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WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Management in Centrally Technology Planned Economy of Jong-Tsong Chiang WP February 1990 3130-90-BPS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 lAPRlS. 1990 O ij c?'< ) Management in Centrally Technology Planned Economy of Jong-Tsong Chiang WP February 1990 The author is grateful International the to Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Institute 3130-90-BPS Institute of Social for Applied Management of Bulgaria, the Prague University of Economics, the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and the USSR Academy of Sciences for their financial support and other assistance in doing the field research. is also deeply advice, help, indebted to many and interpretation. friends' invaluable information, He — " II fritiwi.^-"-^ Management Technology of Economy Planned Centrally in Abstract This paper studies the management of technology in centrally planned economies, namely, the From USSR and East European countries. cross-technology perspective, a mainly cover military, nuclear power and computers investigation with a view to contrasting their distinctions. arguments made, technologies new biotechnology and appropriate. In space, like materials also are COMECON: to that main are the laser, further support the automation, new mentioned where management of technology the West, in framework of the Economic Assistance) the Council for Mutual depict the patterns of opposed To addition to the cases in different national contexts, the international cooperation within the To under technologies in is CMEA (or discussed. the East as only systematically determined issues The preliminary conclusions reached foci in this paper. are: Relative to the 1. West USSR) the East (mainly the system technologies, and in (and, in military field, mainly the U.S.), has performed well in military and space nuclear power technology but at the great expense of safety terms. others like laser, robotics, new computer technology and several In materials and new biotechnology, the overall records of the East are quite poor. 2. The Eastern strikingly uneven performance in various technologies of strategic importance suggests the existence of systemic patterns some between national institutions and of "interactions" technologies of different characters. 3. With respect to the dynamic nature of technology, a centrally planned system tends to perform relatively poorly when technology progress manifests "paradigm change" which requires autonomous and entrepreneurial initiatives to capitalize on the opportunities. with typically commitment, are in strong, this "trajectory" centralized system leadership may work phase. 1 But and long-term satisfactorily in technologies that system in a follower position tends to perform better in system technology than in calculation the shelf" or in because the basic technology, freedom and autonomy rational command Limited to military technology, a centralized, 4. prosper, to and the former mainly applies Should major innovations arise "trajectory" phase. the "element technology" level needs more "element technologies" mostly "on integrating in latter at on the competitors' side, the time lag before they are incorporated into the system system a chance to make up for may give a command possible weakness in system its technology. 5. military The technological sector and a "dual structure" consisting of a strong weak civilian sector tends to inhibit "spin-off" and "spin-on" effects, nullify "virtuous circle" between military and civilian 6. technologies, and underutilize "dual use" technologies. The "doubly" international initiatives levels centrally planned tends to seriously across national boundaries. system at the national suffocate joint In technological the meantime, market mechanisms will retard economically motivated transfer and joint R&D. and lack of technology Contents 1. 2. Introduction Science and Technology Development System and Innovation 2.1. "Dual" and Compartmentalized Structure 2.2. Systemic Barriers 3. Innovation to Military Technology 3.1. Comparison of Military System and Basic Technologies 3.2. Management of 3.3. Design Strategies and 3.4. Similarities in Space 4. Military Technology Programs New Technology Challenges Technology Nuclear Power Technology 4.1. Progress in Nuclear Power and Related Technology 4.2. Management of Nuclear Power Technology and Consequence 5. Computer Technology 5.1. Early Development and Joint Program of Computer Technology 5.2. Diverse National Strategies in Computers and Outcomes 6. International Cooperation within CMEA Framework 6.1. Limits to Fraternal and Gratuitous Cooperation 6.2. Limits to Institutions without Market Mechanisms 7. Managerial Implications 7.1. Uneven Performance 7.2. Centrally Planned System for Various Technologies 7.3. "Dual Structure" and "Spin-off and "Spin-on" 7.4. Distinction in 8. in Three Technological Fields Managing System and Basic Technologies Concluding Remarks Introduction 1. When was being collected and the relevant information study done, Eastern Europe and the USSR For an analysis of current transitions. "Soviet-type," terms like "the East," "Soviet bloc" or "centrally planned economy," and now questionable all were undergoing drastic state, Economic Assistance (CMEA) organizations like the Council for Mutual are given the present prevailing reforms and centrifugal forces within the East bloc. however, mainly is to at least structural This paper, study the crucial managerial issues in technology development with in planned economies centrally "classic" moderately industrialized Hence many level. economic the East bloc so far are mostly confined to political and General phenomena in (S&T) science and technology have not been deviated very much from the past track. most of the arguments are supposed With a view to comparing to activities Therefore hold for the present situation. management of patterns of the facts Besides, the changes in under investigation have long been existing. arena. field technology (not managenient of science) between the East and the West, paper will focus on systematically determined issues this relating to the centrally planned economic situations, other aspects development specific to Though policy system. stage, historical loci decisions, and many individual programs and countries cannot be overlooked, only those which can rather reasonably be attributed to Because of the systemic character will be discussed. to reliable research information^ process, 2 and personal field many visit and the language barrier encountered reports with English It is would not seriously hamper the objective main threads 2. Science for a brief "pattern and Technology "Dual" and the language translation hoped in that these limitations this research to grasp analysis." Development System Innovation 2.1. in and impression without rigorous observation data support have to be relied on. the difficult access Compartmentalized Structure and ^ The pivotal role of S&T in socio-economic development is Ever since the Bolsheviks set recognized in classic communism. to industrialize the agenda. high USSR, S&T ^ out has been on the party-state central Despite the policy fluctuation in the early decades between self-dependence and more interaction with the West, the strong mobilization of activities R&D S&T resources and nationwide institutionalized S&T tradition. S&T system in the USSR characterize the Soviet was also War Two, the modeled by or, as many have argued, imposed upon Eastern Europe To some extent. Communist after the USSR dominated this area. After World But the case of China China adopted a system of similar character. involves deep "South" (as opposed to "North") features in addition to "East" (as opposed to "West") ones^ which are the foci of this paper. It is thus not to be discussed except in rather self-evident occasions needing no special elaboration. The approach of "Soviet-type" activities to to avoid competition S&T system the flaws of Western pattern is R&D to centralize (e.g., inefficiency due and duplication among secretive independent firms and frequent lack of adequate financial support from government), and to insulate them from the "noise" of daily production and making so as to concentrate on profit- This "really important" topics. system, by simplicity, can be regarded as consisting of three levels and, at the second and third levels, three major subsystems. At the top level is some kind of commission planning and S&T activities on a nationwide basis. S&T subcommission or some responsible However, the coordinating defense authorities normally exerted much more influence over military have S&T development than the non-military counterparts have done over non-military matters. Moreover, the influential military, which resulted in part from a continuous and pervading threat from the West, has also biased resource allocation expense of non-military sector. Therefore, immediate or potential military applications coordinated and monitored. a typical market state sense of military This economy where planning and control, is is in S&T is the development having far contrast with the military, at better supported, what happens in a major force applying confined to areas of apparent military The relevance. by commercial motives, possesses rather and prompted resources endorsed with relatively more sector, civilian As strong technological capabilities. a result, the relative technological strength in military and non-military sectors in a economy centrally planned typical is reality in far more "unbalanced" than that in an advanced market economy. At the second level-the ministerial level, there three are "pyramids": the academy of sciences responsible for basic and R&D fundamental research, the industrial ministries for applied relating industries, their to and the ministry of education (mainly department for higher education) for education related research. The many level consists of third frontline R&D and technical Because these institutes and labs that carry out specific projects. institutes and labs are normally responsible vertically respective ministries or academy, the horizontal and to their lateral communication and personnel mobility are seriously hampered. Without strong initiatives R&D concert highly prioritized the top level authorities scanty. across the organizational boundaries, There human is little market force as a major impetus to mobility of resources, exchange and transaction of technical information, investment in risky but potentially profitable innovations, and commercialization of new products and processes. 2.2. to exchange and cooperation between these three "worlds" are active R&D empowered by Systemic Barriers to Innovation Without taking into account the adverse effects of Western embargo mainly through Committee S&T for Export to framework of the Coordinating the Communist Area (COCOM), development system has barriers, albeit especially First, to technological to number of systemic innovation. unlike in Western countries where concurrently military and civilian rules general a varying degrees in different countries, hindering non-military the in restrict the Soviet-type the diffusion R&D many firms execute and production (though with of classified information), these two missions in the East are normally implemented by different formal organizations, and military related departments are strictly insulated 9 ^ from non-military departments. research and is on the basis of classified is immune Besides, far too its scientific importance military stated This results in very to criticism.^ much little technology diffusion from military sector to civilian sector. Second, because of the compartmentalization of three "pyramids," universities as teachers and of challenge the from lack of high calibre researchers suffer academy of sciences from advanced research projects; labs which are traditionally research and at the "blackboard end" are the application phase; are working best incremental innovative at in strong in theoretical getting through to and technical units under industrial ministries only on and short-term trouble-shooting improvements without steady infusion of more ideas from scientific community.^ Third, the separation of major production and market potential weak in effect in R&D users of their R&D impedes results, organizations from R&D units' contact with and deprives them of better and quick understanding of and response to the real world demands. This weakness can hardly be overcome by the effort made by the state planning and coordination bodies, because they are normally distant from and thus poorly informed of the Fourth, the non-profit character of the may R&D real world practices. activities suppresses economic incentives of both organizations and individuals, which otherwise encourage commercialization of technical services to industries. projects to aim at R&D results or many This character also frees world advanced targets regardless of local and the achievements, if R&D reality, any, are very often difficult to apply in the industry. Fifth, the system of financing institutes rather than projects helps create and strengthen a tendency of budget allocation R&D according to the size of organizations. This tends to reduce performance competition, encourage size-expansion and internal promotion based on seniority rather than merit, and demotivate devoted and talented staff, ^o Sixth, the best educated or are assigned to R&D of the research work. new comers normally seek institutes As to ensure R&D jobs, the quality and standard a consequence, outstanding scientists and ^ R&D engineers tend to cluster in some prestigious great capability gulf between persists. 1 R&D and a institutes, and production units thus ^ Seventh, the industry, due to the lack of relatively strong technical staff and close linkages with advanced usually technically obsolescent. facilities and services needed advanced in impeding many advanced seriously institutes, is also unable to provide proper is It R&D S&T R&D thus projects, programs.^ Eighth, a combination of the lack of market competition pressure leads state common and the a strong conservative to toward innovation weak innovative Ninth, the production sector incentives and capabilities stymies the exploitation further imported from the West. may and even negative attitude industry. the in by the output goals requested quantitative of the of technology Therefore the cost of technology imports very often be more than the benefit, leading to the deteriorating The of payments. ^^ balance industrial content between technical products' two decades^'* seems for the past Finally, the political widening gap of most fact that there is a to the indirectly and bureaucratic East and the West support this concern. rigidity, delays, interference and misconceptions not only suffocate many autonomous initiatives, staff. many To pursue also demoralize working level research the scientific enquiry of interest to themselves, regularly exploit the ignorance scientists program administrators the indulgence of result, but many S&T are activities actually to of policy-makers and their much advantage. As a deviated from the original plans or unlikely to yield any real value to national interests. 15 What inclusive. "regular" has been mentioned above is It not intended to be just a qualitative description of the general and phenomena with many "exceptions" discounted. Nevertheless it is quite evident that most problems and even self-reinforcing. whole is picture, many technologies as will understandable. To Based on this are rough knowledge about the management of more be discussed below would be more issues in the contrast the possible distinctions, 8 interrelated specific three important strategically technologies— military, nuclear power and computers--are mainly chosen for in-depth comparison, along with a of space technology, laser, robotics, brief elaboration biotechnology new and materials new supplement the mainstream to analysis of the three fields. Technology Military 3. 3.1. Comparison of Military System and Basic Technologies Without question, the Soviet hegemonistic position is mainly based on Besides, strength. its it world the in superior military muscle rather than economic dominates the Eastern military technology because the advanced weapon systems in Warsaw Pact the are mostly of Soviet development and even production. The Soviet military technology, in striking contrast with civilian technology, has been a remarkable success story. its Two decades after three devastating crises—the First World War, revolution and civil war, the fledgling Soviet industries and laboratories World War. matched what Germany could produce Again about two decades later the against the technological might of the U.S. in USSR the Second own held their All this feat has been achieved with an industrial and technological base always smaller and less advanced than its competitors'. In military technology, the U.S. Department of Defense recently has made irrespective of a comparison between the U.S. and the how achieved. ^^ Among the (DoD) USSR, 20 aggregate basic technologies which are thought to have the greatest potential for improving military capabilities in the next 10 to 20 years and are "on the shelf" available for applications, the U.S. leads the significant margin in software, microelectronics manufacturing, sciences. materials signal But the "traditional" is advanced structural materials, and integrated processing, USSR items, by a most categories, including computers and guidance, optics, sensors, USSR circuits, automated telecommunications and life roughly on a par with the U.S. in the more such as aerodynamics, conventional and nuclear warhead, power sources and directed energy (laser). However, in most where the U.S. fields Only being eclipsed. ahead of the USSR, the U.S. position is computers and software, the U.S. lead in is is believed to be widening. On overall the other hand, evidence superiority considering exists scenario, many in missiles, the and in command, 3.2. some In strategic antisatellite appears to excel. ballistic missiles weapon systems like weapons and surface-to-air In tactical air and naval forces communications and intelligence (C3I), the control, As U.S. has the upper hand. eroding. Without or other operational training including intercontinental forces. USSR does not have judges that parity between the two superpowers defense, missile that the U.S. system technology. quantity, tactics, fields, (ICBMs) and land ballistic military DoD the U.S. factors, in shows a whole, however, the U.S. lead is again ^^ Management Programs Technology Military of Plausible explanation for the above "facts" there are some exploitation clues. of the On is far from easy. But the Soviet side, concentration of priority, "follower's advantage," ingenuity in offsetting the weakness of an inferior economy, determined military and political and intense development of military science and leadership, engineering are generally argued to be the major reasons.^ More specifically, the military-related has coped with the increasing "basic weapon systems by close science content" in the military industry USSR and the Academy of Sciences. research units * ties between the Well-known under the roof of the Academy include the Institutes of Atomic Energy, Radio Engineering, and Precision Mechanics and Computing Technology clustering Department of Engineering Sciences, which abolished among and whose original industrial ministries functions flexible 1960s was were partly redistributed The funding for military R&D is and project-oriented rather than rigid budgeting. And many Academy as the early and partly taken over by the Department of Mechanics and Control Processes. prioritized, in around the researchers serve consultants. 10 military-industrial customers own their capable R&D number of a industries, military-related the In have ministries For example, the Ministry of Aviation labs. R&D aerodynamics, Industry maintains six engines, equipments, production technology and flight materials, principal The ministry and performance respectively. responsible for R&D frontier conservative. In also ^ 9 application several decades. ^o addition in the in to normal its Therefore the centralized of technology has been institutionalized similar strategy of centralization and reflected era the General weapon system development, planning and development. military USSR the post-Stalin in procurement and deployment, military forces A though and are famous for their role as an innovator, not Staff has been in the center of integration, institutes, encourage and conduct consistently uniformed military, the for and thus inevitably inclined toward standard-setting uniformity, conservative institutes for systematization is Commission (VPK) under Military-Industrial also the Council of Ministers to coordinate defense industries and oversee the acquisition and application of foreign technology. ^i strong, centralized command system may degree a considerable to This explain the Soviet shorter cycle than the U.S. in utilizing novel technologies and deploying time it On USSR It is estimated that the one and a half generations.22 the U.S. side, despite technologies, is systems. takes the U.S. to deploy a single generation of military systems allows the level new its stronger capabilities in creating its narrowing lead especially attributed mainly to the at the new system technology and bureaucratic constraints political on long-range planning and technology project management, and the increasing complexity of regulatory regimes related R&D More in affecting military- industry and universities.^^ specifically, funding in the U.S. is found particularly vulnerable in procurement or later stages of development. Funding also fluctuates widely from year to year because of Congress budgetary process, and planning. 24 this is very disruptive to long-term in competing for key technical and managerial personnel, the DoD's ability is declining. 25 1 1 In technology development, tradition, Services run, as a long three R&D technology programs and their institutes differently. The Army emphasizes decentralization and owns many relatively small labs; the Navy stresses in-house R&D from basic research through pre-production stages and has larger and integrated labs; and the Air Force contracts out more of In addition, Services. R&D than the other two Advanced Research there are the Defense Agency (DARPA, formerly ARPA) taking care of technology Projects that its does not neatly into what the Services want to do, and the fit newly formed Strategic Defense Initiative Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Organization (SDIO) for the Basically, the dominated by bottom-up approach: most whole planning decisions real The Office of within the component organizations. are is made the Secretary of Defense only provides general guidance and reviews Service programs without exercising any strong role in molding them. In other words, DoD for planning and coordination, except for some special cross-Service does not have a central headquarter-level system programs, such as VHSIC, Though system this is MMIC, knowledge needed nevertheless lacks 3.3. top level program Design manage individual programs, to strategic and Strategies weapon designs economy in constraints to stress response to in it is a tradition in the Soviet commonality, heredity and uneven and inferior technological base, its One example its as many parts as Generally more complex, and therefore more slowly once production also required to get the "bugs" out of crews to be proficient The fighter's engine. U.S. equivalent of the day. speaking, U.S. equipments tend to be tend to get built is MIG-21 contains about one-tenth the engine used in F-4, train the Challenges production capabilities, and limited access to imported Soviet engine for is planning and coherent and New Technology simplicity, equipments and materials. 28 time it coordination. 27 should be noted, however, that It the recent SDI. not necessarily bad in the light of the professional consistent STARS,26 and SEI, in their use. starts. Much more new systems and to This reflects a technological emphasis on higher performance at the expense of 12 other factors such as cost and maintainability, and an emphasis on design technology over production technology, resulting in more But once the bugs are costly systems. have proven more In recent years, many newly emerging impose more constraints upon the recent U.S. systems maintainable and operable. ^9 available, reliable, many out, USSR technologies seem to than upon the U.S. in decades, most military technology development. military (and even civilian) technological innovations were mainly In the earlier based on known principles and proven applied science and knowledge. ^^ engineering electronics, Military mechanization, aviation, early nuclear weapons and strategic delivery systems are good examples, USSR which the in But mastering and catching up. where increasingly more basic all has shown distinguished records in many modern in technological fields, discoveries scientific are directly connected, 31 broader array of disciplines and higher precision components, materials and equipments are needed,^^ and industries are moving to "dual" manifested severe problems. A Western 3.4. fact, the commitment and in launched in 1957 Space strong, is Its earth's legendary. Its perseverance. It stable, management centralized first artificial first real 17 failing attempts shows after its the Soviet the U.S. and some a long-term is also satellite used in Sputnik success in the study of succeeded in 1986 studying Halley's Comet. Now it has at And it its technology sufficiently advanced for implementing effectively most practical space applications. But the fact that the Soviet technological and industrial base remains relatively narrow also reflected in relies 1 very tenacity and recently re-embarked on the study of Mars. disposal is Technology development pattern of Soviet space programs. Venus good example countries. Similarities In development base and pattern have modern avionics and C3I behind significant lag in technology, "33 the the cutting edge of "dual Soviet overall weaker and civilian its space programs. is Although the Soviet spacecraft heavily on automated control with cosmonauts as backup, crewmembers have, in many instances, 13 assumed broader duties than their U.S. counterparts to make up Space technological applications automation. 34 in telecommunications, meteorology, in reconnaissance, eavesdropping, remote navigation, earth resources, etc. unsophisticated have of the sensing been developed, but with all which are heavy and unreliable, and have satellites poor performance and a short satellites. for failures life span relative to advanced Western Films of the civilian earth observation are still brought back on board retrievable capsules, whereas the U.S. Landsat or the SPOT French have been transmitting accurate for years satellites This relative technological weakness pictures. may why explain the Soviet space activities are far ahead of the rest of the world in terms of quantity: over 600 tons of payload put into near-earth orbit each year, a number three to four times that of the U.S.^^ The "Soviet-type" development technology programs in and space military Communist China. also used in is strategy Despite its very backward civilian technology and industry. Communist China "unexpectedly" satellites, strong But production. 37 and shortcomings" similar to the Progress shows its own "structural USSR. in Nuclear Power and attention because of its highly complex technology and the East European countries Even developing its GDR USSR deserves self-dependence in this GDR and Czechoslovakia, none of have any signiHcant nuclear science start their and Czechoslovakia, the HWGCR the unique development pattern and its experience or industrial capacity to programs. in nearly total With the exception of consequence. Technology Related power In civilian technology, nuclear special it also has Power Technology Nuclear 4.1. It launch vehicles and ground support facilities of development 4. nuclear weapons. ^^ strategic in is own nuclear energy latter failing in (heavy water-moderated, carbon dioxide gas- cooled reactor), have been fully based on reactors supplied from the USSR like the other East discussion is European countries. solely about the Soviet case. ^ 8 14 Therefore the following Like the U.S., the fundamental technology of Soviet nuclear power was developed and tested for military purposes, and first transferred to the civilian industry. later USSR 1937 started a number of nuclear physics, the In scientific institutes built the Europe's first small cyclotron. it mid- 1930s. the in 1939 In In the spontaneous fission of uranium 235 was simultaneously discovered in the USSR. During World program" was started bomb was exploded. in In War Two, the military. 1953 the a large-scale "uranium 1949 the In first Soviet first Soviet atomic H-bomb was tested, only ten months later than the U.S.'s. Due to the economic reason which includes heavy industrial energy consumption, shortening fossil energy supply, and costly remote sources exploitation, the Soviet energy policy era was oriented mainly to nuclear energy. 39 world's its post-war the in first MWe) was put in operation in scale, LWGRs (light water-cooled, or, in Russian abbreviation, RBMK) (100 experimental nuclear power station (5 On 1954. a real industrial graphite-moderated reactors MWe PWRs (pressurized water reactors or, in Russian VVER) (210 MWe each) were put into commercial 1958 and 1964 respectively. In 1988, in the USSR 58 each) and abbreviation, operation in reactors in total were in operation, 45 units under planning, showing 27 units under construction and its strong determination to "go nuclear."'*o In addition to the nuclear fission reactors, the the fusion research and fast breeder reactors 1968 it developed the world's confinement for fusion. and 550 MWe) first (FBRs) top also gives priority. In tokamak, the magnetic Presently in the USSR two FBRs are in operation, a third one (750 construction and a fourth one (1500 USSR MWe) MWe) (135 MWe under under planning. In the West, only France, whose government has been more successfully silencing public concerns about nuclear power, has fast breeder reactors (LMFBRs) (250 construction project started in MWe 1974 but and 1200 its MWe). metal FRG's Except France and other industrialized countries have serious 15 liquid completion has been postponed year after year and not yet Hnished. FRG, no two FBR programs. ^ Management Consequence Power Technology and Nuclear of 4.2. The Soviet nuclear power technology in terms of progress in output scale and new reactor R&D is remarkable. This record can again be attributed to the state leadership and determination in stable, long-term investment. The designers, open challenge or little This countries. in criticism, where public opinions and mass media the plant West, "interrupt" and construction to utilities defend and equipment suppliers and designers compete for safety, by no is satisfactory. larger in MWe Soviet nuclear power station per installed the First, is There classified. But the result of the Soviet-type development market. means is even from East European independent regulatory agencies force operation, state all striking contrast with the situation in the in is law. like is time for some prescribed dates However, much of the information rewarded. has been state plan operators and inspectors are Completion of projects employees. is suppliers, In reality, the effect and usage of construction materials, and considerably size higher in the number of operation and service personnel than the comparable stations in Second, safety instance, the two They were found is France and FRG.'*i very problematic, clearly reflected stations in, for exported to Finland in the mid-1970s. unsatisfactory by Western standards and thus needed the U.S. firm Westinghouse's additional work containment in and reserve cooling systems.'* Third, the Soviet weakness in modern computers, microelectronics and automation, which are essential to the control of nuclear power, productivity, in questionable reliability, safety and and serious shortage of simulators'*^ which help personnel and The results upgrade decision making quality. disastrous Chernobyl far-reaching train implications to accident in 1986 has brought about Soviet development reactor design and management. including strategy, USSR After the accident the openly published highly sensitive information and invited Western experts to investigate and provide advices. Chernobyl-type reactors would have never got license 16 It is in rather many judged that the West.^'* 6 Despite the Soviet official report that the main cause human is negligence, by Western standards the flaws in safety design are evaluated to have put excessive demands on plant operators.'*^ Though in USSR large public discussion or protests either in the or any East European country has not been evoked, the State Committee of the USSR to supervise safety related conduct, including training and construction quality, Ministers also made many prohibitions and was created. not concrete, responsibility leading figures was underway. LWGR (RBMK) shift from LWGR construction projects of there has been a clear LWGR abstract, And assignments. In the The USSR Council of recommendations, the reshuffle of meantime, a number of have been susp)ended, and to PWR (VVER), because Chernobyl-type.'* is The Soviet experience as mentioned above shows much that of the technical progress in nuclear power, especially in light of the military origin and technological complexity, can be enhanced by strong leadership and state long-term commitment. hand there exist many serious suppliers may implementation pitfalls. Lack of competition by lead to complacency in cost-effectiveness. may produce compromises in quality. independent regulatory checks and enforcement Given that But on the other governments in may Politicized Absence of sacrifice safety. most Western industrialized countries play a very influential and even direct role in nuclear power technology, the seemingly extreme case in the thoughts, reality seem not so extreme. more or less share a matter of degree. some Many Western Others, due to weak 5.1. state may, on second countries similarities with the lack the indigenous capabilities in nuclear 5. USSR USSR. may in is It only endorsement, entirely power technology. Computer Technology Early Development and Joint Program of Computer Technology While there was no doubt about the necessity of nuclear energy, cybernetics (including early computer science) in the was retarded by negative ideological 17 attitude in the early USSR years. It was denounced as a mechanical system-oriented reducing the workers to an unthinking being. made a Academy of Soviet government division in the developed, if at decision to close "pseudo-science" Even down in 1962 the the computer Hence computer science was Sciences. And under cover names and on a small scale. all, computer technology and production were mainly the preserve of the ministries. Only in 1983 did the Academy take the step to first remedy and create a new Department of Informatics, Computer Technology and Automation. Owing low quality and small number of hardwares and the to and their incompatibility provided by different countries, softwares, mainly the USSR, most countries the Soviet bloc in were oriented toward the Western computers throughout the whole 1960s. embarrassing situation resulted CMEA Russian abbreviation, ESEVM) USSR, GDR, Czechoslovakia, program. technical for the production of series. 1970s in a There were RYAD (or, in countries--the six Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria-joining accordance with signatory countries' level of In expertise and production potential, each member focused USSR on some special models except the spectrum of computers. GDR beginning of the agreement upon the Unified System of Electronic Computers (USEC) derived from IBM models this the at This was responsible which covered the whole For attachments and related equipments, for magnetic tape data storage equipments, Czechoslovakia for tapes, punch card machines and consoles for graphic registers, Poland for print-out equipments, Hungary for input-output equipments including visual-display some other peripherals and components, and the involved in all IBM 360 About its first this For the USSR, field. In 1974 USSR RYAD 1 Bulgaria for again was modeled and 370 series came into existence, about 9 years machines were rushing kinds of production. units, after after IBM introduced in the Western markets.'*^ program, no consensual evaluation could be found. this program bloc's resources definitely has been a valuable into this strategic but severely Therefore, this project fraternal cooperation in the is means of lagging often cited as an example of fruitful CMEA by the USSR. other participant countries are ambivalent, 18 Comments from ranging from praise to A complaint.^8 decade RYAD series computers were in still Software support was poor, reliability low, serious short supply. compatibility later, questionable, and installation and after-service slow. Until recently, there are no supercomputers in the civilian sector in But the Soviet bloc. space and nuclear energy departments military, Most medium large and West the better. 15-25 Ironically, while struggling to catch 1980s. the in its perhaps larger lag behind personal computers than in large and in Now computers. up the the East again missed the size computers, of personal computers, resulting in tide much This leads to a strong reorientation toward personal computers in is computers being used are obsolescent, usually central years old. West believed that the situation in the Soviet is it medium only small quantity of personal computers are produced using many imported Western components. In the IBM meantime many kinds of imported found but very high prices. at computer usage As clone computers could be a whole, the density of personal very low, and very few personal computers, is terminals and word-processing facilities are available. supply of diskettes, ribbons, computer paper, And problems. in some other it etc. USSR said that the situation in the is CMEA has Even the serious is worse than countries like Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and GDR.49 5.2. Diverse GDR National Strategies in Computers and Outcomes and Bulgaria are the two most enthusiastic East European countries embracing RYAD program. They have done heavy investment and developed their computer industries of some In potential. VEB medium capacity mainframes and minicomputers, Kombinat Robotron, a computer and telecommunications conglomerate consisting of 21 to be the CMEA's leader. GDR enterprises, was is generally acknowledged the first in the CMEA to start the production of RYAD 1 are with the USSR, both almost totally relying on components manufactured by models. CMEA other countries' supplies, production. GDR's Within the CMEA GDR's major linkages members. But because of the bad quality of GDR had later to relied GDR's products and technology 19 more on its own are highly appreciated by the USSR which accounts for the export market. strategy, In every key aspect: GDR computers and system softwares. microprocessors, DEC VAX series, GDR could produce 1-Mb DRAM GDR's computer "uniformly imitative" in nearly is Western products modeled include 370 and 3300 of lion's share Intel 11/7XX 8008, Zilog Z-80, and Microsoft series, 16-bit microprocessors all Western models. it own, though its presently not competitive in the Western markets. GDR runners. In computers in its The 1988. in micro- or in base is Technologically, time. more than one generation behind production, But has overlooked their potential and not supported Robotron's manufacturing effort lags by its has undoubtedly established a credible technological and productive base of GDR 1988 in introduced 6-7 years later than the copied Nonetheless personal computers, But 360, MS-DOS. and demonstrated (dynamic random access memory) chips. computers were IBM Western front the small, estimated 60,000 at scarcity of personal computers so far also precludes the rise of "computer culture" in this country .5 As CMEA virtually the least developed country in the early organization chiefly based on agriculture in the early post-war era, Bulgaria's development for the past few decades within successful triggered called a the group. 5 1 movement of "preustroystvo," has been relatively But the stagnation decentralization in recent years has and self-management, so- Bulgarian version of "perestroika."52 the For regaining national independence from the Ottoman Empire through Russians' help, Bulgaria has the most East European countries. In its pro-USSR attitude among the post-war industrialization Bulgaria has also benefited significantly from being closely affiliated with the CMEA in general and the USSR in particular. generous assistance from the USSR. It has received like its new CMEA CMEA Within the framework of cooperation and specialization,53 Bulgaria was assured the market to establish much industrial base with economies of scale, the production of fork-lift trucks, electric telphers and electric vehicles. But its computer industry had not been existent mid-1960s. Through commitment to its specialization small computers and in electronics and firm some peripherals drives, Bulgaria has put itself in a better position in 20 until like disk computer the development than even the more industrialized Czechoslovakia. strategy Bulgaria also outright imitative. is cooperation with the West. Unlike GDR, In seeks it produced Motorola microchips, worked It with Hitachi and Toshiba in computers, and set up a center for Japanese specialists to train local technicians in robotics and other electronics. 5^ But its computers are regarded as unreliable,55 and Production management and quality disk drives as low quality.56 control stay still at a rather primitive level by Western standards.^^ However, the large capacity investment with major machines and instruments mostly imported from the West in two state companies, DZU, Pravetz and manifests Bulgaria's ambition and possible But the often shortage of some peripherals, attachments potential. and repair parts usually could not be quickly corrected by domestic CMEA or other members' production or Western imports. ^^ As one of Europe's Czechoslovakia is still and technological leaders, industrial strong in traditional engineering rather industry, for instance, heavy machinery and diesel engines. electronization and computers are a big failure despite capacity substantial in Nowadays most engineering. 59 Western numerical control compete is a small components for 8-16 a hard disk up to however, industrial autonomy, of parts, and computer related machines have bit computers with 1-2 floppy disk drives and RAM memory of 256Kb- 1Mb, owned by JZD Agrokobinat ideal model in East bloc. But This Slusovice, an agro- managerial operated in a more or less capitalist Gorbachev as an to incorporate xhe only production of personal cooperative which, with rather highly is originally its assembly factory mostly using imported 20Mb, and is its its notably Siemens', in order to the world markets.^^ in computers factory, electronics precision, But it way and sells praised by computers on a condition that about half of the price should be paid in hard currency, making it very difficult for local private users and even schools and other organizations to purchase.^ ^ enterprises spite have any presence of the fact that in Microelectronika was set in personal Ironically, no state computer production, in November 1987 a scientific-production union up with 45 members to coordinate microcomputer production, cooperation with foreign firms, 21 standardization, unification, compatibility, applications in industry, education, etc. component imports, In short, the poor situation of computer industry in Czechoslovakia can be attributed to at least One two reasons. responding to is its system failing in rigid centrally planned microelectronics challenge.^2 RYAD CMEA's path of half-hearted effort in Another is its middle program and hopeful glances toward Western technology which unfortunately has long been under embargo. It turned out that the latter "dual policy" locked Czechoslovakia out of both Western and Eastern markets because of the low quality unacceptable to the West and the weak production base for the East.^^ Like Czechoslovakia, Poland also suffers from in computer development.^'* Its "dual policy" its situation has been further exacerbated by the decision to specialize in heavy industry, such as CMEA ship-building and steel, in the in the mid-1970s without paying and shifting attention to new microelectronics.*^^ The computer development picture. 66 rather CMEA Farther than other on Western components. ^7 perfunctory, CMEA's incompatible with Its resulting Hungary presents quite in in members, Hungary mainly CMEA participation in joint early RYAD unique a and hardwares systems.68 relies effort is softwares Around 1970, Hungary's computer industry was one of the region's most underdeveloped. the late 1980s it is CMEA's largest producer of IBM-compatible personal computers, and provides regularly smallest model of systems in conformity with CMEA's specifications. It Unlike all the other market-oriented system in the CMEA CMEA RYAD also exports computer products and services, most notably software, markets. In to Western members, Hungary with its most has a dynamic and rapidly growing entrepreneurial computer industry, consisting of hundreds of private cooperative firms,^^ many of which contract work to "moonlighting" individuals and small groups hours. Hungary has a private individuals: who work large installed base of computers more than 150,000 computers at 1986, a number dwarfing the mere 39,000 machines official organizations.^^ The after regular owned by the end of owned by diffusion of personal computers and abundant supply of computer books and software disks have created 22 ^ a "computer culture" in Hungary Despite countries. weakness its much CMEA and components larger computers in other farther than in 2 Hungary's unique orientation toward Western technology industry, and markets and entrepreneurial private sector help at it hold a least niche in the modern computer world. As to the USSR, and space programs backward available for this research. is non-military In computer technology and production are evaluated as very the areas, information about computers in military little relative to the West and even as a crisis. The USSR has imported a large amount of GDR's mainframes and minicomputers to equip R&D institutes, and there CMEA users about Soviet key government departments and its has been widespread complaint from other personal computers, the production of 8-bit Mikrosha products. In was not started until Cooperation International 6. 6.1. Limits 1987.^1 and Fraternal to Gratuitous Without paying much attention organizational CMEA within to the Framework Cooperation historical arrangements to tackle intra-CMEA the following discussion locus of S&T cooperation, ^ would only focus on the main features and trends which could be seen as a "mirror" to the Western pattern. By CMEA standard process, international framework consists of S&T cooperation within the at least four levels of concerted effort: coordination of the five-year and annual plans at the national state planning commission level, cooperation of national branch ministries arranged by the standing CMEA Commissions, coordination of S&T activities by a special subcommittee of the Executive Committee, and bilateral and multilateral agreements Because each country always external relations, central is authorities, difficult. lengthy The tries to and payment settlements.*^ insulate domestic affairs from without explicit permission of the respective lateral communication across national boundaries CMEA S&T collaboration and cumbersome national and direction. 23 is thus characterized by international bureaucratic Historically, formal propounded during the starting with S&T cooperation in the East bloc was working year of the first CMEA 1949, in which was a practical the so-called "Sofia Principle" expression of the injunction of communism: "from each according to his ability to each according to his need," gratuitous cooperation and assistance. and called for fraternal and Under this protocol, only marginal cost of exchanging pertinent information and delegating on a temporary basis scientists and technicians to other member This principle was intended to reduce countries would be charged. the among members, disparities but the recipients obligated themselves to utilize the knowledge gained solely for their domestic development and not Due markets. of R&D to undercut the donors' national and foreign to the concern more developed members were lukewarm about investment, this collaboration pattern. benefited As over reciprocity parity and amortization especially less So it was chiefly pushed by to a matter of fact, this principle virtually eliminates the may withhold assist USSR, and developed members.^'* market for technology and has several disadvantages. donors the up-to-date the recipients Second, the recipients in may the knowledge transferred. thus lack pressure to do their may be less effort. Fourth, lack of discourage the donors to innovate. rule of market restriction own R&D, economically relevant, hence misguiding the recipients' direction of may the knowledge and have no incentives exploiting Third, knowledge exchanged appropriability First, imposed on the recipients is Finally, difficult the to police. ^5 As time elapsed, the Sofia Principle was gradually replaced by ad hoc forms of compensation in practice. drawbacks of part of this In recognition of the principle and the growing unwillingness on the some members to engage in gratuitous exchange, the CMEA Executive Committee in 1970 formally called for the collaborative arrangements to consider the interests of every individual country, and to effect technology transfer under conditions similar to those prevailing in world markets, without excluding the generous assistance to the least developed countries. 24 Limits 6.2. Market without Institutions to Mechanisms But such "normalization" was seriously constrained by the means of payment. insufficiency of methods of pricing and traditional centrally knowledge are treated as state of pricing these intangibles. tradition international payment settlement of these intangibles. S&T property available to be exploited by without any particular payment. enterprises state planned economy, inventions and In a There no is Moreover, the complex further In this regard, a joint complicates R&D the transaction project in the CMEA context can provide a good illustration. To calculate the contribution share, the input capital is disaggregated into construction, labor and tradables, each of which common evaluated in local prices and then translated into a is currency usually the transferable ruble (TR), according to ad hoc unit, exchange rates CMEA used for certain types of For transactions. labor cost, normally special exchange rates are as a rule utilized. similar approach is more difficult to use for pooling But know-hows, and estimating commercial sharing resultant value. Therefore to harmonize the interests of various members in intellectual joint endeavors is a very property, complex And task. multilateral arrangements are far more formidable than bilateral ones. In recognition of the necessity of radical reconstruction CMEA cooperation, the Comprehensive Programs of Scientific and Technological Progress of the 2000 in (hereafter called CPST 1985. and cooperate new of the calls CPST) was adopted on CMEA members five in CMEA Member areas—electronics, Countries to the Year at the 41st CMEA Session to concentrate their efforts automation, nuclear energy, materials and biotechnology, and hopes for doubling factor productivity over the next fifteen years. initiatives, tens, and themes were proposed, and hundreds of topics institutes involved. CPST which are totally initiatives this time, however, emphasizes four novel: and direct relations greater degree CMEA hundreds and thousands of different levels of projects, features Like several previous at encouragement of autonomous the enterprise on market mechanisms, communication, and utilization facilitation of international 25 level, reliance to a of bottom-up institutions and mechanisms concerted effort in key areas. ^^ buttress to strategy apparently cannot fit national old context, into the But and most old systemic barriers to innovation international, Without fundamentally restructuring the centrally planned the prospect for CPST is Therefore dismal. new and persist. system, not surprising that, is it this up to now, too much of the collaboration remains on paper, and most member countries only pay lip service without real enthusiasm.''^ To make matters worse, there is a long history of wide resentment among the Soviet allies that the USSR has tapped East European S&T expertise and resources to its own needs.^^ One evidence is that most key collaborative USSR, absorbing the toward the USSR.^^ projects to Another evidence centers are located in good equipments and people disproportionately is that quite a biased toward solving problems which are Soviet domestic needs. ^^ the R&D and manifest, from Soviet allies Therefore there S&T against the number of most relevant are is joint resistance, latent integration centering around the USSR. The preceding are no easy solutions endemic to The current CMEA the analysis of to national trend seems CMEA's CMEA innovation to Uneven in this bloc are leading This implies that the intra-Eastern Implications Performance in The preceding discussion about military, technologies in the East. Three reveals Technological Fields very different pictures three nuclear power and computer Relative to the mainly the U.S.), the East (mainly the military causes are so based on the traditional framework will diminish. Managerial respectively Its downplay the cooperation within the framework, and the centrifugal forces cooperation 7.1. crisis. and international politico-economic systems. the reforms oriented to the West. 7. cooperation suggests that there West USSR) (and, in military field, has performed well in technology, especially system technology. technology, the East (mainly the USSR) In nuclear power has also performed well in technical terms but at the great expense of safety terms. In computer technology, the overall records of the East are quite poor. 26 Because these three technologies are to the USSR or CMEA all support and direction, national countries and under party-state strong uneven performance may some systemic causes Concerning the national the East institutions, by centrally planned and directed systems. capabilities in Besides, dominant in its public is weak sector sector's relative to its overwhelmingly is most countries. As regards technology, the degree of its dynamic nature appears to be of most relevance to the present discussion. military the characterized civilian Its technological innovation are very military counterpart's. how relating to technology development. tackle institutions strikingly their largely be attributed to of utmost importance all technology, the Soviet different performance in In system technology and basic technology relative to the U.S. also deserves some elaboration. By comparing institutions the interactions between the Eastern national and technologies of different characters, many relevant and timely implications for managing technology may emerge. 7.2. Centrally Planned The CMEA's overall System weakness Various for in Technologies computer technology, including the Soviet significant gap with the U.S. in military applications (e.g., C3I) and with the West and simulation, has the basic its deep root technology progress inherent in in its power control in nuclear assumption about administrative and managerial approach. In after the nuclear power (mainly fission) technology, the progress, initial for military breakthroughs and fundamental purposes, was basically incremental in predictable directions, or in the so-called its R&D high technological and commitment and had been done some roughly "trajectory" phase. ^^ Given system engineering complexity, long-term large-scale investment according to some prescribed, perhaps rather rigid, plans could work to the extent that they are well organized and no critical parameters and aspects are neglected. The Soviet experience has dramatically proven both excellent technical performance records, which were under 27 sides: state intense direction, and bad safety designs, which were not prioritized and thus largely neglected. By modem contrast, computer technology represents a "paradigm" change which radical its a broader field, IT based on a combination of Jq product, process and organizational innovations,*^ potential, it In other words, society rests on the degree of success of a the relative match between the emerging new paradigm and the adjustment of framework. institutional CNfEA's general backwardness, centrally it seems assert that the to planned system, characterized by vertical channels of linkages and autonomous initiatives from bottom up, new IT paradigm. compatibility with the computers which were in But work the centrally planned system cannot "trajectory" at this not in does not mean that In all. is lateral imitating IBM phase in the 1970s, the determination and heavy investment by even view of In communication, mainly top-down direction, not coupled by less exploit also requires changes in the structural and framework. institutional the is or, GDR and, most notably, the developed Bulgaria have without doubt produced some results if imitating not comparable to the performance of Japanese firms also IBM on the stage computers. the late until But 1970s and since then expanded CMEA, enormously, the whole personal computers which were not in with a few exceptions like the Hungarian private sector and a Czechoslovak cooperative, missed the express train. It demand more not because personal computers is advanced and sophisticated technological capabilities than larger computers do. mechanism in It because there is is the East to grasp this little entrepreneurial spirit and dynamic opportunity. Besides electronics and nuclear power, in biotechnology, new materials and automation areas identiHed by the joint program CPST. "paradigm change" to CMEA fact, are new the other three for extra and novel systemic efforts in may be questionable for the term be used for new biotechnology and new Even if it materials, both as well as automation (which could be included in the broad IT field) show very dynamic character quite different from "trajectory" technology. 28 CMEA automation, most In countries have had long experience But in traditional engineering industry. very much behind industry, become successful modem Lack of competition pressure to in automation and microelectronics innovate In traditional biotechnology, the But modem ground for nurturing Lack of robot technology. history. large capacity of car unlike in Western countries, their car industry has not but, a They have the West. novel robotics, most lag in is one reason. is another.^^ CMEA has also had long "new biotechnology," which was triggered by genetic new engineering in the mid-1970s, there has been no sign of products introduced by CMEA Despite the scientific countries. community's recognition of the importance of new biotechnology and its forefront rather The prevailing lack of incentives are inactive. findings scientific fundamental research, the industrial activities commercialize the pointed out as the main reason.^'* is with the West where contrast to many This is also in innovative enterprises and small new established large firms are active in capitalizing on the opportunities. "new In purposes, the the CMEA also trails the West. stage of understanding support applied behind which enough basic The shortage of high materials. to except structural composites for military materials," the to is R&D Most research remains properties and structure of precision and sophisticated facilities and industrial production the direct cause, is the rigid bureaucracies that could not respond new countries USSR this research, the fact that, the are fast challenge.*^ Although basic science and fundamental research scope of at strong particularly in is beyond the and most East European mathematics and theoretical physics as well as fields requiring large single facilities such as observatories or accelerators, but multitude of smaller, weak sophisticated in instruments custom-designed materials and reagents, electronics, biological such or as be explained by the foregoing same arguments. in ultra-pure, chemistry, and medical sciences,*^ could system may be successful which need a the fields to That some degree is, the Eastern dealing with "centralized" issues with 29 rather clear direction of effort, but of dynamic As it and "decentralized" character. a matter of fact, the Eastern national pattern of tackling technologies is C\f£A also reflected at the resulting in a very different picture West, many come from initiatives from the Western one. reviews. CMEA national and or bottom-up, transfer and joint levels most broad guidelines and at R&D most suffocate initiatives, at both be they top- alone the adverse impact on technology let caused by payment international the like cumbersome bureaucratic systems the East, In In the "action organizations" and are European Economic Community with 7.3. multinational level, by governments and international bodies supported down very weak in handling topics is "artificial" systems of pricing and settlement. "Dual Structure" and "Spin-off" and "Spin-on" "Dual structure" technology progress. technology As the Soviet bloc has inhibited in As a matter of fact, may civilian also retard military development. the U.S. experience shows, including it many many modern high technologies, computers and semiconductors, originated from military (and, to a lesser degree, space) mission-oriented R&D. They then were followed by the so-called "spin-off" phenomenon,87 process of which could be briefly depicted as such. In the beginning, military procurements account for most of the production. autonomous civilian industry But the strong and competes for applying the early technological success for commercial profit. This expands markets and production, drives the cost down, improves the quality, extends the applications, "industry." upgrades the productivity, and even forms a This in fact military (and is new a "virtuous circle," in turn supporting space) missions. In the meantime the government mission departments and agencies continue to provide substantial endorsement for both basic research and high-risk, high-cost development projects is that could have major impacts in the future. worth noting, however, that successful "spin-offs" are rarely planned in advance by the U.S. mission agencies. unexpected phenomenon "joined" It is basically an by civilian autonomous 30 initiatives. It For the Soviet allies, might be it difficult to expect significant R&D "spin-ofr effects given their presumably much smaller military But as the expenditures relative to the U.S.'s. amount of resources, only matched by space technology development, been no evidence of similar "spin-ofr example. view of In its follower's advantage, the surprising effects. capabilities USSR has there modem IT as an must have known the direction of space systems suggest that in Take that and obviously imitative strategy to take the technological effort for the relevant industry. military and spent huge the U.S., in the military rather is it USSR Many of its advanced must have possessed some it advanced microelectronics, computers and telecommunications, regardless of their quantity, quality and actual cost (which is USSR But the related to yield rate as in the case of semiconductors). A base comparable to the West. plausible reason technologically capable and autonomous USSR, or even in the whole weak CMEA, would be non-military sector could not development succeeding the that a sector in the has been largely neglected by the As by the centrally directed system. party-state or stifled this technological and industrial failed in creating a "viable" a result, implement the "second phase" technology much investment, as in the U.S., to accumulate R&D (and space) military initial learning experience in and markets, mass production, and incremental diverse applications innovation, and then to in turn support the military requirements abundant supply, lower cost and higher there has been sectors. no "virtuous The former has circle" former's on latter sector is itself in both technological could not benefit from the advancement. technological The disadvantage stemming from civilian In other words, reliability. between military and civilian to rely solely and productive respects, and the by also evident even the Soviet and CMEA's weak when compared with Japanese experience. Without any significant military presence relative to the U.S. and the USSR, pull of the let enormous alone military civilian R&D, applications, but through the market including its world number one consumer electronics production,^^ Japan has been successful establishing its indigenous semiconductor and computer base. base has become a cornerstone of ail 31 its IT products and even in This Now military and aerospace systems. deep concern over its microelectronics. 89 the dependence upon Japanese "dual use" Using a convenient term as opposed Japanese pattern could be called from originating civilian sector utilized is CMEA In for military applications. USSR civilian sector in the thus also deprives them of any "spin-on" opportunity. albeit with all, to "spin-off," "spin-on"— technology The absence of a technologically strong and the shown the U.S. military has some high-tech enclaves under state and support, the country with "dual structure" will be very direction disadvantageous especially Laser in face of potentially "dual use" because they tend to underutilize them. technologies, is another example illustrating similar pattern of discrepancy between the East and the West as noted above. that full two Soviet and one American scientists fact shared 1964 Nobel Prize USSR and indicates that the fundamental research in the achieved roughly the same level. The Twenty years later the the U.S. are evaluated as roughly equal in military laser in the U.S. USSR (i.e., and high- power guided energy) technology, both mainly supported by the The fundamental research of basic properties of various military. 90 CMEA kinds of laser in the in the But West. relatively in the primitive, is whole also judged to be roughly equal to that CMEA, the civilian applications are and the civilian industry is just beginning, lagging far behind the West.^i 7.4. Distinction in Managing System and Basic Technologies The difference between system technology and basic Without much technology has some managerial implications. generalization, the following analysis military is mainly confined to the technology as precedingly discussed. Military definition, (and space) system technology starts with mission feasibility analysis and system specifications taking into account of the availability of subsystem or "element" technologies. In practice, major system designs have to be based on some assumptions about the scientific and technological progress, and have to be "frozen" before more detailed tasks begin. This implies that normally the system level designs cannot incorporate subsystems 32 and elements of too much uncertainty or needing major breakthroughs that are very unpredictable. In other words, the subsystem and element technologies under consideration to support system designs are mostly "on the sheir or the rather predictable phase, and the major challenge to the system level "trajectory" on the integration of "lower aggregate level (or element) rests efforts in technologies" to meet the criteria at the system level, such as effectiveness, reliability, maintainability, and economic feasibility, and their trade-offs. When unexpected major innovations take place may they levels, supportability, significantly contribute the to at ergonomics the element higher aggregate system levels, or even change the system concepts. But their impact on the whole system may take some time because the innovations, adopted, may create inequilibrium," internal hence incompatibility necessitating also in other parts of the system, "system adaptations the Conversely, innovative "ideas" new "system at of which are directly derived the which would equilibrium." level, from mission requirements, may may be system level innovations, however, there to advancements system technology also guide innovative efforts at the element levels. alternatives: or which may take the form of product or process, in order to reach many or if To realize the multiple mainly wait for the element technological innovations later be incorporated into the system, to mainly advance the system integration technology with or without major changes in the "portfolio" of element technologies that are already "on the shelf," or a combination of both. possibility of loose linkages between system technology innovation And and element technology innovation. to military element technology. technology the USSR with an overall inferior basic seems to have greatly narrowed the gap behind the U.S. in military system technology. Without getting into more about various items, the Soviet relatively remarkable achievements strategy basic technology, in relation and space mission systems, possesses the character of As previously mentioned, details This fact points to the at the system technology level and management system. may be attributed to In strategy, as noted above, 33 the its USSR puts different emphases than the U.S. on system design parameters to compensate for weakness, technological overall its hence achieving system technology "more comparable" to the U.S.'s. management, the Soviet more centralized commanding system, In which by "common sense definition" may well mean stronger request in following prescribed routes, more pressure for collective actions, rooms less for autonomous initiatives more the lower levels, and at "mechanistic" (as opposed to "dynamic") organizational character, may lead to greater efficiency, all others being equal, in integrating "on-the-shelf" technologies for the given missions. What more, the is frequent time lag between the major basic technology innovation and induced system technology innovation the for a follower in the basic technology to By leader in the system technology. may also provide a chance narrow the gap with the estimating the potential impact of the innovative basic technology upon the system technology, the USSR can start working on novel systems, perhaps the old ones, while in the meantime advancing its parallel with in newly lagging Under basic technology by imitation or other acquisition means. worst circumstances, the USSR can to use try new the "portfolios" of existing elements to match the U.S. in system performance. Despite its possible advantage in managing system technology, command management this pattern will lose much of approaching basic technology, because basic technology directly power its is in more connected to scientific discoveries and fundamental research, which require more freedom and autonomy. 8. Concluding Remarks Recently Gorbachev, while downgrading the status of military commanders industrial in several symbolic ways, has praised the military- system and space and missile programs as a model for the rest of the Soviet industry to follow. In his reform, the basic practice of military-industrial establishments has not been altered. contrary, than more military-industrial ever before and many executives military-related have On the been promoted ministries have been requested to contribute to the modernization of civilian economy. 34 The close user-supplier relations establishments military-industrial between uniformed military and and the quality system control through "military representatives" are also modeled in the civilian industry. '2 On the the other side, the appointment of USSR Academy the State Marchuk as president of of Sciences in 1986 and Tolstykh as chairman of Committee on Science and Technology (GKNT) clear the Soviet strong intention to heal GKNT electronics. is its 1987 made in modem "Achilles' heel" in mainly responsible for technology policy and technology acquisition, and the Academy for fundamental foreign Earlier heads of these science policy. background in two organizations usually had thermodynamics, chemistry or mathematics. physics, But Marchuk and Tolstykh both specialize in electronics: Marchuk doing computer basic and applied research and working with industry and in the CMEA computer programs, and Tolstykh employed aerospace, military and consumer electronics factories and as deputy minister of the electronics industry of the USSR.^^ Besides the actions to apply the military and space management experience key leaders to to vitalize the civilian strengthen modern electronics, other measures in the USSR sector, there and assign to have been some attempted to remedy the "structural For example, hundreds of centers, associations and complexes flaws." keeping all stages of the R&D cycle under one umbrella have been set some operated by production Academy of Sciences. A sharper up, ministries and others by the difference of pay scale rewarding achievements rather than formal rank or seniority has been introduced in R&D organizations. Greater democracy in the and delegation of more authority down been promoted. A to its Academy 17 departments have system of financing research projects on a competitive basis, some by peer review, has been tried.^^ In other away from CMEA the Soviet countries, the present radical transitions model make the attempt to reorient moving and new S&T development system not very appealing. The major effort in this field would come only after new and rather consolidate stable politico-economic institutional frameworks take shape. 35 It is now more urgent to concentrate on the latter arena, which in fact S&T context and infrastructure for the development and innovation. USSR All the actual evolution in the CMEA and other Given the deep-rooted remains to be seen. is countries and momentum, tradition and many systematically determined causes which have been entangled together in a rather "internally coherent" way, wisdom and quite long time and require great may it take effort to realize the and "glasnost" of technology development and "perestroika" innovation in the East. Notes ^ commonly known is It the been has available express their official stands, A number 2 inability to also is it and and talk to information release to still constrained seriously ^ The combination of "North-South" and "East-West" ^ technology This is see, transfer due for example, is Parrott discussed briefly For more details 6 See Sagdeev (1988). ^ This phenomenon the USSR. ^ For the weakness of the Soviet is said lot in to the bloc. the (1983). nature of Communist Chiang (1987). in a general observation in most East European countries, the Communist China. this with people freely. For a historical review, in in to freely to conformity in and local friends helped a interpreters 3 China not do behavioral and policy study But the progress was read Due by governments. varying degrees difficult to of professional publicly which make many people reluctant control opinions true research. field and much information Soviet bloc the in manipulated to culture political that to in the USSR, without persist see Graham much change USSR and (1987). recently until in See Sagdeev (1988). S&T administration, see, for example, Sagdeev (1988). ^ see ^^ For some exceptions, like Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Dickson (1988). For the Soviet system of flnancing institutes as compared with the U.S. system of fmancing projects, see Gustafson (1980), pp. 35-38. * ^ As an example, (approximately in 1982 only equivalent to U.S. 3% of people with degree of "kandidat" doctoral 36 degree) worked in the Soviet By industry. employed by industry 12 24% about contrast, in the of U.S. in doctoral all and engineers were See Graham (1987), 1975. Por the physical setting of research scientists 5. p. see Gustafson (1980), pp. 48- institutes, 54. '3 Sec Stent (1989) and Winiecki (1987). It due to the is inability of the Soviet Bloc to harness Western technology as effectively as once believed that some in West advocate the for looser control See Goldman (1984). of technology export to the Soviet Bloc. For a similar situation in Communist China, see Simon (1990). ^^ This Sec Winiecki (1987), products. 1^ measured by the is relative p. of comparable prices engineering 117 and 142. For the discrepancy of policy making, program administration and world R&D see activities, real Main (1988). 16 DeLauer (1984). 1^ For a more recent study of the situations in the U.S. and the USSR and the U.S. eroding position, sec U.S. Department of Defense (1986). 18 Gustafson (1988), pp. 19 Gustafson (1988), pp. 21-30. 20 Currie (1984). 21 Gustafson (1988), 22 This was testified by U.S. Secretary of Defense Caspar U.S. p. 1-3. 57. For 2^ For military technology funding U.S. 26 details, OTA see Merrill (1985). Circuits, Monolithic Institute, and This is sec U.S. issues, OTA (1988), pp. 34-37. (1989), p. 9. The abbreviations 27 See Department of Defense (1983). 23 25 W. Weinberger. respectively Microwave Software refer to Integrated Very High Speed Integrated Software Circuits. Technology for Adaptable, Reliable one of the main conclusions in a recent OTA Engineering Systems. report. Sec U.S. OTA (1989), pp. 12, 19-22 and 41-60. 28 29 Brower (1982). U.S. OTA (1988), pp. 1-2. 30 This U.S. Department of Defense is the main conclusion reached by the Project Hindsight, sponsored by to trace the systems developed from the end of World contribution War Two 37 to of basic science to weapon the early 1960s. 3^ For the But so of "science-based technology," see Freeman (1982), pp. rise rigorous terms military technology increasingly the since the ^^ The increasingly important technology and U.S. 34 35 36 U.S. general observation OTA (1989). pp. OTA (1983). p. 4. more science to without support by rigorous study. role of civilian industries OTA discussed in more details in U.S. is in 1960s. This a of basic contribution direct ^^ is show has been no update research which can there far 1-104. modem in military 15-17 and 42-46, (1988), pp. 161-187. Dupas (1987). For a brief discussion of Communist China's recent military technology development, Chiang (1987). see 37 For Min (1987). 38 Except being specifically indicated, the information about the Soviet power technology development nuclear 39 of Communist China's space programs, see Liu and brief discussion a mainly is For the nuclear energy policy and cooperation (1984). pp. ^0 to under planning, the Sweden represent USSR 12-0-0, is the reactors in 58-27-45. the U.S. 110-11-0. ^^ This 1988 the average of one is 23-2-0, the U.K. This information USSR in May had only two simulators. four to in Technical See also Janouch (1988b). 1989. simulator per three is International. based on the interview with the director of reactor lab is Research Center of Finland This see Sobell FRG Engineering This comparison was made in Czechoslovakia. '*'* CMEA, under construction and operation, ^^ In the (1988b). France 54-9-6, and Japan 38-12-16. from the independent database of Nuclear ^3 in Janouch 35-72. Using x-y-z 40-3-3, from By contrast, the West has an reactors. judged by a former safety chief of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, who did field investigation of the Chernobyl accident. See Sweet (1989). p. 51. A number ^5 IAEA issues, ^6 of reports about Chernobyl and several Western countries. accident have been published by For a brief discussion about the technical see Sweet (1989). For more details about the Soviet post-Chernobyl actions, see Janouch (1988b). 38 ^"1 For early history and development of computers in (1988a). Gustafson (1988). pp. 69-70. Sobell (1984). pp. the CMEA, see Janouch 159-171. and Kassel (1986). ^^ given ^^ the This November could impression be 1988. and July, September, no accurate information is found in Janouch Judy October and available. Similar field visit (1988a). For a brief discussion of the computer development example, ^^ August in There 1989. comments should be taken cautiously impression from the field visits and discussion in five East a general is allies' situation. political European countries ^0 But the Soviet See Judy (1988). in GDR, for see, (1988). For a brief comparison of CMEA members' development records, see Marer (1989). 52 For the recent restructuring CMEA 53 For 54 Stent (1989). pp. 90-91. 55 in Bulgaria, June in 1989. This is GDR 57 This is based on the observation of field Bulgaria problems factory in June mainly The 1989. producing disk drives 59 For the technology 6^ This September This a is This Prague in to two most advanced factories quality seems control, and the other better. visitors' observation and local users' 1988 and June 1989. Czechoslovakia, see Levcik and Skolka (1984). in main finding in a big machinery fair in Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1989. is Gottwaldov 62 visit producing personal computers has many of some Western a combination is factory management and production in This Robotron's experience of using Bulgaria's disk drives. opinions during two visits to Bulgaria in July 6^ (1988). cooperation and specialization, see, for example, Sobell (1984). 56 58 Doumayrou This opinion was expressed by most users met during field research in Bulgaria in see based on a in is field September visit and discussion in JZD Agrokobinat Slusovice in 1989. based on the interviews with government officials and scholars in September 1989. 63 Clough (1988). 64 Clough (1988). See also Janouch (1988a). 39 ^5 This department ^^ A in the in This also is much found be can and only used 1989. with statistics Judy in October in (1988). field in visit Budapest components produced by the East bloc are said that the is It reliable less language main fmding from the interviews and a August 1988. Warsaw of the computer industry in Hungary Hungarian from Planning Office in Central State brief review translated ^^ based on the interviews with the director and staff of the research is in products to be exported to other East bloc countries. 68 Davis and 6^ A minimum ^0 These numbers were published by the Hungarian Central in a and (1978). of IS members "Tasks, study Processing ^1 Goodman Use of Hungary. Statistical Office and Socioeconomic Interdependence of Data Conditions the required to form a cooperative in is Technologies." Information For a brief discussion about the Soviet computer technology, see Janouch (1988a). "72 For a brief review, see Sobell (1984). pp. 211-224. historical 73 Fallenbuch (1988). 7^ For example, according to the interviews and and June Bulgaria 1989, benefited greatly from field Soviet study in Bulgaria in assistance gratuitous the post-war 75 Van Brabant (1988a). 76 Sinclair and Slater (1988). 77 For the unsatisfactory implementation of CPST, see Judy (1988). government expressed Systems Analysis (II in 1989, AS A) in asserted by some participants Moscow in November and in Vienna in a Budapest the seminar in in high-ranking August 1988, International Institute Prague in for Applied the USSR Academy of Sciences in Judy (1988). Van Brabant (1988b). 80 Many projects in biotechnology Rimmington The are good examples in this regard. See (1988). "trajectory" detailed in Dosi vs. "paradigm change" (1982). 40 in This phenomenon was also 1989. in with Similar 1989. 79 81 interviews several of the East bloc in officials September and October 78 in period. were opinions May in technological innovation is 82 Freeman (1988). 8^ For automation and robot technology 84 For "new biotechnology" 85 For "new materials" 86 see For more details well documented. Flamm 9^ Hopwood (1988). Rimmington (1988). sec Renuepis (1988). see research (1988) in the and basic science, development of computers and semiconductors For government role for in the early days, sec See U.S. Vickery OTA see, is for example, computers and Asher and Strom (1977) for semiconductors. For the connection between consumer electronics Japan, 90 CMEA, see Gustafson (1980). The U.S. experience 89 CMEA, about the Soviet fundamental 87 88 the in the in CMEA. the in and semiconductors in (1989). (1988). pp. 13-15. DeLaucr (1984). For a comparison of laser research, civilian applications and industry between the East and the West, see Laude and Wautelet (1988). 92 For the expansion of military-industrial application of their experience to civilian influence and the Gustafson (1988), pp. 80- establishments' sector, see 98. 93 For more details about Marchuk's and Tolstykh's background, see Graham (1987), pp. 94 12-18. For the Soviet recent reform 24-38, and Sagdeev in S&T (1988). 41 development, see Graham (1987), pp. Bibliography Asher, N.J. and Strom, L.D. (1977), The Role of the Department of Defense the in Development of Integrated Circuits, IDA paper P-1271, Institute for Defense Analysis. Brower, K.S. (1982), U.S. and Soviet Weapon System Design Practices, Review, 6:705-712. International Defense Chiang, Jong-Tsong (1987), Dilemmas of U.S. Export Control of Technology to China, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 12/1:9-18. 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