' ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT THE ROLE OF ACCOUNTING DATA IN PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, BUDGETARY PARTICIPATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS by Peter Brownell WP 1171-80 November 1980 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 THE ROLE OF ACCOUNTING DATA IN PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, BUDGETARY PARTICIPATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS by Peter Brownell WP 1171-80 November 1980 -1- The Role of Accounting Data in Performance Evaluation, Budgetary Participation and Organizational Effectiveness 'i I . ntroduction The relationship between managerial leadership style and the cognitive behavioral and styles has been organizational of fruitful. In extremely an which subordinates important topic organizational the in inquiry of early the when years, various both in The have area behavior by elicited are behavior and management accounting research. research this cf responses proceeds very been research measurement suitable instruments and theoretically sound priors were almost non-existent, advancement of knowledge was due largely to experimental wcrk, such as that of Bavelas and his associates (see Bavelas, late 1950s, however, area were made, due group, in to particular significant the developmental Stogdill taxonomy, and style. Today, we are armed with theory" of point to clear style, situations in in a led to (LBDQ). "Initiation been the focus of countless empirical leadership which Questionnaire "Consideration" example). In the leadership measurement the in for work of the Ohio State Leadership Coons, and Leadership Behavior Description this advances [1950], of the Two dimensions of Structure" studies of the well-known have since impact of leadership relatively well articulated "contingency the sense that many replicated results which various leadership styles will be more effective than others. In the management accounting of budget system design, some literature though, specifically the area exploration of appropriate leadership style has begun, but our knowledge is still of leadership style and its rudimentary. consequences were HHCft-)^- Although the relevance shown quite early to be important the in budgeting of ares LBDQ dimensions, area may available organizational [ "i and [1968] in behavior viewed is inappropriate as in a This limitation may have seeded the pioneering work of budgetary context. Hopwood Fertakis and the area well-developed measurement instrumentation the that be in in One possible explanation of the lack of research effort Hopwood [197^]. the particularly DeCoster work of the are have studies few [1932]), Two exceptions, followed up from this beginningof the (Argyris, 1973] which has been followed up by Ctley [1978]. 972, reasoned Hopwood information accounting of role the that in a superior's style of evaluation of subordinates should be considered in the light of individual goals usually imperfect a goals would, alone consequences superiors measurable and such subordinates. In between goals. An to order' this test emphasis result (JRT), manipulative even and tension organizational undue situation, a job-related as peers, and such in overlap in on goals, measurable dysfunctional relationships poor behavior Hopwood hypothesis, part the on with of developed measurement instrumentation aimed at classifying the evaluative behavior of superiors according to the degree of emphasis placed on budget achievement at exclusion the behavior. contrasting types; a (under regardless which measurements subordinates budgetary the of effective of evaluative styles subordinate embraced three budget-constrained style (under which subordinates are unfavorably evaluated variances, taxonomy resulting The conceptions wider other of if of their other current considerations), imperfections are recognized and by superiors) and information performance and profit-conscious incompleteness incorporated a a into non-accounting specifically, and reflects of the style budget style budget-based evaluations (under of which accounting information more generally, play relatively unimportant roles in evaluation). results The of style constrained Of Hopwood's study evaluation indicate [1972] associated is that higher with budget a worse JRT, relations with superiors and peers and (possibly most importantly among his criterion variables) evidence of greater manipulative, dysfunctional clear behavior on the part of the subordinates than is elicited by either of the Whether styles. other two more important criteria or or these outcomes not can effectiveness, organizational with associated be such as performance, could only be speculated upon on the basis of Hopwood's data, although Hopwood, question. In left himself, doubt little the question left other words, as for his to thoughts the on future research was "What are the effects of JRT and peer/superior relationships on performance?" than Hopwood's speculation, evaluation would adversely Employing it that seems, particularly performance, slight variant of Hopwood's long-term its resulted was evidence of the of a aspects. Otley intervening variables One major difference which curvilinear effect of evaluative style on JRT. relationship between the intervening variables and performance, Otley concluded that only "loose associations" with the causal direction remaining which he did associated discover was with a greater that a a larger organizational degree units [p. 135] could be claimed, matter for speculation. budget-constrained variance with Hopwood's suggestion. that style style measure, evaluative which departed somewhat from those of Hopwood. to other basis no budget constrained a found relationships between evaluative style and the As on via the JRT and poor relations with superiors and peers, , affect a hypothesizing, this question, pursued Otley [1978] of budget evaluative style was achievement, Consistent with Hopwood, tended to attract One tendency a result a he did at find budget-constrained . result This evaluation. of style suggested been also has Brums by and Water ho use [1975]. general, however, Otley's results were viewed as markedly different In those of from Ho p wood reconciliation. his centers, contended, own explanation First, he sample involved perspectives pursued two that while ncted positively be to Otley and , center profit motivated Hopwood focused more heads, budget by attempting in goals. on cost likely, he Second, an terms of differences in sub-unit operating environment was in offered further possible explanation for differences in results A to Hopwood by with associated budgetary constrained budget who [1973] style. managers evaluated with interaction was participation a reported participation No for association could was with however, for while more measuring both with concerned the direct impact of the former on JRT and the other intervening variables. found a curvilinear apparently and their relationship between JRT when experiencing greater superiors' participation and levels of participation is observed. He managers JRT, discrepancy between a a Ihis extremely important who, apparently shown, be alluded strongly was evaluated managers Otley, by up performance, and satisfaction job profit conscious style. followed not that is their own Both too much and too little participation appear to be problematical, with significantly less JRT associated with levels of participation approximately equivalent for managers and their superiors. The role of participation as style on clearly an performance remains a an moderator of the effects of evaluative untested important question because relationship will suggest good reason the for question, however. This presence of moderators in the failure of Otley to is this more results. Hopwood's replicate successfully It is organized as which question this provides the focus of the present study. The balance of this paper will be follows; next the in to provide the basis for the expectations and hypothesis of the present study. Sections dealing section two theoretical constructs will be presented with research method, hypothesis, the results and finally discussion and limitations, will follow in turn. 2 . C o nstructs Some Theoretical paradigms theoretical Two present expectations of conditioning (Skinner) the will These study. are as , basis a these and the for operant of areas the (Heider) theory balance and discussed be will be discussed in turn. of stimulus/response reinforcement form of has a shown reinforcements, themselves, S/R bond. of Usually, conditions. in association the reinforcement appropriate with assumes takes the desired outcome or the avoidance of an undesired outcome, but it been outcomes, bonds (S/R) the development conditioning concerns The basic principle of operant and valued because can be responsible This notion takes motivation [1972] (see Ronen a and example) for while of no outcomes which, or are Maddi, (see past their of for that secondary potential value in and of association with desired the development and maintenance of an familiar form in the expectancy theory model Livingstone, [19751, for where example) "first"- and "second-level outcomes" are arguments of the function. The of role reward structure as secondary a reinforcer on the relationship between budgetary participation and performance and job satisfaction reasoned that was a studied reward by Cherrington structure which and was Cherrington based on [19731. budget They achievement appropriate represent would only reinforcement individuals for who largely responsible for the determination of budget targets, while individuals for whom for budget the reward a provide appropriate reinforcement structure deemphasizing the budget would only are largely is imposed. In other words, they hypothesized that rewards for budget-related performance should be compatible experimental Cherrington with the task involving and level 230 business undergraduate essentially Cherrington budgets, upon placed emphasis of confirmed In an students, hypothesis. the Performance and reported job satisfaction were higher in the appropriately nor- bud get- based reward/low participation groups. it is suggested participation reward/high the budget-based namely groups, reinforced In present context, the that leadership evaluative style will operate in fashion, that is, superiors who exhibit a and a similar budget constrained style, placing primary emphasis in their evaluation of subordinates on budget achievement, individuals who vail be providing appropriate reinforcement only for those are heavily involved and influential in the budget setting process. While the ident ification theory of theories, one member provides and superior in of a a conditioning operant appropriate budget achievement [1946]), of inappropriate evaluative broader theoretical provides style, a of balance theory for of the consequences of inappropriate degrees of emphasis. thrust of consistency theory is that individuals strive equilibrium cognitive structure, unbalanced or being construed in terms of cognitive conflict. basic notion of depicted in Figure cognitive 1. consistency, the consider an the on (Heider, prediction The fundamental for a disequilibrium As the as consistency known basis for emphasis degrees class of theories foundation as basis a balanced or situations illustration of the two relationships INSERT FIGURE Suppose individual. the Figure In relationship individual is of some 1(a) the positively suppose and A the HERE to B, cognitive the that each individual toward disposed towards attitudinal represents A of them an individual power. The shown. is but objects both second a nuclear say object, of set relationship between the two objects and relationship between the two is observed. (denoted small n) example, objects, two admit we 1 and focal negative a As E The a concrete represents individual is positively disposed toward both the other individual and nuclear power, but the indicates B. a opposed is A, to nuclear positive orientation toward A but structures sign [such as in Figure identical relations, and 1(a)] (n) not both) that by positive elements (p) or in Figure null Kb)] 1 is possible in two change orientation toward either can of The restoration of relations or null relations. individual Both of these . sign [such as in Figure balance in each of the unbalanced structures basic ways; first the p) requires linked are that elements of opposite are linked by negative second, negative orientation toward a Balance unbalanced. are Kb) Figure power, B. now positively associated with B (denoted small A is cognitive (<t>) individual, other (but elements, leaving the linkage between the two elements unchanged, the orientation relationship between the toward two each being element changed. left unaltered, the can be The former means of balance restoration lies at the heart of the role of balance theory as an important theoretical construct in the study of attitude change. In the context of the present research, cognitive elements, superior's subordinate performance, evaluative together with the the relationship between three style, the superior himself and subordinates orientation toward each can be depicted within the framework of balance theory. Let U3 begin by supposing, not unreasonably, that at least two relationships between the elements are fixed, namely that the superior is favorably disposed towards good subordinate performance, and also towards whatever evaluative style he employs. If we additionally assume a null relationship between subordinate performance and evaluative style (as found by Otley) then only two forms of balance among elements the can prevail. Either subordinate the is favorably disposed toward all three elements or unfavorably disposed toward These twc situations are depicted in Figure all three. 2. INSERT FIGURE 2 HERE Note that if we towards the evaluative three where a favorable disposition of the subordinate only one style of his superior, elements [Figure 2(a)] possible is among form of balance given the previous This situation is clearly preferable to that shown in Figure constraints. 2(b) further assume balance, the in face of unfavorable an of disposition the subordinate towards the evaluative style of his superior, is only possible via the maintenance of negative orientations on the part of the subordinate also both toward satisfaction with job the subordinate's own performance) The (perhaps superior the in general performance and with manifested by supervision in (perhaps manifested reported particular) by inferior and actual . organizational task within this framework maintenance of good superior/subordinate relations and of subordinate the lower subordinate performance depends on assuring towards the superior's a a is clear. The satisfactory level positive disposition of evaluative style. The question arises as to the conditions under which various degrees of emphasis on the . _9- budget evaluation in superiors by will induce desired the favorable disposition of the subordinate toward the superior's evaluative style. As discussed above, it is contended that the degree of budgetary participation granted to subordinates will be the key variable affecting the orientation toward evaluative style. any particular following the particular, and In previous discussion, it is suggested that only where budgets have been made salient to subordinate via a process the participation, of leading tc a commitment to the budget, will an evaluative style focusing heavily on the Conversely, it is suggested budget be viewed favorably by the subordinate. that high participation in the budgetary process is inconsistent with emphasis budgets on evaluation in the budget planning process when result heavy This budget process. the less ignored only be will subordinate orientations favorable in style, when A in is more or it in the The reverse is suggested to hold true for low evaluation or control phase. participation the budget de- involvement in influence and difficult to understand the purpose of their finding subordinates superior, by a towards consistent, and evaluative superior this style exhibits an appropriate de-emphasis on the budget. emphasis the on budget in this situation would be quite inappropriate In other theoretical words, in the present study, implications of both the constructs of operant conditioning and the cognitive balance are that while no direct relationship between evaluative style of superior and the two criteria significant of performance interaction participation is expected. the budget satisfaction will be and between An associated job satisfaction evaluative style is and expected, a budgetary evaluative style which is heavily reliant on with higher performance under conditions of high participation than and reported job under conditions -10- of lov; Conversely, participation. emphasis budget on will result evaluative style which involves de- an higher in performance reported and job satisfaction under conditions of low participation than under conditions of high participation. participation, as satisfaction. interest, will be the direct effects of Of particular well interaction, the as ordinality The of performance both on interaction the and hypothesized job between evaluative style and participation will be carefully studied therefore, to provide further which remains with evidence far from contradiction. on direct the settled. this issue, On example, For of role evidence of participation, the (eg. Milani , by Eryan Locke and is issue replete relationship positive a between participation and performance is due to Kenis reverse relationship was found evidence an [19791, however the Other [19671. studies It is hoped [19751) report no particular relationship at all. that the present research can throw some light en this question also. 3. Hypotheses The expectations developed above can be formalized terms of the in null hypotheses to be tested in this study:H, There will be evaluative no style significant and interaction budgetary between participation supervisory affecting performance. H2 There will evaluative be no style significant and interaction budgetary between participation supervisory affecting job satisfaction. 4. Method • • A questionnaire approach was employed to gather the data necessary for the conduct of this study. a large San Francisco A sample of forty-eight managers was drawn Bay Area manufacturing company. The from managers were selected from eight separate functional divisions of the organization, each -II- which of involved was one in WJ plant management th indicated environmental characteristics varied to the of use variety a This organization. is organization single substantially reduce somewhat across cost centers leading approaches managerial regulatory and throughout only not variance the generali2ability impair the measured of may but variables the focus on a important consideration because the sn can of preliminary meetings but technological, that distribution or cost-center responsibil itiy sub-units, organizational respective their production the All managers held activities of the business. for of phase also across the sample, rendering hypothesis testing extremely difficult. measurement required variables Four in study; the variables (evaluative style and budgetary participation) variables ( independent two and two dependent performance and job satisfaction). The Independent Variables Evaluative Style 1. It that the minor variations made by was decided dimensional evaluative style were unnecessary for the index Otley to originally developed by Hopwood Having present study. eight the [1971] focused on profit centers rather than cost centers, Otley was forced to reword some of the items used by Hopwood. In Hopwood version of the this study the index was employed since, like Hopwood, the focal respondent group was cost-center management. Each manager according to was asked the supervisors in their [1972, p. 165], to relative rank-order evaluation. Using eight placed importance the on Budget-Constrained Style 2 (EC) performance each criteria criterion by approach suggested by Hopwood four evaluative styles were extracted the index, based on two of the criteria (i) the from the responses to :- meeting the budget, concern with costs, ranked among the top three criteria but not -12- Budget-Profit (ii) Style (EP) both meeting - budget the and concern r.ot meeting with costs ranked among the top three criteria Profit-Conscious Style (PC) - concern with costs, but (iii) the budget ranked among the top three criteria Non-Accounting Style (NA) - neither meeting the budget nor concern (iv) with costs ranked among the top three criteria Table presents the results of the use of the evaluative style index 1 INSERT TABLE and provides comparative data Hopwood's and both from HERE 1 Interestingly, the distribution of respondents in the present study index. is far more similar to Hopwood's distribution than ing Otley's use of the the likelihood evaluative style type that chosen responsibility of superiors. by to In Otley's, strengthen- center particular, influence will profit seems, it center managers generally appear to be evaluated much more on the basis of accounting information center managers. cost do than The most striking difference between the distributions is the dominance of the non-accounting style Hopwood's in sample and present the in sample, and its trivial importance in Otley's sample. For styles purposes of analysis, were collapsed into in two; present study, the the BC former pairing was suggested by Hopwood sample size, combined with some BP, and (1974, doubts about p. the scale, led to the amalgamation of the latter two. properties was in fact raised by resulting styles can be characterized plus BP and PC plus NA respectively). Otley as and [1978 489, the the fn four PC and evaluative NA. The 8) and the small interval nature of the Concern about the scale pp 128-129]. The two high and low budget emphasis (BC 13- 2. Budgetary Participation Several direct (as opposed to factor-analytic) attempts at measurement participation of budgetary measures are due Vroom [1971], seriously and for these present the Hofstede [1967], Hofstede the were developed two measures for use Heller two these, Of [1975]. study, Usable literature. the in [1961], Milan! and [1973] found Likert [1960], Yetton considered Only measures. Vrocn to be to are were and Milani a context in identical to the present context, and the use of either one will permit an integration of the results of the present study into the most relevant body of previous literature. were employed in because, focus permitting a this unlike For study, measure, assessment, it is because and both measures Milani measure deserves major although the Hofstede the reliability purposes of cross-validation, a it measure multi-item was developed more recently, possibly benefiting from the more contemporary body of literature extant at time of the Milani's work. The Hofstede measure is a single Likert-type item with an eight point scale with eight verbal anchors, while the Milani measure incorporates six Likert-type items with polar anchors at each end of a As +0.74, a a 7 point scale. measure pleasing of 3 convergent result given reliability assessment, the validity, the two measures correlated the dissimilarity of the measures. As a responses were factor analyzed. As a Milani multi-item additive scale, one would hope to discover that all six items in the measure lead on a single factor. two eigenvalues greater extracted. than The unity, analysis led to the emergence of two components therefore being The rotated factor loadings are presented INSERT TABLE 2 HERE in Table 2, and the ,. •14-i results reveal that with the exception of item single factor. load on the present a purposes of providing For with results items in the measure all 2, those of Milani, it participation scores using the responses to all Table the approach used by Milani. comparability of for was decided six items in to construct the measure, presents descriptive statistics for 3 the Milani measure. INSERT TABLE 3 HERE The Dependent Variables 1. Performance On the basis of three criteria, et al. performance measure was employed to nine-dimensional 1965] [1963, gather data on this variable. self-rating version of the Mahoney a First, self-rating rather than superior- a ly the measure rating version of overcomes the problem of "halo error" to which superior ratings have been shown susceptible (Thornton, [1968]; Nealy and Owen, Second, [1970]). the nine-dimensional structure of the measure clearly captures the multi-dimensional nature of performance without introducing [1971], for problem the example, validity test of them. Third, and a of excessive obtained disappointing twenty-dimension perhaps most Kavanagh dimensionality. results on et al discriminant a performance rating scale employed by importantly, independent assessments of reliability and validity of the Mahoney instrument have provided supportive evidence of the measure's sound development (Penfield, [1974]; Heneman [1971]). The single nine-dimensional overall performance structure rating, of the together Mahoney with measure ratings on includes eight a sub- -15- dimensions. w£s decided It that, should form the basis for the test of Hi, which variations separate dimensions, variance developmental ratings, global the in provided regression The dimensions. work where rating overall the a assignments managerial approximately 45" were job specific Table 4 test of the extent to regressed explanation 60.8% of eight the on approximately that of of 55% performance were common to companies thirteen in a the result consistent with Hahoney's functions critical to effective managerial 1*52 as was for found was it and, explained by ratings on the eight this rating can be in the overall rating least Initially, at (Mahoney et al . studied, [1963, the the while 106-107]). pp. presents descriptive statistics for the Mahoney measure. INSERT TABLE HERE 4 Job Satisfaction 2. Robinson of al employed instruments number et hoc ad . [19691 in catalogued to measure literature the measures used in job studies single different sixteen than less no satisfaction. defies The estimation. However, the use of reliability and validity criteria as a selection device substantially reduces the number of feasible alternatives. the Job Descriptive Satisfaction "because of Index Questionnaire their (JDI) (Smith (MSQ) (Weiss, careful et development et al and extensively used by investigators in the field" p. a 313]). [1969]) al. . ar.d [1967]) because In this study, the were they Minnesota considered have (Gillet and Schwab been [1975, Due to the availability of substantial norm group data, the MSQ, 100-item Likert-type measure embracing twenty sub-scales of satisfaction, was chosen. In addition, an independent assessment of the validity of the . . -16- suggested M3Q has that validity (Dunham et al al . provide Hoyt . outperforms it On [19771). analysis cf the the variance JDI tests in cf discriminant question of reliability, Weiss et reliability coefficients for two comparative groups, an entire sample of 27 norm groups and one particular group, Reliability coefficients were computed managers. from the results of the administration of the MSQ in the present study and all three sets of data are presented in Table Table 5. shows that while the coefficients 5 INSERT TABLE obtained from the data of the present 5 HERE study are satisfacotry per se are generally lower than the coefficients obtained , they from the two comparison groups reported by Weiss et al Table 6 presents descriptive statistics for the present sample on each of the twenty sub-scales of the MSQ, together with the overall index of job satisfaction INSERT TABLE 5. 6 HERE Results Questionnaires were collected from all forty-eight managers. Two sets of responses were omitted due to improper completion of the Mahoney measure and MSQ, the and response-set bias responses called were for on an in also the additional six were emitted completion of the MSQ only. omitted due Hopwood budget sizes for testing of H, and H 2 , to improper to evidence A disturbing 8 completion importance measure, to 38 and 32, due of the of sets of ranking reducing the sample respectively. 17- Performance H, The following equation was developed for purposes of testing Hj ; Y = + 6) B 2 X + 6 Z 3 + 6„XZ (1 ) where Y is performance budgetary participation X is is a binary variable, Z and XZ (-1 for high budget emphasis C+1 for low budget emphasis participation between interaction the is budget and emphasis. Deviation scores were substituted for the raw scores on the Milani measure, The effect of this each raw score being subtracted from the overall mean. procedure is to code low participation scores positively (the smaller raw scores being subtracted from the mean) and high code to subtracted scores 'negatively (the larger raw scores being participation from This procedure allows a clearer conception of the predicted sign of Recall coefficient for the interaction term. the low budget participation/low emphasis budget emphasis combinations are both expected performance. these cases. emphasis product The The and high associated with negatively signed other two XZ, in performance each will be combinations, participation/low lower significance of the term, case. interaction will to the participation/high associated with high be positively signed in both of participation/high budget low the product be , high emphasis Hence, H hypothesis is that budget and B the that and mean). the the tested term, basic via significant departure from zero in either direction. expected are XZ, to be will be of the question examination of 8„ for For an interaction of the predicted form, however, a significant, positive B„ will be expected. -18- The results of this regression are presented INSERT TABLE 7 Table 7. in 3 V is noted HERE to be significantly positive indicating rejection of the null hypothesis in a consistent fashion with expectations. the g 3 coefficient the , for evaluative style, does not quite reach significance if p<0.C5 is set as the cut-off alpha-level. tendency for higher budget Hopwood It evaluative but [1972] contradictory to is Gtley indicating, (B 2 ), as often is participation is associated participation measure those of his study. for, a positive results of the other the on hand, suggested in with higher permits a the of Milani hypothesized, but present study that consistent with suggested that who budget constrained style. significant literature, The found (p<0.01) that higher of Milani's use results present the with only very weak support participation indicate a deemphasis on the is performance. comparison relationship between a highly is a [1978], better performance tends to be associated with Participation with result The style. suggesting however, p<0. 10, performance to be associated supervisory in significant at is and while performance. the interaction The of participation and evaluative style is important, participation alone exerts a powerful direct influence on performance. To further technique explore the nature of the was employed. interaction, the Johnson-Neyman This technique establishes a region of values for the continuous independent variable (budgetary participation) no significant differences in the dependent variable within which (performance) can be ascribed to the categorical variable (budget emphasis in evaluative style) The test makes use of the slopes and intercepts derived from . two -1 9- regressions of performance on budgetary participation, of each two categories of evaluative the style. values for this test was 23.06 to JH. H5. 7 one regression Considering participation (X=25.79) and its standard deviation the X=30. (X+0. 61 ax) 12 suggesting performance is superior in evaluative under the 3 conditions of style a deenphasis on the above 30. 13. heavy emphasis on the budget the difference between performance levels evaluative styles does not become significant until X=7 li. These results are depicted represents significant a scores participation for differences of range the in Figure in INSERT FIGURE Figure for intersection of the two curves occurs at that However, style. two (X+6. 85ox). 'under score 58o below the mean, 0. performance is significantly higher under conditions of The mean range of 7.10), this result = (o x indicates that for participation scores in excess of budget in evaluative style. derived The for 3 3. 45 The hatched area in HERE participation performance 1 can be scores within attributed which no evaluative to . What is suggested these by results is that differences performance resulting from the use of alternative evaluative styles can be far better explained when factor. In participation budgetary the particular, is undesirable introduced consequences as of an emphasis on budgets in evaluative style, suggested by Hopwood seen to be ameliorated by a a moderating a excessive [1972], are suitably high level of budgetary participation, result which may tend to explain why Otley [1978] obtained disappointing results when performance. studying the direct effects of evaluative style on - -20- Further An a lysis In order to explore the effects of the evaluative style/ participation interaction similar from sub-dimensions various the equation to the on were (1) Mahoney measure. performed of regressions performance, each for results The of of the regressions eight these sub-scales eight are summarized in Table 8. INSERT TABLE Some HERE 8 interesting results emerge from these analyses. Note, the strong effects of all three variables (evaluative style, and their provides interaction) strongest the this The true, support of any Hopwood's for in subscale This contention that adverse consequences. a It however, that participation directly affects performance on dimension, as does the participation/ evaluative style strong direct effects of participation on performance negotiating particular, participation investigating. style can directly result budget constrained is also subscale of the on in representing and worthy are of note in also. interaction. the Both areas of of these results are intuitively appealing. Job Satisfaction Equation 1 H_^ was again employed as the basis for hypothesis of interaction affecting job satisfaction. regression are presented in Table in Table 9 fail of H2 , the The results of this 9. INSERT TABLE The results shown testing to 9 HERE permit rejection of H 2 . None of the variables appear results the Hovrever., exert to any significant testing of using the produce some interesting relationships. twenty regressions employing twenty Table dependent as influence on satisfaction. job subscales MSQ the of presents the results 10 variables each the of Oi twenty subscales in regressions of the form of equation (1). INSERT TABLE • . The significant coefficients 10 HERE participation for the for dimensions of creativity, ability utilization, responsibility recognition and achievement are results which all associated facets. of with are higher satisfaction reported working conditions associated with result is similar to and co-workers. individual the reported lower a a job satisfaction result is 0.06, with co-workers. This a heavy emphasis on budgets with the consequence of increased While only one of the interaction coefficients utilization), (ability A sign test particularly conclusion of Argyris [1952] who suggested that one intra-departmental strife. direction. is budget-constrained style of evaluation in evaluation was to blame other workers, significant latter The means of relieving the pressure associated with is with being The strongest results for evaluative style involve the dimensions interesting since it suggests that is high participation surprising, not all but six are in the predicted (Siegel, [1956]) shows that the probability of this suggesting a general tendency for the interaction terms to be as predicted. Discussion The results evaluative style study of this on performance indicate is that the impact of supervisory moderated by budgetary participation, . -22- v/hich, itself exerts substantial a influence on performance. positive the area of job satisfaction, no conclusive results emerged, discussion will be confined to results. evaluative style That performance should not exerts itself Ctley explaining in therefore the consideration of the performance-related surprising. be important considerations a In this direct no pointed [1978] result. responsibility center involved was suggested as influence to First, the on several type of potential influence, and a Otley's results may have differed from Hopwocd's due to the former's use of profit center managers and the latter's use of cost center managers. degree of staff supportiveness was suggested the Otley relationship. reasoned that as second a factor affecting relationships staff-line better existed in the company from which his sample was drawn, The than in Hopwood's company Finally, Otley suggested that environmental conditions The results of the present study, possible influences on the relationship. suggesting the role of budgetary participation as can be integrated with this last represented suggestion a moderating Otley. of influence, basis The for integration is the important work of Hayes [1977] who found that accounting information was less appropriate as a control, as the exposure of the organization, environment increases. element focal or alternatively, Stated which organizational sub-units are buffered organizational sub-units of it, to the the from in greater the environmental degree to influences, the greater is the reliance which can be placed on accounting information. In the context of the slightly modified by framework Otley introduced [1978, p. by 124], Hopwood as the [1973, p. 11] exposure of and an organizational sub-unit to the external environment increases, the overlap organizational objectives between formally measured behaviors and -23- decrer.j-- c . In . Figure Hopwood's original framework is presented to 2 t, INSERT FIGURE illustrate this point. In Figure HERE represents A 4, necessary to achieve organizational H objectives, the set of behaviors the D is of behaviors set actually engaged in by an individual manager, and C formally measured by the control system. results generally suggest Hayes 1 is the set of behaviors that, with increased environmental exposure, the extent of overlap between A and C by the the decreases, many of the necessary behaviors (A) not being formal measurement system budgeting achieving a process can the measurement behaviors important desirable have system and necessary to influence can at accomplish parameters the least help to organizational behaviors which submit readily to measurement are measurement system. depicted terms) so that C, in Figure formally captured ensure that among by the only those objectives, embraced by the formal they are more completely contained within organizationally desirable the towards effects Participation can therefore assist in shifting the set of measured behaviors, A, in Through the process of participation, more complete overlap. lower-level management can Participation such circumstances. in captured systems overlap between A and of behaviors. This situation is Informal (or possibly "non-accounting" in Hopwood's 4. measurement set C, will need be developed to complete sophistication will likely be and their of environmental exposure. to a the function Participation may even contribute positively to this process. A heavy emphasis necessarily induce on budgets undesirable in evaluation consequences. will, In the therefore, not presence of a participatory budget-setting environment, individual managers can have more faith in the propriety of budgeted behaviors by measured the formal targets, system even smaller is behaviors necessary to accomplish organizational of the informal measurement system developed of behaviors will determine behavior, B, will merge therefore affect with A difference the extent the and environments generally reducing the which, this could itself, size enlarged be participation differential, achieving an overlap between them, Generally, 4. system, heavy focus particularly budgets, environmental However a conditions, as C, more evaluation probably as a the on turbulent Irrespective Otley participation will help to legitimize formal and this in of Figure measurement in turbulent confirmed by focus A, means of critical appropriate less by suggested will relative to the size of C serve can all success conditions such as the overlap depicted in is and A circumstance. such in The of of which individual manager of of set the set capture the remaining set Environmental sizes size than objectives. to to C. in resulting the if Hayes. by assisting in the elimination from the formal measurement system of both behaviors which do not submit readily to measureement while readily measurable by the system and behaviors which, are not consistent with those behaviors necessary , to accomplish organizational objectives. The implications of the present study should, however, be tempered by a consideration of its as with mention. First, evidence, caution must be causation. and, be in In weaknesses, and limitations any study which exercised to focuses avoid on and several deserve purely correlational overly strong statements of particular, the direction of causation remains problematical the area of leadership style, especially guarded. While most statements of causal direction must studies in the area implicitly view s style of leadership dependent as variables independent an performance as are variable directional linkage might be conceivable. that feasible luxury of highly-performing a one type leadership of standard performance might command not unnoticed gone Kipnis, question are to found, be style, while unit Both former reverse entirely is permit experiencing sub- (Goodstadt statements [1976]) the This issue has empirical (Ritchie, such on ? will unit a it quite different style. a literature. the interest, other words, In organizational non-empirical and [1970]) the in research of effects whose specifically showing that on and the effective work groups will elicit generally supportive behavior from superiors v/hile effective less offers will the generate supportive further some interpreted, groups implicatiton of close supervision. evidence this this on psint Hopwood Strictly point. survey that is [1974] evidence generally confines the researcher to statements of association rather than of causation. It is the strength of the underlying theoretical foundations which must provide the basis for causal conclusions. Second, as with almost all instrumentation is invariably crude. budgetary participation measurement Milani issues measure remains concerned. are (refer an to Table 2) survey In area The research, measurement the the context of the present paper, in need structure factor suggests attention of construct a as inherent which is far in as the multi- dimensional, and admittedly little is known about its properties. Hopwood' measure of evaluative style is also problematical. criticism elicited by Hopwood' s 1972 paper (see Kahn Third single it should corporation be and noted the that the present generalizability considered with this limitation in mind. of This was , a principal [1972]). sample the was drawn results from should a be -2 6- Finally, reserach Further role the along omitted of this line variables enquiry should would not well do overlooked. be to specifically incorporate the environmental characteristics suggested above, and by both Otley and Hayes, to be important determinants of the relative importance of accounting included information in evaluation. in Structural variables might also be future research to pursue the question of the appropriate role of accounting information in the types of responsibility centers. evaluation Recall performance of in different the discussion of from Table 1 that an emerging tendency appears to be that accounting information is more important in the evaluation of profit centers than of cost centers. The pursuit of variables at a knowledge of the nature of the different levels of analysis, interactions between effects their and on organizational criteria of importance will vastly improve our understanding of the complex of factors which impact on the effectiveness of different types of managerial participation, the This controls. the has shown that interaction having above discussion has suggested the style, an interpersonal-level important effects on need to performance. impact of the wider dimensions of control on organizational effectiveness. The incorporate variables from the organizational and environmental levels of analysis as well, fully explore the budgetary perception of which is an individual phenomenon, interacts with supervisory evaluative variable, study so as to more system design -27- FOOTNQTES 1. A Review of this literature would is tangential to purpose the should see Kerr, et al [ 1 . the c'f 97 ^ ] not only be inordinately lengthy but Interested readers present paper. for a comprehensive review, specifically dealing with the consideration and initiation of structure dimensions. 2. The other six criteria were job-effort, concern with quality, ability to attitude handle men, toward work company, and co-worker relationships and collegial cooperation. 3. Milani's original of use the measure incorporated set a of 61 -point Likert scales. 1. "Halo error" is the tendency to evaluate "globally", or, in other words, to evaluate on only one cognitive dimension. A intercorrelation high among separate dimensions is evidence of halo error. 5. sub-dimensions eight The are investigating, planning, co-ordinating, evaluating, supervising, staffing, negotiating and representing. 6. See for example, 7. It is and from Kerlinger and Pedhazur [1973, pp. 256-258]. not necessary to intercepts the importance group regression ( ie Y =-«, + 6 where and 6j = p 6 = g 2 these two each can be derived for multiple perform from equation the (1). For , - 2 - B„ 6 high 3 Yi + Y2X where xi = 6, + Y = 6 + 8, 2 the P 3 ) slopes produced X = 2 the coefficients while for the low budget importance group (ie. when Z=+l Y since when Z=-1) we have: . 2 in regressions we have: budget -28- TABLE 1 PERCENTAGES CF RESPONDENTS PERCEIVING EACH EVALUATIVE STYLE Sample >0_ TABLE 2 ROTATED FACTOR LOADINGS FROM MILANI MEASURE Factor Item 1 1 Factor 2 -JO- TABLE 3 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS FOR MILANI MEASURE Mean -31- TABLE 4 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS FOR MAKCNEY MEASURE Dimension -32- TABLE 5 HOYT ANALYSIS CF VARIANCE RELIABILITY COEFFICIENTS FOR THREE SAMPLES OF MSQ RESPONDENTS Present Subscale Other 27 Norm TABLE 6 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS FROM MSQ ADMINISTRATION 3ub Scale -34- TABLE 7 RESULTS CF REGRESSION - HYPOTHESIS TEST H x Coefficient • .. TABLE S RESULTS OF REGRESSIONS USING PERFORMANCE SUBSCALES •5 0- TABLE 9 RESULTS CF REGRESSION - HYPOTHESIS TEST H Coefficient ; •37- TADLE 10 RESULTS OF REGRESSIONS USING SATISFACTION SUBSCALES Dimension o —1 -ju- + T \ o -JL O/ B (a) (b) FIGURE 1 -39- Super.ior 0-- (a) (b) FIGURE 2 -40— Budget-Constrained or Budget-Profit Style Performance _ 23.06 30. Profit-Conscious or Non-Accounting Style 74. H5 13 Participation FIGURE 3 RESULTS OF J0HNS0N-NEYMAN TEST -41- ORGANIZATIONAL PURPOSES FORMAL MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES SYSTEM OF ORGANIZATION/-. L REWARDS ± SUBORDINATE MANAGER'S GOALS FIGURE 4 THE MEASUREMENT -REWARD PROCESS f" -4 2- REFERENCES Argyris, C, The Impact of Budgets on People (Ithaca: School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University, Eavelas, 1952). "Coinnunication Patterns in Task -Oriented Groups," Journal A. of The Acoustical Society of America (1950) pp. 725-730. Eruns, W.J. and J.K. 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STREET MASS. HD28M414 no.1174- no. 1165- 80 McKersie, Robe/Change and continuity HD28.M414 P*BKS 741433 740979 QO.1323.79 001 TOflO 3 Brownell. 630 TTc? 3 . 80 Pete/Leadership behavior, bu MRKS. ^OflO 001 T15 HD28.M414 no.1167- 80 Rockart. John /Executive 'formation .P.lBKS 741452 3 Q.Q.1? 657.5..... . Toao 002 042 fl?4 , TOflO 004 3 HD28.M414 no. 1 188- 80 MM HD28.M414 no budget in 002 001 TOflO 1 / 5Z7 b41 Brownell, Pete/Participation 74095 ,^-)-^0 193 169- 07fl 80 Brownell, Pete/Participation in budget Ige 001"" 76 D^BKS 740976.. P.*.BKS 05 io^-'^O 3 003 QT1 T53 TOflO HD28.M414 no. 11 70- 80 Pete/The effects of personal D*BKS. 001323 Brownell, 740974.. 3 TOflO 001 TTr3 HD28.M414 no 1 171 - 80 Brownell, Pete/The role of D*BKS 740972 3 Brownell. no. 1172 Pete/Participation 0*BKS 740970 ' """ 'I 3 accounting 00132371 001 =H2 b<H TOflO HD28.M414 III I bbS lllll TOflO "'" """ in bu the 00132372 '"'"* '"" »" 001 115 71S HD28.M414 no. 11 73- 80 SWJfUS"' p e'e/lmproving the mformati 001326'" 740988... P.*BKS 3 TOflO 001 TTS Tfll 0QJ3.2.6R9 \<*SS^ flOT