utwci MIT. LIBRARIES - {on ALFRED Mode P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Locking and Entrainment of Endogenous Econonnic Cycles Christian Haxholdt, Christian Erik Mosekilde WP# Kampmann and John D. Sterman 3646-94-MSA January, 1994 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Mode Locking and Entrainment of Endogenous Economic Cycles Christian Haxholdt, Christian Erik Mosekilde WP# Kampmann and John D. Sterman 3646-94-MSA January, 1994 Ll.T. FEB LIBRARIES 1 1 1994 RECEIVED D-43 I Mode Lockins: o and Entrainment of Endogenous Economic Cycles Christian Haxholdt' ". Christian Kampmann" Erik Mosekildc"'. and John D. Sterman'^ January 1994 Abstract We explore t he robustness of aggregation wave. The original model aggregates and generates a 50 years. We all in Sterman's model of the economic long capital producing firms into a single sector large amplitude self-sustained oscillation with a period of roughly disaggregate the model into two coupled industries, one representing production of plant and long-lived infrastructure and the other short-lived equipment and machinery. While holding the aggregate equilibrium characteristics of the model constant, we investigate how mode-locking occurs as a function of the difference in capital lifetimes and the strength of the coupling between the sectors. tion allows new modes of behavior to arise: In addition to mode-locking Disaggrega- we observe cascades of period-doubling bifurcations, chaos, intermittency. and quasi-periodic behavior. Despite the introduction of these additional modes, the basic behavior of the model is robust to the aggregation assumption. We consider the likely effects ot finer disaggregation, the introduction of additional coupling mechanisms such as prices. and other avenues for the exploration of aggregation in system dynamics models. Copenhagen Business School. 1925 Frederiksberg C, stch^p2 cbs dk -Physics Department, Technical University of Denmark. 2800 Lyngby, cekAhaos fldth dk "Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, .MA 02142. jsterman 'Institute of Theoretical Statistics, mit.edu ^ 0-4375 Introduction: Aggregation in nonlinear systems 1 Macroeconomic models normally a2;gre2;ate the mdividual Hrms ot the economy with similar products, parameter values and decision functions. Sometimes. sector is considered all I it is impractical to portray separately he products on the market, and arguing that the are captured in sufficient detail by the aggregate formulation .\evertheless, there are instances (1988) shows onl\' a Samuelson 1939. Goodwin 1951). This simplification (e.g. on pragmatic grounds by noting that an industry or into sectors how suppressing where aggregation is ( all not justified. justihod the lirms phenomena Forrester 1961. is Musle in of interest Simon 19t)9l. For example. Allen individual variation by using aggregate population means can prevent a model from properly reproducing the dynamics of the system. Similarly, wdtk by e.g. Bruckner, et al. (1989) shows how the representation of individuals is necessarv to describe evolutionary processes. However, the modelling literature tion of dynamic systems, individual entities, as is is weak particularly in providing guidelines when there for appropriate aggreg.i are significant interactions between tlic usually the case in economic systems. Consider the aggregation of different firms into a single sector. Such aggregate represen tations are the mainstay of models of business fluctuations. Models of capital investment. for instance, represent each firm. the average lead time and lifetime of the plant equipment used In reality there are many \>\ types of plant and equipment acquired from maris vendors operating under diverse conditions and possessing a wide range of lead times. In response to changes in external conditions, each firm will generate cyclic behaviors whos<' 0-4:57.-5 frequency, damping, and otlier properties are determined by the parameters charactenzins the particular mix of" lead time.s and lifetimes it Because these individual tirms are faces. coupled to one another \ia the input-output structure of the economy, each acts as a source of perturbations How do on the others. the different lifetimes and lead times ot plant phase, amplitude, and coherence of economic cycles? and equipment How ual firms into single sectors for the purpose of studying issue of coherence or synchronization is valid is affect the trequencv. aggregation of individ- macroeconomic particularly important. fluctuations.' The economy as a The whole experiences aggregate business fluctuations of various frequencies from the short-term business cycle to the long-term Kondratieff cycle (Sterman and Mosekilde. forthcoming j. why should cycle? the cycles of the individual firms Given the distribution of move in \ i^ phase so as to produce an aggregate parameters among individual firms, why do we observe only a few distinct cycles rather than cycles at all frequencies - cycles which might cancel out at the aggregate level? .\ common approach to the question of synchronization economic aggregates such as GDP unemployment or sudden changes in resource Zarnowitz 1985 for a review). Forrester arise arise supply conditions or variations from the endogenous interaction ( assume that fluctuations in from external shocks, such as to is in fiscal or monetary policy i =cp 1977) suggested instead that synchronization could of multiple nonlinear oscillators, i.e.. that the cycles generated by individual firms become reinforced and entrained to one another. Forrester also proposed that such entrainment could account for the uniqueness of the cycles. Oscillatory tendencies of similar periodicity in different parts of the economic economy would 0-4375 be drawn together to form a subset of distinct modes, such and economic growth, and each of these as busmess eyries. Ions waves, modes would be separated from the next wide enough margin to avoid synchronization. I'ntil recently, 1)\- a however, these suggestions have not been subjected to rigorous analvsis. Roughly speaking, synchronization occurs because the nonlinear structure parts of a system creates forces that "nudge" the parts of the system into phase with For instance, two mechanical clocks, hanging on the one another. of the interacting observed to synchronize their pendulum movements same wall, are often was Huygens who hrst reported (it the entrainment of clocks). Each clock has an escapement mechanism, a highly nonlinear mechanical device, that transfers power from the weights to the rod of the pendulum. a pendulum faint click is close to the position where the escapement W releases, a small shock, such as from the release of the adjacent clocks escapement, might be enough hen i he to trigg'^r the release. Hence, the weak coupling of the clocks through vibrations in the wall can bring pendulum individual oscillations into phase, as long as the two uncoupled frequencies arc not too different. In a similar manner, nonlinear interactions and dissipation working ovrr millions of years have brought the rotational motion of the its orbital motion with the Synchronization is result the moon moon into synchronization with has a dark side never visible from earth. only one manifestation of a more general phenomenon known as locking or entrainment. In nonlinear systems, a periodic behavior usually contains a of harmonic frequencies two nonlinear of one mode is at p times the oscillators interact, close to a fundamental frequency, where p mode-locking harmonic frequency will is an integer. mode serie-~ U hen occur whenever a harmonic frequen(\ of the other. \s a result, nonlinear oscillator^ D-4;375 tend to lock to one another >o thai one subsysteni ornpletes each time f)re(iseU- p rvrles < the other subsystem completes q cycles, with p and q being integers. In a series ot papers, phenomena 1992. al. we have analyzed how mode-locking and other nonlmear d\namic arise in a simple, nonlinear Sterman and .Mosekilde. model of the economic long wave The model iSterman forthcoming). the long wave as a self-sustained oscillation arising from instabilities An production of capital. increase in the demand for capital m i .Mosekilde ci 1985) explains the ordering and leads to further increases through the investment accelerator or "capital self-ordering," because the aggregate capital producing sector flepends on Once own output its to build up its stock of productive capital. a capital expansion gets underwav. self-reinforcing processes sustain long-term equilibrium, until production catches up with orders. the economy has considerable e.xcess capital, forcing capital .\t it beyond this point, however, production to remain below the level required for replacement until the e.xcess has been fully depreciated, creatmg a its :or new expansion. The concern type. The different tive of the present paper real economy consists of amounts. Parameters, such amounts of different capital isolation, the buildings- significantly different An is early study by the simple model's aggregation of capital into a sinsic many sectors employing different kinds of capital as the average productive life of capital components employed, may vary from sector and the in rela- to sector. In and infrastructure-capital industry may show a temporal variation from that Kampmann of. for instance, the machinery industry. (1984) took a first step in this direction by disaggregating the simple long-wave model into a system of two or more capital-producing sectors with D-4375 different characteristics. Kampmann siiowed that the multi-sector system could produce a range of different behaviors, at times quite different from the original one-sector model. The present paper further investigates these results, using a two-sector model. One sector can be construed as producing buildings and infrastructure with very long lifetimes, while the other could represent the production of machines, transportation equipment, comput- ers, etc.. with much shorter lifetimes. oscillation with a period ever, when In isolation, each sector produces a self-sustained and amplitude determined by the sectors parameter values. How- the two sectors are coupled together through their mutual dependence on each other's output for their own production, they tend to synchronize or lock together with a rational ratio between the two periods of oscillation that depends on the differences in parameters. Mode- Locking 2 in Nonlinear Systems The behavior For linear systems the principle of superposition applies. the system is a sum of distinct to exist and develop independently an external disturbance will any variable in modes, or elementary excitations, where the frequencies and attenuation rates are determined by the eigenvalues modes can of of of the .Jacobian matrix. Different one another, and the sensitivity of any mode be the same irrespective of the phase of the others. Thus, mode-locking cannot occur linear systems, because the individual oscillatory modes do not affect one another. In nonlinear systems, characteristics of one on the other hand, different modes mode may depend on will interact, and the behavioral the phase of another. In particular, components D-4:57-) may of difFcreni periodicities adjust themselves until the frequencies coincide. Synchronizations and mode-locking are uni\'ersal phenomena et al. phenomena 1983. 1984). .Such and engineering systems (e.g.. documented are well runilinear svstems iti between individual companies and in likely to .Jensen, in a variety of physical, biolosical. Colding-.Jorgensen 1983. Glass, Mosekilde 1988), and the same processes are i et 1986. al. be involved both in Toeebv and the interaction the coupling between the various sectors of the overall economy. To understand the phenomenon where two self-sustained illustrated in Figure 1. of frequency-locking in more detail, consider hrst the case oscillators with different periods operate without interaction. the total trajectory may .\s then be represented as a curve on a torus For particular parameter values, namely those where the two periods are commensurate, the trajectory forms a closed orbit, and the total motion general, however, the periods will be trajectory will periodic. Lb). fail to close on and the trajectory itself. will incommensurate In this case, periodic, as in Figure la. (their ratio is the total motion irrational is I. itself: each cycle however, a quasi-periodic motion is is and said to be gradually cover the entire surface of the torus Thus, quasi-periodic motion never repeats to deterministic chaos, is unique. i In iln- (|ua.-i- Figure In contra.-i not sensitive to the initiai conditions, since a small change in these conditions only shifts the entire trajectory h\ constant amount. For the same reason, the largest the divergence between nearby trajectories, be positive (Wolf 1986). is zero. <\ Lyaponov exponent, which measures In chaotic motion, this exponent will D-4375 Figure A I cross-section ot the torus (see Figure does not cross itself). L i defines a topological circle (a closed curve which By noting the angular passage of the trajectory, one can define a position u^ along this curve of each subsequent map of the circle onto itself 0</^<l. ^n + l=/(^n). 111 ^ where = u/'2:t mod 1 measures the phase of one of the oscillatorv subsystems stroboscopically with the period of the other. period later it will be &„+[ . With this If. at a certain time this as phase obtained is 0„. one procedure the steady-state behavior of a complicated, multidimensional dynamic system can be represented compactly by a one-dimensional map. as illustrated in Figure 2. Figure 2 With no interaction between the two oscillators, the phase shift of one oscillator during a period of the other will always be the same, and the map is linear, where the winding number Q measures the ratio cases where be periodic (Figure is irrational, fi is rational, the motion will i.e.. between the two periods. 2. a). In the particular Generally, however. and the map produces a never-repeating quasi-periodic motion (Figure H 2.bl It one now allows the two oscillators may depend on period of the other becomes nonlinear. is map the sine circle e^^i K where =B„ .\ ^n phase the initial phase of the simple (wample to illustrate <hift one mode ilurins the circle tnap of introducing rionlinearit\- tlie effects (.VrnoTd 1065) ~ :^.^in{2-9j mod shift of of mode, and the first \. i:]) measures the strength of the nonlinear coupling while, average phase one oscillator per period of the other, map.) The coupling strength linear to interact, the !\ is i as before. A' = H measure? the corresponds to the analogous to the coupling parameter q governing the interaction between the capital producing sectors in the model developed below while the phase-shift parameter oscillation of the If n is n is analogous to the difference two sectors, determined by the difference not too far from 0. the map may produce a stable fixed point toward which initial conditions (see Figure where the two Q The the uncoupled periods in capital lifetimes. ot Ar. cut the diagonal of the {9n+\.9n)-p^^^c and trajectories will converge, independent all fi.xed oscillators have precisely the changes slightly move along the 2.c). in ui point represents the synchronized solution same period. in either direction, the fixed point will .More importantly, however, continue to exist (though it if wiil diagonal), and the stable I:I-solution therefore exists over a finite range ut parameters. Figure 2.d illustrates a l;3-mode-locking, where one oscillator performs precisely 3 cycles each time the other performs one cycle. The map, /'''(^). has 3 stable fixed points. a finite range of parameters. 1 : 3 mode arises when the thrice iterated Note that these fixed points continue to exist o\t"r D-4375 Thus in coupled nonlinear systems periodic entrained) motion becomes more i quasiperiodic motion becomes at all rational ratios of tfie the phase-shift parameter less H .\t least for system can lock frequencies In principle, the two periods. Plotting the In nonlinear ratio of frequencies as a function ut system, the curve In a linear illustrates the locking. a straight line through the origin. finite intervals for common. common and each rational ratio of frequencies, resulting small coupling strengths, the staircase number. .\n example wave model can be found .\s the nonlinearity I\ is in sirnp[\' systems, however, mode-locking pro(luc(^s is in a so-called Devil's Staircase. a fractal structure which repeats under magnification, since between two given rational numbers, one can always rational is of a DeviTs Staircase arising another from the forced one-sector long- Mosekilde. Larsen. Sterman. and increased, so does the range of find it'<eil Thomsen (1992). over which a particular mode- Vt locked solution exists, producing a so-called .ArnoTd tongue diagram. Each tongue define^ the region in which a particular mode-locked solution exists. collapses to a single point, quencies. is .-\s A' is i.e.. smooth and invertible. .As long as A' at 9ri = 0. = I for the sine map) where the map and the slope becomes equal to zero. is 0. the toneuc to the ratio ol frc small enough, the ma[j and periodic and quasi-periodic motion- are the only types of behavior that can occur. However, as a critical value (A' A = namely the rational number corresponding increased, the tongue flares out. a diffeomorphism, For .\t this K (3) continues to grow, it reaches develops an inflection point value, one finds that the .Arnol <i tongues start to overlap, indicating the simultaneous existence of two or more periodu solutions. Beyond At the same time, quasi-periodic behavior ceases K = 1. the map is to exist. no longer invertible. folding occurs, and the motion ma\ 10 0-4375 become Within each Arnold tongue, a variety chaotic. above the One critical line. doubling bifurcations. classical phenomenon that can occur For instance, a [:3-mode locking and ultimately into chaotic motion. represented on a torus. .\ It is may is mav tal<e [jUuc a cascade of period- bifurcate into '2:6. 1:12 (Period-doubling and rhaotic behavior carmot cross-section of the "torus'" folded or diffuse structure.! of bifurcations would reveal that it now be- lias worth emphasizing, however, that period doubling a is only one of several "routes to chaos". Other scenarios include intermittencv and a direct transition from quasi-periodicity to chaos. While the basic theory behavior beyond the in various of frequency locking critical line. models, and it is is well established, less is known about the Several different types of behavior have been obser\ed likely that the behavior to some extent will be specific to the individual system. Certain general results have been obtained, however, (see e.g. Knudsen. et al. 3 We 1991) and it is clearly of interest to pursue this type of investigation further. The Model have replicated Sterman's original (1985) model to portray two interacting sectors. The original structure is maintained, except for minimal modifications necessary to I ) extend the one-sector structure to multiple sectors, and 2) replace the original model's piecewise linear functions with analytic, infinitely differentiable functions. The model describes the flows of capital plant and equiment in two capital-producing sectors. Each sector uses capital from itself and from the other sector 11 as the only factors of produc- D-43 ) I liach sector receives orders tor capital, both from itself, tion. from the consumer H;oods sector. Product and orders reside The model in a backlog until capital no inventories are maintamed produced and delivered. is capital stock of each tvpe "supply line" of capital) of each type each sector (2 x Each sector is to order, i ~ 1). The in m each sector each sector (2 x (2 x 2). the capital 2). and the on order t he total order backlog m i state variables are indicated by capital letters. 1.2 maintains a stock increased by deliveries of new /\,_, capital of each capital type 7 = 1.2. between the two sectors. Ar. The capital stock and reduced by physical depreciation. The stock of capital type j depreciates exponentially with an average lifetime of in lifetime rtnd consists often ordinary differential equations, corresponding to ten stat(^ vari- namely the ables, made is from the other sector, is Tj. The differrncr used as a bifurcation parameter to e.xplore the robustness of the aggregated model. Output is distributed sector I is the share of total output from sector sector I ""fairly" between customers, has on order with sector A' = I j. x,. j, S,j. relative to the delivery of capital t\pe i.e. distributed according to 'd / how mu( ti sector j's total order backlog B,. Henrc. ^-^ ' I and where o,_, is sector fs new orders for capital Each sector receives orders from both goods sector, y,. It from sector capital sectors, accumulates these orders in 12 j. 0,, and O;,, a backlog 5, which and from the consumer is then depleted b> t h<' D-43 10 sector's deliveries of capital = B. io„ - - Oj, The consumer demands The latter assumption tors affects the - ,7,) Hence. r.. .r, 7 : recei\-ed b\- is dynamics * ?. , each sector. //,. are exogenous, constant, and (i i c(|iial. not without consequence, since the relative size of the two sec- i Kampmann Cqual demands 1984). is the most parsimonious assumption. Production capacity each sector in is determined by a constant-returns-to-scale Cubb- Douglas function of the individual stocks of the two capital types, with a factor share a G of the other sectors capital t\'pe [0. ll type. I — q of the sector's own capital i.e.. ;#^ = Kr'/v,r A-: c. where and a share /<, is The parameter q a constant. two sectors. In the between the sectors, simulation studies q and 1, I i thus determines the degree of coupling between is varied between 0. i ! lie indicating no interdependenc\- indicating the strongest possible coupling where each sector i^ completely dependent on capital from the other sector. The output from sector desired output x'. ultimately to zero If if i. x,, depends on the sector's capacity desired output no output is is much desired. is compared to the sector lower than capacity, production Conversely, if formulated as x,=/(^).c,. 13 is '^ cut back, desired output exceeds capacitv. output can be increased beyond capacity, up to a certain output c,. limit. Specially, the sector s D-43 The / capacity-utilization function /( = fir) where ' - '^^H- ' a parameter set here to is = /(O) ':([ = 0:/(l) lim/(r) 1; r Thus, the parameter degree line for r t - — CO has the form I > 1.1. = ii)) 1. Note that -:/(r) > r. r t [0.1]. determines the ma.ximum production possible, /(r) [0. 1]. is above the !> implying that hrms are reluctant to cut back their output when capacity exceeds demand. Instead, they deplete their backlogs and lower their deli\er\- delays. Sector I's desired output x' to deliver the capital is assumed to be the value that would allow firms in that -ct tor on order B, with the (constant) normal average delivery delay <^. Ii;r that sector. Hence. Sector all ;s desired orders for new capital of type j. o'^ consists of three components, first, other things equal, firms will order to replace depreciation of their existing capital stork. K,j/tj. will Second, if their current capital stock is below (above) its desired level A,-', tirrri'^ order more (less) capital in order to correct the discrepancy over time. Third, firms consider the current supply line supply line is 5,^ of capital and compare below (above) desired, firms order more the supply line over time. In total, 14 it (less) in to its desired level s'^\ if th(' order to increase (decrease: D-4:57o where the parameters and the supply r/"' and are the desired adjustment limes tor the (apital ^totk r- This decision rule line, respectivelv. (Senge 1980) and e.\'periment;al is supported by extensi\-e empirical iSterman 1989a. 1989b) work. .Actual orders are constrained to be non-zero (cancellation of orders the fractional rate of expansion of the capital stock of is also assumed is not permit terli and to be limited beraust^ bottlenecks related to labor, market development, and other tactors not represented in the production function. These constraints are accounted for through the expression where orders are expressed as a multiple g\-) of depreciation. The function gi-) has the form g(rl = 1 ii:5i - /iiexp-'^'t"-" -|i2e.xp-'^'f"-'> where the parameters have the following values J = 6; = pii 27 — ^2 ; = 7 The parameters ^(1) = 1; 8 -; 7 = i^i 2 -; 3" = i^T ill' 3. are specified so that = g\i) \: 5"(1) = 0. Furthermore lim g{r] r—-OO = lim g{r) 3\ r — — oo Note that g{r) has a neutral = 0. interval around the steady state point, orders equal desired orders. 15 r = I. where actual D-43 The ( desired capital ^tock k'j is proportional to the desired production rate x' with a constant capital-output ratio. Thus, is it implicitly two types of capital are constant, so there assumed no variation is that the relative prices of the in desired factor proportions. Hence. k'^ where = k,j K,j is x' I the capital-output ratio of capital type In calculating their desired supply line. delivery delay for each type of capital. j firms are .^',. The in sector assumed target supply line lo) ;. to account for the current is taken to be the level at which the deliveries of capital, given the current delivery delay, would equal the current depreciation of the capital stock. sector's backlog divided by ''^ ~ r, for The is the output. Thus. from consumers to each sector both sectors. The relative size of the of the delivery delay of capital from a sector X Finally, the orders and equal its The current latter consumer demands model considerably (see y, assumption for the Kampmann are is assumed to be exogenous, constant, not without consequence, since the two types of capital can change the dynamics 1984). capital-output ratios and average capital lifetimes are formulated in such a way that the aggregate equilibrium values of these parameters for the model remain constant and equal to the values average capital lifetimes in in economy Sterman's original model. the two sectors are 16 as a whole Specifically, the D-4375 The capital output ratios arc .\",, = \ — i aK— The average (WK- . t ^ J I lifetime of capital. 7. is 20 years and the average capital-output ratio, k. IS) i- :i vears. The formulation assures that capacity equals desired output their desired levels and that the equilibrium aggregate Hence capital stocks i^qual lifetime of capital aggregate capital-output ratio equal the original parameters K. respectively. when both in and equilibrium the one-sector model. - <ind equilibrium we have in l')i K. Furthermore, parameters produced by that is sector. in the decision rules When there is were scaled to the average lifetime no coupling between the sectors (a thus simply a time-scaled version of the other. way to investigate the coupling of two We felt = 0). ot capital one that this approach was the sec tor clean(>'«i oscillators with different inherent frequencies. 1 liu'-. the parameters, in years, are r T T where T^' = 1.5: 7^^ = 1.5: 6 = '"-' V.o. 17 0-4375 Figure J Figure 3 shows a simulation of the hmit cycle of the one-sector model (a Even with the modifications we have introduced, the behavior mdistinguishable from that of the oneinal model ters, the equilibrium point is Sterman 1985). The capital sector is capital, which, by further swelling order books, fuels the The self-ordering process capital sector lead to falling virtuaiU' With the above parame- thereby induced to order upturn in a self-reinforcing Eventually, capacity catches up with demand, but at this point the equilibrium level. is Each new cycle begins with a period of rapid 2:rowth. where desired output exceeds capacity. process. model of our l)i. unstable, and the system quickly settles into a limit c\Tle with a period of approximately 47 years. more i = O.Ar = is now it far exceeds reversed, as falling orders from the demand, which further depresses the capital sector's orders. Consequently, output quickly collapses to the point where only the exogenous goods sector places new orders. .\ long period of depression follows, during which the excess capital gradually depleted, until capacity finally reaches demand. tor raises orders enough .-\t to offset discards, increasing orders this point, is however, the sec- above capacity, and initiatins the next cycle. 4 Simulation results To explore the robustness of the single-sector model to differences in the paramters gov- erning the individual sectors, we now simulate the model where some parameters differ between the two sectors. In spite of its simplicity, the 18 model contains a considerable num- n-43 I ber of parameters that might differ trom sector to sector. the difference in capital lifetimes described rameters in in Section ]. Ar such a way that, when all 0=0 we \-arv values of the coupling parameter n. As other parameters with the capital-lifetime [)d- for different we have scaled In the present stncl\'. each sector is simply a time-scaled version of the original one-sector model. simulations that follow, sector In the 1 is always the sector with the longest lifetime of capital output, corresponding to such industries as housing 2 has the shortest lifetime its and infrastructure, while sector parameter, corresponding to the equipment sector. Introducins a coupling between the sectors apart from linking the behavior together, also change will, the stability properties of the individual sectors, taking the other sector as exogenous. Thus, a high value of the coupling parameter a implies that the strength of the capital self-ordering loop in any sector not order any capital from is itself. In the e.xtreme case small. If a = 1. each sector will the delivery delay of capital from the other sector i- taken as exogenous and constant, the behavior of the individual sector changes to a hishh' damped oscillation. Indeed, a linear stability analysis of the individual sector values of a. As will around the steady-state equilibrium shows that the equilibrium becomes stable become evident below, for sufficiently high this stability effect of the coupling parameter has significant effects on the mode-locking behavior of the coupled system. .As (or long as the parameters of the two sectors are close enough, 1 ; I frequency locking) to occur, i.e.. we expect that the we expect synchronization different cycles generated b\ the individual sectors will adjust to one another and exhibit a single aggregate economic long wave with the same period for both sectors. The stronger the coupling, a, the strong'T 19 D-4375 the torces of synchronization are expected to be. Figure 4 As an example of such synchronization. Figure formed with a difference coupling parameter q periods of oscillation. 2 (the = in capital lifetimes The two 0.25. The Ar = sectors now 2 : 1 2 solutioa ; is I 6 years also the sector that leads in phase. is of 23 years. increased to mode through is Ar = .-\gain. lifetime dif- we observe a doubling 9 years, : 2 maxima mode. It for their ot th(^ product has developed out of (Feigenbaum 1978). iwii thi' I in' both the temporal variations of the two production capacities and the corresponding phase plot are shown. In the phase now performs two a with the same coupling parameters, a period-doubling bifurcation 5. The machinery capital of 17 years and If. referred to as a 2 illustrated in Figure stationary solution and a sectors, although not quite in phase, have identical alternate between high and low capacities. This type of behavior synchronous is and infrastructure the difference in capital lifetimes The two Ar = between the two sectors of 6 years corresponds to a lifetime for lifetime of buildings period. shows the outconne of a simulation per- larger excursions in production capacity are found for sector "machinery" sector) which ference. f loops before closing precisely on plot, the itself. Figure 5 ,A.s the difference in lifetimes is further mcreased. the model passes through a Feigen 20 D-4375 l)aum cascade of period-doubling bifurcalions at approximatcl\- Ar = A- = 10.4 \'ears. is chaotic. macroeconomic model which I : 1. 8 : S. etc.) and becomes chaolic Figure 6 shows the chaotic solution generated when 10.7 years. Calculation of the largest the solution in Figure 6 i We Lyaponov e.\ponent i Wolf 19S6i conHrms that conclude that deterministic chaos can arise in a aggregated form supports self-sustained oscillations, in its the various sectors, because of differences in parameter values, fail if to synchronize. Figure 6 .\ more detailed Figure 7. illustration of the route to chaos Here, we have plotted the is provided by the bifurcation diagram ma.ximum production capacity attained each cycle as a function of the lifetime difference Ar. spans the interval capital stock is < Ar < .'30 years. When Ar = The in sector is 30. the lifetime of the short-lived first in is 35 years. kept constant and equal to 0.2. Inspection of the figure shows that the 1;1 frequency locking, in which the production capacity of sector same maximum over difference in capital lifetimes just 5 years, while the lifetime of the long-lived capital stock The coupling parameter 1 in each long-wave upswing, period-doubling bifurcation occurs. is maintained up to Ar In the interval 6.4 years 1 reaches the =« 6.4 years, < Ar < where the 8.0 years, the long-wave upswings alternate between a high and a low maximum. Hereafter follows an interval etc. up to approximately Within the Ar = 8.1 years interval approximately 8.2 are visible between regions of chaos, a with 4:4 locking, an interval with 8:8 locking, < Ar < 12.4 small commonly observed 21 windows of periodic motion behavior. In the region around D-43 I • J < Ar < 12.4 13.0 chaos gives period doubling cascade At % about and 1 : 1 1.5,2 : 12. etc. : : S .Another region of chaotic behavior follow^ until \'isible as around Ar mode-locked solution and the associated 3 1 2 : Ar continues to increase. Note that 27.6 years but then returns to 5; in these intervals, other stationary solutions be reached from different sets of Ar The zones and the coupling parameter diagram are referred a. : 1 he : 1 . motion 3 1 ,ii 1 : of n tongues, the buildings industry completes precise 1 exist as well, and these solution- The phase diagram in Figure S gi\(> combinations of the lifetime difference mode-locked to as .ArnoTd tongues tongue, the figure shows a series of may initial conditions. for different this 1 i 1 than cascading through further doublings to chaos. an overview of the dominant modes in motion. Similarly the regions of 7 However, may 6. S entrainment are clearly 28. 3 rather Figure : to the 2 where the system locks into region bifurcates into 2 Ar % 4 way (.Arnol'd (i.e.. 1965). periodic) solution:- Besides the 1 1 regions in parameter space wlierc i.e.. long-wave oscillation each time the machmer\ industry completes n oscillations. Between these tongues, regions with other commensurate wave periods may be observed. An example a = 0.15 and Ar = is 12 years. Figure 8 22 the 2 : 3 tongue found in the area around D-4:57-) Similar to ihe 2 is a 2 It is _' period-doubled solution on the right;-hand side of the 1 : ron?u<?. there 1 period-doubled solution along part of the right-hand edge of the 1 : ; likely thai similar phenomena may be found along the edges of the '2 1 1 : and A : tongue. 1 tongues, etc.. producing a fractal, self-similar structure. However, at present we have : 1 riot yet investigated this structure in detail. The phase diagram in Figure S also re\'eals that to the full range ot the lifetime differences parameter stable, a. when When a is Ar the synchronous for sufficiently I : 1 solution e.xtends high \'alues of the coupling large enough, the equilibrium of the individual sectors the delivery delay and demand from For reference, two curves have been drawn in the other sector Figure 8. is becomes taken as exogenous. defining the regions in which one or both of these individual equilibria are stable: For a given value of the lifetime difference, values of q above the curve the overall behavior is more and more derived from the coupling between the from the autonomous self-ordering mechanism less and for high values of q. there less oscillations, is less in in amplitude, and. altogether, resulting in a synchronous The 1 : 1 in Figure 8. Thus. 1). 2) However, for sufficiently completes several a as high a's. is it increased, disappears solution. locally stabilizing effect of high values of .\rnord tongues and For large differences in capital lifetimes and cycles for each oscillation of the long-lived sector (sector reduced sectors, each individual sector. low values of the coupling parameter q. the short-lived sector (sector is increases, competition between the two individual, autonomous and stronger synchronization. the short-term cycle a result in a stable individual sector equilibrium. .\s a creates a complicated distortion For instance, the figure reveals that both the 23 I : 1 ot the region and D-4375 the 2 : 1 down above region are folded Moreover, it appears rhat the phase diagram contains routes to chaos other doubling bifurcations. In particular, the region tongue should be (>xplored. 5 is between the 2 In particular, the areas of high contain overlapping solutions: where solution the other regions for high values of q. initial conditions or : 2 tlian period- tongue and the coupling strength 1 : 2 will likeh' random shocks determine which chosen. Conclusions By employing only a single capital-producing sector, the simple long wave model represents a simplification of the structure of capital and production. In of diverse components with different characteristics. the average lifetime of capital, and it is clear We reality, "capitar" is composed have focused on the difference in from our analysis that a disaggregate system with diverse capital lifetimes exhibits a much wider variety of fluctuations. For moderate differences in parameters of between the sectors, the coupling between sectors has the merging distinct individual cycles into a more uniform aggregate the cycle remains in the 50-year range, although the amplitude cycle to the next. of the simple The behavior model and is of the two-sector may cycle. The period ut vary greatly from one model thus retains the robust to relaxation of the aggregation of elft^n all essential features firms into a single sector. Entrainment in the disaggregated model arises only via the coupling introduced by the input-output structure of capital production. Other sources of coupling were ignored. The most obvious links are created by the price system. 24 If, for instance, one type of capital i- D-4375 in short supply, one would expect the relative price of that lactor to rise. To the extent that sectors can substitute one type of capital for another, one would expect the relatively cheaper capital components to Tims, the price-system rise. will demand for cause local imbalances between orders and capacity across the sectors to ecjualize thus brinamg the individual sectors into phase. (We have performed a few preliminary simulations of a version of the model that mcludes a price system, and these simulations show an increased tendency for synchronization.) production function may The degree of substitution well be an important factor: of substitution to yield stronger synchronization. between capital tvpes One would expect The next m the high elasticities step in our work therefore involves introducing relative prices and differing degrees of substitution. In light of the coupling effect of the price (e.g. system and of other macroeconomic linkages, the Keynesian consumption multiplier.) we expect disaggregate models to show a coherent long-wave motion for a wide range of parameter values, and the basic validity the simple one-sector model seems intact. Thus, the fact that the simple model lumps capital types into a single aggregate factor produced by a single aggregate sector cause for is not ui all ,i doubts about the theory. .Another, more immediate extension sectors. On of our study would involve looking at more than two the one hand, a wider variety of capital producers would introduce more variability in the behavior and. hence, less uniformity. On the other hand, as the system is disaggregated further, the strength of the individual self-ordering loops within sectors is reduced to near zero, and overall cycles between sectors. will more and more arise from the interact kjii Stronger intersectoral coupling leads to stronger entrainment and more 25 D-43 ( ) uniform behavior. The The demonstrate the importance results intricacies ot such phenomena of studying non-linear We research in the area of economic cycles. larger role in shaping that there suggest in the economv. a vast unexplored domam of suggest that non-linear entrainment [)lays a economic cycles than the mainstream business cycle theory is entrainment random shocks on which much e.xternal of relies. References .Allen. P. (1988) Dynamic Models Systems Dynamics Review of Evolving Systems. \. 109- 130. .Arnol'd, V . (1965) Small Denommators. I. 1. American Mathematical Society Translations Bruckner. in E.. VV. Ebeling, and .A. Mappings 46: .A. Onto Itself. 184-213. 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Figure arises Figure 2: Mode-locking the sine circle map. in nonlinear variation in the map parameter exist over finite ranges of the Figure 3: 9^ -^ fidn)- Mode-to-mode interaction Because of gives rise to a this nonlineanty. fixed points will ft. Simulation of the one-sector model. The steady state behavior is a limit cvclc with a period of approximately 47 years. The plot shows production capacity, production. and desired production same 4: Synchronization (1:1 mode-locking) shows the capacity of the two sectors Ar difference in capital lifetimes variables are shown on the three figures. Due 5: 6 years as a function of (i.e.. to the nonlinear coupling, the the mode-locking ratio Figure is is Period doubling (2 1 : coupled two-sector model. in the : time in the steady state. the lifetime of capital types The coupling parameter a 23 and 17 years, respectively). i.e., .\11 scale. Figure figure of capital equipment, respectively. is 1 and The The 1 is 0.25 in this and the following two sectors are locked into a single cycle 1. 2 mode-locking) resulting from increased lifetime difference mode 1 As the difference in capital lifetimes Ar is increased to 9 years, the 1 replaced by an alternating pattern of smaller and larger cycles so that the total period idoubled. As in the previous figure, the coupling parameter a is 0.25. The two sectors still complete an equal number of cycles in any interval of time, i.e., the mode-locking ratio i2:2. l\t. : 30 i'- D-437.5 Figure 6: Chaotic behavior. As the difference in capital lifetimes the model exhibits a progression of period doublings, which at Ar is increased further. some pomt become infinitely- beyond this point, as in this Hgure where Ar is 10.7 years, the behavior is (The coupling parameter q is still 0.25.) The model shows no regular periodic behavior, and initial conditions close to each other quickly diverge so that, in practice, the behavior is unpredictable. Nonetheless, the two sectors remain locked together with a ratio of unity between their periods. dense. .Just chaotic. Figure Q. The 7: Bifurcation diagram for increasing lifetime difference figure shows the local maxima Ar and attained for the capacity of sector constant coupling 1 (the longer-lived capital producer) in the steady-state behavior for varying values of the lifetime difference Ar. The coupling parameter a is held constant at 0.2. For a given Ar. a single value in the diagram indicates a uniform limit cycle; two- values indicate a period doubling with a smaller and larger cycle, etc. In chaotic regions, the number of local maxima is infinite since no individual cvcles are identical. Parameter phcise diagram. The figure summarizes the steady-state behavior of the two-sector model for different combinations of the coupling parameter a and the q" indicates the area in parameter space lifetime difference Ar. A region labeled "p where the model shows periodic mode-locked behavior of p cycles for sector 1 and q cycles Figure 8: ; for sector 2. (However, other solutions may coexist at the same point in the diagram, depending on the initial conditions of the model.) The question mark indicates that the details of the diagram are still under exploration. In particular, regions of chaotic behavior have not yet been outlined in detail. The dashed curves across the diagram indicate the value of above which each sector in isolation (with the other sector treated as exogenous! becomes stable. Above these lines the cycles are created solely by the interaction of the two sectors, implying that, for large a, synchronous behavior becomes more and more prevalent. 31 (a) Pericxiic motion (1:3) (b) Quasiperiodic motion (close to 13) 1 1 rj \\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 q CD o o q 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 q 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 q d I o 1 I I I I I I I I I '' ' q to A:HODdD0 rO cn Q) rTTTTi o q I I I I q A:HODdD0 I I I I ' I '' ' " * q d T-TT o I I I I I I q I I I I I I ' M q I I I I I I (N Av.oDdDO I rfi 111'''"^ f I " ' o 6 o - 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MIT c^OaO tW.C'^RJf^, 0065b7a0 =! 2 125 0/>2 Date Due Lib-26-67