HD28 .M414 no. 3jOO ' ^1 On the Volatility of Stock Market Prices Rajnish Mehra' March 19S9 Revised December 1990 University of California. Santa Barbara *I am especiaUy indebted to Edward C. Prescott for his helpful suggestions. I would like to thank John Donaldson, Daniel Holland. Rodolfo Manuelli, Robert Taggart and Danny Quah for helpful I also thank the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for a productive sabbatical during which part of this research was completed. The usual caveat applies. discussions. 1 Introduction The majority of studies to date dealing with stock price volatility have been micro-studies.* This line of research has origins in the important early its and Porter (1981), which found evidence of excessive reported that, in his and LeRoy volatility of stock prices relative to model, the volatility of actual stock prices exceeded the upper bound by a factor of theoretical Shiller (1981) Using data for a hundred years, Shiller (1981) the underlying dividend/earnings process. in particular, work of 5.59. These studies use a constant interest rate, an assumption subsequently relaxed by Grossman and Shiller (19S1) who addressed the issue of varying interest rates. Shiller's They concluded that although this reduced the excess volatility, conclusion could not be overturned for reasonable values of the coefficient of relative risk aversion. The conclusions above cited studies have been challenged of the in recent years, most notably by Flavin (1983), Kleidon (1986) and Marsh and Merton (1986). These challenges appear to have merit. The essence of their criticism intervals wide and sensitive to trend. movements bound in dividends. that the tests are biased, the confidence They emphasize the importance of low frequency and LeRoy (1990) Gilles in their critical literature point out that Shiller's volatility tests are likely to process generating dividends later variance bound is tests of of sampling variability. The is if the stochastic inappropriate. The West (1986) and Mankiw, Romer and Shapiro (1985) are interested reader (19S9) for a detailed overview. Gilles and robust review of the variance be biased such that the detrending procedure unbiased but essentially inconclusive because, is is like Shiller's tests, is referred to Gilles LeRoy conclude ". . . they leave open the question and LeRoy (1990) or Shiller This finding of excess volatility ....'' This paper shifts the focus of analysis from the firm to the aggregate level and comple- ments the work by Grossman and we choose to examine Shiller (1981). Rather than studying individual issues of volatility utilizing aggregate stock gate after-tax net cash flows as a ratio to National Income. 'a notable exception is Grossman and Shiller (1981). securities, market values and aggre- Our approach is in the tradition of the infinitely-lived classical growth model of Solow, where the behavior of capital, consumption and investment are studied as shares of output, bearing in model regularities of their ratios (Solow (1970)). This sively by. among a central construct in contemporary is and business cycle theory^ and finance, public finances mind the well-documented its variants have been used exten- and Kotlikoff (1987), Barro and Becker others, .A,bel et al (19S9), .Auerbach and Ross (1985), Lucas (1988), Kydland and Prescott (19SS), Brock (1979), Cox. IngersoU (1982) and Merton (1971). This paradigm has several advantages: The partial equilibrium micro studies cited earlier ignore the interaction of consumption growth and interest rates, implicitly assuming their in- dependence. In contrast, the neoclassical growth model explicitly captures their interaction. Secondly, examining aggregate values relative to National Income ical setting since The detrending is we observe Income has moved by a factor 1974. Furthermore, there is of economy National Income In this paper, in a fair in 196S. amount years 1946- in 1948 dropping down to 0.53 of National Income in of persistence in the 1 ). plo.t of the ratio of market During the same period, the share been relatively stable (approximately 2.5%), ranging from 2.67% of 1948 to 2.91% in 1968 and 2.02%. we analyze the behavior of equity the question as to whether this behavior is in 1974 (see figure consists of 2). as a ratio of National Income. a) consistent with the construct; b) confirms the challenges to Shiller (1981) and The study War about three, from a low of 0.48 of National Income value of equity to National Income vs. time (see figure of claims to equity has for the post that the value of equity in the U.S. as a ratio of National Income to a high of 1.33 of National natural in this theoret- not a problem as these series appear to be co-integrated. principal results of our study cover the U.S. 1987. During this period is We address standard neoclassical growth LeRoy and Porter two main parts. To build some intuition, we first (1981). address these issues in a deterministic steady state context. Next we extend our analysis to stochastic models with low frequency movements to gauge if of Equity (e) to National Income (y). In addition, -Barro and Becker (1988) provide a justification tion of a dynastic utility function. this implies large we movements will also discuss for the infinitely lived in the ratio the implied relation family construct in their formula- between growth rates and e/y. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 summarizes the U.S. historical experience for the period 1946-87. Section 3 deals with deterministic steady state models. Section 4 examines the extension to stochastic economies and section 5 concludes the paper. Data 2 The data used in this paper consists of a set of series for the period 1946-1987. These are individually described below. (i) (ii) Series y: .\ational Series ry: Real per capita National Income. This and the (iii) Income data; obtained from The Economic Report of Series GNP e: deflator from the is series y divided the President. by the population Economic Report of the President. Market Value of Equity: obtained from the Board of Governors publication, Flow of Funds Accounts Financial Assets and of Governors data for 1982-1987 is Liabilities Year-End Values. The Board obtained by multiplying the value of equity traded on major exchanges by 1.25 to adjust for privately held corporations. For the period 1946-19S1. the SEC privately held stocks. supplied the estimates for the total value of equity including .After 1981 (when the SEC discontinued supplying the data), the Board of Governors used the ratio of total value of equity to the market value of traded equity (which was 1.25 in 1981) to adjust subsequent of the present study, which uses data only until 1987, the held stocks, it in For the purpose above may be an adequate approximation. However, with the proliferation of Leveraged 1988 and the subsequent change data."' Buy Out activity since the ratio of publicly traded equity and privately probably understates the true value. The ratio of e/y is plotted in figure 1. (iv) Series xe: Extended Market value of Equity. For the period 1945-1987 the values were taken from the Board of Governors publication: Flow of Funds Accounts Financial •'We thank Judy Ziobro, an economist with the Board of Governors, for this information. & Assets Year-End Values and are Liabilities identical to series e. For the period 1929-1944 the values were taken from Holland and Myers (19S4) after an adjustment discussed below. Holland and Myers report equity values from 1929-1981 Since there mean The overlapping data from the period 1945-1981 (36 years), we calculated the value of the ratio of the Holland-Myers data to the Flow of Funds year end data. value is 0.644, the Holland-Myers data i.e.. with mean 0.644 and variance .00377. We data from 1929-1944. The ratio xe/y is (v) Series d: (vi) is for nonfinancial corporations. Series ne: is systematically biased downward used this value to adjust the Holland-Myers plotted in figure 4. Dividend data; obtained from The Economic Report of the President. Net New Equity Issues; obtained from the Board of Governors publication, Flow of Funds. (vii) Series x: .After-Tax is (viii) Cash Flow to Equity; computed Series c: Consumption of (f — ne. The ratio of x/y Xondurables and Services; obtained from The Economic to the President. The study commences with information from 1946 3 = plotted in figure 2. Report 'e' is as x since reliable data for the series 'ne' and unavailable prior to that year. Deterministic Steady State Analysis In this paper we consider the neoclassical growth model with labor-augmenting technological progress.'' unit orders The economy we its consider has a single representative 'stand-in' household. This preferences over consumption paths by f^/3'u{c^), ^In the Growth Literature this is 0</?<l often referred to as a Harrod neutral technical change. (3.1) where q R+ R —* is the per capita consumption, is the increasing, continuously differentiable concave utility function. restrict the utility function to ^ the subjective tinie discount factor and u is be of the constant relative u{c,a) c^-° — = 1 where the parameter q measures the curvature of the defined to be logarithmic which function is period there We t, is a single good, y,, that is (1 + 7) > 1. (3.2) When q = utility function. , the utility A-,, and labor, /<. effective supply of labor units each period production function /(t, In addition the I the limit of the above representation. In each assume that technological change increases the by the factor oo produced using two inputs, capital, is further risk aversion class < Q < , —a 1 We : has capital and effective labor units as arguments, I) : R+ x R+ —* R+ which strictly increasing, strictly concave, is continuously differentiable and exhibits constant returns to scale. Then, letting i denote the gross investment, the optimal growth problem can be written as TS'^A^IZ}! max (P) {(c.....^.+.)}~o fr'o s.t. /,+i < = ^"i+i = + Ct it ^"0, /o If we renormalize all + variables by (1 riY (1 f{ktJt) {l + n)lt h -a) alU alU 3.11 t > given and assume that /i(l + '?)'"" < 1, the above becomes a "standard" optimal growth problem. (See Stokey, Lucas and Prescott The solution to (P) is thus equivalent to finding a value function v{k^J,) = max {u(/(A'„/,) - i,) + 3r(7„(I i-(/:,,/{) + rj)l,)} (1989).) where . (3.3) 0<i,</(fc,,/,) The solution to (3.3) is a pair of optimal policy functions c(-) and optimal consum.ption and investment in application of these policy functions, the rate; that T] is, in the every state. economy will It is well i{-) known which determine that by repeated converge to a steady state growth steady state, consumption and investment will each be growing at a rate every period. cU^ = {l+r]K (3-4) and = '7+1 Given problem being analyzed (3.4) the Prescott (1985) and Mehra (1 + '/)';• isomorphic to the one studied in Mehra and is and analysis (19S8). Using the results pute the steady state equilibrium risk free (3.5) To do rate. this, first paying one unit of consumption each period. The expression of this security is we in these papers, we com- price the risk free security for the equilibrium time price given bv or E = po ^' Vc?(l+r?)-V fr{ or po - Such a security can also be expressed rrj(TT^ (3-^) • relative to its implied rate of interest. Since for a perpetuity = - Po where r is the interest rate in the economy, r (3.7) and Expression (3.9) time. This result is is 1 by e"'' - (3.9) 1 '/)- the discrete time analogue of a well known relationship in continuous easily derived since ln(l /? + (3.S). i Replacing we can obtain = ^(1 by equating (3.8) r + + r r) = r'i^ + nr = r, = -ln/3 + Q7?c . (continuous compounding) we obtain r, = p + aTic. (3.10) The subscript c denotes continuous compounding. This result can be found in Kurz (1970), Solow (1970) Arrow and we retain the continuous time or Dixit (1976). For convenience interest rate expression. What observable quantities oped here? .^t best correspond to the theoretical valuation expressions devel- the firm level, the value of a stock frequently represented as the discounted is present value of future dividends. This representation has been used in the work of Shiller (19S1) and others cited earlier. However, the value of the equity of a firm present value of where cq is future dividends, all The not equal to the i.e. the current value of the equity of the firm and dividend paid out at time is dt is the value of the aggregate t. correct expression is* — dt net E'^ where ne, when is the net new equity financing between time t — and I t. Only in the special case a firm finances using only retained earnings and neither issues nor repurchases shares, does (3.11) hold with equality.® Since data on stock issues and repurchases cash flow to equity holders in the economy X available since 1946, is we calculate the net as = (f — ne where we now interpret d as the aggregate dividend and ne the value of the net new equity issues. Hence the aggregate value of equity in this economy satisfies -fnr^. In the neoclassical growth model be growing at a constant rate ij. in (3.13) steady state along a balanced growth path, capita] will Let capital k be divided into two components, debt capital ^For a comprehensive dbcussion see Miller and Modigliani (1961). *At the aggregate level, this implies no net stock issue or repurchase for the firms in the economy. b and equity capital e, so that k and hence the claims to equity = will b + e. If the debt equity ratio is be growing at a constant rate tj, specified, then equity i.e. xt+i = + j((l rj). Substituting in equation (3.13) xdl + ri) r-T] = Cf (3.14) or = e/y r Can the - (3.15) . jj large changes in e/y be accounted for within this standard neoclassical growth model? In this model, by varying parameters that are exogenous to the miodel, we can have different values for e/k. kjy and r. Let us e.xamine the effects of each of these on e/y as a possible explanation. a) In steady state along a balanced growth path, with capital {k) fixed, then e/y 6 + = 1 + 6 e is high k = -, e e .\s the debt/equity ratio {hie) low. Since is - a high 6/e implies a low e/t. if k is and kly fixed low. (Figure 5 illustrates the effect of a e change in is a constant, this implies e/y is dje ratios on e/y for an economy in steady state.) Historically for the U.S., the debt/equity ratio (6/e) has steadily increased since 1950. Taggart (19S5) reports that while 19S0 it was % 40% (see figure 3).' in 1945 the debt/equity ratio (6/^) Taggart (19S5) reports, ". . . ^^'^s % 10%, in the use of debt financing has increased considerably in the post war period .... This trend emerges regardless of the method of measurement employed ." . . . Does historical evidence support the steady state result that e/y and 6/e move inversely? Debt/Equity ratios in the 1980s were comparable to those to National 'In a private Debi+Eqmty ' in the late 20s, whereas the ratios of market- value of equity Income (e/y) were significantly different (see Figure 4). During the period communication, Robert Taggart suggested that ^^\^ was a reasonable approximation for ratio can be easily calculated. Note that, in this study, we use the ^^^^ which the debt/equitv quaixiative fact that this ratio has been increasing in the post war period. 8 1950-1970, when 6/e was monotonically increasing, e/y was persistently high — in direct contradiction to our theoretical expectation. Some (i) (ii) caveats are in order. We are implicitly assuming a Miller (1977) model of capital structure. Inflation tends to lower the value of equity since assets are depreciated on the basis of historical cost; on the other hand, the real value of a firm's long-term debt obligations declines, thereby raising the value of equity. We implicitly assume that these effects offset each other. b) In steady state, fixed). If bje is if the capital/output ratio (t/y) 6 + , 1 6 = + c) A is fc = e account for the movement is trendless and constant and cannot, there- in e/y. third implication of the deterministic neoclassical growth model concerns the action between real interest rates and consumption growth rates. growth path, is high (given r = p q > -\- 0). t]q Tj To summarize, implying that r is high Hence a high growth rate 6/e are the same). This a high large (holding 6/e which implies e/y and kjy are positively correlated. Historically, the capital-output ratio [kj-y) fore, e e e fixed, large, then e/y fixed, then - is is is when the growth (r/) inter- Along a balanced rate of consumption implies a low e/y (given i/y not substantiated by our data. During the 1960's and we observe as well as record high values of e/y. historical movements in e/y cannot be systematically accounted for in the deterministic neoclassical growth model. 4 .\ Stochastic Models deterministic, steady state analysis does not provide an adequate explanation of the ob- served large movements in the market value of equity as a share of National Income (e/y). In an effort to achieve greater congruence between theory and observed data, we examine the behavior of (e/y) in stochastic economies including those with persistent changes, generating random-walk type behavior of cashflows We retain the recursive structure developed in section 3, invariant where the economy is time and economic agents solve a similar problem each period. All relevant information for individual decision of state variables. and output flow ("dividends"'). If for making {c.x.y] in such an economy can be characterized by a limited set the equilibrium stochastic process of consumption, cash is such a homogenous consumer economy with specified preferences and technology then we can determine an equilibrium process {c/y,x/y, y'/y, e/y}. Consider an infinitely lived representative individual in such an economy. This individual orders his preferences over feasible consumption plans by 0<J<1 Eolf^3'u{ct)\ where £'o{"} time. Ct is is the expectation operator conditional upon information available at the present the per capita consumption and 3 the subjective time discount factor. period utility function u(-) deterministic case. agent, the price of If is assumed to be identical to the one considered The earlier in the we assume maximizing behavior on the part of the representative any asset (e,) with a stochastic process {xt] as its claims, satisfies the Euler equation e. = + J£,M^) 'Ct —a l h^,+x,^,]^. ,,,). Consequently the equilibrium process {c/y,x/y,y' /y and e/y} (4.1) will satisfy (4.2) Vt+i in !/(+iJ addition to satisfying other restrictions imposed by technology. If we cannot account for the variation in e/y without imposing technological restrictions, then the addition of further restrictions will not change our lesults. formulation we do not explicitly model the technology. is the joint equilibrium process generated by an economy with technology that incorporates capital accumulation. 10 Instead, Hence, in our initial we assume that {c^x^y} specified preferences and a The and economy {i,j,k} follows an independent Markov state of this c,jk be the values of y'/y. x/y and c/y, respectively, correlations between these variables where z = Aj, ^, {I'.j. A:} and -jt follow a process. Let ^.^k, Xijk in state {i,j,k}. To capture the let 9ijk = Crjk = a^Xj+di Xijk = A, (4.3) + a2Aj 03$, (4.4) + Markov process and are be the current state and z' (4.5) Ik For notational simplicity iid. be the next period's state. Using let this notation, equation (4.2) can be rewritten ds e, Calibration of the Step 1: = .ij:|;r,,,(^)"'(5,,)^-'*[e.' + x.-]| (4.6) . Economy Calculate the mean, variance and cross covariances of the Markov process {g^^ Cj, ir}, with respect to their stationary distribution. Match these results to the corresponding sample moments of the U.S. Economy calculate the values for ai, 02 and 03. for the period 1946-1987. This In addition, since A, 9 is sufficient to and 7 are represented by symmetric 2-state transition matrices, with these calculations we can also compute the levels of the two states. Step 2: To calculate the persistence parameters (switching probabilities), for each of the transition matrices, them to the compute the sample values Sample Moments for the U.S. Variable serial correlations for for the U.S. Economy each of the variables and match for the Economy: 1946-87 x^ e. y, c, Mean 1.016 67.00% 2.52% 83.80% Standard Deviation 3.33% 2.34% 8.40% 24.37% 11 time period 1946-87. 1.48 X lO"" Cov(^,,^,,) = 4.56 x 10"* Cov(^,,x,) = LOS X 10"^ Cov (c,,c,-) = 3.94 Cov(c,.x,) = Cov(i„x,.) = 5.31 x 10"* Cov (g,,c,) = 6.26 X 10-^ Calibration of the model = = = 0.13 d= 0.54 a, a2 aj rr{0) ^1 &2 q where p. q = = = = economy x 10"'' yields the following results: 0.01 0.12 A= 2.30 X lO'^ <7(A) 0.56 A, 0.51 A2 0.87 p and r are 1.016 = = = = 7 3.33 x lO'^ (7(7) 1.0.50 7, 0.983 72 0.52 r = = = = = -0.05 0.79 x 10"^ -0.042 -0.058 0.8S switching probabilities for the transition matrices for A, 6 and 7. That is, A, Ai A2 P l-l i A2 V 1 .Ml the variables in equation (4.2) are in interested in the ratios of e/y, c/y - p real p- ) per capita terms. and x/y we can use nominal aggregate values the numerator and denominator without affecting the results. where we must use the values of mean and standard real The only exception per capita National Income (Series ry). deviations of g, are for per capita real National Income. economic theory typically uses low values of a. literature, but. However, since we are based upon it, In this upper bound q by 10. in is both y'/y Hence the Established study we do not challenge this vast For an alternative view, see Kandel and Stambaugh (1990). Once the economy has been calibrated the state contingent values of e/y (etjjt) can be calculated from the following set of equations. 222 e.;Jt = -^ 5Z (=1 where ,jk<Plmn = 9i/ ' P;m • H 51 -^ \~"* [e/m„ + X/„„] /c ^2k4>lmng]~^ m=l n=l \ rkn- 12 ^:k J (4.7) Note that equation and 7. 5 Results (4.7) is linear in e.^fc, since we have assumed There are eight such equations. These can be solved 2 state matrices for 0, A for the eight values of Simulations on our calibrated economy yielded the following results: Table i Q = = 1 .96 e.^fc. our results: In i.e.. {c/y) is the simulations, all low, (e/y) correspondence is where consumption in states is low relative to output, correspondingly low (other variables held constant). A similar observed between (x/y) and (e/y). For every scenario, in states where the is cashflow to equity was low relative to output, (e/y) was also low. To test the robustness of We parameters. where p. q and r our results we did a sensitivity analysis by varying various report results of two polar cases of interest. = implying that .99. g., c, First we consider the case and i~ almost follow a random walk. Table 3 ^ = p Q = Mean (e/y) = ^ = .96 r = .99 1 2 0.oS4 0.557 0.139 0.274 "0.40-0.77 0.21-1.04 10 4 Equilibrium does a{ely) not exist Range Xe.xt of (e/y) we consider the case where p, q, r = .50, implying that successive changes in g^, c, and X; are independent. Table 4 /3 p Q = Mean (e/y) <7(e/y) Range Tables 3 and of (e/y) 4 clearly = q = = .96 r = 0.50 1 2 4 10 0.5S3 0.421 0.2S2 0.181 0.022 0.032 0.043 0.066 0.56-0.61 0.39-0.46 0.23-0.33 0.11-0.26 show that introducing low frequency movements of output greatly increases the range of values of e/y frequency movements in any study of volatility. 14 in the growth rate and emphasizes the importance of low An (g,) interesting and and intriguing relationship is observed between the growth rate of output For low levels of persistence, irrespective of the e/y. rate resulted in a high value for e/y. economy which displayed (for the This sample period) low where the growth rates were low, the a > of the deterministic neoclassical growth levels of persistence of g^. 1, However, the relationship reversed. In states was high ratio (e/y) a high growth consistent with observations for the U.S. is high levels of persistence and for for sufficiently level of a, — consistent with the implications model but inconsistent with observations. For the U.S. data, the range of e/y was large and e/y was positively correlated with the growth rate. Intuitively, with high levels of persistence the economy behaves switching between two growth rates and (high) t/i rjj like a deterministic one, (low). In a deterministic economy along a balanced growth path, e/y where we have used equation We see that p + {a-l)r} and the fact that r <OifQ>l+/?%l. J^' high just as we observe Our (3.15) = in = p + arj. Therefore, the e/y ratio will be low when rj is our simulations. simulations indicate that it is the low frequency movements in the growth rate that are important in determining the volatility of stock prices. This is in sharp contrast to the determinants of the equity premium (see Mehra and Prescott (19S5)) where high frequency movements in the growth rale were crucial. To further capture the impHcations of low frequency movements, consider the following thought experiment. We retain all the parameters of the calibrated where output grows will at be the implications In this case, Aj = two rates, for our 1.03 3% and 1%, economy except for that we consider the case an expected period of 10 years.* What model? and Aj = 1.01 and p, the transition probability satisfies the relation "Of course, when the process on g^ changes, the process on consumption change; see equations (4.3)-(4.5). 15 Cj and cash flows x, will also k=l or p ^ = 10-1 = .9 10 Table 5 = .3 A, a = = 1.03, A2 .96 = 1.01, p= .90 market ais a share of National Income. significantly It may from the levels implied This suggests that the stock market why will prove more useful in there are such large movements in the stock market relative to National Income and only small, relatively transitory movements Income. 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I .••" \ I i\! _^\/ \ 15-1 iO-< I 05 1 19O0 OS —-^— 10 15 M 0/A. Gotosnutn 25 30 35 *5 *0 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Mta 0/A. von Furs>*nD*rg OaU Ratios of market value of debt to replacesant coat of assets. Source Taggart (1985) PIGUKB 3 J* CO o £ en o 00 - .1) o o 5 ft) -5 — 1) e VJ1 c c 17 U V\ 5\ Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 DUPL TOAD 00b7TDM3 7