ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT TOWARD A BEHAVIORAL THEORY OF INFORMATION VALUE by Michael WP 1191-81 E. Treacy February, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 1981 TOWARD A BEHAVIORAL THEORY OF INFORMATION VALUE by Michael WP 1191-81 E. Treacy February, 1981 INTRODUCTION There does not presently exist though even direction, this in model of the value of information in there Surprisingly, setting. realistic managerial effort a successful a little very could model systems, support information of profoundly affect our understanding is a organizational design, and managerial accounting. Such a model would delineate the important variables that affect value. It would enable information sources of providing by designs and configurations. sources information design prescriptive theory of a to meaningful allow and apply organization of for valuing potential basis a would It and a broad class of between comparisons computer-based information support systems and groups of staff analysts working to supply information to busy line executives. decision theory areas important integrate have to produce to a of economics, The model would and psychology, realistic description of the managerial use of information. In this paper, we set directions for the development of such with We start create a a a model. review of the efforts made in information economics to model of the value of information. The single source, single decision model is reviewed to illustrate the assumptions and techniques of this approach. Five major modifications of the models, suggested by descriptive theories study, are reviewed discussed in a of in managerial turn. concluding behavior found in other fields of Finally, section that this entire indicates -^J^^ooo approach some is general requirements of any plausible model of information value. ECONOMICS MODELS OF INFORMATION VALUE concerned with the information of value theory statistical One branch of economics and another in have been more than twenty-five for years. [Hirshleifer 1973] Operating as two distinct schools, information economics and statistical decision analysis have produced similar models that value information context the in a information. It the a very restricted setting. fundamental axioms which upon L.J. the wrote decision analysis models are based, idealized theory of the behavior of of several of theory which describes information is value only in the context of an economically rational, operating in of knowledge restrictive assumptions about the behavior, ability, and actors using series actor, Savage, the originator of information his that economics was, "a and highly person with respect to 'rational' a perfect decisions ."[Savage 1954, p. ?] Our concern is with the value of information to all his flaws and complex environment. imperfections, a realistic than upon a a a with more realistic, more valid descriptive model of the value of realistic manager. description the in manager, We are attempting to prescribe the variables that must be considered to produce information to acting real a sterile, of Such a model must be founded upon the managerial use of information, rather prescriptive assumptions economics and statistical decision analysis. of information Next, we shall review one of the models of information economics as the techniques and assumptions of that approach. illustration of we shall turn to a economics models discussion that would of of modifications the an Then information make them more descriptive of managerial behavior and of the obtainable benefits of information. The economics models of information value vary the complexity of along two dimensions: the information source and the number of decisions. The information source can be a single signal, a single information system, or multiple information systems and the decisions can be single or multiple. Figure 1 illustrates this diversity and indicates some references for each type of model SINGLE SIGNAL SINGLE DECISION MULTIPLE DECISIONS . SINGLE INFORMATION SOURCE MULTIPLE INFORMATION SOURCES source or multiple decision models, Let us assume that we have a decision problem for which we A finite set of possible actions, A from which the decision maker must complete the decision problem. A finite = {a a , choose are .... a given }, one action to of future states of nature, S = {s^, which are numerable, exhaustive with respect to the outcomes of actions, and mutually exclusive. s . , . , set s }, A set of prior probabilities, {p(s, ), p(s ), of each state of nature obtaining. They sum to . . . p(s )} 1. A stationary utility function, the value of which depends only upon the chosen action, a and the state of nature that J occurs, s U = u(s.,a.). , . 1 J An information source, from Y = {y , y , . . . which will produce one signal the set of possible signals. N, y^} , A matrix of probabilities of each signal each state of nature. {p(yi,ls.)} The sequence of steps is produces one calculate a signal, then y'. as follows. decision The revised probability, p(') which may obtain. An action, a', is occuring, information The maker given uses source signal to the for each state of nature, s., then chosen maximize to the J expected value of the outcomes. Finally, a and the decision maker receives value u(s!,a'. The valuation of the information source signals are received, as the s! difference occurs ex The value of an between the obtains, ). ante , before actions are chosen, or states obtain. must deal in expected quantities. is defined certain state, information expected information source and the expected value without. any Thus, it source value with the V EV(N) - EV(0) = If no source of information is used, the decision maker will choose action based probabilitites of states of nature occuring. prior upon an Specifically, he will choose which maximizes the expected a.' value of choose an the outcome. EV(a = ) J SUM {p(s )u(s )} ,a i i s J i EV(0) = EV(a') = J MAX {EV(a.)} J 3 i = MAX SUM {p(s^)u(s^,a as J .)} i If a source of information is used, the decision maker will action based upon his revised probabilities of states occuring. for a moment that signal computes p(,') for all 1 k is y' Assume Then the decision maker produced. using the Bayesian revision formula: si 1 P(yi^ls^)p(s^) P(') = SUM {p(y^|s.)p(s.)) Each quantity on the right hand side is is again the choice of an action a' a known primitive. to maximize the expected J the outcome. EV(') = SUM {p(s ly;)u(s 1 ,a )} The problem value of Thus, after the signal obtains, the problem is to choose yj^ EV(a<|y') J = MAX {EV(a k • as , where ) k MAX SUM {p(3. ly')u(3. ^j y' y J = Signal I aj 1 K ,a ,)} 1 J i will occur with probability p(y'). source information The evaluator can calculate p(y') using the formula: k SUM {p(y|^l3^)p(s^)} = p(y|^) Again, each quantity on the right Thus, before hand side is known a any signal is received, the probability of receiving each signal and the expected value of the outcomes for each computed. primitive. the Then, information source, EV(N) = N, expected outcomes of for can using be the is: SUM {p(yj^)[MAX EV(a ly^^)]} a y, k = value signal J SUM {p(y )[MAX SUM K k {p( s. I 1 y ) K u( s. ,a 1 . ) } ] J 1 j readily The value of the information source is now deducible as the difference of two computed quantities. V = Notice that this model concerns the problem of EV(N) - EV(0) a problem within a problem. There is choosing an action and there is the problem of valuing the information system. and the information We can call these the decision maker's problem system evaluator's problem, respectively. The evaluator is assuming that is acting perfectly maker decision the Under this assumption this is a valid model of rationally. value the obtainable by the decision maker from the information source. For an economically irrational decision maker, the obtainable value source the information model. may be This is because the difference between more us represent the expected value of the maker EV. decision maker by information the by EV outcomes of and a of economically the Then we have: EV(N) > EV'(N) EV(0) > EV'(0) always maker decision option of behaving exactly like the irrational decision maker. But note, EV'(N) - EV'(0). information source may decision maker than to to the probabilities of nothing say can we EV(N) - EV(0) and To move is economically irrational the This is true because the economically rational has the source To demonstrate this, let expected quantities. two rational decision less than predicted by this or of value of have a about more value to an economically irrational source Is k state possible combination of signals. accomplish this only model, the states of nature must be changed. each is of rational decision maker. multiple of magnitude relative Thus, it is interesting to note, an needs the matrix of probabilities {p(y the probability the )} of The decision maker for each source, so that i obtaining The revision can Bayesian be revised for every revision formula to significantly more complicated than for the single source model, but conceptually the same. The multiple decision problem further complicates the model, because potentially signal at any decision. The formulation of this model over where every point decision time in problem can known is every future impact fixed a a time horizon, in advance, becomes a rather messy dynamic programming problem. AREAS OF MODIFICATION These economics models of information value poorly describe of information in inadequacies managerial models, as suggested by We a settings. these models have been organized for of discussion into five sections. indicated. roles managerial decision making and hence poorly reflect the obtainable value of information in realistic The descriptive the In each, possible modifications of the reading of other related fields of study, are conclude with some remarks on the difficulty of implementing such modifications and the efficacy of this approach. 1 . The Decision Process According to economics effect upon fault if the decision models, decision making managerial activities which information process. is derives 54] Simon writes: from its This orientation is difficult to interpreted broadly, for almost all use information can be classified as some phase of the intelligence-design-choice-review decision 1965, p. value process .[Simon finding Decision making comprises four principle phases: occasions for making a decision, finding possible courses of action, choosing among courses of action, and evaluating past, account for most These four activities choices. 40] of what executives do. [Simon 1977, p. .... Mintzberg's study of the work of five chief executives reinforces finding. [Mintzberg 1973, activities (12 percent) p. and in but All 250] giving in ceremonial spent time information this (8 percent) is phases in attributable to one or more phases of decision making. Witte[1972] formally tested for the existence of the decision process using equipment. He divided a each different sample of 233 decisions to aquire computer decision process into periods and characterized each activity in each period gathering, choice. development, alternatives alternatives hypothesis The evidence supported the that equal time ten information as evaluation, or phases multiple exist within the decision process. The difficulty with the economics models is that they concentrate upon only one phase of decision making, the choice among alternative courses of action. assume that an occasion for decision making has been They found and that all possible courses every conceivable of consequences and managers have for But, by the of events have been determined. course time these assumptions are satisfied, great deal action already used a of information and expended the majority of their effort on the problem. [Simon information at making process, the 1977, p. 40] Decisions are profoundly intelligence because without and design information phases to affected by of the decision identify problems. 10 structure alternatives, consequences, no choice is ever estimate and made It is evidently necessary that value be expanded the models information of consideration of these earlier phases, include to economics intelligence and design, if they are to accurately reflect the benefits of information. modelled since it phase, final The review, need not explicitly be usually part of the intelligence phase of other is decisions, and could be captured as such in multiple decision a model. The phase theory of decision making implies not only that decisions are activities, comprised of different follow a pattern, set implementation of support the a progression chosen the hypothesis but also from the phases followed that evidence a Even when each decision was divided into subdecisions the hypothesis was found Mintzberg, Raisinghani cycling through , phases that and Theoret [ 1 976 also ] not clear progression. , no support for found evidence of during the decision process, in their study of cycling is used as in a different decisions seem to organizations. means of comprehending and clarifying complex decision processes and that "the novel strategic does to . twenty-five strategic decision processes They suggest recognition initial Witte's actions. activities these that most complex and involve the greatest incidence of comprehension cycles". [p. 265] Evidence was also found that interrupts, created by internal and external pressures and by the appearance of new options, caused cycling. 11 The authors build their findings into model intelligence-design-choice comprised of posit and that recognition decision routines: two elaboration an of simple the intelligence is diagnosis. and Diagnosis is an optional routine used to clarify and define the issues. Decision recognition either crisis, a occurs there are sufficient signals about problem, or an opportunity. a of six strategic decisions within one company. March Cyert and suggested response to problems p. This catagorization of was first suggested by Carter[1971] in his study stimulus problems by when decision that rather than to recognition perceived of theory The earlier always was opportunities .[ 1 a 963. 116] Pounds[1969] has presented problem identification, theoretical a structure analysing for one type of decision recognition, as a process of comparing information about real events against the predictions of The models managers use are chosen 'model' of normality. explicit derivations from historical and planning implicit data or a or models imposed by others or derived from outside the organization. There exists no design for design; this phase of not well March[1963] largely actions. understood. a Cyert and decision posit that matter of problem-directed search for acceptable How than clear. this search is making is design is alternative accomplished, though, is somewhat less 12 Mintzberg, Raisinghani and Theoret suggest , depending very different ready-made or custom-made a ready-made appropriate for are necessary ReitmanE 1964] solutions. solutions, has They activity jesign decision the solution. note is maker sought search that a is but that more elaborate models of description the for whether upon that design the of custom-made detail on the various forms of further design activity. In there summary, intelligence and of All information. in exist literature the This from decision implementation is somewhat less than to work the that as important phases of the The exact nature of each phase and their order decision recognition clear. activities design decision process. agreement general is implicitly information has suggests value several roles for equivalent to the expected improvement (which may be zero) from knowledge of the information. Tne addition of some consideration of the intelligence and design processes to the model should provide a more evaluation accurate of the managerial uses of information. 2. Human Judgement Under Uncertainty There are two competing paradigms of the utilization of information judgement and thought. choice, the Bayesian and the regression in schools of The essential difference between the two is in the manner of assessment of the relationship between information and the states about which one is drawing inference. The Bayesians propose the use of conditional probabilities and Bayes' theorem to assess the impact of 13 information obtaining. judgements prior upon regression The of formalized school, probability states' the the in of model lens 1956], uses correlations of states proposed by Brunswik [Brunswik 1952, with information cues to weight the importance of each cue in the final After judgement. between rivalry judgement, che hundred several the psychology studies intense. remains schools two human of conceptual overlap, attempts at unifying the two views Despite obvious have met with limited success [Slovic and Lichtenstein 1971, . van Breda 1973] Savage ever since probability into 1954] This a first joined the concepts of utility and subjective why the economics information value models require that is K p(s.) IK 1 formulation of revised the information source upon decision receipt maker's of signal problem y' evaluator's problem), for it is than to estimate both p(s.) and i revision formula. a simpler matter to the presence of p(y!|s.) and apply the Bayesian k 1 a valid description of human behavior only under the assumptions that the intelligence and design phases and the from The economics model of how we arrive at the function p(') appears to be that p(s.) is a curious K 1 K It . apart (as produce directly subjective estimates of p(') in , functions probability p(y'|s.), for the derivation of p(s.|y'), the probabilities of each state obtaining y| making .[Savage formal, axiomatic theory of decision the decision maker have knowledge of the and utilization information Economics has adhered to the Bayesian view of p(y'|s.) are already given. As are complete, discussed previous section, we must remove such assumptions from the model. in the T4 Reformulation of the model to indicate direct estimation of p(s 1 y the decision maker simplifies the decision maker's problem, but the information valuation problem almost unchanged. information source value ) by k i leaves The calculation of requires knowledge of p(yJ, which is still not directly estimatable, but can be most easily derived from p(s ) and i p(y.|s.). Notice that the economics model of information value had the decision maker's and the information source evaluator's primitive type requirements coincide. When the model is descriptively enhanced, the data required by the decision evaluation of an data information maker source and required data the disconnected. become for This has interesting implications for the ability of decision makers to evaluate their own sources of information. We shall not pursue them here. Further complications must be considered maker's direct of p(s |y'). estimation i modelling in There is the large and growing a k body of psychology literature that documents and theorizes on of systematic bias estimation of probabilities. the in Kahneman have identified three important estimate probabilities and have heuristics demonstrated systematic biasing of estimates .[Kahneman and and Kahneman 1971, 1974] The decison 'prospect by Tversky and which how these Tversky 1973; theory' evidence people lead to Tversky they have developed sheds considerable light on how outcomes are framed as gains and losses in evaluating utilities and on the transient nature [Kahneman and Tversky 1979; Tversky and Kahneman information value needs to include consideration biases, for they induce a of of these values. 1981] A model of these systematic systematic subutilization of information, and decrease the obtainable value of information. 15 3. The Choice of Actions Economics information value models set A, in every state of nature in S. expected maximizes the formula for EV(N) in There is decision the maker evidence actions that which action the This is apparent from the economics information the chooses He of outcomes. value considerable that of every action, from their potential action consequences explore the require we reviewed. chosen on a much model are simpler basis. Simon was one of the first to question the maximum expected value model of choice. He developed submitted it as normative model the well known of idea satisf icing, and better description of individual behavior and as a rational of information gathering behavior under and processing .[Simon of costly 1957, 1959] He conditions 1955, 1956, a suggested that an action choice rule more descriptive of human behavior would be to determine a minimum aspiration level, outcome and sequentially an action a' is found L, for decision a search and test potential actions, , until need not be accurately determined; one a such that: MIN u(s. s ^ ,a' ) J > - L 1 In this formulation, u(s , a') i only needs to aspiration. action choice know L and J whether u(s., u(s., a'.) could a'.) be is greater than L, multidimensional. the level of Then, rule need not be modified, but the chosen action satisfy the rule along every dimension. This obviates the need tradeoff among dimensions of the objective. a', the must for a 16 Cyert and March extended this idea to the theory of the firm [Cyert and March 1962] and considerable work has continued 1978] Stigler has explored the economics of the rational theory, [March ideas search activity .[Stigler 1961] Many of these model of bounded area, this in serve and value information as a simplify could a description of better decision making behavior. Soelberg[ 1966, studied 1967] the job decisions. students making He behavior graduate fifty-two of found evidence that individuals had more than one acceptable choice alternative before ending their search, Soelberg developed in contradiction to strict satisficing behavior. a theory of decision making that combines the notions of maximizing along the most important one or two dimensions of outcome and satisficing along all others, to explain his findings. The conflict between Simon's and Soelberg' s theories of choice behavior Raisinghani Mintzberg, using resolved can be and , Theoret's solutions. They write, "The hypothesis with the strongest support in our study is that ready-made differentiation between the organization solution. . solutions . contrast, typically alternatives" seeking and In designs .[ fully-developed one them 256] Soelberg' from custom-made organizations selected 1976, p. choosing only and among from s that among chose a custom-made ready-made sample was of decision ready-made of number makers solutions (job offers), whereas many of Simon's conclusions appear to have germinated from observations of problems his involving custom-made solutions, such as the widely referenced description of a computer aquisition decision made in 17 the early 1950 's .[Cyert , Simon, and Trow, 1956] Different simplified choice rules could also be modelled. For example, one could model the practice of developing plans based upon assumptions about most likely future scenarios. the most This is equivalent to identifying likely state of nature and choosing an action to maximize the value of the outcome if that state obtains. The decision rule would be, choose a', such that: J u(s'.,a'.) MAX u(s'.,a = .) J where p(s'.ly') =MAXp(s.|y') s Several variations of this simplification are possible. M. Multiple Signal Resolution There is little evidence that individuals resolve multiple and possibly conflicting signals through 'Bayesian' psychologists a have complex Bayesian revision process. developed Even about individuals' theories misaggregation of multiple signals to explain the apparent conservative revision of prior probability Gettys and Manley 1963; estimates .[Beach Wheeler and Beach 1968; Edwards 1968; Tversky and Kahneman 1974] The regression paradigm offers no better description of signal resolution. Contrary- to its predictions, lower test-retest reliability probabilities. [Hoffman and Blanchard 1961; of multiple experiments indicated that increased numbers of signals lead to decreased and 1968; accuracy judgements Hayes 1964; have Einhorn of 1971] 18 heuristic Possibly, the used modelled more closely as a signals may be Sufficient conflict among signals could confidence decreased multiple voting process, with each signal weighted by the reliability of its source. lead to resolve to an increased propensity to collect and more information. As with modelling the design phase of decision the process, the direction to take in modelling multiple signal resolution is not clear. should Nevertheless, it be possible to improve upon the descriptive ability of the complex Bayesian revision process adopted by information economics. Multiple Decisions Over Time 5. How do managers deal with information over time? assume that of a models design all future decision problems at the beginning they finite time horizon [Feltham . information source stream of Tne economics outcome information signals is valued improvements optimally. as 1968, 1972] the present gained by a In this context, an value of the expected decision maker using The solution to this problem can only be derived using dynamic programming, for one considers the impact of each signal in the present decision as well as in all future decisions. It is not the reuse of the information source, but of the particular information signals that makes the decision maker's problem so absurdly counter to intuitive notions of managerial behavior. 19 appear to historical information in The economists have In separate to model the of use This might be accomplished decision making. much more simply if we do not historical information. trying been the information source from this way, the new information signals may embody historical information and the complexity overwrought of the problem has problem disappears. The other major modification of the multiple already been suggested in an earlier section. decision Decision problems cannot be defined and enumerated at the beginning of any period of time. must be They discovered, selected, or assigned with little forewarning. have suggested that this problem identification issue We best can be described by adding an intelligence phase to the model. CONCLUSIONS We have reviewed a the value of information from and criticized it from the perspective of descriptive economics theory validity. standard model of Five major areas of revision have been discussed. in these areas would bring the model into closer alignment Revisions with our knowledge of the behavior of managerial decision making. This paper has set a direction, but made little movement in the direction. To direction; we need a conception guide our future path of the we need final a chosen goal as well as product, requirements for the final model that we wish to create. a qualitative 20 Our requirements are two. The model should be simple and complete. simple, we mean that it should be free decisions from may unnecessarily Individual 'decision areas' in be simplified. By complete, we mean that the model major uses of information which suggestions for in this regard. expanding detailed have to be aggregated into considerations. the final model. 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I HD28.M414 no.1184- 81 Hn28M414 Van Breda. Mic/lnterpreting inflation DxBKS 742013 QDl T^S TOfiD 3 HD28.IVI414 John Little. 742016 16 no 1185- "" fiflE 81 : I 111 II Mi III p III H028.M414 no.1186- 81 Rotemberg. Jul/Monopolistic price ad|u D»BKS 741994 HD28.IV1414 Katz, Ralph- . . no.ll87- 81 /An investigation HD28.IVt414 no.l188- 81 Beckhard. Rich/Challenges and issues D»BKS 742004 t 002 007 307 TOflO 3 into OOT""" D»BKS 742019 OOll^Ml 001 ^Tb 03^ ^OflO 3 . i 00135675 TOaO 002 031 T6M 3 HD28.M414 no.1189- 81 Rotemberg. Jul/Monetary policy and cos 00133044 .Pj.BKS 74199.7. TOaO 002 000 3 fl31 H028.M414 no.1190- 81 Medoff. James /Involuntary termination 056 0*BK5 74200 . Mill .,, 37 002 001 TOflO 3 nu f, HD28.1\/I414 no. 1191- 81 Treacy, Michae/Toward a behavioral the D*BKS Q0.13§^29,, 74200.D... 3 TD60 002 0M2 no.l191- 81 Treacy. Michae/Towards D*BK 7431 3 TOflO 2Tt> 1981 HD28.I\/I414 a behaviorally- 136527 002 042 2b2 HD28,IV1414 no.1192- 81 Von Hippel, Er/lncreasing innovators' 74261.6... 3 .D»BKS TOflO 001336"" 002 007 TDflO 3 Sfifl . .DD133 002 000 HD28.M414 no.ll94- bSfl 81 Rotemberg, Jul/Sticky prices m the Un DxBKS ., .OOl.SJOM 74218.1 . 001 TTh 2b0 TOfiO no 1193- 81 Edwar/lnfluences on innovatio )»eKS. D/MAXBAND a versatile D» " D»BKS 00132653 II 3 Roberts. 00132633 3 . TOfiO . 002 ODD 7b5