DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT OF MIDSHIPMEN UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY 101 BUCHANAN ROAD ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND 21402-5107 COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 1ST LT 17 Jan 14 COMMANDANT OF MIDSHIPMEN INSTRUCTION 4730.1C From: Commandant of Midshipmen Subj: BANCROFT HALL ZONE INSPECTIONS Ref: Encl: (a) COMDTMIDNINST 5400.6Q (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Sample Class Alpha Room Inspection Chit Company Area Inspection Chit Material Discrepancy Inspection Chit Company Area of Responsibility Plan Material Discrepancies without Work Orders Class Alpha ECA Space Inspection Chit ECA Daily Room Standard Inspection Log ECA Space Assignments and Random Inspection AORs 1. Purpose. To define procedures, responsibilities and frequency for Brigade wide Zone Inspections and to provide guidelines for inspection criteria. 2. Cancellation. COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1B. 3. Discussion. A Zone Inspection will consist of two separate inspections, Alpha and Material Condition. These inspections shall be conducted two times a year: fall mid-semester and spring mid-semester. The Zone Inspection will occur on four different days, inspecting two Battalions on each day and Extracurricular Activities (ECA) spaces on the fourth. The purpose of the inspections is to provide a means to accurately assess the individual company/ECA’s ability to maintain its rooms and areas of responsibilities, and assess the overall material condition of Bancroft Hall. The inspection will also assess the ability of the Brigade to effectively identify, report, and track material deficiencies within Bancroft Hall. 4. Action a. The Bancroft Hall First Lieutenant will schedule the inspections through the Commandant’s Operations Office. On the day of inspection, the Bancroft Hall First Lieutenant will publish the list of items not in stock at the Bancroft Hall Self-Help Store to the inspection teams. The Bancroft Hall First Lieutenant will also monitor the completion of the inspection. b. The Company Officer or Company Senior Enlisted Leader will monitor the progress of the Zone Inspection in their company areas. The other will be considered an Inspection Team Spot-Checker to ensure the following: (1) That each spot-checker randomly reinspects two rooms from each company. COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 (2) That both the Material Discrepancy and Alpha inspections were conducted fairly and impartially. (3) That in the event that a room was determined not to be inspected fairly and impartially, the inspection process stops and the inspection team is briefed again on responsibilities and accountability. c. The Brigade Commander will equally distribute a minimum of 30 Regimental Staff and above into Battalion Inspection Groups to assist with the inspection process. d. The Brigade First Lieutenant will develop Battalion Inspection Groups for each inspection and provide these assignments to the Inspectors no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled inspection. The Brigade 1st Lieutenant will also be responsible for the scoring of the Zone Inspection and compiling the results. e. The Battalion Inspection Group will be broken up as follows: (1) The Alpha Inspection Group will consist of the Battalion Commander, five Company Commanders, four additional members of that Battalion’s Staff, five Company Operations Officers, and five Company Training Officers. There will be a total of 20 Alpha Inspection group members. (2) The Material Discrepancy Inspection Group will consist of the Battalion Executive Officer, Battalion First Lieutenant, five Company Executive Officers, five Company Honor Advisors, three additional members of the Battalion Staff, and five Regimental Staff and above assigned by the Brigade Commander. There will be a total of 20 Material Discrepancy Inspection group members. (3) All 40 inspectors will be broken up into five Inspection Teams. Each Inspection Team will consist of four pairs of Inspectors. Each pair will consist of one Alpha Inspector and one Material Inspector. Each Inspection Team will be assigned a specific company to inspect. Each Inspection Team will also have an appointed Team Leader who is responsible for assuring the completion of the inspection of that company. f. The Company First Lieutenant will ensure all rooms are presented in a proper military manner to the inspectors. This requires at least one person to be present in each room and that all occupants are in the uniform of the day. All Midshipmen who do not have higher priority events are required to be present. 5. Procedures a. Inspection Groups will muster at the Battalion Conference room of the Battalion they are going to inspect at 1900 the day of the Zone Inspection. The Battalion First Lieutenant will take accountability and list the items not available in the Self-Help Store. b. The Bancroft Hall First Lieutenant and the Brigade First Lieutenant will brief each Inspection Team and commence the inspection. c. Inspection Teams will immediately go to their Assigned Company Mate’s Desk where they will be given their assignments. 2 COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 d. Inspectors will conduct the appropriate inspections using enclosures (1) through (3). Inspectors will also verify that all rooms and areas of responsibility assigned to the company, per enclosure (4), are inspected. Upon completion of the room inspection, the individual inspectors will remove the top copy of the two-part Class Alpha Chit and submit it to the Battalion First Lieutenant. The remaining copy is for company use. The inspectors will leave the Material Discrepancy Inspection Chit (enclosure (3)) in the room. When inspectors finish inspecting their assigned rooms, they will help inspect other rooms in the company until the Team Leader determines every room has been inspected. e. Members of the Brigade Staff who live in “Striper Alley” will be inspected at the same time as 1st Battalion. They will be inspected by the Bancroft Hall First Lieutenant and Brigade First Lieutenant. This inspection is for situational awareness of the material readiness and cleanliness of all spaces and will not count towards Color Company rankings. These results will be reported with the rest of the Brigade. f. No Midshipmen will be secured until their room has received both inspections. g. Battalion and Company space readiness: (1) Midshipmen rooms and wardrooms will be made alpha inspection ready per reference (a). (2) Passageways, heads, and ladderwells will be free of all gear adrift, loose trash, and clear of all unauthorized signs, markings, and paint. (3) Companies are responsible for maintaining their areas of responsibility as described by enclosure (4). The areas are to be free of all foreign object debris, unauthorized signs, markings, and paint. Broken gutters, tiles, bricks, and exterior doors are to be noted and reported via the First Lieutenant chain of command. In addition, companies are responsible for all rooms in which company members are residing, even if those rooms are not contained within the company’s area of responsibility. Companies with Brigade, Regimental, Honor, or any other out of company staff members residing in their company area will have their rooms inspected as part of that company. Material discrepancies and Alpha deficiencies will be annotated within that company’s area of responsibility. (4) Company First Lieutenants will ensure the following: (a) That there is a blank, two-part Class Alpha Room Inspection Chit (enclosure (1)) in each room prior to inspection commencing. (b) That there is a Material Discrepancy Inspection Chit (enclosure (3)) in each room prior to the inspection commencing. The work order portion of the chit must be filled out for any outstanding work orders in the area applicable. All discrepancies found without a work order number will be recorded as a material discrepancy hit on enclosure (5). (c) That the following is at the Mate's desk prior to inspection commencing: 1. Four separate assignments for the inspectors (including all rooms, the company area, and all areas of responsibility) 3 COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 2. Four copies of enclosure (5) to be filled out by the material inspectors. 3. A Company Area Inspection Chit (enclosure (2)). 4. A visual and written printout of the Company’s Area of Responsibility. 5. A compiled list of all outstanding work orders for the company area excluding rooms (heads, P-ways, ladderwells). h. Upon completion of a room inspection, the inspectors will: (1) For Alpha inspections, remove the top copy of the two-part Class Alpha Room Inspection Chit and submit to the Battalion First Lieutenant of the inspection group. The remaining copy is for company use. The Battalion First Lieutenant must also obtain the Company Area Inspection Chit from each company. (2) For Material Discrepancy inspections, submit the Material Discrepancies without work orders sheet to the Battalion First Lieutenant of the inspection group. i. Inspectors can only be dismissed by their Battalion First Lieutenant, the Brigade First Lieutenant, or the Bancroft Hall First Lieutenant. j. The score of the Zone Inspection will be calculated as follows: (1) Each hit on the Class Alpha Inspection Chit will count as one hit. (2) A room that is deemed “UNSAT” will automatically receive a minimum of 20 hits in accordance with enclosure (1). (3) Each discrepancy that is listed on the Material Discrepancies Without Work Orders will count as one hit. (4) Each hit on the Company Area Inspection Chit will count as one hit. (5) Scores will be calculated by taking the total amount of hits per company divided by the amount of rooms inspected, with the entire company area counting as one room. The average hits per room per company will be forwarded to the Brigade Commander, using memorandum format, for Brigade compilation. The Brigade Commander will forward results to the Commandant of Midshipmen via the chain of command. All room and common area inspection chits will be held by the inspecting Battalion First Lieutenant and must be available upon request until the end of the semester. (6) All Company First Lieutenants will meet with the Bancroft Hall First Lieutenant within three working days to resolve all outstanding material discrepancies noted during the inspection. (7) Rooms that fail the Alpha Inspection will be reinspected by the following within three working days: (a) Battalion Commander 4 COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 (b) Battalion First Lieutenant (c) Company Commander (d) Company First Lieutenant (8) Rooms that fail the second Alpha Inspection will be reinspected by the following within three working days of the second inspection: (a) The second inspection team (b) Battalion Officer (c) and Company Officer (9) Companies that fail the Company Area Inspection will be reinspected similar to a room failure. (10) Results of both inspections will be published at a later date by the Brigade First Lieutenant. The overall score will count towards Color Company. k. ECA Space inspection procedure: (1) Battalion First Lieutenants with a Battalion Senior Enlisted representative will inspect ECA Spaces within their respective AOR as listed in enclosure (8). (2) The President or Vice-President of the ECA space must be present for the inspection. (3) The ECA space will provide a copy of the ECA Space Inspection Chit (enclosure (6)). (4) The ECA Space will provide a copy of the Material Discrepancy Chit (enclosure (3)). (5) ECA Spaces that fail the Alpha Inspection will be reinspected by the following within three working days: (a) Brigade Executive Officer (b) ECA Officer Representative (c) Operations ECA Officer (6) ECA Spaces that fail the second inspection will be reinspected by the following within three working days of the second inspection: (a) The second inspection team (b) Operations Officer (c) Bancroft Hall First Lieutenant (7) Results of the ECA Zone Inspection will be compiled and reported to the Commandant of Midshipmen along with the Brigade Zone Inspection results. 5 COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 (8) ECA Spaces will be maintained to a Daily Room Standard at all times. ECA Spaces will be inspected a minimum of weekly by their MIDN members, Officer or Enlisted Representatives for adherence to these standards. Inspections shall be documented on an inspection log (enclosure (7)) posted on the doors to each room. Daily Room Standards include the following: (a) Refuse removed. (b) No personal gear in space. (c) Floors swept and cleaned. (d) Room and gear arranged neat and orderly. (e) No vulgar or inappropriate material present. (9) ECA Spaces shall be randomly inspected a minimum of monthly by 2 Officers or Senior Enlisted from respective Battalions within their AORs (enclosure 8) for Daily Room Standards as scheduled by Battalion LCPOs. (10) ECA Spaces that fail a Daily Room Standard inspection shall be reinspected within three working days by the following: (a) Original Spot Inspection Team (b) President of ECA (c) ECA Officer or Enlisted Representative (d) Operations ECA Officer (e) Bancroft Hall First Lieutenant (11) ECA Spaces that fail the second Daily Room Standard inspection shall be reinspected within three working days by the following: (a) The second inspection team (b) Operations Officer (12) ECA Spaces failing to meet any Daily Room Standard or failing an Alpha Inspection may have the following minimum consequences until corrected: (a) Movement Orders canceled. (b) Financial accounts frozen. 6. Review Responsibility. The Bancroft Hall First Lieutenant is responsible for the annual review of this instruction. R. L. SHEA By direction Distribution: Non-Mids (Electronically) Brigade (Electronically) 6 COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 SAMPLE CLASS ALPHA ROOM INSPECTION CHIT Room Number: _____________________________________________________________________________ ICOR: _____________________________________________________________________________ A grade of UNSAT on any of the following items constitutes an overall UNSAT for the inspection: SAT UNSAT ( ) ( ) Deck stripped properly ( ) ( ) Deck waxed properly ( ) ( ) Excessive dirt/was build-up in corners/around edges ( ) ( ) Excessive dirty laundry in locker ( ) ( ) Mold in shower and/or shower curtain _____________________________________________________________________________ A total of four UNSATs on any of the following items constitutes an overall UNSAT for the inspection: SAT UNSAT INSPECTION READY: ( ) ( ) White glove, black sock, pen, and completed chit on desk ( ) ( ) All lockers, drawers, and medicine cabinet open ( ) ( ) All lights turned on GENERAL: ( ) ( ) All surfaces clean and dusted ( ) ( ) Nothing hung from bulkheads, overheads, closets racks or doors ( ) ( ) Racks neatly made with clean linen ( ) ( ) All 1st LT issued items present (chairs, trash can, pillows, etc.) ( ) ( ) Up to one potted plant per room (max 6" diameter pot, 2" high) ( ) ( ) Only furniture issued by 1st LT present ( ) ( ) No unauthorized articles ( ) ( ) Light fixtures cleaned on inside and outside ( ) ( ) No gear adrift LOCKERS/CLOSETS: ( ) ( ) All food stored in air-tight containers ( ) ( ) Closet stowage dark to light, left to right ( ) ( ) Shoes clean and stowed white to black, top to bottom ( ) ( ) Rifles/swords clean and locked ( ) ( ) Folded clothing neat, aligned to shelf edge ( ) ( ) Confidential lockers clean and orderly SINK/SHOWER ( ) ( ) Shower walls and floor clean and dry ( ) ( ) Shower curtains clean and dry ( ) ( ) All brightwork clean and unspotted ( ) ( ) Medicine cabinet neatly arranged ( ) ( ) Washbasin clean and dry ( ) ( ) Clean towels and face clothes folded neatly ( ) ( ) Mirrors free of streaks and spots ( ) ( ) Cleaning gear stowed neatly underneath sink ( ) ( ) No items in shower Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 SAMPLE CLASS ALPHA ROOM INSPECTION CHIT (CONT’D) WINDOWS/BLINDS ( ) ( ) Window sills free of dust and dirt ( ) ( ) Window Glass clean and spot free on inside ( ) ( ) Blinds thoroughly cleaned and dust free ( ) ( ) Blinds at half-mast and open ( ) ( ) Screens/storm windows shut as appropriate DESKS ( ) ( ( ) ( ( ) ( ( ) ( ( ) ( ( ) ( ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Drawers dusted, contents neat and orderly Books stowed vertically, T to S, L to R, aligned with shelf edge Electrical cords arranged neatly and orderly Up to one bookshelf stereo system per occupant Material on cork boards appropriate and arranged neatly Items on blotter appropriate and arranged neatly Chair clean and dust free One computer per occupant present and clean _____________________________________________________________________________ Score (-1 for each deficiency): /45 (NOTE: Maximum score for UNSAT is 25) _____________________________________________________________________________ Remarks: _____________________________________________________________________________ Inspector (print name): _____________________________________________________________________________ Inspector's Signature/Date: _____________________________________________________________________________ 2 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 COMPANY AREA INSPECTION CHIT Company __________ Inspector ___________________ A total of four or more UNSATs on any of the following items constitutes an overall UNSAT for the inspection: 1. Ladder wells SAT UNSAT ( ) ( ) All surfaces clean and free of trash ( ) ( ) No spray paint or unauthorized markings ( ) ( ) Hand railing secure to wall 2. Passageways SAT UNSAT ( ) ( ) All lights turned on ( ) ( ) No unauthorized articles ( ) ( ) No gear adrift ( ) ( ) All walls cleaned ( ) ( ) No trash cans/recycle bins present 3. Heads SAT UNSAT ( ) ( ) Lights on ( ) ( ) No gear adrift ( ) ( ) Mirrors cleaned ( ) ( ) Floors swept 4. Closets SAT UNSAT ( ) ( ) Lights on ( ) ( ) No gear adrift ( ) ( ) Floors swept ( ) ( ) No unauthorized articles 5. Wardrooms GENERAL SAT UNSAT ( ) ( ) All closets open ( ) ( ) All drawers open ( ) ( ) All lights turned on ( ) ( ) All electrical equipment turned off ( ) ( ) All surfaces clean and free of trash ( ) ( ) Carpet swept ( ) ( ) Furniture clean with no trash underneath cushions ( ) ( ) Books stowed vertically, T to S, L to R, aligned with shelf edge ( ) ( ) Trash can clean and empty ( ) ( ) No gear adrift ( ) ( ) Electrical cords arranged neatly and safely ( ) ( ) Material on corkboard appropriate and arranged neatly ( ) ( ) Refrigerator clean and no expired food present ( ) ( ) Closets clean and orderly ( ) ( ) All food stored in air-tight containers ( ) ( ) Cleaning gear stowed neatly beneath sink ( ) ( ) All brightwork clean and spot free ( ) ( ) Washbasin clean and dry ( ) ( ) Deck cleaned Enclosure (2) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 COMPANY AREA INSPECTION CHIT (CONT’D) WINDOWS/BLINDS SAT UNSAT ( ) ( ) Windowsills free of dust and dirt ( ) ( ) Window glass clean and spot free on inside ( ) ( ) Blinds thoroughly cleaned and dust free ( ) ( ) No items stored outside windows ( ) ( ) Nothing hung in or out of windows ( ) ( ) Screens/storm windows shut as appropriate ( ) ( ) Blinds at half-mast Total number of hits: _____ Overall: SAT____ UNSAT_____ Inspector (print name): ____________________________________________________ Inspector’s Signature/Date: ________________________________________________ For company point calculation, all company areas only count as one room. 2 Enclosure (2) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 Enclosure (3) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) 2 Enclosure (3) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 COMPANY AREA OF RESPONSIBILITIES (CONT’D) 2 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 Enclosure (5) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) 2 Enclosure (5) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 CLASS ALPHA ECA SPACE INSPECTION CHIT Room Number: _____________________________________________________________________________ ECA: _____________________________________________________________________________ A grade of UNSAT on any of the following items constitutes an overall UNSAT for the inspection: SAT UNSAT ( ) ( ) Deck stripped properly ( ) ( ) Deck waxed properly ( ) ( ) All trash removed ( ) ( ) No personal gear in space ( ) ( ) Room and gear arranged neat and orderly _____________________________________________________________________________ _ A total of four UNSATs on any of the following items constitutes an overall UNSAT for the inspection: SAT UNSAT INSPECTION READY ( ) ( ) Completed chit in room ( ) ( ) All lockers, drawers, and closets open ( ) ( ) All lights turned on GENERAL ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) All surfaces clean and dusted Nothing hung from bulkheads, overheads, closets or doors No unauthorized articles Light fixtures cleaned on inside and outside LOCKERS/CLOSETS ( ) ( ) All food stored in air-tight containers ( ) ( ) Closets and lockers clean and orderly WINDOWS/BLINDS ( ) ( ) Window sills free of dust and dirt ( ) ( ) Window glass clean and spot free on inside ( ) ( ) Blinds thoroughly cleaned and dust free ( ) ( ) Blinds at half-mast and open ( ) ( ) Screens/storm windows shut as appropriate DESKS/TABLES/WALLS ( ) ( ) Drawers dusted, contents neat and orderly ( ) ( ) Electrical cords arranged neatly and orderly ( ) ( ) Material on cork boards appropriate and arranged neatly ( ) ( ) Items on blotter appropriate and arranged neatly ( ) ( ) Chairs clean and dust free Enclosure (6) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 CLASS ALPHA ECA SPACE INSPECTION CHIT (CONT’D) PASSAGEWAYS SAT UNSAT ( ) ( ) All lights turned on ( ) ( ) No unauthorized articles ( ) ( ) No gear adrift ( ) ( ) All walls cleaned ( ) ( ) No trash cans/recycle bins present _____________________________________________________________________________ Remarks: _____________________________________________________________________________ Inspector (print name): _____________________________________________________________________________ Inspector's Signature/Date: _____________________________________________________________________________ 2 Enclosure (6) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 ECA DAILY ROOM STANDARD INSPECTION LOG ROOM (NUMBER) IS MAINTAINED BY (ECA NAME) ECA PRESIDENT: MIDN (FIRST LAST NAME), (ALPHA) ECA STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: (RANK FIRST LAST) (RANK FIRST LAST) IAW COMDTMIDNIST 4730.1C, ECA Spaces will be maintained to a Daily Room Standard at all times and inspected by ECA MIDN President, Officer or Enlisted Representative at least twice per month. These standards include: (a) Refuse removed, (b) No personal gear in space, (c) Floors swept and cleaned, (d) Room and gear arranged neat and orderly, and (e) No vulgar or inappropriate material present. DATE INSPECTOR Refuse Removed No Floor Personal Clean Gear Room & Gear Organized No Vulgar Material Other Discrepancies Enclosure (7) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) 2 Enclosure (7) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 ECA SPACE ASSIGNMENTS AND RANDOM INSPECTION AORs SPACE ALLOCATED IN CMDT SPACES MONTHLY SPOT INSPECTIONS BY 4B40 5th BAT 7M52 M/L Auditorium Stage Cage 3RD BAT Cheerleaders C425 2ND BAT Color Guard 4100 5TH BAT M/L 129 1st BAT 7B17 & 7B19 3RD BAT 4B28, 4B29, 4B32, 8B01D, 4B30 4B36A, M/L 215 3-4 Spiral Staircase & 4B40 C409, C427, C433, C426, C418, C410 1st BAT (M/L) 4 BAT (4TH WING) 6TH BAT (8TH WING) 1ST BAT (3RD WING) 5TH BAT (4TH WING) ECA Alpine Ski Team Amateur Radio Club Baptist Collegiate Ministries CRU Cycling Drum & Bugle Corps Infantry Skills Team Lucky Bag 1st BAT TH 2ND BAT Mountaineering Club National Eagle Scout Association 4B40 5th BAT 4B38 5th BAT Navy Beats 4B36 4th BAT Paintball 4B29 4th BAT Pipes and Drums 4B33 6th BAT Pistol Team Club Room 2B01 6th BAT Scuba Club Semper Fidelis Club Silent Drill Team 4B46 6th BAT 4B27 5th BAT 4B35 4TH BAT Squash The Log Magazine 4B45 5TH BAT C429 2nd BAT Trident Brass 4B34 4th BAT VT-NA 4B38 5th BAT Enclosure (8) COMDTMIDNINST 4730.1C 17 Jan 14 (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) 2 Enclosure (8)