - Round 2 15000.00 Local Levy/Bond 10000.00 Total: 25000.00 Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond Total: 6000.00 6000.00 Technology Activity: #7, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Maintain phone installations at the schools and provide cell phones for principals in case of emergency situations. Provide pagers for all support staff. Provide internal connections for the schools. Allows for the facility to have unbroken and secure communications while promoting a safe school environment. Persons Responsible John Brennan Walter Watson Page 21 of 37 David Godby Paul Fortune Activity Type No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 6 2673.97 E-Rate Year 7 1404.00 General Funds 627.23 General Funds 396.00 Total: 5101.20 2 3 4 E-rate - Paging E-rate - Voice Funding Source Est $ Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 6 48603.50 E-Rate Year 7 46803.37 General Funds 11400.82 General Funds 13200.95 Total: 120008.64 E-rate - Long Distance Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 6 4860.00 E-Rate Year 7 3744.00 General Funds 1140.00 General Funds 1056.00 Total: 10800.00 E-rate - Cellular Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 6 3888.49 E-Rate Year 7 4492.80 General Funds 912.11 General Funds 1267.20 Total: 10560.60 Technology Activity: #8, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Maintain phone installations at the schools and provide cell phones for principals in case of emergency situations. Provide pagers for all support staff. Provide internal connections for the schools. Allows for the facility to have unbroken and secure communications while promoting a safe school environment. (Continued from Activity 7). Persons Responsible John Brennan Walter Watson David Godby Paul Fortune Activity Type Page 22 of 37 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 E-rate - Cellular Funding Source Est $ General Funds Total: 2 E-rate - Long Distance Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 General Funds Total: 3 E-rate - Paging Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 General Funds Total: 4 E-rate - Voice 0.00 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 General Funds Total: Technology Activity: #9, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Construction of Chapmanville Senior High School's new facility. Inclusion of specialty labs, SUCCESS program drops, modern network infrastructure, providing for increased access to all core subjects and arts curriculum. Persons Responsible David Godby Terry Elkins James Hundley Construction Manager and Architect Activity Type Access No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Network Infrastructure - Electronics Access SBA 370000.00 Local Levy/Bond 50000.00 2 Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access Total: 420000.00 SBA 90000.00 Local Levy/Bond 10000.00 Total: 100000.00 Technology Activity: #10, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Installation and upgrade of current security cameras on student transportation. Provides for a safe and Page 23 of 37 more secure transportation model to start and finish the instructional day. Persons Responsible Dr. Pat Joe White James Hundley Paul Fortune Berel Scarberry Activity Type Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Hardware - Other Admin/Support Procedures Local Levy/Bond 55000.00 Total: 2 Salary 55000.00 Admin/Support Procedures Local Levy/Bond 2000.00 Total: Page 24 of 37 2000.00 Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Continuation of Objective 1 for this goal - ran out of room for erate Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Erate figures (2002-03) Year 2: Erate figures (2003-04) Year 3: Erate figures (2004-05) Year 4: Erate figures (2005-06) Year 5: Erate figures (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Maintain phone installations at the schools and provide cell phones for principals in case of emergency situations. Provide pagers for all support staff. Provide internal connections for the schools. Allows for the facility to have unbroken and secure communications while promoting a safe school environment. (Continued for Objective 1 Activities 7 and 8) Persons Responsible John Brennan David Godby Paul Fortune James Hundley Activity Type Stakeholder Involvement Page 25 of 37 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 4500.00 General Funds 1300.00 Total: 5800.00 2 3 4 5 E-rate - Cellular E-rate - Data Lines Funding Source Est $ Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 58000.00 General Funds 17000.00 Total: 75000.00 E-rate - Long Distance Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 3900.00 General Funds 1300.00 Total: 5200.00 E-rate - Paging E-rate - Voice Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 1500.00 General Funds 500.00 Total: 2000.00 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 50000.00 General Funds 14000.00 Total: 64000.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Bring BS/CE lab at Verdunville up to 28 student stations to address the additional student body enrolled there. Provide these computers with internet access. Persons Responsible James Hundley Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond 4800.00 Hardware - Desktop Funding Source Est $ Total: 2 3 Software - Instructional Innovative Strategies Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access 4800.00 Local Levy/Bond 800.00 Total: 800.00 General Funds 200.00 Total: 200.00 Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Page 26 of 37 Buy two twenty four unit mobile lab carts for Chapmanville High and Logan High. These carts will aid in instruction in classrooms that need the use of a computer lab and ease scheduling in the limited lab space available. Persons Responsible Wilma Zigmond Geroge Barker Jay Anna Ellis James Hundley Activity Type Access Professional Development Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Access Grants 36000.00 Total: 36000.00 General Funds 2400.00 Total: 2400.00 Grants 2400.00 Total: 2400.00 2 3 4 Hardware - Notebook Software - Instructional Software - Application Professional Development Innovative Strategies Innovative Strategies Professional Development General Funds Total: 5 Network Infrastructure - Cabling Admin/Support Procedures General Funds Total: 1500.00 1500.00 2000.00 2000.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Replace aging student/parent computers at Man High School to allow public access and student keyboarding skills to be built Persons Responsible Terry Burgess Sandra Manning James Hundley John Brennan Activity Type Access Innovative Strategies Page 27 of 37 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 23000.00 Hardware - Desktop Funding Source Est $ Total: 2 3 Software - Application 23000.00 Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 1300.00 Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access Total: 1300.00 General Funds 100.00 Total: 100.00 Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Replace an aging BS/CE lab at Man Central K8 Persons Responsible James Hundley John Brennan Garland Elmore Activity Type Access Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 29000.00 2 Hardware - Desktop Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access Funding Source Est $ Total: 29000.00 General Funds 250.00 Total: 250.00 Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Replace labs at Justice Elementary and Buffalo Elementary to bring them up to standards with the WVDE. Replace BS/CE infrastructure at West Chapmanville Elementary. Persons Responsible James Hundley Wesley Holland David Godby Marilyn Geary Perry Activity Type Access Innovative Strategies Page 28 of 37 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Innovative Strategies BS/CE 2 3 Hardware - Desktop Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access Funding Source Est $ 66000.00 Total: 66000.00 General Funds 500.00 Total: 500.00 General Funds 7000.00 Total: 7000.00 Page 29 of 37 Instructional Goal #3 To implement and expand student involvement programs, emphasizing developmental guidance, character education, drop out prevention and parent involvement programs. Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide Opportunities for Students to become more responsible for behavior and their academic achievement and decrease the current number of suspensions from a total of 875 students suspensions to 850 and maintain our 2003 data of 2.7% dropout rate. Student attendence will be the indicator of this objective. Continued involvement in the classroom as well as in technology curriculum. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Implement Tech Prep program. Move alternative program to Ralph R Willis Career and (2002-03) Technical Center. Increase Tech Prep participation. Year 2: Educate students to the ISTE standards and keep the proficiency at the level prescribed set (2003-04) in the standards. Implement PLATO Learning Series into the program. Year 3: Increase access to available technology based teaching tools. Maintain PLATO Learning (2004-05) Series. Year 4: Offer a more precise and balanced technology based education and enhanced computer (2005-06) based training. This decisions will be based upon results obtained from Year 2 and Year 3. Year 5: Re evaluate current software usage and adjust to target students accordingly. (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To offer some Microsoft Training to Parents and Community. The goal of this activity is to enhance the student learning environment by providing the parents and the community with the understanding of the software that is used on a day to day basis in the classroom. Also this is to help achieve a higher level of adult literacy in the community in the technology aspect. Persons Responsible Jerry Greene Wilma Zigmond James Hundley Activity Type Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies Page 30 of 37 No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Innovative Strategies General Funds 2000.00 Total: 2000.00 2 Salary Software - Application Content/Tech Integration General Funds Total: 1000.00 1000.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To make available, computers after school, usage in all 3 geographic areas. This is being done in two ways with the availability of community labs in each of the regions as well as providing additional resources for the public libraries in the regions. Persons Responsible James Hundley Wilma Zigmond Jim Guy Activity Type Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Innovative Strategies Grants 12000.00 Total: 12000.00 2 Hardware - Desktop Hardware - Printer Funding Source Est $ Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 2200.00 Total: 3 2200.00 Network Infrastructure - Wireless Innovative Strategies Local Levy/Bond 400.00 Total: 400.00 Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Technology Opprotunity Center at Chapmanville Middle School. This center is a collaboration between Logan County Schools and EdVenture. The goal of this project is similar to activity one but differs in the aspect it provides skills to the community in the realm of technology based upon a participants skill level and learning curve. Some opprotunities provided are Microsoft Office Training as well as other applications and web page design for the general public. Persons Responsible James Hundley Wilma Zigmond Lana Turner Linda Griffith Page 31 of 37 Activity Type Access Professional Development Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Technical Support - HW maintenance Admin/Support Procedures Local Levy/Bond 1500.00 Total: 2 1500.00 Technical Support - SW maintenance Admin/Support Procedures Local Levy/Bond 1500.00 Total: 3 4 5 Salary Network Infrastructure - Cabling Professional Development 1500.00 Admin/Support Procedures General Funds Access 1000.00 Total: 1000.00 General Funds 1000.00 Total: 1000.00 Professional Development General Funds Total: 2500.00 2500.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Mallory, Ralph R Willis and Chapmanville ABE Labs. Sustains a higher educational awareness in the community and promotes the importance of finishing the public education sector to students currently attending school. Persons Responsible Ed Adkins Paul Meade Clarence Elkins Activity Type Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Stakeholder Involvement General Funds Salary Funding Source Est $ Total: 2 Hardware - Desktop Stakeholder Involvement General Funds Total: 3 45000.00 7500.00 7500.00 Network Infrastructure - Cabling Stakeholder Involvement Local Levy/Bond 1000.00 Total: 4 45000.00 Software - Instructional Innovative Strategies 1000.00 Local Levy/Bond 500.00 Total: Page 32 of 37 500.00 Page 33 of 37 Compliance Checklist Ed Tech Compliance Checklist 1. Does the county plan include the county's specific goals for using advanced technology to improve student achievement? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 1 2. Does the plan include strategies that address how Ed Tech Funds will improve academic achievement of all students in all schools in the county? (Emphasis should be given to high-need and high-poverty schools) yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 6 3. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to ensure that all students and teachers will have increased access to technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 8 4. Does the county plan include plans to provide ongoing professional development for teachers, principals and administrators to further the effective use of technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 6 5. Does the county plan include a budget (description of type and costs of technology to be acquired with Ed Tech formula and /or competitive funds)? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 6 6. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to encourage the development and use of innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous courses (e.g., distance learning)? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 10 7. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to use technology to promote parental involvement to increase communication with parents? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 8 Page 34 of 37 8. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the technology programs will be developed in collaboration with adult literacy providers? yes This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 4 9. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the county will evaluate the extent to which activities funded in formula and competitive funds are effective in integrating technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 3 E-rate Compliance Checklist 1. Does the county plan include the E-rate requirements for clear goals and a realistic strategy for using telecommunications? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 8 2. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer equipment currently available or budgeted for purchase? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 2 and Activity 1 3. Does the county plan include strategies that address the internal connections that the county has in place or budgeted to install in the current, next or future academic years? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 4 4. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer software necessary to communicate with other computers over an internal network? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 3 5. Does the county plan include the professional development plan for professionals using the equipment connected to the telecommunications network? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 6 6. Does the county plan include the existing or budgeted maintenance contracts to maintain computers? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 2 7. Does the county plan include specific plans for using telecommunications technologies and how they Page 35 of 37 integrate the use of these technologies into the curriculum? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 10 8. Does someone else other than your county personnel submit your local E-rate application? yes This is addressed under Goal Objective and Activity 9. E-rate requires that we report the number of schools in each county that have the following Internet Connections: Number of schools in the county with Dial up modem connections to the Internet? 0 Number of schools in the county with 56 K frame relay connection to the Internet? 8 Number of schools in the county that have T-1 frame relay connections to the Internet? 10 Number of schools in the county that have ATM T-1 Internet connections? 0 Number of schools in the county that have cable modem connections to the Internet? 0 Page 36 of 37 Policies and Procedures Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy? yes If yes, what is the last date of adoption/revision? 10/02/2001 When was the public meeting held for CIPA Compliance? 09/17/2001 Provide the URL to your acceptable use policy. http://lc2.boe.loga.k12.wv.us/aup.htm Page 37 of 37