Developing a Quality School Level Annual Professional Development Plan Presented by… Karen Davies & Michelle Samples Overview of Session Professional development legislation and policies Advantages/disadvantages of school level PD Various professional development modes Solutions to address PD time barriers Components of a quality annual PD plan Differences between a weak & quality annual PD plan Shocking News About Professional Development Professional development legislation and policies NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND: “It’s been far from perfect, but NCLB has caused states to think more seriously about professional learning.” Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director National Staff Development Council Professional development legislation and policies WV Code §18-2-23(b) State law requires the WVBOE to establish annual professional development goals for public schools so that “adequate and appropriate professional development” is available “to ensure high quality teaching” in public schools. The Center for Professional Development (CPD) is responsible for designing and drafting a proposed master plan for professional development to achieve the goals of the WVBOE. Professional development legislation and policies WVBOE Priorities for Professional Development 1) To meet the personal needs of each student; 2) To elevate the importance of great teachers and learning; 3) To make the improvement of public education a moral imperative for every citizen and stakeholder; and 4) To accelerate innovation and transform schools to address Global21 demands. Professional development legislation and policies WVBOE 2012-2013 Statewide Goals For Professional Development To provide professional development that – 1) Aligns with curriculum standards to increase educator effectiveness in the arts, world languages, health, physical education, career/technical, reading/English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. 2) Focuses on developing in-depth understanding of the essential features of the growth and development of the personal, physical, social and emotional needs of each student, including providing students with personalized pathways and guidance to help them have productive and satisfying lives. 3) Develops the leadership competencies, professional culture and characteristics necessary to increase the support of teaching and learning. TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE #1: Describe the traits of your best and worst professional development experiences. 1. Describe the traits of your best and worst professional development experiences. BEST PD TRAITS WORST PD TRAITS TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE #2: What are the advantages of conducting professional development at the school level? 2. What are the advantages of conducting professional development at the school verses the district level? SCHOOL PD DISTRICT PD Advantages/Disadvantages of district and school level professional development Designs for Professional Development Implementation: District-level (districtwide) design School-level (site-based) design Integrated design Guskey, T.R. (2000). Evaluating professional development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE #3: Identify various modes of professional development in which you have participated. 3. Identify various modes of professional development in which you have participated. MODES OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Various professional development modes Research studies What are the most effective modes of PD and why? PLCs study groups individual activities A Research-Based Professional Development Model Ensuring Implementation Professional Development Knowledge and Understanding Ability to Use New Skills Transfer to Classroom Theory 90% 25% 5% Demonstration 90% 50% 5% Practice & Feedback 90% 90-95% 5% Coaching or collegial Support Meetings 95-100% 90-95% 90% Joyce, B. & Showers, B. (1987-88) TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE #4: Identify some ways to address the challenge of providing time for school level professional development. Solutions to address PD time & funding barriers Addressing Time Barriers “The primary resource teachers need for professional development is time” Additional time can be provided by: 1) Adding to a teachers’ workday or school year 2) Reorganizing teacher schedules 3) Changing how staff are utilized TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE #5: What are the most important components of a quality school level annual professional development plan? 5. What are the most important components of a quality school level annual professional development plan? QUALITY COMPONENTS OF PD PLAN Differences between a weak and quality PD plan Examine the annual professional development plan for Almost Heaven Elementary School and determine . . . What is positive about the plan? What needs more work? Differences between a weak and quality PD plan Examine the annual professional development plan for Wild & Wonderful Elementary School and determine . . . What is positive about the plan? What needs more work? Thank you for your continuous contribution to improving the lives of West Virginia children throughout the state!