West Virginia Support for Improving Professional Practice (WVSIPP) What we Learned from Last Year. . . • 3 Plan Components Support for ALL educators – Provide strong school-based support and supervision to assist beginning teachers – Create a productive learning experience for student teachers – Use data from the educator performance evaluation system to serve as the basis for providing individual professional development 2 WV State Board of Education Comprehensive System of Support Guidelines • Use local resources to focus on the priority professional development goals • Select master teachers, mentors, academic coaches based on demonstrated superior performance and competence • Adjust scheduling, use of substitutes, collaborative planning time, calendar or other measures as may be necessary to provide sufficient time for professional personnel ; • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of implementation and outcomes of the county system of support for improving professional practice. 3 This year, we add two more components: 1. Support for Other Staff (counselors, academic coaches, administrators, paraprofessionals, etc. ) 2. Meeting Highly Qualified Teacher Compliance AND ANOTHER FUNDING SOURCE –Title III Changes in WVSIPP – Addition of two new components – Online portal for entering and submitting your plan – Window for entering/submitting your plan is July 15 – July 31, 2014 5 Where did you find data? • Convene a district team • Complete a needs assessment • Identify priority areas of professional development for individuals/schools/county based on: • Data from individual professional evaluations • Needs of teachers/administrators from self-assessments • Student learning data from multiple measures including Formative Assessments • Needs of beginning educators 6 Template • The new template will allow for full online submission • You will receive an email verifying receipt of your plan • You will receive an email when your plan is approved/not approved 7 Reflect and Share What data did you analyze to determine district professional development, trainings, and support? Identify strengths and weaknesses as determined by the educator evaluation system and explain how these findings guided your professional development plan. Component 1 Support for Beginning Teachers Beginning Teacher Support Beginning Teachers (0-2 years) Action Steps 1. 2. 3. Responsible Persons/Job Titles Funding Source/ Projected Amount Evidence of Impact **Check Boxes Totals: 1. 2. 3. Component 2 Support for Experienced Teachers Action Steps Support for Experienced Teachers (3+ years) 1. 2. 3. Responsible Persons/Job Titles Funding Source/ Evidence Projected of Impact Amount **Check Boxes Total 1. 2. 3. Component 3 Support for Student Teachers Action Steps Support for Student Teachers 1. 2. 3. Responsible Persons/Job Titles Funding Source/ Projected Amount Evidence of Impact **Check Boxes 1. 2. Funding 3. Component 4 Support for Other Staff Action Steps Support for other Staff 1. 2. 3. Responsible Persons/Job Titles Funding Source/ Projected Amount Evidence of Impact **Check Boxes 1. 2. 3. Total Component 5 Meeting Highly Qualified Teacher Compliance Action Steps Meeting Highly Qualified Teacher Compliance 1. 2. 3. Responsible Persons/Job Titles Funding Source/ Projected Amount Evidence of Impact **Check Boxes 1. 2. 3. Total Reflect and Share • How does your district provide strong, school based support to beginning teachers? • How does your district provide strong, school based support to emerging/struggling teachers? • How does your district use data from the evaluation system to determine PD for the district, schools and individuals? • How does your district create a productive learning experience for student teachers? 14 Reflect and Share (these are the two new components) • How does your district. . . o provide strong, school based support to Other Educators (counselors, academic coaches, administrators, etc.)? o meet highly qualified teacher compliance status? Resources and Support • Everything regarding WVSIPP will eventually be moved to the website for the Office of Professional Preparation • Links to WVSIPP will be found on the web sites for the Office of School Improvement and the Office of Federal Programs 16 Reminder: Window for submitting plan will be from July 15 through July 31, 2014 Questions?