136 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 21, NO. 1, MARCH 2006 A Brushless Exciter Model Incorporating Multiple Rectifier Modes and Preisach’s Hysteresis Theory Dionysios C. Aliprantis, Member, IEEE, Scott D. Sudhoff, Senior Member, IEEE, and Brian T. Kuhn, Member, IEEE Abstract—A brushless excitation system model is set forth that includes an average-value rectifier representation that is valid for all three rectification modes. Furthermore, magnetic hysteresis is incorporated into the -axis of the excitation using Preisach’s theory. The resulting model is very accurate and is ideal for situations where the exciter’s response is of particular interest. The model’s predictions are compared to experimental results. Index Terms—Brushless rotating machines, magnetic hysteresis, modeling, simulation, synchronous generator excitation, synchronous generators. I. INTRODUCTION B Fig. 1. Schematic of a brushless synchronous generator. Manuscript received October 28, 2003; revised September 29, 2004. This work was supported by the “Naval Combat Survivability” effort under Grant N00024-02-NR-60427. Paper no. TEC-00312-2003. D. C. Aliprantis is with the Greek Armed Forces (e-mail: aliprantis@alumni.purdue.edu). S. D. Sudhoff is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1285 USA (e-mail: sudhoff@ecn.purdue.edu). B. T. Kuhn is with the SmartSpark Energy Systems, Inc., Champaign, IL 61820 USA (e-mail: b.kuhn@smartsparkenergy.com). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2005.847968 [14]; it was originally devised for small-signal analyses and its applicability to large-disturbance studies remains questionable [15]. An average-value machine-rectifier model that allows linking of a -axes machine model to dc quantities was derived in [16]. This model is based on the actual physical structure of an electric machine and maintains its validity during large-transient simulations. In this paper, the theory of [16] (which covered only mode I operation) is extended to all three rectification modes [17]. This is necessary for brushless excitation systems, because the exciter’s armature current—directly related to the generator’s field current—is strongly linked to power system dynamics [3]. During transients, the rectifier’s operation may vary from mode I to the complete short-circuit occurring at the end of mode III [6]. The exciter–rectifier configuration is analyzed on an average-value basis in a later section. The incorporation of ferromagnetic hysteresis is an additional feature of the proposed model. Brushless synchronous generators may use the exciter’s remanent magnetism to facilitate self-starting, when no other source is available to power the voltage regulator. However, the magnetization state directly affects the level of excitation required to maintain a commanded voltage at the generator terminals. Hence, representation of hysteresis enhances the model’s fidelity with respect to the voltage regulator variables. Hysteresis is modeled herein using Preisach’s theory [18], [19]. The Preisach model guarantees that minor loops close to the previous reversal point [20]–[22]. This property is essential for accurate representation of the exciter’s magnetizing path behavior. Hysteresis models that do not predict closed minor loops, such as the widely used Jiles–Atherton model [23], are not appropriate. To see this, consider a brushless generator connected to a nonlinear load that induces terminal current ripple. RUSHLESS excitation of synchronous generators offers increased reliability and reduced maintenance requirements [1], [2]. In these systems, both the exciter machine and the rectifier are mounted on the same shaft as the main alternator (Fig. 1). Since the generator’s output voltage is regulated by controlling the exciter’s field current, the exciter is an integral part of a generator’s control loop and has significant impact on a power system’s dynamic behavior. This paper sets forth a brushless exciter model suitable for use in time-domain simulations of power systems. The analysis follows the common approach of decoupling the main generator from the exciter–rectifier. Because of the large inductance of a generator’s field winding, the field current is slow varying [3], [4]. Therefore, the modeling problem may be reduced to that of a synchronous machine (the exciter) connected to a rectifier load. For power system studies, detailed waveforms of rotating rectifier quantities are usually not important (unless, for example, diode failures [5] or estimation of winding losses are of interest). Moreover, avoiding the simulation of the internal rectifier increases computational efficiency and reduces modeling complexity [6], [7]. The machine-rectifier configuration may be viewed as an ac voltage source in series with a constant commutating inductance [8]; however, this overly simplified model does not accurately capture the system’s operational characteristics [9]–[13]. The widely used brushless exciter model proposed by the IEEE represents the exciter as a first-order system 0885-8969/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ALIPRANTIS et al.: A BRUSHLESS EXCITER MODEL INCORPORATING MULTIPLE RECTIFIER MODES Fig. 2. Interconnection block diagram (input–output relationships) for the proposed model. This ripple transfers to the exciter’s magnetizing branch current, and in the “steady-state,” a minor loop trajectory is traced on the plane. If the loop is not closed, the flux can drift away from the correct operating point. This paper begins with a notational and model overview. Next, a brief review of Preisach’s theory is set forth. Then model development begins in earnest, with the development of the Preisach hysteresis model, a reduced-order machine model, and the rotating-rectifier average-value model. The paper concludes with a validation of the model by comparison to experimental results. II. NOTATION AND MODEL OVERVIEW Throughout this work, matrix and vector quantities appear in bold font. The primed stator quantities denote referral to the rotor through the turns ratio, which is defined as the ratio of . The electrical rotor armature-to-field turns position and speed are times the mechanical rotor , and speed where is the number of poles. position The analysis takes place in the stator reference frame (since the field winding in the exciter machine is located on the stator). to stationary variables is The transformation of rotating defined by [24] (1) where1 (2) . Since a neutral connection is not present, The components of the proposed excitation model are shown in Fig. 2. The exciter model connects to the main alternator and current ; it also model through the field voltage . The voltage regulator model provides the voltage requires to the exciter’s field winding , and receives the current . The exciter model is comprised of three separate models, namely, the rotating-rectifier average-value model, the Preisach hysteresis model, and the reduced-order machine model. 1The minus sign in the second row and the apparent interchange of the second and third columns from Park’s transformation (as defined in [24]) arises from using a counter-clockwise positive direction for the rotor position coupled with the location of the ac windings on the rotor. 137 Fig. 3. Illustrations of the elementary magnetic dipole characteristic and the boundary on the Preisach domain. The rotating-rectifier average-value model computes the , based on average currents flowing in the exciter armature , the voltage-behind-reactance (VBR) -axis flux linkage and the (varying) VBR -axis inductance . (The -axis VBR inductance is also used, but is considered constant.) These voltage-behind-reactance quantities are computed from the reduced-order machine model. The hysteresis model performs the computations and bookkeeping required to use Preisach’s hysteresis theory. Its only input is the -axis magnetizing cur; its output is the incremental magnetizing inductance rent that represents the slope of the hysteresis loop at a given instant. The integrations of the state equations are performed inside the reduced-order machine model block. The states are and the -axis magnetizing flux . The aforementioned variables will be defined formally in the ensuing analysis. Notice that the proposed model is applicable whether hysteresis is represented or not; in case of a linear magnetizing path, the hysteresis block is replaced by a constant inductance term. III. HYSTERESIS MODELING USING PREISACH’S THEORY Preisach’s theory of magnetic hysteresis is based on the concept of elementary magnetic dipoles (also called hysterons). These simple hysteresis operators may be defined by their “up” and “down” switching values and , respectively (Fig. 3). Equivalently, they may be defined by a mean value and a loop width . The behavior of a ferromagnetic material may be thought to arise from a statistical distribution of hysterons. The function which describes the density of hysterons is known as the and is denoted by Preisach function. It is defined on or , depending on which set of coordinates is used. The Preisach function is zero everywhere except on the shaded domain of Fig. 3. To explain the shape of this region, it is first . The other constraints originate from the obnoted that servation that a finite applied field will fully saturate the . Considmaterial. Thus, all dipoles must obey eration of saturation in the opposite direction yields . These three inequalities lead to the triangular domain depicted in Fig. 3. The domain is divided into two parts: the upper part corresponds to dipoles with negative magnetization; the lower , corresponds to positive magnetization. A value for part Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 138 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 21, NO. 1, MARCH 2006 Fig. 4. Visualization of Preisach diagrams. (a) Increasing magnetic field. (b) Decreasing magnetic field. the total magnetization of the material may be obtained by taking into account the contribution of all elementary dipoles. Hence, the magnetization is Fig. 5. Simplified diagram of exciter’s magnetic flux paths (d-axis on top, q -axis at the bottom), and the corresponding magnetic equivalent circuits. (3) The formation of the domain’s boundary may be visualized using the Preisach diagram, as shown in Fig. 4. First, assume that and is increasing, forcing all the magnetic field has the value to switch to the plus dipoles with upper switching point state. The switching action is graphically equivalent to the creation of a sweeping front, represented by a line perpendicular to the -axis, that moves toward increasing . The shaded area . When the field that the front sweeps past becomes part of is decreasing, dipoles with a lower switching point are forced to switch to the negative state. A new front is created, this time perpendicular to the -axis and moving toward decreasing , claiming the area from and adding it to . The resulting boundary is formed by orthogonal line segments and is often termed a “staircase” boundary. The shape of the boundary depends on the history of the magnetic field. The Preisach model possesses the deletion and the congruency properties. According to the deletion property, magnetic history is completely erased when the front sweeps past previous reversal points. This property is responsible for the creation of closed minor loops. The congruency property states that the shape of the minor loops depends only on the reversal points, and is independent of the material’s magnetization history. Both properties may be proven using geometric arguments [19]. The statistical distribution of hysterons may be approximated by the normal distribution [19] (4) or, in terms of , (5) is a magnetization constant, and are standard deviations, and is a mean value. Since for all , the triangular Preisach domain extends to infinity; Fig. 6. Exciter’s equivalent circuit and interface mechanism to the voltage regulator and main alternator models. however, for or , is practically zero. The magnetization at saturation may be obtained by 2 integrating (4) over the right-half of Preisach plane (6) IV. PROPOSED MODEL The exciter’s magnetic equivalent circuit is depicted in Fig. 5. The -axis main flux path reluctance is comprised of , the pole iron reluctance the stator back-iron reluctance , the air-gap reluctance , and the rotor body reluctance . In the proposed model, it is assumed that all hysteretic magnetic effects are concentrated in the region of the poles; . All hence, magnetic nonlinearities are incorporated into other reluctances are considered to be linear, including the and . The -axis reluctances of the leakage flux paths magnetic paths are also considered to be linear. The magnetic equivalent circuit of Fig. 5 is translated to the electrical T-equivalent circuit of Fig. 6. The exciter machine does not have damper windings. As in [16], a reduced-order machine model is utilized, wherein the (average) armature currents 2The p error function is defined by erf (x) = (2= ) Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. e d . ALIPRANTIS et al.: A BRUSHLESS EXCITER MODEL INCORPORATING MULTIPLE RECTIFIER MODES are injected by the rectifier model. The state variables are seand . There are no states associated with the lected to be -axis, because its equation is purely algebraic. The hysteresis model determines the incremental magnetizing inductance. In the following sections, the submodels are presented in detail. A. Hysteresis Model For the purposes of machine modeling, it is convenient to work with electrical rather than field quantities. Hence, by analogy to , the machine’s -axis magnetizing flux linkage is written as the sum of a linear and a hysteretic component (7) The Preisach model is now expressed in terms of the magneti, and the magnetizing zation component of flux linkage (instead of the magnetization , and the magnetic current field ). The inductance corresponds to the slope of the magnetizing characteristic at saturation. The hysteresis model’s input is the magnetizing current and its output is the incremental inductance (8) It will be useful to note that by combining (7) and (8) (9) The assumed normal distribution of hysterons given in (5) leads, after the manipulations detailed in [19], to (10) 139 denote upwards and downwards moving (increasing and decreasing) magnetic fields; an additional “ ” superscript denotes that the material is initially demagnetized, so that the initial curve is being traversed. The appropriate equation is selected based on the direction of change of the magnetizing current. Since the exciter’s complete magnetic history is unknown, it is assumed that it is initially demagnetized. From (10)–(13), at the reversal points and at the origin of the initial is everywhere else. thus depends only curve, and , , and the direction of change of (in accordance on with the congruency property). The Preisach model constantly monitors the direction of , and adds the reversal points to a last-in first-out change of stack. The crossing of a previous reversal point signifies a minor loop closure. In this case, the two points that define this minor loop are deleted from the stack (as dictated by the deletion property). B. Reduced-Order Machine Model This model is termed “reduced-order” because the (fast) transients associated with the rotor windings are neglected. Its inputs are the -axes rotor currents (which will be approximated ,3 the exciter’s field winding voltage by their average value), , and the incremental inductance . In this block, the integrations for the two states and are performed. Out, the VBR puts are the magnetizing current -axis flux linkage , and the VBR -axis inductance . In this model, an overbar is used to emphasize the approximation of a quantity by its fast-average value (its average over the previous 60 ). Often, in such cases, it is appropriate to average the entire model, thereby yielding a formalized average-value model. However, because of the nonlinearities involved with the hysteresis model, formal averaging of the model would prove awkward. Therefore, the interpretation applicable herein is that quantities indicated as instantaneous (without overbars) are also being approximated by their fast-average value. The description of the reduced-order machine model begins with the field winding flux linkage (14) (11) Substitution of (9) and the currents’ relationship , into (14) and consideration of the field voltage equation (15) yields (12) (16) (13) The inductance term of the left-hand side is positive since . Hence, the sign of the right-hand side determines the magnetizing current’s direction of change and which expression is a constant with dimensions of flux linkage, where is the previous reversal point, , , , and . The “ ,” “ ” superscripts 3The q -axis current is not utilized by the reduced-order machine model, since its dynamic behavior only involves the d-axis. However, i is computed for completeness. Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 140 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 21, NO. 1, MARCH 2006 for is to be selected from (10)–(13). The state equations may be obtained from (9), (15), and (16) (17) and (18) The derivative is estimated from the variation of . It is convenient to approximate it by the following relationship, written in the frequency domain: C. Rotating-Rectifier Average-Value Model This section contains the derivation of the rotating-rectifier average-value model, which computes the average currents from , the VBR -axis flowing in the exciter armature flux linkage , and the VBR -axis inductance . (The , which computation also uses the VBR -axis inductance is assumed constant herein.) The analysis is based on the classical separation of a rectifier’s operation in three distinct modes [17]. This type of rectifier modeling is valid for a constant (or slow-varying) dc current. The transformation of the no-load versions of (25) and (26) to the rotor reference frame yields the following three-phase voltage set: (27) (19) (28) If is relatively small (so that ), a good low-frequency estimate is obtained. This approximation is justified by and consequently of . Equation the slow-varying nature of (19) is readily translated into a time-domain differential equais thus tion, and the problematic numerical differentiation of avoided. The exciter’s electromagnetic torque may be computed from . the well-known expression However, since the exciter is a small machine relative to the main alternator, its torque is assumed negligible herein. The armature voltage equations must be expressed in voltagebehind-reactance form to be compatible with the rotating-rectifier average-value model. In the VBR model, the rotor flux linkages are expressed (29) (20) (21) where where .4 It is useful to define a voltage angle so that the -phase voltage attains its maximum value when (i.e., ). The voltage and rotor angles are thus related by for for . (30) Because of symmetry, it is only necessary to consider a 60 interval (for a six-pulse bridge). Consider the interval which begins when diode 6 (Fig. 1) starts conducting (at , where is a phase delay5), and ends at . During this interval, current is commutated from diode 2 to diode 6 (phase to phase ); if the diode resistance is negligible, a line-to-line short-circuit between phases and is in effect, so . denotes the line-to-neutral voltage of winding ). If the ( rotor’s resistance is also neglected, Faraday’s law implies (22) (31) (23) where is a constant. This relationship will prove useful in the analysis that follows. The next observation is that the average rectifier output voltage may be expressed and (24) (32) These equations hold for fast current transients; hence, the overbar notation is not appropriate. is essentially constant for fast transients. In In VBR form particular, if for fast transients (such as commutation processes) we assume that the field flux linkage is constant, then it can be is constant as well. Upon neglecting the rotor shown that resistance, the VBR voltage equations may be expressed which may be approximated as (33) (25) (26) with . 4The standard numbering of the diodes (Fig. 1) corresponds to the order of conduction in the case of an abc phase sequence. However, in this case, a reverse acb phase sequence is obtained, and the diodes conduct in a different order. 5This should not be confused with the symbol that was used in the Preisach model section to denote the hysterons’ upper switching point. Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ALIPRANTIS et al.: A BRUSHLESS EXCITER MODEL INCORPORATING MULTIPLE RECTIFIER MODES 141 Neglecting armature resistance makes the analysis far more tractable. As it turns out, the inaccuracy involved in this assumption can be largely mitigated using a correction term which will be defined in a later section. flux linkages may be related to the phase currents The and the VBR flux linkage by transforming (20) and (21) using (1) and (30). After manipulation Fig. 7. Mode I operation. Evaluating this expression at and , we obtain (39) (34) and (40) respectively. By equating (39) and (40), the following nonlinear equation is obtained, which may be solved numerically for the commutation angle : (35) To proceed further, the rectification mode must be considered. 1) Mode I Operation: Mode I operation (Fig. 7) may be separated into the commutation and conduction subintervals. The commutation lasts for less than 60 electrical degrees , where denotes the commutation angle. During the com, three diodes are conducting mutation interval (1, 2, and 6); during the conduction interval , currents are only two diodes are conducting (1 and 6). The for for (41) Knowledge of and [from (39)] allows the computation of the average -axes rotor currents. Equation (38) is solved for and substituted into (36), which is transformed using (1). The currents of the first subinterval (denoted by the superscript “(i)”) are thus (36) where is the current flowing out of the rectiis the (positive, fier and into the generator field, and anode-to-cathode) current flowing through diode 6; increases from to . The average dc voltage may be computed from (33), after substituting (36) into (34); this sequence of operations yields (37) represents the effective commutating reThe term sistance for mode I operation. Substitution of (36) into (35) yields (42) Their average value is (43) This integral is difficult to evaluate analytically, so it is evaluated numerically (e.g., using Simpson’s rule [16], [25]). On the other hand, the average value of the conduction subinterval currents [denoted by the superscript “(ii)”] may be computed analytically (44) The total -axes currents average value is (38) Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. (45) 142 Fig. 8. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 21, NO. 1, MARCH 2006 Mode II operation. Fig. 9. Mode III operation. 2) Mode II Operation: In mode II operation (Fig. 8), the commutation angle is 60 , but commutation is auto-delayed by the angle . There are always three diodes concurrents are ducting, and the , there are three diodes conducting (1, 2, and 6), and a line-to-line short circuit is imposed on the exciter. . The curDue to symmetry considerations, rents are (46) to . The current increases from The average dc voltage is computed similarly to mode I by substituting (46) into (34) and (33) , . (50) During the first subinterval, and . Inserting the corresponding part of (50) into (34) and (35) (47) The commutating resistance now depends on , as well as the VBR -axes inductances. and , and equating Evaluating (35) at the two results yields the following nonlinear equation, which is solved numerically for : (51) (48) The expression (42) for mutation, and the average is valid throughout com-axes currents are (49) (52) respectively. Substitution of the values of separating angles , into (38), (51), and (52), yields 3) Mode III Operation: In mode III operation (Fig. 9), commutation is delayed by and . This mode may be split into two subintervals. During , two commutations are taking place simultaneously; four diodes are conducting (3, 1, 2, and 6), and a . three-phase short-circuit is applied to the exciter, so At , the commutation of diode 1 is at a further commutation stage than the commutation of diode 6, which is just , ). At , the starting ( ; commutation of diode 3 to diode 1 finishes the current of diode 6 has increased to . During Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. and at the three , and , (53) (54) (55) ALIPRANTIS et al.: A BRUSHLESS EXCITER MODEL INCORPORATING MULTIPLE RECTIFIER MODES 143 The dc current flows through the (ideally) zero-resistance path formed by the conducting diodes that belong to the same leg (diodes 3 and 6 in this case). The average -axes currents may be found by substituting and in (60), which yields (56) Equation (56) is solved numerically for . Using (53)–(55) in conjunction with (33), it can be shown that (57) Analytic formulas for the commutating currents during the first subinterval may be obtained by solving the linear system formed by (51) and (52) (62) 5) Determining the Mode of Operation: Determination of the mode of operation is the first step of the averaging subroutine and it guides the algorithm to the correct set of formulas. In to a set of particular, the mode is determined by comparing increasing current values that define the mode boundaries. At the boundary between modes I and II, both nonlinear reand yield lations (63) (58) At the boundary between modes II and III, the evaluation of and yields (64) At the point of complete short-circuit occurring at the edge of becomes mode III, (65) (59) The average first subinterval -axes currents may thus be evaluated analytically. After manipulation This mode separation is valid if the boundaries are well oris always true; on the other dered. Note that hand, is satisfied only for the following range of VBR inductance parameters: (66) (60) are given by The second subinterval -axes currents (42) and may be evaluated by numerical integration (61) 4) Mode IV Operation: Traditionally, a rectifier’s operation is divided into three distinct modes; these modes naturally occur when the rectifier is feeding a passive resistive load. Herein, however, an additional fourth mode (mode IV) needs to be considered. This mode is an extension to mode III, and occurs when the rectifier’s dc current exceeds the maximum possible current that the ac source alone (i.e., the exciter) may supply. This sitis decreased rapidly uation may arise, for example, when enough, while decays at a much slower pace, constrained by the main alternator field inductance. During mode IV, a constant three-phase short circuit is im, and at any given instant there posed on the exciter are four diodes conducting (diodes 3, 1, 2, and 6 during the time frame considered in this analysis). The auto-delay and commutation angles are at their maximum possible values ( and ), and the currents become purely sinusoidal, as may be readily seen by analyzing the mode III equations. At first glance, (66) imposes a significant constraint on the model parameters. However, in the proposed model, assumes values closer to a leakage inductance, while is dominated by a magnetizing inductance term. Hence, it is generally expected that (66) will be satisfied for all “reasonable” inductance values. 6) Solving the Nonlinear Equations: According to the operation mode, a numerical solution to one of the nonlinear equations (41), (48), or (56) needs to be obtained. Recall that a conhas a root if tinuous function . In this case, it suffices to show i) , ii) , and iii) . , it may be For mode I operation, where shown that (67) (68) For mode II, Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. and (69) (70) 144 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 21, NO. 1, MARCH 2006 For mode III, and (71) (72) Hence, a solution to all three equations will always exist. Further algebraic manipulations—not shown herein—reveal that the solution is unique. It may thus be obtained with arbitrary precision in a finite number of steps using the bisection algorithm [25]. 7) Incorporating Resistive Losses: The model’s accuracy may be improved by taking into account the resistive losses of the armature and the voltage drop of the rotating rectifier diodes. Their incorporation affects the magnitude of the brushless exciter steady-state field current, as well as the transient behavior of the synchronous generator. In the previous sections, the armature resistance and the diodes were ignored. The rigorous incorporation of these terms in the model would entail considerable modifications and possibly would make the algebra intractable. Hence, to simplify the analysis, the computation of the losses is decoupled from the computation of the average dc voltage. Thus, the average voltage applied across the main generator field is (73) is computed by averaging the drop The average voltage loss across diodes 1 and 6, and the ohmic drop of the armature’s resistance, that is (74) A diode’s voltage–current characteristic is represented herein by the following function: (75) The parameters , , and procedure. are obtained with a curve-fitting D. Model Summary In summary, the algorithm proceeds as follows. 1) Initialize model, assume the material is demagnetized. from (19). 2) Compute using (16), and 3) Determine the direction of change of check for the reversal of direction. In case of direction reversal, add a point to the magnetic history stack. 4) Detect the crossing of a previous reversal point (minor loop closure). In this case, delete two points from the history stack. using one of (10)–(13). 5) Compute from (24). 6) Compute 7) Determine from (30). 8) Determine the mode of operation, using (63)–(65). 9) If mode I: from (37). a) Compute b) Solve (41) for . c) Compute average currents from (42)–(45). Fig. 10. Schematic of experimental setup; the brushless synchronous generator is feeding a nonlinear rectifier load. If mode II: a) Solve (48) for . b) Compute from (47). c) Compute average currents from (42) and (49). If mode III: from (57). a) Compute b) Solve (56) for . c) Compute average currents from (60) and (61). If mode IV: . a) Set b) Compute average currents from (62). from (73) and (74). 10) Compute 11) Compute from (17). from (18). 12) Compute 13) Go to step (2). Steps (3)–(5) are specific to the Preisach model. If a linear magnetizing inductance is used instead, set and . V. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION The experimental setup (shown in Fig. 10) contains a 59-kW, 600-V, Leroy–Somer brushless synchronous generator, model LSA 432L7. The exciter is an eight-pole machine, whose field is rated for 12 V, 2.5 A. The generator’s prime mover is a Dyne Systems 110-kW, vector-controlled, induction-motor-based dynamometer, programmed to maintain constant rated speed (1800 r/min). The voltage regulator uses a proportional-integral control strategy to maintain the commanded voltage [560 V, line-to-line, fundamental, root mean square (rms)] at the generator terminals; the brushless exciter’s field current is controlled with a hysteresis modulator. The generator is loaded with an uncontrolled rectifier that feeds a resistive load through an filter. The exciter’s parameters (listed in Table I) were identified from rotating tests, as described in [26]. The time constant of . The load parameters are , (19) is , and . The remaining components are documented in [27]–[29]. (In particular, the voltage regulator model and control diagram is described in detail in Appendix D of [29].) The quantities of the internal rotating parts (Fig. 1) are not measurable because slip rings were not installed. Hence, the Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ALIPRANTIS et al.: A BRUSHLESS EXCITER MODEL INCORPORATING MULTIPLE RECTIFIER MODES Fig. 12. angle. Fig. 11. Plots of the commanded and actual line-to-line voltage “envelope,” = computed from the synchronous reference frame voltages v [3(v + v )] . Each of the seven trapezoid shaped blocks is characterized by a different slope (the same for rise and fall) and peak voltage: (1) 20 000 V/s, 560 V; (2)–(4) 2000 V/s, 560 V, 420 V, 280 V, respectively; (5)–(7) 400 V/s, 560 V, 420 V, 280 V, respectively. [Note: the above voltage values correspond to root mean square (rms) quantities]. TABLE I LIST OF EXCITER MODEL PARAMETERS model is judged based on terminal quantities only, namely the synchronous generator voltage and the exciter’s field current. The simulations were conducted using Advanced Continuous Simulation Language (ACSL) [30]. In this case study, the generator’s voltage reference is modified according to the profile shown in Fig. 11. This series of commanded voltage steps creates an extended period of significant disturbances and tests the model’s validity for large-transients simulations. The terminal voltage exhibits an overshoot, which is more pronounced for the faster slew-rate steps. Moreover, due to the exciter’s magnetically hysteretic behavior, it does not fall to zero. The varying levels of remanence in the exciter machine reflect on the magnitude of the voltage and are captured fairly accurately. The standard IEEE model [14] does 145 Variation of rectification mode, commutation angle, and auto-delay not predict hysteretic effects. The higher ripple in the experimental voltage waveform is attributed to slot effects, not incorporated in the synchronous machine model [27]. The corresponding variation of rectification mode is depicted in Fig. 12. Under steady-state conditions, the exciter operates in mode II; however, the auto-delay angle varies with the operating point. During transients, operation in all modes takes place. Therefore, a simple mode I model would have been insufficient to predict this behavior. The observed rapid mode alternations and ripple in the waveforms of and result from the ripple in the main alternator field current which, in turn, is caused by the rectifier load on the main alternator. Simulated versus experimental waveforms of the exciter’s field current command are shown in Fig. 13. The first plot depicts a situation where the controller’s current limit (3 A) is reached. Such nonlinear control strategies may not be studied using the IEEE model, which does not calculate the exciter’s field current. The proposed model is able to predict both steadystate values and transient behavior. An illustration of hysteretic behavior is shown in Fig. 14. As can be seen, the trajectories move through four “steady-state” . These points do not points, labeled , , , and lie on a straight line. This complex behavior could not have been captured by a linear magnetization model (where ). In order to “initialize” the magnetic state, the commanded voltage is stepped from 0 to 560 V and then back to 0 V at 20 000 V/s (not shown in Fig. 11). The exciter’s flux is forced to a higher-than-normal level (Fig. 14). According to the deletion property, the previous magnetic history is erased. Furthermore, on account of the congruency property, the return path decurve. Hence, pends only on the reversal point on the this initialization procedure is guaranteed to bring the material back to the same state, regardless of the previous operating history. This theoretically predicted behavior was experimentally verified. Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 146 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 21, NO. 1, MARCH 2006 VI. CONCLUSION The described brushless exciter model was successfully evaluated against experimental results. The modeling of all rectification modes, the prediction of the exciter’s field current, and the representation of magnetic hysteresis, are important features that are not included in the standard IEEE exciter model. The proposed model is thus a high-fidelity alternative for large-disturbance simulations, where a computationally efficient exciter representation is necessary. Hence, it is recommended for transient stability studies and voltage regulator design. REFERENCES Fig. 13. Plots of the commanded exciter field current i to the seven command steps of Fig. 11. . These correspond Fig. 14. Illustration of hysteresis. The depicted transient corresponds to the first trapezoid of Fig. 11. The upper right-hand plot depicts the magnetization (i ); component of the magnetizing flux versus magnetizing current the upper left and lower right plots depict (t) and i (t), respectively. The i (t) plot has been rotated 90 . [1] R. W. Ferguson, R. Herbst, and R. W. Miller, “Analytical studies of the brushless excitation system,” AIEE Trans., Part III-B, Power App. Syst., vol. 79, pp. 1815–1821, Feb. 1960. [2] E. C. Whitney, D. B. Hoover, and P. O. Bobo, “An electric utility brushless excitation system,” AIEE Trans., Part III-B, Power App. Syst., vol. 79, pp. 1821–1828, Feb. 1960. [3] H. W. Gayek, “Behavior of brushless aircraft generating systems,” IEEE Trans. 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Sudhoff (SM’01) received the B.S. (Hons.), M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in 1988, 1989, and 1991, respectively. Currently, he is a Full Professor at Purdue University. From 1991 to 1993, he was Part-Time Visiting Faculty with Purdue University and as a Part-Time Consultant with P. C. Krause and Associates, West Lafayette, IN. From 1993 to 1997, he was a Faculty Member at the University of Missouri-Rolla. He has authored many papers. His interests include electric machines, power electronics, and finite-inertia power systems. Dionysios C. Aliprantis (M’04) received the electrical and computer engineering diploma from the National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, in 1999 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in 2003. Currently, he is serving in the armed forces of Greece. His interests include the modeling and simulation of electric machines and power systems, and evolutionary optimization methods. Brian T. Kuhn (M’93) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1996 and 1997, respectively. He was a Research Engineer at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, from 1998 to 2003. Currently, he is a Senior Engineer with SmartSpark Energy Systems, Inc., Champaign, IL. His research interests include power electronics and electrical machinery. Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on August 7, 2009 at 08:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.