v &$*> ~ UEkAIOES %> — L &«/- ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ONE FOR YOU, THREE FOR ME... ...or... ...the Philip WP Design of Optimal Production Sharing Rules for a Petroleum Exploration Venture Hampson, John Parsons and Charles #3034-89 Blitzer January 1989 revised July 1989 MASSACHUSI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 50 02139 OCT 4 1989 ONE FOR YOU, THREE FOR ME... ...or... ...the Philip WP Design of Optimal Production Sharing Rules for a Petroleum Exploration Venture Hampson, John Parsons and Charles #3034-89 Blitzer January 1989 revised July 1989 5 OCT 4 1989 HECSVB) ONE FOR YOU, THREE FOR ME. .THE DESIGN OF OPTIMAL PRODUCTION SHARING RULES FOR A PETROLEUM EXPLORATION VENTURE Philip Hampson, M.I.T John Parsons, M.I.T, and Charles Blitzer, M.I.T. and the World Bank' revised July 1989 Comments and Address all suggestions are welcome. correspondence to: Professor John E. Parsons Department of Finance MIT School of Management 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, 02139 MA ' This research has been supported in part by the Finance, Investment and Contracts Program of is based on Philip Hampson's Master's Thesis, "The the M.I.T Center for Energy Policy Research and Design of Optimal Production Sharing Rules for a Petroleum Exploration Venture," M.I.T, 1988. research assistance of Raghuram Rajan and Sung-Hwan Shin is greatly appreciated. The 1 1. Introduction In mid-1986 a state with a U.S. oil owned Company Oil Resources Authority signed an oil and gas exploration agreement with the following terms. exploration and development over a defined territory that a portion of the oil production A second portion of the Company oil In this paper to provide the Company owned by would be assigned to 20% we is its expenses. to 25,000 and to 50,000 with a financial incentive to pursue an exploration and development program The actual contract sharing rule find that the optimal sharing rule assigns the Under is compared model developed by Grossman and Company a larger share of the small the optimal sharing rule the Company's share of a declining significantly in the size of the discoveries, in contrast with the Company's slightly increasing share under the actual contract. Replacing the actual contract with the optimal sharing rule could increase the expected return on the project by as a result of for analyze this production sharing rule as an agency contract designed discoveries than does the actual contract. discovery contract specified compensate the Company against the optimal sharing rule derived using the Principal-Agent We The the Authority. share as total production rose from that maximizes the net financial return to the Authority. Hart (1983). the exclusive rights to would be divided between the Company and the Authority, with the receiving a 25, 22, and barrels per day. The Company obtained much as $336 million. The increased NPV is improved incentives for the choice of an optimal exploration program on the part of the Company, and also a result of ensuring that the marginally profitable wells. decreases the project NPV Company enjoys a financial interest in completing In most cases the failure of the actual contract to provide proper incentives by between 5 and 12%, although for some marginal projects the extra incentive costs completely cancel the value of the project. An important contribution of more than just general financial contracts: in this paper significantly demonstration that existing agency models can provide insights regarding the types of incentives that should some cases it is parameters of the contracts themselves. depend is its upon the be incorporated into possible to use these models to fine tune the design and the Several significant caveats must be noted. specification of the parameters in the Our specific results model with which the optimal 2 sharing rule is derived and with which the value of both the actual contract and the optimal sharing rule are estimated. A different estimate of the relationship between the and the probability of finding a given Our closer to the actual contract. amount of depend results one model we are highlighting one oil, also mind than those set of incentive that are at the center of the been expended creating In choosing An problems and abstracting from another. a completely different set of objectives These caveats do not Grossman and Hart model. diminish the significance of the results-on the contrary. effort in recent years has wells drilled upon the choice of agency model. argument could be made that the actual contract was written with in number of exploratory for example, might yield an optimal sharing rule Although a myriad of a significant agency models amount of research in finance, almost no work has given attention to the actual use of any single model in order to improve the detailed design of a specific financial contract. to do this is Highlighting the problems and caveats that arise in the course of an attempt one of the contributions of The remainder of this paper. the paper proceeds as follows. In section 2 using traditional capital budgeting techniques and decisions. In section 3 Agent model and the sharing rule that In section 6 2. we we fit in section is the oil we calculate the we first analyze the exploration project best exploration and development exploration contract problem to the Grossman-Hart Principal- 4 we present the derived optimal sharing implicit in the actual contract, discuss the results oil and we compare and some problems raised by the In section 5 rule. it we calculate with the optimal sharing rule. Section 7 concludes. analysis. The Project We begin our study with a brief capital budgeting analysis of the oil exploration project. Authority intends to grant exploration and development rights under contract to the horizon of 25 years. The development period, and reverts to the Authority. exhausted at this point. contract horizon is broken down into 20 year production period. a We We assume that examine the all for a time a 3 year exploration period, a At the end of this horizon the of the cash flows relevant to project's value Company under a set of scenarios: the two year oil field this project The title have been two key variables 3 are (i) the number of former variable a matter of is every choice of a number of project cash flows. methodology wildcat wells drilled in exploration, and choice, the latter wells drilled Adelman similar to that in in a oil neighboring countries. from figures derived for An (1986). 166% of equal to a development we calculate a set of average output of 250 barrels per day (bbl/day) was This figure is similar to average daily Exploration, development and production costs were scaled up An average well depth of 10,800 feet was assumed, and similar to previous wells drilled in the host was derived. Adelman (1986) estimates that drilling costs, costs, or $272/barrel/day. is The oil price is assumed to have to the average of the F.O.B. Persian Gulf prices quoted in the The wellhead transportation cost to the point of shipment. price structure. All analysis have an effect on the is conducted Moreover in constant in this section so this factor does not affect our calculations. 5% price is a martingale type structure, in The expected March of 15, oil price is set equal 1988 issue of the Wall Street assumed to be $13.00 less $2.00 a This can be viewed as a somewhat conservative expected 1988 U.S. real value of recoverable costs. given low inflation forecasts. development Production costs are assumed to be equal to the expected future value. roughly $13.00 per barrel. total thus development costs of $1,360,000 per well are assumed. development cost of $5,443/barrel/day. which case the current value Journal, For Using U.S. Department of Energy "Indexes and Estimates of Domestic Well Drilling Costs" costs are roughly is The on the former. size of discovery, wells in the host country. this typical sized well. a total drilling cost of $819,760 per well This the realized size of the discovery. variable conditioned and for every realized similar to average well depths in a neighboring country country. (ii) random Exploration, development and production cost assumptions were derived using a assumed for commercially producing output rates is A 10% dollars. However, these we Due to tax rules, inflation will effects are judged to be small are considering the project's value pre-tax and discount rate is applied to all cash flows received by both the Authority and by the Company. In Table drills 1 we present a sample set of cash flow figures for the scenario in which the Company 2 wildcat wells and makes a discovery of size 456 million barrels in total or 50,000 bbl/day. Since the actual contract is written in terms of oil production per day, this is 1 The the measure used in the remainder of this paper. 4 $1.64 million cash outflow in year The cash bbl/day. enough The total NPV for the project under To determine the optimal exploration and development program relationship million cash outflow wells to bring production up to 50,000 inflow of $187.15 million in years 6 through 25 are the receipts from the sale of the net of the production expenses. oil The $136.08 the expenditure on exploration. 1 is in each of years 4 and 5 are the costs of developing between the fit it scenario is it is $891.44 million. necessary to describe the programs and the probable value of a discovery. set of possible exploration To make our problem tractable and to this into the framework of the agency model that we we use, represent the choice of an exploration and development program as a two stage decision problem. First the project to drill. management decides once and for all on number of a level of exploration-the wildcat wells Second, given the results of the exploration program, the project management decides if it will develop the property for commercial production. To formalize the probability relationship between the exploration program and the discovery size approaches used in the = 1...20. Each program aj, j be on the program, the index probability of making a discovery of the probability of finding any H(q). finding is A binomial oil: G(j) = \-(l-6y, is is j, size G(j), oil, distribution a discovery of size q use a method that exploration geology literature, exploration programs, drilled: we is i.e., Adelman represents a fixed identical with the where is <S modeled between exploration and discovery number of We 20 possible (1983). number of number of q given an exploration program and the probability, given a called the wildcat probability. as a a, specify wildcat wells that are to wells to be drilled. The composed of two parts: is find, that drilled. size The the discovery is of size q, probability, H(q), that the find lognormal distribution with parameters As the next we approximate fx and a, and is assumed step in specifying the probability relationship the lognormal distribution over discovery size with an 8 point discrete probability distribution. Each point is exactly one standard deviation apart from In terms of the logarithm of discovery size, the eight points in question begin -3.5 standard deviations to the the mean in units al. consistent with a used to relate the number of wildcat wells drilled to the probability of independent of the number of wells the next on the log scale. et is left of the mean and of one standard deviation. progress to 3.5 standard deviations to the right of This process yields a 20 x 9 matrix which we refer to as 5 the 'exploration-discovery matrix.' discovery was made conditional probability of a discovery of size The on action q, element first the a^ on conditional each row denotes the probability that no in element of the matrix, ji-th action p^a,), Each row of the matrix aj. is denotes the a probability distribution across outcomes. Associated with each discovery size, q„ we calculate a 'development NPV,' 7r(q,), representing the value of developing the find for commercial production, exclusive of the sunk exploration costs. will be some cases which the exploration program yields a find but the in small that the investment necessary for commercial development element of the capital budgeting problem development is warranted. undeveloped and we left for is set ^(q^sO. is 2. as a row so this NPV would be negative, then we assume the find For our set of cost and price assumptions the size of discovery warranted Augmenting the matrix program, D(a,), as well is Therefore, a key determining for which discovery sizes commercial is quite small, 59 bbl/day. = display of the exploration-discovery matrix for the case of S given in Table is a column listing 2 0.4, e* = 2500 and a = 20% is the cost for each size of exploration associating each size of discovery with its development NPV. In Figure four rows from this matrix are graphed, showing the probability distributions across discovery size as the number of wildcat wells drilled increases. This matrix contains all of the information necessary for calculating the efficient choice of an exploration program and the expected program which 6 = 0.4 number of and e" = is expected NPV One for the project. development NPV less simply chooses that exploration exploration costs. Table 3 presents alternative parameters describing the probability distributions. 2500, then the best first $7.38 million; the expected program NPV yields the greatest expected the results for a if is upon development which commercial development A 1 If size of the discovery not worthwhile. is There NPV of the exploration program is number of wildcat wells from development $156.98 million. The is is 9; For example, the cost of this exploration $164.36 million; and the ex ante data indicate that the optimal number of wildcat wells increases as the location parameters of the lognormal discovery size probability Here, as elsewhere, we ignore any option values in calculating our NPVs. We do not believe they are significant in our context. 6 The optimal number of distribution increase. an increase rule of to fall in decreases with A These are the project values best' case. 'first the absence of any agency problems. If both the Authority and the the optimal exploratory drilling effort and development decisions and contract with the Company to execute that exploratory drilling if drilling effort Company a fee as could assess and development program, then the full NPV first of the project. The reimbursment for the exploration and development costs and Company's commitment for the opportunity cost of the would be that Company the Authority could successfully implemented and the Authority could anticipate earning the Authority would pay the rough 3 refer to these solutions as the best could be this territory be that doubling the wildcat probability parameter causes optimal to by a factor of one-half. calculated in on the productivity of the drilling effort as expressed by the wildcat parameter S. thumb seems We wildcat wells to be drilled to this project. When these perfect information conditions are not met, however, the problem of moral hazard in the Company's actual exploration and development decisions make made in this paper are that drilling effort, and (ii) it (i) is infeasible to attain these first best results. the Authority the Authority claims that the discovery is is is unable to monitor the Company's choice of exploratory unable to verify the size of a discovery whenever the too small to merit commercial production. for the Authority to give the The two key assumptions Company an As a consequence incentive contract that induces the Company it to is Company necessary implement the 'second-best' exploratory drilling program and to complete marginally profitable discoveries. 3. The Principal-Agent Model The principal-agent model that we use to derive a solution to the optimal incentive contract was developed by Grossman and Hart (1983). is The model is composed of two parts. The first component the specification of the relationship between the action choice and the project's probable outcome. The optimal number falls with an increase in the productivity of the drilling effort exploratory well with greater probability, reducing the marginal value of additional exploratory well could be applied with greater of exploratory wells to be drilled on this territory because the total benefits of exploration are captured with the the second and subsequent exploratory wells, and because the first same expenditure on an marginal return to a different territory on which no exploratory well has yet been drilled. 7 For our case this is the probability model just described which relates the choice of an exploration program and the development NPV. The second component of the relevant features of the principal and the agent. owner of the program. project. In the The agent G-H model is In the principal's function utility The principal possible to incorporate risk aversion. We first is risk neutrality, The agent or the Company is described by a functions that are admissable in the Company risk aversion, The in utility G-H the Authority, the defined over the space of possible profit typically is modelled as risk neutral, although is expected profit maximization. function defined over exploration programs, In this paper I. is the description of present the results under the assumption of the we restrict ourselves to a subclass model: U(a,I)= V(I-D(a)), where D(a) pursuing the exploration program a. The Company's is utility a,, of those and utility the expense incurred function must exhibit V"<0. Authority's problem is to choose an incentive contract or sharing rule, elements that are the payments to be made to the outcome, is and therefore the objective function for our problem over the Company's compensation, by the our case the principal is Company, the manager of the exploration and development the levels-in our case the development NPV's. it G-H model the 7r„...7r<>. In additon development expenses, but not interpreted as the it is for assumed that Company in the a vector with event of each possible realized the Authority reimburses exploration expenses. I=I1,...I9> the Company Therefore the payments I First, V a r choose I(a^»[I 1 (a such that such that l ),..J < (a )] f e argmin S^Jpfo) U(ar I,)] > V a k ^a r sJp.Ca,) U mjn 2 '[p^) , U(a,,I,)] I,] and > sjp,(a k ) U(a k ,I,)]. all should be Company's share of the development NPV. The optimal incentive contract using a pair of programming problems. for is derived 8 i.e., for each exploration program that the Authority might like the Company to implement, the the least cost incentive contract for which (ii) it is in the Company's interest to accept the contract as against the best available alternative, and (iii) it is in the Company's interest to Authority chooses (i) choose the specified exploration program results presented in the we have added paper action a^ C^s and we define aj 2 Company the additional constraint that the payment to the be both non-negative and bounded above by the implements For most of the as against all other exploration programs. 9 total I^)]. [Pi(a,) development NPV, O^I^Tr,. We We say that 1^) define the incentive cost of implementing as C(aj)-D(aj). Second, choose a argmax 2 e 9 [Pi( a j) n] - C( aj)- a i i.e., find the exploration program that yields to the Authority the greatest payments that must be made to the Company to induce the choice of the triple [a ,C ,1 ] as follows: a contract that implements a , , this [Pi( a ) n] We now - C(a ), I = C =2 SB net of the I(a the incentive ), '[p,(a i«l Define ) n] D(a - FB ) - FB or equivalently the incentive cost for the project. apply this model to derive the optimal sharing rule with which to finance the exploration project and in the next section 4. NPV exploration program. the second best exploration program; or equivalently, the optimal sharing rule; and, SB 2 ._ development we oil discuss the results. The Optimal Incentive Contract In Table 4 the optimal sharing rule An analysis of the Of course payment. payments made when no is displayed for the parameter values e" = 2500 and help us to understand the incentive problem for this made under the optimal sharing rule the Company payment payment equal in these events. to the full 6 = 0.4. oil project. receives a zero Discoveries of size 10 or 50 bbl/day should not be developed and therefore the also receives a zero receives a discovery will is Company For discovery sizes 239 and 1,143 bbl/day the Company development NPV: our ceiling constraint on the payment is binding 9 for these two events. For discovery sizes ranging from 5,467 bbl/day to 597,720 bbl/day the Company receives payments that are approximately invariant at $30 million. make optimal to a comparable payment payment would have exceeded the NPV is falling from 100% in for discoveries of size is is to pay the this characteristic, The a fixed 'bonus' while the Company is is at low discovery sizes is is agency contract Our sharing rule has made. Therefore it is the incentive payment. First, the Authority optimal for the Authority to bear on the development NPV all is of provides an Second, the probability matrix relating exploration levels to outcomes has been specified so that conditional given size size efficient we have bounded the risk except where making the Company's income contingent incentive for greater exploration. The a consequence of two earlier assumptions. risk averse. the development size. whenever a commercial discovery except for the fact that optimality of a fixed 'bonus' risk neutral The Company's share of a clear rationale for this shape of the optimal sharing rule. Company would have been 239 and 1,143 bbl/day to 30.6% for a discovery of 5,467 bbl/day and to 0.3% for the largest discovery There it the cases of discovery sizes 239 and 1,143 bbl/day, but the development NPV. full Unconstrained upon making independent of the exploration a find, the probability of effort. making a discovery of a Therefore, the absolute size of the discovery provides the Authority with no "information" about the Company's choice of an exploration program, and consequently there are no incentive benefits to be derived from making the Company's income contingent on the absolute size of the discovery. Instead, it is optimal to give the bonus-approximately $29.97 million-whenever a commercial discovery of any In Table 5 the optimal sharing rules are displayed for a the exploration-discovery matrix. The first two columns full set list Company 4 The in the list these parameters. is shown is made and in in The number of the third column. insurance contracts. made to the the event of each of the eight possible discovery relationship between these two assumptions and the special shape of the optimal sharing rule in made." the payments net of development costs that are to be event that no discovery (1979) as a rationale for deductibles is a fixed of alternative parameters defining exploratory wells to be drilled in the second best exploration program The remaining nine columns size Company was pointed out in Holmstrom 10 sizes. Since the absolute size of the eight discoveries are different for each set of probability Table 6 summarizes the parameters, the columns are indexed only by the ordinal size of the discovery. project results under the second best sharing for the number of wildcat full set of scenarios, including the second best wells to be drilled, the cost of the exploration expected payment made to the Company under program incurred by the Company, the the optimal sharing rule, and the expected profit to the Authority under both the optimal sharing rule and under the assumptions of the scenario in which d = 1 2500 and 6 = million for the Authority, or roughly illustration of how first best. For the 0.4 the optimal sharing rule achieves an expected profit of $136.81 87% of the first best expected level. Figure 3 provides a graphical incentive costs vary with median discovery size and wildcat probability. As median discovery size and wildcat probabilities increase, the incentive cost measured as a fraction of the best profit decreases. size of The 500 bbl/day with median discovery increasing, incentive cost is from $3.37 million to $164.25 million. keeping the median discovery size constant 5. An Agency We now first best expected profits for a 4% at median discovery best profits for a absolute value, however, the incentive cost in As we change is the wildcat probability from 0.2 to 0.6, 500 bbl/day, the incentive cost 15%--from $3.37 million of first is falling from 32% of first to $2.33 million. Analysis of the Actual Contract turn our attention to an analysis of the incentives negotiated between the distinct clauses Company and embedded in the actual contract There are a large number of provisions and the Authority. of the contract which specify the obligations of each party and the payments that be made under various circumstances. contract and construct from It the contract is necessary first 40% this implicit of the discovered crude that the sharing rule oil will to dissect the various provisions of the them the share of the project value each possible outcome. After constructing Under of Measured size of 25,000 bbl/day. best expected profits to 32% a wildcat probability of 0.2 and decreases to first we Company would analyze its receive under incentive properties. production-hereafter referred to as 'cost The formula divides the 'cost petroleum'-is assigned for the recovery of costs according to a formula. 11 petroleum' on a pro rata basis between the Authority and the party has outstanding in Development The Company recovery pool. the cost costs are paid by the Company and The according to the total that each pays all exploration expenses. 5 these are factored into the pool according to a depreciation rate determined by the national tax law. Company's portion of the pool. Company Production costs are also included in the Authority's portion of the cost recovery pool consists in a $13 million seismic and exploration data fee. The remaining 60% of crude oil production plus any cost petroleum not used for cost recovery-hereafter referred to as 'shared petroleum'-is divided between the Authority and Company according to a step function formula. 'shared petroleum' when production lies total between 25,000 and 50,000 The Company must size: also bbl/day, lies between 20% when and The Company and 25,000 bbl/day, total production is shares in 22% when total 25% of production greater than 50,000 bbl/day. pay a number of bonuses to the Authority that are dependent on discovery $1 million for every 25,000 bbl/day. These bonuses are considered the conditions of the contract. In addition, the non -recoverable payments under Company must pay a $40,000 per year advanced education scholarship to the nationals of the host country during the exploration period increasing to $160,000 per year host country if a commercial discovery computed at 30% shields due less remaining declining balance. to leverage. No 34% this flows to the 5 The Company 66% on recoverable expenses. subject to income taxes in the as total revenues of development expenditures are classified provisional 66% is income defined are eligible for immediate recovery. loss carryforwards are permitted. The Authority does not however, the host country more than From made. an effective rate of under the sharing agreement as depreciable, the is likely No The allowance depreciation schedule is made is for interest tax allow interest tax shields within this contract structure; does allow for such deductions as a general rule. information we have constructed an accounting system with which to calculate the cash Company and to the Authority Therefore the Company's share of the oil produced under various scenarios for exploration programs and will be contingent upon its expenses incurred in exploration. To be consistent with our earlier assumption that the Authority cannot observe the Company's exploration effort it is necessary to assume that what is unobservable is the number of quality' or Valuable' exploratory wells drilled. The Company can always drill another exploratory well, but only carefully planned and properly executed wells contribute significantly to the probability of disovering oil. 12 With discovery sizes. contract. In Table 7 this we accounting system we can calculate the sharing rule that NPV for the project, the under the actual contract, and the portion of the development Figure 4 A we graph NPV payments made that these calculated in the earlier section displayed in Figure 4 should be is implicit in the actual contract with the optimal sharing rule interesting. The compared values for the actual contract displayed in Table 7 to the graphs displayed in Figure 2. the optimal sharing rule and the actual contract a generally fixed is fit Company Company. drilling effort Company a While the optimal size. development NPV, the actual and then declines very slightly. the actual contract to our agency model and derive the exploration program that the company would choose. the a sharply declining share of the project's a share that initially increases The graphs contrast between nominal payment for a discovery, the actual contract gives the Company sharing rule gives the The 4. While the optimal sharing rule gives the striking. nominal payment for a discovery that varies significantly with the discovery We now Company payments represent. In should be compared to the values for the optimal sharing rule displayed in Table contract gives the to the these percentages as a function of discovery size. comparison of the sharing rule Company implicit in the and assumptions on the number of wildcat a set of different discovery sizes list wells drilled and the associated development is These It is then possible to calculate the expected return to both the Authority and results are displayed in Table 8. and the Authority's expected the case of the optimal sharing rule. One should compare the Company's chosen profits displayed in Table The ex ante expected 8 to those displayed profits to the Authority contract are significantly lower than they are under the optimal sharing rule. in Table 6, under the actual For example, for the scenario where d = contract, while under the optimal sharing rule the project yielded the Authority between $10 and $17 million profit. For the scenario where 1 500 regardless of the wildcat probability the project d = 1 2500 and 6 = is worthless under the actual 0.4 the actual contract yields the Authority $7.76 million less in expected profit than does the optimal sharing rule, a loss of project value. 5.7% of the For larger values of the median discovery size and the wildcat parameters the dollar total loss 13 and the portion of project value in value million lost from the actual contract increases signficantly--up to $330 and 8.5%. The actual contract compares poorly in the actual contract are expensive. to the optimal sharing rule primarily because incentives given But given that a find correlated with the size of the discovery. discovery is Therefore payment In the actual contract the is to the made Company highly is the absolute size of the an exogenous random variable unrelated to the Company's choice of an exploration program. randomness this to choose an payment in the to the Company does not add to the Company's incentive expanded exploration program. Moreover, the average payment increased to compensate for the additional risk that the sharing rule the Company discovery of any size receives nothing made. is when no Company discovery is Since the event of a discovery is is to the Company must be forced to bear. In the optimal made, and a fixed bonus when a informative of the extent of the exploration program, the bonus serves to increase the Company's incentive to expand the exploration program. However, since the bonus risk born by the Company There is is is invariant with respect to the size of the discovery, the additional minimal. a second source for the superiority of the optimal sharing rule. optimal sharing rule we made sure that the Company would which commercial production was a negative would receive positive. payment if This guaranteed that the development example, a positive if NPV the was positive. Company a discovery The Company will complete fewer was commercialized sure that the Company which the development NPV was also for made incentive to develop actual contract does not have a if the discovery size if all discoveries for which the is is when For comparable structure. greater than 975 bbl/day. Company The the discovery size were greater than 59 bbl/day. profitable wells from a given exploration program incentive we has drilled 2 wildcat wells, then under the actual contract the decision would be to develop the well A comparable receive a zero payment for discoveries for decision and Company had an has an incentive to develop a well 6 NPV In our design of the only efficient Since the faced with the actual contract, the Company's return also less ex ante. 6 problem was documented by Wolfson (1985) for certain types of oil and gas limited partnerships in the U.S. 14 We have postponed a variety of issues raised in the course of deriving our solution, and we now turn our attention to an analysis of these issues. 6. Discussion It is common practice in the corporate finance literature to chooses the firm's projects as if the firm were neutral towards ideosyncratic corresponds correctly with the decision rule that would result that is assume that the management of if This assumption risk. the corporation exists in an environment approximately well described by diversified shareholders and perfect capital markets. management of the corporation or the agent is a firm If the neutral towards the project's ideosyncratic risk, then, as has been established by Harris and Raviv (1979), the efficient incentive contract takes on The and development principal, in this case the Authority, should simply sell the rights to exploration Company, to the agent, the and allow the Company to bear for a fixed fee contract negotiated in the case under study does not fit this description. all We of the a trivial form. The risks. believe that in actual many cases these modelling assumptions and the incentive contract that they predict do not correspond very closely with the real context at hand. In this paper risks at hand we have assumed in the project because the equilibrium decision rule for the of risk neutrality is, we that the we Company management of believe, a strong one that private information about the projects in which may projects, then we (1982). A neutral and who If, it the firm would that we have fit makes sense only more to the ideosyncratic relevant to our case this description. in a model of The assumption relatively perfect however, the management of each firm possesses is if it investing were averse similar suggestion yielding the The environment some degree, averse and private information about its own believe the consequent imperfections in the financial markets lead the firm to rationally behave as particular project. to think that in another environment information and frictionless financial markets. management of these is, in to the ideosyncratic risk associated with each same conclusions has been made by Holmstrom mind could even incorporate hold diversified portfolios. individual investors who are risk Rather than focus on modeling the environment that might 15 generate this risk aversion, interesting problem we chose in this paper to take that arises in this environment: how it as a primitive to design and and focused instead on the calibrate an optimal sharing rule between the Authority and the Company. The second issue regarding the specification of utlity functions concerns the risk neutrality or risk We aversion of the principal. assumption is made in the theoretical literature primarily interesting results and the principal's risk neutrality. risk aversion. have modeled the problem as problem and G-H model However, the There are many arguments as risk averse or risk neutral. solution are its However, that can as if the principal were risk neutral. because risk much more aversion is This not necessary for transparent in the case of the can easily be adapted to the case of the principal's be made for modeling the principal Holmstrom (1982) points in any given case out, the principal's aversion to the ideosyncratic risk of the project does not immediately follow from the capital market imperfections mentioned earlier as an explanation for the agent's risk aversion. Instead of assessing here the merits of a position for or against modeling the principal as averse to the ideosyncratic risk, we merely note the important consequences that a change in this assumption has for the design of the optimal sharing rule and the comparison of the actual contract with Table 9 we Company. The payments Company size so that the development NPV to 0.2%. same report the optimal sharing rule for the case that the Authority exhibits the aversion as the is still to the Company This remains in sharp contrast with the sharing rule that particular values we that parameterization of the risk. The Company's share of declining significantly as the discovery size increases, derived utility for far the In risk increase very moderately with the discovery shares a portion of this exogenous expected returns to the Authority remain it. above those in is the moving from 100% down implicit in the actual contract. the actual contract. Of The course the optimal sharing rule depended significantly upon the functions for both the Authority and for the Company. the optimal sharing rule under the assumption of two different functional forms for the We calculated utility function- -logarithmic and exponential--and also for different parameters determining the degree of risk aversion. While the exact values for the payment to the Company do change, the general structure of the optimal 16 sharing rule remains as Company we have described In particular, under it. NPV when receive a large fraction of the development the absolute dollar value of the payment to the decreasing share of the development NPV. all insights (i) it is the discovery Company may be These two cases small, is increasing, important that the it and (ii) while always a sharply is about the structure of the sharing rule follow directly from the structure of the exploration-discovery technology and from the moral hazard for the completion decision. Were we to change significantly the structure of the exploration-discovery matrix, the structure of the optimal sharing rule could be drastically changed. For example, if increased exploration increased the relative probability of larger discoveries in particular, then the optimal sharing rule could be one in which the Company received a sharply increasing share of the development NPV~see Grossman and Hart (1983, Propositions 7-9). There are incentives for an optimal exploration an optimal completion decision. some also program cases in which the most efficient structure of in direct conflict is with the incentives necessary to ensure In this case the structure of the optimal sharing rule would be highly contingent upon the relative significance of the two effects. We point out the sensitivity of the optimal sharing rule to the specification of the environment not to diminish confidence in the results, but rather to point out the the one in this paper. In doing so, the assumptions importance of using a model such as made about the environment are brought out in sharp relief and the reasons for a given structure of the sharing rule are are more open to analysis. If we Without the application of the virtually impossible to identify so precisely the model used and it would have been impossible G-H we must when agency problems is superior to revise our original Principal-Agent model it model of would have been important incentive effects implicit in the probability to make a compelling argument for a different structure of the sharing rule than the one written into the original contract. conclusion that transparent and are not convinced that the derived optimal sharing rule the actual contract, then the analysis argues that to be consistent the exploration project. made more These points highlight the general are central, the financial contract written between two parties must be carefully tailored to the particular characteristics of the real assets. In our opinion, the subject 17 of agency theory in the field of corporate finance is precisely the exploration of the relationship between the characteristics of the real assets and the structure of the financial contracts. Another important assumption our use of the implicit in G-H model is we that are concerned with an essentially one shot decision problem on the part of the Company. In one respect this reasonable, is since an oil exploration venture does have the peculiar characteristic of a relatively short period of exploration during which most of the uncertainty is made whether or not operating wells can in resolved. At the end of the exploration to develop the territory for commercial production. some the exploration decision is is cases be properly viewed as cash cows. not a one shot problem. program as involving a Bayesian updating process drilled provide information in problem program and not as we have done problem, but we some important respects, though, which the from the results first exploratory wells about whether additional wells should be drilled or whether the exploration drilled a simple ex ante choice variable as in obviously sacrifices we think the results that interesting research After this point the For example, one could view the exploration program should be abandoned. The number of exploratory wells stochastic In a decision problem would be is then the result of a dynamic our model. some accuracy and some Simplifying the decision interesting components of the obtain are interesting and justify this compromise. An Company's choice of exploration program as a to analyze the dynamic agency problem and to consider the actual contract as an attempt to provide the optimal incentives for this type of a problem. One final caveat should be mentioned. known ex ante and constant over the life In our analysis of the contract. we have The uncertain requires us to modify several aspects of our analysis. the exact terms in which the contract that each party will receive: hence, the Company will is written. when change even though its have solved for the optimal sharing rule should be made to the Company in the the oil The recognition that the future First, we must be more if it were oil price is careful about actual contract specifies shares in quantity of oil price changes, the absolute value of the share of the in treated the oil price as oil produced does not. On payments the other hand, to we terms of the absolute value of the dollar payments that event of different discovery sizes. When the oil price changes 18 these payments should remain fixed; they will represent changing fractions of the development The question then be written. arises, given that The Company's choice of an a given size, is modified slightly incentive purposes. exist exploration program affects the probability of a discovery of when the principal We is parties. risk averse, since However, upon the in the face is not done for of an uncertain results are virtually identical to those presented for the case of a fixed oil price. other reasons why one would write the contract in terms of shares of may be some other this is oil and identifying this oil, it oil price There may but from the standpoint Of not the preferred form. structure of the Principal-Agent problem in which contract in terms of shares of price level. the risk implicit in the variable price sharing of the price risk this have solved for the optimal sharing rule of incentives for exploration in a model such as ours 7. Therefore the incentive payment to the the size of the discovery and should not depend needs to be shared between the two and the are variable, in which terms should the optimal contract and not the present value of that discovery. Company should be determined by This oil prices NPV course, there would make sense to write the case would be an interesting research task. Conclusion We we have have analyzed a valued in the classical capital classical budgeting case in the form of an We territory and the then analyzed the same contract using a model, quantifying the incentives given to the manager of the exploration and development program, and valuing the project again optimal incentive contract and contrasted possible to significantly improve Agent model. exploration project and manner the contract written between the owner of the manager of the exploration and development program. Principal-Agent oil this of these incentives. with the actual one. upon the design of the In the course of showing this application of the model. in light we have Our results original contract using We solved for an demonstrate that it is an existing Principal- highlighted several difficulties in the practical 19 References Adelman, M.A Adelman, M.A, 1986 J.C. The Competitive Floor to World Oil Prices," Energy Journal 7:9-35. , Houghton, G. Kaufman and M.B. Zimmerman. Uncertain Future Cambridge, , Grossman, S.J., and O.D. Hart. 1983 MA: 1983 Energy Resources in an Ballinger Publ. Co. "An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Problem," Econometrica , 51:7-45. Harris, M., and A Raviv. 1979 "Optimal Incentive Contracts with Imperfect Information," Journal of Economic Theory 20:231-259. , Holmstrom, B. Holmstrom, B. 1979 "Moral Hazard and Observability," Bell Journal of Economics 10:74-91. 1982 Teams," Bell Journal of Economics , "Moral Hazard in , 13:324-340. 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Zeckhauser, eds., Principals and Agents: The Structure of Business Boston: Harvard Business School Press, pp. 101-125. , Table When 1 Sample Project Cash Flows 2 Wildcat Wells are Drilled and a Discovery of 50,000 bbl/day is Made Table 2 Extract from the Exploration Effort 0.4, e" (6 Discovery Size, 50 239 q,. 1,143 Discovery NPV, »,, = -- Discovery Size Probability Matr 2500, a = 20%) (bbl/day) 5,467 26,141 125.000 597,720 ($ millions) Exploration :n No. of Wildcat 467 2,233 10,676 Wells Drilled .6000 .0005 .0086 .0544 .1365 .1365 .0544 .0086 .0005 .1296 .0011 .0186 .1184 .2971 .2971 .1184 .0186 .0011 .0168 .0013 .0210 .1337 .3356 .3356 .1337 .0210 .0013 .0022 .0013 .0214 .1357 .3406 .3406 .1357 .0214 .0013 Cost Table 4 The Optimal Sharing Rule Payment to the Company --$ millions, --as a S = 0.4, U(a.I) eM - 2500, % O = = log(M+l-D(a)) \ I, Share, IJn, Table 5 'fable 6 Second Best Results Median Second Best Exploration Discovery Size Exploration Effort Cost No. Wildcat Wells ($ millions') e* fbbl/davl Wildcat Probability, S Expected Payment to the Company ($ millions') = Expected Return to the Authority ($ millions') .02 500 4 3.28 5.01 7.03 1,000 4.92 9.26 27.44 2,500 6 9 7.38 19.12 124.69 5,000 12 9.84 36.93 356.03 10,000 14 11.48 54.52 989.81 25,000 17 13.94 98.23 3,757.80 Wildcat Probability, 6 500 1,000 2,500 5,000 10,000 25,000 2.46 = .04 Table 7 The Sharing Rule Implicit in the Actual Contract Discovery Size, q 1,000 2,000 3,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 Development NPV 75,000 100,000 tt 18 36 54 179 447 893 1,340 1,786 I, 0.05 2.41 4.62 19.90 52.93 99.32 142.16 184.96 Share, I/r, 0.28 6.75 8.62 11.14 11.85 11.12 10.61 10.36 I, 1.68 4.47 7.04 23.34 56.90 101.96 144.55 187.37 I/tt, 9.41 12.51 13.14 13.07 12.74 11.42 10.79 10.49 2 Wildcat Wells Payment to the Company --$ millions, --as a % 10 Wildcat Wells Payment to the Company --$ millions, -as a S =* at cM = 2500, % a - ; Share, Table Table 9 The Optimal Sharing Rule Payment Company to the --$ millions, -as a S = 0.4. U(a,l) eM = 2500. % Share, a = 20% = log(30+l-D(a)) Principal's Utility Function: log(30+T-l) I, IJir, with a Risk Averse Principal Figure 1. Discovery Size Probability Distributions Conditional on the Number of Exploratory Wells Drilled. probability i i r 26,141 125,000 597,720 Discovery Size solid line: 1 exploratory well dashed line: 4 exploratory wells alternating dots and dashes: 8 exploratory wells 2 Figure 2. Parameter. Optimal Sharing Rules Share of Development NPV solid line: S = dashed line: S = 0.4 dotted line: 6 = 0.6 . for 3 Values of the Wildcat Probability 4 Figure 3. Incentive Cost under the Optimal Sharing Rule [C(a,)-D(a,)] S '[p^ajjr^a,) / ] . Percent of First Best Profits i 500 1,000 i i 2,500 5,000 i 10,000 r 25,000 Median Discovery Size solid line: dashed line: dotted line: = 0.2 6 S = . 5-0.6 Figure 4. Sharing Rules Implicit in the Actual Contract calculated for Alternative Numbers of Exploratory Wells Drilled. Share of Development NPV 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 2000 3,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 Discovery Size solid line: 2 exploratory wells dashed line: 10 exploratory wells 3 Date Due JAR 9"** iBF'ARIi 3 '. I 'HI' TOAD DDS77Mbfl 1