.c,KCUUs fUBRARIES) iD Of 1\^^ Dewey Optimum Pooling Level and Factors Identification in Product Prototyping by Massimo de Falco WP #3789-95 February 1995 Optimum Pooling Level and Factors Identification in Product Prototyping Massimo de Falco University of Naples "Federico 11" Dpt. of Materials and Production Engineering P.le Tecchio, Naples 80125 - Italy February 1995 Abstract In the new product or process development, most of the efforts are focused Here, when engineers not have the sufficient knowledge of basic phenomena, experimentation becomes the main track to obtain those linkages. Even if industrial applications typically include this practice, because of the deep statistics background required, experimentation is still ineffective and sometimes biased by human behavior. This paper illustrates a method to support the experimenter during the analysis of effects, introducing a technique to set a priori the number of causes to "p)Ool" in the residuals. This approach controls the experimental sensitivity and the risks involved in the design decisions, making the analysis more reliable and reducing, in this way, the arbitrary handling of on the identification of cause-effect relationships. do data. Increasing the objectivity of the methodology, the approach eliminates, as a consequence, some of the criticisms against the "pooling technique". V.ASSACHlJSErrs INSTITUTE OP TECHNOLOGY ^f^y 2 6 ]995 LIBRARIES 1 Introduction The needs of interpreting the physical development phenomena plays main role in all new products and particularly in the launch of activities, a processes where the engineers confront problems not yet investigated. approach followed typical While the first approach in these stages are simulation effective only is second we inevitable is if information and then the only alternative and experimentation. already have knowledge of the phenomenon and we singular events composing the in algorithms, the if The we do are able to express not have any previous to observe the reality is them through experimentation. This form of investigation many is However utilizations. known well complex the and already has in the industry statistical tools involved and the recent introduction of different oriented techniques contribute to correct application more confused and make their unclear. Thus, the industrial needs encouraged factions of experimental design experts to develop simpler and less expensive techniques, in this way, dividing the studious into different confronting parts. the creation of additional 1.1 room The Experimental Design Although the experimental the Research in the and Development new tendency is New Product Development area, always had a place in the industry in with the new approaches proposed by has had a renewed powerful boost. it and the shortcuts result of this subsequent improvement. activity has Genichi Taguchi and others, simplification for One illustrated in these The methodologies broke the walls of the industries and found several applications. This scenario obviously faces the inconvenience of an increased rude utilization of these methods, which already have, in themselves, J.J., Furthermore, the quality of the experimental applications has to deal 1992]. with criticized parts [Pignatiello its greatest enemy, the human nature. The aim of the experiment is purely definable as the attempt to better understand the real world through the generation of new appear and his role is data, but in this unraveled. broad view the experimenter does not The engineer or new product development can be tempted by - the the desire team working on the to: demonstrate the correctness of his/their intuition; - new solution that will give him/them study to many effects at same time; - conclude rapidly and economically - We push honors; a all phases. can face in the experiment design and conduction any of these wishes consciously or not, and their strong biasing on the result is more than evident. This situation becomes even more critical in the complex new product development, where the numerous constraints and the expensive activity of prototype building impose a boundary on the number of experiments strict to conduct. Besides these different sources of influence, we can categories of behavior: the conservative approach in consideration of a new solution solutions, which is even more a if there where we revolutionary approach, new if we is identify three basic which we renounce the not strong evidence of its effect; the face a greater propensity to consider the are not very confident; theoretical than practical and the neutral approach, concept, being very difficult to reach. A approach typical conservative is recognizable in the aeronautic industry where, for example, the bonding assembly, even if demonstrated safe, is not allowed in the structural parts and will be excluded until everything known about industry any it. Differently in the new design is consumer goods or is in the electronic rapidly pursued to feed the market need for novelties. 1.2 Objectives of the proposed approach This paper has as its aim the proposal of developer in reaching experiments A method is when some a error estimation. greater effectiveness in design and analysis of constraints impose a small illustrated to analysis, identifying the a technique to support the industrial of perform the "pooling" of residuals optimum level of degree of freedom trials. in the Anova to pool in the Thus, the pooling technique becomes less discretionary and the argued point of arbitrary handling of data In the number is attenuated. proposed procedure, the guiding criterion is the maximization of experiment sensitivity and the control of risks connected to the typical design decision making. 2 Risks Related to the Experimental Design Decisions In the decision between two making process regarding alternatives, coherently with the different kinds of risk can be faced: the first design if it the design solution to adopt is ongoing reasoning, two the possibility to accept the does not provide any improvement; the second when it actually known respectively is to refuse a new new design provides an improvement. The two related mistakes, also as type used in the statistics hypothesis' and type I tests, II are defined and to as the null (Hq) and errors (exhibit and are referred 1), alternatives (Ha) hypothesis where: new design does not provide improvement. Ha: The new design provides improvement. Hq: The so the decision turns in to accept or reject the null hypothesis (Hq). Exhibit 1. Types of error occurring in the decision making. REALITY Improvement Accept New Design g u IT. ^ Refuse New Design OK (!-«) No Improvement These risks are identified commonly called a and (i: by the probability of P(reject H<, H<, I their occurrence which are true)=a and P(accept H<, is Ho is I false)=p. All these expressions change if we consider the situation where the decision must be made among more than two design experiment, which means more factors null hypotheses, we should levels. we have If k levels, and then k between the probability differentiate erroneously rejecting the null hypothesis (the already defined type and the probability of erroneously which is rejecting at least called experimentalwise error [Mason same alternatives in the I of error) one null hypothesis, In R.L., 1989]. fact, in this case the null HyfKJthesis can be written as: Hq: T| = X2= ='fic=0; the probability of occurrence of this error (E) type I, the relationship between them is clear that, experimentalwise can be k=5, even fixing strictly 2.1 a if much (0.05) greater than the probability of expressed by: E = l-(l-a) which makes is k-l only the type error I is larger in presence of several we have controlled, the factor levels. For E=0.2. The Experimental Strategy The acceptable levels of the experimental risks are the keys to defining the outline of the strategy and the approach to follow. will require a low level of the a/E-error vice versa for a revolutionary approach. equally setting the two errors, but at a them low at a Working level conduces we to a very and A A conservative approach a high level of the P-error; and neutral tendency can be followed should be aware that setting both errors unproductive experiment, while setting high level could imply a very sophisticated and expensive plan. in an environment with many constraints, like that which industrial engineers usually face, requires a more even flexible, technique to perform experiments with a useful outcome. if less precise, This explains the broad diffusion that the fractional have so In fact, factorial design and the Taguchi method far obtained. avoiding the case of unlimited resources, and therefore the willingness to perform expensive experiment, fitting the strategy and the constraints, often complicates greatly the design, making a too sophisticated pattern of the experiment necessary. Traditionally, the industrial experimenter overcomes these difficulties new design controlling the P-error, taking risks that, tending to refuse solutions, penalize mostly the customers by not and consequently the long term firm quality. 2.2 Main Elements The outcome of the Experimental Design known yet, product and the pattern of the experiment are of the experiment once the framework of the we entirely settled, Without describing defined [de Falco M., 1994]. experimental phase, is even all not if steps in planning the can identify some of the main elements, strongly These interrelated, that influence the validity of the results. probabilities of the errors previously introduced (a/E, P), the each average to investigate (de) (n), the knowledge of an and the precision of the experiment (5). is the sample size of estimation initial error The precision are: defined as the capacity to detect a change in the response of the experiment at the least of the size 5, and is usually joined with the error standard deviation in the parameter <1)=5/Ge. In this way (appendix A) can be written, in an implicit form, /(a. p, It is among the relationship <D, these parameters as: n) = also possible to visualize part of this relationship in the exhibit 2, the comparison of two normal populations with the same sample shown, and the area under the the experimental observation tails {[La) respectively at the left represent the risk affects the curves shrinking or enlarging their a and and where size are at the right of p; the sample size shape and the precision considered 5=<I>Ge translating the curves. This shows clearly that in trying to improve the level of one parameter the others became harder to manage. For example, also illustrated in the exhibit, as imposing a greater precision (5'<5, ^'«t>), without changing the other parameters, the risk P automatically increases (P'>P). Exhibit 2. ReUtionships Thus, the total amon^ number the main experimental design elements of trials to run (N) levels of the factors to study (k), total N number = n» of trials and interactions of resolution the and the obtained sample is size (n). the of In fact, the number of factors interest in the experiment, verifying that the necessary reached, and must be approximate to the next orthogonal array to use a fractional factorial design. number number N, and so of levels inlcuded should be used. that the available in the experiment is if For experiments with different the technical and economical constraints impose an number number comes from the product between these two parameters factor levels the biggest When linked with the total The number obtained must be compared with k. we want is maximum number upperbound for of degree of freedom shows how a greater settled, this relationship of factors/ interaction implies a reduction in the resolution with the consequent confounding of the effects. 3 The proposed approach The initial question is, how many and which The answer necessarily experiment? hypotheses. lies factors on In industrial application, the should we the a priori include in the knowledge and phenomenon under study is usually product performance, observed through a response factor, which depends on a subset of factors /interactions, included in a potential broader set of factors (exhibit Here the known 3). factors have been separated into uncontrollable and controllable, these last inlcude the "control factors" of the experiment and two remaining categories: the steady during the experiment and the variable factors, factors, which are fixed which do not have any kind of restriction. The dependence between response and known with a cause-effect diagram, in which we factors is a priori representable delineate the relationships to test in terms of significance and relevance. Exhibit 3. Categorization of the factors influencing the phenomenon. Known Domain rVneiiti\nii\Aik-'/ ^ Controllable Variably VjACTORy EzTor noise factors The raw knowledge in the first stage of the experimental design cause of inefficiencies. number In fact, the of factors is and the natural interactions included in the analysis could be revealed to be greater or smaller than the correct one. If the number that, the significance of the factors not included in it is smaller, and there are not many way experiment is to realize saved by fixing or minimizing the (steady factors), even if this implies tendency to neglect possible improvements of the product. an obvious In we more frequent cases, face, coherently when more effects if it is correct, to inefficiency of the initial scientists are skeptical collection, even if in the model, with the observations of the previous paragraph, a Here, effective use of the exj:)erimental analysis. and, have been included we could ask if there is a less way intervene after the experiment to reduce this model? This is an argued point. The traditional about any form of handling the models after the data they do not keep always a rigid position and tolerate forms of manipulation [Dunn O.J., 1987; The new tendency developed among some Paull A.E., 1950]. the sustainers of the modern simplified industrial application of experimental design [Taguchi, Ross, Phadke, etc] do not leave doubt about this possibility and advocate, to reduce the inefficiency of the model, the use of the "Pooling Technique". This technique relies on the principle that have the relevant supposed effect initially if a factor or interaction {(})(C)}, its does not variation estimation nothing more than another estimation of the casual variation, and in sense another estimation of the experimental error (exhibit is possible to improve the freedom of Exhibit 4. power of the this factor/ interaction. PcKiling test, 4). is this Therefore, it pooling in the error the degree of freedom denominator increases and the F-distribution provides lower for the critical values. Underlying Principles 3.1 A rule to enforce the validity of this technique can be the a priori definition of if and how to pool the factors/interactions, reducing, in this biasing and the arbitrary handling of the data. criterion to decide and how many if we To pursue way, the form of we need a deciding how this track can pool, and a criterion to follow in factors to pool. For example, Paull suggested the rule proceed pooling if the F value obtained in a preliminary test is less than the critical value determined by 2»F[o.5,vi,v2] [Paull A.E., 1950]. 3.2 Pooling methodology The criterion optimum of a type This is for the pooling technique level for the error degree of is based on finding the freedom which reduces the probability n mistake. made obtained by observing that, analogously to the reasoning paragraph 2.3 probability experiment initial proposed here on the relationship between the precision P, the type to detect the II error is (5 = ^'Oe) in ar*d the always linked to the capacity of the change in the averages and this, if we accept the assumptions, becomes a function of the estimated error standard deviation. The detection capacity will be called a posteriori "sensitivity" of the experiment and defined using the Fisher's Least Significance Difference (LSD): SEN=±t[a/2,v] (2/n)l/2 Se here the LSD is relative to two samples of same size, and t, is ] the t- distribution with an upper-tail of probability a/2; v = degree of freedom of error; n = size of each more samples, sample compared; Se = error standard deviation. With to control the experimentalwise error, the Bonferroni can be adopted in the formula to assess the probability of the type I method error as a/2k, with k equal to the number of samples compared in the experiment. the relationship between the P probability Then obtained simply with the function /[a, P, form (appendix A). This linkage allows us <l>(Se), to and the N] = sensitivity can be 0, available in table draw completely the course of these parameters once the behavior of the error standard deviation is known. Error behavior variation is necessarily an expression of the system designed for the experiment, which is to say that the error variation The error and the experimental noise (exhibit factors depends on the external This sources of variation in 5). the fractional design can also be confounded with high order interactions considered negligible. Exhibit 5. Exp«nnwnUl Error EEl Measured Error = Erroneous parameters setting EE2 = Erroneous response measurament EE3 = Erroneous c»ntrol of steady factors External Noise ENl = EN2 Variation due to variable factors = Variation due to uncontrollable factors EN3 = Variation due to unknown factors When a control factor of a variation an experiment or an interaction under study reveals lower than then error variation, pooling them together gives a smaller error variation, and vice versa. how increasing the number allows us to smooth its In physical interpretation, this shows of small casual sources of variation in the error estimation and to approach the normal distribution, while adding greater source of variation corresponds to including well identified sources in the error does not alterate the concept of cause, and thus the error estimation "error", since and by definition the error control. When is the any variation sum is increases. This always due to a of the causes that we do not they are many, small and not distinguishable, they give to the error the normal distribution behavior necessary for the analysis of variance. 10 Finding the optimum level Observing that an increase of error degree of freedom influences both the sensitivity of the experiment and the power of the conceptual courses of these parameters in exhibit Exhibit 6. Experimental parameter courses. 6. F-test, we can draw the by the wishes discussed, and in the pooling Up initially problems showed also represents a solution to the possible Down and Pooling strategies [Ross P.J., 1988]. The first strategy tests the smallest effect against the next larger; not significant these are pooled to test the next one. strategy but the larger effect are pooled; then, all next larger is removed from against the remaining. m defining the pool we In exhibit 6 and is the ratio In the Pooling the test if if is is Down significant the tested with the previous effect see that, in addition to the subjectivity the level of significance each time, the two strategies are subject to different tendencies: Aup= tendency Adn= tendency These strategies both more significant factors; to consider less significant factors. affect the type I and II mistakes, and the two tendencies different kinds of effectiveness constitute particular, the pooling related to consider the experiment. in a level, In strategy (most preferred) does not really control the because considering more significant factors, without risks, sustainable up lost obviously reduces the tendency to make the type a II mistakes but dos not give effectiveness to the experiment. 4 The Powered Fruit Juicer application The profX)sed approach Powered Fruit Juicers (PFJ). of experiment on will be illustrated with an application The familiarity of the reader and the anova analysis is assumed, so as made with two with classic design to focus the attention the subsequent steps: i) Product Description; ii) Sample size determination; iii) Experiment conduction; iv) Pooling Technique. Product Description The PFJs are typical consumer product diffuse in oranges, they simply work with an electric engine. The performance observed machine, in any home, mostly used the principle of the is for head rotation moved by the juice yield by the terms of the ratio between the juice produced and the juice 12 remaining in the the factors related to the performance, this grouping made in paragraph "selected factors". how understand phenomenon Exhibit 7 synthesizes the fruit. coherent with the factor which the control in 3, is categorizing factors are indicated as This differentiation of the factors is also useful to the error variation and the controlled variation are generated. This product causes additional difficulties due to the presence of the factor nested in the design factor (head shape), impeding, in this power way, the evaluation of the interaction between them. Exhibit 7. Factor categorization and selection. KNOWN DOMAIN UNKNOWN I Controllable Uncontrollable Unselected Selected • • Head shape Power (Engine) • Rotation Minimized Steady Architecture technique pressure • Oranges dimension • Head dimension • Experimental time • Operator • Lateral Uncontrolled Variable Setting Orange shape • Rotation speed • • Squeezing time • Material • Envir. • Axis slope • Flash control • Envir. • Vertical pressure • Filter temperature umidity shape External Noise Experimental Error 1 Architecture foctor = factor embodied in the prototypes; Setting factor = factor varied in the experiment; Steady factor = factor settled Variable factor = factor not controlled; Minimized = factor with reduced factor for all the experiment; Uncontrolled factor = factor uncontrollable. variability; Sample Size Determination This step is worth mentioning because all risks and the experimental precision are defined in this phase, any subsequent intervention has as target only the full use of the feature defined here but not total number of trials was where as already introduced the experiment and the increment. The calculated using tables available in literature [Davies D.L., 1956], which express the relationship f(a, A), its its O = 5/Oe is O, n)=0 (appendix the ratio between the precision of error standard deviation, n 13 p, is the sample size of each group compared number half of the total experiment (equal, in the of two for level factorial design, to trials). In the design of experiment of PFJ, because of the total lack of preliminary test was conducted to estimate out to be approximately 0.0277. The risks table Al CTp [Davies O.L., 1978], which a and (3 were both fixed of appendix A, with 0=1.45 (=0.04/0.0277), orthogonal array is n=16=N/2 and then knowledge, the total we a came at 0.05. In find n=14, the closest number of trials will be N=32. Experiment Conduction The pattern of the experiment views factors V and a full factorial for the architectural a half factorial for the setting factors, for the architectural factors and thus we obtained a resolution a resolution III for the setting factors plus a resolution IV for the interactions between the factors of the categories, is and the confounding imposed by the nested two structure. different The pattern recognizable in exhibit 8 thanks to the positioning of the architectural factor on the top of the matrix, combination of all where the the factors. On full factorial the side implies the presence of the we have the setting factors where the half fractional design implies the presence of only half of the data, but the orthogonality of the design guaranties the possibility of comparing any factor at each of Exhibit O B S E R V A T. 8. its two levels (Appendix C). Matrix of experiment for the PF] case with the results. the sequence of the runs randomization of the was random [Montgomery trials is perception, randomization is The D.C., 1984]. an argued point, because, against the common very exper\sive and the tendency to conduct the group)ed runs often compromises the quality of the experiment [Pignatiello J-Jv 1992]. The Pooling Technique The analysis was is started assuming negligible three already a form of effects pooling even Anova tables. In table 1 the initial if it model is factor interactions does not appear in the shown with interaction but those being relative to the nested factor, is and and all this initial second order also the p-Value provided, which gives the smallest significance level at which the null hypothesis can be rejected. The last column supplies the percentual contribution of the effect variation with respect to the total variation and helpful in understanding the behavior and the impact of each factor interaction Table (Appendix 1. Initial Anova table B). is and (residual) all effects with an F-ratio degree of freedom became 22 and the experiments are: Table 2. S<iurre less we then 1, as illustrated before, the error obtained table Sen2=ww, MSe2= 005 and P2=ss. 2. Here the parameters of the last mean column gives the F ratio between the actual and preliminary error squares (MSe/MSgp). Table 4. Experimental Parameters in the PFJ case. STEP 6 References Box G., Bisgaard S. Statistical Tools for Improving Designs, Mechanical Engineering, January 1988, p.32-41. E., Hool J. N., Maghsoodloo S., A Simple Method for Obtaining Resolution IV Designs for Use with Taguchi's Orthogonal Arrays, Journal of Quality Technology, vol. 22, October 1990, p. 260-264. BuUington K. 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Sample size requirements for tests on difference of two means from independent normal population, equal population standard deviations. Appendix B Percent Contribution Calculation The variance calculated interaction, listed in in the fixed levels Anova some amount contains Table, experiment for a factor or the error [Phadke M.S, 1983; Ross P. J., 1988]. observed (Vx ) can be written of variation The generic due to factor variance as: Vx = V*x + Ve where V*x the error. is the variance due solely to the factor x The pure variation of factor x can V*x = Vx and since of squares in the Anova Table - the variance and degree of freedom of factor and Ve be isolated is the variance of as: Ve is sum expressed as the ratio of the (Vx=SSx/Vx) we have: SSVVx = SSx/Vx-Ve we Solving for SS*x obtain: SS*x = SSx - Ve X then the percent contribution of the factor x variation expressed in terms of the sum Ox = SS*x The contribution removed by of error (residual) the factors and He = where dof f.i. is the total Vx (Fix) with respect to the total of squares can be calculated as: / SSiot X 100 is then calculated replacing all variation interactions: (SSx + dof number F.I. X Ve) / SSjot of degree of x 100 freedom available for factors and interactions. This correction effects, initial and it Anova is is necessary to avoid overestimating the contribution of the the cause of the presence of the negative table. 21 numbers in the Appendix C Orthogonal matrix of the experiment Table CI. Trial Random stH]uence of the trials and results of the PFJ experiment. Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 00927 9016