FOREWORD The West Virginia Board of Education is authorized to review and approve the Primary Instructional Materials (textbooks, etc.) used in West Virginia public schools. In fulfilling this task, the West Virginia Board of Education establishes advisory and review committees comprised of teachers and other educational specialists who have expertise in the subject area(s) being considered. The West Virginia Instructional Materials Review Committee, in cooperation with the West Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee, conducted official hearings with publishers/vendors performing an extensive evaluation of instructional materials and programs submitted for review. The committee then recommended to the West Virginia Board of Education those materials deemed suitable for placement on the current multiple list. This document provides information for schools to use in the selection of instructional materials. Part I of the Official State Multiple List contains the listings of instructional materials for primary instruction in the subject of Science and Health K-12. Part II provides a listing of supplementary materials that have been submitted by publishers/vendors. The West Virginia Department of Education acknowledges the contributions of the members of the Instructional Materials Advisory Committee and the Instructional Materials Review Committee who participated in the review, analysis, deliberation, recommendation and approval process. The support of counties, higher education and the publishers and their respective representatives is deeply appreciated. Steven L. Paine State Superintendent of Schools i THE WEST VIRGINIA INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL ADVISORY AND REVIEW COMMITTEE Science and Health K-12 Adkins, Elsie Logan County School: Logan High School Committee: High School Allman, Verona Berkeley County School: Tuscarora Elementary Committee: Elementary Anderson, Andrea Hancock County School: Weir High School Committee: High School Ashworth, Ede Brooke County School: Brook High School Committee: Middle School and Advisory Committee Bales, Theresa McDowell County School: Kimball Elementary Committee: Elementary Barnes, Jeanne Tyler County School: Tyler Consolidated High School Committee: High School Beckelhimer, Steve Cabell County School: Cabell Midland High School Committee: High School Bowers, Beverly Marion County School: Mannington Middle School Committee: Middle School Years in Education: 23 years Certification: Biology 7-12 General Science 7-12 BA and MA Years in Education: 13 years Certification: Elementary Education Multi-Subject K-8 WV PTA outstanding Teacher of the Year (2004) Years in Education: 33 years Certification: Chemistry, Biology, General Science 7-12 BA Secondary Education MA Communications, 2003 Golden Apple Award 2001 WV Science Teacher of the Year Years in Education: 32 years Certification: Latin, Spanish 7-12 MA & BA Milken Educator Award (1992) WVFLTA Teacher of Year (1998) Years in Education: 29 years Certification: Elementary Education BA Science MA Christa McAuliffe Fellowship (2000) Years in Education: 30 years Certification: Physics Chemistry Biology General Science BS in Science Education Cabell County Teacher of the Year (1995) Jaycees Outstanding Educator (1996) Sigma XI Distingushed Educator (1994) Years in Education: 28 years Certification: Biological and General Science BA MS and ABD Presidential Award for Exellence in Science Teaching Years in Education: 27 years Certification: Chemistry 7-12 General Science 5-12 ii Carpenter, L. Kay Webster County School: Central Office Committee: Elementary and Advisory Committee Carte, Michael T. Kanawha County School: South Charleston High School Committee: High School Chadwell, Brenda Roane County School: Geary Elementary/Middle School Committee: Middle School and Advisory Committee Chadwell, Ronald Roane County School: Geary Elementary/Middle School Committee: Middle School and Advisory Committee Clayborne, Pam Wayne County School: Wayne Elementary Committee: Elementary Davis, Brenda Mingo County School: Matewan Middle School Committee: Middle School Deem, Rick Wood County School: Parkersburg South High School Committee: High School DeLaRosa, Martha Cabell County School: Beverly Hills Middle Schools Committee: Middle School and Advisory Committee Years in Education: 34 years Certification: Superintendent Mental Retardation K-12 Principal Pre K-12 Years in Education: 8 years Certification: Chemistry 9-12 Biology 9-12 BS and MA Years in Education: 27 years Certification: Elementary Education 1-8 Social Studies 1-9 Appalachian Studies 4-8 Masters in Reading, Reading Specialist K-12 Masters in Leadership Studies Roane County Teacher of the year (1988 & 1998) WV Reading Association Newspapers in Education Award (2004) Years in Education: 25 years Certification: Social Studies 7-12 MI K-12 Years in Education: 17 years Certification: Elementary Education 1-6 Early Childhood N-K MMI K-12 S/PH K-12 Physically Handicap K-6 BA Elementary Education K-6 MA Special Education RESA Teacher of the Year (2004-2005) Years in Education: 18.5 years Certification: Masters in Elementary Education 1-6 Reading Specialist K-12 Years in Education: 33 years Certification: Health Education Physical Education Health Care Fundamentals English WV Health Educator of the Year (2001) Years in Education: 9 years Certification: Superintendent Administrative, K-12 Multi-Subject Teaching K-8 LD K-12 MMI K-12 iii DeVore, Toni Lynne Wood County School: Wood County Schools Committee: High School Dickerson, Sherry Marion County School: Mannington Middle School Committee: Elementary Edwards, Kathryn "Kassie" Ohio County School: Wheeling Country Day School Committee: Elementary Ferrell, Jr., Richard "Whitey" Kanawha County School: Riverside High School Committee: High School Fonner, Linda Wetzel County School: New Martinsville Elementary Committee: Elementary Hammer, Gene "Scott" Hardy County School: East Hardy / Moorefield High School Committee: High School Hart, Kay Randolph County School: Tygarts Valley High School Committee: High School Years in Education: 33 years Certification: K-Adult Administration Science 5-12 French 7-12, Ed.D Christa McAuliffe Fellow (1990) Jaycee Teacher of the Year for WV Years in Education: 15 years Certification: Elementary Education 1-8 Social Studies 1-9 Reading K-12 Years in Education: 27 years Certification: Elementary Education 1-8 Language Arts 5-9 Presidential award for Excellence in Science Teaching (2004) Years in Education: 15 years Certification: BS General Science/Biology 7-12 MS Environmental Science Years in Education: 25 years Certification: Early Childhood N/K Elementary 1-6 Gifted 1-6 Middle Childhood Certification 5-8 BS (Elementary Early Childhood) Masters (Gifted) Wetzel County Teacher of the Year Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching Years in Education: 29 years Certification: General Science Biology 7-12 BS and MA Secondary Education ECOE Biology Teacher of the year (2004) Years in Education: 20 years Certification: General Science 7-12 Gifted Education 7-12 AAS Medical Lab Tech BS Allied Health Administration BA Secondary Education MA Gifted Education NEWMAST(1994) Johnson Space Center Honeywell Educators Space Camp (2004) iv Heckert, Barbara Jackson County School: Ripley High School Committee: High School Hobbs, Joyce Berkeley County School: Board of Education Committee: High School Hoffmaster, Beverly Berkeley County School: Berkeley County Schools Committee: Elementary and Advisory Committee Hogue, Paula Ritchie County School: Smithville Elementary Committee: Elementary Hull, Rachel Putnam County School: Buffalo Elementary Committee: Elementary Jacquez, Kathy Marion County School: Fairmont Senior High Committee: High School Kennedy, Jane Kanawha County School: Riverside High School Committee: High School Years in Education: 35 years Certification: Biology 9-12 Chemistry 9-12 General Science 9-12 Music K-12, Language Arts 9-12 Math 7-9 Tandy Outstanding Teacher Technology Award Jackson County Teacher of the Year DOE Teacher Track Research Award Golden Apple Award Fulbright Teacher ExchangeProgram Toyota International Teacher Program Years in Education: 27 years Certification: BS Biology BA Secondary Education MS Science Education Supervision Education Administration Certification Principalship Certification Biology Teacher of the year (1980) BBB Biology Honorary Years in Education: 26 years Certification: MA+45 Early Child/Elementary Administrative Pre K-12 Years in Education: 8 years Certification: PE K-12 Health K-12 Social Studies 5-12 Years in Education: 11 years Certification: K-4, B.S. M.A. Elementary Education - Emphasis in Science Milken Educator Award Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Award Putnam County Teacher of the Year. Years in Education: 25 years Certification: BA and MA 7-12 Chemistry Physics, English Science Presidential Awardee (1995) Tandy Technology Outstanding Educator (1997) Years in Education: 20 years Certification: Bachelors Biological Science 7-12 General Science 7-12 Physics 9-AD v Klemick, Margaret "Peggy" Monongalia County School: Suncrest Middle School Committee: Middle School Koerber, Darlene Tyler County School: Tyler Consolidated Middle School Committee: Middle School Kurey, Carol Brooke County School: Bethany College Committee: Middle School and Advisory Committee Lewis, Philip Kanawha County School: Riverside High School Committee: High School McCarty, Helen Harrison School: Lincoln High School Committee: High School and Advisory Committee Meadows, Jim Greenbrier County School: Greenbrier West High School Committee: High School Perkins, Brian Mercer County School: Bluewell Elementary Committee: Elementary Picklesimer, Sonya Mingo County School: Williamson High School Committee: High School Powell, Elizabeth "Betty" Wyoming County School: Westside High School Committee: High School and Advisory Committee Years in Education: 30 years Certification: BS and MS Health Physical Education SpeechLibrary Media Years in Education: 24 years Certification: BA Physsical EducationK-Adult Special Physical Education K-Adult MA Health 5-Adult Years in Education: 30 years (Retired) Certification: Mathematics 7-12 Social Studies 7-12 Secondary Math Teacher of the Year Years in Education: 38.5 years (Retired) Certification: Mathematics 7-12 Physical Science 7-12 BS & MAT Years in Education: 44 years Certification: English 7-12 Social Studies 7-12 Years in Education: 20 years Certification: MS and BS Biology General Science Years in Education: 22 years Certification: BS+30 Elementary Education (MultiSubject) 1-6 Language Arts 4-8 School-Level Teacher of the Year Years in Education: 23.5 years Certification: MA & BA Biology/General Science 7-12 Milken Educator Award (1995) Golden Aple Achiever (1995) National Presidential Awardee for Excellence in Science & Math WV Outstanding Biology Teacher (1992) Years in Education: 31 years Certification: BS Education MA Communications Mathematic 5-12 vi Rhodes, Rosalie "Rosie" Kanawha County School: Central Office Committee: High School and Advisory Committee Rhudy, Vaughn Raleigh County School: Shady Spring High School Committee: High School and Advisory Committee Richardson, Mickie Wood County School: Williamstown High School Committee: High School Robertson, Joseph Greenbrier County School: Greenbrier West High School Committee: High School and Advisory Committee Rose, Bruce Pocahontas County School: Pocahontas County High School Committee: High School Scott, Carol Mercer County School: Bluefield Intermediate School Committee: Elementary Shaffer, Jennie Mineral County School: Keyser High School Committee: High School and Advisory Committee Stevenson, Sheila "Page" Wyoming County School: Wyoming East High School Committee: High School Years in Education: 25 years Certification: M.Ed. Secondary Education BS Science Biological Science 9-12 Chemistry 9-12 Science 5-12 Who's Who Among America'a Teachers Years in Education: 18 years Certification: Journalism and English 7-12 Milken Educator Award 2004 Ashland Oil Teacher Achievement Award Raleigh County Teacher of the year WV English Language Arts Teacher of the year (1993) WV Journalism Teachers Hall of Fame Years in Education: 17 years Certification: Biological Science and General Science 7-12 BS Zoology MS Biological Science National Board Certified Teacher Years in Education: 37 years Certification: Physics Chemistry and Mathematics 7-12 MA Years in Education: 11 years Certification: General Science 5-12 Biology 9-12 Math 5-12 Years in Education: 20 years Certification: Elementary 1-6 K-8 Multi Subject BA & MS Years in Education: 29 years Certification: Social Studies 7-12 English 7-12 Gifted 7-12 AB and MA Years in Education: 20 years Certification: Physics Chemistry Biology General Science BA Biology M.Ed Soc/Ed Psych Wyoming County Teacher of the Year (1997) vii Yonkelowitz, Wayne Fayette County School: Fayette Middle School Committee: Middle School Years in Education: 22 years Certification: Earth and Space Science 7-12 Masters Milken Educator Award National Board Certified Teacher Presidential Awardee for Excellence in Science Teaching viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ............................................................................................................................. i. WV Instructional Materials Advisory & Review Committee.......................................ii-viii Table of Contents........................................................................................................... ix-xi Legend............................................................................................................................... xii Definitions........................................................................................................................ xiii Primary Source Materials Note........................................................................................ xiv WV Vendor Representative List...............................................................................xv-xviii Official State Multiple List of Instructional Materials K-12 ......................................... 1-12 Primary Source Science & Health K-12 ........................................................................13 Bedford, Freeman and Worth Science (9-12) ........................................................14 CORD Communications Science (11-12)..............................................................15 CPO Science (9-12) ...............................................................................................16 Delta Education Science (K-8) ........................................................................ 17-43 Elsevier Science (11-12) ........................................................................................44 Glencoe Science and Health (6-12) ................................................................. 45-56 Harcourt School Publishers Health (K-6) ........................................................ 57-66 Harcourt School Publishers Science (K-6) .................................................... 67-121 HealthEdco (7) ............................................................................................. 122-128 Holt, Rinehart and Winston Science and Health (6-12) .............................. 129-217 Houghton Mifflin Science (K-12)................................................................ 218-245 Human Kinetics Health (K-12).................................................................... 246-247 It’s About Time Science (9-12) ................................................................... 248-251 Kendall Hunt Science (11-12) ..................................................................... 252-253 MacMillan/McGraw-Hill Science and Health (K-8) ................................... 254-283 McDougal Littell Science (6-12) ................................................................. 284-295 Pearson Prentice Hall Science (6-12) .......................................................... 296-328 Pearson Scott Foresman Science (K-6)........................................................ 329-348 Thomson Learning/Brooks/Cole Science (11-12) ....................................... 349-350 Thomson Learning Delmar Learning Science (9-12) ..........................................351 ix Supplementary Source Materials Science & Health K-12 .........................................352 Bedford, Freeman & Worth (11-12) ............................................................ 353-354 Carolina Biological (K-6) ............................................................................ 355-356 Classroom, Inc. (6-12) ................................................................................. 357-360 CORD Communications (11-12) .........................................................................361 CPO Science (9-12) ..................................................................................... 362-370 Delta Education (K-6).................................................................................. 371-387 FactsOnFile (5-12) ...............................................................................................388 FuturesChannel (3-12) .........................................................................................389 Glencoe (10-12) ...................................................................................................390 Harcourt Achieve (K-4) ............................................................................... 391-399 Harcourt School Publishers (Pre-K) ....................................................................400 It’s About Time (6-8)................................................................................... 401-403 Kendall Hunt (9-10).............................................................................................404 McDougal Littell (6-8)................................................................................. 405-415 National Geographic School (K-9) .............................................................. 416-423 Pearson Prentice Hall (11-12)...................................................................... 424-427 Scholastic Library Publishing (K-5) ............................................................ 428-435 Sundance Newbridge (K-5) ......................................................................... 436-460 Thomson Learning/Brooks/Cole (9-12)....................................................... 461-475 Thomson Learning Delmar Learning (9-12)........................................................476 Appendices......................................................................................................................477 Appendix A......................................................................................................................478 Instructional Materials Selection Process ............................................................479 Appendix B ......................................................................................................................480 Groupings for Textbook Adoption.......................................................................481 Appendix C ......................................................................................................................482 Health Generic & Specific Criteria ...................................................................... 483-520 Science Generic & Specific Criteria Kindergarten ................................................................................................ 521-525 Grade One .................................................................................................... 526-530 x Grade Two ................................................................................................... 531-535 Grade Three ................................................................................................. 536-541 Grade Four ................................................................................................... 542-548 Grade Five.................................................................................................... 549-554 Grade Six ..................................................................................................... 555-561 Grade Seven ................................................................................................. 562-567 Grade Eight .................................................................................................. 568-575 Advanced Biology (11-12) .......................................................................... 576-583 Advanced Chemistry (11-12)....................................................................... 584-591 Advanced Environmental Earth Science (11-12) ........................................ 592-600 Biology Technical Conceptual (11-12)........................................................ 601-609 Chemistry Technical Conceptual (11-12).................................................... 610-616 Human Anatomy & Physiology (11-12)...................................................... 617-624 Physics Technical Conceptual (11-12) ........................................................ 625-631 Coordinated and Thematic Science (9)........................................................ 632-639 xi West Virginia Board of Education Instructional Materials Recommended for West Virginia Public Schools by the West Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee OFFICIAL STATE MULTIPLE LIST, GROUP Science and Health K-12 Adoption Period July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2012 (Vendor’s names are arranged alphabetically and by chronological order of grade their under. Variations in terminologies and writing styles resulted from actual reproduction of vendor’s legal bids.) LEGEND All instructional materials are sold initially through Column 1 (wholesale) and Column 2 (retail) prices. Exchange prices (Columns 3 or 4) shall extend through one entire school year, either following the date of initial purchase or the date of complete use. Proof of exchange required. Vendor’s options apply. Column 1 Lowest net wholesale price to boards of education and responsible dealers.* Column 2 Retail price to patrons after not exceeding 15% has been added to new wholesale price. Column 3 Lowest net exchange price to boards of education and responsible dealers Column 4 Retail exchange price to patrons when not exceeding 10% has been added to net exchange price. Column 5 Additional equipment and materials necessary for the success of instruction, as determined by the vendor NOTE: 1. Prices and items submitted for bids are subject to further verification due to the vastness of this state multiple list. In the event any discrepancy exits, the original bid submitted by the vendor would determine any inquiry. 2. On last page of each series bid, the following will be included: Teachers’ Edition will be furnished . Additional Teachers’ Editions may be purchased at a cost indicated on this bid. Free normal shipments to counties/schools (check one) - Direct from Vendor, State Approved Depository. Permission to translate into Braille, Large Type Editions, Audio Recordings, etc., will be filed with the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, Kentucky, within 30 day of adoption by the West Virginia Board of Education. xii DEFINITIONS TESTBOOKS, INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES “Textbooks” The definition of “textbook” includes books; instructional materials, as used therein, means systems of instructional materials, or combinations of books and supplementary materials which convey information to the pupil; learning technologies, including, but not limited to, applications using computer software, computer assisted instruction, interactive videodisc; other computer courseware and magnetic media. Primary Source Materials The West Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee reviews and recommends primary source materials to deliver Content Standards and Objectives. Chapter 18, Article 2A, Section 8 of the Code provides: “No textbook, instructional materials, or learning technologies shall be used in public elementary or secondary school in West Virginia as the primary source to deliver the instructional goals and objectives for state required courses unless it has been approved and listed on the state multiple list by the West Virginia Board of Education, except as otherwise provided for in” [the waiver process]. Section 5 of the cited legal reference further provides: “The county board of education shall, upon recommendation of the county superintendent with the aid of a committee of teachers and not later than the first day of May of the year following that in which the multiple list for the group was made and approved, select from the state multiple list one or more items to deliver instruction…” Supplementary Source Materials Supplementary materials have either been bid by the vendor or determined by the West Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee to be support material to accompany an approved primary source materials. Supplementary materials do not have to be reviewed or recommended for classroom use. Their presence in this document is solely for gaining a price advantage and assuring availability for the adoption period; however, several vendors submitted their materials for full review. Free or Loaned Programs Vendors were required to file on their bid(s) all free items that will be given away to any/all counties upon adoption/purchase. Only teacher’s edition/manual/guide that accompanies student instructional materials can be both bid and given away, as declared on the vendor’s bid. xiii STATE MULTIPLE LIST OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS PRIMARY SOURCE MATERIALS NOTE: Primary Source Instructional Materials are those teaching materials placed in the elementary and secondary schools in West Virginia that are used as the primary source of instruction. The primary source instructional materials listed in this publication have been reviewed and judged to meet the generic and specific criteria assuring that the Content Standards and Objectives for Science and Health are delivered. xiv VENDOR REPRESENTATIVE LIST SCIENCE AND HEALTH K-12 Primary List Bedford Freeman and Worth Publishing List Susan Alexander WV Sales Representative 4B Cedar Brook Dr. Cranbury, NJ 08512 Telephone: 866-843-3715 ext. 719 Fax: 609-409-0297 E-mail: Primary List Carolina Biological Supply Gina Wofford WV Sales Representative 2700 York Road Burlington, NC 27215-3387 Telephone: 800-227-1150 ext.5265 Fax: 336-538-6338 E-mail: Primary List CORD Communications Kevin Reck WV Sales Representative 105 Sycamore Dr. McMurray, PA 15317 Telephone: 724-941-2505 Fax: 254-776-3906 E-mail: Primary List CPO Science John Myers WV Sales Representative 26 Howley Street Peabody, MA 01960 Telephone: 817-379-1660 or 817-296-9862 Fax: 817-337-0591 E-mail: Primary List CPO Science Carol Craig WV Sales Representative 14th Fairway Court #2 Morgantown, WV 26508 Telephone: 304-594-1018 or 304-282-0364 Fax: 800-358-4684 E-mail: Primary List Elsevier Health and Science Beverly Kelley WV Sales Representative 11830 Westline Industrial Dr. St. Louis, MO 63146 Telephone: 314-453-4545 Fax: E-mail: Primary List Glencoe McGraw-Hill Mark Hurt WV Sales Representative 590 Avenstoke Road Waddy, KY 40076 Telephone: 502-223-4580 CELL 304-208-0473 Fax: 859-406-1001 E-mail: xv Primary List Harcourt School Publishers List Bob Riley WV Sales Representative 248 Late Av. Bridgeport, WV 26330 Telephone: 800-215-0863 Fax: 304-842-0326 E-mail: Primary List Health Edco Curriculum Paul Crosby WV Sales Representative 5045 Franklin Av. Waco, TX 76710 Telephone: 800-299-3366 ext. 191 Fax: 254-741-1035 E-mail: Primary List Health Edco Curriculum Robert Ingram WV Sales Representative 5045 Franklin Av. Waco, TX 76710 Telephone: 800-299-3366 ext.632 Fax: 254-741-1035 E-mail: Primary List Holt Rinehart and Winston Steve McBride WV Sales Representative 27 Marilynn Road Scott Depot, WV 25560 Telephone: 304-757-3414/Cell: 304-610-6499 Fax: 304-757-0361 E-mail: Primary List Houghton Mifflin Jim Absten WV Sales Representative 295 Oakland Avenue Huntington, WV 25701 Telephone: 304-522-8739 Fax: 304-522-8739 E-mail: Primary List Human Kinetics Aimee Halcomb WV Sales Representative P.O. Box 5076 1607 N. Market St. Champaign, IL 61820-5076 Telephone: 800-747-4457 Fax: 217-351-2674 E-mail: Primary List It's About Time Publishing Glenn Davenport WV Sales Representative 6716 Abigail Dr. Trinity, NC 27370 Primary List Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. List Mike Kiefer WV Sales Representative 4050 Westmark Dr. Dubuque, IA 52004-1840 Telephone: 330-721-1979 Fax: 330-721-1988 E-mail: Telephone: 800-542-6657 Fax: 563-589-1071 E-mail: xvi Primary List Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Tim Hilkin WV Sales Representative 4050 Westmark Dr. Dubuque, IA 52004-1840 Telephone: 800-542-6657 Fax: 563-589-1071 E-mail: Primary List Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Publishing Ralph Carson WV Sales Representative 1730 Shadowood Lane Suite 310 Jacksonville, FL 32207 Telephone: 904-348-0980 Fax: 904-398-0096 E-mail: Primary List Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Publishing Mark Mullins WV Sales Representative 626 Vorpe Road St. Albans, WV 25177 Telephone: 304-722-2475 Cell: 304-444-4978 Fax: Primary List McDougal Littell Lisa Williams WV Sales Representative 21200 SR 676 Marietta, OH 45750 Telephone: 740-350-7310 Fax: 740-373-7481 E-mail: Primary List McDougal Littell Heather Flohr WV Sales Representative 9 Magnolia Lane Hurricane, WV 25526 Telephone: 304-610-0212 Fax: 304-562-0163 E-mail: Primary List Pearson Prentice Hall Dick Herath WV Sales Representative 4189 Dick Woods Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22903 Telephone: 434-295-0027 Fax: E-mail: Primary List Scott Foresman Publisher Jennifer Susser WV Sales Representative 112 South Gate Rd. Charleston, WV 25314 Primary List Thomson Learning Brooks Cole List Beth Monk WV Sales Representative 1530 Washington Blvd. Huntington, WV 25701 Telephone: 800-925-5950 Fax: 304-342-4732 E-mail: Telephone: 304-544-5424 Fax: 304-522-2654 E-mail: xvii Primary List Thomson Learning Delmar Learning Jill Nacke WV Sales Representative 5191 Natorp Blvd. Mason, OH 45040 Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Supplemental List Classroom, Inc. Laura Carr WV Sales Representative 132 Riverview Dr. Elkins, WV 26241 Telephone: 304-636-4119 Fax: E-mail: Supplemental List Delta Education LLC Harold Edwards WV Sales Representative 421 South Main St. Pleasantville, NJ 08232 Telephone: 609-646-0478 Fax: 609-646-7667 E-mail: Supplemental List Facts on File News Service Felicia Ambrogio WV Sales Representative 22nd Floor 512 Seventh Av. New York, NY 10018 Telephone: 212-896-4616 or 800-363-7976 ext 4616 Fax: 800-363-7978 E-mail: Supplemental List National Geographic Society David Brumfield WV Sales Representative 4801 Warrior Dr. Salem, VA 24153 Telephone: 540-380-4076 Fax: 540-380-5542 E-mail: Supplemental List Scholastic Library Publishing Ray Brooks WV Sales Representative 1126 Spring Valley Dr. Huntington, WV 25701 Telephone: 304-429-4914 Fax: 304-429-4914 E-mail: Supplemental List The Futures Channel Ann Prohov WV Sales Representative 1400 E. Touhy Av. Suite 225 Des Plaines, IL 60018 800-543-0487 ext. 1506 513-229-1017 Telephone: 847-493-3355 ext. 186 Fax: 847-294-0708 E-mail: xviii