DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT OF MIDSHIPMEN UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY 101 BUCHANAN ROAD ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND 21402-5107 COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 ~ovr~~fi15 COMMANDANT OF MIDSHIPMEN INSTRUCTION 3571.1 From: Commandant of Midshipmen Subj: NAVAL EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL (EOD) SCREENER Ref: (a) (b) (c) (d) Encl: NDSTCINST NDSTCINST OPNAVINST OPNAVINST 6110.1I 1500.4L 1500.75C 3500.39C ( 1) Evolution Guides Risk Management Matrix (3) High Risk Student Medical Screening Form ( 4) USNA EOD Emergency Action Plan (EAP) (2) 1. Purpose. To promulgate policy, procedures , and reports as it pertains to the execution of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Screener Program . Evaluations conducted during the EOD Screener are essential in assessing Candidates' potential to serve as members of the EOD Community. Successful completion of the EOD Screener Program is required to be eligible for service assignment. 2. Scope. This instruction applies to the USNA EOD Program and all supporting elements. 3. Cancellation. None. 4. Action. EOD Program Director and supporting elements will comply with the instruction throughout the planning and execution of both the Fall and Spring EOD Screeners. 5. Responsibilities. a. USNA EOD Program Director: (1) Responsible to the Director of Professional Development and the Commandant of Midshipmen. CQ~DTMrDNINST NOV Z0 20'1J 3571.1 (2) Designated as the overall Officer in Charge (OIC) of the screener throughout all phases of the program. (3) Responsible for the Operational Risk Management (ORM) analysis of the program as well as the proper implementation of designated controls throughout all evolutions per reference (d). This includes the use of enclosure (4) for contingencies. (4) Provide a confirmation brief to the Commandant of Midshipmen for decision no later than one week prior to the first evolution. (5) Maintain a comprehensive and objective scoring system for all evolutions and provide a final ranking of all candidates who complete the screener. (6) Following the completion of both the Fall and Spring Screener, provide USNA Summer Training Program with a list of qualified candidates for follow on participation in the EOD Training Program. (7) Ensure proper student-to-staff ratios are met and maintained at each phase of training. b. High Risk Training (HRT) Safety Officer: (1) Shall be, if possible, the SEAL Program Director or Assistant SEAL Program Director. (2) Responsible to the Commandant of Midshipmen, reports directly to the Director of Professional Development. (3) Shall be designated in writing by the Commandant of Midshipmen. (4) Ensure the planning and execution of the screening program is in accordance with reference (c) and in line with the guidance provided by the Commandant of Midshipmen. (5) Serve as command representative during any Class A training mishap associated with the screening program. When directed, convene a training Safety Investigation Board (SIB) subsequent to a training mishap per reference (d) . 2 COMDTMIDNINST 3571 .1 NOV Z0 2015 (6) Assist the EOD Program Director in the comprehensive data analysis of training mishaps and resolving high risk training issues. (7) Conduct evaluations of ORM, precautions, mitigating factors, safeguards , and safety requirements and report accordingly . (8) Observe HRT evolutions and assess compliance with approved training procedures. c. Brigade Medical Unit (BMU): (1) Responsible to the Commandant of Midshipmen and supporting to the EOD Program Director throughout the duration of the screener . (2) Provide medical personnel support throughout the duration of the event to include both medical officers and corpsmen . (3) Ensure a Senior Medical Officer is assigned to and is on call throughout the duration of all training evolutions. (4) Provide routine medical evaluations of the candidates both during and after the screener. (5) Prior to event, ensure a watch bill is established consisting of medical personnel required and it is distributed to EOD Program Director and evolution OIC. (6) Coordinate with local treatment facilities to facilitate the Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) of any students injured during the course of the training evolutions. (7) Ensure all participants have completed the High Risk Student Medical Screening Form, enclosure (3), prior to the commencement of training evolutions. s Distribution: Non Mids (electronically) 3 COMDTMIDNINST 357 1.1 NOV Z0 2015 (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) .h 4 . i~~'-. COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z 0 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE RUCK ISSUE 1. Objective/Purpose. Ruck Issue will set the tone for the screener. All participants will be taught basic expectations for physical exercises and greetings during the screener, as well as receive the ruck that they will use to hold their sand weight and other items. Candidates will also be inspected for uniform and sand weights. 2. Evolution Steps. a. -:15 Muster all active duty and 1/C cadre. b. -:00 Muster all candidates. c. +:05 Begin pushup, flutter kick, sand weight instruction, and basic PT. d. +:15 Begin ruck issue; one squad at a time - other squads PT outside locker. e. begin. f. +:45 All rucks issued, PT secured, final instructions/questions +1:00 All candidates released. 3. Scoring. This evolution is not scored. 4. Safety Precautions. a. Cadre present at ruck issue will observe all participants as they PT, ensuring that no candidate is endangering them self or anyone else. b. Each member of the cadre will have a cellphone with the number of the duty doctor. c. There will be at least two cadre vehicles near the site to transport anyone who may be unexpectedly injured. Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE BREAKOUT 1. Objective/Purpose. To provide candidates with a number of strenuous evolutions to temporarily disorient and fatigue them as an introduction to the screener. Candidates will be evaluated on their ability to maintain composure under pressure, as well as to demonstrate teamwork and determination. 2. Evolution Steps. a. -:00 Candidates arrive at Hospital Point, break into squads, and take accountability. b. +:05 Candidates will stage rucks in squad order. Candidates will drop, perform pushups and flutter-kicks, and hit the surf. c. +:20 Candidates will be sent to hit the surf and divided into new, temporary squads based on their arrival back to their rucks. Break into group PT with cadre members according to "new" squads: pushup variations, lunges, flutter-kicks, squats, duck-walks, bear-crawls. d. +:40 Candidates will be sent to bottom of Hospital Point Hill. Accountability based on original squads will be taken. e. +:55 Fall back in on rucks, take accountability, hydrate. 3. Scoring. This evolution will be qualitatively scored based on candidates' ability to demonstrate teamwork, enthusiasm, and determination. 4. Safety Precautions. a. Cadre will be present throughout Hospital Point to observe candidates and respond to any medical issues. b. Squad leaders will be present with squads throughout evolution (1 cadre to squad minimum). c. Cadre will escort candidates who hit the surf. d. Corpsman and safety observers will be in close proximity to group at all times. e. All candidates will have canteens on their person and be able to hydrate throughout the evolution. 2 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE TEAM DRILLS 1. Objective/Purpose. To provide candidates with a physically demanding environment and integrate them into a team in order to assess teamwork, physical ability, competitive attitude, and mental resiliency. 2. Evolution Steps. a. Cadre will brief the course, inspect gear, and ensure all candidates have canteens filled with water. b. Candidates will begin the log race. c. Cadre will position them self at the midpoint of the course to observe and ensure proper technique. d. Losing Squads will perform remedial PT. There will be a two minute hydration break following remedial PT before next race. There will be five races total. e. At the completion of the course, candidates will be given five minutes hydration and nutrition break to hydrate, stretch, and eat. f. Cadre will brief caterpillar pushup evolution. g. Candidates will perform caterpillar pushup evolution. h. At the completion of the evolution candidates will muster, accountability will be taken, and candidates will move on to the next evolution. 3. Scoring. a. (+2) Candidate is actively involved in the leadership and problem solving of the group. Candidate is actively involved in carrying their share of the weight. Candidate is encouraging others and striving to win. Candidate puts their personal discomfort aside for the success of the group. b. (0) Candidate is somewhat involved in the decision making process, however is not exhibiting a desire to ensure the group is performing at the highest level. Candidate is neither displaying exceptional performance nor poor performance. Candidate is trying to make it through the evolution rather than excelling or failing. c. (-2) Candidate offers little to no input on group success. Candidate lags behind both physically and mentally. Candidate is not carrying their fair share of weight and is a hindrance to the success of the team. 3 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 4. Safety Precautions. a. Cadre will observe candidates along the course in case candidate requires medical attention. Squad leaders will trail their respective squad through course. If a candidate requires a Corpsman, the cadre will radio or call into the OIC/CPO who will then direct medical support. b. Candidates who are drastically underperforming will be checked for medical issues and removed from squad. If candidate is medically cleared but unable to perform at a minimum standard, the OIC/CPO will be notified immediately 4 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE POOL PHASE 1 1. Objective/Purpose. To provide candidates with a challenging environment in which to demonstrate water competency, teamwork, basic underwater EOD skills, and performance under pressure, stress, and fatigue . Evolutions during this phase will be graded for time or completion (pass/fail). Events will include: solo snorkeling, porpoising, buddy breathing, 1000m bay swim (timed), ditch & dons, knot tying, treading with weight, and bobs. 2. Evolution Steps. a. Candidates will be instructed to remove cammies and retrieve snorkel, fins, mask, and canteen from ruck. Candidates will be wearing swimsuit and t - shirt. b. Candidates will bear crawl onto pool deck and get accountability. They will then charge their masks and begin a bear crawl lap. Upon completion the candidates will conduct pool PT. c. Transition to solo snorkel swim. Candidates will hydrate/eat, get accountability, and assume the Front Leaning Rest (FLR.) Cadre will brief the solo snorkel swim. d. Begin solo snorkel swim. Refer to Snorkel Evolution Sheet. e. Upon completion begin In - Water Proficiency (IWP). Evolution Sheet. Refer to IWP f. Transition to graded evolutions Ditch and Dons (D&D), knot tying, and weighted treading). g. Transition to Buddy Breathing. Candidates will hydrate/eat, get accountability, partner up, and assume FLR. Cadre will brief buddy breathing. h. Begin Buddy Breathing. (1) Candidates will swim in circles near poolside. (2) Cadre will be positioned around perimeter of pool . will observe safety, half will observe performance. Half (3) Candidates will swim for 10 minutes unbothered by cadre . Completion earns a pass. (4) Candidates will swim for an additional 20 minutes while being stressed by active duty EOD cadre . i. Candidates will hydrate/eat, get accountability, and assume FLR. Cadres will brief and set up for the graded evolutions. 5 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV l 0 2015 (1) Four stations will be set up around the pool for each evolution. Two squads will be at each station. They will spend 20 minutes at each station to be evaluated and then rotate. (2) One grader and one safety observer for each candidate being evaluated. (3) Ditch and Dons: Two candidates will attempt D&D at once. (4) Tread with weight: Two candidates will execute at once. Candidates will wear fins and tread with weighted item (simulation of SCUBA gear) and hands out of the water for two minutes. Candidates on deck will rest, eat, and hydrate. All other candidates will tread water. (5) Knot tying: Two candidates will execute at once. Two kettle bells will be on the pool bottom. Candidates will perform three knots that the cadre asks them to do. Candidates will use appropriate dive hand signals. j. Transition to Bay Swim. accountability, and assume FLR. k. Begin Bay Swim. Candidates will hydrate/eat, get Cadre will brief Bay Swim. Timed event. l. End Bay Swim. Five minutes nutrition/accountability break. Begin final beat down PT. Pushups, pool pull outs, bear crawls, flutter kicks. 3. Scoring. a. Solo Snorkel Swim: duration of evolution. Pass/fail. Must keep head submerged through b. Porpoising: Pass/fail. Must keep head submerged through duration of evolution. One breath per surface. c. Ditch and Dons: Pass/fail. Must not prematurely surface, must correctly don and secure all gear, must use proper dive signals, must take no more than two full breaths between D&D. Three chances. d. Knot tying: Pass/fail. Must properly demonstrate all three knots, must not surface prematurely, and must use proper dive signals. e. Bobs: Pass/fail. Hands must stay together behind back through duration of evolution, feet must stay together, candidate must take one breath per bob and touch bottom of pool on each bob. f. Tread with weight and fins: Pass/fail. Candidate must keep bucket out of water for entire two minutes. Candidate may not spill more than one fourth of water in bucket. g. Buddy Breathing: Pass/fail. Only 10 minute non-harassed portion is graded. Must keep head submerged through duration of 6 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 evolution, must stay secured to swim buddy, must demonstrate teamwork. Candidates should not hog the snorkel. h. 1000m Bay Swim: Pass/Fail. must keep arms across chest. 4. Timed graded evolution. Candidates Safety Precautions. a. Cadre will spread out along the poolside in case candidate requires medical attention. If a candidate requires a Corpsman, the cadre will radio or call into the OIC/CPO who will then direct medical support. b. Candidates who are drastically falling behind and well below normal swimming pace will be checked for medical issues. If candidate is medically cleared but unable to perform at a minimum standard, the OIC/CPO will be notified immediately. 7 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE DROWN PROOFING AND MASK/FINS/SNORKEL TECHNIQUES 1. Objective/Purpose. This training exercise is used to evaluate candidate's adaptability to the underwater environment. 2. Evolution Steps. NOTE: Cadres should remain aware of any candidate who remains negatively buoyant while performing all procedures correctly. As long as a candidate does not demonstrate signs of panic or fear or any signs that indicate an unsafe condition, the candidate shall continue to make every effort to float and may receive assistance from the staff regarding buoyancy procedures. These candidates may successfully complete the evolution though they did not remain on the surface of the water. a. Using front roll water entry, candidate enters water with ankles tied (loosely) and uses modified basic survival float for five minutes. (1) The basic survival float is as follows: (a) Take a deep breath and hold it. (b) Float in a vertical position with face down in the water. Only the back of head and shoulders should breach the surface. Air in the lungs will keep you floating. (c) Relax. The purpose of the survival float is to conserve energy. (d) Let arms and legs dangle. Arms may float up to the surface. (e) Raise head when needed for a breath of air. If needed, bring arms and legs slightly upward to the surface, and then push them downward to help elevate head for a breath. (f) Return to a relaxed floating position. b. Snorkeling Technique (without a mask): (1) Sit or kneel in shallow end of the pool and breathe through the snorkel for a minimum of three minutes or until comfortable. (2) In the shallow end of the pool, take a breath and submerge until the snorkel fills with water. (3) Practice the two methods of clearing mask: (a) Push, with palm of hand, on top front portion of the mask and exhale through nose slowly with head tilted back until all water is expelled from the mask. 8 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 (b) Tilt head to one side, push in on high side of the mask, and slowly exhale through nose until all water is expelled from the mask. (4) Using either method, candidate will clear mask. d. Mask and Snorkel Clearing (combined) : (1) This step should be completed in the shallow end and the deep end. (2) Throw mask and snorkel into the water, let it sink to the bottom, retrieve mask and snorkel. Don and clear both prior to surfacing. This is to be done without lifting face out of the water. Clear snorkel by using either two methods: (a) Exhale through snorkel (expansion) with head tilted back during ascent. (b) Use forceful exhalation, provided candidate keeps face in the water upon surfacing. 3. Scoring. a. Observe overall candidate performance and composure when executing each job step. b. "SAFETY" - Failure to adhere to all safety requirements will result in an automatic "UNSAT" for this Job Sheet. c. If candidates receive an UNSAT for this Job Sheet after three attempts, they will be counseled and dropped from training. Counseling will be conducted in a private and professional setting (not poolside) . 4. Safety. a. Cadre to candidate ratio: 1:2. b. Do not let candidates hyperventilate; it may lead to shallow water blackout. c. TTO and DOR procedures in place. d. Ensure candidates are briefed on Valsalva maneuver. e. Full medical staff. f. Lifeguards - Five needed. 9 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE POOL PHASE II 1. Objective/Purpose. This training will familiarize the candidate with the proper methods and procedures for entering the water, performing pre-descent checks, and to demonstrate their ability to remain on the surface. Upon satisfactory completion of the water entry and pre-descent checks, each candidate will perform an IWP in accordance with the listed procedures in this Job Sheet. 2. Evolution Steps. a. Treading in NWUs. (1) Cadre will brief the evolution and remain on the pool deck for the duration of this evolution. (2) Candidates will be instructed to begin treading. After five minutes they will take off their NWUs while treading and place them on the pool deck. They will then sprint 100 meters. Once all candidates finish, they will put their NWUs back on while treading. Repeat three times. (3) Once completed, candidates will bear crawl two laps and take a hydration/nutrition break. b. Stations (10 minutes each). (1) Treading water with medicine balls or different objects and having the squad pass them around while treading with and without masks. Items start off light and get heavier/harder to maneuver. (2) Pool PT/Team Relays (swimming) - cadre will run candidates through various pool exercises (pool muscle-ups, front leaning rest, flutter kicks, etc.) and occasionally send them to swim as far as they can underwater. (3) Moving buoyant objects to the bottom - have the candidates work as a squad to bring objects to the bottom of the pool. Items get gradually more difficult/more buoyant. c. Sprints. (1) Candidates will be instructed to line up in the dive tank under the platform. (2) Cadre will brief the candidates - various directions will be provided (which stroke, underwater, etc.). 10 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 3. Scoring. a. (+1) Candidate is maintaining the tread in its entirety. Candidate is seeking out opportunity to motivate their classmates and encourages others. Candidate is motivated when entering and exiting the pool while aiding classmates. Candidate executes pushups in above average fashion. b. (0) Candidate is performing the tread a majority of the time with minimal need to grasp lane lines or take a break. Candidate is focused on them self and executes the evolution without exerting extra effort to assist others. Candidate executes average pushups. c. (-1) Candidate is displaying mental and physical weakness by taking breaks and hanging on to lane lines. Candidate is using poor form during pushups and resting on their knees. 4. Safety. a. TTO and DOR procedures in place. b. Full medical staff. c. Lifeguards - Five needed. d. If at any time a candidate is in extremis, panicking, or needs assistance, a Training Time Out (TTO) will be called immediately. If the candidate calls a TTO or the candidate is in extremis/panicking, the cadre will immediately take control of the candidate and remove him/her from the situation. e. Cadres are responsible for maintaining situational awareness and shall remain alert to signs of candidate panic, fear, extreme fatigue, exhaustion, or lack of confidence that may impair safe completion of the training exercise. If such an event occurs, the cadre shall immediately stop the training, identify the problem, and make a determination to continue or discontinue this training. f. If a candidate becomes ill or is injured, cadres shall remove the candidate from training or testing, ensure appropriate medical care, document the illness/injury, and report the incident to the appropriate chain of command. g. Hyperventilation is not authorized. Voluntary hyperventilation is dangerous and can lead to unconsciousness (Shallow Water Blackout) . 11 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z 0 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE WATER ENTRIES AND IN-WATER PROFICIENCY (IWP) 1. Objective/Purpose. This training will familiarize the candidate with the proper methods and procedures for entering the water, performing pre-descent checks, and to demonstrate their ability to remain on the surface. Upon satisfactory completion of the water entry and pre-descent checks, each candidate will perform an IWP in accordance with the listed procedures in this Job Sheet. 2. Evolution Steps. a. Treading in NWUs. (1) Cadre will brief the evolution and remain on the pool deck for the duration of this evolution. (2) Candidates will be instructed to begin treading. After five minutes they will take off their NWUs while treading and place them on the pool deck. They will then sprint 100 meters. Once all candidates finish, they will put their NWUs back on while treading. Repeat three times. (3) Once completed, candidates will bear crawl two laps and take a hydration/nutrition break. b. Stations (10 minutes each). (1) Treading water with medicine balls or different objects and having the squad pass them around while treading with and without masks. Items start off light and get heavier/harder to maneuver. (2) Pool PT/Team Relays (swimming) - cadre will run candidates through various pool exercises (pool muscle-ups, front leaning rest, flutter kicks, etc.) and occasionally send them to swim as far as they can underwater. (3) Moving buoyant objects to the bottom - have the candidates work as a squad to bring objects to the bottom of the pool. Items get gradually more difficult/more buoyant. c. Sprints. (1) Candidates will be instructed to line up in the dive tank under the platform. (2) Cadre will brief the candidates - swim across dive tank, bear crawl across median, and sprint across the lap pool. Various directions will be provided (which stroke, underwater, etc.). 12 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 3. Scoring. a. (+1) Candidate is maintaining the tread in its entirety. Candidate is seeking out opportunity to motivate their classmates and encourages others. Candidate is motivated when entering and exiting the pool while aiding classmates. Candidate executes pushups in above average fashion. b. (0) Candidate is performing the tread a majority of the time with minimal need to grasp lane lines or take a break. Candidate is focused on them self and executes the evolution without exerting extra effort to assist others. Candidate executes average pushups. c. (-1) Candidate is displaying mental and physical weakness by taking breaks and hanging on to lane lines. Candidate is using poor form during pushups and resting on their knees. 4. Safety. a. Cadre to candidate ratio: 1:2. b. TTO and DOR procedures in place. c. Full medical staff. d. Lifeguards - Five needed. 13 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE BOAT PT 1. Objective/Purpose. To provide candidates with an environment that promotes teamwork in an atmosphere that encourages leaders to emerge. This phase will be conducted so that any slacking candidates will be very visible and effort will be rewarded to those who push the hardest. 2. Evolution Steps. a. Boat PT will be organized so as to work upper body exercises the first half followed by an cadre led land portage for the remaining half. b. Each boat will have at least one 1/C assigned to monitor safety and record performance. EOD active duty cadre will be present during the entire evolution. c. For upper body exercises, candidates will perform: up boat/down boat drills, four count boat pushups, extended arm carry, seated extended arm flutter kicks, and head carry sit ups. d. Lower body portion will consist of an cadre led brisk walk/slow jog. Boats will be expected to remain bow to stern with each boat crewmember carrying their weight. e. At the completion of the evolution candidates will muster, accountability will be taken, and candidates will move on to the next evolution. 3. Scoring. a. (+3) Candidate is aggressively attacking every exercise, motivating crew and classmates. Candidate is demonstrating physical strength and determination while closely following the cadre's commands. b. (0) Candidate is performing averagely. Candidate is neither displaying exceptional performance nor poor performance. Candidate is trying to make it through the evolution rather than excelling or failing. c. (-3) Candidate is using poor form during exercises or not meeting the standard. Candidate lags behind both physically and mentally. Candidate is not carrying their fair share of weight and is a hindrance to the success of the boat crew. **The winning crew for the overhead boat race will receive a positive score as well . ** 4. Safety Precautions. a. Cadre will spread out along the racecourse in case candidate requires medical attention. If a candidate requires a Corpsman, the 14 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE EOD IQ TEST 1. Objective/Purpose. To evaluate candidates intelligence, memory, and problem solving capability while tired, distracted, and under pressure. 2 . Evolution Steps. This station will consist of two parts, first a written IQ test and second, a memory box evolution . a. Written IQ Test. The written IQ Test will consist of 20 multiple choice questions designed to test a candidate's problem solving skills, pattern finding ability, and overall IQ. Candidates will have 20 minutes to complete the written exam . Each question will be worth two points towards the overall station score. b. Memor y Boxes . The memory box evolution will require candidates to recreate 10 items arranged in a box in a specific manner . There will be three separate arrangements labeled ~A", ~B", and ~c". Candidates will be shown the arrangement of either box A, B, or C at the 0615 muster following the break. Candidates will be allowed to look at the picture for one minute before they continue on with the Ruck Run. Upon completion of the Ruck Run and the written IQ test, candidates will be formed up by their Box, either A, B, or C and will PT as they wait their turn to reassemble the memory box. Candidates will have two minutes to attempt reassembly. The box will consist of 10 items, each being worth one point towards the overall station score. At the completion of a candidate's attempt, the cadre will grade the box using a key and move on to the next candidate. 3. Scoring. a. Scoring for this station will be as follows: {1) Total points: 30. (2) Written exam points: 20, two points per question. (3) Memory box points: 10, one point per item. 4. Safety Precautions . a. Cadre will ensure candidates hydrate when possible and be sure to look for signs of injury or excessive fatigue and will notify Corpsmen, OIC, and AOIC of any issues. b. Cadre will walk around while candidates take written exam to ensure none are dishonorable when they take it . c. Minimum of two cadre required per memory box, six total, one to grade the candidate's score, the other to ensure the organization of physical training for who are awaiting their turn. 16 Enclosure {1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z 0 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE INDIVIDUAL RUCK RUN 1. Objective/Purpose. To provide candidates with a challenging environment in which they demonstrate determination and drive in a physically demanding environment, for an unspecified amount of time. Additionally, this evolution serves the purpose of collecting quantifiable data from an individual effort evolution. Ruck sand bags should weigh 40 lbs. 2. Basic Information. a. Lap Distance: b. Three Laps around Hospital Point for 4.5 miles total. c. Weather alternate: 3. Scoring. 4. Execution. 1.5 miles. Halsey Field House. This is a timed evolution. a. Cadre will take accountability, spot check gear and individuals, and ensure candidate are hydrating and eating food at the SOT shed. b. Cadre will brief route to candidate, although how many laps the candidate will be rucking will not be specified. c. Candidate begin timed ruck run. d. Cadre positioned throughout course will ensure candidate are on correct route and have water. e. Cadre will also ensure candidate stay on grass for Hospital Point portion of run, remaining away from the water. f. At completion of ruck, candidate will be given an opportunity to stretch, hydrate, and eat at cul-de-sac. g. At completion of event, accountability will be taken and candidate will move on to next evolution. 5. Course. a. Start/End Point: Cul-de-sac at the end of Ramsey Road. b. Proceed to Satellite, turn right, and ruck perimeter of Hospital Point (HP) in clockwise direction. c. Once Ramsey Road is approached, candidate will follow road around memorial and turn right onto Phythian Road. d. Candidate will follow Phythian Road uphill onto Longshaw Road. 17 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571 . 1 NOV Z 0 2015 e. Candidate will travel around perimeter of hospital and pass the flag pole on their left. f. Candidate will turn left onto Osborne Road and travel downhill back to cul-de-sac, traveling around cul - de-sac perimeter before crossing start line. g. Candidate will yell out name and lap number at the completion of each lap. 6. 7. Cadre Locations. a. NE corner of HP. b. Middle of HP. c. SE corner of HP. d. Flagpole Memorial. e. Intersection of Ramsey and Phythian Road. f. Intersection of Phythian and Longshaw Road. g. Far end of Longshaw Road. h. Hilltop flag pole. Safety Precautions. a. Cadre will spread out along the course in case a candidate requires medical attention. If a candidate requires a Corpsman, the cadre will radio or call into the OIC/CPO who will then direct medical support. b. The primary medical vehicle and water will be staged at the Start/Finish line . c. Candidates who are severely lagging due to what appears to be a health matter will be checked for medical issues. If candidate is medically cleared but unable to perform at a minimum standard, the OIC/CPO will be notified immediately. 18 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 EVOLUTION GUIDE EOD SKILLS 1. Objective/Purpose. To provide candidates with a challenging environment in which to demonstrate knowledge of EOD skills, problem solving, physical ability and familiarize candidates with EOD equipment. 2. Evolution Overview. Upon arriving to the station candidates will be divided into three groups by squad. Each group will run through one of the three events. The bomb suit challenge will be an individual effort and will likely set the pace for the station since each candidate will run through this event. Each candidate will be helped into the suit by other candidates in their group to speed up the pace of this event. The Leadership Reaction Course will be completed as a squad effort in the second group. If this group finishes before the bomb suit challenge group then they will PT while the winners of the challenge may rest for a time period that is at the discretion of the cadre in charge of the station. The "dead body" PT station will continue until the groups rotate while resting as necessary to maintain the health of the candidates while still pushing them to their limits. 3. Scoring. The bomb suit challenge will give each candidate an individual time score. The Leadership Reaction Course will have a squad evaluation accompanied by time. Observations will be made on whom in each squad takes charge and contributes to solving the challenge. The PT session will be graded by observation of individual effort. 4. Safety Precautions. a. Cadre acting as squad leaders will be observing candidates throughout the entire screener and will clear each individual candidate to don the bomb suit and participate in the station. Candidates that provide any doubt to their ability to perform the station or exhibit any signs of heat exhaustion will see the corpsman. b. The primary medical staff will be present in Halsey and alerted of any medical situation requiring their attention. c. Cadre will provide detailed safety instructions to each candidate before the start of the event. 19 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) 20 Enclosure (1) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z 0 2015 Deliberate Risk Assessment (Read Instructions on the last page and in the OPNAVINST 3500.39 series before completing this fonn) Risk Management Matrix PROBABILITY A B c D Likely Probable May Unlikely I Death, Loss of Asset 1 2 ~ 0:.: 1 3 II Severe Injury, Damage 1 2 3 4 > LU Ill Minor Injury, Damage 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 5 OPNAVINST 3500.39 series LU (/) IV Minimal Threat, Injury, Damage RISK ASSESSMENT CODES : 1-Critical 2-Serious 3-Moderate 1. Date: 6. Prepared by: 2. Command/School/Unit: 7. Email : 3. UIC: 8. Telephone: 4.CIN: 9. Reviewed by: 5. Lesson/Mission : 10. Approved by: 4-Minor 5-Negligible 11 . Event/Evolution Title: 1 - Identify Hazards Mission/Task Analysis, List Hazards, Logic Diagram, Apply "What if' Tool, Conduct Change Analysis "12. Learning Objectives or Behaviors (If filling electronically, field will expand to fit entry exiling the field) 13. Operational Steps or Sub-steps: (If filling electronically, field will expand to fit entry exiling the field) 14. Potential Hazards, Injuries, or Damage: (If filling electronically, field will expand to fit entry exiling t11e field) OPNAV 1500/54 (Oct 2009) En clos u re (2 ) 2 - Assess Risk I I 15. Using Risk Matrix: Assign Probability & Severity values to Personnel, Assets, and Mission In initial or as found condition . a. Probability: C. INITIAL RAC: b. Severity: B I 2 3 - Make Risk Decisions Identify Controls, Prioritize Control Measures - Best Options, Systems, Engineering, Administrative, PPE 16. Controls Developed: (If filling electronically, field will expand to fit entry exiting tile field) I 17. Residual RAC: Using Risk Matrix: Re-Assess and determine control effects on intial RAC values assigned In step 2 a. Probability: I c. RESIDUAL RAC: b. Severity: 4 - Implement Controls Integrate Guidelines, Establish Resources, Assign Specific Risk Control Actions to Individuals. 18. Implementation Plan: {If filling electronically, field will expand to fit entry exiting tile field) 5 - Supervise Use Resources and Guidelines, Lessons Learned and Best Practices, Monitor and Provide Feedback Use Time-Critical Risk Management (TCRM) 19. Supervision Plan: (If filling electronically, field will expand to tit entry exiting tile field) 20. Rem arks: (If filling electronically, field will expand to fit entry exiting the field) 0 Additional remarks are documented on the reverse side or attached to this form WHEN FILLED IN -REVIEW THIS DOCUMENT PERIODICALLY AND USE IN PRE-EVOLUTION BRIEFS Signature of Reviewing Official Printed Name Review Date OPNAV 1500/54 (Oct 2009) 2 En clos ur e (2) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 Instructions for Completing Form 1. Date: As staled 2. Command/School/Unit: As stated 3. Unit Identification Code: As stated 4. Course Identification Number: As stated 5. Lesson/Mission: As stated 6. Prepared By: As stated 7. Email: Enter official email of the preparer 8. Telephone: Enter official telephone number of the preparer 9. Reviewed By: As stated, or as required by policy or instruction 10. Approved By: As stated, or as required by policy or instruction Enter legible signature of approving authority. 11 . Event/Evolution Tille: As staled -1-IPENTIEY HAZARDS12. Learning Objectives or Behaviors: Enter the specific evolutions or activities related to the objectives and behaviors requiring hazard and risk assessment. -1-IDENTIEY HAZARDS13. Operational Steps or Sub-steps: Determine specific and implied task. Conduct an operational analysis and list hazards per steps. Use "What if tool?". -1-IDENTIEY HAZARDS14. Potential Hazards, Injuries, or Damage: Enter conditions with the potential to cause personnel injury, death, property damage, or mission degradation relative to the objectives and behaviors in block 12 and 13. Pull from Lessons Learned. Ask "What's different today?". List root causes and ask "Why?" at least five times for root causes, as applicable. -2-ASSESS RISK15alb/c. Initial Risk - RAC: Using the Risk Assessment Matrix, Enter a Probability and Severity Value from the Risk Matrix. Enter a Risk Assessment Code value relevant to the Probability and Severity before risk mitigation controls are in place. Use past data, Best Practices, and determine impact on mission, people, and property. - 3-M~KE RISlS DECISIONS16. Controls Developed: Enter risk mitigation resources identified to abate or reduce risk relevant to the hazards identified in Blocks 12, 13, and 14. Identify control options; Systems/Engineering, Supervisory/ Administrative or the specific evaluation of personal protective equipment (PPE). Consider the impact on the Probability and Severity and how control costs and specific controls can work together to complete the mission . Make risk decisions at the right level and determine if the benefit outweighs the cost. -3-MAKE BISK DECISIO!'lS17alb/c. Residual Risk- RAC: After controls are established enter a Probability and Severity Value from the Risk Matrix. Enter a revised risk mitigation assessment code relevant to the Hazards previously identified, but now have mitigation controls employed. ::4-IMELEME!':lT CQ!'liBOLS18. Implement Controls: Identify Specific resources and guidance for risk mitigation. Make implementation clear. Assign specific risk mitigation responsibilities to individuals. Describe expectations clearly. Determine the extent of personnel and materiel support. Determine resources required. Determine the feedback tool/mechanism. Determine rehearsal plan. -5-SUEEBVISE·19. Supervision Plan: Identify specific tasks assigned for supervisory personnel. Monitor - are the controls working? Identify any new hazards, manage emerging changes with time-critical risk management. Review were risk control measure effective, was mission successful, identify root causes of conditions for failures . Feedback - recommendations for new controls, actionable solutions or alternate actions, save documents for next event/evolution and submit Lessons Learned. 20. Remarks: Enter specific comments to further identify additional support for risk mitigation. Identify conditions which may consistently change every day. Make specific comments on assumptions. OPNAV 1500/54 (Oct 2009) 3 En c losur e (2 ) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) 4 Enclosure (2 ) COMDTMIDNI NS T 3571 .1 NOV 2 0 2015 HIGH RISK STUDENT MEDICAL SCREENING FORM Final determination regarding suitability for participation in high risk training remains at the training s ite. SCREEN DATE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TRAIN EE NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Last First Ml RANK/RAT E:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COURSE NAM E: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PARENT COMMAND: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COURSE COP and CIN: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ This information will be held in confidence; Trainee MUST bring completed form to check into the Training Site. Students answering "YES" to questions 1-7 require a decision regarding suitability for participation in high-risk training by appropriate health care provider. [PART - 1 ] YES Answ er each question by placing an " X" in t he appropriate column. N/A QUESTION NO 1 I Do you have a hernia? Are you pregnant? (OPNAVINST6000.1 series) Have you had any surgery or a post-operative procedure within the past 10 days? Are you on limited/light duty or have you had a tooth extracted within the past 72 hours? Have you tested positive for Sickle Cell Trait or G6PD Deficiency? 2 3 4 5 6 Do you have any issues with your vision that is not corrected with lenses? Have you been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Acute Stress Disorder, or experienced flashbacks? 7 PRINT: Supporting Medical (MD, PA, NP, IDC) Phone# ( ) _ _ - _ __ DAT E _ __ SIGNATURE: Supporting Medical (M D, PA, NP, IDC) QUALIFIED NOT QUALIFIED If trainee answers "YES," to questions 9-27, then a corpsman from the trainee's place of work or supporting medical facility may sign and clear student per supporting medical authority (MD, PA, NP, /DC) [ PART-2 ] YES Answ er each question by placing an " X" in t he appropriate column. NO N/A I 8 9 10 11 Do you have an eye inflammation (Conjunctivitis , pink eye , infection)? 12 Are you taking any Medications/Supplements (either prescription or over-the-counter) , other than birth control, for a medical condition? 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Do you have a plastic joint? Do you have active dermatitis or severe acne? Do you have any open cuts , recent stitches, body piercing(s) , or new tattoos (within the past 72 hours)? Do you have nasal congestion or an ear/nose/throat infection? Do you have a history of heat related illnesses/injuries? 22 23 24 Do you have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)? Do you have any fractures , strains, sprains, splints, casts or back injuries? Do you have pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma or any other respiratory condition that can be S!;lli;BI;LX: irritated by smoke, chemicals or dust? Have you had Lasik or other eye surgery in the last year? Do you have any allergies? (to include wasp , ant I bee stings, nuts, latex, iodine, chlorine, pepper, shellfish, or other food) Do you have an epinephrine injector (EpiPen) requirement? If yes, EpiPen must be present to train . Have you had high blood pressure, heart disease, stress related chest pains, diabetes or are you currently being treated or monitored for any of these? Do you have a color vision deficit? Do you have an inhaler requirement? If yes, inhaler must be present to train. Do you have hypotension (low blood pressure)? Enclosur e ( 3) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 25 Do you have any other existing condition (medical or psychological) or injury that could be aggravated by stress or preclude you from participating in high risk training? (to include claustrophobia, panic attacks) 26 Do you become anxious when in tight, dark spaces/when you wear a mask for prolonged periods? 27 Have you consumed any energy drinks/body building supplements/weight loss medications in the last 10 days? If you answered Y.ES. to questions 9-27, please amplify in Trainee Remarks section . Additionally, you are responsible to notify an instructor upon a change to any of the above at the first opportunity. Date: Trainee Signature: This questionnaire is designed to alert instructors and medical personnel of any condition that may endanger your health or others during high risk training. Trainee Remarks: Place an "X" in the appropriate box for Qualified or Not Qualified, then Print, Sign, Date and include phone#. Phone( ) ___ - _______ PRINT: Corpsman Rank and name B QUALIFIED NOT QUALIFIED SIGNATURE: Corpsman Signature DATE Medical [MD, PA, NP, IDC or HM] Remarks: Note: Students arriving at the training site and answer "YES" to the below questions may be disqualified from participation in the highrisk event at the discretion of the training site authority. Once the student reports to the training site, the training activity shall review the form and ascertain from the student whether anything has changed . [ PART - 3] YES NO Answer each question by placing an "X" in the appropriate column. I Have you consumed any alcoholic beverages within the last 12 hours of the high-risk event? Did you sleep less than 4 hours previous to the high-risk event? Has anything changed since the date of initial screening? (Circle Appropriate Response) APPROVED TO TRAIN YES NO SIGNATURE: Training Site Authority DATE After completion and review, this form will be stored in a locked container at all times to ensure privacy. This form shall be destroyed no later than 30 days after trainee has graduated . The screening sheet is valid for foyr weeks after the medical department signs the screening sheet. Note: Training Site Authority signature is defined as that given through formal letter, command instruction, or executive suite signature (CO, officer in charge (OIC), executive officer) . 1. 2. 3. 4. Privacy Act Statement Authority: U.S.C. 301 , Departmental Regulations and E.O. 9397 Principal Purpose: To assist in determining physical suitability for participation in High-Risk training Routine Use: The blanket routine uses that appear at the beginning of the department of the Navy' compilation in the Federal Register apply. Mandatorv or voluntarv disclosure and effect on individual not providing information: Providing the information is voluntary; however, failure to do so may preclude participation in high risk training . Enclosure (3) 2 COMDTMIDNINST 3571 . 1 NO VZ0 2015 U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN FOR: EOD Screener Program (Updated 260CT15) TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Page 2 - 3 PROCEDURES DOR PROCEDURES Page 4 TTO PROCEDURES Page 5 - 6 REFUSAL TO TRAIN PROCEDURES Page 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Page 8 EMERGENCY ACTION PLANS NEAR DROWNING Page 9 - 10 TRAUMATIC INJURY Page 11 - 12 HEAT INJURY Page 13 - 14 HYPOTHERMIA Page 15 - 16 HYPOXIA Page 17-18 EMERGENCY DIRECTIONS ANNE ARUNDEL HOSPITAL (FROM USNA) Page 19 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION USNA HLZ Page 20 MEDICAL 7-LINE Page 2 1 MISHAP EVENT LOG Page 22 MISHAP 5W Page 2 3 NOTE: ALL MEDICAL GEAR AND EMERGENCY DEVICES ARE LOCATED IN DESIGNATED MEDICAL RESPONSE VEHICLE (MRV) DURING EVOLUTIONS. Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS OOW desk 410-293-2701/02 OOW cell 410-320-9721 OOW email Duty Healthcare Provider 410 - 293 - 2273 Main Office NSA CDO Base dispatch Emergency (USNA) LT/CAPT/MAJ office (FRI OOW) 0: 410-293-5001 443 - 336-2635 410-293-5760/ 61 410-293-3333 c: LT/CAPT/MAJ office (SAT OOW) o: c: LT Allen cell (OIC) 808-754-4360 EODCS Davis cell (SEL) 443-370-4883 CAPT Rivera (Dep Commandant) 757-705-4932 CDR Cruz cell (PRODEV) 703-598 - 6837 1/C Magaro (MIDN OIC) 860-681-5541 Boat Support (NDC Howard) o:410-293-9170 c:573-692-0527 2 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES CONTACT INFO. ***EMERGENCY 911 or 410-293-3333 *** • o 0 • o 0 • o 0 Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Emergency Room 8901 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20889 301-295-4810 Right time Urgent Care- open 0700 - 2400 2114 Generals Highway Annapolis, MD 410-224-6905 Anne Arundel Medical Center Emergency Room 2001 Medical Parkway Annapolis, MD 443 - 481-1000 • Baltimore Shock Trauma Hospital - severe life threatening emergencies o 22 S. Greene Street Baltimore, MD 21201 o 410-328-9284 or 410-328-3697 • Additional Important Medical Phone Numbers: NHCL CDO FIRE/EMS POISON 443-822 - 2251 410-293-3333 800-492-3737 3 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571 . 1 NOV Z 0 2015 DROP ON REQUEST (DOR) POLICY/PROCEDURES 1. Policy . a. In all cases where a student states a desire to DOR from voluntary training based on concern for personal well - being, appropriate action shall be initiated, including removal from training, referral of the student for medical, counseling, or remedial action as appropriate, and review of the training environment, including training techniques. The scope and depth of these actions shall be determined by the nature of the complaint and the risk incurred in the training. A written summary of actions taken shall be made a permanent entry to the student's service record. In no case shall a student be coerced or threatened to induce him or her to return to training following a DOR. 2. Procedures. a. Student e x presses desire to DOR to any staff member b. Staff member re-directs student directly to the OIC/SEL, who evaluates and counsels the student, and then directs them to the corpsman for evaluation c. Student cleared by Corpsman and logged in DOR booklet by 1/C MIDN OIC d. Student will sign DOR booklet e. 1/C Cadre member will escort midshipman to Macdonough Hall lobby and contact Company CDO who will send a representative down to the lobby and take control of the midshipman f. All DOR candidates will meet with OIC on Sun at 0900 following the training event. 4 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 TRAINING TIME OUT PROCEDURES 1. Training Time Out (TTO) Procedures: The following paragraphs are extracted from CNETINST 1500.20D enclosure (3). a. Ensure all students are briefed on TTO policy and procedures prior to each high or moderate-risk evolution or laboratory. For multi-day or all-day evolutions, TTO shall be rebriefed prior to the start of training following major breaks, such as mealtimes. Evolution-specific TTO procedures should be added where needed. These procedures should be standardized to conform with established fleet distress indicators where appropriate (e.g., standard small arms range procedures, diving distress signals, etc.). Emphasis shall be placed on specific verbal and nonverbal signals to be used by students and instructors. b. A TTO may be called in any training situation where a student or instructor expresses concern for personal safety or requests clarification of procedures or requirements. TTO is also an appropriate means for a student to obtain relief if he or she is experiencing pain, heat stress, or other serious physical discomfort. c. Instructors are responsible for maintaining situational awareness and shall remain alert to signs of student panic, fear, extreme exhaustion, or lack of confidence that may impair safe completion of the training exercise. Instructors shall cease training immediately when they consider such action appropriate. d. Following a TTO, the situation shall be examined and additional explanation and instruction shall be provided as needed to allow safe resumption of training. Once the lead instructor on scene is fully apprised of the problem, he/she shall direct all training to cease or training with unaffected students to continue, based on the situation. e. If a student refuses to participate in training after being instructed or after an unsafe condition has been corrected, or uses TTO excessively to disrupt training, that student shall be removed from training and referred for further counseling or administrative processing. 2. Basic TTO Student Briefing: a. A Training Time Out (TTO) may be called by any student or instructor in any training situation where they are concerned for their own or another's safety, or they request clarification of procedures or requirements. TTO is also an appropriate means for a student to obtain relief if he or she is experiencing pain, heat stress, or other serious physical discomfort. The purpose of the TTO is to correct the situation of concern, provide clarifying information, or remove the student or instructor from the possible hazardous environment. A TTO may be signaled by (Insert appropriate non-verbal, alarm, or hand signal). If the TTO signal is not 5 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z 0 2015 acknowledged , the signaler shall shout "Time Out" (or other action as required by the training activity) . The instructor shall attempt to relieve and remove the student from the possible hazardous environment. If an adequate number of instructors are available to allow training to continue safely, the lead instructor may elect to do so. However, if this is not practical, training will be stopped until the situation is corrected. 6 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z 0 2015 REFUSAL TO TRAIN PROCEDURES 1. In the event a student refuses to participate in training, or freezes during an evolution and he did not initiate a TTO or DOR, then he is refusing to train (NOTE: This is not a 'non - verbal DOR', it is a refusal to train) . The instructor conducting the evolution will initiate a Training Time Out and complete the following sequence of events: remove the student from the training evolution , counsel the student to determine the problem, explain to the student that he can be administratively dropped from training as a consequence of his decision , provide remediation , and give the student one more opportunity to complete the evolution. If the student continues to refuse to train, then he will be referred to the OIC for consideration as a performance failure. 7 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 USNA/NSA AREA EMERGENCY MEDICAL PROCEDURES *****************************ATTENTION************************** The Brigade Medical Unit (410 - 293-1758/60) is manned with a medical duty officer from 0600-1800 Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday 0700-0900. For life or limb threatening emergencies, 911 should be called. Once emergency care is in process, the USNA OOW (410 - 320 9721) I OOW should be notified, and they should contact the Duty Healthcare Provider (410-293-2273) . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1. NON LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES: a. Assess situation. If student injuries are minor and easily identified, forward them to Corpsman/Provider for treatment and continue training as applicable. If student injuries require more attention, stop training and direct non - affected students to a safe muster area. b. Corpsman/Provider evaluates injury. c. Administer appropriate first aid/treatment d. Notify Duty Healthcare Provider (410-293-2273) for further evaluation and/or treatment as necessary. 2. LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES: a. Stop training and direct non - affected students to a safe , muster area. b. Corpsman/Provider evaluates injury. c. Administer appropriate first aid/ABC's/spinal cord precautions. d . Call 911. Patients should be transported to the hospital in certified ambulances only . ** Senior man on scene will make phone contact with Brigade Medical, Duty Health Care Provider, the receiving ER, EMS or Life Flight as dictated by the situation. This allows the HM to provide care for the patient(s). Senior man will also notify the Command Duty Officer (CDO). The OOW will notify the Commandant, Duty Health Care Provider, Safety Officer and PAO as required. 8 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 2 0 2015 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN: NEAR DROWNING 1. Evolution : All Water Evolutions in the Pool and Bay 2. Situation: Aspiration, Suffocation 3. Symptoms: (Student Brief) a. water. Symptoms: (Staff Brief) a. Panic or uncertainty in the Look for students: (1) having rapid or panicky movements. b. Nausea or vomiting prior to evolution. (2) who are coughing or choking. c. Aspiration of water, uncontrolled coughing. d. 4. (3) vomiting in the water. (4) who are unconscious or Unresponsive. Unconsciousness. Treatment. a. Non-Life Threatening Injuries: (1) Corpsman or Provider evaluates and assesses patient (ABC's, vital signs), administers treatment and performs needed interventions . (2) Transport to BMU during working hours / Anne Arundel Medical or Right Time, after working hours. b. Life/Limb Threatening Injuries: (1) Corpsman or Provider evaluates and assesses patient (ABC's, vital signs), administers treatment and performs needed interventions. (2) Call EMS (911), coordinate EMS rendezvous if needed (3) Transportation: (a) Meet civilian ambulance at easily identifiable location for patient transfer 5. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES: a. Evolution ore stops training if necessary, muster students, students standby for de-brief and further instructions b. Inform Chain of Command of life threatening incidents c. Debrief staff on event 9 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z 0 2015 d. A request for transport by helicopter will be via recommendation of onsite medical provider and EMS. Air pickup is from Sherman Field (Ref pg. 16). 10 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN: TRAUMATIC INJURY 1. Evolution: EOD Skills, Ruck, Run, PT, Pool Deck 2. Situation: Traumatic Injury 3. Symptoms: (Student Brief) a. Symptoms: (Staff Brief) Pain in trauma area. a. Observe students "guarding" an injury. b. Dislocation, discoloration in trauma area. 4. c. Bleeding, swelling. d. Improper function. e. Abnormal appearance. b. A student lying in an unnatural position. c. Bleeding, swelling, or odd appearance. d. Unnatural use of limbs or injured area. Treatment a. Non-Life Threatening Injuries: (1) Corpsman or Provider evaluates and assesses patient (ABC's, vital signs), administers treatment and performs needed interventions. (2) Transport to BMU during working hours / Anne Arundel Medical or Right Time, after working hours. b. Life/Limb Threatening Injuries: (1) Corpsman or Provider evaluates and assesses patient (ABC's, vital signs), administers treatment and performs needed interventions. (2) Call EMS (911), coordinate EMS rendezvous if needed. (3) Transportation: (a) Meet civilian ambulance at easily identifiable location for patient transfer. 5. Administrative Procedures: a. Evolution OIC stops training if necessary, muster students, students standby for de-brief and further instructions. b. Mishap/near mishap report filled out by division OIC and submitted to Safety Officer. 11 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 c. Debrief staff on event . d. A request for transport by helicopter will be via recommendation of onsite medical provider and EMS. Air pickup is from Sherman Field (Ref pg. 16). 12 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN: HEAT INJURY 1. Evolution: Deck Run, EOD Skills, Ruck, Sprints, Timed Runs, PT, Pool 2. Situation: Heat Injury 3. Symptoms: (Student Brief) Symptoms: (Staff Brief) a. Pay attention to dizziness, listlessness, hot red skin a. Observe students failing to obey orders. b. Strange behavior, inattentiveness, and failure to perform properly at evolution b. Observe students performing at a substandard level. c. Loss of strength, inability to perform physically at normal level. c. Students with red, dry, or clammy skin. d. d. 4. Unconscious student. Loss of consciousness. Treatment. a. Non - Life Threatening Injuries: (1) Corpsman or Provider evaluates and assesses patient (ABC's, vital signs), administers treatment and performs needed interventions. (2) Transport to BMU during working hours / Anne Arundel Medical or Right Time, after working hours. b. Life/Limb Threatening Injuries: (1) Corpsman or Provider evaluates and assesses patient (ABC's, vital signs), administers treatment and performs needed interventions. (2) Call EMS (911), coordinate EMS rendezvous if needed. (3) Transportation: (a) Meet civilian ambulance at easily identifiable location for patient transfer. 5. Administrative Procedures: a. Evolution OIC stops training if necessary, muster students, students standby for de-brief and further instructions. b. Mishap/near mishap report filled out by division OIC and submitted to Safety Officer. 13 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z 0 2015 c. Debrief staff on event. d. A request for transport by helicopter will be via recommendation of onsite medical provider and EMS. Air pickup is from Sherman Field (Reference pg. 16). 14 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN: HYPOTHERMIA 1. Evolution: USNA grounds. Bay or Pool swims, Exposure to Cold at Pool Deck or on 2. Situation: Hypothermia 3. Symptoms: (Student Brief) Symptoms: (Staff Brief) a. Observe erratic, abnormal behavior from swim buddy. a. Observe students with loss of coordination and a slowing of swim pace. b. Slurred speech, blue lips, loss of coordination. b. Students with blue lips and uncontrollable shaking . c. Uncontrollable shaking followed by loss of shivering. d. 4. c. Unconscious/semi-conscious students. Unconsciousness. Treatment a. Non-Life Threatening Injuries: (1) Corpsman or Provider evaluates and assesses patient (ABC's, vital signs), administers treatment and performs needed interventions. (2) Transport to BMU during working hours / Anne Arundel Medical or Right Time, after working hours. b. Life/Limb Threatening Injuries: (1) Corpsman or Provider evaluates and assesses patient (ABC's, vital signs), administers treatment and performs needed interventions. (2) Call EMS (911), coordinate EMS rendezvous if needed. (3) Transportation: A. Meet civilian ambulance at easily identifiable location for patient transfer 5. Administrative Procedures: a. Evolution OIC stops training if necessary, muster students, students standby for de-brief and further instructions b. Mishap/near mishap report filled out by division OIC and submitted to Safety Officer c. Debrief staff on event 15 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571 . 1 NO V20 2015 d. A request for transport b y helicopter will be via recommendation of onsite medical provider and EMS. Air pickup is from Sherman Field (Reference pg. 16). 16 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NO VZ 0 2015 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN: HYPOXIA 1. Evolution: Pool, Bay, and all breath holding evolutions 2. Situation: Shallow Water Blackout/Hypoxia 3. Symptoms: (Student Brief) Symptoms: (Staff Brief) a. Need for oxygen and "gulping sound". a . Observe students with slow movements . b. Involuntary spasms and seeing black spots or stars . b . Observe students with spasms or gulping sounds. c. Dizziness, confusion, and unconsciousness. c. Unconscious or unresponsive students . 4. Treatment. a. NON-LIFE THREATENING INJURIES: (1) Corpsman or Provider evaluates and assesses patient (ABC's, vital signs), administers treatment and performs needed interventions. (2) Transport to BMU during working hours / Anne Arundel Medical or Right Time, after working hours. b. LIFE/LIMB THREATENING INJURIES: (1) Corpsman or Provider evaluates and assesses patient (ABC's, vital signs), administers treatment and performs needed interventions. (2) Call EMS (911), coordinate EMS rendezvous if needed. (3) Transportation: (a) Meet civilian ambulance at easily identifiable location for patient transfer . 5. Administrative Procedures : a. Evolution OIC stops training if necessary, muster students, students standby for de-brief and further instructions. b. Mishap/near mishap report filled out by division OIC and submitted to Safety Officer c. Debrief staff on event 17 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NO V Z0 2015 d. A request for transport by helicopter will be via recommendation of onsite medical provider and EMS. Air pickup is from Sherman Field (Ref pg . 16). 18 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 EMERGENCY DIRECTIONS 443 - 481-1000 Ann Arundel Medical Center ER (AAMC} Address: 2001 Medical Parkway Annapolis, MD (Primary: Approximately 8 min I 2.7 mi) (Secondary: Approximately 11 Min I 3. 2 mi) 1. Turn Left on Baltimore Blvd Blvd(MD 450) (2.0 mi) 1. Turn Right on Baltimore (MD 450) (0.3 mi) 2. Turn Left on Taylor Ave (0.2 mi) 2. Turn Left onto Boulters Way (0.1mi) 3. Turn Right on Row Blvd (1.0 mi) 3. Merge onto US-301 SIUS - 50W ( 0. 9mi) 4. Merge onto US-301 SIUS-50W (0.6 mi) 4. (0. 5. Take Exit 23A for Jennifer Rd Take Exit 23A for Jennifer Rd 2mi) 5. Follow Pavilion Pkwy to AAMC (0.1mi) (0. 2 mi) 6. Follow Pavilion Pkwy to AAMC (0.1 mi) **Follow signs to ER** 19 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571 . 1 NOV Z 0 2015 Sherman Field (HLZ) Sherman Field 38° 59' 20 25.2132'' N/76° 29' 21.7320'' W Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV Z0 2015 MEDICAL 7-LINE Date: 1. Patient's location: 2. Patient number (i.e. #1, #2, #3) when more than one patient: 3. Age and sex: 4. Describe injury and mechanism of injury: 5. Vital signs: Temperature Pulse Respirations Blood Pressure 6. Treatment initiated: 7. Estimated time of transport to treatment facility: 21 Enclosure (4) COMDTMIDNINST 3571.1 NOV 20 2015 MISHAP EVENT LOG Date: TIME EVENT 22 Enclosure (4)