WV High Quality Standards aligned to USDE Turnaround Principles

WV High Quality Standards aligned to USDE Turnaround Principles
Standard I – Positive Climate & Cohesive Culture
HQS: In high quality schools, the staff shares
TP: Establish a school environment that improves
sound educational beliefs and values, establishes
safety and discipline and address other nonhigh expectations and creates an engaging and
academic factors.
orderly atmosphere to foster learning for all.
Standard II – School Leadership
HQS: In high quality schools, the principal fosters
TP: Provide strong leadership.
and develops distributed leadership among staff,
students, and stakeholders in order to focus
collective action for improved school performance.
Standard III – Standards – Focused Curriculum, Instruction & Assessments
HQS: In high quality schools, the staff delivers a
TP: Strengthen the school’s instructional program.
standards-focused curriculum that enhances the
unique qualities of each learner and assures that all
students attain the essential knowledge, skills and
dispositions necessary in the global, digital age.
Standard IV – Student Support Services & Family/Community Connections
HQS: In high quality schools, the staff places
TP: Engage families and community.
student well-being at the forefront of all decisions,
provides support services to address student
physical, social/emotional and academic growth,
and forms positive connections to families and the
Standard V – Educator Growth & Development
HQS: In high quality schools, staff members
TP: Ensure that teachers are effective and able to
participate in processes of self reflection,
improve instruction.
collaboration and evaluation that lead to
professional growth and development in order to
impact student learning.
Standard VI – Efficient & Effective Management
HQS: In high quality schools, efficient and effective TP: Redesign the school day, week, or year.
management procedures assure that facilities,
fiscal resources, personnel, and data and
technology systems add value to student learning
and comply with law and policy.
Standard VII – Continuous Improvement
HQS: In high quality schools, there is collective
TP: Use data to inform instruction.
commitment to collaboratively identify, plan,
implement, monitor, evaluate, and communicate
the changes necessary to continuously increase
student learning.