Dr. Shaun Baker Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership United States Naval Academy

Dr. Shaun Baker
Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership
United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, Md. 21402
Phone: 410-293-6078
E-mail: sbaker@usna.edu
Ethics/Applied Ethics
Philosophy of Religion
Socrates and Plato
Kant, Hume, Descartes
Philosophy of Mind
20th Century Analytic Philosophy
Political Philosophy
B.A. Cum Laude (Phil.), University of Texas at Arlington
(History Minor) 1991
M.A. (Phil.) Wayne State University, 1998
Ph.D. (Phil.) Wayne State University, 1999
The United States Naval Academy, Assistant Director, Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership, 2006 –Present
Courses Taught
Philosophy through Film
Introduction to Philosophy
Independent Study, Behavioral Economics
Independent Study, Film and Metaphysics
Ethics for the Naval Officer
The University of Michigan Dearborn, Lecturer, 2004 -2006
Courses Taught
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Ethics
The University of Michigan Dearborn, Visiting Lecturer, 2002 - 2004.
Courses Taught
20th Century Philosophy
Philosophy of Religion
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Ethics
Mid-Michigan Community College, Adjunct Faculty/Distance Education Instructor, 1999 – 2006
Courses Taught
Issues in Applied Ethics
The Examined Life: An Introduction to Philosophy
Oakland University, Adjunct Faculty, Summer 1998
Course Taught
Introduction to Philosophy
Wayne State University, Adjunct Faculty, 2000 –2006
Courses Taught
Philosophical Systems
Critical Thinking
Wayne State University, Adjunct Faculty/Graduate Instructor, 1993 – 1999
Courses Taught
Philosophical Systems
Critical Thinking
"Editorial Report of Second Panel Discussion of the Wounded Warrior Care Conference led by RADM Karen Flaherty, SHCE,
USN and Col. Patrick Kanewske, USMC," Journal of Healthcare Science and the Humanities, Volume 1, Number 3, Fall 2011.
"A Case Study for Ethical Decision Making: Disabling the Defibrillator," Journal of Healthcare, Science and the Humanities,
Volume 1, Number 2, July 2011.
"Hoa Lo Prison and the Stanford Prison Experiment – Thoughts on Morality, Institutional Life, the Hermetic Experience and
Human Nature"--Presented at the University of Baltimore Hoffberger Center, April 7, 2011. Transcript
"A Case Study for Ethical Leadership Decision Making: The Corpsman," Navy Medicine, November/December 2008
Review: Brickhouse and Smith, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Plato and the Trial of Socrates, for Philosophical Books,
Basil Blackwell Publisher (2006)
Review: Mitchell and Lucas, An Engagement with Plato’s Republic: A Companion to the Republic, for Philosophical Books,
Basil Blackwell Publisher (April, 2005)
“On Quine’s Arguments Concerning Analyticity” Sorites. Issue 15, December 2004.
“The Ghost in the Machine: Plato and Epiphenomenalism” The Examined Life On-line Philosophy Journal, Vol. II, #8.
“Socrates, Philosophy and Hubris: Did Socrates Think Philosophy is Impossible?” Sic et Non. April 2003.
Dilemmas volume 1, “Last Call,” Virtual Experience Immersive Learning Simulation (2006)
Dilemmas, volume 2, “The Dream,” Virtual Experience Immersive Learning Simulation (2009)
Dilemmas, volume 3, “The Party,” Virtual Experience Immersive Learning Simulation (2010)
Dilemmas, volume 4, “The Weekend,” Virtual Immersive Learning Simulation (2010)
Case Studies: Ethics for the Junior Officer (2009)
Case Studies: Ethics for the Junior Staff Corps Officer (2011)
Ethics Goes to the Movies, volume 1 (2011)
Ethics Goes to the Movies, volume 2 (2012)
Kant’s Copernican Theory of Self Consciousness (Thesis)
Webmaster, Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership, http://www.usna.edu/Ethics/
Faculty Representative/Advisor, United States Naval Academy Ethics Bowl Team (2006-present)
Stockdale Center Representative, Strategic Communications Committee, United States Naval Academy
Healthcare Ethics Committee, Naval Health Clinic Annapolis, United States Naval Academy
Survey with honorarium for revision of Sommers, Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life, 7th ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co.
Survey with honorarium for revision of Litch, Philosophy through Film, 3rd ed. Routledge Publishing Company
Association of Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE)