Title I School Improvement Grant 1003(a) Scoring Rubric – FY... School: _________________________ County: _____________________

Title I School Improvement Grant 1003(a) Scoring Rubric – FY ‘13
School: _________________________ County: _____________________
Contact: ________________________
Email: ______________________
Amount of Funding Requested: _____________
Application Cover Page – all information is required but not scored
Background – 10 points
Points awarded: _____
Data Analysis and Statement of Need – 15 points
Points awarded: _____
Goals and S.M.A.R.T. objectives - 15 points
Points awarded: _____
Strategies and Activities: 30 points
Points awarded: _____
Evaluation – 15 points
Points awarded: _____
Budget and Budget Narrative – 15 points
Points awarded: _____
TOTAL SCORE (out of 100 possible points)
Application Cover Page – all information is required but not scored
Background – 10 points
Points awarded: _____
The current status of improvement efforts is clearly articulated with regard to
Teaching and Learning.
The current status of improvement efforts is clearly articulated with regard to
Improvement Processes.
The current status of improvement efforts is clearly articulated with regard to
Culture and Climate.
Data Analysis and Statement of Need – 15 points
Points awarded: _____
The need for reform using current and relevant student achievement and other
pertinent school data is clearly described.
The particular subject(s) and subgroup(s) causing the school to be identified for
improvement are specifically addressed. This section may include a priority
listing of data analysis from sources such as state test measurements, local
measurements, attendance, graduation rate, WV Writing Assessment, discipline,
surveys, teacher certification and experience, etc.
Goals and S.M.A.R.T. objectives - 15 points
Points awarded: _____
Based on the described needs, one to three goals have been selected from the Five
Year Strategic Plan and benchmarks for meeting these goals have been
S.M.A.R.T. objectives for accomplishing each goal have been developed.
The goals and objectives are aligned to the concerns articulated in the Data
Analysis and Statement of Need.
Strategies and Activities: 30 points
Points awarded: _____
Strategies and activities clearly articulate what will be done to accomplish the
S.M.A.R.T. Objectives.
High-quality, sustained and research based professional development is included
in the activities to support ALL school staff (and parents and other stakeholders
as appropriate) in their implementation of the school improvement plan.
Collaborative teams are integrated into the implementation of strategies and
activities and specific attention is given to:
 adequate time for teams to meet
 categories of teams (grade level, content area, multi-disciplinary, etc.), and
 functions of the teams (data analysis, student learning goals, curriculum
development, formative assessment development, etc.) is included.
The plan includes tentative activity dates (at least month and year) and
presenters for all professional development activities.
Evaluation – 15 points
Points awarded: _____
The plan reflects:
a balanced approach to evaluation – formative and summative
clearly stated evaluation criteria and indicators
a description of how data will be gathered and analyzed
a description of how evaluation data will be used for program adjustment and
Budget and Budget Narrative – 15 points
Points awarded: _____
All required columns noted on the budget page including budget codes, a
description of budget items, item cost and cost from identified coordinated
resources are completed.
Technology and professional development expenses are indicated on the
provided budget form (or a similar form containing the same information).
A budget narrative is included that describes any broad term items (e.g.,
materials, supplies, professional development, technology, equipment, travel).
The budget and the budget narrative are representative of the contents of the