C9 IJAN 121990 '•=^«»»i CENTER FOR COMPUTATIONAL RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Transient and Busy Period Analysis of the GI/G/1 Queue: Part II, Solution as a Hilbert Problem ty Dimitris J. Bertsimas, Julian Keilson, Daisuke Nakazato, and Hongtao Zhang Sloan W.P. 3099-89-MS December, 1989 SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLQGY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 ALFRED P. Transient and Busy Period Analysis of the GI/G/1 Queue: Part II, Solution as a Hilbert Problem by Dimitris }. Bertsimas, Julian Keilson, Daisuke Nakazato, and Hongtao Zhang Sloan W.P. 3099-89-MS December, 1989 Transient and busy period analysis of the queue: Part Dimitris J. Solution as a Hilbert problem II, Bertsimas GIjGjX * Julian Keilson Hongtao Zhang November Daisuke Nakazato ^ ^ ^ 20, 1989 Abstract In this paper we find the waiting time distribution in the transient and the busy period distribution of the G//G/1 queue. problem as a two dimensional Lindley process and then transform factorization problem. the GI / R/\,RIG/\ We We R is form formulcie to a Hilbert obtain simple closed form expressions for the Laplace FCFS when the busy period distribution. Furthermore, for the first Key words. Transient it the class of distributions with rational transforms of the waiting time distribution under empty and formulate the achieve the solution of the factorization problem for queues, where Laplace transforms. initially We domain the system we is find closed two moments of the distributions involved. analysis, busy period, Lindley equation, Hilbert factoriza- tion. 'Dimitris Bertsimas, Sloan School of bridge, for Ma 02139. The research of the author was partially supported by grants from the Leaders Manufacturing program at MIT 'Julian Keilson, Sloan School of Ma Management and Operations Research Center, MIT, Cam- and from Draper Laboratory. Management and Operations Research Center, MIT, Cambridge, 02139. MA 02139. MA 02139. 'Daisuke Nakazato, Operations Research Center, MIT, Cambridge, ^Hongtao Zhang, Operations Research Center, MIT, Cambridge, 1 Introduction 1 work (Bertsimas and Nakazato In the first part of this perform transient and busy period analysis MCE the is for the [1]) we presented a method MGEi/MCE\i /\ the class of mixed generalized Erlang distributions. method of to queue, where Our analysis used stages combined with the separation of variables and root finding techniques together with linear and tensor algebra. We found simple closed form expressions for the Laplace transforms of the queue length and the waiting time distribution under distribution. FCFS when the system is We first mensional Lindley process and then transform of empty and the busy period we extend and generalize these In this paper queue with arbitrary distributions. We initially results to the formulate the problem as a two queues, where As a nal Laplace transforms. result, R we is di- to a Hilbert factorization problem. it problem are able to solve explicitly the underlying factorization GI/R/l and R/G/l G//G/1 for the cases the class of distributions with ratio- find closed form formulae for the Laplace transforms of the waiting time and busy period distribution. Formulations of queueing problems as Hilbert factorization problems can be traced back in Lindley the G//G/I queue is in [6], which the steady state waiting time distribution of derived via a spectral factorization of the underlying Hilbert problem. For other examples of the method see Keilson The paper is [2,3]. organized as follows. In the next section, which paper we formulate the transient behavior of the CI/C/l queue as a is central in the two dimensional Lindley process, derive the key formula of the transient and busy period dynamics and then transform it to a Hilbert factorization problem. the factorization problem for the solution for the GI/R/l previous two sections are GI/M/l queue. in R/G/l queue, while In Section 5 in In Section 3, Section 4 we observe how the agreement with the known results we achieve contains some closing remarks. its results of the for the M/G/l queues and consistent with the results of Bertsimas and Nakazato final section we solve [1]. and The System Formulation 2 In this section we formulate the CI /C/X queue transient behavior of the as a two dimensional Lindley process, derive the key formula of the transient dynamics and then transform it to a Hilbert factorization problem. notion of a busy interval which is Our analysis will focus on the defined as the busy period plus an immediately following idle period. In Subsection 2.1 we define the notation we will use, in Subsection 2.2 we derive the key formula we transform the problem 2.3 dynamics and in Subsection to a Hilbert factorization problem. Notation and Assumptions 2.1 In this subsection are using. We arriving time is for the transient is we define the random variables and establish the notation we assume that the system initially is and the idle first customer's the forward recurrence interarrival time. Although this assumption restrictive for the waiting time distribution, it is not restrictive for the busy period distribution, since the busy period regenerates. We first Xn T B[ we will use as follows: — 1 th and n th customer. the arriving time of n th customer. Note that Tn : : variables the interarrival time between n : r„ random the service time of n th customer. ' Tn define the the arriving time of a ti + ^^=2 '^k- random customer. the duration of a busy interval, : = i.e. the interval between the initiating epoch of a busy period and the initiating epoch of the next busy period. Bp W^ W^ the duration of a busy period. : : : the waiting time in the queue of n th customer. the waiting time of a random customer. We a{t) the interarrival time probability density function (pdf). : q(s) J use the following notation: will the Laplace transform of a(i). : = E[Tn] Cj = = — a(0) the : Va,r[Tn]/ E[Tn]^ a'{t) the : first ' mean interarrival time. the squared coefficient of variation of the interarrival time. customer's arriving time pdf (because of our assumption it is the forward recurrence time of the interarrival time). a*(s) b{t) i = = E[Arn] = j(l — a(s)). : : ' the ; : mean service time. the squared coefficient of variation of the service time. the traffic intensity. the busy interval pdf. : sp{t) = —P{0) Var[A'„]/ E[A'„]^ - Slit) cr(s) a'(s) the Laplace transform of 6((). : C\ = p i.e. the service time pdf. : (3[s) the Laplace transform of a*(<), : the busy period pdf. the Laplace transform of sp{t). In addition, we define /(x,y) = = ^Pt[W+ ,. <y\T = x] ]^ELiafePr[rn<r,[C<y] lim ^E^=iPr[r„<x] (1) 1 Transient Dynamics 2.2 we derive In this subsection ics CI/G/l of the 0, 1, 2, . , . . n in tlie key formula that describes the transient dynam- For notational convinience we enumerate customers by queue. We the order of arrival. analyze the case, We arrives at the busy period initiated by k th customer. r and observe (see Figure 1) that if in which the n th customer let =k+ l Wn+k < and Wr >Oforr = + ^r) = Bl jfc-|-l...n + Ar— then k+n T=k + l k+n-\ k+n E Bp = X. = E {Tr + Wr^ + k- (2) r=*+l r=fc Similarly, if Wr>0 Summarizing, the for r critical = k+l...n + observation is k, that that inunediately follows the busy period Bp, Wn+k > 0, then Wn+k is waiting time of track of the busy interval + IV;^^,^ = W^+k- if Wn+k < is —Wn+k\ on 0, (2) the other hand, n th customer. Therefore, and (3) then the idle period, B[ and the quantity Wn+k, then we can busy period and the waiting time from now it then (3) respectively. if we keep find both the For this goal we consider the joint densities: A(x,y) = ^^Pr{Tn<x,^n<y}, U{x,y) = ^-^Pr{rn+k-rk<x,W;^_^.i^<y,Wr>0,r = k+l...n + /o(x,y) = 6(x)6(y), oxoy if k}, —WkHX \*\ T"k + -WkM Wk.2 ^k + 2^ 1.+ k+1 2 k+3 kM \*3 Tk. Br Figure where 6{x) is Transient dynamics 1: the Dirac delta function. Note that that and /n(x,y) has positive support in y, A(x,y) nonnegative support in is independent of u i and is independent oik. Since r^+k+i-Tk 1 ... n + t where (7(y) + is 1 = r^+k-Tk+T^+k+i and we obtain the recurrence is = ^V^+kHn+k+i = 6{x)6iy) /i(x,y) = A(x,y)C/(y) /„+i(x,y) = [/„(i,y)*A(x,y)]t/(y), fn{i,y) * A(x,y) = '^^^Vr > 0, r = relations: /o(x,y) a unit step function and lution sign that IV'^+fc+i we denote jT'^o So fn{x (4) "*" as the 2-dimensional convo- -u,y- t;)A(u, n) ducfv. We also k + define rnir,y)= ^^Pr{B[ axay < x,lV„ + k < y,Wr > Note that r„(z,y) has nonpositive support it is independent of The motivation = 0,r k + I . . . n + k - l,iy„+fc < 0}. y and nonnegative support in x and in k. above definitions for the quantities of interest in is of the terms of the functions r„(z,y). Clearly -Pr{5/<x}= = 00 *Q 1 5;(x) we can express the pdf that ^r„(x,y)dy, / (5) n=l and using (2) Using From (2) (4) and and (3) (7) = 00 -0 J spix) —Pr{Bp<x}= dx we obtain ^r„(x-y,y)cfy. J-00 n = \ (6) , in a similar way as before ri(x,y) = A(x,y)(l-f/(y)) rn+i(x,y) = [/n(x,y)*A(x,y)](l-C/(y)). we obtain the key formula for the G//G/1 (7) transient dynamics in real time: + /n+i(-c, y) 2.3 r„+i(x, y) = /„(r, y) A(x, y). (8) Formulation as a Hilbert Problem In this subsection we will work in the transform domain, where the solution of (8) equivalent to a Hilbert factorization problem. ^+{s,u)= / /O yoo / -00 -'0 We is introduce the Laplace transforms: e-"-v^/„(x,y)(fx<iy, •» e-'^-^v^r^x.yjcfxdy. „, n=l Note that /CO fOO -co The superscript half of the is + is ^0 employed complex w plane. analytic in the left to designate that $+(5,0;) Similarly, the superscript half of the By taking transforms in (8) $•"(5,0;) + complex uj — is analytic in the right designates that p~{s,io) plane. we obtain p"(s,w) = 1 + a(s -a;)/3(w)<J>''"(s,w), or equivalently = <I>+(s,w)(l-a(s-w)/?(a;)) (9) is a Hilbert factorization problem in $•(5,^) p~[s,u)) The is is uj l-p-{s,u;). with fixed analytic in Re(u;) > and Re(s) > analytic in Re(w) < and Re(s) > s, (9) where 0. following additional boundary conditions complete the description of the fac- torization problem: a{0)<m Once p {s,lli) is (^P<1) found, we can use (6) to obtain the Laplace transform of the busy period: A f°° a{s)= e-'^sp{x)dx = p-{s,s), (10) Jo and similarly from (5) r e-'^si{x)dx = p-{s,0). Jo The transform of the conditional waiting time (transform variable queue of a customer whose arriving time (transform variable ui) s) is given, in the can be found from From $"''(s,a;) as follows. (1) we find that (the convolution "*" is with respect to x) = /(r,y) |-Pr[PF+ <y|r = x] oy = -a-(x)*^s'/>(x)*^/„(x,y), since (11) n=0 r=0 we assumed that the arriving time of the first customer the forward recur- is my rence interarrival time and thus from the renewal theorem (or simply taking Laplace transforms) we have oo oo -iX:Pr[r„<z] = a-(x)*^a(")(^) = dx A, n=0 n=l and moreover oo i2 -^ J2 Pr[rn < X, w;t <y] = a'{x) ^^*^y n=l By * J2 *'/'(^) * E /"(^' y)- n=0 r=0 defining roo ^s,u;)= in (11) ^(^-) e-'^-^yf{x,y)dxdy / / Jo Jo and taking transforms f-co we obtain that = i(r^^^^(--) = lllf^. (12)' s$+(s,0) ^ Therefore, we can express both the transforms of the busy period and the waiting time distribution in terms of <I>"'"(s,a;) and p~{s,u>). As a result, we reduced the problem of obtaining the transforms of the busy period and the waiting time distribution to the solution of the Hilbert problem (9). In its full generality, distributions, solution. it is not i.e., with completely arbitrary interarrival and service time known whether In special cases, however, the Hilbert problem (9) has a closed form when one of the distributions has a rational Laplace transform, then we can solve the factorization problem the next sections we solve (9) for the R/C/l and CI/R/l the class of distributions with rational Laplace transforms. in closed respectively, form. In where R is The Solution 3 Problem of the Hilbert for the R/G/l Queue In this case a{s) afyj{s) is — "'^ (l where a£)(s) , is a monic polynomial in s of degree L and a polynomial of degree less than L. For fixed with Re(s) s > let z 0, — ir(s), (r = 1 . . . L) be the L roots of the equation: a(s-z)/?(r)= The proof is Re(2)>0. 1, of this follows along the lines of claim 3 of [1]. (13) Once the number established through Rouche's theorem, we simply follow the by Keilson [3,2]. Now, of roots methods pioneered (9) can be written as l-^-(s,w) <I>+(s,a;) (14) a£i(3-u/) aC)(3-u<)-0!jv(j-u;)/3(ui) By observing that the expression Re(ai) > Re(a;) < and the expression and using Liouville's be equal to a function of the function is in s in the rhs of the equation (14) the Ihs of the the equation (14) is is analytic for analytic for theorem we conclude that both expressions should From the boundary conditions of (9) a constant function 1. To complete we easily find that Liouville's theorem, we need the following proposition. Proposition 1 The ezpnssions equation (1 ^) are bounded. tn both sides of the Proof Let Re(s) > 0. For the Ihs, out) that the denominator with Re(u;) is > 0, it is easily bounded away from 0, and thus nLi(x.(5)-u>) aois - We u^) then check that the numerator |a)+(s,u;)| < is ocn{s also - ui)(3[Lj) bounded; $+(0,0) 10 seen (since the zeros cancel > e. for some f > 0; TTn Uo -'0 DO < 1 fc E + ^'•i n=l Since p < 1 £'[4r] < (Vr). that there exists a constant 6 As a < 1 result, < analogous way the denominator of the 0, i.e., for some f > — < rhs, \\-p-{s,^)\ Liouville 's < \ < l+/>-(0,0) < oo. < 0} i5", and thus with Re(u;) < 0, is bounded away > e. <i>^{s,u) (s,^) = = + is seen as follows; \p-{s,u)\ = l + a(0) = 2 a theorem we conclude that the unique solution the Hilbert factorization problem (9) p > ^DO. boundness of the numerator of the rhs Thus by applying 0} 0; nL,(^r(5)-a;) In addition the > ^^ applying the Chernoff bound, we obtain \ from E r=k+l such that -P'"{IIr=?+i ^r |<I>"''(S,W)| In an +n is: aD{s — w) — a;v(s I to w)/:^(w) - nL,(^r(s)-u;) ao^s -oj) Hence we get from (12) <I>(s,u;) = s{aD{s - w) - ayv(s -w)/?(w)) n ;^Jj Xr{s) -U! (15) iris) and from (10) (16) aD(0) ^Vi 11 . The reward of our analysis a simple closed form expression for the transform is of the busy period and waiting time distribution. form expressions Moreover, we can find closed two moments of the waiting time and busy period for the first The distribution by differentiating the corresponding transforms. following formu- were derived using the symbolic differentiation routine of the software package lae Mathematica on a Macintosh computer. II L w s -« C7W l-a(s) V^ Xr{s) aois)^ f)2 e-'^E[{W+)^\r = x]dx^ lim . — — -<t.(s,u;) Ou)^ is) -I- E[flp] Var[Sp] ^Z^r=l JTpy = — ^—_nx,(0) as y p)aD(O) a(-z.(0))/?(x.(Q)) P (1 - - ^t1 Q(-x,(0))^(i-.(0)) (i-pfA.„(o) where w, used ^(, -,,(,)) a{3 ^-^ - lim-^log((T(5)) ^ ^(s - ^^ l-a(3) d = -lim-a(s) = - s and -t- Xr(s)) = a(s = - n ''(") - - q(-x,(0))/:?(x,(o)) n^fO) '^ .y n '^(0) i(i-rt„„(o,j „,._„,.,g— l^lg'^^',,!.!,,,.,, Xris))P{xr{s)) x - Xr{s))a(, - Xr{3))3(rr{3))^-26{3 - Xr(3))^ i3{lA 3)f + 6(, - Xrjs))^ l3(jCrl 3))0{lr(s)) (a{3 - Tr{3))0{Tr(3))-a{3 - X. (5))/3(r. (5) )) The formula for the first two moments of the busy period was simplified using the observation that there exists a unique root such that xi{0) 12 = (see Keilson [4]). As an additional check of the algebra we can L = 1 verify that for the the formula for E[Bp] becomes E[Bp] = —^. M/G/l The Solution of the Hilbert i.e. Finally, note that the roots Jr(0) are precisely the roots that appear in the steady solution of the 4 queue, Problem R/G/l queue. GI/R/l for the Queue In this case f3{s) /3jv(s) is As be the = x4f) where I3d{s) , a monic polynomial in s of degree is M previous section, for fixed s and M. a polynomial of degree less than in the M with Re(s) > 0, let z = Xr{s) (r =: 1 . . . A/) roots of the equation: a(s-z)p{z) = The unique l, Re{z)<0. solution to the Hilbert problem can be found in a similar way as in the previous section to be: <I>+(s,u') = rAf n;^4,(c.-x.(s)) Note that the connection with the results of the previous section R/R/l is in the case of established by noticing that L+.\f (-1)^ n '^'^ ~ -^rls)) = o:d{s -lj)I3d{u)) -aA'(s-a;)/?Af(a)). r=l Hence we get from (10) and (12) that *(.,.)= As an accuracy check we can results for the Mil n_^ easily check that (17) MGEi/MCE\f/\ queue obtained 13 (17) and (18) are identical with the in part I of this study (Bertsimas and Nakazato the moments As [1]). the previous section we can find closed form formulae for in of the distributions involved as follows: /•oo Jo 1 / s \fr{ Xt{ 1 E[5,] = (zi)!:M2)fi Var[5p] = (-1)'''/?d(0) \yZ12_±l^Y. ^ ^ + fct^ (-l)'^^(l a(-rfc(0))/?(x,(0)) x,(0){a(-x,(0))/?(x,(0)) + Ci)%(0) /?d(0)\ ^ ) - T^ 1 L\ ^r{0) a(-x,(0))/?(xfc(0))} //?D(0)V-i^ V M V* 1 M The M/G/1 and GI/M/l Queues 5 In this section M/G/1 — xi(s) verify CI/M/l xi(s)). = we and generalize well known (Takacs [7]) known GI/M/l and results for the queues. For the a{s 1 By ^{w{s) For the — = is letting A/ 1), M/G/1 satisfies cr(s) it [3(s we we observe that from A in (18) 1 same find the queue + = — it is well = + = w{s) = 1, i.e. expression. known 1 = ^^^~^, where and observing that w{s)f3{xi[s)) (see Kleinrock [5]) that the In order to see A<7(s)). (16) cr[s) that (t{s) Iz^ilii^ how we can busy period derive this from (16) from where xi(s) = + s X — Xcr{s). Since xi(s) satisfies from (13) a(s - xi{s))f3{x,{s)) = -— A we can now —f3{s + A - Xa{s)) = — /?(s + A — A<t(s)). of the waiting time can be expressed follows: S-W + 1 $(s,w) = s 1, xi(s) easily derive the desired relation a{s) The time-dependent behavior cr(^s) eis +s- A(1-«t(s)) + A(I-<7(5))s-w + A(1-a?(w)) 14 in terms of a solution to the well known Takacs This is rock [5] 6 Concluding Remarks In this or Takacs integrodifferential equation (see Klein- [8]). paper we attempted to demonstrate the power of direct probabilistic guments for the waiting time distribution in the transient We ar- domain and the busy period distribution for the G//G/1 the transforms and the two moments of these distributions. Algorithmically our approach offers a first method queue. found closed form expressions for finding these distributions in the time domain through the numerical inversion of the Laplace transforms. In Bertsimas and Nakazato we reported numerical sient results for finding numerically the queue length and the waiting time distributions in a for [1] busy period, the tran- MGE/MGE/l queue, by inverting numerically the corresponding Laplace transforms. References [1] Bertsimas, D. and Nakazato, D. (1989). "Transient and Busy period analysis of the [2] G//G/1 queue; Part Keilson, J. (1961). I, the method of stages", submitted for publication. "The Homogeneous Random Walk on the Half-Line and the Hilbert Problem", Bulletin de L'tnstttut international de statistique, 33ed session, [3] 113, 1-13. Keilson, J. (1962). "General Bulk Royal [4] Paper# Queue as a Hilbert Problem", Journal of Statistical Society (series B), Vol. 24. No. 2, 344-358. Keilson, J. (1969). "On the Matrix Renewal Function for Markov Renewal Process", Annals of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 40, No. 6, 1901-1907. [5] Kleinrock, L. (1975). Queueing systems; Vol. 15 1: Theory, Wiley, New York. [6] Lindley, D. (1952). 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