Mapping of QTL for Sugars in Ananas Melon Soon O. Park and Kevin M. Crosby Texas Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Texas A&M University, Weslaco, TX 78596 and Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 Kil S. Yoo Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 Zhoo-Hyeon Kim Department of Horticulture, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju, 660-701, South Korea Introduction: Sugar components such as sucrose, fructose, glucose, and total soluble solids are major factors influencing mature melon (Cucumis melo L.) fruit sweetness. Molecular markers linked to genes regulating synthesis of sugar components may improve the breeder=s ability to recover high sugar genotypes and aid in the development of high sugar cultivars. Therefore, our objective was to identify RAPD markers associated with QTL for sucrose, glucose, fructose, total sugars (TS), and total soluble solids (TSS) in an existing molecular marker-based linkage map constructed by means of an F2 population derived from the melon cross of >Deltex= (high sugars) x TGR1551 (low sugars). Materials and Methods: One hundredeight F2 plants from the cross of >Deltex= x TGR1551 were planted in a greenhouse at the Texas Agricultural Research and Extension Center-Weslaco in 2003. The >Deltex= parent is an ananas type with good fruit quality, while the TGR1551 parent is a wild type with poor fruit quality. Data for sucrose, glucose, fructose, and TS were obtained from the 108 F2 plants using HPLC. Total soluble solids data were also obtained from the F2 plants using a temperature corrected refractometer with digital readout. A RAPD marker-based linkage map was recently developed by Park and Crosby (3) using the 108 F2 plants of the same cross. MAPMAKER version 3.0 (2) was used for the linkage analysis of 208 RAPD markers. The name of each RAPD 26 marker is derived from an AO@ prefix for Operon primers, the letters identifying the Operon kit, Operon primer number, and the approximate length (bp) of the marker (3). Simple linear regression (SLR), for each pairwise combination of quantitative traits and marker loci, was used to analyze the data for detection of QTL affecting sucrose, glucose, fructose, TS, and TSS content. Significant differences in trait associations were based on F-tests (P<0.05) (1). Loci with the lowest P value per QTL were chosen and then were added in a stepwise multiple regression (SMR) to select the best set of markers (P<0.05) for prediction of the total trait phenotypic variation explained by the identified QTL (4). Pearson correlations of mature fruit sweetness traits including three sugars were also determined in our population. All statistical analyses were conducted using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS Inst., Cary, N.C.). Results and Discussion: Continuous frequency distributions for sucrose, glucose, fructose, TS, and TSS were observed in the F2 population (Figure 1), indicating that the fruit sweetness traits were quantitatively inherited. Twenty-four RAPD markers, located on several different linkage groups of the molecular marker-based melon map (Figure 2), were found to be significantly associated with QTL affecting sucrose, glucose, fructose, TS or TSS in the F2 population of Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 28-29: 26-30 (2005-2006) the >Deltex= x TGR1551 cross in the greenhouse based on SLR (Table 2). Two RAPD markers were significantly associated with QTL for sucrose content in our population on the basis of SLR (Table 2). The two markers on linkage groups 1 and 3 associated with QTL (Figure 2) were significant in a SMR analysis where the full model explained 10% of the total phenotypic variation for sucrose. Five markers were significantly associated with QTL regulating glucose content in this population by means of SLR. Particularly, three unlinked markers (OK10.1500, OJ09.800, and OG17.1050), amplified from >Deltex=, accounted for 10% to 12% of the variation for the trait. The five markers were significant in the SMR analysis with a total variation of 32% for the glucose trait. We identified significant associations of nine RAPD markers, located on different linkage groups, with QTL controlling fructose concentration in the population by SLR. Eight markers were significant in the SMR analysis with a total fructose variation of 41%. Four unlinked markers were associated with QTL affecting TS and TSS in the mapping population based on SLR, respectively. In the SMR analysis the two groups of the four markers were significant with total R2 values of 18% and 23% for the TS and TSS traits, respectively. These RAPD markers associated with the sugar synthesis QTL in the molecular linkage map detected here could be useful in melon breeding for improving the mature fruit sweetness. Literature Cited: 1. Edwards, M.D., C.W. Stuber, and J.F. Wendell. 1987. Molecular markerfacilitated investigations of quantitative trait loci in maize. I. Numbers, genomic distribution, and types of gene action. Genetics 116:113-125. 2. Lander, E.S., P. Green, J. Abrahamson, A. Barlow, M.J. Daly, S.E. Lincoln, and L. Newburg. 1987. MAPMAKER: An interactive computer package for constructing primary genetic linkage maps with experimental and natural populations. Genomics 1:174-181. 3. Park, S.O. and K.M. Crosby. 2007. Construction of a RAPD marker-based linkage map in ananas melon. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative 30:submitted. 4. Paterson, A.H., S. Damon, J.D. Hewitt, D. Zamir, H.D. Rabinowitch, S.E. Lincoln, E.S. Lander, and S.D. Tanksley. 1991. Mendelian factors underlying quantitative traits in tomato: Comparison across species, generations, and environments. Genetics 127:181-197. Table 1. Correlations of sucrose, glucose, fructose, total sugars, and total soluble solids in an F2 population derived from the melon cross of >Deltex= x TGR1551. Sweetness trait Sucrose Total soluble solids 0.63** Total sugars 0.79** Fructose -0.30** Glucose -0.24* *,**Significant at P < 0.05 or 0.01, respectively. Glucose 0.17 0.35** 0.70** Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 28-29: 26-30 (2005-2006) Fructose 0.07 0.26** Total sugars 0.71** 27 Table 2. Simple linear regression (SLR) and stepwise multiple regression (SMR) analyses of marker and data for detection of QTL for three sugars, total sugars (TS), and total soluble solids (TSS) in an F2 population derived from the cross of >Deltex= (high sugars) x TGR1551 (low sugars). Sugar trait Sucrose RAPD marker OJ07.900 OG16.650 Linkage group 3 1 SLR SMR P 0.009 0.039 R 6 4 Glucose OK10.1500 OJ09.800 OF05.500 OG17.1050 OK04.600 4 2 unassigned 1 unassigned 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.001 0.022 12 10 6 10 5 Fructose OE08.600 OR02.800 OK20.1050 OE14.700 OK17.600 OK10.1500 OI12.300 OJ09.800 OJ13.400 1 unassigned 9 7 1 4 3 2 unassigned 0.001 0.005 0.013 0.023 0.007 0.036 0.012 0.019 0.031 10 7 6 5 7 4 6 5 4 2 TS OE14.700 OC14.1400 OM14.500 OJ09.350 7 3 12 2 0.012 0.030 0.032 0.045 6 4 4 4 TSS OK10.550 OC18.900 OB12.550 OC14.1400 6 2 8 3 0.002 0.008 0.013 0.021 8 6 6 5 28 P 0.009 0.031 Cumulative R2 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.019 0.033 Cumulative R2 0.001 0.007 0.010 0.013 0.018 0.020 0.023 0.039 R2 6 4 10 12 7 6 4 3 32 10 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 Cumulative R2 0.012 0.021 0.029 0.042 Cumulative R2 0.002 0.009 0.017 0.038 Cumulative R2 41 6 5 4 3 18 8 6 5 4 23 Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 28-29: 26-30 (2005-2006) Number of F2 plants 25 40 Su crose D eltex=37.5 TG R 1551=0.0 M ean=16.5 Std D ev=12.2 20 15 G lucose D eltex=12.6 TG R 1551=14.4 M ean=17.8 Std D ev=4.9 35 30 25 Fructose D eltex=18.3 TG R 1551=14.3 M ean=15.1 Std D ev=4.5 40 35 30 25 20 20 10 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 5 0 0-5.0 5.1-10.0 10.1-15.0 15.1-20.0 20.1-25.0 25.1-30.0 30.1-35.0 35.1-40.0 40.1-45.0 >45.1 0 5.1-10.0 10.1-15.0 S ucrose (m g/g) 25 Number of F2 plants 45 20 15 15.1-20.0 20.1-25.0 25.1-30.0 30.1-35.0 35.1-40.0 G lucose (m g/g ) 5.1-10.0 10.1-15.0 15.1-20.0 20.1-25.0 25.1-30.0 30.1-35.0 Fructose (m g/g) 30 Total sugars D eltex=68.4 TG R 1551=28.7 M ean=49.2 Std D ev=12.4 TSS D eltex=10 TG R 1551=3 M ean=7 Std D ev=2 25 20 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 25.1-30.0 30.1-35.0 35.1-40.0 40.1-45.0 45.1-50.0 50.1-55.0 55.1-60.0 60.1-65.0 65.1-70.0 >70.1 Total su gars (m g/g) 3.1-4.0 4.1-5.0 5.1-6.0 6.1-7.0 7.1-8.0 8.1-9.0 9.1-10.0 10.1-11.0 >11.1 TSS (% ) Figure 1. Frequency distributions for sucrose, glucose, fructose, total sugars, and total soluble solids (TSS) of F2 plants derived from the melon cross of >Deltex= x TGR1551. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 28-29: 26-30 (2005-2006) 29 0 1 OJ04.1000 0 2 3 OC14.1400 0 FC 4 0 OK10.1500 5 OM18.600 OG18.500 GC TS OH03.500 0 OM11.750 OJ09.350 FC OA10.1250 OA01.450 OJ16.300 OM01.500 OM09.500 OG06.750 TSS OJ20.500 OA07.800 TS TSS OR15.800 OH19.1300 GC 0 OG17.800 OC19.450 OM20.700 FC GC OH16.600 OR04.900 OC09.800 OL04.1500 OK01.600 OK03.450 OM11.1250 OG16.650 OE08.600 OA02.1500 OF10.600 OB16.1150 OB16.1000 OD08.750 OD08.400 OA09.850 OK01.400 OC15.1400 106 0 OK17.600 0 8 OJ07.900 40 39 GC 0 10 UP1 OG09.300 0 11 OE14.700 OM11.500 OI03.600 OK20.700 0 12 OC02.600 OK12.700 OE01.1350 OG12.400 OF12.400 OL18.500 OB12.2000 OI06.500 OI12.500 OI19.300 OK15.1000 OI19.650 OH11.250 OB06.1250 OAT03.250 OM13.300 OM01.950 OE04.300 OF05.500 OH07.600 0 4 OA15.850 OO05.2100 OJ04.450 OM07.400 OK06.650 OK06.550 93 TS OL07.1100 36 UP2 OE09.450 OF03.1600 OM14.500 OAA09.650 OD13.600 178 OH06.1600 OC02.1250 OE17.400 153 0 OG17.250 OI10.550 OF04.600 OH07.700 OJ11.850 80 OC11.450 TS OM06.700 OA05.450 OC20.700 OC11.700 OK14.1350 OAU05.350 OE01.250 OB04.900 OG09.650 67 27 OK16.800 82 FC OI12.300 OC07.350 OC02.550 OR06.650 ON08.350 OA15.400 OP17.900 OC09.1600 OK20.1050 FC OD07.2100 OA05.1600 OG17.600 9 OM09.2200 OB12.550 OA16.450 OJ14.300 OC16.200 OJ19.400 OK01.1250 OM11.2000 OK16.900 OA12.600 OR02.850 OQ15.1500 OC09.600 SC OK13.600 TSS OK10.550 OJ15.1300 0 OL20.850 OB06.900 OH07.300 OQ15.1000 OC15.850 130 7 OJ15.550 FC 91 OL12.2100 OB17.1050 OM18.300 ON08.600 OA18.650 OA16.1000 OK20.800 OAU05.700 FC 0 OH16.500 OI20.650 OG17.1050 OI06.800 SC OF15.300 OF16.300 OJ04.550 OA19.900 OM06.500 OR02.400 OAS14.350 OL15.300 OJ19.450 OAP03.600 OA09.300 TSS 6 GC 22 UP3 OI11.1900 OK04.600 OK17.700 Figure 2. Linkage map for the >Deltex= x TGR1551 mapping population with locations of QTL for mature melon fruit sweetness traits. Bars to the left of each linkage group indicate the intervals having significant trait associations (P < 0.05). For traits evaluated in the current study: SC = sucrose content; GC = glucose content; FC = fructose content; TS = total sugars; and TSS = total soluble solids. 30 Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 28-29: 26-30 (2005-2006)