Quantile Report Houghton Mffhn Harcourt fbih'.l'E: Wednesday, June 10,2009 CONFJ:'A.C'l.':Kanista Zuniga - Agreement and Work Request EMAEH,: kzuniqa@lexile.com PI-% ONE: 919-547-3426 C:0X'TA<:':f': Bridgett McDowell - Quantile Edtor EMA.I.I..,: bmcdowel1@lexile.com PX-IONE: 919-354-3476 C;ON'JYipCa': Patricia Carideo - Accounting/Invoicing EMA.BL: pcarideo@,lexile.com PHONE: 919-547-3405 FAX.: (919) 547-3401 AEIDRESS: 1000 Park Forty Plaza Drive, Suite 120 Durham, North Carolina, 27713 CODES: EM Emerging Mathematician NMQ Not Measurable in Quantiles % f M.dQ: Higher Mathematical Concept Lisa, Attached is the report for the Grade 5 book you submitted for Quantile Calibrations. You will have a report for each volume. I have included the contact information for our group here. If you have any questions regarding the meaning of the measures please contact Bridgett McDowell in our Quantile Department. Any questions pertaining to the agreement or future work requests can come to me. Patricia will handle the invoicing. Thanks and talk to you soon, Kanis ta Quantile Textbook Report Math Expressions 5, Volulme 7 Puhlislfer Houghton Mifflin Harcourt IsBx 054705727~ A~tIlor Fuson, Karen C . Grade StateEditiun I Multiplication and Division Word Problems 1.1 Making Combinations 750Q 1.2 Understanding Comparisions 530Q 1.3 Practice with Multiplication Problems 670Q 1.4 Write Word Problems NMQ 1.5 930Q Functions 1.6 Equations with Parentheses 500Q 1.7 Combinations and Comparisons 750Q 1.8 Practice with Factors 530Q 1.9 Multistep Problems NMQ 1.10 Properties of Multiplication 560Q 1.11 Use Mathematical Processes NMQ 2 Perimeter and Area 2.1 Square Units and Area 2.2 Perimeter and Area of Rectangles 2.3 Areas of Right Triangles and Parallelograms 2.4 The Area of Any Triangle 2.5 Consolidate Perimater and Area 2.6 Customary Units of Length FVednesday, June 10, 2009 Page I of 5 MetaMetrics, Quantile. Quantile Framework and the Quantile symbol are trademarks or U.S. registered trademarks of MetaMetrics, Inc. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. O 2009 MetaMetn'cs, Inc. All rights reserved. For more information, call 1-888-539-4537 or check on the Web at w.QuantiIes.com. Math Expressions 5, Volulme I Publislter Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Col~riglzt ISBN ISBN13 054705727~ 2009 3 Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers and Deci 3.1 Decimals As Equal Divisions 470Q Equate and Compare 590Q 3.3 Thousands to Thousandths 600Q 3.2 3.4 Adding and Subtracting Decimals 820Q 3.5 Billions to Billionths 600Q 3.6 Use Place Value 600Q 3.7 Add Whole Numbers and Decimals 580Q 3.8 Addition to Millions 580Q 3.9 Subtract Whole Numbers and Decimals 580Q 3.10 Place-Value Word Problems 580Q Properties and Strategies 560Q Pictographswith Large Numbers 480Q Round Numbers on Graphs 410Q Bar Graphs and Rounding 920Q Round and Estimate with Decimal Numbers 600Q Discrete and Continuous Data 950Q Graphs with Decimal Numbers 6M)Q Classify Word Problems NMQ Situation and Solution Equations 300Q Compansion Problems 800Q Two-Step Word Problems 610Q Use MathematicalProcesses NMQ Wedrtesday,Jurie 10,2009 Page 2 of 5 MetaMetrics, Quantile. Quantile Framework and the Quantile symbol are trademarks or U.S. registered trademarks of MetaMetrics, Inc. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. O 2009 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights resewed. For more information,call 1-888-539-4537 or check on the Web at www.Quantiles.com. Math Expressions 5, Volulme I Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN 054705727~ 4 Circles, Angles, and Polygons 4.1 Lines and Angles 4.2 Polygons and Angles 4.3 Compare and Contrast Polygons 4.4 Circles and Angles 4.5 Symmetry 4.6 Circle Graphs 4.7 Circumference Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Puge 3 of 5 MetaMetrics, Quantile, Quantile Framework and the Quantile symbol are trademarks or U.S. registered trademarks of MetaMetris. Inc. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respectiveowners. O 2009 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights resewed. For more information. call 1-888-539-4537 or check on the Web at w.Quantiles.com. Math Expressions 5, Volulme 7 l'ublisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN 054705727~ 5 Addition and Subtraction With Fractions 5.1 Build Unit Fractions 5.2 Compare Fractions 5.3 Subtract Fractions 5.4 Fractional Addends of One 5.5 Relate Fractions and Wholes 5.6 Fractions Greater Than One 5.7 Add Fractions Greater Than One 5.8 Subtract Mixed Numbers 5.9 Comparison Situations 5.10 Mixed Practice With Like Fractions 5.1 1 Discover Equivalent Fractions 5.12 Equivalent Fractions and Multipliers 5.13 Solve Equivalence Problems 5.14 Add and Subtract Unlike Fractions 5.15 Solve with Unlike Mixed Numbers 5.16 Practie with Unlike Mixed Numbers 5.17 Probability and Equivalent Fractions 5.18 Fraction and Decimal Equivalencies 5.19 Compare and Order Fractions and Decimals 5.20 Different Ways to Estimate 5.21 Use Mathematical Processes Wednesday, June 10,2009 Page 4 of 5 MetaMetrics, Quantile. Quantile Framework and the Quantile symbol are trademarks or U.S. registered trademarks of MetaMetrics, Inc. The names of other companiesand products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. O 2009 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights resewed. For more information, call 1-888-539-4537 or check on the Web at www.Quantiles.com. Math Expressions 5, Volulme I Publislter Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN 054705727~ 6 Volume, Capacity, and Weight 6.1 Cubic Units and Volume 6.2 Relate Length, Area, and Volume 840Q IOOOQ 6.3 Measures of Capacity 820Q 6.4 Measures of Mass and Weight 820Q 6.5 Working with Measurement Units 820Q 6.6 Temperature 800Q 6.7 The Passing of Time 820Q Wednesday, June 10,2009 Page 5 of 5 MetaMetrics, Quantile, Quantile Framework and the Quantile symbol are trademarks or U.S. registered trademarks of MetaMetrics. Inc. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. O 2009 MetaMetrics. Inc. All lights resewed. For more information.call 1-888-539-4537 or check on the Web at www.(luantiles.com. m QUANTILE Quantile Textbook Report ' * Math Expressions 5, Volume 2 Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN 0547060653 Autltor Fuson, Karen C . Grade StateEdition 0 Extension Lessons 0.1 Negative Numbers 0.2 Addition Using Models and Absolute Values 0.3 Addition Using Number Lines 0.4 Integers and the Coordinate Plane Wednesday,June 10, 2009 Pnge I o f 5 MetaMetrics, Quantile, Quantile Framework and the Quantile symbol are trademarks or U.S. registered trademarks of MetaMetrics, Inc. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. @ 2009 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights resewed. For more information, call 1-888-539-4537 or check on the Web at www.Quantiles.com. Math Expressions 5, Volume 2 Publislzer Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Copyrigllrt ISBA' ISBN1 3 0547060653 7 Multiplication and Division with Whole Numbers and 7.1 Shift Patterns in Multiplication 650Q 7.2 The Area Model for Multiplication 560Q 7.3 Multiply Two-Digit Numbers 530Q 7.4 Multiply with Larger Numbers 530Q 7.5 Patterns with Fives and Zeros 650Q 7.6 Multiplication Practice 530Q 7.7 Multiply Decimals with Whole Numbers 700Q 7.8 Multiply by Decimals 650Q 7.9 Compare Shin Patterns 650Q 7.10 Estimate Products 600Q 7.1 1 Multiplication Practice 700Q 7.12 Divide Whole Numbers by One Digit 600Q 7.13 Divide Decimal Numbers by One Digit 600Q 7.14 Express Fractions as Decimals 71 0Q 7.15 Explore Dividing by Two-Digit Whole Numbers 690Q 7.16 Too Large, Too Small, or Just Right? 690Q 7.17 Interpret Remainders 710Q 7.18 Divide Whole Numbers by Decimal Numbers 650Q 7.19 Divide with Two Decimal Numbers 650Q 7.20 Division Practice 600Q 7.21 Distinguish Between Multiplication and Division 750Q 7.22 Statistics and Graphing 7.23 Use Mathematical Processes Wednesday, June 10,2009 1050Q NMQ Puge 2 of 5 MetaMetrics, Quantile. Quantile Framework and the Quantile symbol are trademarks or U.S. registered trademarks of MetaMetrics, Inc. The names of other companies and pmducts mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. O 2009 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights reserved. For more information,call 1-888-539-4537 or check on the Web at www.Quantiles.com. Math Expressions 5, Volume 2 Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN 0547060653 8 Algebra, Functions, and Graphs 8.1 Exponents 8.2 Order of Operations 8.3 Solve Equations 8.4 Evaluate Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities 8.5 Functions and Equations 8.6 Coordinate Graphs in the First Quadrant 8.7 Graph Functions 9 Multiplication and Division with Fractions 9.1 Basic Multiplication Concepts 9.2 Multiplicationwith Non-Unit Fractions 9.3 Multiplicationwith Fractional Solutions 9.4 Multiply a Fraction by a Fraction 9.5 MultiplcationStrategies 9.6 Relate Fractional Operations 9.7 Find Decimal Equivalents of Fractions 9.8 When Dividing Is Also Multiplying 9.9 Mixed Practice with Fractions 9.10 Explore Fractional Division 9.1 1 Division as Reverse Multiplication 9.12 Investigate Division by Inversion 9.13 Distinguish Multiplicationfrom Division 9.14 Review Operations with Fractions 9.15 Use Mathematical Processes Wedrtesday,Jurre 10, 2009 Page 3 of 5 MetaMetrics.Quantile, Quantile Framework and the Quantile symbol are trademarks or U.S. registered trademarks of MetaMetrics. Inc. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. O 2009 MetaMetlics, Inc. All rights resewed. For more information, call 1-888-539-4537 or check on the Web at www.Quantiles.com. Math Expressions 5, Volume 2 Puhli.~her Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN 0547060653 10 Patterns and Transformations 10.1 Geometric Patterns 10.2 Numerical Patterns 10.3 Explore Transformations 10.4 Transformations in the Coordinate Plane II Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 11.1 Multiplication Patterns 11.2 Unit Rate 11.3 What Is a Multiplication Column Situation? 11.4 Linked Stories Are Ratios 11.5 What Are Proportion Situations? Solve Proportion Problems Solve Proportions as Factor Puzzles Basic Ratios Write and Solve Proportion Problems The Meaning of Percent Solve Problems Using Percents Probability Using Percents and Decimals Similar Figures Map Scales Explore Scale Drawings Use Scale Drawings Use Mathematical Processes Wednesday, Jutre 10, 2009 Page4 of 5 MetaMetrics, Quantile, Quantile Framework and the Quantile symbol are trademarks or U.S. registered trademarks of MetaMetrics. Inc. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. O 2009 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights reserved. For more information, call 1-888-539-4537 or check on the Web at www.Quantiles.com. Math Expressions 5, Volume 2 Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN 0547060653 12 Three-Dimensional Figures 12.1 Prisms and Cylinders 1040Q 12.2 Pyramids and Cones 1040Q 12.3 Compare and Contrast Geometric Solids 1OOOQ 12.4 Three-Dimensional Rotational Symmetry NMQ Wednesday, June 10,2009 Puge 5 of 5 MetaMetrics,Quantile, Quantile Framework and the Quantile symbol are trademarks or U.S. registered trademarks of MetaMetrics, Inc. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. O 2009 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights resewed. For more information, call 1-888-539-4537 or check on the Web at www.Quantiles.com.