\ \ ?". V .\ HD28 .M414 no. ) 72. ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT A Simple Theory of Multinational Corporations and Trade with a Trade-ofT between Proximity and Concentration S. Lael Brainard Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP#3492-92-EFA September 1992 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 A Simple Theory of Multinational Corporations and Trade with a Trade-ofT between Proximity and Concentration S. Lael Brainard Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP#3492-92-EFA September 1992 M.I.T. NOV LIBRARfE? 1 8 1992 A Simple Theory of Multinational Corporations and Trade with a Trade-off between Proximity and Concentration Abstract This paper develops a two-sector, two-country model, where firms in a differentiated products sector choose between exporting and multinational expansion as alternative modes of foreign market penetration, based on a tradeoff between proximity and concentration advantages. The differentiated sector is characterized by multi-stage production, with increasing returns at the firm level, due to any number of production facilities some activity such as with undiminished value, scale economies transport cost that rises with distance. A R&D that can be spread among at the plant level, and a variable pure multinational equilibrium, where two-way intraindustry trade in two-way trade in differentiated products, is possible even in the absence of factor proportion differences. It is more likely the greater are transport costs relative to the fixed cost of production, and the greater are increasing returns at the firm level relative to the plant level. The model also examines how the pattern of trade and production varies with additional stages of production. intangibles completely supplants * I am grateful to Paul Krugman and Julio Foundation for support under grant SES-9 111649. Rotemberg for helpful discussions, and to the National Science Introduction I. Multinational enterprises (MNEs) Rugtnan (1988) estimates international trade. global trade flows, and one-fifth of global (FDI) and as the are a substantial and imperfectly understood part of the landscape of in overseas that the largest GDP by the early 1980s. boom in foreign direct affiliates, foreign affiliate sales EC, Julius (1990) estimates that in markets such as Brazil and the affiliates are five It is After the expansion during the 1980s, these numbers are probably even higher. US, which have a well-developed network of overseas export flows. 500 multinationals controlled over one-half of local sales For countries such tend to swamp by U.S. -owned times the level of imports from the U.S. also striking that a large and growing share of foreign direct investment involves industrialized nations as both the source and destination markets, rather than flowing from North to South. 1988, over half of all direct investment outflows generated countries; this share had risen to nearly 70 percent by 1988 These trends suggest a large and growing Between 1961 and by G-5 countries were absorbed by other G-5 The share of (Julius (1990)). absorbed by developed market nations more broadly was 81 percent by the (1992)). investment late direct investment 1980s (Knigman and Graham of two-way activity across borders motivated by level considerations of market access. But multinational expansion motivated by market access is not just a recent phenomenon. Indeed, in her study of American multinationals from the 1700s to 1914, Mira Wilkins concludes that market access was the primary motivation for multinational expansion: These early international businesses established foremost in the areas They made their foreign stakes around the world where there were customers as - in we have seen - first and Europe and Canada primarily. where there was demand for their offerings - in the wealthiest The businesses described in this chapter went abroad to sell and to make profits the countries in which they made investments; if they went into manufacturing, estate, it was with marketing considerations paramount. They did not go abroad for their principal investments nations in the world. through sales in refining, or real supplies or to produce abroad for sale in the United States. (Wilkens, 1970, p. 1966) The implications of these trends for trade and for policy have not been fully explored, partly because research on trade and on multinationals proceeds along separate tracks. recent years in explaining the Meanwhile, the managerial phenomenon of literature intra-industry trade, and on multinationals has evolved 1 Trade theory has made great in strides in modelling imperfect competition'. to incorporate recent advances in the theory of the boundaries of the firm.^ However, there have been few attempts to synthesize the two, even though the characteristics that have been adduced and differentiated products - to explain intraindustry trade - imperfect competition, scale economies, are precisely the characteristics that are associated with the internalization and ownership advantages believed to motivate the formation of multinationals. This paper develops a two-sector, two-country model, where firms in a differentiated products sector choose between exporting and cross-border expansion as alternative modes of foreign market penetration. by increasing returns differentiated sector is characterized that can be spread among any number of production at the facilities firm level due to some The R&D, input, such as with undiminished value, scale economies at the plant level, such that concentrating production lowers unit costs, and a variable transport cost that rises with distance. The transport cost stands in for a variety of advantages from locating close according to Wilkens, have been a chief motivation for expansion of "investments abroad were customer service and made to multinationals historically: save on transportation costs and warehousing expenses, to obtain superior damage to avoid US which, to the customer, The decision whether shipping a perishable product (p. 67)." in to expand abroad via trade or via investment hinges on a trade-off between these proximity advantages and scale advantages from concentrating production in a single location. In this model, a pure multinational equilibrium, where supplants merchandise trade in the differentiated sector, is two-way intraindustry investment completely possible even in the absence of factor proportion differences, given sufficiently strong proximity advantages relative to concentration advantages. model provides a rationale distinct from the for EC (eg, traditional rationale for vertical expansion associated with factor Volkswagen and GM), which are better suited this two-way investment based on horizontal expansion across borders, which model formalizes an explanation of two-way investment the Thus, for to explaining example US - in automobile assembly endowment facilities in contrast to factor-based theories investments in semiconductor assembly and is differentials. between the of multinational test facilities in US This and activities, Southeast Asia. With a simple two-stage production process, trade in invisibles completely crowds out trade in there is a pure multinational equilibrium in which two-way goods, even in the presence of symmetric factor proportions. This equilibrium is more likely the greater are transport costs relative to plant-level scale economies, greater are increasing returns at the corporate level relative to those at the plant level. Under circumstances, a symmetric equilibrium with purely national firms obtains, in which there For intermediate ranges of transport costs trade in differentiated products. economies and of returns at the is two-way trade in a third stage of production, such as sales, two-way, intra-firm, intra-industry trade is a mixed equilibrium in which symmetric mixed equilibrium, there makes possible an equilibrium in intermediates replaces trade in final goods. in which This equilibrium holds concentration advantages dominate in upstream activities, and proximity advantages dominate downstream. The presence of multinationals has an ambiguous effect on consumer welfare; consumers benefit from a reduction in transport costs, but there the absence of multinationals, they there balanced two-way both differentiated products and invisibles. The incorporation of when In the the opposite relative to plant-level scale corporate level relative to the plant level, there multinational and national firms coexist in the differentiated sector. is and the is is a concomitant redaction consume a a home-market bias, whereas with home and I. larger quantity of number of varieties, all else equal. goods produced locally than of imports, so two-way multinational production, they consume equal In that quantities of foreign varieties. Related Research i. The model combines elements from both literature in the the imperfect competition trade literature and the strategy on multinationals. In recent years the strategy literature on multinationals has converged on a conceptual framework based on transactions cost analysis of the boundaries of the firm. expansion is Roughly, multinational explained as a firm's optimal response to the conjuncture of three advantages. ownership advantage in some unique asset that gives the firm market power and is The first is an associated with increasing returns across the firm (network capital, proprietary process technology or product designs, or an established reputation); the motivation for expansion is to maximize the returns to this asset. Second, there is an internalization advantage, such that the firm is unable to realize the full value of the asset through the market, due to transactions costs or other market failures. This determines the choice of direct investment over Third, there licensing. makes is an advantage to locating production near consumers or factors across borders, which international expansion While the first more profitable than exporting. two types of advantages are closely linked transactions costs, the concept of location advantages theory.' is loosely defined, and This delinking of location advantages from trade theory advances made by trade theorists in recent years in to literature is on the theory of the firm and on makes no reference surprising in light of the incorporating market to trade enormous power and increasing returns to scale into trade models. The economics these insights. literature on multinationals has gone way in recent years to incorporate Broadly, two strands of research have considered multinational activity. choice between licensing and investing across borders. market failure part that prevents firms from It The first some of focuses on the models internalization as an endogenous response fully exploiting their market power through the market. to a Ethier (1986) incorporates the internalization decision into a general equilibrium trade model based on specific factor endowments with a differentiated manufacturing sector. imperfections in contracting under uncertainty. downstream distribution must be located The The internalization decision of the firm locational choice in the destination is is a resjx)nse to captured by an ad hoc assumption that consumption market. Ethier and Markusen (1991) similarly focus on the internalization decision, but in a partial equilibrium framework. part The decision between exporting and overseas production on a trade-off between variable transport equilibrium implications are not explored. in via licensing or investment depends in costs and a fixed production facility cost, but the general Horstman and Markusen (1987) focus on the a partial equilibrium framework, where production in the destination market internalization decision may be chosen over licensing m order to maintain a reputation for quality. A second strand of research focuses on the choice between exporting and investing across borders, which hinges on locational advantages. Krugman (1985) incorporate MNEs Krugman (1982), Markusen (1984), Helpman (1984), and Helpman, into general equilibrium trade models, which start from the premise that firms benefit from internalization due to increasing returns at the level of the firm, and focus attention on the location decision. The model I develop below follows this line of research in focusing on the location decision. ^ But while the Helpman and Helpman, Knigman models explain vertical expansion across borders in terms of factor proportions differences, the model presented below formulates the motivation for overseas expansion terms of a trade-off between proximity and concentration advantages/ The however, I it focuses on proximity advantages alone, and thus can be seen as a briefly summarize the main findings of the factor proportions comparison. The Helpman and Helpman/Krugman model trade model, where one sector is With a two-stage production endowment obtains in the trade equilibrium, there equalized under trade, some of models here, for purposes of is which has a public goods character. assumed to be relatively more capital-intensive factor is endowments are sufficiently similar that factor price equalization no incentive for cross-border investment. When to the capital-abundant economy. factor price differentials, and it factor prices are not the firms in the differentiated sector locate their headquarters in the relatively capital-abundant economy, while locating production in the relatively labor-abundant back There In this model, multinationals arise only in the presence of sufficiently great When differences. case of the model below. characterized by product differentiation and multiple-stage production. function, production of the input than production of the final good. sp>ecial similar in spirit; is incorporates multinationals into a factor proportions are multiplant economies of scale associated with a firm-specific input factor Krugman model in Thus, this economy and exporting model explains cross-border investment as a response to predicts that multinational activities will only arise in a single direction within an industry, in single-plant firms. It effectively explains with strong factor proportions differences, but has little one-way direct investment flows to say about between economies two-way intraindustry investment flows between economies with similar factor proportions. This contrasts sharply with the model I develop below, the absence of factor proportion differences and in To make multiplant firms. parallels the in two directions the findings directly comparable, Helpman, Krugman framework, and compare I my which multinational in the same activity industry, and is can take place in undertaken by develop a general equilibrium model that closely findings directly with theirs, as well as with predictions from trade theory. Section II describes the structure of preferences and production in a framework with symmetric factor endowments and a two-stage production Section III process, and derives the equilibrium pattern of trade and investment. elaborates the production structure in the differentiated sector to incorporate an additional stage. Section IV elaborates the model to incorporate factor proportions differences as a motivation for overseas expansion, in addition to the proximity/concentration trade-off. Section V concludes. Two-Stage Production with Symmetric Factor Endowments and a Continuum of Consumers II. There are two neighboring countries, A and B, between which factors and consumers are immobile. endowments and n. to a single a distance Most of D apart. Countries are defined by areas the initial analysis will assume symmetry in factor of consumers across countries, in order to isolate the role of proximity in the distribution advantages in stimulating multinational activity. need refer only at immobile With symmetry factor, labor or L, endowments across in factor countries, we and a single factor payment, wages or w. Consumption i. There are two classes of goods: agricultural goods, which are homogeneous, and manufactured goods, which are differentiated. Consumers have identical, homothetic preferences over classes of goods. assumption permits separation of the consumption decision into two stages: the allocation of expenditure between the two aggregate goods, and the suballocation of manufacturing expenditure among It is further assumed that consumers have identical preferences This among varieties varieties. of the differentiated good, which take the form of a constant-elasticity-of-substitution subutility function of the Dixit-Stiglitz-Spence type. Denoting the differentiated product Q, and assuming differentiated goods is Eg, the consumer's second ^^^ Max that the share of expenditure allocated to maximization problem can be represented tier utility UQ{q^^^^,...,q^g,q^...) s.t. B ". Y, E as: ^kJlka ^ ^<? a=A k=l where q^ is market and a, the quantity of variety n, is the of good q available number of at the i originating in market a varieties from market consumer's location: a. ( = A,B), The P;, is the price of variety subutility function is i produced defined over all in varieties where a is the elasticity of substitution consumption plan variety is among Solving for the varieties. first order conditions yields an optimal where the share of manufacturing expenditure allocated that includes all varieties, to each inversely related to the relative price of that variety: (3) = '?*" ^=^.^ ^rr^.-. ^c? a k Differentiating with respect to the price yields an expression for the elasticity of -^i^_^ (4) I o. a=A^ (i-a) drop the second term k in the elasticity expression. analysis without substantially changing the results, for a sufficiently large Returning to the first-tier utility for each variety: ^^'° = a Following Helpman, Knigman, demand maximization problem, This vastly simplifies the number of varieties.' total utility for a representative consumer is defined: where utility from consumption of the agricultural good, agricultural good, Y. Assuming a Cobb-Douglas assumed simply \\(.), is utility function, the consumer's to equal consumption of the first-tier utility maximization decision can be represented as: (6) Max where Py is (?»y"-» SJ. the price of the agricultural good, and I is PyY^'tj^P^q;^-! income. Solving for the first expenditure shares for each of the aggregate goods that are independent of income: EE (7) ^k^^ka *^ / — W We ^- will use the price = 1-6 -^r of the agricultural good as the numeraire. = A^-*) order conditions yields n. Production ii. The production technology competition prevails. in the agricultural sector has constant returns to scale, and perfect Thus, the marginal cost of the agricultural good is constant, and its price in country is i just equal to the marginal cost: (9) = 1 In addition, the agricultural The manufacturing good is sector i=AJ Cj(w) transportable at negligible cost between countries. characterized by product-specific mcreasing returns. is Chamberlinian approach with free entry will yield monopolistic competition, as The business system returns trade models. public good character; they benefit production all R&D These costlessly separable into is and can be spread activities are from increasing two activities that have a among any number of unique to each variety. Such activities product design or process technology, advertising, or services such as personnel, in and planning; for simplicity, total costs familiar The corporation performs some facilities equally, without diminishing their value to any one. could include treasury, manufacturing sector corporate activities and production activities. activities: facilities in the is Adopting a per firm located in market (10) C; which are simply assumed to = I i will refer to them as R&D. Denoting the level of R&D activity as r, are: ^^^ O,^) i=A^ i dr be nondecreasing. Production o(>erations are characterized by increasing returns and a variable cost associated with each manufacturing plant. at the plant level: there is a fixed cost Production costs for a plant located in market i are: (11) C,'^(w.^,q) = ^ F(w)*nw,j;q) < or To make the analysis more tractable, it is (12) useful to assume that marginal costs are constant: V(w,j;q) = V(w.j-)q, This assumption is not critical; the results Notice that variable costs fall require only that the cost function exhibit bounded returns to scale. as the level of corporate activity increases, and that this relationship 8 is independent of the number of plants The firm chooses in operation. r to minimize costs over both markets such that: dC'iw./) (12) '*'' dViw/) dV(w.,r) = a,* dr Finally, there is dr It is from destination markets, such as shipping The and the transport is . . i=A, and^ ,. the reverse ' costs, trade barriers, linguistic or cultural differences, transport cost assumed is Krugman Thus, for some amount shipment to a foreign market r. u when j=B <j, intended to stand in for a variety of disadvantages of distance fraction of output that is lost in transit (similar to in the distance travelled. — dr ' a transport cost. responsiveness to consumers. '- q, to increase with distance: (1979)), which produced in it is and slow modelled as a specify as exp)onentially increasing I market a = A,B, the amount that survives smaller by an amount that increases in the distance between the two markets, D, cost, T: «.<"* (14) d^=0.d^=D a=A^, b=B when a-A, and The competition among firms equilibrium in each stage. in the differentiated sector takes place in First, firms in full stages, and there is a Nash knowledge of competitors' configuration decisions, firms simultaneously choose prices, yielding a Bertrand equilibrium. at a( two both markets simultaneously decide whether to enter the industry and choose their plant configurations. Then, with maximization for a firm located the reverse = A,B) Solving the yields a price to location j first order conditions for profit markup over as a the marginal cost of production and transport: P^ (15) l-I Vt)e "" for a=AM and j=A^ a The markup hinges on n. varieties amount clear produced location B. of substitution between varieties. Market Equilibrium iii. It is a, the elasticity The from the markup pricing policy at A in equation (15) will be priced equally at a given location, price of varieties produced at A and the elasticity in equation (4) that all and similarly for exceeds that of varieties produced that is proportional to the transport cost differential, 9 and the reverse. all at varieties B in produced at market B by an Given equilibrium prices and numbers of varieties produced in each market, the quantity demanded by a consumer in market a( = A,B) of a representative variety produced at a i qJ.P,n)=—^^ (16) which is: is PbP ^ .PJ> P increasing in the distance between the markets, and decreasing in the from both markets. The quantity demanded of goods produced ^^(P'"^ = (17) in the foreign n=n.^. number of market varieties available is: ^'^^" Vsi'-^n.' n-ri^^B KO^(n,.«,e'^'-">) a=B when b=A, and the reverse Thus, the optimal allocation among varieties implies that each consumer consumes equal quantities of varieties produced at a single location, home market yielding a and smaller amounts of the varieties produced in the foreign market, bias. Depending on the parameter values, there are three possible types of equilibrium: production I facilities, all firms operate a single production facility, or there will characterize the conditions for each type of equilibrium in turn. B t denotes the single-plant equilibrium. is all firms operate two a mixture of both configurations. Starting with the equilibrium with single- plant configurations, variable profits on sales of each variety produced at where all A and sold in A can be expressed Variable profits on sales of each variety produced at A in as: market are: "^ Profits are higher the closer is • -^ oin^e'^-'-Kn,) the production location to the destination market, and the fewer competing varieties there are. Thus, in an equilibrium where markets for a firm located at Assuming free entry, the A all firms have a single production facility, total profits over both are: number of firms producing Further, given the synunetry assumptions at made above, each location adjusts endogenously to yield zero profits. the optimal choice of the firm-specific input, 10 r, is symmetric across firms and markets, and the wage number of firms that the located at number of firms A and B are equal both markets in in equilibrium, located in each market equal, nA = nB = n,. which in turn implies that the Together, these two conditions imply is: n, = (21) is ^-l a[F(H')+C'(>v^)] The number of varieties is increasing in the expenditure allocated to differentiated products, and decreasing in the elasticity of substitution between varieties, and in the level of per-firm and per-plant fixed costs. To check whether A configuration. firm will open a second production facility only compensated by the increase a plant located at firm lowers its an equilibrium, consider the incentive for a firm to change this is A if from locating closer in variable profits opens an additional production facility at B. the increase in to foreign its production fixed costs consumers. Prices and profits in its A is more than Suppose a firm with are unchanged. The price in market B, to reflect the reduction in the variable costs of serving that market: (22) />i B yielding variable profits in market = -^K) a-l of: — T^ABiPr".) = (23) Thus, firms are discouraged from defecting only if the increase in variable profits is insufficient to cover the increase in fixed costs: (24) at: = —XT ,TD{l-a) 1 ^ Fiw) o [(„,-i)cW-o)^(„^^l)] nji^^nxi-o)] Putting the no-defection condition together with the zero-profit condition yields the condition for equilibrium: F(w) (25) > F(>v)+C'(H',r) Comparative plant is more statics (l-e"^'-»)) n,{Ue^'-''^-e^'-'^ d+e"^'-")) /.,(l+e"X'-<'>) + l-«r"^'-''» on the equilibrium conditions establish that the equilibrium in likely to prevail the higher is the fixed production cost, the distance between the markets, and the lower to 0, a single-plant equilibrium is always prevails. the firm-level fixed cost. The effect 11 of the which each firm has a single lower are the transport cost and the In the limit, as the corporate cost goes elasticity of substitution is ambiguous. However, by simplifying the no-defection condition, so defection on the market price index, the elasticity of substitution. the smaller is that firms do not take into account the can be shown that the equilibrium it In addition, for a fixed number of is more effect of their likely to hold the smaller is firms, a single-plant equilibrium is more likely the foreign market. Next consider an equilibrium which all firms have production facilities in both markets, denoted m. In this case, a firm serves consumers in market A from production facility market at B. in production its facility at A, and consumers in B from its Solving for equilibrium prices and quantities yields sales for each variety in each of: = ^^(/>^^j (26) _^£zi a-AJB associated with variable per-firm profits in each market of: 6/ ^-(P^^J (27) Total per-firm profits over both markets (28) is: n-(P„,«J = 2n''iP^jiJ-2F(w)-C'iw^) Again, given symmetry in factor proportions and demand, the number of firms in each market °a=1b=°iii- Then assuming free entry, is and solving for the number of firms under zero-profits in equal, a dual -plant equilibrium yields: „ (29) *Z = a[2F(w)*C\w,r)] Again the number of firms is decreasing in the level of total fixed costs, but here the per-plant fixed costs are weighted more heavily. A down firm is tempted from the dual-plant equilibrium if the savings in fixed costs from shutting a production facility more than offset the loss in variable profits due to higher transport costs to the foreign market. Consider a firm that shuts however, the firm's price (30) to defect down its plant at B. Pricing and profits in rises to reflect the increase in transport costs: /./ = _£_K(>n> a-l 12 A are unchanged. In B, yielding lower variable profits of: ^^1> ^amCP'J'.^J — = =rr— Thus, firms have no incentive to defect from a dual-plant configuration only F(w) i (32) Combining »/ e 1 ^ InJl-.^^-Vd-e"^'-')) 2F(H.) 2n^-{l-e^^">) 2/-(H')+C'"(H',r) fully multinational equilibrium, where smaller is all firms have production facilities in both markets, is more likely the the fixed production cost, the higher are transport costs and the distance between markets, and the higher are economies never sustainable. ambiguous. elasticity TD(l-o) the zero-profit and no-defection conditions yields equilibrium conditions: (33) A if: By at the firm level. Here, as the firm fixed cost goes to 0, a dual-location equilibrium Again, the effect of an increase in the elasticity simplifying the no-defection condition as above, it of substitution between varieties is more likely to hold the larger single-plant equilibria are characterized is multinational firms coexist with national firms. The condition for the For a fixed number of firms, Thus, the dual-plant and the foreign market. by precisely reversed conditions. In the intermediate range of parameter values, there single production facility is can be shown that an increase in the of substitution makes the multinational equilibrium more likely to hold. the dual-plant equilibrium is is a third possible equilibrium, in In the mixed equilibnum, some fraction, a, and export, and the remaining fraction have production facilities in which of firms have a both markets. mixed equilibrium can be derived from combining no-defection conditions for both single plant and dual-plant firms: n^(2-a(l-«"^'-'>)) > l**"^'') (34) where n^ is the number of firms in the mixed equilibrium. When equalized, the expression for the proportion of single plant firms ^ For a given number of returns to the two configurations are is: 2 8/ (l-^froc")) an^ F(w) firms, the proportion with a single production facility rises with the size of the fixed cost 13 and with the size of the transport cost and the distance between markets. falls holds only The ratio when With free entry, this equilibrium the following conditions on the fixed costs and the transport costs are satisfied: of firm-level to plant-level fixed costs is inversely related to the elasticity of substitution. positively related to the transport cost and distance, and condition If this is satisfied, any mixture of firm types can be supported. iv. II. It is Factor Market Clearing now equilibrium wage. possible to go back and solve for equilibrium conditions in the factor market and derive the Constant returns in the agricultural sector imply derivative of the unit cost function with respect to local wages. (35) = />^) In the differentiated sector, the demand demand that the Thus, in per unit labor input market = A,B: and production activities. the derivative of the cost function with respect to the local is the equilibrium level of corporate services simply the "EM for labor can be separated into corporate for labor for corporate activities i is wage The at : dw Production activities generate a demand for labor associated with the fixed production cost, which is simply the derivative with respect to the local wage: F. d^(^) . L,V^ (37) dw. And they generate a demand output produced at location (38) i for labor for production and sold l^(w.,r) = e^'^ in j this ^ and transport of the differentiated goods; for a unit of demand is: d^.=0. </^=D; i^A^; k=B when i=A, and the reverse dw^ Labor demand and wages vary according to the type of equilibrium single-plant equilibrium, factor clearing conditions in each market are: 14 in the differentiated sector. In the (39) where L, = is qj lJi^)Yl*n^L\{w,^yL!'{w)*lf(M,,^)ql\ per firm output in the single-plant equilibrium. i=AJ for In the pure dual-plant equilibrium, factor clearing implies: (^) where L, = l^(yv)Y,''*n^L;(w,^)*L!'(,w)*2ll^iw,j-)qr] q*^ is per firm output in the dual-plant equilibrium. In the straightforward to calculate, and depend on the mix of firms. supplies and consumer distributions, II. V. wages fori=AJB mixed equilibrium, In all three cases, due factor demands are to synmietry in factor both markets are equal. in Commodity Market Clearing Denoting wages in the dual and single equilibria as expenditure equality to be expressed in market (41) /"• while in the single-plant equilibrium Then commodity market = A w" and w' respectively, permits the income- in the dual-plant equilibrium as: ^"L = y+2n^[/'"(j"(P'0] it is: clearing requires a single market clearing condition. For agriculture in equilibrium n this is: (l-«) = (43) — n=mu I" II. vi. Trade Balance Given symmetry agricultural good and in for differentiated products. with purely national firms. agricultural good, population size and income, there are synunetric demands in both markets for the Given symmetric The single-plant equilibrium is essentially a trade equilibrium factor proportions, each country satisfies and there are balanced flows of two-way trade 15 in the differentiated its own demand for the manufacturing sector: The volume of and the intra-industry trade elasticity is a decreasing function of the transport cost, the distance between markets, of substitution, and an increasing function of income and the expenditure share allocated to differentiated goods. In sharp contrast, there is trade in goods each direction It rises no trade goods in in the differentiated sector, there is in the pure multinational equilibrium. Instead of balanced two-way trade in corporate services. two-way The flow in is: with the amount of labor employed in corporate activities and with the number of firms, which in turn is an increasing function of the expenditure allocated to differentiated products, and a decreasing function of the of substitution, and fixed costs. elasticity Thus, this model yields an equilibrium in which multinational production arises in the absence of factor proportion differences, and two-way intraindustry trade in invisibles completely crowds out intraindustry trade in goods. These differences, factor results contrast sharply with the predictions where the only motivation endowments. trade accounted for headquartered for cross-border expansion is factor price differentials caused In a factor proportions by intra-industry in the capital-intensive from a model based on factor proportions by different framework, the presence of multinationals reduces the share of trade, but need have no effect on the total volume of total trade, since varieties country and produced in the labor-intensive country are exported back to the capital-intensive country. Lastly, in the differentiated sector. mixed equilibrium, there is balanced two-way trade in both goods and invisibles in the Multinational sales are a relatively larger share of total foreign sales for each country, the higher the proximity advantage relative to the concentration advantage. in, Three-Stage Production with Symmetric Factor Endowments So far, the model suggests the stark result that, given large benefits to proximity relative to benefits from concentration, multinational enterprises sits uneasily alongside two stylized facts. will either in part or totally substitute for intraindustry trade. First, there is a large share 16 of intraindustry trade in total trade This (Loertaches, Walter (1981)), and second, multinationals account for a significant share of trade (Rugnian (1988)). Indeed, there evidence that suggests that multinational activity on balance is rather than a substitute for trade The first fact (Swedenborg (1979), Blomstrom could be explained proximity and large scale economies. fact in The second two ways. single plant multinationals, finished complementary to (1984)). model developed above by a combination of low benefits in the fact is not to explained by the model developed above with a simple two-stage production function in the differentiated sector. would explain the second et. al. is A factor proportions account of multinationals above, given a two-stage production process and First, as described goods are exported back from the country of production to the headquarter country. Second, with a three-stage production process, multinationals produce intermediate inputs in the economy that is relatively abundant in the factor export them to downstream production used relatively intensively in final used relatively intensively in intermediate production, and facilities in the goods production. goods or intermediates will flow across borders economy A that is relatively factor proportions well-endowed with the factor model thus predicts that either final in a single direction, contributing to inter- rather than intra- industry trade. Alternatively, the with both stylized facts. model developed above can be elaborated By in a way that is sensible and accords well elaborating the production structure in the differentiated products industry to incorporate additional stages characterized by different proximity/concentration trade-offs, the model predicts that multinationals will generate intra-industry, intra-firm trade differs under plausible conditions. This prediction from a factor proportions account, which would predict one-way flows of intra-firm Again, the contrast between commodity semiconductors and cars serves to the two models. In the 1970's, facilities in stages US commodity chip firms made illustrate the differences in substantial investments in assembly Southeast Asia, which were motivated entirely by factor price differentials.' were intensive in low-skilled labor, in contrast to the trade.' The test and test and assembly design and manufacturing stages, which were US design and manufacturing intensive in engineering skills and capital. Semiconductors were shipped from the complexes Southeast Asia, and then shipped back to sales destinations in the to assembly and test facilities in US.'" 17 In contrast, in the automobile industry, there has been substantial expansion into destination markets. A typical pattern of expansion would two-way investment and multinational start with the establishment of distribution and sales facilities in the destination market, followed by assembly facilities foreign market was sufficient to warrant the fixed investment." scale of substantial two-way multinational economies and proximity advantages provides more in auto the share in the Factor price differentials provide EC into these investment patterns, since the markets in question, such as the relative factor prices in periods when Instead, the relationship between economies are substantial but bounded assembly, and smaller in sales and distribution, trade barriers mto several countries in the and the advantages of a To local presence and customization to the local formalize an explanation for the latter pattern, additional stage, which has I insight and the US, have had similar activity. scale insight: little EC are high, market are high. modify the production structure to incorporate an a distinct proximity /concentration trade-otf. manufacturing (q) stages detailed above, there are sales activities (s). '• Thus, whose cost in addition to the R&D (r) and structure entails a fixed cost, a constant marginal cost, and a variable transport cost: a=AM Similar to the upstream relationship between corporate activities and manufacturing, the variable cost in sales a decreasing function of the input from the manufacturing stage, which R&D input, simplify notation, I is (i = q,s), is facility that uses it. a transport cost, both for the manufactured input, and for the final output. replace the exponential transport cost with a both the distance between markets and the shipping cost. 1 Unlike the proprietary to the firm. however, the manufactured input lowers the cost only of the sales In addition, there ti> is The more general parameter, t, The To which subsumes cost of transporting the output of each stage, the reciprocal of the quantity lost in shipment; only the portion of output that borders, q-q, (a = A,B), incurs the transport cost. is is shipped across transport cost between manufacturing and sales can be interpreted in terms of a co-location advantage. Each firm chooses its production configuration to trade off additional fixed costs against additional variable costs of transport at each stage of production. commonly Casual empiricism suggests that sales activities are most dispersed near consumers, while manufacturing 18 is more likely to be concentrated, and corporate activities such as R&D in Section II, number of R&D its value to any one. number of discriminate more Nash equilibrium in prices. w^=Wb, and the = 0), and spread among any in sales This accords well with the sales. and service, and that trade barriers against final goods than against in'ermediate goods. Nash equilibrium Given symmetry number of firms (or attention to firms headquartered in market the differentiated sector: (t, A in factor R&D in production configurations is and manufacturing in a single location, I start due investments) equal in markets is without loss of generality. A and B, so activities across borders. can confine There are 3 possible configurations to the in can it can spread both R&D activities combination of scale economies and costless transport.'^ by deriving conditions for each pure type of equilibrium same manner it In all 3 configurations, each firm concentrates I as in Section firms located in each market. - where all firms headquartered in each confine attention to the uniform equilibria due to the complexity of analyzing mixed equilibria with three possible firm configurations. all we each firm can concentrate both manufacturing and sales in a single market, market have identical configurations; precisely the followed by proportions and demand, in equilibrium, factor prices are invest in sales facilities in both markets, and concentrate manufacturing in a single market, or sales As special assumptions. Second, the benefits from scale economies relative an important advantage is Again, firms compete in two-stages: equal, a from proximity are assumed greater for manufacturing than for observation that customer-responsiveness commonly make I output can be transported costiessly to manufacturing plants plants without diminishing to the benefits Accordingly, are the most concentrated. II, The equilibrium conditions are derived in by combining zero-profit conditions with no-defection conditions for However, with three possible configurations, there are two no-defection conditions for each equilibrium. Firms choose configurations and prices taking as given the prices and configurations of their rivals. Variable profits for each firm across both markets in equilibrium j( = t,m,d) are: APiJ'i^j) (45) = — J=t^M on. where Uj is the number of firms The number of firms free entry. Thus, in located in each market under market structure]. in each equilibrium is determined endogenously by the zero-profit condition under an equilibrium where firms concentrate 19 all activities in a single location (denoted t), it is: (46) n, = Just as in Section II, in —o [C'(w^)+F«(>v)+f'(H')]"' each equilibrium the no-defection conditions are obtained by comparing the change in variable profits associated with each alternative production configuration with the corresponding change in fixed costs. The equilibrium is then obtained by solving the no-defection and zero-profit equations simultaneously, yielding conditions on the relative size of the transport costs to the fixed costs, and on the activity-specific scale economies relative to the firm-wide scale economies. The condition ruling out defection to a fully diversified configuration combined with the zero-profit condition yields an equilibrium condition: F'M^F'>(w) ^ K(l^^'"°)-0"''] (47) C'(w,r) where the cost of transporting intermediate inputs (l*2r,''°) raises variable costs ' And F'(w) downstream c'(w/)*F%w) In the equilibrium equilibrium , defined: -t, diversified configuration )+r, )[/i,(l*r, is: ] n,(i*t;''')(i*2t;'''-Ty'')HT,-t;'°)(U2t;''') where only downstream number of firms (49) (T, ^ T (K,(.)*K(.)) the equilibrium condition ruling out defection to a (48) by a profxirtion, activities are dispersed across borders (denoted d), the is: n. = •" —a [C'"(H'/)*F«(H')+2FV)]'' There are two no-defection conditions, corresponding to the two alternative configurations. Combining the zero-profit condition with the condition ruling out defection to a single-location configuration yields: iTl-''-t:-'-)[n/l^Tl-')X'^ (50) And combining F'iy.) ^ the zero-profit condition with the condition that firms have no incentive multinational activities by opening an additional manufacturing facility yields: 20 to extend their (l-7;-°)[n^U7',-'')-r;-°] FHw) (51) ^ C'(w,r)+2FV) Lastly, the number of firms sales across borders (denoted m) /Jj(l+r,'"°)27'^'"''+(l-r,'"°)(l+2r,'"°) equilibrium where firms have diversified both manufacturing and in the is: „^ = -^[C''(h'^)+2F<(w)+2F"(w)]-' o (52) The combination of production the zero-profit condition with the condition that firms have no incentive to close facility yields the equilibrium condition: (2«,-l)(l-r;-') F^y.) ^ (53) C\w,r)*2F\w) 4nX-'' And down one the equilibrium condition ruling out defection to a fully concentrated configuration is: (2n,-l)(l-f;-°) ^ F'(y^).F''M (54) Notice that together, equations (46), (49), and (52) imply that in the special case where fixed costs are equal in the three equilibria, the number of varieties is greatest in the single-location equilibrium, and smallest in the fully diversified dual-location equilibrium. Comparative statics on the equilibrium conditions establish that a fully diversified equilibrium is likely the smaller are fixed costs in manufacturing, the greater are fixed costs in of transporting both the intermediate input (T^'^ and the substitution." A of R&D, the intermediate input, and the smaller likely to obtain the smaller smaller is is of the is the lower is and the greater (tj, more the fixed cost in sales, the greater is final good. is only possible when the elasticity of likely the greater is the fixed cost in the transport cost of the final the elasticity of substitution. the greater are the costs A is good relative to that of downstream-diversified equilibrium In addition, the the transport cost of the intermediate is smaller than Similar to the two-stage case, a diversified equilibrium becomes increasingly likely the larger are the returns to scale at the corporate level relative to returns to scale in manufacturing and sales. 21 is the fixed cost in manufacturing, and the the cost of transporting the intermediate input relative to that of the final good. downstream-diversified equilibrium that good fully concentrated, single-location equilibrium is sales, the smaller is the fixed cost more final R&D, more The pattern of trade and production associated with each equilibrium can be derived following the analysis in Section commodity II, so that I clearing conditions. will simply discuss the The main conclusions here, without detailing the factor and demand addition of a stage of production generates additional for labor, Conditions for factor market clearing and commodity market clearing can analogous to equations (37) and (38). then be derived analogously to equations (39) through (43), with a similar set of conditions for the downstream diversified equilibrium. will be equal, Just as in Section II, with equal relative factor endowments, wages in the two markets and identical production patterns will emerge. in which firms concentrate all trade patterns identical to those in a pure trade proportions: there are balanced flows of intra-firm trade. all three production stages in a single market results in model with differentiated products and symmetric factor two-way trade in differentiated products, Just as in a trade model, the flows will be greater, the larger allocated to differentiated products, the higher The equilibrium results in balanced in which is is and no inter-industry or the share of expenditure income, and the lower are transport costs. firms invest in both manufacturing and sales facilities in both markets all two-way flows of in the and the agricultural sector will be autarkic. differentiated sector will be balanced, The equilibrium Given symmetric demand, trade intra-firm trade in R&D completely crowding out trade in Here goods. multinational production completely substitutes for trade. The addition of a production stage introduces the possibility of a third equilibrium in which iirms diversify their sales activities across borders but concentrate their production activity in a single market. In this equilibrium, there are balanced two-way flows of intra-industry, intra-firm trade in intermediates, which substitute completely for trade in final the stylized facts cited above: IV. goods and in invisibles. Thus, this equilibrium is consistent with both of the existence of multinationals generates intra-industry trade. Asymmetric Factor Proportions In reality, firm configurations are likely to reflect considerations of both factor and proximity advantages; in this section I develop a hybrid model to accommodate both considerations. a pure factor proportions account of MNEs predicts configurations in 22 which a firm locates As described above, R&D in the country abundant relatively in the factor in which R&D is relatively intensive, country abundant in the factor in which manufacturing world in which factors are completely mobile is when the integrated equilibrium - hybrid model of multinationals, since there transport costs are introduced. analyze how Here I Such accounts use as intensive. configurations and trade of dividing up the supply of factors. in analyzing a and a single manufacturing plant is - benchmark a and analyze the implications for firm somewhat complicated It is their in the to use this approach no obvious counterpart to the integrated equilibrium adopt the symmetric equilibrium as an alternative benchmark and firm configurations and trade patterns change as factor proportions become increasingly imbalanced. This section returns to the simplified production structure of the Assume production. there are two types of Type the two countries and immobile. workers activity to that j W'= of unskilled workers as k = r,q,y as 1|''(W), wage w/Zwj'. given relative wages W, w^' in country R&D i. and adds a factor of which are divided between Define the ratio of wages of skilled Next, define the equilibrium unit input for skilled labor in and similarly factor intensity of production in the three productive activities with section, skilled (L,) and unskilled (Lj), labor: paid is first is Further, assume that the tor unskilled labor. ranked consistently at any relative wage the most skill-intensive activity and agriculture the least: l,'(W)/l2'(W) > l|XW)/ljXW) rate, > V(W)/1/(W). In addition, locate its first assume that there is manufacturing plant with some small advantage its R&D to co-location, facilities, all else factor proportions, the existence of a co-location advantage, equal." such that a firm chooses to co- In the equilibrium with equal however small, eliminates single-plant multinationals. Starting in the benchmark case with equal multinational equilibrium where all factor endowments, there are 3 possible all is symmetry in the number of will analyze the effect of firms. moving fiilly firms have a single manufacturing plant, and a mixed equilibrium. three cases, given equal factor proportions, factor prices are equalized across the all a firms in the differentiated sector have manufacturing facilities in both markets, a pure trade equilibrium where In equilibria: Suppose skilled labor that the two markets, and there aggregate ratio of skilled to unskilled labor from market B 23 to market A is L,/!^. and unskilled labor from market We A to B in the same proportions monopoly supplier of movement from skilled labor, and B is monopoly supplier of unskilled the the center along the diagonal toward the northwest comer R&D imbalance by moving equalization. the relative wage of activities to skilled labor in the Helpman diagram. in the A, and upward pressure A, while agriculture expands is This corresponds to labor. A In the pure trade equilibrium, as the ratio of skilled to unskilled labor rises in downward pressure on A economy as the aggregate skilled to unskilled ratio, so that in the limit in B, thereby and in B. falls in B, there Firms respond is to the maintaining factor pric In this case, firms adopt multinational configurations in response to factor availabilities; these configurations are distinct from those found in the symmetric multinational equilibrium in that each firm has a Here there are two-way flows of single plant. differentiated products of the same symmetric equilibrium, but these flows may be unbalanced, reflecting income additional trade flows of agriculture in return for As R&D eventually one country becomes the sole producer of agriculture or abundance of R&D. At additional increment of skilled labor plant will move to A from B to from B, and agriculture at A which the last Assume unbalanced trade in facility and of unskilled labor from will continue to move factor imbalances, either agriculture concentrates completely in between the two R&D to has A to B. R&D R&D from A intensifies, A R&D to Now B from A. With B and/or products and one-way flows of that moved becomes A, and transfer an a manufacturing sufficiently strong A, and manufacturing in unequal proportions and utilizing different production techniques. in differentiated skills in that juncture, factor prices diverge, and different production techniques are adopted in the two countries. Take the point and there are differentials, services. reallocation of factor supplies continues, so that the relative concentrated before agriculture. overall magnitude as in the to Here, there B and is agriculture is split two-way, from B to A. The interesting feature of this equilibrium foreign penetration. With unequal with factor price equalization. is that firms continue to use trade as the sole factor prices, the payoff to concentration must be Thus, the introduction of factor imbalances gives rise at least as means of favorable as it is only to single-plant multinationals, if any. Performing the same experiment starting from a pure multinational equilibrium, the 24 initial response to a progressive unbalancing of factor proportions B, and factor price equalization that there are flows is similar. R&D moves to market A, agriculture moves maintained, along with plant configurations. of agriculture from B to Eventually, the imbalance in factor concentrates in a single market. is Now A, balanced by reverse flows of endowments becomes sufficiently The R&D pattern of trade adjusts, so services. extreme that one industry a factor price differential between the two markets economies motivation for concentrating manufacturing market to activities in a single location. is added to the scale Thus, a few firms will concentrate production in the market with favorable factor conditions, and export, while others will maintain production facilities in although the both markets. total extent In equilibrium, the returns to both configurations will be equal. So here, of multinational activity may remain unchanged, the number of firms with multiplant configurations will diminish, and there will be unbalanced two-way trade in differentiated products along with flows of R&D services and agriculture. Thus, the introduction of different factor proportions across the two markets permits a broader range of With unequal possible trade and production patterns. production process depends on two considerations: factor intensities. factor proportions, the location of each stage of the the relative concentration/proximity trade-off and relative Unequal factor proportions introduce the possibility of single-plant multinationals, and make the likelihood of single-plant firms higher outside the range of factor price equalization. V. Conclusion The introduction of an explicit trade-off between scale economies and proximity advantages in a differentiated products investment. model of trade permits a much richer set of predictions about the pattern of trade and In particular, consideration of this trade-off introduces the possibility of two-way, horizontal multinational activity, even in the absence of factor price differentials, and of intrafirm trade in intangibles completely supplanting trade borders. These results, in goods. which appear It to also introduces the possibility of multi-plant configurations across be of increasing importance empirically, are inexplicable in an account of multinational expansion driven purely by factor proportions differentials. An equilibrium characterized by multinational production and multiplant configurations 25 is more likely the higher are intrafinn returns to scale relative to intraplant returns, the higher are transport costs across markets, and the greater is expenditure on differentiated products in the foreign market. of firms, a multinational equilibrium is more also likely the higher is the elasticity With a large number of substitution between varieties. This framework also can explain equilibria the same industry. A mixed equilibrium in which national firms coexist with multinational firms sustainable for intermediate ranges of the parameter values, in is the equilibrium ratio of fixed costs at the firm level to fixed costs at the plant level is •' the type of equilibrium in the differentiated sector. multinational equilibrium, equal quantities of all varieties are pure trade equilibrium with single plant firms, there is a consumed, regardless of home market bias in which an increasing function of the transport cost and a decreasing function of the elasticity of substitution. Consumption patterns vary with in In a pure their origin, while in a consumption of the differentiated product. The prediction that intra-industry flows of intangibles substitute for trade depends on the structure of production in the differentiated sector and the relative proximity/concentration tradeoff of each stage. With multiple production stages, if concentration advantages dominate in upstream production activities, while proximity advantages dominate downstream, then intra-industry, intra-firm flows of intermediates supplant intraindustry flows of final goods. while in the first When In this latter case, multinational activity mode of complementary to trade in goods, case they are substitutes. both factor proportions differences and proximity advantages are incorporated within the same framework, the pattern of trade and investment depends on both. the is For moderate factor proportions differences, foreign market penetration and firm configurations are identical to the symmetric case, with the sole difference that single-plant multinationals The consumption may replace single-plant uninationals in the trade equilibrium. patterns and factor intensities that characterize the symmetric case can be maintained, and the Moderate factor differences induce one-way trade primary difference is in and one-way trade in agriculture in the reverse direction; in the trade equilibrium, differentiated products the pattern of trade. may be unbalanced, two-way trade reflecting differences in aggregate income. 26 in intangibles in With increasingly unbalanced factor proportions, eventually one activity becomes completely concentrated factor price differentials arise. in a single market, and Factor price differentials introduce an added impetus to concentrate production in a single plant. Tliis model has strong implications for policy. Most obviously, the im{K>sition of a transport costs, and makes penetration by multinational production more intangibles (or profits) has the reverse effect. likely, tariff raises while a tax on the earnings of Further, the relative structure of tariffs on final goods and intermediate inputs influences which parts of the business system are concentrated and which dispersed. The model implies to scale are on trade. Tliis suggests conditions if different which natural barriers are differ significantly), then the welfare gains more maximal Future research will analyze rigorously. Further, this model lends itself to testable hypotheses. In particular, choices between exports and multinational expansion as alternative reflect trade-offs from free trade regions, while free interregional investment flows raise welfare by permitting returns to investment at the corporate level, and thus a greater variety of products. these conditions low and between regions have similar region-wide factor proportions (while the relative endowments of countries within regions could may be exhausted within may be more damaging under which regional trade blocs are not If regions are geographically coherent areas within which they are high, and factor where natural proximity advantages are high and intrafirm returns high relative to intraplant returns, restrictions on foreign direct investment to welfare than restrictions deleterious. that in industries to test this hypothesis. 27 suggests that firms' observed modes of foreign market penetration should between measurable proximity and concentration advantages. employs a gravity equation approach it Research currently underway 1. Seminal contributions to and growing this large Krugman literature include (1979), Lancaster (1980), Helpman (1981), and Ethier (1982). See Caves (1982) and Dunning (1988). 2. may be This 3. attributable in part to the failure of earlier attempts to explain multinational activity in terms of capital flows in a factor proportions 4. In the Markusen model, framework with perfect competition. factor endowments are symmetric, but sector-specific capital plays a key role in explaining multinational production. 5. The models differ in their assumptions about the production function. In the an additional fixed cost to open production facilities model presented below, firms incur abroad, and save on variable transport costs. In the Krugman no fixed production cost, and variable costs differ between markets by some multiplicative factor. predictions differ in two respects. First, in the Krugman model, only uniform equilibria are possible, while The here there is a mixed equilibrium. Second, in the model below, the decision whether to produce abroad depends on the potential scale of production, and thus on the market size, while in the Krugman model, firms do not discriminate between markets based on size or share. model, there 6. The is analysis would become much messier in the absence of this simplification, but the qualitative results would not change significantly. 7. Unfortimately, the empirical work in this area does not distinguish between the two types of trade when referring to multinationals. 8. See Yoffie (1992) for a complete account of investment and trade patterns in the global semiconductor industry. 9. Not surprisingly, the pattern of trade and investment by a hybrid between the two models (see Section IV). 10. In the interests of tractability, I in the ignore dynamic considerations relationship between exports and multinational expansion in a 11. The model can be generalized in country a is assumed semiconductor industry to in this dynamic any number of production stages, <?' probably best explained Future research will model the setting. to entail a fixed cost, a variable production cost, I model. is where each stage of production and a variable transport cost: i located i where the variable cost at each stage is assumed to be a decreasing function of the output from the previous stage used as an input, q*^,, and all internally produced inputs are assumed proprietary to the firm. In addition, there is a multiplicative transport cost for each unit of output that is transported to the foreign market. The model developed above is just a special case. assume the presence of an arbitrarily small co-location advantage between R&D and manufacturing, so that This assumption it is always optimal for a firm to locate its first manufacturing plant m the same market as R&D. is useful because it makes the flows of invisibles determinate, and sensible because it accords well with casual 12. I empiricism. 13. T, is It could be modelled more formally as t,>0. more accurately described as the ratio of the vanable cost gross of the cost of transporting the intermediate input to the variable cost net of transport costs. 28 14. These results are derived by differentiating the no-defection conditions, simplified so account the effect of their configuration decisions on the market price index. 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