Document 11069827

 BUSML4221 PROFESSIONAL SELLING COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2014 Dale Anne Davidson 250 Fisher Hall Office hours: scheduled by appointment University attendance policy first week of class: Fisher College of Business strongly enforces University attendance policies. As per University rule 3335-­‐8-­‐33, any student may be dis-­‐enrolled from a course for failure to attend by the first Friday of the term, or by the 3rd instructional day of the term, or by the second class meeting, whichever occurs first.­‐rules/rules8/ru8-­‐33.html REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS Required textbooks: 1. ISBN # 0-­‐07-­‐051113-­‐6; SPIN Selling; Neil Rackham; McGraw-­‐Hill, no edition number 2. ISBN # 978-­‐0-­‐415-­‐52350-­‐9; Contemporary Selling, Building Relationships, Creating Value; Mark W. Johnston & Greg W. Marshall, 4th Edition, Routledge Do NOT delay in purchasing textbooks. Both textbooks are required for reading assignments, role-­‐play preparation, and quizzes. First quiz is September 5, 2014. (REFER to course schedule in syllabus for all quiz dates.) UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE EXPECTATION The University and College expectation is that students spend two hours outside of class for every hour spent in class. Since this course meets 3 hours per week, you should expect to spend 6 hours per week outside of class on course-­‐related work. COURSE DESCRIPTION Principles of effective B2B professional selling: current practices that integrate B2B professional selling with marketing programs; application of B2B professional selling to broader business contexts. COURSE KNOWLEDGE GOALS Professional B2B selling is a challenging and rewarding career path and will prepare you for professional sales, sales management, business management, or entrepreneurship. Selling is one of the most dynamic aspects of today’s business strategy. This course focuses on B2B professional selling and by the end of this course you should be able to discuss and be familiar with: 1. The field of selling; including selling, sales people, and building partnering relationships. 2. Knowledge and skill requirements to be learned include: ethical and legal issues in selling; buying behavior and the buying process; using communication principles to build relationships; and adaptive selling for relationship building. COURSE SYLLABUS (BUSML4221), REV2 – 08-­‐26-­‐2014 1 BUSML4221 PROFESSIONAL SELLING COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2014 3. The partnership process; including prospecting, planning the sales call, making the sales call, strengthening the presentation, responding to objections, obtaining commitment, formal negotiating, and building long-­‐term partnerships after the sale. CLASS PARTICIPATION/ATTENDANCE Class performance and attendance are critical to success in this class. The sales arena is engaging, interactive, and dynamic and will be treated as such in class with the use of role-­‐plays, class exercises, mini-­‐case discussions, and graded, group role-­‐plays. In order to derive the maximum benefit from class, attendance and participation are required and will be graded. Please note: 1. Simply attending class is NOT sufficient basis for class participation. 2. Class participation and attendance is a combined grade. Excellent attendance alone will not earn an excellent combined grade. CLASSROOM BEST PRACTICES 1. ELECTRONICS-­‐FREE CLASSROOM a. Laptop, tablet, and cell phone usage during class is not tolerated b. All electronics are to be set in airplane mode before the start of class 2. Punctuality is expected. 3. Reading assignments (listed under course schedule) must be completed BEFORE the beginning of each class to enable: a. Participation in class discussions and exercises b. Successful completion of quizzes 4. Textbook to be brought to all classes as noted in syllabus 5. Quiz deadline will NOT be extended except for severe illness documented by a physician’s excuse. 6. Sign the attendance sheet at the beginning of each class. 7. Contact me immediately if a group issue develops – do not wait until group assignment is due. CARMEN QUIZZES Online (Carmen) quizzes to be given weekly. Quizzes cover information from assigned weekly readings and classroom lectures/discussions/exercises. 1. Quizzes active on Carmen each Friday, 12 Noon through Sunday, Midnight. 2. Each quiz has a time limit to complete, based on total number of questions which will vary, week to week. 3. Each quiz is closed and inaccessible after Sunday, Midnight deadline. 4. Hardcopy reference materials may be used during the quiz. 5. ALL quiz grades count toward accumulated quiz grade. (This means the lowest quiz grade will NOT be dropped.) 6. Make up quizzes are not available. COURSE SYLLABUS (BUSML4221), REV2 – 08-­‐26-­‐2014 2 BUSML4221 PROFESSIONAL SELLING COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2014 ROLE-­‐PLAY (GROUP ASSIGNMENTS) Group size based on final class enrollment and students will choose their group members during class, Tuesday, September 2. Role-­‐play directions will be provided in a separate document later in the term. Role-­‐plays will be video-­‐
taped and groups will have the ability to view their performance online. EVALUATION Course grade is based on the following weights: Quizzes 20% (Quiz questions comprised from lectures, assigned readings, and role-­‐plays) Role-­‐play prep assignments 20% (Refer to syllabus) Group role-­‐play #1 20% (Grade based on quality, preparation, individual performance and group synergy) Group role-­‐play #2 20% (Grade based on quality, preparation, individual performance and group synergy) Class participation/attendance 20% OSU Standard Grade Scheme to be used: Grade Start % Grade Start % Grade Start % A 93 B-­‐ 80 D+ 67 A -­‐ 90 C + 77 D-­‐ 60 B + 87 C 73 E 0 COURSE SCHEDULE NOTE: All readings to be completed BEFORE beginning of class. Week # Date Topic 1 TH 8-­‐28 1. Class introduction, includes: discussion of course objectives, syllabus, in-­‐class exercises, group role-­‐plays, and classroom etiquette. 2. Each student to present 60 second “elevator pitch” to introduce themselves to the class a. Refer to welcome email for further instructions COURSE SYLLABUS (BUSML4221), REV2 – 08-­‐26-­‐2014 3 BUSML4221 PROFESSIONAL SELLING COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2014 Week # 2 Date TU 9-­‐2 Topic 1. BRING CONTEMPORARY SELLING TEXT TO CLASS 2. Students choose role-­‐play groups 3. CH 1, page 3 – Introduction to Selling 4. CH 3, page 55 – Value Creation in Buyer-­‐Seller Relationships 5. In-­‐class exercises 2 TH 9-­‐4 1.
2 FR 9-­‐5 Quiz #1, CH 1, 3, SPIN Selling chapters 1-­‐6 and class lectures 3 TU 9-­‐9 1.
3 TH 9-­‐11 3 FR 9-­‐12 1. BRING CONTEMPORARY SELLING TEXT TO CLASS 2. CH 6, page 131 – Prospecting and Sales Call Planning 3. In-­‐class exercises; writing goals and sales call planning for role-­‐
plays Quiz #2, chapters 4, 6, and class lectures BRING SPIN SELLING TEXT TO CLASS CH 1-­‐6, pages 1-­‐135, SPIN Selling SPIN Selling in-­‐class exercises Homework #1 (ungraded) – Buyer/Seller company names and selling product due no later than 9 am, Tuesday 9-­‐9 (companies and product must be approved by instructor) BRING CONTEMPORARY SELLING TEXT TO CLASS Homework #1 DUE by 9 am – Buyer/seller/product names Review role-­‐play(s) assignment CH 4, page 83 – Ethical and Legal Issues in Contemporary Selling In-­‐class exercises Homework #2 (graded) – SPIN Questions – DUE Tuesday, 9-­‐16 a. Research assigned role-­‐play companies and selling product b. Complete role-­‐play outline c. Utilizing SPIN techniques from SPIN Selling, (chapters 1-­‐4) each student is to write the following for your selling company: i. 2 situation questions ii. 2 problem questions iii. 2 implication questions iv. 2 need-­‐payoff questions d. Consolidate all work into ONE group submission; utilize SPIN question and outline forms on Carmen e. Email files to instructor no later than 9 am, Tuesday, 9-­‐16 f. Bring hard copy homework assignment to class, Tuesday, 9-­‐16 COURSE SYLLABUS (BUSML4221), REV2 – 08-­‐26-­‐2014 4 BUSML4221 PROFESSIONAL SELLING COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2014 Week # 4 Date TU 9-­‐16 Topic 1. Homework #2 DUE by 9 am – SPIN questions 2. Group work – assignment provided at beginning of class a. This assignment will utilize research from your homework assignment b. 15 minutes to be allotted for group preparation (writing sales call goals, preparing the approach, and needs analysis questions) 3. Groups randomly chosen to present assignment a. Each group will have 4 minutes to present b. Unexcused absence will result in one letter grade reduction for written SPIN question homework assignment 4 TH 9-­‐18 1.
4 FR 9-­‐19 Quiz #3, chapter 7 and class lectures 5 TU 9-­‐23 1. Homework #3 DUE by 9am (FABs & Objections) 2. Role-­‐play practice during class a. Role-­‐play practice utilizes FABs and objections from homework assignment b. Unexcused absence will result in one letter grade reduction for written FAB and objection homework assignment 5 TH 9-­‐25 1. Role-­‐play #1 – Group A a. 5:30 PM Class – Groups 1-­‐5 b. 7:05 PM Class – Groups 1-­‐4 BRING CONTEMPORARY SELLING TEXT TO CLASS CH 7, page 131 – Communicating the Sales Message In-­‐class group work writing FABs and objections Homework #3 (graded) – FABs & Objections – DUE Tuesday, Thursday, 9-­‐23 a. Each student to write 3 FABs (feature, advantage, and benefit) group’s role-­‐play product b. Each student to write 3 OBJECTIONS the buyer will use during role-­‐play c. Consolidate all work into ONE group submission; utilize FABs and objections form on Carmen d. Email written FABs and objections to instructor by 9 am Tuesday, 9-­‐23 COURSE SYLLABUS (BUSML4221), REV2 – 08-­‐26-­‐2014 5 BUSML4221 PROFESSIONAL SELLING COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2014 Week # 6 Date TU 9-­‐30 Topic 1. Role-­‐play #1 – Group A a. 5:30 PM Class – Groups 6-­‐10 b. 7:05 PM Class – Groups 5-­‐8 6 TH 10-­‐2 6 FR 10-­‐3 1. BRING CONTEMPORARY SELLING TEXT TO CLASS 2. CH 8, page 191 – Negotiating for Win-­‐Win solutions 3. In-­‐class group exercises 1. Quiz #4, chapter 8 and class lectures 7 TU 10-­‐7 1. BRING CONTEMPORARY SELLING TEXT TO CLASS 2. CH 9, page 211 – Closing the Sale and Follow-­‐up 3. In-­‐class group exercises 7 TH 10-­‐9 1. Role-­‐play #2 – Group B a. 5:30 PM Class – Groups 1-­‐5 b. 7:05 PM Class – Groups 1-­‐4 7 FRI 10-­‐10 2. QUIZ #5, chapter 9 and class lectures 8 TU 10-­‐14 1. Last day of class 2. Role-­‐play #2 – Group B a. 5:30 PM Class – Groups 6-­‐10 b. 7:05 PM Class – Groups 5-­‐8 PHOTOGRAPHS Please submit a photograph, headshot only, via email to Photographs are due no later than Friday, August 29. Submit one of the following formats: JPEG, JPG, or PNG. Photo size needs to be 250KB or larger. I can crop your photo if you do not have the capability. REVISIONS The syllabus may be revised to accommodate changes in class enrollment. COURSE SYLLABUS (BUSML4221), REV2 – 08-­‐26-­‐2014 6 