i^^M^ HD28 .M414 MIT lIPF'flRIES DUn 1 i^.f0 3 TDflD D0b5bfiM3 (gjUN 22 7 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT OPTIMAL CONSUMPTION WITH INTERTEMPORAL SUBSTITUTION I: THE CASE OF CERTAINTY Ay man Hindy and Chi-fu Huang March 1990 WP#3158-90-EFA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 v»Stf>v 1990 j OPTIMAL CONSUMPTION WITH INTERTEMPORAL SUBSTITUTION I THE CASE OF CERTAINTY : Ayman Hindy and Chi-fu Huang March 1990 WP#3158-90-EFA M.I.T. LIBRARit;: JUN 2 2 1990 REUiJVtU OPTIMAL CONSUMPTION WITH INTERTEMPORAL SUBSTITUTION THE CASE OF CERTAINTY I: Ayman Hindy and Chi-fu Huang' Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 October 1989 Revised March 1990 Abstract We study the problem of optimal consumption choice a class of utility functions that perfect substitutes. The class we consider excludes additive utility functions used in the bterature. for in continuous time under certainty for capture the notion that consumptions at nearby dates are almost all We time-additive and almost all the non time- provide necessary and sufficient conditions a consumption policy to be optimal. Furthermore, we demonstrate our general theory by solving in a closed form the optimal consumption policy for a particular felicity function. optimal policy in our solution consists of a (possible) initial "gulp" of consumption, or an The initial period of no consumption, followed by consumption at the rate that mountains a constant ratio of wealth to average past consumption. *We are grateful to Hua He and Thaleia Zariphopoulou for pointing out an error for helpful discussion. in an earlier version, and to John Heaton, Jean-Luc Vila 1 Introduction The choice of an optimal consumption plan for an individual under certainty problem in economics; see, for is a classical example, Ramsey (1928) and Modigliani and Brumberg (1954). In a large part of the literature that addresses this problem, the preferences of an individual are represented by a time-additive utility function. utility function It has long been recognized that a time-additive does not incorporate the intuitively appealing notion that past consumption can contribute to an individual's future satisfaction. Nevertheless, this class of preferences has been because of utilized of time periods is its tractability. In discrete time models, one can argue that if the length chosen appropriately, then past consumption would have negligible effect on current satisfaction. Such arguments, however, no longer apply when we consider a continuous time model. Recently, a class of non-time-additive utility functions, due originally to and Uzawa (1968), has gained increasing significance Koopmans (1960) in the literature of continuous time equi- librium models; see, for example, Epstein (1987). Also, non-time-additive utility functions that exhibit habit formation are objects of current research interest in continuous time financial asset pricing models; see, for example, Constantinides (1988), Heaton (1988), and Sundaresan (1989). A common feature of these utility functions satisfaction at any time, that the felicity, or the index of instantaneous a function of the current consumption and a certain functional of is A the past consumption. is high level of past consumption can serve either to depress current appetite as in the case of the Uzawa type utility functions or to increase current appetite as in the case of the habit formation models. These non-time-additive utility functions offer intuitively appealing notions of interactions between past and current consumption. They are also mathematically tractable. Optimal con- sumption policies forms of the can be characterized using dynamic programming. For particular functional felicity function, one can even have closed form expressions for these Unfortunately, these utility functions much fail policies. to exhibit one key economic property that underlies of our intuition about the behavior of asset prices over time in the absence of arbitrage possibiUties. A common hypothesis maintained by have predictable jumps. agents knew that the moment. If To support many financial economists is that asset prices cannot this hypothesis, the price of an asset were to increase argument goes as follows: by a discrete amount suppose at a specific an agent could borrow funds for a very short period of time over which the interest 2 1 he would have to pay is negligible, then he would be able to access to a frictionless market, he would simply borrow price were supposed to occur, "position. The demand buy the some funds just before the jump in the and then liquidate asset, wait for its price to increase, when the jump were supposed be eliminated. The validity of consumption Having realize an "arbitrage profit". his of agents exploiting this arbitrage opportunity would push the price of the asset up before the time prices for Introduction this argument depends to appear and hence the crucially on the hidden assumption that at nearly adjacent dates are almost equcd agent pays on funds borrowed over a short time interval There are several economic tions at nearly adjacent dates. forces that will bring The most primitive jump would and thus the interest that the negligible. is about the closeness of prices for consump- among these forces is the hypothesis that agents treat consumptions at nearly adjacent dates as almost perfect substitutes and thus ensure that almost equal prices are established for them. under certainty, and Hindy and Huang (1989), ences that exhibit this property. explicitly They show on current consumption and is in Huang and Kreps (1989), in a model a model under uncertainty, study prefer- in particular that if the felicity function strictly concave in it, depends then consumptions at nearly adjacent dates cannot be treated as almost perfect substitutes. Since the functional forms of Uzawa type and the felicity function used both in the in the habit formation type preferences are strictly concave, agents with those preferences do not view consumptions at nearby dates as close substitutes.^ Therefore, such models will reach economic conclusions that violate some of our basic intuition about price behavior over time. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the optimal for a class of utility functions that treat key feature of this class of consumption problem under certainty consumptions at nearby dates as close substitutes. The utility functions is that the felicity function at any time depends only upon an exponentially weighted average of past consumption - one derives past consumption. We will demonstrate the tractabihty of programming can be used to when one the optimal consumption policy we solve in closed in may our solution form the optimal consumption specify periods of calls for consumption mixed with periods of this property. a (possible) initial In particular, the optimal "gulp" of consumption, or an 'Heaton (1990) studies preferences in discrete lime whose continuous time limits satisfy the notion Huang and Kreps (1989) and Hindy and Huang (1989). substitution studied by policy. derives current satisfaction only from past consumption, no consumption. Our closed form solution exhibits consumption policy by showing how dynamic give sufficient conditions for optimality. In particular, for a specific functional form of the felicity function, Intuition suggests that this family satisfaction only from of local period of no consumption, followed by consumption at the rate that maintains a constant initial The consumption ratio of wealth to average past consumption. rate determined by the is interplay between the effect of past consumption, the current return on investment and the impatience of the agent. The rest of this under certainty paper organized as follows. Section 2 sets up the consumption problem is in continuous time. Section 3 heuristically derives necessary conditions for a consumption policy to be optimal. Section 4 provides section 5, we sufficient conditions for optimality. In solve the optimal consumption problem in closed form for a particular felicity function. Section 6 contains concluding remarks. The Setup 2 who Consider an economic agent is from time lives t = to < = T from consumption refrain pattern over his life moment, and can consume for any period as he sees at finite rates over intervals. We fit. span by a positive^, increasing, right continuous function C:[0,T] possible kind of a discontinuity of consumption X, is C function is an example; set of the agent, A'+, is the space of all Note also that a right-continuity, for = The = 0. zero for almost is all The p. 48). the space of right-continuous and finite variation function x on [0,T] has a finite left-limit at any !(<*") = x{t), i any t 6 [0,T') denoted by x{f^). £ [0,T). For convenience, we Since left-limits exist for any a; G A", a jump By will use of of x at t is x{t)-x{i-). points of discontinuity of a consumption pattern decides to consume a "gulp", and the there can be only at most a countable size of the number continuous function of time. Let these jump is strict, we will explicitly state so. is C are the moments when the agent amount of that "gulp". Note that the of times of "gulps" since moments be use weak relations in our discussion. Hence increasing a relation ??+, such functions and the commodity space, finite right-limit at any i G A' we have the convention that x(0~) is finite variation e (0,r] denoted by x{t~) and a We X — to have a "singular" example, Royden (1968, see, for also Note that the only t. C a jump. Note also that we allow the linear span of A'+. Note that functions. Ax{t) is a continuous increasing function whose derivative The famous Cantor t. t is He can represent the agent's consumption with C{i) denoting the accumulated consumption from time zero to time component, that world where there and T. The agent can consume a single consumption good available at any time between "gulps" of the good at any in a certain ri,r2,. is . ., and let C is the an increasing right jump at time equivalent to nondecreasing, for example. r, be When , The Setup 2 4 AC(t,). Moreover, rates C is absolutely continuous on the intervals on which the agent consumes at and the derivative of C on these When this derivative is C zero, is intervals, denoted the "rate" of consumption there. c(t), is constant on the interval, and the agent is not consuming at all. The agent or all his t, The a continuous function of time. is dW{t) = W{t)r{t)dt-dC{t) W{t^) = W(T,)-ACiT,) is a left t r(<). he can invest part of We assume that the agent's wealth before consumption at feels, h«LS fort e (r„r,+i) for alH 6 is however, that consumption at one time [0,r]. is T] and for final wealth W{T).^ [0, a substitute for consumption at other, near- by times. Therefore, delaying or advancing consumption and Hindy and Huang (1989), i just the budget constraint over time. preferences for consumption over the period very small effect on his total satisfaction. for all foraUr.. continuous function and (1) impose the condition that W{t) > The agent He and at any time denoted W{t)y changes according to the following dynamics: Note that W{t) We Vl^(O), weaJth in a riskless asset with instantaneous rate of return interest rate r(<) time with endowment starts at time time has a for a very small period of Huang and Kreps (1989), for the case of certainty, for the case of uncertainty, formalize the idea that consumption preferences can be similar to those expressed by the agent. In particular, the authors advance a family of topologies on the space of consumption patterns over time that capture the notion that consumptions at nearly adjacent dates are almost perfect substitutes. In this paper, use one member commodity space of this family given as follows. X Fix p > 1. Define the topology T we on the to be the topology generated by the norm:^ \\C\\=[J^\C{tWdt + \CiT)\^]''\ (2) Moreover, Huang and Kreps (1989) and Hindy and Huang (1989) show that there are intuitively appealing functional forms of utility intertemporal substitution properties. C which express preferences for consumption with The agent has one of them. Fix any consumption pattern and a corresponding terminal wealth W{T). At any time ^The astute reader might have observed tinuous function of time. justification solution *The is To W(T) = T define the exponentially weighted that the final wealth should be W(T'''), since wealth simplify notation, that consumption gulps at t, we will use the slightly inaccurate W{T) is a left con- for final wealth. add nothing to the satisfaction of the agent. Hence, Our at the optimal U'(r+). special treatment of on [0,T) but disagree on T C(T) in the norm accounts could not be distinguished if for the fact that the two consumption patterns which agree norm were without the term involving C{T). average of past consumption, z{t), by: 2(0 where z{0~) > 2(0- )e-^' a constant and is the integral in (3) = is /? is +p C e-^('-) dC{s) (3) , Note that the lower limit of a weighting factor. 0~, to account for the possible jump right continuous function. Moreover, z has a component when f No- jump exactly C at when C of does. Also observe that higher values of /? < = 0, and that z{t) is a does and z has a singular imply higher emphasis on the recent past and less emphasis on consumption in the distant past. Note also that the average past consumption z{i) changes according to the following dynamics: dzit) = fi[dCit) z{Ti) = 2(r-) Given 2(0"), the agent's + - for< e(r,,r,+i) z{t)dt] /3AC(r.) utility for the for alii, for all r,. consumption pattern C and final wealth W{T) is given by: U{z{0-),0;{C,W{T)))= f u{z{t),t)dt + V{WiT)), (5) Jo where both u: 3R+ x [0,r] — > 3? U {— oo} and V: §?+—§(? U {— oo} V is strictly concave and the possibility that u or V functions. Furthermore, that we have allowed V(W^) = ^W°, where a < 0. The function u is, u is strictly are continuous concave in can take the value in the its first — oo and increasing argument. Note at zero. For example, terminology of Arrow and Kurz (1970), the felicity function that assigns the level of satisfaction derived from past consumption and V is the bequeath function. topology generated by T Preferences given by (3) and (5) are continuous in the product and the Euclidean topology on Jf+; see Hindy and Huang (1989), C determines, via the budget proposition 17. Starting from a given level of wealth, each consumption plan constraint, the value of terminal wealth W{T). It W{t), and the average past consumption z{t~). average past consumption up tiU and z{t~) the state variables consumption decision at t. at t, t, also determines for every time Note that at any faces the 1^(0) and given 2(0"). We A'^. is will call the W{t) making his problem of choosing a consumption pattern C* - the admissible controls - to maximize his U{z{0~),0;{C,W{T))), subject to the dynamics given is t. since they represent the status of the agent before The agent the wealth the value z{t~) excluding the possible consumption at - the optimal control - from the space wealth t, t, in (1) and (4), and given that utility, his initial 3 6 Formally, wealth final problem is let A{W (0),0) C X+ x JJ+ W{T) Heuristic Derivation of Necessary Conditions be the space of all pairs of C consumption pattern that satisfy the budget constraint of (1) starting with H^(0). The and agent's to find: sup UiziO-),0;{C,W{T))). (6) (c,w(r))e>(W(o),o) A solution to (6) exists the if supremum is finite and is some {C',W'{T)) G attained by AiWiO),0). At times, we [0,<~]} will also consider and W{t) determined by a sub-problem of (6) at some (1) (the C is t with the convention that C^{s) denotes the consumption pattern C' and on [t,T] with an initial of clear that C in (7) finaJ wealth z{t-)e-'^^'-'^ + W{T) = for all t, where A{W{t),t) ioTs>t. (8) once W{t) and z{t~) are known, {C{s);s G [0,i~]} has no impact on the choices and this justifies the notation U{z{t-),t-C^,W{T)). Moreover, {C\s) = C'is) - C'(t~);5 G W{t) corresponding {C\W'{T)). to [t,T]} is if {C',W'{T)) is a solution to (7) with z{t-) and Heuristic Derivation of Necessary Conditions We now use heuristic arguments to derive a set of necessary conditions for a solution to (6). These conditions will imply that an optimal consumption pattern can have gulps only at Suppose (C, W'{T)) is an optimal solution to (6) and let and starting with wealth W{t) and average past consumption z{t~), J{W{t),z(i~),t) be the [t,T]. In other words, maximum < = 0. the corresponding wealth and average past consumption, or the state variables, be {W'(t),z'{t~)) for t < .s that satisfy the budget constraint r e-^^'-^UC\0 a solution to (6), then 3 (7) value W(t), where = z{s) It is + V(WiT)), an increasing and right-continuous function on {t,T] representing accumulated consumption starting from (1) uiz{s),s)ds Jt {C',W(T))eA{W{t),t) where G [0,r): given {C(s);5 G budget constraint), solve U(z{r),t;C',WiT))= f sup t t G [O,^]. At any time let the value function possible attainable satisfaction over the remaining period let: rT JiW{t),z{t-),t)= sup [/ u{z{s),s)ds + ViW{T))], (C'W(T))eA(W(t),i)'-Jt ' (9) . where {z{s);s G [^T]} Assume that Jw{W,z,t) = t, J is — is defined according to (8). finite an'^' 1 and differentiable in measures the changes from a very small change results W and The marginal 2. maximum in the wealth when everything else in marginal value of the average past consumption z at time t, is value of wealth at time attainable satisfaction that kept constant. Similarly, the = Jz{W,z,t) — g^^'^' , measures the change in the value function for infinitesimal changes in 2, ceteris paribus. Along the optimal solution, J should 1 satisfy the following conditions: - Bellman Optimality Principle The Bellman optimality all times t principle; see, for example, and r € [0,T] such that < JiW'{t),z'{t-),t) That an optimal policy on is: < = Fleming and Rishel (1975), implies that r, f^ u{z'{s),s)ds + J{W'{T\z'{r-),r) T] remains optimal over any subperiod [t, for principle implies that along the optimal solution, the value function [r, (10) T]. In particular, this J{W', z',t) is a continuous function of time even at times of jumps. Right-continuity follows from J{W'{t),z'{t-),t) = ]imJiW'{T + A),z'{t- + A),T + A) = J{W'{t+),z'{t),t) for all r., (11) and left-continuity is easy to see. For brevity of notation, we will use J{t) to denote J{W'{t),z'{t~),t) and similarly use Jwit) and Jz{t) to denote the partial derivatives of J{t) with respect to 2 - Continuous Marginal Value of Along the optimal time t G t + At That [0,7") policy, given the interest rates, the A< > or else some changes 7w{t)€ the A< same Jwit) marginal value of in C eeJ' will ^^'' * e units of wealth at units of wealth at time be called for to change W* and z'. we must have is, Letting 2, respectively. W and z must be equal to the marginal value of for small W and is | 0, we line of get = lw{t + At)€ef<^^''^'^'^'. Jvv(0 = Jwif^)- Thus Jw{t) must be right-continuous on (12) [0,7'). Along arguments, we show that Jw{i) must be left-continuous on (0,r] and thus continuous on [0,T]. 3 8 Similarly, Heuristic Derivation of Necessary Conditions by the Bellman optimality principle, a marginal value of must be equal to its function at time t marginal contribution to the + At. That felicity of J z{i) is + _ to the value + At)(e-^^\ J,{t we conclude that J^CO must be right-continuous on 0, > t is,* u,{z'is),s)(e-^^'-'Us — increase in z{t~) at + A/] and function on {t,t /t+At Letting A< e (13) The [0,T). left-continuity established by noting that Jt-At — and letting A< 3- > 0. Dynamics of Marginal Values By the hypothesis that r{t) is continuous in <, — —= (12) implies, as At —> that 0, -T{t)Jw{t). j^ Next note that if z'{i) is continuous on some time interval {t - A<,t -I- A<), then u,{z'it),t) At and Hence, in a time interval over which C" has no "gulps", (13) implies, as At ^Ml Also note that at derivative of V consumed t at = -u,{z'{t),t) + = » 0, that p7,{t). T, the marginal value of wealth, evaluated at the terminal wealth W'{T). Jw{T) is exactly equjil to the In addition, any unit of the good T, with no change in wealth, has no effect on the agent's total satisfaction and hence J z{T) = 4- < = — 0. Appropriate Times for "Gulps" Applying Bellman's optimality principle *We use u,(r, t) to denote ^=^. in (10) on an interval (r,, r,+i) when our solution prescribes consumption at rates, we get the following Bellman equation: max{u{z'it),t) + Jw[rit)W'it)-c{t)]-i-J,(}[c{t)-z'it)] > c(<) Note that the Bellman equation tion rate that satisfies (15) is linear + 7t}J = m the consumption rate c{t). = c(Oe[0,oo] c{t) = oo when Jw{t) - Plz{t) > , when Jw{t) - Plzit) = , when Jw{t) - Plzit) < Bellman equation, therefore, suggests that over the periods cannot be the case that W. (/? times) the marginal value of z also suggests that a "gulp" of It Jwi''') ~ PJzi''') £ negative. Since the marginaJ values of will W and + e) for G (r — e, r jump only be a countable T, on 5- No "Gulps" Now for all points number t t JwiT) - calls for we cannot have two successive W and Jwi''') — /^<^z(t) > e 0. is strictly Jwii) — PJzi^) Hence our candidate policy moment 0. A z, at at time r > 0. Note that by right any one moment. This, together with implies that there are two strictly positive €i,C2 such that: Jw{t) - PJzit) = Jwii)- (3Jz{t)>0 Assuming that is = I3Jz{t) jumps Jwit)-0zit)>O PJzit) when any moment r when at Since this cannot happen as there can e). a "gulp" of size the continiiity of the marginal values of numbers + at rates, greater than the marginal value of at r some is = suppose that our policy continuity of C, which consumption of jumps, our policy might prescribe a "gulp" only at a this particular interval, such that after is in z are continuous, the function be strictly negative on an interval (t - e,T should prescribe a Hence, the consump- . consumption might be prescribed Suppose that we prescribe a "gulp" 0- G (r.,r,+i). (15) given by: is c{t) it for all/ Jw and Jz are decreasing just to the left (r-ei,r), on when on < = r (r,r , + e2). differentiable functions of time, this implies that of r and increasing just to the right of r. This condition, however, cannot hold for any size of jump A. From the dynamics of |[7iv(r+) - /37.(T+)] - Jw{t) — jpwir) - /37,(r)] = /3 \u,{z'(t) + Jw I3A,t) and J^, we get that: - t..(z*(r), r)] . (16) 10 But by if concavity of the strict ^{Jw — 0J z] felicity function in 2, this last quantity were negative just before the jump, jump, thus violating the condition that our analysis at Heuristic Derivation of Necessary Conditions 3 = < not valid for is and = t T. A < = and gulp at t = t Jw — PJz = we should < = 0, strictly negative just after the be increasing just after a "gulp". Note that is clearly sub-optimal since the agent cannot and the it wealth final All the above considerations lead us to conclude that "gulp" at negative. Hence, T, thus C* does not have any gulps, except possibly T, however, derive any consumption satisfaction from would be it is strictly is also reduced. C should take the form of a possible followed by periods of consumption mixed with periods of no consumption. prescribe a jump AC*(0) at < = 0, then the size of the That vcdue function immediately after the jump. the is, jump jump should maximize size AC*(0) should If the solve the following problem max J(W^(0) From the first initial possible order condition, jump at < = 0, e,z{0-) we then know that + /96,0+). Jw{0^) = f^Jzi^'^)- Moreover, after the the following condition should be satisfied for all t G (0,T]; at times of no consumption: u(z'{t),t) + Jwr{t)W'it) + l,fiz'{t) + 7, = (17) 0, together with /?7.(0-7h'(0<0, and when consumption occurs at the times at rates, we must have iJwit)-l3'Jz{i)]c'{i) More generally, consumption only occurs when Jw{t) — of no consumption is should at all all = Q. (19) PJz{i)- During these times the strategy sub-optimal and hence u{z'{t),t) -\-Jwrit)W'it) The necessary (18) conditions can be expressed + J,0z'ii) +7t < 0. (20) more compactly by stating that the value function times satisfy: mnxiu{z,t) In the following section, + JwWr{t)-J^Pz + we provide conditions Jt, 0, -Jw] sufficient for = 0. (21) a candidate solution to be optimal. 11 4 Sufficiency The necessary conditions in (18) and (19) simply say that the agent should adopt a consumption policy of a possible initial "gulp" followed by periods of consumption consumption. the agent starts with a consumption "gulp", then immediately after If marginal value of wealth z. Otherwise, mixed with periods of no W should be equal to (/? During the periods which the agent consumes at in that the marginal value of wealth always equal to is 0, the (/? value of any additional unit of the good at any time is initial "gulp". such a manner rates, he does this in times) the marginal value of average In other words, the agent chooses his past consumption. = times) the marginal value of past consumption would benefit the agent to change the value of the it t consumption so that the marginal equalized between the two competing uses available to him, namely investing to increase his wealth and consuming to increase his average past consumption. wiU If this find it attractive to deviate condition is not satisfied in a particular policy, then the agent from that policy by reallocating the consumption good in the activity with the higher marginal value. When the agent least as large as (/? is not consuming, it must be the case that the marginal utility of wealth is at times) the marginal utility of the average past consumption. In other words, during these periods the agent gains more in overall satisfaction by investing the riskless asset and by temporarily refraining from consumption. The all his wealth in increased wealth will provide more consumption and bequeath value in the future than immediate consumption. Of course, start when the marginal consuming again. such that at any strictly greater values of the good in both uses is again equalized, the agent Finally, the necessary conditions instruct the agent to follow a policy moment after t — 0, the marginal value of the good than the marginal value of the good if invested, if consumed, ^J z, at "rates" or whether later that the closed it is never Jw- Note that, by the necessary conditions, when consumption occurs, there it is may is no telling whether includes singular components. However, the reader will find out form solution we construct in the following section for a particular felicity function shows that the optimal consumption policy contains no singular component. We now two provide sufficient conditions for a consumption policy to be optimal. steps. First, we show that there is a value function J'{W,z,t) which the satisfaction over [t,T] that an agent can obtain starting at past consumption this z. t is We argue in an upper bound on with wealth W and an average Second, we give conditions under which a consumption policy achieves upper bound and hence it is indeed the optimal policy. » . 12 4 Let the agent at any time t Sufficiency have wealth W{t) and average past consumption z{t~). Assume that the agent has the opportunity to exchange his wealth and average past consumption for a level of satisfaction J'{W{t),z{t~),t). In other J'{W,z,t) defined for all levels of that provides the agent at time words, there a "utility equivalent" function is wealth and average past consumption and for t all times in [0,T] with lump-sum satisfaction for the period [t,T]. Therefore the agent has the option of choosing any budget feasible consumption plan till any time and t, then exchanging his wealth and average past consumption at that time for a lump-sum payoff in units of utility. We will show that if J'{W,z,t) satisfies certain conditions, M^(0) and z{0~) at time zero for J'{W{0),z{0~),0) feasible consumption policy till any time t is then exchanging better for the agent than adopting any and then receiving a lump-sum utility at that time. Consider the situation in which the agent decides to terminate his consumption at time t G [0,T], and exchange his state variables at t, W{t) and z{t~), for J'{W{t),z{t~),t). In such a case, the agent's total satisfaction will be given by: r uizis),s)ds + r{W{t),z{r),t) (22) Jo To ensure that the value in (22) is the correct value of utility for all possible plans, we impose the following boundary conditions on J'. First, note that the agent might decide not to terminate a given consumption plan at be given by will (5). We in (22) is the utility for all. At time T, he would receive V{W{T)) and require that at T, J*(iy(r),z(T-),r) and then "live given by (22) The utility U { time T. Second, note that his wealth strictly before time T, the corresponding utility from such a plan, = J^uiz€-^^'-^\s)ds + we impose the boundary condition V{0). following theorem shows that the agent prefers receiving J'{W{0),z{0~),0) to the gained from any consumption plan terminated at ant time Theorem J? all till thus the value on" the satisfaction derived from past consumption. To ensure that the value is that J'{0,z,t) = V(M'(r)), and a consumption plan followed completely the agent might follow a consumption plan that exhausts his total satisfaction 1 Assume — oo}, concave that there exists a differentiable function in W and z, t 6 (0,T]. J'{W,z,t):^+ X 5f+ X [0,T] — whose partial derivatives are continuous functions of time, that satisfies the following differential equation: m^{u{z,t)-\-Jw^Vrit)-j;Pz + J^,pj;-j;v} = together with the boundary conditions: J'{W,z,T) = V{W) and V<e[0,T], (23) 13 = J'{0,z,t) / u{ze-^^'-*\s)ds + V{0), then '' uiz(s),s)ds + yC J'{W{t),z{r),t) < r(WiO),z{0-),0) £ AiW{0),0), j: where {z{s);0 ^ s < t and W{t) are } respectively, associated with the average past consumption and time t, and let the points of discontinuity of C of notation, we Recall that W is C £ A(W{0),0) that terminates C is {H^(5);0 left-continuous and z is < t) and right-continuous. process and {2(5); < z(s) + J'{W{t),z{t-),t) u{z{s),s)ds + J'(M'(0),z(0-),0) + E.=o f,r {j'w{s)rWis)ds - Jty:s)dCis) + We J:{s)l3{dC{s) < For convenience at times denote J''{W{t),z{t~),t), J^{W{t),z(i-),t), J^{W{t),z{t-),t), f^uizis),s)ds /o' < s J^{W(t),z{t-),t) by J*(0, Jwit)^ Jzit)i and j;(t), respectively. = The wealth on (0,0 be ti,T2, the average past consumption associated with t}, respectively. wealth, C. Proof. Assume that the agent adopts a consumption plan at t and have - zis)ds) + J:{s)ds) (24) where the equality follows from fundamental theorem of calculus and we have Note that the boundary conditions for J* ensure that the left-hand expression is set tq — 0. the correct expression of utility even for consumption plans that do not terminate before T, or those plans for which the wealth reaches zero By the hypothesis that J' is strictly before T. concave two arguments, we know that in its first < Jwir^Wirt) - = Jw(r,){Cir-) - C(r.)) W{T,)) + + J;(r.)(z(r.) j;(r.)/?(C(r.) - z(r-)) - C(7;-)). Substituting this into (24) gives fu{zis),s)ds + J'{W{t),z{t-\t) Jo < J-(H^(0),2(0-),0) + f\u{z{s),s) Jo + j;yis)Wis)r{s) - J:{s)0z{s) + J:{s)]ds , 14 4 + r [/?j;(s) - Sufficiency Jw{s)]dCis) Jo- < J-(Vy(0),z(0-),0), where the second inequality follows from the hypothesis that the integrands are negative and C is increasing. Now, if I we can show that there exists an actual policy {C'',W'(T)) 6 A{W{0),0) such that U{ziO'),0;{C-,W'iT))) = J'{WiO),ziO-),0), then {C',W'(T)) In fact, is the optimal policy. we will prove more than C, of a budget feasible policy that. In the following theorem, starting from guarantees that the associated value function theorem U { is t and any state W(t),z{t~), which equal to the function J'{W,z,t) defined in 1. Theorem 3? any time we provide a characterization 2 Suppose that there exists a differentiable function J'{W,z,t):^+ X 5?+ X [0,T] — oo}, concave in W and z, — whose partial derivatives are continuous functions of time, which solves the differential equation: Tnax[u{z, t) + JwWr{t) - J^jSz + j;, fij; - J^] = Vi G [O.T] (25) together with the boundary conditions: = J'iW,z,T) V{W) and rT = J'(0,z,t) Starting from any time t 6 [0,T], with C 6 A{W(t),t), which is I u(2e-^('-'\s)d5. W{t) and z{t~), assume that there exists a policy continuous on {t,T], with a possible associated state variables are W'(t),z'{t~), such that for all t jump AC'{t), and whose G {t,T]: j; = and [j;y{W',z',t)-f3j;{W',z',t)]dC'{i) = for u{z',t) + j;vW'r{t)-j;Pz' + (26) all e>0, (27) i: ft and r(W{T),z{T-),T) = J'iWiT) - AC'{T),zir-) + 0AC'iT),T) then U{z{t-),t-{C',W'{T))) = J'{W{t),z{t-),t) for In particular, U{z{0-),0;{C',W'{T))) that C attains the maximum all , (28) {W{t),zit-),t) e §?+ x Sf+ x [0,T]. = J'{W{0),z{0-),0). It then follows from theorem of U{z{0-),0;{C,W{T))) over the set A{W{0),0). 1 15 Recall from the definition of U{z{t-),t;{C' ,W'{T))) that for r Proof. < t < s < T, we have: Uiz'ir),t;iC',W'{T))) = Now J' u{z-iO,Od^+U{z'{s-),s;{C',W'{T))). (29) consider the following: = J' = u{z-{0,0 d^ + J'iW'it'' ), ^'(0,0 + /' (Jw J'{W{t^),z'it),t) dw + j; dz- + J^ di) + I'{uiz'i0,0 + Jw^"{OriO - j:p^'io + Jl) d^ + J\(3J:{W',z\0- Jw{W',z',0)dC'{0 = J'{W'it+),z'{t)J) = J'{W'{t),z'{t-),t), where the first (30) equality follows from the fundamental theorem of calculus. foUows from the dynamics of W and z' and the assumption that and the third equality follows from equations (26) and continuity of C for all From equations t G (TyT], and from condition (29) and (30), we conclude that (27). (28), The C last equality follows t = t. < < 5 < T, t equality continuous on {t,T], is when for all r The second from the U{z'{r),t;iC',W'{T)))-U{z'{s-),s;{C',W'{T))) = J'iW'{tlz\t-),t)-J'iW'{s),z'{s-),s) m U(z'it-),t;{C',W'{T)))- J'iW'{t),z'{t-),t) = where m is a constant independent of have used the convention that if the t. Now, minimum let T = or for all te [t,T], min{t G [0,T]:Vy*(<) does not exist, we set the = minimum 0}, where we to be T. Note from the boundary condition on J' that: J'{W'{t),z'{t-),t) = U{z-{t-),f;{C',W'{T))). Thus we conclude that 5 We m = 0, and the proof is now complete. I Optimal Consumption Policy provide a closed form solution for the optimal consumption problem formulated in section 2 with infinite horizon in a world of constant interest rate r. The felicity function is u{z,t) = 16 Optima] Consumption Policy 5 -e~^^z° where q < , 1, and where the discount factor ^ > captures the agent's impatience. In other words, the agent seeks to majcimize r -e-^'z{tydi, Q l/(r(0-),0,C)= (31) Jo given W(0) and 2(0") and where problem, which proof is is z{t) The given by equation (3). is a modified version of theorem sufficiency theorem for this given in the following corollary, whose 2, is omitted. Corollary Suppose that there 1 J*(H', z):3?+ X Jf+ — 5f exists a concave, continuously differentiahle function U { — oo}, which max{— + solves the differential equation: J^yWr - J'Jz - 6J', pj; - J^] = (32) , together with the boundary conditions: roo J'(0,z)= 1 e-^'-{ze-^^'-'^)°ds / and (33) Q Ji lim e-^'^J'iWiT), ziT)) = (34) , TToc W{t) and z{t~), assume that continuous, with a possible jump AC'{t), and for all feasible policies. Starting from any time t £ [0,oo), with there exists a policy C € A{W{t),t), which is whose associated state variables are W'{t),z'{t~), such — + JwWr t G {t,oo): - j;0z* -6J' = and \j;y(W',z\t)-PJ;{W',z',t)]dC\t) = forall a I that for all (35) €>0, (36) and J'{WiT),z{T-)) = J'{W{t) - AC*(r),z(r-) then U(z{t-),t;C') = J'{W{t),z{t-)) for In particular, U{z{0-),0;C') the maximum We will all (Wit),z{t-)) € = J'{W{0),z{Q-)). It + /?AC-(r)), (37) R+ X ^+. then follows from theorem 1 that C attains of U{z{0-),0;C) over the set A{W{0),0). show that the key feature of the solution average past consumption z. then the optimal behavior increases and z declines till is If is a critical ratio A:* > of wealth li'' to the agent starts at time zero with ^,^1 strictly less than k', to invest the ratio ^ all the wealth in the riskless asset and wait while reaches k' . From then W on, the agent consumes at the . 17 ^ rate which keeps the ratio ^(Q-\ strictly greater reducing equal to k' forever. If, on the other hand, the agent starts with than k', then the optimal behavior W and increasing to bring z, ^ to take a "gulp" of consumption, is immediately to k* ^ consumption occurs at the rate that keeps the ratio Following this gulp, the optimal . equal to k' forever. The critical ratio k' depends on the interest rate r, the impatience of the agent captured by 6, the concavity of the felicity function captured by q, and the rate of decay of past consumption captured by Our construction First, is of the critical ratio k' and hence the optimal solution we examine candidate the policy of keeping ^ period of no consumption any k-ratio policy, if ^,^1 < denoted j''{W,z), k. We J'{W,z), that there two steps. the A:-ratio policy if ^,^_\ > k, or after a show that the value function associated with will /3 J* — if <k and z = —>k. if a unique value k' > is 0, in satisfies: 4, we show > A; equal to k forever, after an initial "gulp" —a + rWJl^ - PzJ^ -SJ'^ = Second, For any solutions of the k-ratio form. is /?. such that the associated value fu:iction, satisfies the differential inequality maxi — + j;^-rW - j;i3z - - J^ 6J', (3j; = i (38) , together with the boundary condition that 1 It then follows from theorem for the agent's problem. Assumption 1 We ^00 = - JiO,z) 1, a \ / e-^'(ze-^') 1 ' dt= that the ratio policy associated with k' (39) is the optimal solution record our solution in the following statements. The parameters of 6 the problem satisfy > QT and (1 — q)/3 > ^ — This assumption ensures the existence of a solution to the out the case when the agent z°. ,, is r infinite so patient that he prefers to wait longest possible time. This behavior leads to infinite utility. horizon program. and accumulate wealth Now fix a k-ratio policy. It rules for the 18 Optimal Consumption Policy 5 Lemma t> 1 = Suppose that ^,^1 k. The consumption rate required to keep -^^ = k for all is '» = Bm'^^'^ and the corresponding utility is z{o-r "•^-"/^IStt) Proof. Using the dynamics of W and z, and equating -^i^) to zero, we can compute Another simple computation produces the associated total utility is strictly positive. Lemma k, 2 Suppose that ^,J_ and then consuming utility. Note that by assumption c. the 1, I < k. Consider the policy of no consumption to keep the ratio -^tM = for k, t > t' . The till t' total utility when from ^A'./ = this policy IS zio-r o{6 + al3) Proof. a The reader can lemma. establishes the Proposition ^^(o-r[H^(o)i^ 1 \.kz{0-)i - ]^s = easily verify that t' aP{^) ^j^J log S (40) + a0 r+0 . A direct computation I The value function j''(W,z) associated with any j''{W,z)= < a{6+Q0) + ^ Has ^a [k:w A A;-ratio policy is given by: w iff<k w l(i±M.YB where A = and ^-"/^(fel) B = Furthermore, j'' is * + "^ ^-"/?(^) continuous, concave, has continuous first derivatives ^ + rWJl^ - PzJ^ -6J'' = if Ji^-PJ^ = if ^<k, ^>k, and satisfies (41) . 19 together with the boundary condition — = —r-^ •^(0,2) Proof. w > Suppose that -^ immediately to k The '^^ is . W -kz and we define j''{W,z) 1, a size of the initial "gulp" required to bring the ratio l assumption ttz and the = J^{W - A,z + + 0k ' /3A). Concavity of J* in rest of the proposition can be ezisily verified both W and z follows from by direct computations. This proposition shows that any ratio policy has a value function which satisfies I the differ- domain. The value function of the optimal ential equations (41) in the relevant parts of the solution, however, satisfies the differential inequality (38) over the whole domain. There is exactly one value k' that produces the optimcd policy. Proposition 2 Let k' = ^ +—(l-a) 6 and note is that k' > by assumption 1. ar The value function J' associated with the k' -ratio policy continuous, concave, has continuous first derivatives and satisfies the differential inequality: maxJ — + J^rrW - J'^z - 6J', pj; - J^ I = , together with the boundary condition that J{0,z) 1 = q(q/? It then follows from theorem 1, that the A;' + <5) -ratio policy is the optimal solution for the agent's problem. Remark 1 k' is the unique ratio with the property that the associated value function J' is twice continuously differentiate over the whole domain {W,z). Proof. to prove that In light of proposition 1, we only need z° — + Jw'tW a J'(3z -6J' <0 pj; - Jw < if if W —>k' z W< — fc* and 20 Optimal Consumption Policy 5 To prove the to Figure 1, let = {W,z) any point x inequality, consider first such that W be the point on the intersection of the line fi passing through the point x with slope ^^ = - 4. W = k*z, to which one would jump one starts at if In other words, By x. = g is W > Referring k'z. and the straight k' z line the point on the boundary construction, J'{x) = J'{q)- Let f{W,z)=—^J'wTW-J'Jz, a and note that /(a) — 6J'{a) = straight line connecting a and Applying the fundamental theorem of caJculus along the 0. i, we obtain fUwdW + f^dz). /(x)-/(a)= Ja Noting that along the line connecting a direction from a to i, it then follows that —a + Jw^^ Computing fw - Pfz and W in the region x, fw — < (ifz that dW > in the to conclude that is sufficient -Sr <0 J'zP^ > we have dz = -jSdW, and —>k'. if z k'z, the reader can easily verify that fw - Pfz < O— QT To prove the second We inequality, consider the function J^-PJ^ in the region where W < k'z. can write .k'z z'^-'gi''^) , r^-HJ: = where +P where A is given hence g{y) j in proposition 00 as y Computing the | 1. Note that 5(1) > We 1. It r = 0, '•+^ y + aP + /3 and that - ^^^ > 1 S by assumption 0, 1, 00. derivative of p, da AU dy r ->r we get P{8 - ar) aP) _<±££ +P " Substituting k' in the expression for for y I then follows that J^, \k' ^, we - PJI > k'{r + P)) conclude that j^ 0, for all y{P = + for r) j/ = 1, points (W^z) such that have thus shown that the nature of the optimal consumption policy over the ratio of wealth to average past consumption to keep it policy of keeping the ratio at or below a fixed constant satisfies and that ^ W < k'z. is I exerting control at or below a critical level. many > Any of the sufficient conditions ' . 21 However, the for optimality. satisfied by only one differential inequality (38), critical ratio k* We . Proposition 3 The optimal solution gulp of size A = (ir^ffTf^ period of no consumption of length compare interesting to It is starts with the same initial summarize the solution consume is to at rate c*{t) - ar)W{0) + (i^ + [(^ t* this wealth = which log (1 _ r+e k'z(0- '' y^,L> , the crucial condition, is is in the following proposition. = \'_^J q))^(0-)] if , W(t), ^^ < after k' , an initial or after a -fWiox > k' if ^,J_( consumption policy to that adopted by a consumer who W{0) and same past consumption experience ^(0") who the seeks to maximize: / e-^*c{t)''dt, Jo where we assume that consumption rate is The propensity preferences. = c*(t) to il^'^ consume is = — a > 1 It can be easily verified that his optimal ^a (0the same for agents = An r. with time- additive and non-time-additive A will be a constant equal to his consumer with non-time additive preferences, however, suming a "gulp" of size - —^-jzP—K if differ- agent with time-additive preferences will consume rW^{t), and hence his wealth at any time see figure 2. 0. However, the quantity of consumption and the trajectory of wealth are Consider the case when S ent. c* > ar and 6 Ws wealth initial wealth, will either start by con- too high relative to z{0~), and then keep is the level of his wealth constant forever, or he will wait for t' = ;^ log ^^p^ , if his wealth is too low relative to ^(0"), and then start consuming the interest on his wealth forever. The parameter 0, which controls the rate of "decay" of previous consumption, determines the size of the initial "gulp" or the length of the of the subsequent constant wealth. inital gulp, if The initial waiting period, and hence the level higher the value of /3, the smaller the size of the the solution calls for a "gulp", and the shorter the case the solution entails a waiting period. This is initial waiting period, in an intuitive result since a higher /3 implies that past consumption experience has "smaller" effect on current, and hence total, satisfaction. Therefore, effect of reaches when the optimal solution entails an initial waiting period to accumulate wealth, the ^(0") decays faster with higher its critical value. Similarly, means that the effect of /? leading to shorter waiting period before the ratio when the optimal — solution calls for an initial "gulp", higher the "gulp" wiU decay faster and hence the "gulp" contributes less to future satisfaction. Therefore, agents with higher /? choose smaller initial "gulps". 22 References 7 Concluding Remarks 6 In this paper, we have provided sufficient conditions for a consumption policy to be optimal for a class of time-nonseparable preferences that treat consumptions at nearly adjacent dates to be almost perfect substitutes. We demonstrated our general theory by explicitly solving form the optimal consumption policy The in closed for a particular felicity function. heuristically derived necessary conditions for optimality in Section 3 can be justified We rigorously. refer the reader to Blaquiere (1985) for details. We also remark that our conclusion that the optimal consumption policy does not involve any "gulps" after depends crucially on the assumption of continuous interest rates. If the interest rate t is = not a continuous function of time, a different consumption policy with intermediate gulps might be optimal. Finally, we remark that the dynamics of - we report Observing that the objective functional differently. h': 3?+ that the closed form solution is in section 5 can be developed homogeneous of degree a in z, and W and z are linear, we can write J'{W,z) = z°'h'{^), for some function K. Substituting this form of J* into inequality ( 32), we obtain an ordinary differential inequality that can be solved and the criticaJ ratio k' can be determined by imposing the condition that the solution of the differential inequality, function. We /i*, is a twice continuously differentiable elected to present our step-by-step construction of the candidate solutions and the optimal policy to illustrate more clearly the nature of the control problem. References 7 1. K. Arrow and M. Kurz, Public Investment, the Rate of Return, and Optimal Fiscal Policy, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1970. 2. A. Blaquiere, Impulsive Optimal Control with Finite or Infinite Time Horizon, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 3. G. Constantinides, Habit Formation: A Volume 46, Number 4, Resolution of the Equity August 1985. Premium Puzzle, un- published manuscript. University of Chicago, 1988. 4. L. 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