BROOKE County Technology Plan 2003-2004 OPTIMAL Online Planning - Technology Integration Measures for Achievement and Learning Last revised on July 30, 2003 Page 1 of 19 County Technology Plan West Virginia has placed an emphasis on equitably providing technology for schools in order to enhance student learning, improve student achievement, and prepare students for post-secondary education and the world of work. Many stakeholders are involved in this process including students, teachers, administrators, parents, community members, legislators, board of education members and others. Collectively, the county technology planning team members have assisted in creating, refining, implementing and utilizing educational technology to meet the current standards, develop local programs, build partners and capacity, make data-driven decisions, and to evaluate the use of technology for administrative and instructional tasks. The county technology plan is a component of the UCIP and is based on the state OPTimal online format ( This plan will serve several functions. Not only does the plan complement and support the county's instructional goals as delineated in the UCIP, it is also intended to help meet the technology objectives/requirements of the school, county/state policies, state/federal programs, and competitive grants. Examples of these include the following: Policy 2320: A Process for Improving Education Performance Based Accreditation System Policy 2450: Virtual Distance Learning Policy 2460: Use of the Internet by Students and Educators Policy 2470: Use of Technology by Students and Educators Policy 2510: Assuring Quality of Education Policy 2520: Content Standards and Objectives Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to receive Universal Service Fund Program E-rate Funds The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which establishes the Enhancing Education Through Technology (Ed Tech) Program West Virginia House Bill 4319 Basic Skills/Computer Education (BS/CE) WV SUCCESS WVDE Reinventing Education However, the most important function of the plan is to ensure that the effective use of educational technology supports achievement and lifelong learning. Page 2 of 19 Technology Team Contact Information Name: Marty Bartz Title: County Director of Technology Email: Phone: 304-737-3481 Ext: 20 Name: John Fluharty Title: Teacher - Brooke High & County Tech Coordinator Email: Phone: 304-527-1410 Ext: 3647 Name: Luke Mester Title: Brooke County Engineer/Programmer/Computer Tech Email: Phone: 304-527-1410 Ext: 3640 Name: Greg Hoit Title: Brooke County Computer Tech/AV Tech Email: Phone: 304-527-1410 Ext: 3645 Name: Larry Hood Title: Follansbee Middle Teacher/Technology Coordinator Email: Phone: 304-527-1942 Name: Linda Dobbs Title: Wellsburg Middle Teacher/Technology Coordinator Email: Phone: 304-737-2922 Name: Jane Utz Title: Business - Brooke High School Email: Phone: 304-527-1410 Ext: 3410 Name: Richard Hinchee Title: Social Studies - Brooke High School Email: Phone: 304-527-1410 Ext: 1100 Page 3 of 19 Name: Karen Simonetti Title: Business - Brooke High School Email: Phone: 304-527-1410 Ext: 3410 Name: Glenn Birkhimer Title: Science - Brooke High School Email: Phone: 304-737-1410 Ext: 1812 Name: Sam White Title: Fine Arts - Brooke High School Email: Phone: 304-527-1410 Ext: 1610 Name: Candy Owens Title: English - Brooke High School Email: Phone: 304-527-1410 Ext: 3200 Name: Dorothy Kuhn Title: Media Center - Brooke High School Email: Phone: 304-527-1410 Ext: 3500 Name: Coral Lozier Title: Math & Computer Science - Brooke High School Email: Phone: 304-527-1410 Ext: 1567 Name: Linda Arbogast Title: Wellsburg Primary Teacher/Technology Contact Email: Phone: 304-737-0133 Name: Roberta Scheetz Title: Beechbottom Primary Teacher/Technology Contact Email: Phone: 304-394-5341 Name: Lori Robey Title: Colliers Primary Teacher/Technology Contact Email: Phone: 304-748-8188 Page 4 of 19 Name: Diane Bowers Title: Hooverson Heights Primary Teacher/Tech Contact Email: Phone: 304-527-0870 Name: Linda K Stone Title: LB Millsop Primary Teacher/Technology Contact Email: Phone: 304-748-7760 Name: Additional Technology Committee Members Title: For full list contact County Technology Director Email: Phone: 304-737-3481 Ext: 20 Page 5 of 19 County Mission and Vision Statements County Vision: It is our belief, in Brooke County Schools, to serve tomorrow through our contributions to our students today, and to develop educated, responsible, and caring individuals who will make a difference in the future. County Mission: Brooke County Schools believe "All Children Can Learn." Therefore, all students, regardless of personal limitations, will participate to their fullest potential and achieve the successful learning experiences afforded them. Through these experiences, we will endeavor to prepare all students for future life, environmental settings, and employment experiences. We will provide a safe environment that promotes social acceptance, character development, allows for individual creativity, and enhances learning opportunities for every child. We recognize that each student must grow to become responsible contributors not only for the benefit of the individual, but for the welfare of our commmunity and the advancement of our nation. Page 6 of 19 Needs Assessment Analysis of Assessment Data Using the state standard of the 50th percentile, Brooke County has 100% of all grade levels in all schools reaching this standad, while 70% of all grade levels in all schools scored above the 60th percentile in Basic Skills. Brooke County will use the 60th percentile in all subtests to determine county curricular emphasis. Technology Infrastructure Brooke County's original goal was to provide one computer for every five students. We currently have 3.5 students per computer. We have met our goal, but will continue to acquire additional computers some for program expansion but most to replace obsolete computers. Since 87% of the teaching staff uses computers and we desire that 100% of the staff use computers, we need to provide additional training and incentives for use. The present CAD room at Brooke HIgh School only has 7 student workstations. The tables they are placed on is not the proper height for computer workstaions. We need to expand the number of workstations to twenty student stations and also need to purchase a wide carriage printer. The Computer Repair classroom at Brooke High School is undersized. It is only 21 feet by 21 feet. A larger lab about triple the size is needed to accommodate a normal class size and allow for storage of parts and work benches for repair of county computer systems. Brooke High has as many students as Wellsburg Middle and Follansbee Middle Combined. With over 750 computers on the network a second T1 line is needed. Also need to explore whether the Primary Schools need more bandwidth. Any obsolete computers and wiring throughout the county need replaced. OEPA Reports 2000 audit report: Collier Elementary School 5.1.11 Observations by the Team indicated that technology was not being utilized to the fullest extent by staff or students. The Team recommended that the technology committee focus more staff development to increase teacher use of computers. Jefferson Elementary School: The Team recommended that the school develop a plan for integrating technology across all curricular areas. The Team further recommended that a daily schedule be developed to monitor student technology use. Wellsburg Middle School: The Team recommended that computers be better utilized in the classrooms. Computer technology should be integrated across the curriculum and such usage should be readily identifiable. Page 7 of 19 Brooke High School 5.1.9 The Team commended the school's and county's efforts to provide integration of writing and technology. The collaboration between the social studies teachers and the writing laboratory coordinator was a model for implementation of this standard. The Team also commended the school for conducting a mock writing assessment. The mock assessments were scored using the state writing assessment rubric. Students then had the opportunity to review their essays with the classroom teachers. The Team commended the basic skills class that was designed to meet the individual student's specific needs. The class was team taught by three core subject teachers who utilized computers, Skills Bank, and a variety of instructional strategies to increase student achievement. Mini-lessons were developed and revised yearly based upon the analysis of the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT-9) results. Facilities Assessment Two new classrooms are needed at Brooke High School for CAD and Computer Reapair. An unused large vocational classroom could be divided into two parts and used for the two classrooms. Page 8 of 19 Instructional Goal #1 We will analyze the standardized test results for each student to identify weaknesses in preparation for meeting grade level expectations with an emphasis on Reading, Science and Mathematics instruction. Performance measures for students in the lowest quartile will improve steadily from previous results. Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To implement basic skills computer labs in all elementary and middle schools in the county. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Replace/upgrade computers in two schools Year 2: To continue replacing/upgrading computers in computer labs and classroom computers at Wellsburg Middle School Year 3: To continue replacing/upgradingcomputers in computer labs and classroom computers in other schools Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To upgrade software and computers at Millsop Primary and Follansbee Middle School and add four machines to the lab at Edgewood Primary Persons Responsible County Technology Director County Technology Coordinator School Technology Coordinator School Principal Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Content/Tech Integration BS/CE Hardware Funding Source Est $ Total: 2 Software Content/Tech Integration BS/CE Total: 3 Infrastructure and Professional Development Content/Tech Integration BS/CE Total: Page 9 of 19 25917.00 25917.00 30621.00 30621.00 22735.75 22735.75 Instructional Goal #2 We will ensure and encourage continuing expansion of community involvement and support for all educational programs through increased public relations, parent-community volunteer activities and school business partnerships. Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide Internet research services and computer classes for adult members of the local community Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Availability of media/technology center to students, staff and community Continued offering of adult ed classes Year 2: Availability of media/technology center to students, staff and community Continued offering of adult Year 3: Availability of media/technology center to students, staff and community Continued offering of adult Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide after school services on the Internet and allow for research capabilities Persons Responsible County Technology Director County Technology Coordinator Media/Technology Specialist Activity Type Access Stakeholder Involvement No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Staff Salary @$16/Hour Access General Funds 2500 Total: 2500.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide computer classes for adults in the community Page 10 of 19 Persons Responsible Technology Director Vocational Director Adult Education Instructors Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Teacher Salary for Adult Education:Microsoft Word Begineers Adult Education 400 Total: 2 Teacher Salary for Adult Education:Microsoft Access Adult Education 200 Total: 3 Teacher Salary for Adult Education:Microsoft Excel Teacher Salary for Adult Education:Microsoft PowerPoint Teacher Salary for Adult Education:Computer Basics 400.00 Adult Education 400 Total: Page 11 of 19 400.00 Adult Education 400 Total: 5 200.00 Adult Education 400 Total: 4 400.00 400.00 Instructional Goal #3 We will use educational technology in all Brooke County Schools to ensure that our graduates possess the skills, knowledge and attitudes for their success in a changing world. Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To conduct staff development in areas of telecommunications and integrating technology into lesson plans Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Number of staff trained - baseline information established Year 2: Increase number of staff trained Year 3: Increase number of staff trained Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Hold evening classess, programs on staff development days and workshops Persons Responsible County Technology Director Teachers Activity Type Professional Development No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Staff Development Professional Development General Funds Total: 7000 7000.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Integrating Strategies and Technology in Education Practice Persons Responsible Wheeling Jesuit University Activity Type Page 12 of 19 Professional Development No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Stipend, Travel and Planning Professional Development Grants 5700 Total: 5700.00 Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To implement Preparing Tomorrow's teachers to Use Technology Conference (PT 3) Persons Responsible West Virginia Department of Education County Technology Director PT3 Trained Teachers School Technology Coordinators Activity Type Professional Development No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Stipend for teachers Professional Development Title I Total: 2 Laptop computer Professional Development General Funds Total: 3 4 Laptop Computers Professional Development Phase 9 Travel 1000 1000.00 2500 2500.00 5000 Total: 5000.00 General Funds 2500 Total: 2500.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide Marco Polo training for county teachers Persons Responsible WVDE County Technology Director Maro Polo Trained Teachers Activity Type Professional Development Page 13 of 19 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Stipends Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Title II Total: 2500 2500.00 Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Project Merrit Persons Responsible Diretctor of Curriculum & Instruction Project Merrit Activity Type Professional Development No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Travel allowance for participants Professional Development Title II 2500 Total: 2500.00 Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Cognative Tutor (Geometry added in addition to Algebra) Persons Responsible Director of Curriculum & Instruction Carnegie Mellon University Math Department Head Math Teachers Activity Type Professional Development Content/Tech Integration No. Budget Item 1 2 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Site license for Geometry Cognitive Tutor Content/Tech Integration General Funds Training of additional math teachers Title V 15000 Total: 20000.00 Professional Development Title II Total: Page 14 of 19 5000 5000 5000.00 Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #2 To implement computer labs and distributed settings in all secondary schools to ensure that all students have access to technology Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Establish baseline information of number of students/computer using the Digital Divide Survey Year 2: Decrease or maintain student/computer ratio Year 3: Decrease or Maintain student/computer ratio Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #2 To implement labs and distributed computers in the classrooms - at least three computers per classroom and computer labs to serve all students at Follansbee Middle, Wellsburg Middle and Brooke High School Persons Responsible County Technology Directory County Technology Coordinator Computer Technicians Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Hardware Funding Source Est $ Content/Tech Integration SUCCESS Total: 2 Software 86637.00 Content/Tech Integration SUCCESS Total: 3 5451.00 5451.00 Infrastructure Content/Tech Integration SUCCESS Total: 86637.00 16599.00 16599.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Construction of two classrooms from a large unused vocational classroom. The room ajoining the present Graphics Arts room will be a twenty-one station CAD Lab. The other half of the room will be a new Computer Repair room. Page 15 of 19 Persons Responsible County Technology Director School Computer Coordinator School Principals Vocational Director Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond 12000 Total: 12000.00 Local Levy/Bond 6000 Total: 6000.00 Ed Tech Formula funds 34000 Total: 34000.00 2 3 Construction Materials Content/Tech Integration Tables and chairs 21 Computer Stations, Data Projector and Wide Carriage Printer Content/Tech Integration Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #2 To explore the use of Distant Learning and WV Virtual School courses to supplement or reinforce courses offered at Follansbee Middle School, Wellsburg Middle and Brooke High School. Persons Responsible County Technology Director School Technology Coordinator School Principals Technology Comittee Activity Type Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Professional Development No Funds Required 0.00 Total: Page 16 of 19 0.00 Instructional Goal #4 To maintain the computers systems and network infrastructure of Brooke County Schools and connection to WVEIS and Internet Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1 County Computer Techs and the Brooke High School Computer Repair class will maintain computer hardware and infastructure of all equipment not on on site warranty Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Maintain employeement of two Computer Techs and the Computer Repair Teacher Year 2: Seek funds for a third Computer Tech Year 3: Seek funds for a third Computer Tech Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Repairing and updating computer systems and infastructure Persons Responsible County Technology Director Computer Techs Computer Repair Teacher Computer Repair Students Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Computer and Infastructure Repair Funds Admin/Support Procedures General Funds Total: 20000 20000.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To ensure Internet is available in all classrooms and WVEIS to all administrators and envolved teachers Page 17 of 19 Persons Responsible County Technology Director County Technology Coordinator Computer Techs Activity Type Access Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 T1 conenctions for Brooke High, Follansbee Middle, Wellsburg Middle and BOE Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Access E-Rate 0 General Funds 20000 2 56K Connections for all Primary Schools Access Total: 20000.00 E-Rate 0 General Funds 12000 Total: Page 18 of 19 12000.00 Policies and Procedures Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy? yes If yes, what is the last date of adoption/revision? 01/24/2003 When was the public meeting held for CIPA Compliance? 01/24/2003 Provide the URL to your acceptable use policy. 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