ZI >ewey ALFRED A P. Policy WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT and Lower Bound for Scheduling Appointments Gloria F. M. Lee Lawrence M. Wein #3693-94-MSA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 May 1994 A Policy and Lower Bound for Scheduling Appointments Gloria F. M. Lee Lawrence M. Wein #3693-94-MSA May 1994 A Policy and Lower Bound for Scheduling Appointments M. Lee Gloria F. Operations Research Center, M.I.T. and Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. We consider the problem of scheduling outpatient appointments to optimize the trade1 off between the patients waiting time and the physician's defy exact analysis, and in we develop a simple idle time. The problem appears iterative algorithm to generate a suboptimal manner. Dynamic programming is to appointments used to construct a lower bound on the optimal objective function value for this problem. Performance of the proposed rule and the lower bound are compared under tified in different operating a recent simulation study by perform slightly better than existing Ho and environments to the best policies iden- Lau. Although the proposed policy appears policies, this difference in performance is than the performance gap between the lower bound and the proposed policy. May 1994 tc, much smaller MTlibrarJes" JUN 2 L 1994 RECEIVED 1. Wc consider the classic problem of scheduling medical appointments to minimize the weighted expected Introduction idle time. sum Although of the patients this 1 it outpatients expected waiting time and the physician's problem, which described in the context of a medical setting, for will arises be formulated Section in on a daily basis in 2, is typically a variety of service operations. This problem has been studied by the operations research community four decades, and readers are referred to literature. Ho and Lau for more than (1992) for an up-to-date review of the Since the problem appears to be analytically intiactable. many of the.se studies consist of simulation experiments that assess the performance of heuristic policies; must ol these policies contain parameters that have been fine tuned via simulation. In an extensive simulation study, the literature) in Ho and Lau compare :1 different operating environments. consistently well for all expecVd They find that many u.> rules idle time. between the patients' expected waiting The authors also provide rule-of-thumb from rule performs environments, and identify eight rules that generate an frontier" with respect to the tradeoff physician's over 50 scheduling rules (including time- "efficient and the recommendations for the best scheduling iule for various values of the input parameters. In Section 3 of this paper, we construct a suboptimal scheduling policy by iteratively calculating the probability distribution of a patient's service completion time and then deriving a myopically optimal is employed in appointment time Section 4 to derive a lower the scheduling problem. In Section and compare 5, in Dynamic programming bound on the optimal objective function value we repeat a portion their eight rules to both the Concluding remarks are provided for the next patient. of Ho and Lau's simulation for study. proposed scheduling policy and the lower bound. Section 6. Problem Formulation 2. Without time Ai for the = The 0. of generality, lo, s we assume that the remaining A' - = l,...,N 1 are A assumed i's = max(A bi = P, i max(0, Let idle cost , ,t _ I 1 6, — j for We . . . , 7r i 1. e,-_i), For i = assume that patient 1, . . . , to i where we take e P= N, it follows that patient = an d M = 5Z l= i Mi. Since is t t = (,- ?'s b x - and waiting time i -- 1 is and is to let u b'j the physician's choose ihe appointment times the appointments are (1 - .1, l v possibility of patients not the no-show probability reduced to (1) made prior to the com- must be nonanticipating .,ejv. Our model can incorporate the cost all of the entire session, the decision variables If t by convention. Then the scheduling problem with respect to the service times tj,.. pointments. denote ( minimize the expected total cost J2,=i P\ mencement \.\ , arrives punctually at kE(P)+u;E{M), where and service times Hen.e. patients are waiting. denote the patients' waiting cost per unit time, and per unit time. .4.v > b, at and identically distributed random variables when idles and ends. The let A2 A,) and the idle time incurred by the physician between patients M, = max(0, V - is A2 l scheduled to arrive is Lau's notation, we service begins to be independent and the physician never t , Ho and patients. Following with cumulative distribution function F. time patient decision variables for our problem are the appointment limes respectively the time at which patient 6,, i first is p then P(t, = 0) = showing up for their ap- p and the patients' waiting p)7r. 3. Our proposed scheduling The Scheduling policy is a simple Policy iter.it ive procedure, where two calculal ions . are made at each stage. In the first calculation, of e,_i, which is we assume the time at which service to patienl i — 1 that the probability distribution is completed, nE{P,) to minimize the expected waiting cost myopically choose .4, expected ujE(M,) incurred by the physician between patients idle cost A second calculation, given used at stage More + i we compute the , G, and specifically, let 7rE{P,)+uE(M e, = — l's Gi(y) ) t = jr£(max{e,-_i = 7T - A,,0}) + uE(max{A, by (2), is will be -e,-_i,0}) A f°° (ej_i / - in + u> Ai)gi-i (Ci_i)<fe,-_i ' f (.4, / - e,_! )g,^ l (t,_ ] )c/c,_i. Gu is u.' i is a critical fract'dc oi Uv distribution = P(A- + t i <y)P(e + U> equation (2) ol e,. we have /,, l _1 7T is <A;) + P(e + U) starts with A\ N= 2, indeed the optimal policy. t _l +t <y)P(e l l _1 > A;) JO = used to calculate A\, obtained. For the case which + hand, we now calculate the cumulative distribution function G, To summarize, the algorithm A'N which e,-, euding time. 7T until In the i. Then respectively. e,, max{A*,e,_i} + to calculate and 1 this expression with respect to A, yields With A" Since - i phis the i denote the cumulative distribution function and the g, Hence, the proposed appointment time for patient ?' for p>.t,ient probability distribution for 7T of patient known, and then 1 density function of Minimizing t is and (3) we note that is G'i Go (0) = 1. Equation used to calculate = F by (3) and i ,. ( .4", = (3) is used and so on _1 /' (t^~~) The Lower Bound 4. The st lower bo>inu for the scheduling problem We assume that ructure: moment the paiient formulation, which to determine a Aj, . . Mj = and recursion t for Pl+X = terms of P t can be delayed until similar to those arising in stochastic inventory theory, M, and , i = 1, . . t, is l = P, as in Section and 1, let t, constructed is (1). our decision variables be given by the interarrival time between patients ,N — . max{P, + decision variables y in A begins service. Under this assumption, a dynamic programming 1 Ajv-i, where A, , . is — the determination of the appointment time dynamic scheduling policy that provides a lower bound on P Define i derived by relaxing the information is and i i + Then 1. P\ = the quantities P, and M, evolve according to the Lindlej 1, — A,,0} and — A,, we M I+1 = max{A, - — P, £,,()}. By introducing the can write the dynamic programming optimality equations : k JN [Pff) = ./,(/',) = min[L(j/ + + E(Jl+1 ([/y, + /,] u,'E(max{0, -/, - ) t 1 ))], < t < N- I, (4) Vt<P, where L{y) = n-£'(max{0,f, + (/}) + Standard convexity arguments that the optimal policy L(y) + EJ, +l ([y + t} y, equals In this bvction, a of our rule, Ho and Lau's vice i t if P, + ). The lower bound 5. mance P (see, for notation, we example, pp. 6G-67 of Bertsekas 1987) imph < S, is given by and equals 5, ^(P, otherwise, where S, minimizes ). Computational Results computational study Ho and y}). is undertaken to compare the relative perfor- Lau's eight rules and the lower bound from Section let ft, and rr, 1. denote the mean and standard deviation imes. and define the coefficient of variation cv(t) = rr,/ fi t . Without loss i il Following ol the ser generality, = fi t 1 is assumed throughout. As that are generated by (i) Ho and in Lau, we consider nine different environments combinations of all Service time dis ribu: >on: = cv(t) f 0.2 and = uniformly distributed, and cv{t) 0.5, 1.0. exponentially distributed. Number (ii) of parents per session: /V=10, 20 or 30. Ho and Lau p = 0.1 considered 18 additional environments by allowing a no-show probability of and p = however, we restrict our computational study to the case where the 0.2; Ho and Lau, no-show probability equals zero. policy in each environment, and we report the mean of the patients' waiting time physician's idle time these M means are within As in At over the 10,000 runs. ±1% of the true means 10,000 sessions are simulated for each this sample 95% at the size. Ho and Lau P and the claim that confidence level For each of the nine environments, we simulated the following eight rules on Ho and Lau's efficient frontier: = = • Rule 1: A • Rule 2: A = x 0. • Rule 3: 4, =0, ,4 2 • Rule 4: ,4! = • Rule 5: .4, = A = A3 = • Rule 6: A = 0, A, = {i - 1 )p t • Rule 7: .4, - 0, A, = (? - l)p t = {i - 1 ------ x 42 0, x t Rule 8: 0.5(5 - .4! = i i)(T t for i + x p, for 0.2, A3 = 0.6; A, = 0.3, A3 = 0.6, A2 = 0.5, A3 = 1.0. .4 4 > > .4 4 = 0, i 2. = A,^ + A4 = A, > = = A l p t for i > 3. 0.9; 4, = A,_, + //, for i > 4. 4, = 4,_, + //, for i > 4. + p for i > 1.5; _l t i > 4. - O.Ict, for - 0.15(5 - i)a for i = 2 5. 4, - 0.25(5 - i)a t for i = 2 5. 4, 1. t --- (i - l)p t 5. 4, 0, A,_ A2 = 2 0.3(5 -i)<j for • 0; .4, 5. )p t = (?' - \)p t 60 I lower bound proposed policy Ho and Lau's efficient frontier 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.8 1 E(M Figure 1: Tradeoff curves for cv(t) = Notice that these eight rules are independent of the cost parameters w and tradeoff curve for the proposed scheduling policy that frontier, our rule was simulated for ten values of u/ir Ji(Pi) in (4) was computed for these same — 0.2, exponentiallv distributed, .V is <jj. 20. To generate analogous to Ho and Lau's equal to 2,4, . . ten cost ratios to generate . ,20. a The lower a efficient lower bound bound tradeoff curve. The numerical results are presented tradeoff curves for Ho and environment cv(t) = 0.2, .V in Tables 1-3. In addition. Figure 1 displays Lau's policies, the proposed policy and the lower bound for the = 20. Graphs for the other eight environments are somewhat .2 similar and are omitted. The computational curve usually, but not always, dominates between these two curves is much We the proposed policy curve. results suggest that the Ho and proposed policy tradeoff However, the gap Lau's tradeoff curve. smaller than the gap between the lower bound urve anw observed no systematic trends of the relative performance of these three curves with respect to either the variability of the service times or the session we note length. Finally, that although our simulation results for Ho and Lau's policies agree with their numbers with respect to the patients' waiting time, our physician's results are somewhat higher than We revisited Computational than the best policies identified of this gap is •" due ver to in proposed scheduling policy performs slightly better a recent study by bound and the proposed i.'.ie simple a appointments and a lower bound on the optimal performance. results suggest that our gap between the Conclusions the classic appointment scheduling problem, and developed both iterative procedure to schedule time their figures. Summary and 6. idle Ho and policy is Lau. However, the large, and ; i suboptimality of the proposed policy and hov how much unclear is much mance pert*, is due to the slackness of the lower bound. We were rather surprised that the proposed policy did not significantly outperform the simple Bailey- Welch rules (rules 1 and 5 in Section 5) proposed in the early 1 Dolls However, despite the relatively small performance gap between the proposed policy and Ho and Lau's efficient frontier, our policy has several attractive features thai make of consideration. First, whereas the policies considered by parameters, our policy the service time of eight different t, is worth? finely tuned analytically derived in terms of the cost parameters ^ and k and istribution. policies, Ho and Lau employ it Second, whereas Ho and Lau's efficienl frontier our policy offers a unified treatment of the problem: 111 is made up By simply varying the cost ratio u/ir, we generate a family of policies that perform well over a wide range of environments. Moreover, because the cost ratio can be varied continuously, any particular point on the tradoff curve of the proposed policy can be achieved; in contrast, there are sometimes considerable differences in performance between adjacent points on Ho and Lau's tradeoff curve. scenarios. its own The Finally, our policy analysis in Sections 3 and 4 is easily generalizable to easily extends to the case service time distribution, waiting cost (e.g., realistic- where each patient has and no-show probability. As an example, the proposed policy can be used to schedule repeated blocks of one long minute) session followed by two short more (e.g., approximately 30 approximately 15 minute) sessions, where the long sessions possess a higher waiting cost and a lower no-show probability. The primary disadvantage eight policies considered by of our policy is that Ho and Lau. However, it is more since this rather than a control problem, the schedule can to be difficult to compute than the problem a design problem is computed only once and then used repeatedly thereafter. Acknowledgment This research is supported by National Science Foundation Grant DDM-9U57297. References Bertsekas, D. P. Hall, Englewood Dynamic Programming: Deterministic and Stochastic Models. Cliffs, NJ, 1987. Ho, C. and H. Lau. 1992. Minimizing Total Cost Management Prentice- Science, 38 (1992), 1750-1764. in Scheduling Outpatient Appointments. MIT LIBRARIES 3 TOflO 00flM3T01 7 Date Due Lib-26-fi7