BUSML 7203: ADVERTISING Course Theme: Understanding How IMC Can Build and Sustain Powerful Brands Professor: Office: Email: Telephone: Shashi Matta 554 Fisher Hall matta_6@fisher.osu.edu (614) 292 – 2901 Classroom: Classes: Office Hours: Gerlach Hall 285 We 6:00 – 9:15 PM We 4:00 – 5:30 PM or by appointment Required Course Materials I have developed a custom text (course packet) for this class and it is available for purchase on Carmen through Xanedu. This custom text includes a) the most recent cases in Advertising and IMC Management, 2) chapters from a brand management text book, and 3) current business practice articles from sources including HBR, California Management Review, Business Horizons and Sloan Management Review. All other course materials such as class slides, assignments questions, discussion topics, etc., will be made available on CARMEN (https://carmen.osu.edu/). Course Objectives Advertising is a form of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). To achieve the most valuable bang for the IMC buck it is imperative for brand managers and advertisers to understand how, why, and when, IMC works. This course on Advertising has been developed with a theme of ‘understanding how IMC can build and sustain powerful brands.’ The aim of this course, therefore, is to help you acquire brand-building skills using IMC. Specific course objectives include, but are not limited to, 1. Understanding what Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is and why it is critical to marketing; understand the key players in the IMC industry and what they do. 2. Determining how consumer insight drives IMC strategy and tactics. 3. Understand how to develop communication objectives, formulate creative strategy, develop a creative brief, design an IMC plan, plan the media strategy, execute an IMC campaign, and measure the effect of IMC on brand equity. Class Format and a Live IMC Project Class sessions will include a combination of lectures, case discussions, discussion of assigned articles, video segments and group exercises. A key course highlight and deliverable is the IMC Team Project which consists of a ‘live’ eight-week project in partnership with an organization that is seeking a comprehensive IMC strategy and campaign for its brand. The real time project is an integral learning tool in this course. Page 1 of 7 Evaluation: Graded Components, Grading Scale, and Instructor Expectations Grade Structure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Class Participation and Contribution Case Analysis Mid-term Exam Creative Brief Assignment Final Team Project 10% 10% 30% 15% 35% __________________ Total 100% Grading Scale A AB+ B BC+ C 93-100 90-92.99 87-89.99 83-86.99 80-82.99 77-79.99 73-76.99 Exemplary Performance Strong Performance Good Performance Adequate Performance Adequate Performance, with some deficiencies Weak Performance, with serious deficiencies Poor Performance, with pervasive deficiencies Performance below the “C” level will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Please note that grading will be based on relative rather than absolute standards. The average grade for the class in this course will be a 3.6 or lower. Instructor Expectations and Class Policies 1. You are expected to be well prepared for class discussions by thoroughly reading the assigned articles and cases prior to each class session. 2. Since this is a seven-week course, you are expected to attend all class sessions; missing even a single class session or failing to participate in class discussions will adversely affect your learning the class participation grade. 3. You are encouraged to ask questions and meet with the instructor during office hours, particularly in preparation of the written assignments and the team project. 4. Laptops, tablets, smart phones and cell phones need to be switched off for the duration of the class so as to respect class learning and to maintain class etiquette. 5. Your feedback is encouraged and welcomed throughout the duration of the course! Page 2 of 6 Guidelines for Graded Course Components Class Participation and Contribution 10% of the Final Grade Class participation is an extremely important part of the learning experience of this course. While regular attendance and participation is expected, it is the quality of participation that will determine a student’s class participation grade. Learning is maximized when all participants come fully prepared to class; this includes reading the assigned articles and cases thoroughly prior to class and contributing constructively and actively. Case Analysis 10% of the Final Grade For this individual case assignment you will be required to analyze and write a report on any one of three cases. You can choose any one case from Cases 1, 2, and 3. Depending on which case you choose to analyze, your Assignment will be due at 11.59 PM the night before class in which we’re scheduled to discuss the case. For example, if you choose Case 2 for your assignment, the report will be due at 11.59 PM on Tuesday, 11/13. Assignments must be typed in MS word, in 12-point Times New Roman font (including titles, text, etc.), single-spaced, with a 1” margin on all sides. This formatting is mandatory. Assignments must be uploaded on to the Carmen drop box. Since you have three possible dates to submit this assignment, no late assignments will be accepted. Mid-term Exam 30% of the Final Grade; Wednesday, November 7, 2012 The mid-term exam is a combination of multiple-choice questions and short cases, to be completed in 90 minutes. The exam will cover material all class sessions prior to it. This includes all assigned readings, snippets, discussions of cases and min-cases, and class slides from those respective sessions. Most questions on this exam will resemble small cases or hypothetical situations, and will aim to test comprehension and application of concepts learned in class. Creative Brief Assignment 15% of the Final Grade; Due at 11.59 PM on Sunday, December 2, 2012 Students will be required to develop a Creative Brief Document for a brand of their choice, from any one of the following three categories – a hotel, a financial solutions firm, or a health care service firm. The format to use for the creative brief document will be the one discussed in class. Assignments must be uploaded on to the Carmen drop box. A penalty of one grade point will be incurred for every day of late submission. Final Team Project 35% of the Final Grade Students will work in teams of six to develop an IMC Plan for a real brand that will be announced in class during session # 2 on Wednesday, 10/24. Students are free to pick their own teams but teams must be formed during the class break in the first class session, Wednesday, 10/17. A team representative is required to send me an email that indicates the team name and team member names, with all members copied on the email. Each team will have 25 minutes to make the presentation. Executives from the client organization, and I, will evaluate the presentations. Page 3 of 6 Wednesday, October 17: Course Topics, Readings and Assignments October 17 Session # 1 6:00 – 7.35 Introduction to IMC and IMC Organizations Article: 1. Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity (Keller) October 17 Session # 2 Consumer Insights for IMC Articles: 7:45 – 9.15 2. How Customers Think (Book Summary, HBS) 3. New Tools to Capture the Elusive Green Customer (IESE) Wednesday, October 24: Course Topics, Readings and Assignments October 24 Session # 3 6:00 – 6.50 Client Brief for the Final Team Project October 24 Session # 4 7.00 – 9.15 Targeting and Positioning for IMC Case 1: Saxonville Sausage Company (HBS) Page 4 of 6 Wednesday, October 31: Course Topics, Readings and Assignments October 31 Session # 5 The Communication Process Article: 6:00 – 7.35 4. How Advertising Works (Ivey) October 31 Session # 6 7.45 – 9.15 How a Business Creates Value and Brands It Articles: 5. If Brands are Built Over years, Why are they Managed Over Quarters? (HBR) 6. Ad Spending: Maintaining Market Share (HBR) Wednesday, November 7: Course Topics, Readings and Assignments November 7 Session # 7 Mid-term Exam 6:00 – 7.35 November 7 Session # 8 The Creative Brief 7:45 – 9.15 Wednesday, November 14: Course Topics, Readings and Assignments November 14 Session # 9 Creative Strategy: Part 1 Article: 7. What would Don Draper do? Rules for Restoring the Contemporary Agency Mojo (Kelley) November 14 Session # 10 Creative Strategy: Part 2 Case 2: 6:00 – 7.30 7:40 – 9:15 Capital One: Launching a Mass Media Campaign (Ivey) Page 5 of 6 Wednesday, November 28: Course Topics, Readings and Assignments November 28 Session # 11 Creative Strategy and Tactics Article: 8. Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity (Keller). November 28 Session # 12 Sources in IMC Case 3: 6:00 – 7.35 7:45 – 9:15 Maria Sharapova: Marketing a Champion (A) (HBS) Wednesday, December 5: Course Topics, Readings and Assignments December 5 Session # 13 Media Planning and Strategy Articles: 6:00 – 7.35 9. Branding in the Digital Age (HBS) 10. Adding Social Media to the Marketing Mix (IESE) December 5 Session # 14 7:45 – 9:15 Ethics in Advertising and Review of Concepts Week of Exams: Final Project Presentations Grand Finale Presentation Time and Location To Be Announced Page 6 of 6