2013-2018 ESEA Consolidated Monitoring Office of Federal Programs December 10, 2013 ESEA Fiscal and Program Compliance • • • • General Education Provisions Act Sec. 440(a) Section 80.40 of EDGAR A-102 Common Rule and OMB Circular A-110 OMB Circular 133 Subpart D--Federal Agencies and Pass-Through Entities Responsibilities WVDE Responsibilities to Grantees • Review student academic progress, • Determine compliance with federal and applicable state regulations, • Promote collaborative planning and budgeting across ESEA programs and • Provide technical assistance for program improvement. ESEA Flexibility Outcome Monitoring • All LEAs with Priority, Support and/or Focus • Identifying the LEA needs for assistance and support • Addressing the WVDE’s responsibilities for continued and programmatic oversight - Phase One: Application and Strategic Plan Alignment - Phase Two: Monitoring Conference Call - Phase Three: Customized Monitoring/Technical Assistance ESEA Flexibility Monitoring Indicators • Identification of school accountability designations based on the West Virginia Accountability Index, including making these lists public • Implementation of Turnaround Principles in Priority Schools, specific to implement status in the 2013-2014 school year • Implementation of Interventions in Focus Schools • Providing Incentives and Supports to Other Title I Schools • Building SEA, LEA, and School Capacity to Improve Student Learning Phase One: Application and Strategic Plan Alignment (July 1 – December 31) • Desk monitoring and technical assistance calls and/or visits • LEA’s assigned WVDE liaison will review and provide feedback to ensure alignment to the needs of Priority, Support and Focus status and to verify appropriate allocation of ESEA Funds: -ESEA LEA Consolidated Application -LEA Strategic Plan -Priority and Focus School Diagnostic Reports and Strategic Plans -MOU for Priority and Focus Schools • This phase is designed to ensure that the LEA has outlined the essential elements necessary to implement school improvement during the current school year Phase Two: Monitoring Conference Call (January 1 –March 31) • Conducted via a conference call • Examines the LEA’s early implementation of school improvement under ESEA Flexibility and follow-up on any outstanding issues from Phase One • The LEA’s assigned WVDE liaison will act as the point of contact for the call • A director or assistant director from the Office of Federal Programs or the Office of School Improvement will facilitate the phone interview • WVDE staff from other offices, as appropriate, may be included in the call • A Phase Two conference call interview protocol will be provided to each LEA • The single conference call will last approximately one and one-half hour(s) • Within three weeks of the conference call, WVDE will provide a summary monitoring report. The report will identify: -Areas of progress -Areas of concern to be addressed through technical assistance monitoring by the LEA’s assigned ESEA liaison Phase Two: Monitoring Conference Call – LEA Responsibility • LEA conference call participants to include - All ESEA Program Directors - Appropriate LEA Staff - Invitation to LEA Superintendent • Month prior to call, the LEA must assure that applicable documentation providing evidence of school improvement implementation has been uploaded to the WVDE High Quality Schools Data Collection System • Upon receiving the summary monitoring report send acknowledgement of receipt via e-mail to the WVDE Phase Three: Customized Monitoring/Technical Assistance (April 1 –June 30) • On-Site technical assistance support provided by WVDE liaison • Utilizes outcomes from the review conducted in Phases One and Two, along with information from the LEA’s most recent compliance monitoring • LEA’s identified for Phase Three monitoring will work collaboratively with their WVDE liaison to address concerns • LEA will prepare an end of the year monitoring response indicating progress in addressing the identified areas of need by June 30 Appeals Process • If after reviewing the monitoring summary report, the LEA concludes that the evidence provided in the report is inaccurate, an appeal can be issued • Must be issued within 30 business days of receipt of the monitoring report • Documentation must be submitted to WVDE prior to, or in conjunction with the response • If the SEA determines that the documentation fulfills the standard, an amendment to the final report will be issued. • The decision of the respective Federal Program Director is considered to be final Questions?