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The method solves a constrained opti-ization problem to _d a maximum a posterioni (MAP) es;imate of :he ful' 2-D Radon transform of the object, usn g prior inowledge of object mass, center of mass, and ccnvex support. and information about fundamental const.rin:s and smoothness of the Pzdon transfor-m. This ef=cient prima-dtual algor:nhm cornssts of an iterative local relaax-y ation stage which solves a partial differential equation in Radon-space, fo'owed by a simple Lagrange multiplier upreconstructed us°ng convolution 6ate sLaze. The ob;ect is reconstructed us -g convoiltion applied hackpro;ection esti-te. transform estimz;e. -The to to :he the Radon Radon transfo-m -ackproo~ection appied I. Introduction sfwe)- <'J()} ~)dwhere g(t 9) ~ =.~fz~( where f(z) is a real function defined on the plane (which we will azsume to be zero outside the ddlk of radu-s T = [cos 6 sin £;T. Thus, the centered at the origin) ande 2-D P.adon traysform g(t,6), for fixed t and 6, is a line integral of the function ffz) along the line with lateral displzcement t and unit normal w. ,hen one obtains a large number of accurate mea-suements of g(t,6) for t E [-T,T] and 6 E IO,,r), then a high-qualiW' reconconstruction of f(z) may be made using conventional techniques, e.g., convolution backprojection [2]. However, when the line integrals are observed in noise, and when the angular range is restricted to a subset of [0,xr)- i.e. eit:er the lmi;ed- or sparse-angle situation I- II. Consistency and Support o te 2- Radon Ceta mathematcal popeies Certaim mathematical properties of the 2-D Radon .ranform are used to advantage in our reconstruction method. fi-st property is one of consistency: not all functio.s P(t,6) are Radon transforms of some function f(=). A full discussion of the consistency conditions required of Altho-gh limite- angle tomography has bee.n widely discussed in the litera:ure, adequate imagery- is still no: otainable in discpiines in which there are both restricted viewing angles a-d low signal to noise ratios (cf. [1: and references). The problem is fundamentally one of invert-ig the 2-D Radon tra-sformt given by - then these conventional techniques are not adequate. Some of the methods in the literature designed to account for the limited- and sparse-angle cases, and in some cases the noise, include modified transform methods, iteraticn between spaces, and finite series expansion methods (see |1 and references). The methods most closely related to our methods are those which seek to d.rect!y estimate the full Radon transform such as in [3] and [4]. - -~~~~~--~~I~~"I-- - -~~~~~~`r~~- a 2-D Radon transform may be found in 15].What we require in this paper is the periodicity condition given by g(t,) = g(-t, 6 + ,;), and the two moment constraints given by (2) T g(t, ) dt = m, T and fT t[ g(t,)d= c(), (3) c(0) is a cosinusoidal function in 0. Both rn and c(6) may often be estimated quite accurately [6],`7], so that we may- use these two equations as conrstraints on the full Radon transform to be estimated. We assume in what follows that a pre-processing stage scales and shift-s the measurements so that m = 1 and c(6) = 0. The second mathematical property of the 2-D PRadon transform is one of support: the convez hull of the support Y of the function f(z) has a one-to-one correspondence to the support 5 of 2{f(z)}, where by support we mean the set of points where the function is non-zero. Therefore, if we knew hul(') a priori, we would insist that any estimate Our approach, instead, y. O of g(t,6) be zero for (t,6) assumes that we have only an estirateofhul() (produced perhaps by the methodc in 7,.), and therefore t-at g(t,6) shoulc be smc: where (:, 6) f 5. Variational Formulation III. Consider the ;roblem, which we refer :o as (VT), to minimize 7I o _ 1 _ ot Ir <c e g.Y, dod8 + - ~(, ! igX .~ / c+g\2 dt dD dt.dT ("g)'ag)2 + the .r ),' r~ 2d 18 g dtt (4) subject to the etuality constraints given by (2) and (3) and 0(:,) = boundary con::ions g(T,O) = g(-T,O) = 0 and g(-t,,.) where r, f3, and -y are positive constants. Here, Y, = {(t, 0) -T < t < T,O < 6 < r} and Yo is a subset of JTr over w'hich (noisy) measurements y are available, and saisfied as well. Since for fi:ed A1(6) and A2(6), the PDE is elliptic in g(t, 6), we may solve it numerically on a discrete lattice system. This suggests a primal-dual approach where we solve the PDE in the primal stage for fixed A1 and A., followed by a dual stage which updates Al and 2-. \We use a very efficient local relaxation algorithm (which ma be implemented in parallel) due to ;uo et. al !8] to solve the PDE in the primal phase, and a simple Lagrange multiplier update stage (see t91). Fortunately, the value of the final Lagrange multipliers may often be estimated to high accuracy before beginning the iteration, which speeds up converegence dramatically i[7]. We su-mmarize the algorithm below. Local Relaxation Algorithm: 1. Estimate final Lagrange multipliers %1(0) and ),~(). 2. Set A2(6) = .i(6) and A0 (6) 3. Set k = 1 and g = y. gI. = . .4.seeks to ~ , which e7.~~~~ a..penalty The first term in I represents keep the estimate close to the observatiorns. The second term is a pena::y for non-zero values outside the support of the Radon transform. and 'na'ly, the third term penalizes large derizatives in both the vertical and horizontal di-ection, and hi therefore a smoothing term. A necessar- and sufficient condition for g(t, ) to be a solution to (V) is that is satisfy- the following second order -' pa-tial differe:.ial equation (?DE) [7] ( +G EX g - "a i X1 y-.A(O) A (6)# () c' and the additional bounda-y condition 8g(t,O)'at = ag(-t.r,)/:, where XG and Xy are the indicator functio-s for _ 2nd 'Jo, respectively. In addition, g( '?,) must satisf- the orig.-al cons:raints and bo.:dary conditions. It is important to note that (5) contains three •e:nown functions: g(t. 6), and two Lagrange ru:ltiplier .nctions Ax(e) and A2 (63 (one for each constraint). 1 - A(6). 1e ao. Solve PDE numerically to yield gk. 5. Does gk satisfy, the constraints? 6. If not, update Lagrange multipliers according to r (6) = Ala cx mm-] (6) = gk(t,)dt) tc(o and goto 4. Se k-k 7. Otherwise, we are done and g = g t . This algorithm converges to the globally optimum solut:ion provided that a is chosen small enough [9'. V. Experimental Results In this section, we present the results of two experiments, designed to show the overall performance of the algorithm on a limited-angle case and on a sparse-angle case. The object that is used in these simulations is an ellipse with bewe describe The numer'-al solution to (5), which the letters M I T in its interior, shown in Fig. 1 using an 5)wihede soutotbbenuera .. low, is found c: a discrete lattice system in VT. It turns .t twcsko81 by 81 discretization. Fig. 2 shows a noisy sinogramn . oe 0 a finite n-er seeks of solution, which out that this consisting of 81 rows (sampling t) and (S^NR=10.OdB), aximum variables deno eSi by the vector g, is czcct!y the .- xinaum 60 columns (sampling 6), created by adding independent to a zost*riori (M.A'P) estimate of g, when g is described2 samples of zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance c2 to each element of the true sinogam (not shown). by a certain Markov random field prior probab:iiy, and when ;he noise is given bv additive independent, zero-mean Fig. 3 shows an object reconstruction using convoluGaussian randCcm vriabies with variance ~c [7]. tion backprojection (CBP) in which only the fi-st 40 of 60 (leftmost) projections of the sinogram in Fig. 2 were IV . Lo cal Relaxation Algorithm To solve (5) we must find both g(t, 0) and the two Lazange multiplier funct'ons, A1 (6) and A2 (6), so that the PDE itself is satisfied and the mass and center of mass constraints are - used. A reconstruction obtained after processing using the local relaxation .MAP algorithm described in Section IV is shoun in Fig. 4. In this case, the support G and the mass m of the Radon tranform were estimcted using methods described in r7] and [10], while the center of mass was """""""~~~I----I-----"l~l-~--' ~~- Fig. 2. 10dB sinogram of MIT ellipse. Fi-. 1. Origcnal MIIT ellipse. which we have explored in 7] is o -incorporatemore t'-an (correctiy) assu-=ed to be zero. The coeEcients rc ,: and just two of the constraints inherent to the Radon tra-s3 wer-e se: to 5.0, 0.05, and 0.01. resective!Y. form. Fig. 5 shows an object reconstruc:ion using convoiution backprojection (CBP) in which only 10 evenly spaced proReferences jections of the s-nogram in Fig. 2 were used. A reccnS.ruc.ion obtained after processing using the same coemcients [1] J. A. Reeds and L. A- Shepp, 'Limited angle reconstruction abrove is shown in Fic.[ 6. Cas One can see :-rom these two ex-er:raen:s a cr-amatic in tomography via squashing," IEEE Trans. on MAecical re.ccing, vol. .x'I-6, pp. 89-97. June 1987. improvement in the recor.structiors. The iimited-angle case showmn in Fi;s. 3 and 4 shows most clearly how supr2]omato . ic R. ws Dea-s, sm omThe mre-Redon Trans.form and Some of Its Arpli,)ort informlation - w--ic]: was es:-.rate.d -om Teasurecations. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1983. ment;s in this case - can improve the de;fnition of the [3] .. K. Lo-s, 'Picture reconstruction from projections in object bounda-ie-. The spase-angle case shows co=nderrestricted range," Math. Meth. in the Appl. Sci., vol. 2, able improvemer.: resulting primari:.- from the horizontal pp- 209-220, 190. smoothing effec:s and constraints. The in;ermedia:e rekite:?o':aed, sult 'not sho'nl) -1 each c-se is a smoothed, sut nn each cse is'- 4] a5. H. Bucnocore, Fcst Minimum Variance Estimatorsfor ecn cand feasible (with respect to the mass and center of mass Limited Computed Tomogrcphy Imae Image Reconstrucconstraints) sinogram. tion. PhD thesis, Stanford University, 1981. VI. [5] S. Helgason, The Radon Transform. Bri::auser. 1930. Discussion Bosto=, MY4: [6] D. J. Rossi and A. S. Willsky, 'Reconstruction from pro. c-tions based on detection and estimation of objects-parts I and II: performance analysis and robustness analyss," ,EEE Trans. ASSP, vol. ASSP-32, no. 4, pp. 88-90, 1984. W'e -ave demons-t:ated in :his oao: a method based on estisatlion principles for reconstructing images from thelr noisy and limited-angle or sparse-angle Rzadon tracsforms. We have showun that including ce:tai- types of prior imowledge can lead to improvec reconstruction over co--olution back-projection appiied directly to the measurements. A hierarchical a-orithm Cescribec in '7,, however, allows muc~h~ of this informa:tion to be estimated in -revious stages; therefore, the method is largely self-conta:-ed. .Marny extensions to this work a-e possible. One extension I7] J. L. Prince, Geomet.ic .fodel-3asedEstimation From Pro:ect-ons. PhD thesis, Mfassachusetts Institute of Techmolog, Janua 1988. Dept. Elec. Engr. !nll8] C. J. Kuo and B. C. Levy, 'A t-wo-level four-color SOR met;od," Tech. Rep. LIDS-P-1625, MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, 1986. 3 Fig. 3. L.ited-zngie recons:;uction using CBP. Fig. 4. Limited-angie recons.-uc-ion after processing. Fig. 5. Sparse-anc-re recostrction C3?. Fig. 6. Spa.rse-angle reconst-uction after processiL.- [9 D. P. Bertse-Skas, Cor.,:rained Ontimi:ation and ng /MultiplierrMethod.. New York: .Acadeic Press, 1922. [10Q J. L. Prince and A. S. Willsky, ?'Recon-:tructing co=vex sets from supo-' line meas'rements' Tech. Rep. LID-P-1,04, .M.I.T. Labc:atory for Informaion and Decisior Systems. September :987. S:b---tted to EE P-A-MI. AcknoL£.ranres rain ar Resec Oic at DS-tEd92 the Urou .S. A.,y rans -K-O nd 3 r. 2adition, the rk of -re first author was oar-ia'ly su:oorzec by a U.S. Ar-v Research Office -ellov:snis.