MBA7209 STRATEGIC SALES FORCE MANAGEMENT COURSE SYLLABUS SUMMER 2013 Dale Anne Davidson 250 Fisher Hall Office hours: by appointment University attendance policy first week of class: Fisher College of Business strongly enforces University attendance policies. As per University rule 3335-­‐8-­‐33, any student may be dis-­‐enrolled from a course for failure to attend by the first Friday of the term, or by the 3rd instructional day of the term, or by the second class meeting, whichever occurs first.­‐rules/rules8/ru8-­‐33.html REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS 1. Sales Force Management 11th Edition; Mark W. Johnston and Greg W. Marshall; Published February 20, 2013; Paperback ISBN 978-­‐0-­‐415-­‐53462-­‐8; also available direct form the publisher via hardback, paperback, or eBook at the following website: 2. Purchase course packet direct from Harvard Business Publishing: Do NOT delay in purchasing textbooks. Reading materials are required for quizzes and class participation. Material to be read in ADVANCE of first class, June 11: Course packet: Life’s Work: Joe Girardi, 3 pages Course packet: Personal Selling and Sales Management, 11 pages Textbook: Chapter 2, be able to discuss pages 65 to 67 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an overview of sales management and its managerial hierarchy. Principles covered include: strategic planning, sales leadership, designing and developing the sales force, and measurement, analysis, and knowledge management including the importance of customer relationship management (CRM) and its link to sales management. COURSE KNOWLEDGE GOALS Sales management is one of the most dynamic aspects of today’s business strategy and by the end of this course you should be able to discuss and be familiar with: 1. The formulation of a sales program including the process of buying and selling, selling as a career; sales management vs. business and marketing-­‐level strategies; organizing for success in sales management; the strategic role of information in forecasting; COURSE SYLLABUS, REV. 5-­‐30-­‐2013 1 MBA7209 STRATEGIC SALES FORCE MANAGEMENT COURSE SYLLABUS SUMMER 2013 importance of customer relationship management (CRM) and its link to sales management. 2. Implementation of a sales program to determine sales performance with special focus on a salesperson’s role perception and motivation. 3. Evaluation and control of the sales program to monitor and control sales force behavior and performance. CLASS PARTICIPATION/ATTENDANCE Individual class participation and attendance are critical to success in this class. The sales arena is engaging, interactive, and dynamic and will be treated as such in class with the use of case discussions, group case studies, group problem solving, and in-­‐class exercises. In order to derive the maximum benefit from class, in-­‐class participation is required and graded. Note: simply attending class is not sufficient basis for class participation. Reading assignments need to be completed before the beginning of each class to enable successful completion of quizzes and actively engage in classroom activities. A complete list of reading assignments and quiz dates is listed under course schedule. BEST PRACTICES 1. Punctuality to class is expected. 2. Reading assignment for each class needs to be brought to class and could include assignments from the textbook or course packet. 3. Laptop and cell phone usage is not tolerated during class (plan to take class notes old school – pen and paper.) a. EXCEPTION: laptop may be used to access eBook or course packet needed for group exercises during class. 4. Quiz deadline will only be extended due to severe illness documented by a physician’s excuse. 5. Contact me immediately if a group issue develops – do not wait until group assignment is due. 6. If class absence is unavoidable, it is recommended to obtain a copy of lecture notes from a classmate. CARMEN ON-­‐LINE QUIZZES Online quizzes, via Carmen, are assigned to reading assignments. Quizzes are to be completed BEFORE the start of class. Check course schedule for quiz dates. Quizzes will be posted by 5 pm, Sunday before class, have a time limit based on total number of questions, and are closed and inaccessible after the beginning of each class. Reference materials may be used during the quiz. Make up quizzes are not available. COURSE SYLLABUS, REV. 5-­‐30-­‐2013 2 MBA7209 STRATEGIC SALES FORCE MANAGEMENT COURSE SYLLABUS SUMMER 2013 GROUP ASSIGNMENTS Each group will contain 3-­‐4 students. Students may choose their own group on the first day of class. Group case presentation assignment and instructions are covered the first day of class in a separate document. EVALUATION Course grade is based on the following weights: 1. On-­‐line quizzes 30% 2. Group case analysis 30% (50% individual grade, 50% group grade. Group grade assessment includes problem statement, analysis, and group synergy) 3. In-­‐class participation and group work NO FINAL EXAM 40% Chapter quizzes, group work, and in-­‐class exercises in lieu of a final exam OSU Standard Grade Scheme to be used: Grade Start % Grade Start % Grade Start % A 93 B-­‐ 80 D+ 67 A-­‐ 90 C+ 77 D-­‐ 60 B+ 87 C 73 E 0 COURSE SCHEDULE WEEK DATE TOPIC 1 TU 6-­‐11 1. Class introduction to include review of course objectives, syllabus, in-­‐ class exercises, group projects, and classroom etiquette 2. Group and case sign-­‐up a. Students may request group and case assignment b. First-­‐come-­‐first-­‐serve for case choice 3. Discuss the following: 4. Course packet: Life’s Work: Joe Girardi, 3 pages 5. Course packet: Personal Selling and Sales Management, 11 pages 6. Textbook: Chapter 2, be able to discuss pages 65 to 67 2 TU 6-­‐18 1. Carmen quiz: textbook chapters 3, 4, & 5 2. Course packet: Case Analysis Coach needs to be completed before COURSE SYLLABUS, REV. 5-­‐30-­‐2013 3 MBA7209 STRATEGIC SALES FORCE MANAGEMENT COURSE SYLLABUS SUMMER 2013 WEEK DATE TOPIC start of class 3. Textbook: discussion and in-­‐class exercises of the following chapters: 3, 4, & 5 3 TU 6-­‐25 1. Carmen quiz: textbook chapters 6 & 7 2. Textbook: discussion and in-­‐class exercises of the following chapters: 6 & 7 3. Group 1 case analysis presentation: Spectrum Brands, Inc. – the Sales Force Dilemma 4 TU 7-­‐2 1. Carmen quiz: textbook chapters 8 & 9 2. Textbook: discussion and in-­‐class exercises of the following chapters: 8 & 9 5 TU 7-­‐9 1. Carmen quiz: textbook chapters 10 & 11 2. Textbook: discussion and in-­‐class exercises of the following chapters: 10 & 11 3. Group 2 case analysis presentation: Bausch & Lomb: Sales Force Reorganization 6 TU 7-­‐16 1. Carmen quiz: textbook chapters 12 & 13 2. Textbook: discussion and in-­‐class exercises of the following chapters: 12 & 13 3. Group 3 case analysis presentation: Clearion Software 7 TU 7-­‐23 1. In-­‐class case analysis (ALL GROUPS): New York Life Immediate Annuities PHOTOGRAPHS Please submit a photograph, headshot only, via email to Photographs are due no later than June 15. Submit one of the following formats: JPEG, JPG, or PNG. REVISIONS The syllabus may be revised to accommodate changes in class enrollment. COURSE SYLLABUS, REV. 5-­‐30-­‐2013 4