rr u-" '^ " r\ £>-^ K^- c.X ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT A NOTE ON THE NECESSARY CONDITION FOR LINEAR SHARING AND SEPARATION t by Chi-fu Huang" and Robert Li tzenberger" WP #1571-8^4 September I383 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 liivjfi -^.^, A NOTE ON THE NECESSARY CONDITION FOR LINEAR SHARING AND SEPARATION by Chi-fu Huang" and Robert Li tzenberger"" ' WP #1571-8'+ September I583 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stanford University After this note was written we learned that the result here context. is similar to one of Ross [5] but in a different 1 Introduction and Conclusion . A necessary and sufficient condition under which an optimal is linear, as generally accepted by the finance community, functions be of the equicautious HARA class. pointed out by Amershi and Stoeckenius [l] for (a ,A„,...,A on agents' that utility is (See Mossin [^] for a discussion.) As ) sharing rule a given weighting utilities, equicautious HARA class sary condition when agents have heterogeneous beliefs. indeed is trivia] example: in neces- is not a This last point can easily be seen from the following Let there be two Then the opitmal sharing rule endowment a When agents have homo- geneous beliefs, however, the equicautious HARA class of utilities necessary condition. = A is identical that both get one-half of the aggregate each and every state, which common utility function individuals with weighting (1,1). is clearly linear. However, their arbitrary, not necessarily of the equicautious HARA is class. Note that A, ^ A», In the above example, then the optimal necessity part derivation sharing rule is the weighting if not is = A (A is not surprising that, the assumption that for all weightings rule to be HARA class. linear it is for a fixed weighting A, A. is R is HARA utilities are necessary, however, (cf. A a an Thus 11^). sharing for the optimal equivalent to in the equicautious a g i ven A linear optimal Thus equicautious HARA utilities are not neces- sary for fund separation with respect to A pp. Furthermore, since the fund separation property for sharing rule for this given all [^], not necessary that utilities be of and for some endowment whose range such that is ) implicit in Mossin's linear. open set the Pareto-opt imal sharing rules are linear (cf. it A if a given A fund separation Amershi and Stoeckenius [l]. Corollary The equicautious either. is to obtain for 2 17)- The purpose of this short note is therefore to derive sufficient) condition, such that the optimal sharing rule a Is necessary (and linear and -2- separation obtains, for a fixed weighting This condition requires that agents' A, cautiousness be identical (but not necessarily determinate) along the optimal schedule in contrast to being identical and determinate in the equicautions HARA case. We also demonstrate how easy it is to construct utility functions, for a given weighting A, such that the condition we characterize is satisfied. The Results 2. Instead of going through the formality, for which we refer readers to Amershi and Stoeckenius [l] or Wilson [7], we will speak rather loosely. Let there be N agents is in = i Each agent 1,2,...,N. characterized by an increasing and strictly concave von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function U.. It assumed that agents have homogeneous beliefs on is the generic element of which is denoted by s. the state space S, denote the aggregate endowment is indexed by the economy, R. A sharing rule is vector-va ued a f unct 1 S^R We assume that the range of w the economy. in Let w: ion z = (z, ,z_ , . . . ,z,,) R : -* R N Z I such that N A sharing z' rule z = = X z. (x) Z i VxeR ' l there is E(U.(z.(w(s)))) V. said to be Pareto-opt imal is if no other sharing rule such that E(U.(z.'(w(s)))) and with at least a strict of Pareto-opt imal Remark : >_ inequality for some There are an infinite number i. sharing rules. Here we note that by defining valued function on R loss of generality. rather than a a sharing rule to be vector-valued function on R X a vector- S is without When agents have homogeneous beliefs, optimal sharing rules are state independent (cf. Wilson [6]). Now we first record some results due to Borch [2]: (a) A sharing rule z is Pareto-opt imal exists constants (weight ing) Vi,j A.U.'(z.(x)) Ill = , A , . '(Z.(x)) A.U J (A j ' and only if there if . . ,A ) = A such that for all XeR. ) -3- Pi(z,(x)) (b) --V-^ = '(x) z where p.(z,(x)) = , - '' U. n is agent i's risk tolerance, and where ' (z. (x) pAx) = is /U (z. (x) '' . p.(z.(x)). I 1 The cautiousness o.(z.(x)) ) = ' ' is linear iff 1 defined to be o.(z.(x)) = p.'(z.(x)) Our main result is: PROPOSITION: Let z be a Pareto-opt imal sharing rule. Then z a.(z.(x)) = Oj(z^(x)) Vi,j The sharing rule PROOF: linear iff z is p (z. (x)) z'.'(x) = Vi and VxcR. This is equivalent to . , by (b) . Carrying out differentiation yields: Pq(x)o.(z.(x))z,'(x) = p.(z.(x))p^'(x) Substituting (b) VeR. gives for z.'(x) a.(z.(x)) = I Vi '(x) p Vi VxeR. I Thus we have: o.(z.(x)) = a.(z.(x)) V iJ.VxcR. Q.E.D. Interpreting the above result an exchange economic setting, in the neces- sary and sufficient condition for the linear sharing rule to be Pareto-opt ima and for fund separation to obtain and the distribution of weighting A initial is a 1 joint condition on both agents' utilities endowments. The latter associated with the optimal sharing rule. is captured by the Examples other than the trivial one in the Introduction can easily be constructed to demonstrate the above Proposition: Given weighting iX.,X), two scalarsa and a < b < 1, and an increasing strictly concave utility function U.(.), we can construct another utility function U-C.) increasing and strictly concave such that AjU,'(a + bx) = X^U^'i- a + (l-b)x) VxeR This is easily done by defining U2(y) = c + where c . is ^ an arbitrary scalar. sharing rule for the group / U,'( 3-i^ )dt VyeR, Then under the weighting (A,,A„), the optimal <U,,U2> is < a + bx, - a +(l-b)x>, clearly linear. And of course, the identical cautiousness condition as required of the Proposition is satisfield. Finally we should note that either when agents' or when the optimal sharing rules are linear over an open set of weak aggregation (cf. Rubinstein [6]) stable with respect to bution of endowments). optimal sharing rule to a change of A. beliefs are heterogeneous is a . X, we have That is, equilibrium prices are perturoation of the weighting (or initial distriUnder the condition of the Proposition, although the linear, equilibrium prices are not stable with respect -5- FOOTNOTES 1. Here we mean for the equilibrium corresponding to the given weighting all individuals hold varying proportions of risky portfolio, which 2. the same for all is a riskless asset and a X, single individuals. Cass and Stiglitz [3] demonstrated that for monetary separation to obtain for an his of individual at varying levels of initial wealth, utility function be of HARA type. individuals, varying the weighting bution of wealth wealth. in a HARA type. it is is necessary that considering a group just like varying the distri- in the group to obtain monetary separa- necessary that his utility function For the group as an open set of X, X is market economy and therefore the levels of initial Thus for each individual tion when varying X, V/hen we are it a is of whole to exhibit separation property for however, agents' utility functions should be of equ caut ious HARA class . i . 1 -6- REFERENCES [l] Amershi, A. H., and J. H. W. Stoeckenius, "A Unified Theory of Syndicates, Aggregation and Separation Borch, ( [3] Financial Markets," Research Paper 6lA, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, August No. [2] in K. 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