Writing for Human Rights Secondary Schools Essay Competition Schools Information Kit

The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
The 2011 Writing for Human Rights
Secondary Schools Essay Competition
“Social media is free speech gone mad“
Schools Information Kit
The annual Castan Centre Writing for Human Rights essay competition gives year 10, 11
and 12 students the chance to learn about human rights by highlighting controversial current
issues. This kit will give you some hints for writing an essay for this year’s competition.
What is the Essay Topic?
Social media is free speech gone mad
What do you mean by social media?
Social media is internet-based media that is used for social interaction. Examples of social
media include social networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace and Twitter, virtual worlds
such as Second Life and Sims, and blogs such as LiveJournal and Blogger.
There have been suggestions that social media platforms, in particular Facebook, Twitter
and YouTube, were instrumental in the recent Arab uprisings in Egypt and Libya, by
enabling protesters to communicate with one another and the world.
Social media has also been criticised, however, because it enables individuals to make
inappropriate and damaging comments without limitation. Cyber bullying is a problem that is
often cited as a negative consequence of social media platforms.
What is free speech?
Free speech, sometimes called freedom of expression, is the right to express oneself without
censorship or punishment. However, not all speech is protected. For example, defaming
another person’s reputation is against the law in Australia.
How is free speech protected in Australia?
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression under Article 19(2) of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Australia ratified the ICCPR in 1972 and it
came into force in 1980. Nevertheless, Article 19 has not been enshrined in Australian law
and is therefore not enforceable here. However, the High Court has found an implied
freedom of political speech in the Constitution due to its necessity for the proper operation of
democracy. This right, however, is limited because it only applies to speech made for the
purpose of political communication. Section 15 of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and
Responsibilities Act 2006 (the “Charter”) also provides protection of freedom of expression,
though this right has its limitations under the Charter.
What are Human Rights?
All people have human rights, regardless of where they are or what they have done in their
past. Many human rights are protected in Victoria by the Victorian Charter. The Charter
protects the rights to life, privacy and freedom of expression among others. A more detailed
explanation of the Charter and human rights is included in Part 2 of this kit.
Part 1 – Recent examples of free speech through social media
As you might expect, not everything can be said freely and without consequence in
Australia. For example, defamation, threats of violence, blackmail and sexual harassment
are illegal. Although most people would agree that free speech is important, there is much
debate about whether and how free speech should be limited.
Social media platforms have added a new dimension to this debate by making it easier for
individuals to express their opinions while remaining anonymous. Some people would
suggest that social media is too unrestricted and that free speech on the internet should be
Below are some recent examples of how free speech has been exercised through social
media platforms, with both positive and negative consequences.
Bullying and violence
A young boy named Casey became an instant Facebook hero after a video of him body
slamming a bully in a Sydney school was uploaded onto the internet. In the video a boy hits
Casey repeatedly, with other school children watching and filming the fight, until Casey
slams the boy into the ground. After the video was uploaded onto YouTube, a page in
support of Casey was created on Facebook that now has 223,000 likes.
Some supporters of Casey’s actions claim that he has inspired other young people to take a
stand against bullies and suggest that Casey should be commended for his bravery. Others
argue that the spread of the video online only legitimises physical violence and does not
combat the problem of bullying.
Should this sort of free speech be limited? Is it sending the wrong message?
Can you think of another example of violence you have seen via social media?
Cyber Bullying
In 2006,a 13 year old girl named Megan committed suicide after receiving mean messages
from a boy she had become friends with through MySpace. The boy’s account, however,
had actually been set up by the mother of one of the girl’s friends. While their exchanges
started off friendly, their tone changed with the boy accusing Megan of being mean to her
friends with the last message sent saying “You are a bad person and everybody hates you.
Have a bad rest of your life. The world would be a better place without you.” Megan
committed suicide and was found 20 minutes after she received the message. Recently,
Blake Rice, the brother of the Queensland flood hero Jordan Rice, was bullied and bashed
by other youths who later set up a Facebook page entitled ‘We bashed Blake Rice’.
Does social media just magnify the playground and make it easier for kids to be humiliated in
public? Does social media make it easier to anonymously post offensive things about
Can you think of another example of cyber bullying via social media?
Facebook Parties
A New South Wales teen had to contact the police after her Facebook birthday party
invitation went viral with almost 200,000 people replying that they would attend. She was
bombarded with phone calls and text messages from strangers after the information was
made public through the invite.
Is social media too public? Does it make it easy for “bad elements” to cause trouble by
finding out about events?
Have you ever seen private information become public via social media?
A lawless environment
A 16 year old schoolgirl posted naked and semi-naked photos of two St Kilda footballers on
the internet. The situation received great publicity over the internet and in the mainstream
media. A court stopped the media from publishing the girl’s identify to protect her, but
anyone could go online and find her name through Facebook, YouTube or Twitter in a matter
of minutes. The media was also prevented from publishing photographs of St Kilda players
that she had uploaded via Twitter, which could also be found using a standard google
Is it too difficult to police social media?
Offensive comments and vilification
The St Kilda Schoolgirl generated enormous interest in her story but she was not able to
control the fallout, and she was vilified by many people. Every day, people are subjected to
extreme vilification on social media. For example, a search of any offensive term on Twitter
will reveal a tweet every few seconds using that word. Indeed, in 2010, Facebook removed
the group ‘Kevin Rudd = EPIC FAIL’ yet a quick search on Facebook in 2011 comes up with
the group ‘Tony Abbott is a F*%#wit’.
Do you think that offensive speech needs to be policed and banned where appropriate on
social media?
Can you think of another public figure subjected to widespread abuse via social media?
Employers firing staff over Facebook comments
There have been a number of cases where employees are fired over comments or photos
they have posted on their Facebook pages. In the USA, a woman was fired for criticising her
boss on Facebook, while a teacher was forced to resign after she posted a picture of herself
holding a glass of wine while on a trip in Europe. Increasingly employers will research your
Facebook page and other comments you have made though Twitter before deciding whether
to hire you or not.
Should you be able to post comments and photos on Facebook without having to worry
about losing your job? Is it really appropriate for employers to monitor what their employees
say and do on Facebook?
Do you know of anyone who got into trouble at work because of their social media activities?
Arab revolutions
The recent revolutions in Egypt and Libya relied on social media platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to mobilise individuals and share information with the
outside world. In Tunisia, the government attempted unsuccessfully to block internet sites to
prevent protesters from communicating with each other and organising the revolt.
Advocates of social media suggest that its use during the Arab revolutions demonstrates the
ability of social media platforms to enable oppressed societies to challenge authoritarian
governments and create social change. Others argue that the role of social media in the
revolutions has been exaggerated.
Can social media advance free speech in countries with oppressive governments?
What do you know about the use of social media in the Middle East protest movements?
Awareness raising campaigns
Social Media websites are increasingly being used in awareness raising campaigns. These
causes range from issues such as HIV/AIDS and poverty reduction to workplace safety and
anti-discrimination campaigns. From the creation of videos on YouTube, to Twitter-based
fundraising efforts, NGOs and other community organisations are starting to expand their
use of social media to help campaign for various causes. In the US, people can even make
cash donations to their favourite charity through Facebook as well as via text message. Just
hours after the earthquake struck Haiti, a tweet told followers how to donate to the
earthquake relief by sending a text message. Within 24 hours, over $800,000 had been
raised though text message donations.
Is social media a good avenue though which to fundraise and raise awareness of important
issues? Or are other alternative mechanisms more appropriate? Will people become
desensitized by these campaigns?
Have you ever been involved in an awareness raising or fundraising campaign via social
Alternative news sources
Social media can also be an alternative source of news information. When mainstream
media outlets go down, or appear to be biased, readers can turn to social media to get a
different account of what is happening. Likewise it has enabled amateur journalists to gain
exposure that they would not otherwise have been able to gain though the mainstream
media. Now, due to social media outlets, anyone can be an amateur journalist, posting news
items and commentary on events. During the Arab revolutions the mainstream media
received much of its information from amateur journalists on the ground. You no longer need
work for one of the big media outlets to have an impact.
Does this lead to a lower standard of reporting given that the amateur journalists may not be
required to fact check his or her story in the same way a mainstream journalist would? Has it
created a broader range of news and views?
Do you get news and opinions from non-traditional news sources?
Government services
In the aftermath of the bush fires in Victoria, the government started utilising text message
updates to inform people of potential bush fire hazards. The ubiquitous nature of mobile
phones meant this information could be sent to the public quickly. You did not need to be
sitting by a TV in order to be made aware of danger spots.
Is the government’s use of text message and other social media technology a benefit for the
public? Or will the government use this new technology to bombard us with advertising and
marketing information?
Have you ever received a public information message via social media?
Part 2 – Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Australia is the only western democracy without a national bill of rights, however Victoria has
the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (the “Charter”). The Australian
Capital Territory has the Human Rights Act 2004, and several states are considering
introducing similar legislation.
Where Do the Rights in the Charter Come from?
The first major international human rights document was the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, which was made by the United Nations after World War II. It was then divided into
two binding treaties, which have been ratified by most of the world’s nations, including
Australia. They are:
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which protects rights
such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the right to life.
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which
protects rights such as the rights to education, health and work.
The Charter is modelled on the ICCPR, however it has modified or excluded some
controversial rights. For example, the Charter does not apply to abortion laws, and the right
of self-determination is not included. The Charter does not include ICESCR rights.
How Does the Charter Work?
Public authorities: the Charter prohibits government authorities (known as “public
authorities”, for example government departments, local councils, police officers) from
violating human rights. This requirement will help to instil a “culture” of respect for human
rights into public bodies.
Individual rights: the Charter is not designed to encourage law suits, so people cannot sue
someone for a breach of their rights. However, if they are suing a public authority for
breaching some other law, they can also argue that the authority has breached their rights.
New legislation: the government must state whether each new law complies with the Charter
when it introduces the law to Parliament. The government can still pass legislation if it is not
compatible with the Charter, and it only needs to explain why it is doing so. The intention is
that the law will encourage the government to respect human rights because it will be
reluctant to admit that it is passing a law which violates human rights.
Human rights in the courts: the Supreme Court can declare that a law does not comply with
the Charter, but this does not make the law invalid. After the court makes such a declaration,
the government must respond in Parliament, but it does not have to change the law if it does
not want to. Courts must also interpret laws so that they are compatible with human rights,
where possible.
Free Speech in the Charter
Section 15 of the Charter is entitled ‘Freedom of Expression’ and espouses the right to
freedom of expression, limited by reasonable restrictions to respect the rights and reputation
of other persons and the protection of national security, public order, public health or public
Part 3 – Writing Your Essay
What Should I Focus on in My Essay?
The point of your essay should be to explore whether restrictions should be placed on free
speech expressed in social media platforms and if so, which restrictions. Some people
believe that people should be able to say and write anything they like, whilst others are of
the opinion that it is better for society at large if the right to free speech is limited to ensure
other human rights are upheld. By considering what is best for society, you will be able to
decide if free speech in social media should be restricted and to what extent.
Do I Need to Mention Specific Human Rights?
This topic is mainly about the right to freedom of speech, sometimes called the right to
freedom of expression. Be sure to discuss this right in your essay. You may also want to
discuss any competing human rights, such as the right to privacy.
Do I Need to Mention the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act?
No. You may wish to discuss laws introduced by the federal government, other state
governments or local governments outside of Victoria. None of these governments are
covered by the Charter which only operates in Victoria.
It is enough to know that human rights are recognised in many different ways: for example,
by international treaties and by domestic laws such as the Charter. At the federal level in
Australia there is no human rights charter, although many rights are protected in other laws
and a committee appointed by the Federal Government recently recommended that one be
What Resources Should I Use?
This guide gives you a brief introduction to the arguments surrounding free speech in social
media. You’ll have to do some of your own research on the issue, and there are lots of
interesting and informative websites out there that can help you.
Some Resources for This Topic
http://www.aph.gov.au/LIBRARY/pubs/rn/2001-02/02rn42.htm is a Research Note on
Free Speech and the Constitution on the Parliament of Australia website
http://castancentre.wordpress.com/2010/11/28/defamation-Twitter-and-free-speech/ is a
blog entry by Sarah Joseph entitled, ‘Defamation, Twitter and Free Speech’
Useful General Internet Resources
www.lawstuff.org.au is a simple, easy to understand site for young people.
www.youthlaw.asn.au/legalinfo/Charter-Rights-Resp.pdf is a fact sheet on the Charter.
www.youthforhumanrights.org.au/ has general information on human rights.
www.justice.vic.gov.au/humanrights is the Victorian government’s human rights website.
www.equalopportunitycommission.vic.gov.au/home.asp is the Victorian Equal
Opportunity and Human Rights Commission site.
www.un.org/rights/ is the United Nations human rights page.
www2.ohchr.org/english/law/ccpr.htm is the International Covenant on Civil & Political
http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/cescr.htm is the International Covenant on Economic
Social and Cultural Rights.
www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_act/cohrara2006433/ is The Charter.
When preparing your essay, you should only use credible resources such as books,
magazines, newspapers and similar online resources. Although open source sites such as
Wikipedia are good for background information, you should not rely on them. You should
also avoid sites such as weblogs.
We do not expect you to have lots of footnotes, however if you make a statement of fact,
then you should insert a footnote containing the source from which you found the
information, following this example: “police seized photographs from the Roslyn Oxley
Michael Pelly “Artist Bill Henson Escapes Obscenity Charge” The Australian, 6 June 2008.
Part 4 – Competition Guidelines
Essay Guidelines
Students must meet the following guidelines:
Essays must be written by a single year 10, 11 or 12 Victorian school student
Essays must be between 750 and 1000 words
Essays must be typed with a font no less than 10 point
Essays must be double spaced
Essays must be the original work of the submitting student
Only one essay may be submitted per student
If using or citing sources such as books, journals, newspapers and websites, essays
should be correctly referenced
Applications must include the name of a nominating teacher from your school
Prizes and judging
Short-listed essays will be assessed by a panel of judges from the Castan Centre for Human
Rights Law.
1st prize: The new iPad 2 (64gb with wifi/3G)
Two runner’s up will each receive a the new iPad 2 (32gb with wifi/3G)
The winning essay will also be published in the Castan Centre’s semi-annual newsletter.
Award Ceremony and the Great Law Week Debate
The Essay competition will be officially launched during the Great Law Week Debate, on 18
May 2011 from 6-7:30pm. The debate will be held at the BMW Edge, in Federation Square,
We encourage students to attend the debate where they will see esteemed members of the
legal community, in this often humorous debate, address the same topic as the essay
competition. Please rsvp for the debate by Friday 13 May to marketing@law.monash.edu.au
or 03 9905 2630.
Winners, their families and nominated teachers will be invited to attend the awards
ceremony to be held during the Monash University Education Matters week, tentatively
scheduled for the third week of September. More details about the awards ceremony will be
available on the competition website.
Submission process and deadline
Essays must be submitted by 5pm on 27 June 2011.
Essays must be accompanied by an official application form available on the website
at www.law.monash.edu.au/castancentre/cc-human-writes and sent to:
Human Rights Essay Competition
Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
Building 12
Monash University, Vic 3800
Or emailed to castan.centre@monash.edu
Contacts and Other Information
The Competition Website
The Website contains downloadable copies of this kit and the entry form, and other
Competition Inquiries
Erica Contini
Project Officer
Phone: (03) 9905 3318
Email: erica.contini@monash.edu
The Castan Centre
Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
Building 12
Monash University Vic 3800
Phone: (03) 9905 3327
Email: castan.centre@monash.edu
Web: www.law.monash.edu.au