^^ \V o /J ^ i ' M,l,T UBRARIES - DEWEY Zfeoe^ ^ 4d no. 2-^ > (C'<>0 - qc^ ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT OPTIMAL COMSUMPTION AND PORTFOLIO CHOICE WITH BORROWING CONSTRAINTS Jean-Luc Vila* and Thaleia Zariphopoulou^ WP#3650-94 January 1994 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 OPTIMAL COMSUMPTION AND PORTFOLIO CHOICE WITH BORROWING CONSTRAINTS Jean-Luc Vila* and Thaleia Zariphopoulou** WP#3650-94 January 1994 MA * Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, ** Department of Mathematics and Business School. University of Wisconsin. Madison OPTIMAL CONSUMPTION AND PORTFOLIO CHOICE WITH BORROWING CONSTRAINTS Jean-Luc Vila Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Thaleia Zariphopoulou Department of Mathematics and Business School, University of Wisconsin, Madison First Draft: August 1989 Current Version: January 1994 ABSTRACT In this paper, we use stochastic dynamic programming to study the intertemporal consumption and portfolio choice of an infinitely lived agent constraint. exist We show that, when We the agent's faces a constant opportunity set under general assumptions on the agent's and can be expressed details, who as utility feedback functions of current wealth. utility We and a borrowing function, optimal policies describe these policies in function exhibits constant relative risk aversion. wish to thank Minh Chau, Neil Pearson, the associate editor and an anonymous referee for comments. Jean-Luc Vila wishes to acknowledge financial support from the International Financial Services Research Center at the Sloan School of Management. Thaleia Zariphopoulou acknowledges financial support from the National Science Foundation Grant DMS 9204866. Errors * their are ours. I. INTRODUCTION we In this paper, consider the Portfolio-Qansumption problem of an infinitely lived agent in the presence of a constant opportunity set and borrowing constraints. Using the method of Dynamic Programming, we show policies do exist and can be expressed this existence result, we investment decisions when Stochastic to the under general assumptions on the agent's that, as feedback functions of the investor's current wealth. Given are able to describe how borrowing the agent's relative risk aversion dynamic control has first constraints affect the consumption and is constant. been used by Merton (1969, 1971) Portfolio-Consumption problem function, optimal utility when to obtain an explicit solution the investment opportunity set HARA class and when trading unrestricted. is constant, the agent's More recently, Karatzas utility function belongs to the et (1986) generalized Merton's results and obtained closed form solutions for general al. is utility functions. Instead of using stochastic control methods, the so-called martingale approach has been alternatively used by Pliska (1986), Cox and consumption and portfolio dynamic programming consumption problem in Huang (1989 policies literature. infinite 1991), Karatzas et when markets al. (1987) to study intertemporal are complete, which was also the case in the earlier The martingale technology set by a single intertemporal an & consists in describing the feasible budget equation and then solving the static dimension Arrow-Debreu economy. The martingale approach economists for two reasons. First, it is consumption appealing to can be used to solve for the asset demand under very general assumptions about the stochastic investment opportunity set. Second, and consequently, it can be applied in a general equilibrium setting to solve for the equilibrium investment opportunity set (see Duffie and Huang (1985), Huang (1987)). 4 Unfortunately, in the presence of market imperfections such as market incompleteness, short sale constraints or transaction approach martingale the costs, much looses of its tractability'. Consequently, many authors used dynamic programming to analyze the impact of these imperfections on asset demand (see for example Constantinides (1986), Duffie and Zariphopoulou (1993), Grossman and Laroque (1988), Grossman and Vila (1992), Fleming et al. (1989), Fleming and Zariphopoulou (1991), Zariphopoulou (1993)). The present paper extends who faces this line two constraints. The of investing constraint first in a risky asset, i.e, the of research to the dynamic problem of an infinitely lived agent his we his this are non-negative constants. all on times, in for the purpose the risky asset, X,, must be less paper we The second i.e., borrow concentrate on the case constraint is the requirement W,^0. Using the dynamic programming associate to the stochastic control problem a nonlinear partial differential equation, namely the Bellman equation. We show that if the utility function satisfies conditions, the Bellman equation has a unique solution which Using a verification theorem, value function) which consumption, his ability to investments wealth W^. In that the investor's wealth stays non-negative at methodology, a limitation market value of than a exogenous function X(W,) of X(W,)=k(W,+L) where k and L is is this solution turns is some general regularity twice continuously differentiable. out to be the indirect utility function (the so called therefore a smooth function of the current wealth, W,. Moreover, the optimal Q and the optimal investment X, are obtained in feedback form through the first order conditions from the Bellman equation. Because of the smoothness of the value function, the optimal policies are respectively continuously differentiable In the second part of the paper we (Q) and continuous (X,) functions of the wealth. study the particular case of a Constant Relative Risk Aversion He and Pearson (1991) use a duality approach to apply the martingale technology to incomplete markets with short Although their methodology carries a lot of insight, they do not solve explicitly for the optimal policies. sale constraints. 5 agent. In particular, we describe in detail the optimal policies and we compare them to the ones of the unconstrained problem. In the absence of the borrowing constraint, the optimal investment X,=(^/Ao') W, where volatility show \i is the excess rate of return of the rate of return on the risky asset and even at points a similar result in where the constraint is smaller (greater) than In the third part, is we will the coefficient of relative risk aversion. We risky asset more conservative (i.e. rate, to invest less in the not binding. This result has to be contrasted with make him more that, if the (less) agent consumes only his conservative if final the relative risk aversion, 1. present an application of our analysis to an optimal growth problem Robinson Crusoe economy with two linear technologies, one riskless the investment in the riskless technology must be non-negative. the average rate of return is o the Grossman and Vila (1992) who show wealth the borrowing constraint is A over the risk-free is that the borrowing constraint causes the agent to be risky asset) A, on the is on capital in the economy to fall We and one show risky. We assume in a that that this constraint causes even during periods when the constraint not binding. The purpose of the paper is twofold. First, we want examine how borrowing constraints to consumption and portfolio decisions. Second, we want to illustrate be used rigorously to obtain qualitative properties of optimal policies affect how dynamic programming can even when explicit solutions fail to exist. The powerful theory of characterized as the viscosity solutions unique (constrained) is used viscosity in this solution characterization of the value function as a viscosity solution Bellman equation, which turns out and such equations do not have in to be fully nonlinear, paper. is The of the value function is first Bellman equation. The imperative because the associated might be degenerate (due to the constraints) general smooth solutions. The unique characterization together 6 with the stability properties of viscosity solutions enable us to approximate the value function by a sequence of smooth solutions of the regularized Bellman equation and identify the smooth limit- function with the value function. Finally, the characterization of the value function as a constrained viscosity solution a.e. is natural due to the presence of the (state) constraint of non-negative wealth (W,iO Vt^O). The methodology employed herein can be applied to several extensions and variations of the infinite horizon problem. In particular the case of finite -horizon can be analyzed very similarly as discussed in Section V. Also, if although more complicated, can In a general setting the we allow investing to still more than one in the in imperfect markets, to Bellman equation, analyze a very wide range of More presence of market imperfections. from the theory of viscosity solutions can be used to provide of problems is be treated with the above method. above methodology can be used consumption/investment problems stock, the it for example, (see (i) precisely, results analytic results for the value function Fleming and Zariphopoulou (1991), Zariphopoulou (1993)) Duffie and Zariphopoulou (1993), Duffie, Fleming and Zariphopoulou ( 1993), as well as policies (ii) convergence of a large class of numerical schemes for the value function and the optimal when closed form solutions cannot be obtained (see, for example, Fitzpatrick and Fleming (1990), Tourin and Zariphopoulou (1993)). The paper is organized as follows. The general model the existence result. In Section IV, we is presented analyze the case of a application to an optimal growth problem. Section in Section II. CRRA investor. Section Section VI contains concluding remarks. V III deals with presents the II. THE MODEL 2.1. A We consider the investment-consumption problem of an infinitely lived agent Consumption-Portfolio Choice Problem expectation of a time-additive One asset is riskless utility function. with rate of return The agent can r (r2:0). The other distribute his funds asset is who maximizes between two a stock with value P;. We the assets. assume that the stock price obeys the equation -^' = ir*\i)dt + adb (2.1) P. where the excess rate of return \i and the volatility a are positive constants. The process standard Brownian Motion on the underlying probability space (Q,,^,CP). bt is a We assume that there are no transaction costs involved in buying or selling these financial assets. The assumption is, that the opportunity set is constant, however, possible to allow the market coefficients is necessary for the tractability of the model. r, \i and o to be stochastic processes themselves. Unfortunately, this would increase dramatically the dimensionality of the problem. For example, r„ \ii, and o, are diffusion processes, the value function will It depend on four state variables W, r, \i if and o. The controls of the investor are the dollar amount X, invested in the risky asset and the consumption rate C,. His total current wealth evolves according to the state equation dW, = The agent ^ee faces Dytjvig and two (rW,-C,)dt -(- iiX,dt -(- oX,db„ constraints. First, his wealth Huang (1988) on for t^O and must stay non-negative the importance of this non-negativity constraint. Wo = W. at (2.2) any trading time.^ Second, 8 the optimal amount X, must never exceed the (exogenously given) amount X(W,). In this paper, we will This formulation consider the case X(W) = k(W+L) where a certain fraction the risk free rate f methodology employed here can be used X non-negative constants. X(W,)=W,+L. If is if the the investor needs only to put of his stock purchases and can borrow for the remaining fraction then X(W,) = (l/f)W,. This case r, L are general enough to encompass several interesting examples. For instance, is investor has access to a fixed credit line L, then down k and (1-f) at treated only for the sake of exposition since the for the general case of trading constraints X, ^ X(W,) with being a concave function of wealth (see Zariphopoulou (1993).) The i) control (X,, C,) (X„ Q) is admissible if a ^-progressively measurable process is generated by the Brownian Motion ii) ill) We The the o-algebra b,. (Xt,Cj) satisfy the integrability conditions W^^O a.e. where W, v) is Q^Oa.e. (Vt^O) JXMs<+oo iv) where ^,=o(b,; O^s^t) is A J C ds < +<» , a.e. (Vt^O) (Vt^O) (2.3) the wealth trajectory given by (2.2) X,^k(W,-l-L) denote with and a.e. when (X,, Q) is used and (2.4) (Vt^O). the set of admissible policies. objective of the investor is entails solving the optimization to maximize the expectation of a time-additive utility function, which problem sup E[ re-'"u(C)dt] (^-^^ 9 where u the agent's is function u utility function and a strictly increasing is p>0 is We a discount factor. assume that the utility CXO, + <») function' with lim u'(C) = +00 and C-O lim u'(C) =0. C-- The Value Function 2.2. The value function J We controls. defined as the supremura of the expected is denote by J" 2.1: (i) Proof: Part (i) J*, J and (W^O). ^/'(W+L), (W^O). A of admissible follows from the fact that the set Remark finite. 2.1: A than an investor with wealth The above Indeed, J(W) is The J(W) bounded from below by ju(rW) (1986). For the purpose of this paper, shall in A function Karatzas is et al. (1986). called C^(Q) ^Technically speaking, from if its first Lemma They 2.1., increasing in L. Part W>0 (ii) provided that J"(W) since the control (X,=0;C,=rWj) is is admissible of J"(W) can be found in Karatzas utility et al. function and the market coefficients, can are also discussed in Part k-derivatives exist is assume that J"(W) < +oo\ VW^iO. necessary conditions on the discount factor, the be found finite for all is explicit derivation we controls W and constraint X(W)=k;(W + L). properties ensure us that and bounded from above by J'(W). The L=0 W+L and constraint X(W) = k;W will have a larger follows from the fact that an investor with wealth feasible set lines J". J"(W) ^J(W) ^J-(W), (ii)J(W) over the set of admissible and J" the value functions associated, respectively, with credit and L=a>. The following lemma compares Lemma utility and are continuous functions assuming that J*(W) is finite for every W is IV of this paper. in Q. enough to guarantee the fmiteness of J(W). 10 The following Lemma describes elementary properties of J(-). lemma 2.2: (i) J(-) (ii) J( •) is strictly is strictly (Hi) J(-) is (iv) concave. increasing. continuous on \imJ'{W) [0, ») with J(0) = -ju(0). = +0O. Proof: See Proposition 2.1 of Zariphopoulou (1993). 2J. The Bellman Equation In this section, is we completely characterize the value function and done using dynamic programming which leads we derive the optimal policies. This to a fully nonlinear, second order differential equation (2.6) below, known as the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. In Theorem show that the value function is 2.1, we the unique C^(0, + oo) solution of the (HJB) equation. This will enable us to find the optimal policies from the first order conditions in the (HJB) equation. They turn out to be feedback functions of wealth and their optimality is established via a verification theorem (see Fleming and Rishel (1975)). Theorem 2.1: Theorem max = ^/(»0 with The value function J is the unique C{0, [-a'X'J"{W)*^J'iW)] ^ + oc)nC[0, ») solution of the Bellman equation: max [uiC)-CJ'iW)] ^rWJ'iW), (W>0) /(0)=!ii2). 2.1 is the central result of our paper. The proof of this result is presented in some details in section III. Next, using the first order conditions in (2.6) and the regularity of the value function, optimal policies in a feedback form. we can derive the 11 Theorem 2.2: The optimal policy (C',^]) is given in the feedback form C',=C'(W',) and X'=X'(W]) where C'( '), X'(') are given by C'(W) where W, We this section viscosity solutions 2.3: X'(W) and = mm is { C* and ^^ H ^ cr -J" X", \k{W^L)} (2-7) (W) being used. by stating a result which will play a crucial role in the sequel. For the definition of and their stability properties see The value function J of the (HJB) equation The proof (u'yUJ'(W)) the (optimal) wealth trajectory given by (2.2) with is conclude Theorem = Appendix A. the unique (constrained) viscosity solution in the class of concave functions, is (2.6). rather lengthy and technical and (1993) and, for the sake of presentation, it is it follows along the lines of Theorem 3.1 in Zariphopoulou omitted. General uniqueness results can be found in Ishii-Lions (1991) although they cannot be directly applied here because the control set not compact. is overview of existence and uniqueness results we refer the reader to 'User's Guide" by Crandall, (1992) and to the book 'Controlled III. SMOOTH In this section main ideas. (C*) we SOLUTIONS OF THE present the proof of The (HJB) equation degeneracy comes from the not uniformly elliptic^ and we know Our (2.6) is Viscosity Solutions' by goal ^ o^X^ for the Bellman equation constants depending only on [a,b]. is Ishii and Lions Fleming and Soner (1993). EQUATION 2.1. Before second order we fully start the details of the proof, we discuss the nonlinear and (possibly) degenerate. The second order term '/2a'X^J"(W) may become zero. Therefore that degenerate equations one-dimensional differential equation derivative (HJB) Theorem fact that the for example, Krylov (1987)). A Markov Processes and For a general is first do not have, in general, said to be uniformly elliptic (non degenerate) ^ o^X^SCjCl^.'']) for smooth solutions showing that the optimal to exclude this possibility by (2.6) satisfies 0<Ci([a,b])< (2.6) if is (see, X is the coefficient of the second-order any interval [a,b] where C, and C, are 12 bounded away from zero in (0,+oo). We can then use the results of Krylov (1987) for the regularity of solutions of uniformly elliptic equations. We next consider an arbitrary interval [a,b] with a>0. Since the value function derivative exist almost everywhere. Without We X want k(W+L) show to that the optimal Therefore, is, it we suffices to find a lower first we want non-increasing and is we may assume bounded away from zero or (/i/a^)(-J'(W)/J"(W)). In the second case (/i/CT^)(-J'(W)/J"(W)). Since J'(W) J(«) is loss of generality, bound for J"(W) in [a,b]. concave, is that J (a) it is in the interval [a,b]. approximate !(•) by a sequence of smooth functions J' and and second J'(b) exist. Formally, the optimal to get a positive lower strictly positive, its first X is either bound of bounded from below by J'(b)>0. Since we do not know how which are solutions of regular a suitably regularized equation. To this The end, we consider the following regularized problem: Let b| be a Brownian Motion independent of policy (Xt.Q) admissible is (Xt,Q) ii) q>0 a.e. iu) (Xt,q) satisfy is if: a ^^-progressively measurable process i) b,. where .^ = a(bj; 0<s<t); (Vt>0); t r(X,')Ms < iv) the with We O initial = rCtds<+co and amount of wealth W' > dW: (i) +CO < X; < k(Wt+L) W'o=W a.e. ; given by (rWf +/iX;-Cf)dt condition (Vt<0) + satisfies a€X:db, W^ a.e. + (^'^^ aeWfdb,' (Vt>0) and (Vt>0). denote by A' the set of admissible policies and define the value function J*(«) to be J'(W) The following two lemmas provide = sup E [ re-'"u(Ct)dt] (^^^ . regularity properties for the value function J'. 13 Lemma 3.1: Proof: See Lemma Theorem 3.2: ^'(W) The value function J' is strictly max strictly increasing on [0, +«). of Zariphopoulou (1993). 5.1 The value function J'(W} = concave and is unique smooth solution of the regularized Bellman equation the [-(/{X^^e'\^)y' iW)+^iXJ*\]V)] * max[u{C)-Cr\lV)] *rWy{W) IV>0 , 2 OiXik(W.L) (3.3) /-(O) = with Proof. The Note Lemma . that equation (3.3) lemma next li^ 3.3: J' says that the is uniformly elliptic above sequence J' converges to J locally uniformly as and see Krylov (1987). converges to e goes to J, as « goes to zero. 0. Proof: See appendix B. We next prove that the first and second derivatives of X implies in particular that the optimal Lemma of (., 3.4: In such that, any interval in [a,b], there exists J* equation (3.3) are is bounded away from zero uniformly bounded away from in e. This zero. two positive constants R,=R,([a,b]) and R2=R2([a,bJ) independent for lVe[a,b], J"(W)>R, (i) \J'"{W} (ii) \ (3.4) <R2 (3.5) . Proof: See appendix B. We now conclude as follows: max fiV{lV) = iifli We first consider the boundary value problem {-cr(X^*e^li^)V" - 2 {lV)->-tJLXV (W)} + max {u{c)-cV (^W)} -^rWyi^W) WG[a,b ciO aR2 V{a)=J'(a), V{b)=J*{b) . (3.6) 14 Applying classical results we get that (3.6) has a by lemma of (3.6) as smooth solution elliptic differential equations (see, for example, Krylov (1987)), V which by uniqueness and lemma 3.4 actually coincides with 3.3 J'(=V*) converges locally uniformly to J, J will J'. Since be a viscosity solution of the limiting equation goes to zero, namely e {la^X^V {W)>^iXV{W)} max fiV(]V) = * 2 - itRi max{u{c)-cV{W)} * rWV{W) We[a,b], cio ^^'^^ V(b)=J(b). V(a)=J(a), To from the theory of pass to the limit, we used the fact that J'(W)->J(W) and the stability properties of viscosity solutions (see We Appendix A, Theorem A.1). smooth solution next observe that (3.7) V* V*. This solution is is uniformly elliptic and therefore has a unique of course a solution in the viscosity sense. Finally, using that unique (constrained) viscosity solution of the Bellman equation (2.6), we get that V* J is = J and therefore the J is smooth. Remark 3.1: Having analyzed the (HJB) equation does not change excess returns /9J(W) much if we allow /i=(/ii,..,/iN) = max N Y, and [ investing in volatility matrix (2.6) for the case of more than one E 1 tr(X'EE'X') J" , one we can stock. In particular, if see that the analysis we have N (W) + (^,X)J'(W) ] + max [u(C) -CJ'(W)] s all rWJ'(W) 'k(W.L) (3.8) follows along the same lines as before once the recovered. But, these constants can be obtained as in separately + C " •' The proof now stocks with the associated Bellman equation becomes 2 K stock, local ellipticity constants Theorem 5.1 of R, and R, can be Zariphopoulou (1993) by solving possible cases of maximization with respect to the X^'s in (3.8). 15 rv. THE CONSTANT RELATIVE RISK AVERSION (CRRA) CASE we In this section, consider the case of an agent endowed with a u(C) where The A is ^_ 1-A C'--^, utility A>0. A^l, ("^-l) the coefficient of relative risk aversion. case where the borrowing constraint Merton = CRRA (1971). Merton proved X<k(W+L) is not present or not binding, has been studied by that the optimal investment strategy consists of investing a fixed proportion of wealth in the risky asset. This proportion ^/{Aa^) increases free rate, ^, increases, and when the volatility a or the when the excess return on stocks over the risk relative risk aversion A decreases. The following proposition summarizes the results of Merton. Proposition 4.1: (Merton 1971) (i) If there is no borrowing an optimal control constraint (formally L=<x:), exists provided that the following inequality holds: \' (4.2a) > o with A" being defined as follows: A- = ^ A A 7 (ii) The value function J'(* ) and {4.2b) [^-(l-/l)(r + 2)]; = Jil la" (4.2c) . the optimal controls (X( '),€(*)) are given respectively by r(^W) = X'iW) (X-yuiW), ('^^^ JLW, (4.4) = Aa^ (4.5) C'i^W) = X'W. When [^/(Aa')]<k, the borrowing constraint solution to the unconstrained problem (i.e. X<k(W+L) (4.2)-(4.5)). We is not binding and the solution to (2.5) assume in the sequel that: is the 16 M>k(Aa^), that is stock in excess of the risk free rate is The the borrowing constraint will be binding*. fi is large, if (4.6) inequality (4.6) will hold the volatility a is low or if if the expected return on the the risk aversion of the investor small. In the presence of myopic strategy borrowing constraints, one natural candidate for an optimal investment strategy where the investor invests the minimum myopic investment strategy the of two quantities: (a) what he would have invested maximum without the borrowing constraint and (b) the is level of investment k(W+L). In other words, the is XMw'(W) = min[_^ W, k(W+L)]. (4-7) Act When We the investor follows the myopic strategy, he will show constraint is that the myopic strategy not binding, is is is not aware of the borrowing constraint until he meets not optimal in general: affected by the fact that the borrowing constraint However, as shown below, when L=0, the myopic strategy Proposition 4.2: IfL=0, The optimal investment, while the value function /'(•) and f(W) = may be binding it. the borrowing in the future. indeed optimal. is the optimal control (X('),C(')) are given by {X'>)^u{W), ('^^^ (4.9) X^{W) = kW, C^(W) = x'w, ("^-^^^ where XO-'lP-H-Anr.^k-^)]. A Proof: J* solves the Bellman equation and the optimal policies can be If L> 0, then, to our knowledge, a closed form solution to to obtain qualitative properties of the optimal controls. T^rom (4.4), we expect the borrowing constraint means trivial (see proposition 4.4). (4-11) 2 problem More computed explicitly (2.5) fails to exist. It is from possible however precisely, in Propositions 4.3, 4.4 to be binding for high levels of wealth. However, the proof of (2.7). this and 4.5 below. statement Is by no 17 we are able to compare the optimal controls (C*,X') with the optimal controls (C',X") and (C^.X") which provide interesting benchmarks. The next proposition shows that in the presence of the borrowing constraint (2.4) the consumer-investor will always invest less in the risky asset than according to the myopic investment strategy (4.7). Proposition 4.3: The optimal investment strategy, X'(W), X'^^(IV). Furthermore, for small values of W, X'(W) at is most equal is strictly less to the myopic investment strategy, than X^*>^(W). Proof. See appendix C. Given the borrowing constraint _2_ (J')^^ (2.4), the Bellman equation (2.6) can be rewritten as: + 7^—4 pi = _2_(J')''^ + rWJ' + /ik(W+L)J' = 1 + W when rWJ' ^i + -A belongs to i.crk^(W+L)-J" (4.12a) U, W when belongs to B, (4.12b) 2 where we use the following notation and vocabulary: U = { W>0 — such that (T B = { W> < The meaning } >k(W+L)} such that Given the optimal unconstrained interval, k(W+L) that the agent = unconstrained domain, = constrained domain -i" strategy, it seems intuitive to expect the unconstrained next proposition provides a sufficient condition for Proposition 4.4: If p + -y > r + k^/2 a positive number There ii) The optimal investment Proof. See appendix C. U to be actually an interval. (recall that 7=/i*7(2cr)) then: i) exists W greater than a meets the borrowing constraint for every W* strategy, such that X'(W), is U=(0,W) and greater than kW. B=(W',oo); domain to be critical level an W*. 18 The next proposition compares the optimal consumption policy C*(W), to and C"(W) are defined and in proposition (4.1) Proposition 4.5: IfA<l, i) C-(W), { C'(W) Hi) £S^ Lim 1 < C-{W) < C'>i\V)[^:llkf } (4-13a) . satisfies Min { C\W*L); C-{W)[^*^\^ ^'^^^^^ } ; satisfies = A« For iv) ~" -A C\W) f-iL]^ <C\W)< C\\V) C^CW) where C"(W) C'(IV) satisfies IfA>l, C'(W) ii) to (4.2). \ Max C"(W) and (4-l^<=^ ; Win C-(W) > C"(W) [0,W], C'(IV) satisfies (4.13d) . Proof: See appendix C. Proposition 4.5 provides bounds for the optimal consumption policy. These bounds are best illustrated in figures and 1 2. It is interesting to note that the relative risk aversion coefficient to show that in this case monotonic with respect C'(W) is A is C*(W) may equal to 1 lie (i.e. outside the interval [C"(W),C"(W)]. In u(c)=log not equal to C*'(W)=C"(W). (c)), Hence C*(W) and C"(w) are fact, equal. when It is the optimal consumption policy is easy not to the credit line L, even in the constant relative risk aversion case. This point illustrates the fact that the presence of market imperfections significantly modifies optimal policies and that a priori bounds are very difficult to obtain. From proposition 4.5 more and invests less (iv) due and proposition it follows that in the interval [O.W], the investor consumes follows that, the wealth of an optimizing consumer to the borrowing constraint. more will grow will meet the borrowing constraint (in average) 4.3 It slowly than the wealth of a myopic investor. later. As a result, an optimizing consumer 19 V. THE FINITE HORIZON PROBLEM In this section we model and we discuss the finite-horizon about the value function and the state results optimal policies. The investor starts at time te[0,T), with X, amount of money invests The in stocks. as in the infinite-horizon case. The T>0, having an endowment W, consumes prices of the riskless asset same investor faces the and the stock for se(t,T], at rate C, satisfy the and same equations constraints as before. In other words, the wealth and the consumption rate must stay non-negative and must meet borrowing constraints X,<k(W,+L) a.e. for t<s<T. The objective is to maximize the entails to solve the optimization expected total utility coming from consumption and terminal wealth which problem with value function V T V(W,t) = supE[ fu.CC A where Ui is the utility of consumption and u, increasing and smooth. section The set ,s)ds + Uj(W.^,T)] J, A is is the bequest function. Both u, and u, are assumed to be concave, the set of admissible policies which is defined in a similar way as in II. We now state the main theorems. Since the proofs are modifications of the ones given in previous sections they are omitted. Theorem 5.1: The value function V is the unique C"{[0,<x>)\[0,T]) and C^'((0,<x>)x(t,T)) solution of the Bellman equation V + max [l-a'X'V^) * nXV^] + max [u,(C,f) -CV^\ * rWV^ = V(W,T) =u^{W,T). Theorem 5.2: X',=X '(W , , The optimal policy s) (C',,X',) (t<s<T), where the Junctions C'( • ) and X'( • is ) given in the feedback are given by form C* = C'(W],s) and 20 C-(W,t) where W] VI. is In this section, The we resources first ^ min [ ii J k(W^L)] the optimal wealth trajectory. APPLICATION TO A initial X-(W.t) and (u;)-'(V^(W,t)) = GROWTH PROBLEM: SUBSISTENCE LEVEL AND RISK TAKING consider a single good Robinson Crusoe economy. is risk free with rate of return r while the rate of return ^i+y (/i>0) and instantaneous do not assume amount that the representative agent is representative agent is endowed with has access to two linear technologies (see for instance Cox, Ingersoll and Ross(1985)). Wo and technology The to volatility second technology is risky with instantaneous a (a>0). By contrast with Cox, Ingersoll and Ross, we invested in these technologies can be negative. The objective of the maximize sup subject to the dynamics of wealth (i.e. E [ (^-^^ re-'"u(C,)dt] the stock of capital) dW^ =(rW^-q)dt *MX,dt *aX,db^, 'w„ where the amount X, invested ^6 2) w = in the risky technology is constrained by (6-3) < X, < W^ We assume minimum amount C that the agent requires a u(C) ^ For the agent to assume that survive, a this initial minimum Y, With these that we definitions, the optimal studied in section IV. is wealth is satisfied. = W,-W required, namely, We is: (6-4) W^W with W=^C. Henceforth we define net wealth Y, and net consumption Z^ by (6.5) (6.1)-(6.3) reduces to the portfolio-consumption problem analysis of the portfolio-consumption problem, the following results are straightforward L The amount function and Z, = Q-C. growth problem From our utility ^_ (C-C)'-'^, A>0, A^l, 1-A = initial wealth condition of consumption so that his invested in the risky technology is smaller than the myopic amount 21 min { W^; JL(W,-W)}. Act 2. on Hence constraint (6.3) (non-negativity of the riskless investment) causes the average rate of return capital (t+^i ^ ) to be lower even during periods when this constraint is not binding. Therefore, neglecting such a constraint yields a systematic overprediction of the average rate of return on capital. VII. CONCLUDING REMARKS In this paper, we have used with borrowing constraints. about the agent's when an A stochastic control We to study an optimal consumption-investment problem have shown that optimal feedback controls utility function. exist under general assumptions This has enabled us to obtain qualitative properties of these controls even explicit solution fails to exist. further quantitative analysis can be equation, although fully nonlinear, (see for methods is done by developing numerical methods. Fortunately, the Bellman 'well behaved' (Theorem example Fitzpatrick and Fleming (1990)). In 2.1), and a wide their paper, Fitzpatrick class of algorithms can be used and Fleming examine a Markov chain parametrization of a similar investment-consumption problem. They show that the value function and the optimal policies for the approximate discrete problem converge, respectively, to the value function and the optimal policies of the continuous problem as the discretization mesh size goes to zero. While the discretization relies rely on on Kushner's Markov chain viscosity solution techniques ideas, the proofs are not of probabilistic nature; rather, they introduced by Souganidis (1985) and Barles and Souganidis (1988). The methodology presented herein can be extended alternative investment opportunity sets the case where the market parameters and various r, /i to a wide variety of consumption-investment problems with constraints'. and a evolve See Zariphopoulou (1993), Fleming and Zariphopoulou (1991). in a An interesting extension non-deterministic way, i.e., would be to consider where the investment 22 opportunity introducing is stochastic. In this case, new we would need to increase the dimensionality of the state variables to represent the stochastic market parameters. In general, multidimensional problems are hard to solve mainly because the associated solutions might not exist. As maximized utility as HBJ equation is a result feedback formulae for the optimal control the methodology used in the present paper could (weak) solution of the HJB still problem by often degenerate and smooth may fail to exist. Nevertheless, be applied for the unique characterization of the equation. This characterization will guarantee the convergence of numerical schemes for the optimal policies despite the lack of smoothness of the value function. Therefore, it is our belief that viscosity techniques are the most appropriate tool to analyze continuous-time consumption/investment problems explicit solution fails to exists in the presence of market frictions. This and when, is as a result, numerical approximations true in particular must be used. when an should be It noted however that each new case will require a specific analysis since to date no general framework exists. Indeed, as opposed to the perfect capital markets literature which has developed a general model (the diffusion model) and a general tool (the martingale technology), the literature on market Hence, for each different type of constraints (transaction specific treatment *See Tuckman and is required. Vila (1992). costs, frictions lacks such unity. holding costs*, borrowing constraints ...) a 23 REFERENCES and P.E. Souganidis (1991) "Convergence of Approximation Schemes for Fully Non-Linear Second Order Equations, Asymptotic Analysis" SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, 4, 271-283. Barles, G. Constantinides, 94, No. G.M (1986), "Capital Market Equilibrium with Transaction Cosls" Journal of Political Economy 842-862. 4, and C. 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Definition A.l: Let F: function R* - R J: is R*xIbcRxR->R be continuous and non-increasing and only From if argument. its last A continuous a viscosity solution of the equation: F(WJJ',J") if in for every smooth then F(WJ(W^),(f,'{'W^),4>"(W^)) < 0. F(W^J(Wo),0'(Wo),0"(Wo)) > 0. if Wo>0 is a local maximum of (ii) if Wo>0 is a local minimum of J-0 then it follows that a (A.1) R* - R the following propositions hold (C^) function 0: (i) the above definition, = J-4> smooth viscosity solution of (A.1) is also a solution of (A.1) in the classical sense and therefore the concept of viscosity solution extends the concept of classical ones. Moreover, viscosity solutions exhibit very good Theorem A.1 states that stability properties under some mild conditions the as the Theorem below demonstrates. limit of viscosity solutions is also a viscosity solution of the limit equation (see Lions (1983) for a proof). Theorem A.l: Let e>0, F' a continuous function from R* x Rx Rx F'(WJ'J''J'")=Oin [0,a). let J' be viscosity solutions of We assume that F' converges locally uniformly on R* x Rx Rx R to some function F and that J' converges locally uniformly on R to R and on [0,<b) to some function J. Then J is a viscosity solution ofF(W,J,J',J")=0 [0,co). In the case of equation (2.6), the function F(W,J,J',J") = ^J - F max OiXsk(W-L) takes the following form: { IcrX^ J" +mXJ'} 2 - rWJ' - max CiO { u(C) -CJ' } (A.2) . 26 APPENDIX B This appendix presents the proofs of lemmas 3.3 and Lemma Proof: 2.1. J' converges to 3.3: We first observe that J locally uniformly as e goes to J' is locally J*' is P" converges towards v locally utility funtion u(«). Moreover, because bounded. Therefore, there locally uniformly in (0,a>). lim Using Theorem Al, we get that v v(W) = it is locally and a function v such that almost any interval independent of e, such that, . ^ also a viscosity solution of (2.6). Therefore, 3.4: In ^ the unique viscosity solution of (2.6). is have the same limit which coincides with Lemma concave, Lemma and therefore e is J*" J' is defined as in =^- w-o function J subsequence exists a is Moreover, lim/-(RO uniformly in 0. uniformly bounded. Indeed J'<J<J" where J" This follows from the concavity of the Lipschitz and hence 3.4. we conclude On the other hand, the value that all the converging subsequences J. [a,b], there exist two positive constants R,=Ri([a,b]) and R2=R2([a,b]) for We.[a,b], J"(W)>R, (i) \J'"(^) (ii) (3.4) <i?2 (3-5) I Proof (i) We first show that lim(J')'(W„) =J'(WJ c-O at any point Wp such that J' exists. Let Wq be such a point. Since J'(W) < J'(Wo) Since the (J*')'s are bounded J' is + (W-Wo)J' '(Wo). locally uniformly, there exists a concave, we have (B.l) subsequence (J'")'(Wo) and a number p such that 27 Urn Using that J'n converges towards J, r"(W„) = p . inequality (B.l) yields J(W) < J(Wo) + p(W-Wo). But J is concave and differentiable at (B.2) W^, therefore p=J'(Wo) and Hm(-r'')'(WJ =J'(WJ. Since J'' is non-increasing, we conclude that in any interval [a,b] such that J'(b) exists, there exists a constant C,=Q([a,b]) with J"(W) > C, on (ii) The The bound for J'" interested reader APPENDIX C: more is difficult to obtain. The proof The case Lemma C.l Proof: Let i) ii) of and CRRA iii). J(W)/(W+L)'-'' ii) 2.1 (ii), is and 4.5 iv) non-increasing and hence ii) is J(W,L)AV''^ = show that J(«,«) et al. (1989)). we omit it. = J(t,l-t) that J(t,l-t) is To appears at the end of f(W)W< is (2.2) credit line we ease the presentation, this first prove appendix. (l-A)J(W). is > (l-A)J(W). L. and the constraints homogenous of degree (1-A) (2.3) and (2.4), a (see for instance standard Grossman and Then J(1,LAV) which J(W,L)/(W-i-L)'"'^ one can show dynamics utility function, the to 4.5. non-decreasing and hence f(W)(W-i-L) J(W,L) denote the value function J(W) when the Laroque (1989), Heming i) 4.3, 4.4 The proof of Proposition J(IV)/W'-* argument can be used extremely technical and therefore utility i) Given the form of the is referred to Zariphopoulou (1993) for details. is This appendix presents the proofs of Propositions Proposition 4.5 (B.3) [a,b]. is non-increasing in W. where t= W/(W-(-L). Now, by an argument similar non decreasing in t. to the one in Lemma 28 Proposition 4.5: IfA<l, C'(W) i) satisfies \ Max { IfA>l, ii) — -A ^^]~^ C-{W), C>{W)[ } < C-{W) < 1 C>{W)[^^]^ . i'f-13a) C'(IV) satisfies 1 C^(W) < C'iW) < Min C'(W) Hi) w.. For Win Z!^ W [0,W], C'(W) = A« i) If A<1, then from Lemmas ('^l^b) ; 2.1 and C.l (i), we m^c) . satisfies C-(W) > C-(W) Proof: } satisfies Lim iv) C^Cff+L); C' (W) [^^LlL]^ { (4.13d) . have: J'(W)W < J(W)(1-A) < J"(W)(1-A). Recalling that J'(W)=(C')-^ it follows from Proposition 4.1 that C'(W) > C"(W). Similarly J'(W)W < J(W)(1-A) < J*(W+L)(1-A). Hence C'(W) > C*(W) [W/(W+L)](1-A)/A. Also, from Lemmas 2.1 and C.l(i), we have J'(W)(W+L) > (l-A)J(W) > (1-A)J*'(W) and therefore C*(W) < C<'(W)[(W+L)/W]'^^ ii) The proof iii) It iv) If is similar to that of follows immediately from (i) (i) and therefore and is omitted, (ii). See lemma C.4. the utility function exhibits constant relative risk aversion, then the Bellman equation does not admit a closed form solution on (O,™). However, it is possible, by following Karatzas et equation in the unconstrained domain U. For this purpose, we express al. (1986) to solve the Bellman W as a function of C by inverting the 29 equation: c^ (c.i) = -AC^'AV'CC). (C.2) j'(W(C)) Differentiating (C.I) with respect to C = yields J"(W(C)) Hence, the Bellman equation can be rewritten as ^J(W(C)) = ^C'--^ 1 C yields Differentiating equation (C.3) with respect to (see Karatzas et al. W"(C)C + solution to (C.4) is u's are the roots of the (i=0,l) are constants K,'s — + A (C-3) . - i^rW(C)C-' 7 7 = (C-4) = 0. (C-5) i.[C-K^C"*-K^C''"l second order equation below -(T--f-p)o) J' * The A the following linear second order differential equation ^(r+7i-:^-;9)W'(C) W(C) where the Ic'-'^W'CC) + (1986) for a general presentation of this approach) 7 The general rW(C)C-^ + ""A when w* > 1> W is in — =0 - > w" and w* (C-6) with > any connected subset (C.7) A (a,b) of the unconstrained domain U. On such subset the optimal policy X(W(C)) and the value function J(W(C)) are given by the equations X(W(C)) = ^— cr -J" = _ii_W'(C)C (C-8) i._^JC-K,a;*C"*-K^cx;-C''"] = Act A" Act and J(W(C)) = f-^dW J The next Lemma lemma shows C.2: There exist dW rc-'^W'(C)dC = = A" J that the borrowing constraint, W>0 such 1 [S— 1 - -A "' (0,W) is is '^' K,C""-^]. (C.9) w"-A w'-A X<k( W+L), that the open interval K,C"'-^not met included in when W U and such is small enough. that X'(W)=k(W+L). Proof: Per absurdum, suppose that there exists a sequence (4.12b) and the definition of the constrained domain B, W„ it such that X'(W„) = k(W„+L). follows that From equation 30 ^J(WJ > _^(J'(W„))"^ If A< 1, the then from equation (C.IO) minimum But by it follows that J(W„) of the right hand side of (C.IO) for Lemma is * bounded away from all positive (C-10) k^LJ'(WJ. by a positive constant, namely values of J'(W„). 2.1, limJ(WJ < limJ-(WJ =0 , n-« n-" which yields a contradiction. If A>1, then from equation minimum (C.IO) it follows that J(W„) of the right hand side of (C.IO) for all bounded away from is positive values of J'(W„). limJ(WJ < limJ-(WJ = -« (-<=) But by by a constant, namely the Lemma 2.1, , n-- n-» which yields a contradiction. Furthermore, from equation (0,oo). The The proof next Lemma lemma C.3: is (4.6), the borrowing constraint must be binding and hence U cannot be equal to therefore complete. describes the behavior of i) LimX'{W) = X*(W) and C*(W) as W goes to zero. ; w.o u) Proof: i) The argument ii) It Lim C'{W) is = similar to the 0. one in Lemma C2. follows from equation (4.12a) that 1 -A ^^-^^^ ^J(W) > ^^(J'(W))"^. 1 -A Hence, since lim J(W) = ( respectively -<» w-o when A<1 (respectively A>1), it follows that ) 31 Urn J'(W) = +C0 . w-o Since 1 C-(W) the proof Using next tlie is [J'(W)]"'^ , complete. two preceding lemmas, we conclude that lemma Lemma = describes the behavior of in the interval (0,W*), the constant C*(W) and X*(W) Ki must be zero. The in the interval (0,W*). C.4: In the interval (0,W), the following inequalities hold: K,>Q, i) kW ii) < X-{IV) < JLW, Act C-(W) > C-(W) Hi) ; lim*^'^^^ = 1 , w-oC-{W) d "A" s „ < iv) , dlV'v) dW ., > and dX- ^ /i dW Proof: i) In the interval (0,W*), Ao" we have J(W(C))<r(W) =(l)^u(W) = lu(C-K,C--)< l[u(C)-u'(C)K„C''*] A- A- where the and last inequality holds because u( after rearranging terms, we get that concave. Using equation (C.9) to get the expression of J(W(C)) • ) is K^, is A- non-negative. If Ko=0, then J(W)=J"(W) which contradicts the fact that the constraint is binding. ii) From equation (C.5) and (C.8) we X(W(C)) get that: - JLw(C) Aa^ = JL1c"X(i-'^*) ^ Acr^ A" and X(W(C)) -kW(C) =^(C) =1 A" [(Ji,-k)C -K,(_^,a;--k)C"*] Act Act . (Cll) 32 From it follows that ip{') is a concave function of C. Furthermore from Lemma C.2, V(C)<kL if C [0,C'(W)) and ^6(C'(W)) = kL. Hence, V(C) must be positive (because Vi(c(0))=^(0)=0) and non in is (C.ll), decreasing which yields that X>kWanddX/dW>k. From equation iii) (C.5) and W(C) for We[0,W] K,=0, it follows that J-fC-K^C"*] = with Ko>0. Therefore C"(W) > A'W =C-(W) This completes the proof of proposition ']£ ^ iv) v) It ^ C(l-a,-) ^ Q W^ W^ follows from equation (C.6) and the fact that =^ -JL ^ dW vi) W^ We 4.5. X,,W^-X^W^^ dW^ . next Lemma Proof: show C.5: For every From Lemma W>0, C.4 ii), it ^-^('^')'C"' Act that, actually, the K,=0 and Ko>0. < C-K„u.-C-* second part of property X'(W) < j^ Act" (ii) above holds for every value of W. JLw follows that W> L lJL-1 kAo^ Hence, if W>W* X-(W) < k(W + L) < JLw Act The next lemma shows the risky asset. that when W is large enough, the agent will invest the maximum allowed k(W+L) in 33 Lemma C.6: There exists a number IV such absurdum suppose Proof: Per that there exists a < From that (W,<o) the Bellman equation (4.12a), it divide each side of (C.12) by 1/(1-A). From Proposition 4.5, k(W +L) < A^ 1-A . C.7: If -y +p>r+ k ^ , then is, W < W, < W, From Lemma C.l, (C.12) . J(W„)AV„J'(W„) goes to get (C-13) . 0< \ k(kAa^-At) which contradicts condition (4.6). U= (0, W). ]W„W,[ c Within the interval (Wj.W,), there «. ^(W„.L)J'(WJ . 2 suppose that there ; - Hence we interval ]0,W*[, the unconstrained Proof Per absurdum, suppose that besides the original another interval. That n let to A". :^ . r rW„J'(WJ Using equation (4.11) for the expression of A" we get Lemma such that . . W„J'(WJ. Then we 1-A W„ - « follows that C'(W„)/W„ goes ^ a subset of the constrained domain B. sequence ^J(WJ < _^J'(WJC-(WJ We is U exist exists two numbers and X*(W,)-kW, two constants W, and W, such = X"(W,)-kW, = K^, K, such that domain, U, contains that: (C.14) kl. W(C), X(C) and J(C) are given by equations (C.5),(C.8) and (C.9). Let Ci=C(Wi); i=l,2. Let V(C) given by (C.16) below: i>{C) = V-(C) ^^ ' X-(C) - kW(C) ^^-^^^ , (C.16) =l[M-k][C-lC,^^'-'^C"^-tC^'""-^C"-] ^M-k A- ^M-k ' with M We = recall that for every C JL (C.17) . w*> l>0>(j', cj*>A and in the interval (Ci,C2), If Ko<0 and Ki<0, then If Ko>0 and K,<0, then that M> k. Given the definition of ip{-), it follows that V'(C)<kL, with equality at C, and Cj. V'(*) is increasing which )/'(•) is strictly is impossible since ^(C,)=V'(C2). concave which is impossible since V(C)<kL=^^(C,)=^(C2). 34 From the two observations above, X'(W)<MW, C follows that K,>0. Funhermore, we know from Lemma C.5 that hence K,((j--l)C-' > Let it be the point K,(l-u)-)C-" where Kj(k-Mw-)(-w-)(l for reaches V(*) -a)-)C"" , > (^•^^) C € (C,,C,). its minimum in K,(M(j*-k)w-(cj--l)C-*, ]C„C;[. for C=C Since xl>'{C)>0, (^-1^) . Multiplying (C.18) and (C.19) and rearranging terms yields (^-^O) > (w--cj-)[(w-+a;-)M-k] From equation (C.6), follows that it w*+w = y (7+^-r), and finally that ^>r>5*7. - ^ 2 (C.21) ' If (/ik)/2 + r < /9 + 7, then we have a contradiction and therefore U=(0,W). 35 36 pUPL MIT LIBRARIES 3 lOaO D065b777 5 2125 OM