17, 2009
Issued by the
West Virginia Department of Education
Office of Title II, School & School System Improvement
Building 6, Room 617
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, WV 25305-0330
WV Partnerships for Providing
English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts
Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
' ~
We!ll: Virginia
Department 0£ Education
Ma y 28 , 2009
17, 2009
20-24, 2009
29, 2009
30, 2010
30 , 2010
Grant application sent to all school systems, RESAs colleges, universities, and others requesting information
Applications will be reviewed and scored at the West
Virginia Department of Education
Grant awards announced
WV Partnerships for Prov i ding
English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts
Teachers 5-Adult
C o m petit i ve Applica ti o n 2 0 09
T able of C ont ents
P ag e
Timeline ..........
... 2
High Need Local Education Agencies .....................
........ 4-5
General Applicant Information .................
........................................ 6
);Submitting Application Packets .....
.......... 6
);- Who Do We Contact for Assistance? ......................
................. 6
~ Background of the Partnership For Providing English and/ or Reading/Language Arts Teachers ..
... 7
~ What are the purposes of the program? ........
... 8
~ Key Features of the West Virginia Partnership for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts
Teachers ..
........... 9
~ Who may apply ..........................
................ 10
• Core Partners
• Other E l igible Partners
• Fiscal Agent
• Stakeholders
• Writing Team
~ How will eligibility be determined? .
........................... 11
~ How will app l ications be reviewed and scored? ....
......................... 11
~ How much money is available and to whom will recipients report? ..
~ Will funds be awarded to all regions of West Virginia? .
. 12
);Required activities ...
... 12
);Encouraged and Allowable activities .
........... 13
~ When can the money be used? ......
............................ 13
~ Accountability .....
......... 13
~ R esources ...........
... 16
~ Application Checklist- What should be included in a proposal? .......
............. 16
~ Application Cover Page (for Fiscal Agent), Assurances, and Commitments .....
.. 17-18
Appendice s:
Ap p endix A: Scoring Rubric .............
... 23-31
A p pendix B : Technical Assistance .
. 32
Ap p endix C: Partnership Highlights .
. 33
A pp endix D : Sample Budget Worksheet ......
...................... 34
A p pendix E: D efinitions .
... 36
A p pendix F: Five Levels of Professional Development Evaluation .................................
............. 38
3o f 38 4-27-20 0 9
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
B e rkel e y
Gran t
Table 1
LEAs (Local Educational Agencies) Identified for Improvement/Corrective Action FY09
Based on NCLB Data from School Year 2007-2008
LEAs Identified with a lower than average percentage of English and/or Reading/Language Arts classes taught by teachers that are "highly qualified"
County Identified for
2008-2009 x x
High Need LEA
Based on 2008-2009
Highly Qualified
Teacher Data for
English and/or
Reading/Language Arts
(<89.5%) x x x
High Need LEA
Based on 2008 2009
Highly Qualified
Teacher Data for
(<89.5%) x
Eligible Partner LEAs
Identified for
Improvement and have less that the state average of
English and/or
Arts and/or Reading
Language Arts classes taught by " highly qualified" teachers x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009 x x x x x x x x x
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Only one original of the completed Grant Application must be
RECEIVED by email, or hand delivery, or mail by
July 17, 2009
Who do we contact for assistance?
For additional assistance or questions related to West Virginia Partnership for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult applications, please contact:
Terry Reale, Coordinator English Language Arts
Office of Instruction
Building 6, Room 608
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, WV 25305-0330
Applications should be double-spaced, materials will be discarded.
12 point font.
Do not attach additional support materials, school profiles or appendices. Excess
Send loose leaf, do not bind or staple in any manner. Use only temporary fasteners.
Faxed applications will not be accepted.
Electronically submitted applications will be accepted as a Word document attached to email. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact Terry Reale to verify receipt of document. Pages requiring original signatures must be received by WVDE no later than July 17, 2009.
Address your application packets to:
Terry Reale or email to
Office of Instruction
Building 6, Room 608
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, WV 25305-0330
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Background of the Partnership for Providing English and/or Reading/Language
Arts 5-Adult
In January of
2002, the No Child Left Behind Act of
(NCLB) became law. The Improving
Teacher Quality Grant Programs (NCLB Title II) are a major component of the No Child Left
Behind legislation. Title VI, Part B, Subpart
2, the Rural and Low Income Schools program are also part of NCLB. These two programs provide funds which may be used for helping teachers become highly qualified. These programs encourage scientifically based professional development as a means for improving student academic performance. As schools are responsible for improving student learning, it is essential to have highly qualified teachers leading the way.
NCLB authorizes unspent funds recovered from LEAs in the two programs mentioned above to be redistributed to LEAs in a competitive grants program within each state. This competitive grant program must be targeted at needs determined by the State Education Agency within the scope of the allowable activities within these programs. All NCLB funds are intended to increase the academic achievement of students. Additionally, these three programs have as an allowable activity the increase of highly qualified teachers. The state of West Virginia has a need for increasing the percentage of classes taught by highly qualified teachers of English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts. West Virginia is responsible for conducting this competitive grant program and make awards to partnerships of high-need school districts (Table 1) [For purposes of this grant, a high need school district is defined as a school district who has been identified for improvement or corrective action under NCLB and has less than the state average of English and/ or Reading/Language Arts classes taught by "highly qualified" teachers according to WVDE
2008-2009 data.] and English and/or
Reading/Language Arts departments within institutions of higher education. The partnership must include at least one qualifying district. Other districts from around the state are also encouraged to participate. The overall goal is to give districts and arts-and-science faculty joint responsibility for increasing the percentage of classes taught by highly qualified English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts teachers.
Partnerships between high-need school districts, consortia of those districts represented by
Regional Educational Service Agencies and the English and/ or Reading/Language Arts faculty in institutions of higher education are at the core of these improvement efforts. Other partners may include other public schools, businesses, and nonprofit or for-profit organizations or informal
English and/ or Reading/Language Arts organizations concerned with English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts education.
Each partnership's plan must describe how they will evaluate the success of their partnerships.
Specifically, applicants must explain how they will determine whether partnership activities have increased the percentage of middle and high school classes taught by highly qualified teachers of
English and/or Reading/Language Arts. In addition, partnerships must explain how they will determine success on related partnership outcomes such as numbers of teachers who attain highquality teacher status, increased participation by students in advanced courses in English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts, increased percentages of elementary teachers with majors, minors, or their equivalent in English and/or Reading/Language Arts; and increased percentages of secondary school (grades
6-12) classes in English and/or Reading/Language Arts taught by
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009 teachers with academic majors, minors, or their equivalent in English and/ or Reading/Language
The project may employ a quasi-experimental design with carefully matched comparison conditions. In a quasi-experimental design, teachers, schools, or districts that are participating in the project would be matched with comparable teachers , schools, or districts that are not participating in the project. Teacher outcome data and other relevant indicators of project success should be collected before , during, and after participation in the project.
The West Virginia Department of Education will award one grant to a RESA to facilitate the grant administration for a partnership to provide a program for teachers to become certified in English and/or Reading/Language Arts 5-Adult.
This grant will include:
• 8% of $250,000 ( $20,000) for each of three years for the facilitation of the grant;
• 8% of $250,000 ($20,000) for the rigorous evaluation using either the random control group or the matched control group;
• Small cost of getting the partnership administrators , facilitators, evaluators, and any other grant managers together to meet as they implement the grant. (These costs need to be outlined in the budget for the grant.)
All other costs must be paid from other sources. Partner counties may use funds from Title II. I
Step z. Professional Development, or other funds counties get to support professional development to support teachers who participate in a cohort whose focus to become certified in
English and/or Reading/Language Arts 5-Adult. Institutions of higher education (!HE) may contribute the cost of the program development and any tuition reduction costs as part of their contribution.
The purposes of the West Virginia Partnership are to:
• Support cohorts of individuals wanting to become English and/ or Reading/Language Arts teachers. These individuals might include teachers who are currently certified in English and/or Reading/Language Arts. A cohort may be made up of individuals within one eligible school district (Table
1 ,
Page 4). Or, a cohort may be made up of individuals selected from throughout a Regional Education Service Agency ' s region, or from throughout the state. Each cohort will engage with higher education English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts faculty in 2-week summer institutes, classes, and other experiences that directly relate to the middle school and high school English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts underlying West Virginia's academic content standards and objectives and become highly qualified teachers in order to enhance the ability of these teachers to teach students these standards. A cohort size should be restricted enough to concentrate resources to ensure a high quality professional development experience
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009 leading to becoming a highly qualified high school English and/ or Reading/Language Arts teacher.
• To increase the number of teachers prepared to teach students to understand more than basic competency in English and/ or Reading/Language Arts by promoting understanding of academic content at higher levels by integrating the Global21 interdisciplinary themes of Global Awareness, Financial, Economic and Business Literacy, Civic Literacy and
Health and Wellness into these subjects. Additionally, these teachers emphasize the integration of learning skills, and the 21st century tools of information technology and communication literacy and present the information within the 21st century context.
These teachers would also use a 21st century balanced assessment system including summative and benchmark assessments, and create and use classroom assessments for learning.
• Support the rigorous evaluation of programs regarding the impact of West Virginia partnership awards on the academic achievement of the students of teachers in these programs. And ensure the results are widely accessible through presentations at conferences, in published peer reviewed journals, and electronic means.
• Develop a process for producing highly qualified high school teachers of English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts that will be sustainable after the funds for this partnership are no longer available.
The priority emphasis of West Virginia's program on producing high school teachers of English and/ or Reading/Language Arts based on analysis of statewide data on the percentage of classes taught by non- highly qualified teachers.
Key features of the West Virginia Partnership for Providing English and/or
Reading/Language Arts 5- Adult Teachers
Applications are designed and implemented by partnerships that include:
• Eligible middle and high school teachers of English and/ or Reading/Language Arts in participating eligible school districts.
• English and/ or Reading/Language Arts faculty and administrators in higher education organizations.
• School district administrators and/ or Regional Educational Service Agency administrators.
• In an advisory capacity, institution of higher-education, education faculty, and/or RESA or school district educators with expertise in teacher professional development
Other stakeholders are encouraged and may include businesses and nonprofits or informal
English and/ or Reading/Language Arts organizations. These partners and other stakeholders may engage in the effort at both the institutional and individual levels, and share goals, responsibilities and accountability for the project.
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Content Based Professional Development:
Application should focus professional development on the
Reading/Language Arts content that teachers need to understand
Virginia ' s content standards and objectives (CSOs). deep English and/or for instruction of West
Needs Assessment:
The application must address the results of a comprehensive assessment of the teacher quality and professional development needs with respect to the teaching and learning of English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts of any school districts that comprise the eligible partnership.
Scientifically Based Research:
The activities to be carried out by the partnership must be based on a review of available scientifically based or evidence-based research. An explanation of how the activities are anticipated to strengthen the quality of English and/or Reading/Language Arts instruction and improve student academic achievement must be included.
Each eligible partnership receiving an award shall develop an evaluation and accountability plan for activities of the project that include rigorous objectives that measure the impact of the activities. Measurable objectives to increase the number of English and/ or Reading/Language
Arts teachers who participate in content-based professional development activities must be included. Additionally, elements of randomization that provide information regarding the progress of teachers involved in the partnership compared to teachers in the same local education agency(ies) who are not involved in the project with respect to improved student academic achievement are required. The partnership shall report annually to the Program Director at the
West Virginia Department of Education regarding progress in meeting the objectives described in the partnership ' s accountability plan.
Who May Apply?
Core Partners engage in the partnership to share goals, responsibilities and accountability for the sub-grant award. Following are organizations that may/must be core partners:
• A majority of the school district partners involved in this application must come from the high need school districts listed in Table
1 and be included as core partners.
• One or more institution of higher education must be a core partner and must contribute a faculty member(s) from the English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or education departments.
• Additional school districts may also be core partners, if they have non-highly qualified teachers that wish to become highly qualified English and/ or Reading/Language Arts teachers.
• One or more Regional Education Service Agencies
LEAs. may be a core partner representing
Higher education institutions may include any college or university, public or private that also operates a teacher preparation program.
Fiscal Agent
Only Local Education Agencies can be fiscal agents of the partnership.
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Stakeholders are other types of organizations that support
K-12 students and/or teachers, and who share partnership goals. Stakeholders may include professional organizations, centers of informal English and/or Reading/Language Arts learning, and other non-profit or for-profit organizations concerned with English and/ or Reading/Language Arts education.
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Core Writing Team
The West Virginia Partnership Core Writing Team must be involved from the conception of the application and be at a minimum, composed of
• a school district administrator or counselor from one of the school districts in the partnership,
• an English and/ or Reading/Language Arts professor from a core-partner higher education institution,
• an experienced English and/ or Reading/Language Arts teacher from a stakeholder
RESA, or higher education faculty,
• business officer from the fiscal agent, and
• a project evaluator.
How is eligibility for "High Need LEAs" determined?
Need to increase number of teachers meeting West Virginia ' s state goal for NCLB Highly
Qualified Teacher criteria. Eligibility is based on the following: a high need school district is defined as a school district who has been identified for improvement or corrective action under NCLB and has less than the state average of English and/ or Reading/Language Arts classes taught by "highly qualified" teachers according to WVDE
2008-2009 data as reported by the West Virginia Department of
Education from data entered by the LEA in WVEIS. - Highly Qualified Teacher: The term means the teacher has obtained full state certification and endorsements in English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts, and passed the state teacher licensing examinations and holds a license to teach in West Virginia, and has not had certification or licensure requirements waived on an emergency, temporary, or provisional basis.
How will the applications be reviewed and scored?
Proposals will be reviewed by staff for completeness and compliance with the requirements set forth in the application to determine grant award. Any questions about significant omissions from a proposal or about applicant eligibility will be referred to the proposing organization. If , in the judgment of the Department, a proposal is late, significantly incomplete, or an applicant cannot establish its eligibility, the proposal will be omitted from the competition. The decision of the Department is final. Applicants submitting proposals that are withdrawn due to incompleteness or ineligibility will be notified in writing.
The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) will set a minimum qualifying score.
Funded proposals must meet or exceed this score. Expert review teams will score eligible applications. Review will be based on specific criteria listed in this application and scored using the attached rubric (Appendix A , Pg.
Preference is given to projects that employ a full range of evaluation as explained in the chart in
Appendix H, Pg . 39 and employ experimental design with random assignment in their proposal.
If random assignment is not feasible, the project may employ a quasi-experimental design with carefully matched comparison conditions. For experimental design, depending on the partners and the scope of the project, random assignment may occur at the level of teachers, schools or districts participating in the project. Alternatively, in a quasi-experimental design, teachers, schools, or districts that are participating in the project would be matched with comparable teachers, schools, or districts that are not participating in the project. Student and teacher
12 of 38
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009 outcome data and other relevant indicators of project success should be collected before, during, and after participation in the project.
Applications will be reviewed and scored by review teams the week of July 20-24, 2009 .
Selection of successful proposals will be based on consideration of:
• final score assigned each proposal by the review team
• eligibility to participate
• available funds
Partnerships must explain how they will determine success on the outcomes of the number of middle and high school teachers who attain high-quality teacher status. Other outcomes such as increased participation by students in advanced courses in English and/or Reading/Language
Arts, increased percentages of middle and high school teachers with majors, minors, or their equivalent in English and/ or Reading/Language Arts may also be included.
The West Virginia Department of Education may require revision of grant proposals and budget prior to approval, award, or release of funds. Decisions of the West Virginia Department of
Education on funding and awarding of grants shall be final.
How much money is available and to whom will recipients report?
The size of partnership awards will be $40,000 a year for 3 years based on the expected total partnership expenditures of
$250,000 per year, regardless of the actual expenditure and expenditures tied to the plan of work and plan of evaluation.
The West Virginia Department of Education anticipates awarding one grant of approximately
$40,000 per year for three years. A district's Title I or Title II funds, other NCLB Title funds , and/or local funds may be used to support the partnership's activities to demonstrate progress towards meeting Adequate Yearly Progress and highly qualified teacher goals.
Applicants should note that second and third year awards are contingent upon this program having funds that are available from unspent funds recovered from LEAs and upon the State's review of the funding proposals. It is expected that the grant will be continued for 3 years.
Each partnership receiving a grant must report annually to the West Virginia Department of
Education regarding the eligible partnership's progress in meeting the objectives and annual targets described in the partnership's accountability plan.
Will funds be awarded to all regions of West Virginia?
With only one grant being awarded the West Virginia Department of Education will ensure all eligible LEAs applying for funds will have an equal opportunity for the award based on the criteria explained in the application.
Required activities include:
All organizations who are considered to be participants by a partnership must provide a contact person who will participate in
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
1) supporting to the higher education institution who is delivering the program. This may include but not limited to working with the higher education institution to provide reduced cost of tuition, helping schedule summer institutes, working to support cohort members,
2) assisting individual counties in providing support for teachers who are participating in the cohort and,
3) evaluating the project, including publishing and disseminating results.
Encouraged and allowable activities:
1) Stipend and travel reimbursement and other incentives for teachers attending summer institutes and project participation
2) Project Director Expenses to coordinate teacher recruitment, teacher support, faculty retention and support, coordination with West Virginia Department of Education, and regional, state, or national meetings
3) LEAs federal funds may be used to supplement the grant activities and participation of teachers in all activities
"When can the money be used?
Grant funds will be awarded by the West Virginia Department of Education on July 29, 2009.
Funded applicants may begin using funds following the distribution of funds which will occur after the awarding of the grant on July 29, 2009.
Do the equitable participation requirements for private school students and personnel apply to this program?
Yes, the equitable participation requirements (EDGAR section 74, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 98,
99) apply to the program. LEAs and eligible local entities must engage in timely and meaningful consultation with appropriate private school officials during the design and development of programs and continue the consultation throughout the implementation of these programs.
Therefore, the consultation should begin during the development of the partnership applications.
"What should be included in the application?
The criteria used to score each question and points possible are in Appendix A. The narrative evaluation sections (excluding appendices) of the proposal must be double-spaced and the font used must not be smaller than 12-point and shall not exceed a total of 20 pages. Proposals must contain the following sections:
A. Cover Page and Assurances (p. 17-21)
The fiscal agent must complete the Application Cover Page for Fiscal Agent (p. 18). Each core partner, other partner, and stakeholder must complete a Statement of Assurances for
Partnership Members, Teacher Commitment Form.
B. Abstract:
Provide a one-page summary that briefly describes the project vision, goals, activities, and key features that will be addressed and expected benefits of the work.
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
C. Partnership Narrative:
The partnership narrative should contain the following elements:
Needs Assessment: The partnership narrative shall indicate a clear understanding of the results of a needs assessment and how the goals and activities of the partnership ' s proposed programs are directly related to those needs.
Research Base: The partnership narrative shall discuss and cite the current state of knowledge relevant to the partnership program. This brief literature review should clearly indicate why the proposed activities were selected or designed. If the proposal builds on prior work, the narrative should indicate what was learned from this work and how these lessons learned are incorporated in the partnership ' s proposed program. Appendix G provides a research summary that may provide assistance to the partnership as they prepare their research base.
Plan of Work: The partnership narrative must clearly describe the goals and objectives for the program and the responsibility of each of the partners. The partnership narrative should include timeframe , resources, responsible persons and evaluation. In addition, provide description of the number , type , duration and intensity of professional development work , and class work, including the number of participants engaged . One table depicting the action plan ma y be single-spaced.
Alignment with West Virginia Content Standards: The partnership narrative should clearly explain the tie between professional development work , and the 21 st Century West
Virginia Academic Content Standards and Objectives. The proposal must link the professional development proposed to state academic standards and assessment data from standards assessments.
Develop a Professional Development Plan for 21st Century Skills: To promote
Global21 learning, teachers need to be competent in 21st Century Skills. They need to use instructional strategies that reflect current research. Recent evaluation data indicates that sessions addressing content and pedagogy in the context of instructional materials results in higher quality classroom instruction. Therefore , the proposal must also incorporate the six elements of 21 st century learning.
Management Capability: The partnership narrative must clearly demonstrate that the partnership has the capability of managing the partnership ' s program, organizing the work and meeting deadlines. This is critically important for the duration of grant. If clear evidence of management capability is not demonstrated in the first y ear , it will not be extended additional years.
Sustainability: The project description should contain evidence that the partnership program can be sustained beyond the life of the sub-grant award . Sustainability is more than a discussion of how funding will contribute to continuing this proposal's activities.
Sustainability should discuss how the activities of this proposal would change the culture of the participating organization so that the change in culture will be sustained in the future absence of this funding.
15 of 38
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Each partnership's plan must describe how they will evaluate the success of their partnerships.
Specifically, applicants must explain how they will determine whether partnership activities will measure success on partnership outcomes such as numbers of middle and high school teachers who attain high-quality teacher status as high school English and/or Reading/Language Arts teachers, increase in participant knowledge of the required English and/or Reading/Language
Arts subject matter knowledge, increase in capability of teachers to teach advanced concepts to underrepresented groups and increase participation by a diverse student population in advanced courses in English and/ or Reading/Language Arts.
Partnerships must describe clear objectives that specify how partnership outcomes will be measured and the degree of improvement they expect on each outcome. Annual reports on progress related to these outcomes will be reviewed by the project evaluator and provided to the West Virginia Department of Education on an annual basis.
Partnerships must measure progress towards increasing the number of middle and high school classes taught by teachers earning highly qualified teacher status. Annual reports on progress related to this outcome will be reviewed by the project evaluator and provided to the West Virginia Department of Education on an annual basis.
Partnerships must propose an evaluation design that will provide rigorous evidence that program activities actually result in gains in participant knowledge and other related partnership outcomes. Annual reports regarding progress related to these outcomes will be reviewed by the project evaluator and provided to the West Virginia Department of Education on an annual basis.
The project may employ a quasi-experimental design with carefully matched comparison conditions. In a quasi-experimental design, teachers, schools, or districts that are participating in the project would be matched with comparable teachers, schools, or districts that are not participating in the project. Teacher outcome data and other relevant indicators of project success should be collected before, during, and after participation in the project.
E. Budget Narrative:
The budget narrative should clearly be tied to the plan of work and evaluation plan. The budget narrative should describe the basis for determining the amounts shown on the project budget page (See Appendix D, p. 29). Include a budget for each of the three years of the proposed program. Use multiple copies of the Budget Worksheet for each year. The amounts in the Sample
Budget Worksheet should be modified according to the partnership project's needs. All proposals will include budgetary provision for evaluation of the activities in an annual performance report.
The Budget Narrative must also include the amount of each partner's contribution toward the total project cost. List the WVDE contribution as
In addition, a Partner Funding
Request for each partner must be included in the application appendix. The budget narrative may be single-spaced.
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
F. Appendices: The appendices should include:
Partnership Agreements:
This section shall include a narrative of the rol e s of the partners a nd their duties and responsibilities related to the goals and objectives of the project (refer above to Plan of Work) .
This section shall also describe the partnership ' s governance structure specific to decisionmaking, communication, and fiscal responsibilities. This narrati v e section is in addition to the signed Statement of Commitment (page 18) that is included with the Cover Page (page 16).
What resources are available to help complete this application?
Please contact Richard Lawrence if you need assistance in completing this application . rlawrenc @ access.k12. wv . us
The following documents are provided to assist you in completing this application:
• Appendix A: Scoring Rubric .............
. p. 23
• Appendix B: Technical Assistance ..
... p . 32
• Appendix C: Partnership Narrative Template .....
.. p. 33
• Appendix D: Sample Budget Worksheet .......
...... p. 34-35
• Appendix E : Definitions .
... p. 36
• Appendix F: Five Levels of Professional Development Evaluation ......
... p. 38
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
What should be included in a complete application?
D Step
Cover Page for Project Director and Fiscal Agent [I n cluding Stat e ment of
Assurances]. Required in order to qualify for funding (p . 1 7 ) (2 points)
D Step
Statement of Assurance and Commitment for each partner. Required in order to qualify for funding (p1 7 & 18) (2 points for completeness +
2 points if all required partner names and email included)
D Step 3. Abstract. (1-page maximum, double-spaced , 12-pt font, no more than 30 lines per page, one-inch margins). Required in order to qualify for funding. (2 points)
D Step 4. Partnership Narrative. (15 page maximum , double-spaced , 12-pt font , no more than 30 lines per page, one-inch margins). (55 points)
Needs Assessment .......
.. 15 points
Research Base .....
....... 10 points
Plan of Work ............
.................... 20 points
Commitment and Capacity of Partnerships .
.. 10 points
D Step 5. Evaluation Plan. (5-page maximum) (20 points)
D Step 6. Budget Narrative. (4 page maximum , double spaced, 12-pt font, no more than 30 lines per page , one-inch margins). (15 points)
D Step 7. Budget Worksheet. Required in order to qualify for funding. Use the sample budget worksheet, change amounts to meet the needs of the partnership (page 29). (2 points if this worksheet matches the Budget Narrative in amount and content.)
D Total points available
D Mail one original of th e completed grant application to the West Virginia Department of
Education. Electronically submitted applications will be accepted as a Word document attached to email. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact Richard Lawrence to verify receipt of document . Pages requiring original signatures must be received no later than Ma y
12, 2009. Plan early enough so that those responsible for signing the documents have time to review them prior to the application due date.
Address your application packets to:
Terry Reale, Coordinator English and/ or Reading/Language Arts
Language Arts
Office of Instruction
Building 6, Room 608
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, WV 25305-0330
18o f 38
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Zip
Phone .
Grant Accountant Name and Title . _
Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mailing Address (if different from above)~-----------------------~
City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Fiscal Agent Statement of Assurances
• The Grantee assures and certifies compliance with the regulations, policies and requirements as they relate to the acceptance and use of federal funds for programs included in this app l ication .
• The Grantee assures and certifies compliance with the Children ' s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) regulations, policies and requirements.
• The Grantee assures that timely and meaningful consultation with appropriate private school officials during the design and development of programs has occurred and that continued consultation throughout the implementation of these programs will occur.
• The Grantee agrees to carry out the project as proposed in the application.
• None of the monies received through Partnership for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts
Teacher Grants shall be used to replace funds for existing programs that are a responsibility of the school system . West Virginia's NCLB federal funds may be used to supplement not supplant regular education programs.
• On or before August 30,
2012 the district will submit a final evaluation report to the West Virginia Department of Education. Reports will include the submission of data requested by the West Virginia Department of
• The Grantee assures that the director and at least one core team member will attend all required meetings as published in the application and others as the project is implemented.
• Sanctions may include but are not limited to reduction or revocation of grant award.
Signature of Chief Administrator /Date Signature of Project Director /Date
Print Name of Chief Administrator Print Name of Project Director
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
(Each partner must complete one Statement of Assurances/Commitment form)
Applicant District (Fiscal Agent) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mailing Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .
Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Institution of Higher Education (IHE) Partner Information:
Math/Science Faculty Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Email _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Education Faculty Name Email _ _
District/RESA/IHE Partner Statement of Assurances
• The partnership member assures and certifies compliance with the regulations , policies and requirements as they relate to the acceptance and use of federal funds for programs included in this application.
• The partnership member assures and certifies compliance with the Children ' s Internet
Protection Act (CIPA) regulations , policies and requirements .
• The partnership member assures that timely and meaningful consultation with appropriate private school officials during the design and development of programs has occurred and that continued consultation throughout the implementation of funded activities will occur.
• The partnership member agrees to carry out the project as proposed in the application .
• None of the monies received through Partnership for Providing English and/or Reading/Language
Arts Teachers Grants shall be used to replace funds for existing programs that are a responsibility of the school system. West Virginia's NCLB federal funds may be used to supplement not supplant regular education programs.
• On or before August 30 , 2012 the partnership members will cooperate in collecting data and completing a final evaluation report to the West Virginia Department of Education.
• All requested information related to grant activities will be provided to WVDE in a timely manner.
Signature of Authorized Agent Title Date
Print Name of Authorized Agent Date Title
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Contact Name. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
FAX E-mail _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Each participating LEA must list the English and/or Reading/Language Arts classes, by school, which are taught by Non Highly Qualified teachers, the qualifications of the non-highly qualified teachers, and whether or not each of these classes has a teacher participating in the project.
Please explain the role of this partner in the proposed WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult contribution that this partner will make, and evidence that the proposed activities are integral to this partner ' s educational plans:
Signature of Authorized Agent
Print Name of Authorized Agent
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Teacher Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
School . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Phone . FAX . E-mail _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
• The teacher will participate in all scheduled classes and activities of the project .
• The teacher will participate in the on campus summer institutes.
[The project and LEA ' s may add additional statements to this Commitment Form. The Teacher
Commitment Forms may be submitted following the first meeting of the first class .
Signature of Teacher Title
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Appendix A
( 0-2
_ _ _ Cover Page is complete including Statement of Assurances for each partnership member, signed by the Superintendent and Project Director. along with their phone number and email address.
_ _ _ of at least a majority of the participating
LEAs being from high need LEAs and one higher education institution partner represented by one faculty of the English and/ or Reading/Language Arts department and one faculty member from the education department. no more than 30 lines per page, one-inch margins). The projects outlined in the abstract briefly describe the project vision, goals, activities, key features, and beliefs. of the Proposed Project is 1 page maximum (double-spaced, 12-pt. font,
_ _ _ of funds described in the Budget
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Partnership Narrative
The partnership narrative is limited to a 15 page maximum; double-spaced; 12-point font, no more than 30 lines per page, one-inch margins. Single-spaced tables are allowed.
A. Needs Assessment: The needs assessment should indicate a clear statement of needs derived from a comprehensive needs assessment and how the goals and objectives of the program are directly related to those needs.
Points: 0-5
The needs assessment:
Points: 6-10
The needs assessment:
• Provides no evidence that participants in both the experimental and comparison group are recruited from high need districts as defined for this program.
• Provides some evidence that participants in both the experimental and comparison group are recruited from high need districts as defined for this program.
Points: 11-15
The needs assessment:
• Provides clear and convincing evidence that participants in both the experimental and comparison group are recruited from high need districts as defined for this program.
• Provides no evidence of the partnerships capacity to implement a sustained professional development program in the area of English and/or Reading/Language Arts.
• Provides some evidence of the • Provides clear and convincing partnerships capacity to evidence of the partnerships implement a sustained capacity to implement a professional development program in the area of English and/or Reading/Language Arts. sustained professional development program in the area of English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts .
• Provides no evidence of using • Provides some evidence of using the school partners ' WV Highly the school partners ' WV Highly
Qualified Teacher data to Qualified Teacher data to provide evidence of need for
Professional Development in the selected content area. provide evidence of need for
Professional Development in the selected content area.
Provides clear and convincing evidence of using the school partners ' WV Highly Qualified
Teacher data to provide evidence of need for Professional
Development in the selected content area
• Majority of participants are from high need district LEA ' s.
100% of participants are from •
100% of participants from eligible High Need Districts eligible high need districts and a majority of those from districts with double or more the state average of classes taught by non
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
The literature review should discuss and cite the current state of knowledge relevant to the program. This brief literature review should clearly indicate why the proposed activities were selected or designed. If the proposal builds on prior work, lessons learned are described and how these lessons are incorporated in the program is included.
The literature reviewed:
The literature reviewed: The literature reviewed:
• Does not support the program. • Supports some of the proposed activities selected or designed in the program.
• Clearly defines and supports the proposed activities selected or designed in the program.
• Vaguely states lessons learned • from prior work.
States some lessons learned from prior work.
• Supports and clearly states lessons learned on prior work.
• Does not provide references • that employ sound research methods.
Does not cite research from peer reviewed journals.
Provides references that employ some sound research methods.
Cites some accepted research sources from peer reviewed journals.
• Provides references that employ sound research methods.
Cites strong reviewed journals. accepted research sources from peer
- - - - -
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
C. Work Plan: A proposal must clearly describe the program activities based on the measurable goals, objectives and the responsibility of each of the partners. The program description should indicate a timeline and an estimated number, type, duration and intensity of professional development activities and classwork.
Points: o-6
The work plan:
Points: 7-14
The work plan:
Points: 15-20
The work plan:
• Does not describe specific • Provides some program program activities that link activities that link the goals and the goals and objectives objectives stated in the program stated in the program or the data provided by the needs assessment. and the data provided by the needs assessment.
• Does not define the responsibilities of the partners and they account for few goals and objectives.
• Describes some responsibilities of the partners and accounts for how some of the goals and objectives in the program will be met.
• Does not define the timelines for the program .
• Provides specific and clear program activities that link the goals and objectives stated in the program and the data provided by the needs assessment.
• Clearly defines the responsibilities of partners and fully accounts for how all the goals and objectives in the program will be met.
• Provides general timelines as to
Provides definitive timelines as to when activities will occur . when activities will occur and their duration.
• Does not describe how activities will increase the number of teachers who participate in the professional development leading to Highly Qualified status .
• Clearly describes how the
• Describes how the activities will activities will increase the number increase the number of teachers of teachers who will participate in who will participate in the professional development leading to Highly Qualified professional development leading to Highly Qualified Status. status.
• Does not explain how professional development activities are linked with state content standards and 21 st century skills.
• Links the professional development activities with state content standards and 21 st century skills.
• Clearly aligns professional development activities with state content standards and 21 st century skills.
• Does not explain how professional development activities linked with teacher standards.
• Links professional development activities with teacher standards .
• Clearly aligns professional development activities with teacher standards that go beyond the standards delineated in policy
5100 ,
Appendix A2 & As and relative Praxis II content standards .
• Proposed program does • Proposed program includes a • Proposed program introduces all not include a curriculum curriculum that introduces all 21 st century content areas and that introduces and
21st century content areas OR reinforces them throughout the reinforces all 21st century the proposed program program.
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009 content areas (Global
Awareness , Financial ,
Economic and Business
Literacy, Civic Literacy and
Health and Wellness) .
• Proposed program does not include a curriculum that introduces and reinforces all 21 s t century thinking and reasoning skills (Critical Thinking ,
Systems Thinking,
Problem Solving and
Creating & Innovating). introduces and reinforces onl y a portion of the 21st century content areas.
• Proposed program includes a curriculum that introduces all
21 st century thinking and reasoning skills OR the proposed program introduces and reinforces only a portion of the 21 s t century thinking and reasoning skills.
Proposed program introduces all
21 st century thinking and reasoning skills and reinforces them throughout the program.
• Proposed program is not structured to utilize information and communication technology
(JCT) literacy to deliver content , access information or develop a
21 st century context.
• Proposed program has limited structure for utilizing 21 st century JCT literacy skills to deli v er content, access information and foster an understanding of 21 s t century context.
• Proposed program emplo y s a variety of information and communication technologies to deliver the content and allow participants to access vital information. By integrating these technologies , participants are better able to grasp the true nature of 21 s t century context.
• The proposed program does little to make learning relevant to real world scenarios and relate the content to current global events.
• The proposed program links its content to real world scenarios on a limited basis.
• The proposed program limits assessment strategies and does not include the participant in the assessment of his/her own learning.
The proposed program creates opportunities for learning by putting participants in contact with other knowledgeable experts and makes the learning relevant by relating the content to current global context .
• The proposed program provides little opportunity for the participant to assess his/her own learning and make appropriate adjustments to the curriculum to better his/her understanding of the content.
• The proposed program allows participants to assess his/her own learning and make appropriate individual adjustment to the curriculum to better facilitate learning, understanding and application of the content.
Score: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
D. Commitment and Capacity of Partnership: The program description must clearly demonstrate the submitting partnership has the capability of managing the program, organizing the work, and meeting deadlines.
Points: 0-3
The partnership:
Points: 4-7
The partnership:
Points: 8-10
The partnership:
• Does not provide information about how the program will be managed.
• Demonstrates the ability to • Provides a management plan manage the program . outlining the ability to manage the program.
• Does not describe a process for meeting critical needs and/ or deadlines.
• Describes a general process for meeting critical needs and deadlines.
• Outlines a clear process for meeting identified needs and deadlines.
• Does not describe an explanation for making decisions .
• Describes a general explanation for making decisions .
• Describes a clear process for making decisions.
• Does not describe roles for each partner in the program.
• Describes roles for each partner in the program .
• Describes specific and definitive roles for each partner in the program .
• Does not explain how the • Explains in general terms partnership will continue how the partnership will beyond the three year continue beyond the three grant. year grant .
• Provides a projected plan and timeline for how the program will continue beyond the three year grant funding .
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
The evaluation plan narrative is limited to a 5-page maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font, and no more than 30 lines per page, one-inch margins. Single spaced tables are allowed.
Each application should identify process and outcome research and evaluation methods that the program will use and explain why those methods are appropriate to the identified needs the proposal addresses. A proposal must make a compelling case for the activities of the program and describe how the activities will help the program build a rigorous, cumulative, reproducible, and usable body of findings.
The evaluation plan: The evaluation plan: The evaluation plan:
• Is not based on the use of scientific methods or comparison groups.
• Is based on the use of a comparison group of students , schools, or districts utilizing experimental or quasiexperimental design. Description of comparison group(s) is vague or incomplete.
• Provides an evaluation plan based on an experimental design. Description of comparison group(s) construction is thorough and clear.
• Has no a measurable objective • Has some measurable objectives or annual targets which and targets which may indicate describe progress towards progress towards meeting the meeting the goals and goals and objectives in response objectives established in to the identified needs. response to the identified needs.
• Has clear measurable objectives and annual targets which describe progress toward meeting the goals and objectives in response to the identified needs.
• Does not measure activities • Measures some of the activities and the number and and the number and characteristics of individuals characteristics of individuals participating in professional development leading to Highly
Qualified Status. participating in professional development leading to Highly
Qualified Status.
• Does not measure teacher knowledge gained or compare with baseline data.
• Measures teacher knowledge gained compared to baseline data.
Clearly measures all activities
• and the number and characteristics of individuals participating in professional development leading to Highly
Qualified Status.
Clearly measures teacher knowledge gained compared to baseline data.
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Score: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The budget justification should clearly be tied to the scope and requirements of the program. The budget narrative should describe the basis for determining the amounts shown on the program budget page. All proposals should include provisions for evaluation of the activities in an annual performance report and a hardcopy of the budget.
The budget provides:
• No justification or justification is vague for the program costs.
The budget provides: The budget provides:
• Justifications of costs of the • Strong justifications of costs of the program are reasonable and program are reasonable and clearly the budget meets the show the budget is sufficient to meet program needs. the program needs.
No description about how • A description about how all
A specific description about how all all available federal, state, available federal , state, available federal, state, local and local and private resources local and private resources private resources will be used to will be used to coordinate services to support and sustain the program. will be used to coordinate services to support and sustain the program. coordinate services to support and sustain the program.
• No evidence that each partner will reduce indirect costs in order to meet the restricted indirect cost rates of LEA or RESA.
Some evidence that each
Strong evidence that each partner will partner will reduce indirect reduce indirect costs in order to meet costs in order to meet the restricted indirect cost rates of LEA or RESA. restricted indirect cost rates of LEA or
• No financial support for • Some financial support for • A clear description of the plans for the partnership ' s the partnership ' s financial support for the partnership's participation in statewide participation in statewide participation in statewide professional development. professional development. professional development.
- - - - - - - - - -
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
The following comments highlight the overall positive aspect(s) of the application
The following comments / questions highlight overall concerns with the grant application:
Total Score
Fund with revision D
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Technical Assistance
Technical assistance will be provided by Terry Reale.
Contact information for Terry Reale
Telephone: (304) 558-5325 ext 53274
Technical Assistance during Implementation
Additional technical assistance will be provided by Terry Reale as the winning proposal is implemented. This technical assistance will take the form of phone support and face to face participation in project meetings
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts
Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Key Steps Timeline
Who is involved?
Point Person
Required resources
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Budget Worksheet
Fiscal Agent: _ _ _ _ _ _ p p hi fi or eac ers: c omuetitive A I' . tC d
Staff Develop
(Expenditures NOT (Instructional
Related to Staff
111 ~alaries
112 Suuulemental Salary
Staff Development)
114 Stiuends 25,000
136 Substitutes, Staff Dev.
211 Health Insurance
221 Social Security l~.8?i::
231 Defined Benefit Ret.
241 Defined Contrib. Ret.
2 500
261 [Workers Comp.
331 Emulovee Training
58X rrravel 25,000
(Staff Dev.
Interagency Purchased
591 Services In State
611 Suuulies & Materials
5,000 1,000
614 Comuuter Software
734 rI'echnolol!V Hardware xxx Other (suecifv)
Administrative Costs @
No more than restricted rate of LEA allowed 5,000
Total bv Obiect
Total by Function
Instruction Regular :
12213 Instructional Staff Development:
52213 Non-public School Student Services:
$100,055 $130,000 $6,ooo
Activities dealing directly with the teaching of students.
Activities that contribute to the professional growth and competence of instructional staff.
Activities that contribute to the professional growth and competence of instructional staff of private schools.
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Budget Source Summary:
Budget Source
Institution of Hiidier Education
LEA ( s peci fy each coun ty )
Proiect Code
Participant s
35 of3 8
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
Definitions The following definitions are based on the definitions included in the No Child
Left Behind Act of
A. Highly Qualified Teacher: The term "highly qualified teacher" means the teacher has not had certification or licensure requirements waived on an emergency, temporary, or provisional basis. The teacher has obtained full state certification and endorsements in
English and/ or Reading/Language Arts, or passed the state teacher licensing examinations and holds a license to teach in West Virginia.
B. Professional Development: The term "professional development" means instructional activities that:
Are based on scientifically based research and state academic content standards,
11. student academic achievement standards, and assessment;
Improve and increase teachers' knowledge of the academic subjects they teach;
Enable teachers who fall under the designation of not highly qualified to become highly qualified; and iii. Are sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused in order to have a positive and lasting impact on classroom instruction and the teacher's performance in the classroom.
C. Scientifically Based Research: The term "scientifically based research" means research that involves the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to education activities and programs and includes research that: i. Employs systematic, empirical methods that draw on observation or experiment and involve rigorous data analyses that are adequate to test the state hypotheses and justify the general conclusions drawn; ii. Relies on measurements or observational methods that provide reliable and valid data across evaluators and observers, across multiple measurements and observations, and across studies by the same or different investigators; m. Is evaluated using experimental or quasi-experimental designs in which individuals, entities, programs, or activities are assigned to different conditions, with appropriate controls to evaluate the effects of the condition of interest and with a preference for random-assignment experiments or other designs to the extent that those designs contain within-condition or across-condition controls; iv. Ensures that experimental studies are presented in sufficient detail and clarity to allow for replication or , at minimum, to offer the opportunity to build systematically on their findings; and v. Can be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal or gain approval from a panel of independent experts through a comparably rigorous, objective, and scientific review.
D. High Need School District: The term "high need school district" means a school district:
[For purposes of this grant, a high need school district is defined as a school district who has been identified for improvement or corrective action under
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-Adult
Competitive Application 2009
NCLB and has less than the state average of English and/ or
Reading/Language Arts classes taught by "highly qualified" teachers according to WVDE
2008-2009 data.]
E. Summer Institute: The term "summer institute" means an institute, conducted during the summer, that: i.
Is conducted for a period of not less than
2 weeks, not necessarily consecutive days or weeks; ii. Includes, as a component, a program that provides direct interaction between teachers and current or retired disciplinary arts and sciences faculty; and iii. Provides for follow-up training during the academic year that is conducted in the classroom for a period of not less than three consecutive or nonconsecutive days.
F. Additional Definitions: i. Core Writing Team: Composed of the Project Director, and at least one representative from each of the following: fiscal agent, evaluator, disciplinary faculty, higher education and/or RESA education advisor, and ten percent of teachers engaged in the funded project.
37of 38
WV Partnerships for Providing English and/or Reading/Language Arts and/or Reading/Language Arts Teachers 5-
Competitive App li cat i on 2009
Participants '
2. Participants'
3. Organization
4. Participants '
Use of New
5. Student
A <lapte<l trom .1<.:v atuating Pro.tessio
n al Development b y Dr . Thomas liu s k ey, Corwin l"res s, 2000 , l ) 7 9
What Q uestions Are Addressed?
• Did they like it?
• Was their time well spent?
• Did the material make sense?
• Will it be useful?
• Was the leader knowledgeable and helpful?
• Were the refreshments fresh and tasty?
• Was the room the right temperature?
• Were the chairs comfortable?
• Did participants acquire the intended knowledge and skills?
How Will Information be
• Questionnaires administered at the end of the session
What is Meas u re d or Assessed?
Initial satisfaction with the experience
• New knowledge and skills of participants
How Will Information Be
• To improve program design and delivery
• To improve program content, format, and
• What was the impact on the organization?
• Did it affect organizational climate /procedures?
• Was implementation advocated, facilitated, and supported?
• Was the support public and overt?
• Were problems addressed quickly and efficiently?
• Were sufficient resources made available?
• Were successes recognized and shared?
• Paper and pencil
• Simulations
• Demonstrations
• Participant reflections
• Participant oortfolios
• District and school records
• Minutes from follow-up meetings
• Questionnaires
• Structured interviews with participants and district or school administrators
• The organization ' s advocacy, support, accommodation, facilitation , and recognition organization
• To document and improve organizational support
• To inform future change efforts
• Did participants effectively apply the new knowledge and skills?
• How are participants using what they learned?
• What challenges are participants encountering?
• What was the impact on students?
• Did it affect performance or achievement?
• Did it influence physical or emotional health?
• Are students more confident as learners?
• Is attendance improving?
• Are dropouts decreasing?
• How does the new learning affect other aspects of the organization?
• Participant portfolios
• Questionnaires
• Structured interviews with participants and their supervisors
• Participant reflections
• Participant portfolios
• Direct observations
• Video or audio tapes
• Student records
• School records
• Questionnaires
• Structured interviews with students, parents, teachers, and/or administrators
• Participant portfolios
• Degree and quality of implementation
• Student learning outcomes:
• Cognitive - Performance &
• Affective - Attitudes &
• Psychomotor - Skills & Behaviors
• Student work samples
• Performance assessments
• To document and improve the implementation of program content
• To focus and improve all aspects of program design , implementation, and follow up
• To demonstrate the overall impact of professional development