WEBSITE EVALUATION RUBRIC Date: ________________________________________



Website Rubric








Below Standard

Date: ________________________________________

At Standard Above Standard

Site contains major technical problems.

Many navigation difficulties.

Site runs on only one browser.

Site requires user to add a large number of plug-ins.

No text-only mode.

Site runs adequately with minor technical problems.

Few difficulties experienced while navigating

Project runs perfectly with no technical problems. All sound, video, or other files are found and all links are through project.

Site loads and runs on all major browsers.

 Site doesn’t require user to add a large number of

 live and to intended target.

Users can progress intuitively throughout entire site in a logical path to find information. All buttons and navigational tools work. plug-ins.

Text-only mode available.

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Multimedia elements do not deliver a

Multimedia elements and content combine to

The combination of multimedia elements and content concise message.

Graphics, video, audio, 3-D, or other enhancements are not used

 appropriately to enrich the experience

Graphics are not optimized.

 adequately deliver a concise message with the elements and words reinforcing each other.

Most graphics, video, audio, 3-D, or other enhancements are used appropriately to enrich the experience

Graphics are generally optimized. convey the intended meaning.

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The sequence of information is not

The sequence of information is logical. Menus and

The sequence of information is logical and intuitive. logical. Menus and paths to information are not clear and direct.

Website is linear.

Inconsistent structure of pages.

No clear connections among sections of

 paths to most information are clear and direct.

Although project contains some well-designed and age-appropriate choices, some portions are linear.

Consistent structure of pages.

Clear connections among sections of site.

 takes communication to a superior level. There is clear attention given to balance, proportion, harmony, and restraint.

All graphics, video, audio, 3-D, or other enhancements are used effectively to enrich the informational experience. Enhancements contribute significantly to

Menus and paths to all information are clear and direct.

Project is truly multimedia, rather than linear and contains a significant number of well-designed and ageappropriate choices. site.

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Sources are not properly cited.

Most sources are properly cited within the website

All sources are properly cited within the project

Permissions to use text, graphics, audio, video, etc. are not available.

Project does not honor rules of spelling and/or grammar and usage.

Information is not current and may not be accurate.

Contact information, name of site and revision date are not posted. according to the preferred style.

Most permissions to use text, graphics, audio, video, etc. are available.

Project honors all rules of spelling and/or grammar and usage.

Information is relatively current (site has been updated within the last six months) and accurate.

Contact information, name of site and revision

 according to the preferred style.

All permissions to use text, graphics, audio, video, etc. are available.

Project honors all rules of spelling and/or grammar and usage and reveals a flare for effective writing.

Information is current (site has been updated within the last month). date on opening page only.

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Used with permission from Novel Approach PBL
