HD28 .M414 8'^ |OCT 191989 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT "A Product Design Problem in Semiconductor Manufacturing" Florin Avram and Lawrence M. Wein NOT Sloan School Working Paper #3075-89-MS August 1989 MASSACHUSETTS TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 INSTITUTE OF "A Product Design Problem in Semiconductor Manufacturing" Florin Avram and Lawrence M. Wein MIT Sloan School Working Paper August 1989 #3075-89-MS OCT 1 9 1989 A PRODUCT DESIGN PROBLEM IN SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING Florin Avrani Department of Mathematics, Northeastern University and Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. Abstract We consider the product design problem of allocating the chip sites on a semiconduc- tor wafer to various types of chips. in sets (a specified facility is to number maximize the average production rate a reliable fashion. A facility sells chips to its of several different types of chips), rication process, in particular sign, The manufacturing random yield, poses stochastic analysis and to measure the improvement traditional single-type wcifer. The in is of sets. customers and the objective of the Variabilitj' in the wafer fab- a major obstacle in producing sets employed to develop an in effective wafer de- performance of the multi-type wafer over the analysis reveals that multi-type wafers regularize the production flow of non-defective chips of each type and cause these flows to be positively correlated, both of which help to improve performance. A numerical example that illustrates the analysis and demonstrates the design's effectiveness. August 1989 is provided A PRODUCT DESIGN PROBLEM IN SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING Florin Avrani Department of Mathematics, Northeastern University and Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. It is well-known that reducing variability in mance. Some of the conventional waj's to reduce production systems will increase perfor- variability include the reduction of set-up times, greater use of preventive maintenance in lieu of lengthy machine breakdowns, the regulation of job releases, the cross-training of personnel, and the use of statistical process control. This paper provides an example from the semiconductor industry where the design of the product can also reduce variability, and hence improve performance. The key step in semiconductor manufacturing is wafer fabrication, which consists of the production of disc-like wafers about four to six inches in diameter. the wafer is same surface of partitioned into chip sites in a grid-like fashion, and each wafer typically has between 20 and several hundred the The type. Such wafers technological developments will is Traditionally, all chips on a given wafer are of be referred to as single-type wafers. now permit same wafer. This development allocate the chip sites chips. different types of chips to However, recent be produced on the the catalyst for the wafer design problem: on a wafer to the various types of chips. The how does one resulting wafer will be referred to as a multi-type wafer. This paper addresses two issues concerning the wafer design problem. The is to find an effective design for a multi-type wafer, improvement in performance a multi-type wafer 1 and the second is to assess first issue how much offers over a single-type wafer. In order to define the performance measure used environment of the particular this environment analysis is in this paper, facility that we will first describe the manufacturing motivated this study; however, we believe that typical of large semiconductor manufacturers. Moreover, although the stimulated by a specific industry, some of our results apply to more genreal is production settings. Because of the complexity of the technology and the fast-changing nature of the semiconductor industry, the yield of non-defective chips in wafer fabrication can be low and very erratic. Average yield rates can vary from several percent up to eighty or ninety percent, dependiivj; r,poT; ^lie m.'3t'tnty on wafers, and wafers are produced and fifty. and complexity in lots, of <:he product. where the lot Chio'^ pvc size is typically made between five In this paper, three different possibihties for producing defective chips will be explicitly considered: an entire lot can be defective, an entire wafer in a non-defective lot can be defective, and finally an individual chip on a non-defective wafer can be defective. As will site be described in Section 1, the yield of a particular chip type in a particular chip depends upon both the location of the chip In the site on the wafer and on the type manufacturing environment under study, customers order chips a set of chips consists of a specified our particular application, a number set of chips are of chip. in sets, where of chips for each of several chip types. In required to build a circuit board, and thus the customers are unable to assemble a circuit board until they receive a set of chips. The variability in yield described in the previous paragraph makes manufacturer to provide reliable delivery performance to The wafer fabrication facihty, or fab, queues (see Kelly [4]), and the is its modeled here as ol>jective of the design it difficult for the chip customers. a problem network of quasi-reversible is to maximize the long-run expected average number of non-defective sets produced by the wafer fab. This objective will get the sets of chips to the which is customers faster and an overriding objective in the turing facility under consideration will hence increase customer service, semiconductor industry. The particular manufac- makes chips 2 for several types of boards; however, in order to gain insight into the natvire of the problem, one multi-type wafer for use in we restrict our analysis to designing assembling one type of board. In order to produce a wafer of a particular design using traditional photolithographic equipment, a mask set for a particular design is Therefore, the chip be produced that dictates the circuitry design that first A mask appear on the wafer. set. must on the order of $20,000, and thus once a mask set costs produced, desirable to produce it is problem described site allocation problem, as opposed to a dynamic control problem. the lithographic process, then there is still mask sets ar-r design in this way in is K electron beam truly a static design machines are used in problem being considered by the designers each of several hundred Instead, it site. The main is to constraint that restricts the not technological in nature, but informational. To keep track of which in a constructive way, is sites on a wafer (and then to use such as for process control) more is Our considered too large an informational analysis remains essentially allocates chip sites or rows to the chip types, problem as one of allocating chip sites. and we will is in each of unchanged whether one continue to refer to the design To summarize, the problem considered to allocate the chip sites (to various chip types) on a wafer that in a highly stochastic this information desirable to just keep track of which chip type ten or twenty rows on a wafer. is is not necessary for wafer production. However, allocate the rows of a wafer to a particular chip burden. earlier mask wafers with that decision has been described as one of allocating the chip sites on a wafer to the various chip types. Currently, the is many set the need in this case for a simple and effective mechanism to design the wafers. The design chip type will is in this paper to be mass-produced environment (a network of queues with three manners of defects) with the objective of maximizing the long-run expected average number of non-defective sets produced. This appears to be the first process flow of finished goods. our knowledge is Singh et al. study that has related the design of a product to the The only paper [5]. They related to the wafer design problem to allocate the chip sites of a single wafer 3 among cliip types in order to maximize the probability that a non-defective set can be produced from one wafer. Unlike our study, they assume that the yield of a chip type is a Bernoulli location. number random They variable that depends only on the chip type how also determine of wafers produced is in a chip site and not on the site the probability of completing a set increases as the increased. Although the design derived there may maximize the probability of obtaining a single set from a single (or several) wafers, the resulting wafer, if mass-produced, may not be effective in the long-run because each chip type may not be produced (after accounting for defectives) in the same proportions a^ the demand. Consic'^ifir^ the cost involving ir for the making a mask ^et. and the fac; that the lnne-n.ir; computer boards appears to be steady, the long-term view demand more appropriate is for our setting. A deterministic analysis that considers only long-run averages is employed in Section 2 to address the wafer design problem. There are two cases to analyze, depending assumption made with regard to yield of wafers on a Let chip. fi^k upon the equal the probability that a type k chip allocated to site 5 on a non-defective wafer will be non-defective. there exists positive k. numbers Cg and ^i^ such that //jj. = Cgfj^ for all sites 5 H and types then the yield will be called multiplicative; otherwise, the yield will be referred to as non-multiplicative. Although the yield was thought to be multiplicative in our setting, know of no published data analysis that addresses this issue. The wafer design problem variable Xgk is is the fraction of site formulated as a hnear program in Section s 2; the decision devoted to type k chips; thus, the integrality constraint that each site consists of a single chip that The we of a single type is zero-one constrained version of the proposed LP is ignored in our formulation. will lead to an effective and feasible wafer design; however, ignoring this integrality constraint allows for a tractable stochastic analysis. Since there are typically many more sites than chip types, very few of the optimal Xak variables will have values other than zero or one. Thus, the performance of the integer and non-integer solutions will be very close, 4 and the LP solution could be implemented directly for the row allocation problem currently under consideration, without the fear of causing an information "explosion". The results of the deterministic analysis are the following: under multiplicative yield (non-multiplicative, respectively) the multi-type wafer will perform the same as (better than, respectively) the traditional single-type case (under the appropriate mix of wafers entering the fab). Furthermore, imder multiplicative yield, there are mal designs. Thus, under the multiplicative yield assumption that practice, the naive deterministic analysis cannot distinguish designs, or between the best iriulti-type wafer A stochastic analysis is employed number random yield. of non-defective sets completed for renewal processes is A We Slepian inequality (see Slepian minimum account the variability derive the point process up to time i for an arbitrarily- In each case, the central Hmit used to reduce the asymptotic (as point process to the analysis of the possible wafer singlf'-type wafer. designed multi-type wafer and for the single-type wafer. theorem possible opti- believed to hold in is among many in Section 3 that takes into inherent in the queueing network and in the that counts the and the many of a multivariate t -^ oo) analysis of the normal random variable. then employed to show that a particular multi- [6]) is type wafer will perform better than the single-type wafer, and to give sufficient conditions under wliich one multi-type wafer design condition is will identify used to develop a surrogate objective function for the an effective wafer design. production up to time proportional to The dominate another design. This dominance will t We also show that the LP in Section 2 that difference in cumulative set between a multi-type policy and the single type policy is directly \/i. stochastic analysis shows that duced, and hence to maximize the if one wants to maximize the number of sets pro- minimum of a multivariate normal, it is desirable to have the covariance matrix of the multivariate normal contain large off-diagonal elements (that is, positive correlation among the elements) and small diagonal elements. Under the traditional single-type wafer policy, the resulting departure streams of non-defective chips 5 of each type are independent and thus the covariance matrix has zeroes on the ofF-diagonal, whereas the muUi-type wafer leads to a covariance matrix that has positive ofF-diagonal The reason elements. for the positive correlation is that entire wafers and wafers can be defective. Furthermore, the single-type wafer policy leads to entire lots of much lumpier departure streams of non-defective chips of each type (departures of a particular type occur whenever a non-defective lot of wafers of that type exits the fab) than under the multi- type wafer pohcy (where each non-defective wafer of each non-defective some non-defective chips of each type), lot may contain and hence the corresponding covariance matrix has larger diagona' elements. In addition to offering an effective multi-type wafer design, the stochastic analysis developed in Section 3 can also be used to plan production. the algorithm of Clark correlated) mean to approximate the [2] normal random of the In particular, one can use minimum of a set of (possibly variables. This will allow the production planner to predict the cumulative production of sets as a function of the rate at which into the fab. Thus, a simple one-dimensional search can lots of wafers are released be used to find the appropriate rate of lot releases that will attain a specified average output rate of sets. A naive deterministic analysis of the production rate, which uses only average yields, ignores the time that completed cliips wait to form sets, and hence overestimates the production rate of sets for a given input rate, thereby leading to tool is poor customer not specific to the problem at hand. variable yield that can be modeled service. This production planning For any stochastic production system with as a quasi-reversible network of queues, we can estimate the cumulative production of sets as a fiuiction of the start rate of individual units that make up the set. In Section 4. a numerical study is undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the proposed multi-type wafer design and meas\ire The numerical example its relative assimies that yield is advantage over the single-type wafer. multiphcative, and a simulation model is used to measure the production rate of sets for the single-type policy and several multi6 type policies. The numerical results show that, after roughly 70,000 sets were completed, the single-type policy had only produced SS.7% of the naive deterministic estimate of the production rate, whereas the proposed multi-type design had produced 98.6% of the Other multi-type deterministic production rate. policies among deterministic production rate, axid thus choosing produced the solutions to the Slepian inequality has only a marginal effect on performance. analysis did provide an accurate estimate (typically within 2 of the observed cumulative production in the single-type stochastic analysis is at over 96% of the LP via the However, the stochastic — 3% of the simulated values) and multi-type Thus the cases. impact of a multi-type wafer design a useful tool to assess the relative and to plan production under any wafer design. It interesting to contrast the results of the detenninistic is Although the naive deterministic analysis yield case, it is offers an more importantly, analysis. effective design in the non-multiplicative not detailed enough to distinguish multiplicative yield case and, and stochastic is among many competing designs in the imable to detect the large difference in performance that exists between the single-type and multi-type wafers. Thus, although the deterministic analysis of yields can be useful, performed here remdom will urge rest it is our hope that the stochastic analysis archers and practitioners to delve deeper into the problems of yields in manufacturing, as opposed to only analyzing yields in terms of long-run averages. of 1. The Model A wafer consists of n-i type wafer fab 1 is chips, 772 S chip sites, indexed by type 2 chips,..., and rtj^- 5 = 1, ..., S, and a type A' chips. set of chips is As mentioned being modeled as an open network of quasi- reversible queues. composed earlier, the We assume that the network possesses a stationary distribution (which amounts to assuming that the network is not loaded stationary distribution. up to or The beyond its capacity), and that it is initialized with its individual customers in the queueing system represent a lot 7 of wafers, and the nodes particular, of the queueing network represent the workcenters in the fab. In assumes that, under a multi-type tiiis policy, lots of multi-type wafers (all of which have the same design) arrive to the queueing system according to a Poisson process with rate A. For the single-type pohcy, type k have lots (i.e., lots consisting of wafers that only type k chips on them) arrive according to independent Poisson processes with rate fk\, for k we = 1, ..., A', where fk is the fraction of lots that are of type derive the fraction fk that causes the average produced to be will be assumed in the f-'^r same number k. In the next section of non-defective type k chips This mix of entering relative proportions as ni,...,n/\-. the basis of comparison, and the resulting production policy lots Vv-ill be referred to as the single- type policy. Readers are referred to Chapter 3 of Kelly [4] for a definition works of quasi-reversible queues. One possible scenario number of identical machines, the machines at each workcenter have the each workcenter. FCFS and same exponential (first-come first-served) For the single-type policy, type k lots have their terministic route through the workcenters of the fab, of net- that each workcenter consists of a is processing time distribution, and individual lots are served at and examples own arbitrary de- for the multi-type wafer policy, all lots have the same arbitrary deterministic route through the fab. As Section 3, will be seen in the only performance measures of the queueing network that are required in our study are the various departure processes. For both the single-type and multi-type policies, wafers is service, defective with probability all independent of will all be assumed that each other and routing information. This type of defect can occur s£ an oven, wafers, 5, it where the entire and a wafer lot is processed at once. in a non-defective lot other wafers in the lot. Tliis is Each lots, at a and lot of of the arrival, batch operation, such lot consists of L identical defective with probability p, independent of type of defect can occur when wafer- by- wafer operations are performed. Let Y'ak be a random variable that takes on the value of one if a type k chip allocated to site s of a non-defective wafer (When non-defective, and takes on the value of zero otherwise. considering the problem of allocating rows of wafers, the variable values larger than one.) Hsk and respectively. (7^1^, independent for defective chips The random where is = fik Friedman = 5 Then the expected value and variance of It will 1,...,S Y^i; will be given by and k = 1,..., A'. Let Y^ = 5Z,=i ^sk be the number of non- on a non-defective type k wafer (a wafer consisting only of type k X]^_j //»*: and al = example) have for X^,=i ^Ik- Many and studies (see Stapper cr^, [8] chips). respectively, and Albin and verified that the defects generated in wafer fabricaLion tend to cluster, causing the variance of the random variable n:iuch larger can take on be assumed that the random variables Ysk are mutually variable Yk has expected value and variance given by ^k [1], 1\,^ Y'k to be very high, sometimes than the mean. The assumption analysis; however, it multi-type policies. of independence across sites of a wafer is not crucial to our stochastic does allow for a convenient comparison between the single-type and Moreover, this does not appear to be an overly stringent assump- an entirely defective wafer has already been tion, especially considering that the effect of captured. Recall that the decision variable for the wafer design problem fraction of site .s [0,t] under the single-type (respectively, multi-type) goal is is to solve the wafer design problem, 2. The policy. to choose x^t to is process F{t) maximize hm,_oc and to compare optimal design with ]init^oo t~^ F[N{t)], which under the which is the number have departed from the fab during the time interval dependent, and the wafer design problem Our Xgk, Let N{t) (respectively, F{t)) be the allocated to type k chips. of sets of non-defective chips that is is design- t~^ E[F{t)]. lim^-^oo i~^F[F{t)] under an the corresponding performance measure single- type policy. Deterministic Analysis In this section, a deterministic analysis 9 is undertaken that ignores any variablility — in the ' production process and in the yield process, and looks only at long-run average values. We begin with the single-type case, and then proceed to the multi-type case. The single-type case is considered primarily as a basis for comparison against the multi-type case. In the single-type case, each lot of wafers consists of only a single chip type. In order to analyze the performance of tliis case, a product mix must be specified; that is, the proportion of lots that are released into the fab that are of a given chip type. Recall non-defective type k chips are required to form a set, and the average number that nic of non-defpclive chips on average, it on a non-def?ctive type k wafer Uk for is /: = 1 K. Therefore, takes n^/ fik non-defective type k chips to form a set, and thus the average fraction fk of starting lots that are of type k should be ^.i^^- = /. (2.1) Notice that the average total number of non-defective wafers of form a all types that it takes to set is Ylk=ii^^k/ fJk)- In the multi-type case, the product design problem can be formulated as the linear program (LP) 1 max min T,k { l<k<h 771- ^ "S^ Hsk^sk} (2.2) '^— K subject to /^ *. where Xsk denotes the fraction of The multi-type = 1 xsk > 0, for = .s (2.3) 1,...,5, (2.4) site 5 that is allocated to type k chips. case will be further distinguished between the multiplicative case and The expected the non-multiplicative case. exists a set of ^ai =i 5 nonnegative Hsk = constants Cs c^fjk for all yields /j^jt summing .<! = 10 1, ..., will to be called multiplicative if there one such that S]k = 1, ..., A'. (2.5) If condition (2.5) does not hold, then the yields will be referred to as non-multiplicative. Since X^g_i Cg = 1, it follows that the term a non-defective type k wafer, The two /Vjt appearing in (2.5) which was defined it factors that affect the expected yield ^sk are the circuit density of type becomes more difficult to As the versus location surface is circuitry of a chip rehably produce the chip. Also, for more apt to are certain parts of the wafer that are assumes that these two independent fashion this condition test this in tells The yield us that some sites and location, behave in an determining the resulting yield of a type k chip in was thought to hold in our setting, it is assumption when possible. See Stapper (2.5) holds, then LP max yield and (2.2)-(2.4) can clear that [7] site s. one wants to Although collect and references therein for data more location. be rewritten as (2-G) y y,i,k Condition regardless of the chip type. sites, factors, circuit density on the complicated relationship between When chip types, there donut-shaped, with the lowest probability of success occuring in achieve inherentlj- higher yields than other (2.5) effectively all A- becomes more yield non-defective chips. the middle and at the periphery of the wafer. This yield surface and the expected yield for in Section 1. chips and the location of site s on the wafer. dense, is s subject to \ y s — < Cg^sk for k = 1, ...,. 1 K ^x,, = 1 for.s = (2.S) l,...,S, *r=l > :csk Let TT (2.7) = (tti, and ..., TT/^) and ') = (2.8), respectively. (2.9) 0. (71, ...,7s) be the dual variables corresponding to constraints Then the dual LP is S mm in 5^7. (2-10) 3=\ subject to 7, > ^'^^^""^ iov s 11 = l,...,S;k = l,...,K, (2.11) Y.^k = h (2.12) it=i ^k If the constraints (2.11) are > 0. summed (2.13) over s = 1, ..., S, then we obtain the relaxed dual LP s minVi, (2.14) s=l S subject to y"7^ > ^^^ = for k 1,...,A', (2.15) * 3=1 K Y.^k = (2.16) l. >0, TT, (2.17) which can be rewritten as mm ni, max (2.18) i<k<K nk K = subject to J^TTjt k=\ TTjt The solution n* to this LP > (2.19) 1, (2.20) 0. is K = "''^"'^~'forJl- = -(E- <. and thus the optimal objective function value l,...,7^, to the relaxed dual Therefore, an optimal solution to the original dual LP (2.21) LP (2.10)-(2.13) is {^k=i[nk/ ^ik)) is tt* and A' i: Since tt^ > for h = = Cs{V'^)~'iovs = all binding in the optimal l,...,A, (2.23) the A' primal constraints (2.7) are 1, ....A', (2.22) \,...,S. solution. Since the set of equations ^Vc.x., = (V^)-^forA- = s=\ k=\ K ^x,;. = Ifor k = .s \ 12 = 1,...,5, (2.24) are rediiiidaiit. there aiT, in general many solutions to the primal LP. Thus we have proven the following. Proposition all Notice that (a) tells mix (2.2)-(2.4) is (X^t=i(^*;//u )) ,' (2.1), the not unique. us that the optimal equal to (X^;t=i("*//^'^')) uct LP the constraints in (2.7) are binding; and (c) the solution to (2.2)-(2.4) is is (2.5), optimal objective function value of the (a) the (b) Under condition 1. average number of sets from a non-defective wafer Recall that under the single-type policy under prod- • number of non-defectiv? wafers rf^qr.ired to obtain a =:pt wa? Thus, under the multiplicative yield assumption, there appears to be no ^;._j(njt//-'A)- advantage in using multi-type wafers. This various chip types behave similarly across is because the relative expected yields of the sites. However, this deterministic analysis ig- nores the variabilij' in the production process and the queueing of chips that takes place The before they are assembled into sets. lem, and will indeed show that there is next section will take a closer look at this prob- a significant difference between the single-type and multi-type policies. Furthermore, the analysis in the next section which of the many solutions to the Before finishing this section, tive assumption that better in some sites is feasible for which is the LP (2.2)-(2.4) sites relative to non-multiplicative case is the non-multiplica- other chip types. Observe that .>. = l,...,S-k = 1,...,A', (2.25) and achieves the objective function value (X^,=i("j/^'j )) ' as the single-type case. Thus, The optimal objective function value of LP 2. under the single-type LP under In this case, certain chip types can perform for same performance Proposition us return to the original "^^'"^ = /^= choosing (2.2)-(2.4) will yield the best design. (2.5) does not hold. than other a-,;. let LP will aid us in (2.2)-(2.4) under the greater than or equal to the corresponding performance measure policy. 13 3. Stochastic Analysis The stochastic analysis in this section assumes that the multipUcative assumption (2.5) holds. However, in the non-multiplicative case, a similar analysis compare the performance of the optimal multi-type policy to the single type policy. If (i.e., can be used to the solution to (2.2)-(2.4)) LP there happens to be multiple solutions to the in the non- multiplicative case, then the analysis can also be used to help decide which solution will lead to better performance. Single-Type 3.1 Poiic;,'. We bf>gin this :>ection — Recall that under this policy, lots of type k by cmalyzing the single-type 1,...,A' enter the fab pendent Poisson processes with rate /^A, where fk was defined an open network of quasi-reversible queues, non-defective type k lots from the fab pound Poisson process Dk{t) = ^,=i Since the fab in (2.1). = Wi, where Wi,i (1 — q)fk^- Our assumptions = ^^^ is a com- aie independent and variables with parameters £, the lot size, and 1, ...,Ak{t), Let Nk{t) be defined by p, the probability of a non-defective wafer. Nk(t) is follows that the departure stream Ak{t) of Poisson with rate random identically distributed (iid) binomial — according to inde- imply that the departure process of non-defective type k wafers in Section 2 also 1 is it policy. ^—J > 0, for k = A', 1 (3.1) no- where y\ For k = ,i = !,...,!?<..(/), 1,...,A', it are iid random follows that E[Nk(t)] = variables having the at and Var[A'jt(/)] = same distribution sit, as Yk- where {l-q)\Lil-p) and '1 = 11k- ^^\ \Lil- Pyi + ^^iL{\ Furthermore, notice that the A' processes {Nk{t),t pendent. 14 - P)P > 0},k = + L'{1 - pYf,i 1,...,A", are I . (3,3) mutually inde- Recalling that of sets njt type k chips are required to form a produced by time is t mini<t</v- [A''jt(/)J , where [x\ — For simplicity, we choose to analyze the process N*(t) set, it number follows that the denotes the integer part of which mini<j.</^- Nkit), x. will lead to a negligible error since min \Nk{t)\-N*(t)\<liovallt>0. (3.4) I It follows by the central limit theorem for renewal processes that, for k Nkit) - at ^, => Ajt as j: — < = 1, ..., A', ^ cx), > ^ (3.5) y/t where A't ~ ^'(0. si), normally distributed with mean zero and vaiicince i.e.. A';, is ^^., aiivi => denotes convergence in distribution. Thus, < lim Pr{N*(t) + x\fi ai) = \ - hm TT Pr{Nk{i) > xVi + k at) :3.6) =\ = (i-n('-*(^)))where $ is (S'-) the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal. Thus we can analyze the asymptotic performance of the single-type policy by studying the A' independent normal random Notice that relatively s^. in (3.3) few chips in a variables; this point will decreases as increases, 77;- be pursued further minimum in of Section 3.4. and thus the chip types that have tend to cause the burstier, or more variable, departure set will streams, since these chip types will not be produced very frequently. 3.2. type policy. lots Multi-Type Policy. A By similar analysis will from the queueing network = ^,=1 to the multi- the quasi-reversibility assumption, the departure process of non-defective is a Poisson process A{t) with rate A(l the departure process of non-defective wafers D{t) now be apphed W'j, where variables with parameters H',, ? = L and is given by the — q). Therefore, compound Poisson l,...,A{t), are again binomially distributed iid I — p. E[D{t)] process random Thus, = X{1 - 15 q)L{l - p)t (3.8) and = HI - Var[I>(<)] Recall that the wafer design A", 1 where x^k is q)t[L{l - p)p + L^l - P?]. defined by the decisions Xgk,s is (3.9) = 1,...,5, and the fraction of site 5 allocated to type k chips. Define the = k random variables Vgk by il^ = Vsk = for 5 1, ..., S;k = \, ..., K. (3.10) nk Then these mutually independent random variables, ^-^^^-^ and Var[F,,] which are dependent upon the design, have E[V,k] - ^^^. = = Define Tk Yjs=i ^ '«'-' ^^ *^^*^ s = 5] E[Tk] Let F(t) = (Fi(/),...,FA.(f)) variables distributed as Tk/. It follows that E[Fk{t)] Sji-f for j ^ k, (3.11) nj^ rik = :^ s and Var[r,] be defined by Fk{t) = Then mini<jt<A' [•f"fc(OJ bkt, Var[F^.(f )] = = J] 2 ^2 :i^. EJ^i^^I''' ^^^ere is the Eu-^ for k number = 1, ..., (3.12) T^.'' of sets A', are iid random produced by time and Cov[F,(/), Fkit)] = where s bk = A(l - q)L{l-p){y ^ S + A(l 2 f:iMiliL), (3.13) "'^ 2 - q)[Lil-p)p + L'{l-p)']{J2 ^^^^^)\ (3.14) and S ^^k-Hl-q)[L(l-p)p + LHl-p?]{Y.^){Y.-^^Ik Recall that one of the goals of this section case (2.5), an effective design x^k from S among 16 is the (3.15) to choose, for the multiplicative yield many optimal solutions to the dual LP In the rest of this section, (2.2)-(2.4). LP (2.2)-(2.4) under condition we will restrict ourselves to designs i^jt that solve However, as noted (2.5). performed under the non-multiplicative yield Proposition for k — 1, ..., limit where a A', is LP = (fej theorem , ..., 6fc ), in (3.13) satisEes bk = a defined in (3.2). which equals (a, a) ..., 1(a), (2.1), (3.2), by Proposition 3, and (3.13). | and we have, by the central for renewal processes, ^ Z ~ deHned (2.2)-(2.4), then bk F(i)' -bt where can be case. This follows directly from Proposition Proof. Let 6 Ifx^k solves 3. earlier, a similar analysis which A^(0, T.), covariance matrix S, where Letting F*{i) = is =» is as < -^ oo, (3.1G) normal random variable with mean zero and a multivariate S Z defined in (3.14)-(3.15). mm\<,k<h' Fk(i) and denoting the kth component of Z by Z;-, we have Urn Pr{F*{t)<x\/i + at)^ 1 - Pr( mm Z^ > x). (3.17) Thus, the asymptotic performance of the multi-type policy can be analyzed by studying the minimum 3.3. A of Slepian's of A' dependent normal random variables. Comparison of lemma Proposition Policies. (see Slepian [6]) that 4. Let X = We is (Xk) and begin this section by stating a generedization due to Kahane Z = [3]. (Zk) be normal K — dimensional vectors such that E[X,Xk]<E[Z,Zk]i((j,k)eA, E[XjX,] > E[ZjZk] if (j,A-) E[XjXk] = E[ZjZk] if (j, 17 e B, k)^AW B. (3.18) Let f{x = ) f{xi,...,Xk) be a function defined on df with second derivatives satisfying > if {j,k) e A, <0 if (i,A-) dxjdxk df R^ dxjdxk 6 B. (3.19) ThenE[f{X)]<E[f{Z)]. With the aid of the Slepian inequahty, we will provide a multi-type poHcy that out- performs the single-type policy. Proposition Provf. For 5. j / k. Iljk Ti:i> itsi;!: Jollovvs fioiu > and is independent of the design Xsk- Proposition l(b} and (3.15). B Let us again consider the design defined in (2.25). Proposition matrix satisfies ^^k < Proof. From --kk - 2 s^ For the design Xsk defined in (3.20), the corresponding covariance 6. sj. (3.3) X{1 = for k and - — 1,...,A'. (3.14) q)[L{l we have - p)p + LHl - pf] f 1 ^^ + Ml-,)Lil-p)(Y^C-i^) The first term on the righthandside is 1 :\ (3.21) ). non-positive since X^,=i(^j/a'j) ^ ^k/ftk- Under design (3.20), .2 „2 3 s=l \ ^k k J 2/1 /U-"itE;=l("j//^j' ^ 1 > ' and hence the second term on the righthand side of (3.21) 18 is < also non-positive 0. (3.22) Proposition Under design 7. ,. Hm B —^^ > E[F*{t)] -^ ,. lim E[N*it)] ^ !-^. 3.23) This follows from central limit theorems (3.5) and (3.16), and Propositions Proof. 4-6, (3.20), where, in Proposition 4, the set A corresponds to the diagonal elements and the set = corresponds to the ofF-diagonal elements, and f{x\^...^Xf^) Although design (3.20) outperforms the single-type able multi-type design. design, one wants to make Prc-positions 4 (2.2)-(2.4), it follows and 5, it is clear it is | ..., a-;^-). not necessarily a desir- that in order to find an effective the diagonal terms Tjkk of the covariance matrix of F{i) as small In particular, since n'^ as possible. LP By policy, min(xi, X^s=i -i^ sk^sk is from (3.14) that the terms a constant for nl"^ Yfs=\ designs that solve all ^Ik^lk^^ = 1' •••. A' need to be made as small as possible. We now propose two mathematical programs (that differ tions) that should lead to effective, not optimal, designs. straint set (2.4) and (2.23)-' 2.24), only by their objective func- Both programs have the con- which has the same form as the constraints of a trans- portation problem; this constraint set guarantees that a feasible solution will be an optimal solution to LP (2.2)-(2.4). The two objectives are --EE^^^ (3.24) and min max V^^iJ^. 5=1 (3.25) ^ Although objectives (3.24) and (3.25) may both lead to an (3.25) will lead to a effective design, objective problem with non-linear constraints, which than the quadratic program generated by objective (3.24). the popular assumption that Y^k are Bernoulli 19 random It will be harder to solve should be noted that under variables for all 6 = 1,...,S and k = 1,...,A' (and the yield and If is E^ the variables were x^jt math programs asymptotic (i — > t ) normal random an iterative approximation (it is normal random these estimates by c^ and f. still (3.7) = and c. Csfk), depend on x^jt, and hence and (3.17). it follows that an variables. [2] Using his approximation, minimum has developed moments => mm(Ai, of we can estimate Zj^)] and, for the sake of concreteness, let us by of sets denote (3.5) that ...,Xk) as r — > oc, (3.2 1 ) c^y/i + at. (3.28) C:Vi + at. (3.29) be estimated by and E[F'(i)] will — (3-26) 2) technique to calculate the Notice that the quantity at appearing in (3.28) and (3.29) Cj- Cg^ki^ we can estimate E[N*(t)] by Similarly, E[F*{t)] can of E[N'{t)] = variables, hi particular, Clark c-, respectively. It follows r= for large fisk) can be performed by studying the exact for A' ^h')] and E[vmn{Zi £'[min(A'] — and F*{f), which are the cumulative number for the various policies, of A' (possibly dependent) and thus but the second term would oo) analysis of A'*(f of A' /is/t(l are not trivial in this case. produced up to time minimum = term on the righthand side of (3.26) would Asymptotic Performance Analysis. By 3.4. the 1, a^^^ ^Ec.xL-4E^^-^.- = integer, the first all be a constant by Proposition the multiplicative), then be negative if is the deterministic estimate there was no variability in the production system. (recall that A" and Z have mean zero), it follows that the naive deterministic analysis overestimates the actual cumulative production of 20 Since sets. The difference in expected cumulative production type policy grows in proportion to and \/i, between a multi-type policy and the approximated by is {c^-c,)Vi. (3.30) Thus, although the average production rates of the two policies both converge to difference in the cumulative production 4. A being addressed we the between the two pohcies diverges. present a numerical example that data from an actual = o, Numerical Example We now A' single- is As mentioned V)ased is on disguised, but representative, in the Introduction, the problem currently to allocate rows of a wafer to various chip types. Our example has facility. 4 chip types and ten rows, but to keep consistent with past notation and terminology, will refer to the rows as sites, fraction of a particular row that A made up one type set is = 4 chips, and so n^ 20" rule to hold here: yield assumption (1, 25% = (.05 10. Readers should interpret Xak as the allocated to type k chips. chip, 1.3,20) for k one type 2 chip, three type 3 chips, and twenty type = 1, ...,4. It is and the related data .05 .07 uncommon not of the chip types account for (2.5) holds c, 1 is = and thus S 80% for the universal "80- of the set. The multiplicative is .09 .09 .11 (3G 72 48 .13 .13 .14 .14) (4.1) and /;i Recall that The figk lot size = L = Cgfj.^ = can be greater than one since 20, the probability of defective wafer in a non-defective lot is a defective p = .12, CO). .s (4.2) indexes an entire row of the wafer. lot is ^ and the = .05, the probability of a arrival rate A of wafers, which does not affect our analysis, equals one. Finally, the transpose of the matrix of variances 21 a;^ given by is _ ~ 2 '^''^ The policy is 2 40 45 4 4 24 3 38' 4 42 15 40 44 12 30 12 18 15 20 4 10 18 30 2 44 4 18 20 20 4 14 14 4 20 40 40 4 4 6 20/ calculation (2.1) of the fraction of starting lots fk of type k for the single- type given by = (4/63 2/63 48/63). 9/63 (4.4) The Five different policies were tested in our simulation experiment. 'ynp policy Menotec' by SINGLE m Table and k = One The design 6. *; (2.25), first policy lots arc released The in''': where Xsk = fki for s = 1,...,10 were derived by solving mathematical programs. last three designs that solves the quadratic program (3.24), (2.4), (2.23)-(2.24) will be denoted the design that solves the program (3.25), (2.4), (2.23)-(2.24) will be MINMAX. The last design solves A' S 2 z.k 2 (4.5) ^ k=l s=l subject to (2.4). (2.23)-(2.24). This design, which will be denoted by it the policies are multi-type maxVy^l^ ni f-^ ^-^ because is Recall that this design was proven superior to the single-type design in MINSUM, and denoted by (PROP) the proportional design 1,...,4. Proposition by is where type I), The other four the fab according to the product mix in (4.4). policies. (4.3) I A- ?ing!? ^ should lead to an ineffective design, (2.24), thus enabling us to assess the among MAXSUM, was tested the designs that solve, (2.4), (2.23)- range of performance among different mult i- type wafer designs. For all five policies tested, 100 independent runs were made, each consisting of 2000 time units. For each policy, the cumulative production at times and 2000 were Table I. collected, along with In Table II, 95% confidence intervals. we present the percentage improvements type policies over the single-type policy at time 99 t = 2000. t The in = 250, 500, 1000, 1500, results are displayed in performance of the multi- The cumulative production at time 2000 is would occur also expressed in this table as a percentage of the ideal production rate that in a deterministic environment. CUMULATIVE PRODUCTION AT TIME POLICY t = 250 f = 500 t = 1000 t = 1500 t = 2000 SINGLE 67S9(±356) 1565S(±467) 33146(±687) 49894f±969) 67792(±1150) MAXSUM S58G(±214) 17897(±290) 3652G(±396) 55116(±529) 735S0(±C18) PROP 9229(±126) 18671{±179j 37240(±259) 55S34(±303) 74325(±335) MINMAX 947G(±13S) 18815(±193) 37425(±253) 56275(±300) 75251(±350) MINSUM 9526(±133) 18871(±171) 37633(±225) 56375(±296) 75342(±354) TABLE The in results I. Cumulative Production of Sets show that the two proposed multi-type cumulative production at time MINMAX and MINSUM, difference in cimiulative production it among appears that any solution to the effective in increasing the an 11% improvement =2000. Notice that percentage improvements are much t higher for lower time values, and are as high as proposed pohcies, policies offer LP production of 40% at time f both outperform = 250. Although our two MAXSUM, the multi-type poHcies is the percentage relatively small. Thus, (2.2)-(2.4) in the non-multiplicative case will sets. Therefore, among be these policies, the designer should probably allow other factors, such as ease of design, to dictate the wafer design decision. In particular, the constraint set, such as and MINMAX and MINSUM solutions are interior points of the so have mostly non-zero elements, whereas other less effective objectives, MAXSUM (or MAXMIN) lead to more easily implemented extreme point solutions. 23 PERCENTAGE POLICY PRODUCTION AS IMPROVEMENT OVER A PERCENTAGE SINGLE-TYPE POLICY OF UPPER BOUND SINGLE 88.7% MAXSUM 8.5% 96.3% PROP 9.6% 97.2% MINMAX 11.0% 98.5%- MINSUM 11.1% 98.6% TABLE II. Comparison of Cumulative Production of Sets at Time t=:2000. However, the performance of the muUi-type policies seem even more impressive when expressed as a function of the deterministic upper bound. production at only 71% of the deterministic rate at time deterministic rate at time t the deterministic rate at = best multi-type t = pohcy (96.3%. 2000, whereas the The t MINSUM = single-type pohcy achieves 250 and only 88.7% of the policy produces at 98.6% of 2000. In this light, the improvement from the worst to the to 98.6%) is quite significant. Although our analysis has been restricted to the case of one multi-type wafer design, an important consideration if is the marginal improvement in performance that can be attained several distinct wafer designs were used to satisfy the demand release decisions of the various multi-type wafers does not for sets. If the dynamic depend on any state-dependent information such as the resulting yields, then the upper bound on the performance of such a policy is still that very little the deterministic production rate. Therefore, we conclude from Table can be gained by using an additional wafer design, and thus that the cost of a second mask set it is unlikely would be covered by the marginal improvement production. Moreover, recall that with electron 24 beam technology, there are no II mask in sets, and a different multi-type design could be used for each lot of wafers entering the fab. Table is II suggests that very little used to satisfy demand with production will be sacrificed this technology, unless a more if a single multi-type wafer intelligent (dynamic, state- dependent) release policy were implemented with several (or many) distinctly designed wafers. TIME t = 2o0 t = 500 t = 1000 t = 1500 t = 2000 SIMULATED TIME References [1] Albin, S. L. tions in [2] J. (1988). IC Fabrication. To appear Clark, C. E. (1961). Research [3] and Friedman, D. Kahane, 9, in The Greatest The Impact Management of Non-Poisson Defect Distribu- Science. Random of a Finite Set of Variables. Operations 145-162. J. -P. (1986). Une Ineqalite du Type de Slepian et Gordon sue les Processus Gaussiens. Israel Journal of Mathematics 55, 109-110. [4] Kelly, F. P. (1979). Reversibility and Stochastic Networks. Jolm Wiley and Sons, New York. [5] Singh, of M. R., Abraham, C. T., Components When Yield and Akella, R. (1988). Planning is Random. 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